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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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  • The year is 2046 and the world finds itself in an interesting state. Technological progress is booming and society molding to match the advances- particularly so in the entertainment industry. What was once seen as "virtual reality" is now seen as something to have a chuckle about, and more authentic means of escapism exist in the form of movies where people are the protagonist, books where they are in the world of the story, and television broadcasts that allow any member of the audience to take part as they pleased. Of course there were laws put in place to protect the populace and users of such technology; regulations and such that would prevent monopoly, breaches of personal information, and assured the well being of users in this digital age.

    Companies such as Endodynamic Gaming Entertainment (E.D.G.E. Interactive for short) capitalize upon this and create hit games and VR novels that directly respond to the player such as The Orchid and the Bell, Moonlight Beast, and Raid Dancers. They do this through a device and process that share the same acronym, the Articulated Neural Input, or A.N.I. for short. There is, of course, a copyright and patent on this device, but the gist of it is that it monitors and records the neural interactions of the user to create a more lifelike narrative based off of their responses. The latest project of E.D.G.E. Interactive is something they call E.D.G.E Online, an experimental VRMMORPG that is supposed to test both the limits of the A.N.I. and an even more experimental artificial intelligence.

    They say that people that that find unique codes in either advertisements or newer patches of their older games will be shipped an A.N.I that comes pre-loaded with both E.D.G.E Online and a myriad of other games. That however, has been yet to be proved.

  • Welcome the E.D.G.E. Online OOC and signups. Here you will find more OOC information and be able to sign-up for a character. Players will be taking control of people that have copies of EDGE Online and are eager to play the alpha build of the game. From what news outlets and forums have learned, the player characters are known as Shardbound, and the character creation allows for fine tuning of a character's stats and class. Please click the other tabs to learn more.
  • Here

  • The statistics and attributes of E.D.G.E. Online are separated into two categories: soul stats and shard stats. Soul stats are altered when leveling, and serve as the primary means of character development. Shard stats are generally static, but can provide bonuses to gameplay aside from combat. These are increased through special questlines, items, or actions.
    Soul Stats

    Intensity (IT): The natural intensity of the soul represented as a number. Higher values allow one to will more harm upon others naturally. Affects weapon damage and foreign ability damage.
    Urgency (UG): The soul's ability to will quickness and agility into their shard-given body. Affects dodge chance (to be calculated), movement speed, and stealth without cover.
    Energy (EN): The latent energy within a soul. Represents how much damage is dealt through abilities linked to the soul of the user, such as magic and natural abilities.
    Flow (FL): The flow of energy through a soul. Represents the max amount of energy reserves that a character has to cast abilities, as well as how many abilities can be slotted at once. Formula for energy reserves is (FL*50), and formula for slots is (FL*.33+3)
    Will (WL): The soul's will to survive. Directly influences maximum health through the calculation of (WL*100+SHD).
    Shard Stats

    Inclination (IN): Represents the true individuality of the shardbound. Ranks up to ten and allows for classes to be changed or buffed depending on the player's choice.
    Potential (PT): The outside power that flows through the character via their connection to the shardstream. Represents experience gained. When crossing certain thresholds, the character levels up and gains points to divvy up between their soul stats equal to a percentage of the value. This is how you get your soul stats.
    Shardforce (SF): The representation of the inner power that all shardbound are unable to tap into unless prompted to or forced. Charges an ability known as a fissure that is an ability that functions similar to ultimate abilities from other games, and should be used with care once unlocked. Starts at 0.

  • Each character begins with three abilities (and a fissure) that the player can fine tune to allow for a more definitive playthrough of the game. However, the GM (@Cloudburst) may see it fit to rebalance or even deny the access of the ability. However, only a certain amount of these will be available in the start, as it is limited to (FL*.33+3{rounded up}). Each ability will also be charged a tax of energy use per cast, to balance things out, and max energy is calculated as (FL*50). Abilities can do almost anything as long as they are deemed somewhat balanced, even coming in passive or active varieties that allow the character to be more unique. As a rule, each class has one passive built into the kit, leading to a minimum of 5 abilities: 1 passive, 3 chosen and created, and 1 fissure. A fissure is an ultimate ability that can be unlocked after progressing in the game's story a short ways, and is generally the most powerful part of a kit. We can discuss damage values on things later.

    Classes can also be articulated to the player's desire, and a short description of the general playstyle must be submitted so the GM can somewhat balance things to that role if need be. It would also be nice if you would name the class to give a unique bit of flair to it. Worry not about equipment or weapons, for your class starts out with both that are adequate enough to allow you to survive at lower levels. Equipment later on is extremely modular, and can be tailored for any class and style. (That way there is no {unwilling} use of the typical skimpy armor found in traditional games)

    Natural abilities are abilities granted through the character's class, where foreign abilities are abilities gifted via quests or other players.

  • If you can forgive the lack of skill I have in coding, there is the character sheet skeleton. It is modular, so you can add a backstory or personality section if you wish, as well as any other interesting tidbits you may wish to add. Anything in double parenthesis can be removed. The five servers are Ani, Betra, Cheriede, Drystal, and Emmel.

    Avatar name:
    Avatar appearance:
    Player name:
    Player Appearance:


    (Passive)[Passive's name]:
    [Ability 1's name]:
    [Ability 2's name]:
    [Ability 3's name]:
    (Fissure)[Fissure's name]:


    IN: 0
    PT: 15
    SF: 0

    Allegiance: ((What realm you started on. You get bonuses on this character for being on your home server, and unique questlines))

  • There are a number of damage types and status effects that may be inflicted upon characters, enemies, or the environment. Most damage types correspond to a simple status effect that may change the tide of battle.

    Physical: Typically dealt through weapons and abilities that deal this type of damage. Simple in that its only potential status effect is the simple stagger, which makes an enemy lose a turn and take more physical damage during that time.
    Fire: Applies the burning debuff, which may set enemies ablaze, dealing damage over time. Has a small chance to make enemies panic.
    Water: Can drench enemies, making them take more damage from lightning and ice but less from fire. Can also be used to force targets into different locations due to its heft.
    Earth: Can quake enemies, similar to staggering but for a longer period of time. It also can petrify targets, slowly turning them into a statue.
    Air: Can shift enemies similar to water, but can also lift them, causing them to be suspended in air without action.
    Ice: Can freeze enemies, leaving them immovable and vulnerable to shattering. Can also slow them.
    Lightning: Shocks enemies, making them take bonus damage as electricity when hit by other attacks. If a target that is asleep, they may be stunned.
    Poison: Can be developed to either slow, deal damage over time, or even stun enemies.
    Light: Dazzles enemies, forcing them to move towards the source of the attack. Can also blind for short periods of time.
    Dark: Silences enemies, preventing them from using abilities or communicating. Can also blind.

  • As of now, E.D.G.E Online has five active servers known as realms: Ani, Betra, Cheriede, Drystal, and Emmel. Each server can be accessed via fast travel and channel switching. A server is not your character's true home, but the first place they had manifested after the starter area.

    Ani is the eldest and most stable realm in the system. It has no unique questline as far as people can tell, but it does lack a PvP zone, and is seen as the default server. It has a rather large population due to it being the default that people spawn in due to the campaign, and people tend to switch as soon as they get the basis of their character's kit online. The bonus here is a 10% experience increase.

    Ani is set in a pseudo-modern setting. Small villas, towns, and cityscapes dot the lands with little room for any real kind of danger unless one goes inland towards the mountains.

    Betra is the secondary realm known as the overflow server. People tend to trade and be more social while on Betra, and there are multiple questlines that do not exist anywhere else that are exclusive to Betra beholden players. The bonuses here are that trade limits are doubled and the first trade of the day will be granted a gift of exp.

    Betra consists of mainly floating islands sustained by ancient and advanced technologies.

    Cheriede is the third realm and is primarily used as a PvP server to spice things up. Also known as the MOBA server due to the amount of fighting for sheer fun due to the differences between character playstyles. Has a higher chance to drop exclusive loot for people that have called this their home server.

    Cheriede takes the form of a sprawling megacity that has clear lines between the rich and poor, as well as those that fight and those that run.

    Drystal is a more interesting realm, and almost adds a survival aspect to the game. If you die in Drystal the game will tally any experience you've earned and return it to you as currency in another server. It is a devious way to farm for items and the currency- shards, but as a result, leveling is almost impossible. Drystal natives enjoy one free death before experience is tallied.

    Drystal is a lush and dangerous land rife with the ruins of civilization's past.

    Emmel is a dedicated farming realm. There are areas that have increased drop rates for all kinds of items, as well as areas that grant more exp per kill and quest. Respawn timers are cut, but as a result so are the enemies', and most enemies are more powerful and in larger numbers. The bonus for people that have started in Emmel is that they may take quests from other realms and complete them in Emmel for bonus exp.

    Emmel is a feudal land, fit with castles, knights, and a plethora of dungeons.

    • Forum Rules.
      • Please follow the rules instated by the Iwaku staff.
      • The Iwaku rules supersede any rules posted here, and should there ever be a conflict of rules, the rules of the Iwaku as a whole will always take precedence over these rules.
    • Avoid godmoding or metagaming. Those both will get you removed from the RP if it happens more than thrice, or if you are accused of such by a majority of the other players.
      • If there is confusion about whether an action taken is metagaming or godmoding, consult your peers and then the GM.
    • Maturity and respect are what we have here. Except for when people post when they're inebriated.
      • Please be as mature as possible and show some respect for the other players when speaking in OOC at all times. If any disputes occur that cannot be calmly solved with maturity and respect, instead of fighting, please instead report it to a GM, and watch the magic happen.
    • TPN. Third person narration is the true form of that acronym.
      • You must roleplay in third person. First and second person are acceptable within dialogue only.
      • You may break this rule, and only this rule, but only if you ask nicely before the RP starts. After that you must do so for the entirety of that character's lifespan.
      • My apologies, but this is a person
    • Posting Out of Character.
      • If you do ever need to say something in the IC thread that is OOC, please use ((double parentheses)) and tag any people that it applies to, like this (( @Cloudburst))
    • Replying & Roleplaying Requirements.
      • Requirements for replies go as follows:
        • Replies must contain a decent amount of information that allow for others to build upon it.
        • Combat must be taken in attempts, not straightforward attacks, especially in PvP, if things ever come to that. GM posts shrug off this rule, as GM posts are seen as final.
        • Combat outcomes will be decided upon by many factors, and generally by the judgment of what the GM sees as fitting or correct for the scenario, and the will of the dice on some occasions.
        • If talking to someone in character, do not be afraid to tag them so they know, just make sure to refer to the out of character posting rules.
    • GM posts are considered final.
      • GM stands for Game Master/Game Manager, and should be treated as such. They created the rules, and generally the roleplay itself. Unless general consensus overrules, they are the primary source of rule enforcement and roleplay management.
      • Do not argue with the GM, unless you have everyone else join in too. Consensus will always overthrow the rule of one in this RP, as long as it is done in a peaceful manner.
    • Death and other bad, bad things.
      • Character death is not truly a threat in this RP, as the characters controlled are virtual avatars within a videogame.
      • Regardless, characters may be subject to: blunt force trauma, sharp force trauma, the force trauma, emotional trauma, mental trauma, T for Teen torture, other injuries, disease, bankruptcy, job termination, illness, identity theft, name-calling, death threats and various forms of strenuous activity.
    • Character Acceptance.
      • Characters will be accepted after they have been thoroughly checked by the GM and any standing members of the moderation team, and certain changes my be imposed or suggested to nudge the character towards acceptance.

  • Avatar name: Antebelle
    Avatar appearance:

    Pictured: Ice mode

    Player name: Jennifer Adelaide
    Player Appearance:
    Hide Spoiler

    "That's all you're gonna get to see, buckaroo!"

    Class: Phantasm
    Possessing high agility, variable attack power, and light armor, the Phantasm class offers a variety of approaches to combat. A good Phantasm will be able to finish off targets before they can fully comprehend what attacked them, as they can change their damage types and weaknesses on the fly from the outset, and are nimble enough to dodge many of the heavy hits that would spell their end. In the event that they do take a hit, a Phantasm's low-power life drain skill(s) can grant them a bit of respite in the heat of battle by sapping HP from the target, but woe to those that rely on life-drain skills alone.

    (Passive)[Enhanced Levitation]: The typical Phantasm passive that allows for them to levitate about a meter off the ground, as well as freely move her body along level ground or <45° slopes in any direction she chooses by simply leaning one way or another – except up, since she can't fly. She moves along at a moderate pace while levitating, but can be outran without too much trouble. This also makes her lighter overall, allowing her to do flips, somersaults, cartwheels, and all kinds of agile, acrobatic stuff with ease to help her avoid hits. Also gives a neat after-image effect while levitating or executing maneuvers. Also curiously adds a warped echo effect to her speech, which can be turned off in settings.

    [Drain Lasso]: An arc lasso that can be used to drain an opponent of HP. It's projected from the back of her left hand and has a maximum range of 10 yards, and can also be used as a grappling hook, or a rudimentary whip with a bit of an extra kick. It can drain an opponent of their HP at a rate of 5% per second, while also doing minor electric damage at the same time. For boss enemies, a weak point must be found and exploited to drain the full 5%; otherwise it only drains 2.5%. This allows her to overcharge her health to a total of 150% of her maximum to compensate for her light armor*, but the overcharge dissipates once combat ends. The lasso's grip can easily be broken by an opposing force. Takes on the color of whatever mode she's using. The Drain Lasso can also be used to harmlessly siphon her own HP to an ally at the same rate – a good use of that HP overcharge, eh?

    [Ice Beam]: One of the three modes Antebelle can use, letting her right arm fire slow-moving subzero shots that deal Ice damage and can Freeze enemies (or parts of them), as well as parts of the terrain, solid for 5 seconds. Has a fire rate of 2 shots per second. This mode also renders her weak to Ice damage and more susceptible to Freezing, but it also gives her a cool, icy-blue glow and makes her avatar radiate cold. Also note that these modes have no particular cycle; she can switch to any of them as she chooses.

    [Plasma Beam]: Second of the three modes Antebelle can use, letting her right arm fire high-damage, high-speed plasma bolts that inflict Fire damage and have a chance to Burn enemies (Burn debuff does not stack). Has a fire rate of 1 shot per second. This mode also renders her weak to Fire damage and more susceptible to Burning, but also gives her an edgy, crimson glow and makes her radiate heat.

    [Dark Beam]: Last of (current) the three modes Antebelle can use, letting her right arm fire moderate-damage, high-speed bolts of a mysterious shadowy energy that inflicts Dark damage, with a chance to either Silence or Blind enemies (these debuffs do not stack). Has a fire rate of 1 shot per second. This mode also renders her weak to Dark damage and more susceptible to Silence or Blindness, but unlike other modes, does not make her glow. Instead, the glowing parts of her armor seem to radiate darkness, and are completely pitch black. It would result in an eerie black outline if she were in direct light. This mode is best suited for stealth.

    (Fissure)[Fission Wave]: Antebelle starts flashing all colors of the spectrum (seizure warning) and rises into the air, drawing in energy from friend and foe alike within a 10 yard radius, draining HP at a rate of 5% per second for 5 seconds*. Once those five seconds are up, the accumulated energy in her form is fed into her right arm, and she fires an immense technicolor beam, sweeping the area occupied by her opponents. The beam deals hefty damage to anything caught in it, amplified by any HP overcharge Antebelle possesses. Once the sweep is finished, Antebelle descends back to the ground, any overcharge she had now spent.

    IT: 2 | UG: 4 | EN: 4 | FL: 3 (max energy: 150) | WL: 2 (max hp: 200)
    PT: 15 | IN: 0 | SF: 0

    Allegiance: Ani

    *: If Antebelle is already at maximum overcharge, the damage from the drain is still dealt, the health just doesn't go anywhere.

    **GENERAL NOTE**: The drain rate on the Drain Lasso and Fission Wave means Antebelle will regain whatever percent of her max health is (for example, with 5% at 200 max health she would regain 10 health per second, whereas at 2000 max health she would gain 100 health per second). The health she gains is sapped from the enemy she drains it from.
    Avatar name: Zugzwang
    Avatar appearance:

    Player name: (Get back to you on this.)
    Player Appearance: ^

    Class: Marked Card
    A relentless magical-damage dealer that operates primarily at close-range. Their potential is vast, played intelligently their damage output and evasiveness is exceptional, but operating at this level proves more difficult than one might expect within the confines of fully-integrated virtual reality. Even then, they are gated by their dependency on three different types of cards which're controlled as much by fortune and karma as they are by the Marked Card themselves. Of course - luck can and may decree the downfall of anyone, at any time; but for they, this relationship is yet more symbiotic.

    (Passive)Fanned Deck:
    The Marked Card's integral passive heavily adapts their function as a mage. The Marked Card must use alternate resources for all of its abilities (the exact numbers being indicated by each); Darkness, Soul and Elemental cards. Despite their cards' namesakes, Marked Cards almost-always deal non-elemental magical damage. The number of cards and which the Marked Card may at once bear is transitory, in combat they gain some (or expend less) for sure through basic attacks and certain abilities, but otherwise they may gain and lose others without their knowledge based on events and decisions taken, something which may involuntarily twist their playstyle as they progress - or leave them almost defenceless. When Marked Cards fall in battle and pick themselves up again, they do reform a handful of cards though.

    Because Marked Cards do not use Energy in any part of their kit, the Flow stat is substituted with 'Flush' (conveniently also abbreviating to FL). Increasing Flush raises the maximum limit of cards Zugzwang can maintain but, unlike Flow, does not guarantee Zugzwang will have more resources to cast with in her future fights, that's dependent on her own travels. To account for these major restrictions, Flush unlocks new skills and fissures more quickly (0.5 per, 0.2 per respectively) and also grants a small per-point additional damage modifier onto offensive abilities which use multiple card-types per cast.

    Ray Flare: Forces energy through the directly-surrounding ground, causing rays to erupt for damage and a brief knockback effect on any close-by the Marked Card. May be used twice in succession, conjuring a Soul card if so. 1 Elemental card per activation.

    Lightning Flash: Envelops body in unstable magical energies and propels forwards; very quickly, a short distance. Useful mainly for evasiveness but also pierces through and inflicts some damage onto anyone standing between A and B. If used in the air, travels much further and reduces fall damage if applicable. 1 Soul card, generates a Darkness card.

    Dark Matter: Sprays dense dark projectiles inaccurately forwards which abruptly stop in place after a moderate distance, dissipating shortly after. Enemies can be damaged by the spray and/or by touching the still orbs. 1 Darkness card, brings forth an Elemental card.

    Overhead Snap Kick: Forces energy into the lower body, lowering centre of mass, then backflips while scything forwards and upwards with the leg. Knocks the target into the air and puts the Marked Card in the air also. Can be used an additional time for extra damage; a Soul and an Elemental card per use, generates a Darkness card.

    Torrent Pyre: Grounded or from the air, sweeps backwards then forwards with the hands, projecting twin streams of neon-red energy which fly forwards in a curved path, eventually colliding with one another which catalyses a much greater burst of energy to erupt. 2 Elemental and Darkness cards.

    (Fissure) Brimstone: While in the air, falls into an enraptured fugue of viciousness before randomly selecting a living target in a wide vicinity, immediately blinking above them before coming down with skin-searing, bone-shattering force. This causes heavy damage to both they and the Marked Card, the latter being able to reduce the damage taken, but only by expending as many Darkness cards as possible.

    IT: 1
    UG: 3
    EN: 6
    FL [Flush]: 4
    WL: 1

    PT: 15
    IN: 0
    SF: 0

    Allegiance: Emmel
    Avatar name: Verglas Virgil
    Avatar appearance:


    Class: Ice Warden
    A utility fighter that makes the most of element of ice. As such, their damage is greatly compromised against enemies that resist or are immune to ice's embrace, but damage is not where their strength truly lies. An Ice Warden's strength lies within their ability to manage their energy pool and the amount of damage they take from enemies. With a generous amount of health and the ability to let their abilities chain together in one cast, an Ice Warden must not only monitor themselves, but the battlefield as well.

    (Passive)[Ice Floe]: Each time the Ice Warden casts an ability, a set number of ice spires will form in the vicinity. These ice spires have no health, and are destroyed upon taking any form of damage. The damage they take when destroyed is added to the calculations of the Ice Warden's next ability. Their flow stat is also replaced by floe, which influences the amount of abilities they can queue up to cast all at once. Ability slots and max energy gained per level of floe are worth half of what they are in flow, but the Ice Warden gains energy back equal to damage dealt by each successful ability hit.
    [Ice Mine]: Generates one ice spire. Places a rune on the ground that when primed explodes in a shower of ice, dealing ice damage over a moderate area with a chance to freeze and shatter any nearby spires.
    [Freezeframe]: Generates up to ten spires. Surrounds the Ice Warden in a tomb of ice, giving them a damage shield equal to their current energy. Any attack upon the ice deals damage to max energy instead, and every ten points of energy lost equates to one spire being generated.
    [Frost Gale]: Generates a spire for each target pulled in. Creates an inward force of icy wind, buffeting each target affected for small amounts of ice damage with a chance to freeze. Can be placed as a trap on the ground, but doing this compromises any damage done.
    [Cold Snap]: Destroys a spire. Deals double damage to spires when targeted. Covers a target in volatile ice, then shatters it for heavy ice damage. If used on a spire, the spire explodes and deals double the damage it takes over an area.
    (Fissure)[Absolute Zero]: Freezes targets in a moderate area. These targets are treated as spires for the sake of abilities, but do not shatter until the target's normal health is depleted. If more than half of the target's health is dealt in damage in one attack, the target shatters.

    IT: 1
    UG: 1
    EN: 2
    FL: 6
    WL: 5

    IN: 0
    PT: 15
    SF: 0

    Allegiance: Drystal

    Health: 500
    Energy: 150
    Avatar name: Verdant

    Avatar appearance:
    Verdant's avatar looks almost childlike, mostly because he stands at a measly 5'2" (1.57m) in terms of height. He has a fair complexion and spiky, teal hair which is mostly covered by the hooded, dark-green cloak he wears. At the left side of his waist, under the cloak, lies a holster for the weapon he uses—a sleek black handgun adorned with a pattern of light blue ornaments which changes to a vibrant orange color based on the current number of Charge stacks.

    Player name: Reed Arkheit

    Player Appearance:
    Reed looks extremely similar to his avatar (as it was based on his own appearance), except with a different, much darker hair color and none of the accessories nor the weapon of the class. His height is also slightly higher than his avatar's—at 5'5" (1.65m)—albeit still low compared to the average.

    Class: Pistoleer
    Pistoleers are close-to-mid-ranged damage dealers limited by their almost-nonexistent survivability. While their potential damage output on single targets is almost unrivaled, they lack good area-of-effect options, thus leaving them helpless against groups of enemies. At the same time, unlike other close-ranged glass cannon classes, they lack the increased mobility to make up for their meager defenses, instead forced to rely on subtle movements like sidesteps to avoid attacks. All in all, despite the sheer power offered by the class, the shortcomings in both defenses and agility create a steep mechanical and tactical skill floor for users of this class to actually be effective.

    (Passive) Charge: A pistoleer's weapon becomes gradually stronger as it is fired. Each attack increases the damage of the weapon by 10%, additive, stacking up to 10 times for a total of 200% damage (firing at the damage cap does not increase nor decrease the damage). Using certain abilities may change or even reset the damage bonus. If the pistoleer is not attacking (regardless of whether or not in combat), Charge stacks are lost one by one.

    Explosive Round: The pistoleer's sole area-of-effect option (albeit arguably lackluster at that): a single bullet is fired at a target enemy, dealing base damage and consuming all stacks of Charge for 20% bonus damage each (total 300% damage at max stacks). All enemies in a cone behind the target take fire damage equal to the base damage plus 5% bonus damage for each stack of Charge consumed by this ability (total 150% damage at max stacks). If the bullet fails to hit a target, the area-of-effect damage does not trigger.

    Heavy Shot: A special bullet is fired from the pistoleer's weapon that does not consume nor increase the level of Charge. The target takes damage equal to double the pistoleer's base damage (including the Charge boost) and is quaked.

    Burst Fire: Three bullets are fired in quick succession at the same target, each dealing 70% damage plus an additional 3% for each stack of Charge. A stack of Charge is gained for every bullet successfully fired (regardless of whether or not they hit the intended target) at the end of this ability.

    (Fissure) Overclock: The pistoleer's weapon temporarily gains tripled attack speed, doubled Charge stacking (each shot gives two stacks of Charge instead of one), and Charge loses its cap (thus stacking infinitely for the duration). All Charge stacks are lost at the end of this ability. The pistoleer is silenced for the duration of the ability, and quaked at the end of the ability.

    IT: 9
    UG: 3
    EN: 1
    FL: 1
    WL: 1

    IN: 0
    PT: 15
    SF: 0

    Allegiance: Cheriede

    Avatar name: Feylan
    Avatar appearance: A tall, shapely woman with platinum blonde hair that ends around her shoulders. Feylan has the figure and appearance of an amazonian model, her appearance meticulously crafted by Arielle over several hours. She begins the game clad in a simple leather armor with thin metal plates protecting vital points. A large round shield hangs from her back, but no weapons can be found on her, owing to her choice of the Shieldbearer class.

    Player name: Arielle Roussel
    Player Appearance: Thin and petite teenager with tanned skin. Her jet black hair is cut very short, allowing her to pass as a boy. She wears spectacles occasionally, and has freckles on her cheeks.

    Class: Shieldbearer
    Melee fighter with a focus on defensive and disruptive abilities executed using equipped shields.

    (Passive)[Shield Mastery]:
    The Shieldbearer benefits from increased defense from equipped shields and deals bonus damage if used as a weapon.

    [Mirror Barrier]:
    Projects a magical barrier from equipped shields, reflecting ranged attacks and staggering melee attackers.

    [Shield Throw]:

    Flings your shield out to strike an enemy, dealing damage and a chance to stun. The thrown shield will automatically bounce back to the owner in the subsequent turn, regardless of how impossible the angle.

    [Shield Booster]:

    Channel mana into your shield, causing it to boost forward and slam into enemies. Pulls the wielder along. Can be charged for a longer duration to increase the boost range and damage.

    [Razor Shield]: (locked)

    Forms sharp blades of mana around the edge of your shield, significantly increasing damage dealt for several turns.

    (Fissure)[Absolute Barrier]:
    Create a rectangular forcefield that is indestructible and lasts several turns. Can be placed at a distance and is roughly 15x50 feet.

    IT: 5
    UG: 3
    EN: 1
    FL: 1
    WL: 5

    IN: 0
    PT: 15
    SF: 0

    Allegiance: Cheriede
Last edited by a moderator:
Ah, all of that information is listed in the stat information section and the abilities section. All of the panels are at the top of the page, soon to be in a sticky post. For the stats, here is a short rundown of what they do, courtesy of the stats section:

Intensity (IT): The natural intensity of the soul represented as a number. Higher values allow one to will more harm upon others naturally. Affects weapon damage and foreign ability damage.
Urgency (UG): The soul's ability to will quickness and agility into their shard-given body. Affects dodge chance (to be calculated), movement speed, and stealth without cover.
Energy (EN): The latent energy within a soul. Represents how much damage is dealt through abilities linked to the soul of the user, such as magic and natural abilities.
Flow (FL): The flow of energy through a soul. Represents the max amount of energy reserves that a character has to cast abilities, as well as how many abilities can be slotted at once. Formula for energy reserves is (FL*50), and formula for slots is (FL*.33+3)
Will (WL): The soul's will to survive. Directly influences maximum health through the calculation of (WL*100+SHD).
  • Thank You
Reactions: SavannahSmiles
I'm not sure if I simply am blind and missed it somewhere in the first post, but I am confused on what exactly this part of the CS is and what the abbreviations mean and what needs to go there:

(Passive)[Passive's name]:
[Ability 1's name]:
[Ability 2's name]:
[Ability 3's name]:
(Fissure)[Fissure's name]:


IN: 0
PT: 15
SF: 0

Hey, Cloud went to bed because he's a good boy (edit: haha guess not), but allow me to explain.

I'll start off with the stats before the skills as they're simpler. Briefly summarised:

IT - Intensity: Boosts physical damage
UG - Urgency: Gives evasion and thief stats
EN - Energy: Boosts magical damage
FL - Flow: Increases your energy (mana analogue) total and more importantly gives you a new ability for every 3 points (so take mind of this in your app if you allocate some Flow)
WL - Will: Boosts health

Jot 15 points down between them (but you need 1 in each stat as a baseline even if your char couldn't care less about it).

IN, PT, SF - PT is the number of stat points your char's earned so far, that's all. IN and SF are special stats (located under shard stats) you earn through IC events hopefully! Leave IN and SF both at 0.

As for the skills, you basically have 1 passive which defines your class' specialty.

So for example, for a basic monk-like character you could be like:

(Passive) Ascetic's Focus: Deals scaling bonus damage when fighting unarmed. Gains a small amount of additional Urgency with points invested in Flow [put a number to it if you want, or don't].

The others are just your special attacks/active abilities on the class, come up with whatever you please and you think would make for fun writing. We should get new attacks pretty frequently once we get rolling so combat likely won't grow dry, although just navigating the realms in one piece'll probably take the brunt of our time.

As for the Fissure specifically, that's as simple as (one of) your character's 'ultimate' active ability, the sort of thing you'd only whip out in desperate circumstances.
  • Thank You
Reactions: SavannahSmiles
1 day, 2 posts from me, fucking Hell, take a gander out your window looking for a time-space vortex because I might've inadvertently brought the fabric of reality itself to its knees with that insanely improbable event.

2nd post is a bit shit. You know why. Figured something would beat nothing. It was just a load of old bollocks from me, Zugzwang's mind is so unusual it's hard to grasp again, so I'm just working through trying to keep physicality and connection in my descriptions when I can.
I assume that "Open Signups" implies that anyone—not just those that replied on the interest check—can submit a character. If I'm wrong, please forgive me; I'm not yet familiar with how this site works in that regard.

Avatar name: Verdant

Avatar appearance:
Verdant's avatar looks almost childlike, mostly because he stands at a measly 5'2" (1.57m) in terms of height. He has a fair complexion and spiky, teal hair which is mostly covered by the hooded, dark-green cloak he wears. At the left side of his waist, under the cloak, lies a holster for the weapon he uses—a sleek black handgun adorned with a pattern of light blue ornaments which changes to a vibrant orange color based on the current number of Charge stacks.

Player name: Reed Arkheit

Player Appearance:
Reed looks extremely similar to his avatar (as it was based on his own appearance), except with a different, much darker hair color and none of the accessories nor the weapon of the class. His height is also slightly higher than his avatar's—at 5'5" (1.65m)—albeit still low compared to the average.

Class: Pistoleer
Pistoleers are close-to-mid-ranged damage dealers limited by their almost-nonexistent survivability. While their potential damage output on single targets is almost unrivaled, they lack good area-of-effect options, thus leaving them helpless against groups of enemies. At the same time, unlike other close-ranged glass cannon classes, they lack the increased mobility to make up for their meager defenses, instead forced to rely on subtle movements like sidesteps to avoid attacks. All in all, despite the sheer power offered by the class, the shortcomings in both defenses and agility create a steep mechanical and tactical skill floor for users of this class to actually be effective.

(Passive) Charge: A pistoleer's weapon becomes gradually stronger as it is fired. Each attack increases the damage of the weapon by 10%, additive, stacking up to 10 times for a total of 200% damage (firing at the damage cap does not increase nor decrease the damage). Using certain abilities may change or even reset the damage bonus. If the pistoleer is not attacking (regardless of whether or not in combat), Charge stacks are lost one by one.

Explosive Round: The pistoleer's sole area-of-effect option (albeit arguably lackluster at that): a single bullet is fired at a target enemy, dealing base damage and consuming all stacks of Charge for 20% bonus damage each (total 300% damage at max stacks). All enemies in a cone behind the target take fire damage equal to the base damage plus 5% bonus damage for each stack of Charge consumed by this ability (total 150% damage at max stacks). If the bullet fails to hit a target, the area-of-effect damage does not trigger.

Heavy Shot: A special bullet is fired from the pistoleer's weapon that does not consume nor increase the level of Charge. The target takes damage equal to double the pistoleer's base damage (including the Charge boost) and is quaked.

Burst Fire: Three bullets are fired in quick succession at the same target, each dealing 70% damage plus an additional 3% for each stack of Charge. A stack of Charge is gained for every bullet successfully fired (regardless of whether or not they hit the intended target) at the end of this ability.

(Fissure) Overclock: The pistoleer's weapon temporarily gains tripled attack speed, doubled Charge stacking (each shot gives two stacks of Charge instead of one), and Charge loses its cap (thus stacking infinitely for the duration). All Charge stacks are lost at the end of this ability. The pistoleer is silenced for the duration of the ability, and quaked at the end of the ability.

IT: 9
UG: 3
EN: 1
FL: 1
WL: 1

IN: 0
PT: 15
SF: 0

Allegiance: Cheriede
Ah, another player approaches. That reminds me, how go the characters @Supremacy and @SavannahSmiles? I ask because in the spirit of keeping things player-based, if you all three have characters done I can drop you all in at once in the same instance of the IC. If not, I would have to tack you on with NPCs or shoehorn you into the currently active group.

@PotatoBlaster, your character is accepted, and if you wish to start now you can do so- just know that you may get NPCs or be shoehorned into an existing group. That does bring me to a good point to discuss something. Worry not about raw damage values, for that can be negotiated later on and then added to the sheet. For the tutorial area, you are considered to be much more powerful than usual, and as such calculations for damage are different.
I have an base idea on the character, but it is still in the making. Sorry for the wait, I will try and not take long!
I have an base idea on the character, but it is still in the making. Sorry for the wait, I will try and not take long!
No worries, just asking for the sake of convenience when creating the initial groups. The sooner groups can be forged, the easier and faster it is to create decent enough advancement posts without the need to retcon the OP.
I'm afraid I might have to drop out of the roleplay. Things have been a bit busy on my end and will only get busier when school starts back up next week.
I'm afraid I might have to drop out of the roleplay. Things have been a bit busy on my end and will only get busier when school starts back up next week.

Unlucky, but that's alright. Hope school goes well for ya.
Sorry for the rather glacial pace bringing that last reply, mates.

Hi there @Valeric , feel free to create a character whenever you'd feel like it. If you need any help with the application or could do with some assistance brainstorming, by all means ask here or hmu.
Here it is. Will fill out the missing parts when I get home.

Avatar name: Feylan
Avatar appearance: A tall, shapely woman with platinum blonde hair that ends around her shoulders. Feylan has the figure and appearance of an amazonian model, her appearance meticulously crafted by Arielle over several hours. She begins the game clad in a simple leather armor with thin metal plates protecting vital points. A large round shield hangs from her back, but no weapons can be found on her, owing to her choice of the Shieldbearer class.

Player name: Arielle Roussel
Player Appearance: Thin and petite teenager with tanned skin. Her jet black hair is cut very short, allowing her to pass as a boy. She wears spectacles occasionally, and has freckles on her cheeks.

Class: Shieldbearer
Melee fighter with a focus on defensive and disruptive abilities executed using equipped shields.

(Passive)[Shield Mastery]:
The Shieldbearer benefits from increased defense from equipped shields and deals bonus damage if used as a weapon.

[Mirror Barrier]:
Projects a magical barrier from equipped shields, reflecting ranged attacks and staggering melee attackers.

[Shield Throw]:

Flings your shield out to strike an enemy, dealing damage and a chance to stun. The thrown shield will automatically bounce back to the owner in the subsequent turn, regardless of how impossible the angle.

[Shield Booster]:

Channel mana into your shield, causing it to boost forward and slam into enemies. Pulls the wielder along. Can be charged for a longer duration to increase the boost range and damage.

[Razor Shield]: (locked)

Forms sharp blades of mana around the edge of your shield, significantly increasing damage dealt for several turns.

(Fissure)[Absolute Barrier]:
Create a rectangular forcefield that is indestructible and lasts several turns. Can be placed at a distance and is roughly 15x50 feet.

IT: 5
UG: 3
EN: 1
FL: 1
WL: 5

IN: 0
PT: 15
SF: 0

Allegiance: Cheriede

EDIT: Filled in description, couldn't find any suitable pictures to serve as the portrait.
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@Valeric you are accepted, and shall be added to the character roster and the IC character queue. ️
By the way I don't mind starting in whichever realm you deem to be more convenient to interact with the other players.
Well right now they are in a sort of tutorial encounter, and I think I may just tack you into it and retcon all the things.
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