Egoist City Roleplay (IN NEED OF TWO MORE MEMBERS!)

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'The Fire that burned Iron' they called it; 1/4th of the city of iron , up in smoke and the remaining up in arms. The families and the people who knew the thousands that died in the catastrophe wanted justice, whether it meant the criminals who did this would be behind bars...or 6 feet under.

Tie Men Police Department established to the public that they were all for delivering justice to the ones who caused the fire and will make absolutely sure to put every single person involved behind bars for life. Nearly half of the media and most of the city's citizens got behind TMPD, but there were still some media who criticized and doubted them. Plus, there was still other citizens who wanted 'true justice'...

Enter 'The Fallen':

A group that has been on the side of the law before, individuals under this faction are unknown to the public and the police. Through various video outlets, acting anonymously behind voice changers, hacking capabilities, and the calling card of a crow, they've expressed their anger at what has happened in the city and plans to 'put out the flame'. For the people who wanted blood, they finally have a side they could get behind...but, this was met with a warning by the police:

"If The Fallen gets involved in any way, shape, or form, they will declared criminals in the eyes of the law."

The Fallen replied with:

"Even if we become Tie Men's most wanted, we will still proceed to fight for the people and get revenge for them."

So, in the aftermath of pure tragedy, a war for justice brewed between the ones who uphold the law and ones who rebel against it. But, in all of this, both sides may possibly have ulterior motives. Perhaps that's why this city is sometimes dubbed...


"Order or Chaos...? In the city of egos, is there a difference?" -Unknown
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@Enigma Uh...actually, I didn't mean to put that there. I was gonna try to find a Co-GM, but after checking over everything, I actually don't need one. Sorry.
I'm interested. And quick question, could my character theoretically have a calling card of his own? Like, say, one of the birds of paradise?
Very interested in participating. Hope that there is still place for me o/
Though, that's 4, so if we don't get 2 other people by tomorrow, I'll make the sign-up.
Okay! At 8 PM, I'm putting this thread as 'Filled Request'. In the meantime, I'll make the sign up/info thread.
In need of 2 more members? Anyone interested here on Iwaku?