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I could not take my own time so I stole some from my cat. Rest in pieces, Fluffles.

Damian Maximus Parthonapagus

Race: A demon who possessed the body of a human. He has done so in order to discover the meaning of life. This is his fourth incarnation over a millenia.

World: A subsection of hell which is warring over whether you are born to die or whether you're you die because you were born. Born around the beginning of the eleventh century and has lived till the present. The cliche I'm using is that of a refugee from a wartorn "planet".

Appearance: Normally, he looks like a moody 16 year old teenager(5 ft 7 inches, black hair and crimson colored eyes which most people mistake for contacts) but when he fights he slowly becomes more and more demonic(He grows huge wings and elongated arms ending in four fingered talons. He also crows a barbed tail. His eyes take on a cat like appearance and his hair is replaced by horns. His skin turns from pale white to bottomless black with cracks of red light.)

Equipment: He is able to summon two blades from a pocket dimension he created. He can also summon a multitude of smaller weapons and a few guns, if need be.

Employment/Lifestyle: He doesn't need a job, whatever he needs, he takes. You awake to a yodel of screaming(if you are able to sleep). Next comes the sermons of whichever side your fighting for. Finally, you are sent off to fight for the remainder of the day. If you survive you get to have dinner. Fencesitters are killed on sight. My character, now on Earth just sleeps and eats, venturing outside and asking everybody he sees what they think the meaning of life is.

"Weapon" granted by the cosmos: A necklace in the shape of a cross, which he can't take off because it's a cross. Irony at it's best. He doesn't know how it was placed there and has since then chosen to ignore it.
I would like to do something like this... Would a Peter (Family Guy)/ Professor Farnsworth (Futurama) character be all right?
It certainly has potential, however keep in mind you already have one science-y style character that Wrenchpro is forwarding and another Steampunk engineer following that.

Science prevails certainly, but I don't want to have too many ducks in that basket if you know what I mean. As for a old guy/fat guy/oblivious to standard forms of normal interaction style character? Absolutely. You'll have to flesh out the idea.

Also Thanatos, I'm going to PM you about your character. I don't have any problems with you playing a Demon, but there will need to be some modifications made to fit him for the style this story's shooting for. As of right now he's a very vague premise and you're shooting very close to the "No gods/forces of nature" rule I threw out there.

Keep in mind, the characters are supposed to not exactly the best choices for saving existence.
Name: Gerard Achilles, Garnet Blythe, April Fairchild, Joyce Ayers, Mijaka

Race: Human / Cat-person

World: Rankilak, a somewhat post-apocalyptic world, where the technology of the old ages is thought to be magic. While not entirely devastated, the world has quite large, empty plains, radioactive wastelands, and it is rare to see humans outside of their fortress-cities. More often than not, the scenery is simply barren or outright scorched from the blasts of whatever weapons destroyed the world. Sometimes, lethal clouds also lurk around some areas, drifting with the winds, only waiting for the opportunity to strike. Life does not really exist outside of human cities, or it has mutated beyond recognition.

The technological level of this world is quite high for its state as advanced weapons exist, and inside the human cities, it is possible to get one's hands on more advanced technology. However, the knowledge to manufacture or fix many of the ancient devices has been lost, or they are treated as sacred rituals because of ignorance. Re-discovery of old technology is on-going, and almost every day, a discovery is made.

Besides human cities, groups of adventurers, locally known as Hazie, are also prominent. They are usually little more than ill-equipped treasure-seekers; however, there exist well-known Hazie that own nuclear silos or an entire caravan of vehicles that makes up a city. Prominent Hazie have their own societies and travel from city to city, offering their services. More often than not, they serve as guardians against the attacks of other cities, or they chart unknown areas.

Appearance: Gerard is just your everyday scrawny guy with a penchant for hiding his own weakness. He wears clothes that are a bit loose so as to hide his weak body, not that they do any good for him, as his hands are ridiculously skinny. He is usually seen wearing darker clothes. He has short, jet black hair that he refuses to take care of, and he has deep brown eyes that go with it. His only redeeming feature is that he has a pretty face that is often considered attractive by the members of both sexes, much to Gerard's dismay.

Standing at just 150 centimetres tall, it is easy to forget that Garnet is a soldier with much experience behind her. She is quite petite and looks as if she was twelve to thirteen years old, but her body is a weapon that she honed for many years. She has long, fiery red hair that she keeps in a bun so it does not get in her way during a fight. Her eyes are a mild brown colour, but their stare could pierce through a nuclear shelter. She wears a full suit of dark grey heavy armour with an armoured skirt. The armour has a small, white trim at the edges of its plates, and a blood red orb is embedded into the chest plate, surrounded by six golden wings. Her weapon is the Lightning Hammer.

If white is the colour of saints, then April is definitely a saint in more ways than one. While she is just an average girl who ties her long hair into two, ridiculously long pigtails, kept in place by two conspicuous, blue bows. She has characteristic, yellow eyes, but it is usually her white protective clothing that draws people in with its sapphire blue and sky blue highlights flowing along its trim and sewing lines. This pattern is only broken by the glove on her left hand, which is slightly darker than the rest of the protective clothes, and it has a small, yellow crystal embedded into its palm. She also has a grey backpack on her at all times.

Joyce's violet-coloured light armour often reminds one of delicate flowers, especially with its strangely intertwining, red lines that follow the exact mathematical centre of the armour plates. These lines form a strange symbol on the forearms, which reminds one of the sun. In addition, the palms of the armour have been reinforced, and are coloured white. She also has a large, violet-coloured bow on her back, made out of strange, but tough metals. This bow has guiding rails for four arrows, and a bright red net of lines stretch across it. Joyce herself has short, blonde hair that is kept in place by a white hairband and she has sea blue eyes.

Mijaka comes from a city where humans have been… changed by the strange radiation left behind by the weapons of the previous age. As a result, she has cat ears, a cat tail and paw-like appendages in the place of her feet and hands, however, she still has opposable thumbs. She also has albinism along with heterochromia: her right eye is green while her left is sky blue. Her white hair is surprisingly long as it reaches all the way to her thighs. She only wears a bra and panties as it is normal for her people.


Gerard is pretty much useless when it comes to the fight. He can do nothing but result to pathetic attempts at improvising with tools that are readily available to him. However, he is a good tactician, which would make him a good leader… if the girls listened to him at all.


Aegis Plates: The armour Garnet wears is ridiculously tough and resistant to damage. It is capable of blocking a shot from an MBT's main cannon and survive without a scratch. Likewise, it is seemingly impossible to wear it down with scratch damage as it regenerates itself over time. It is also a near-perfect insulator, protecting Garnet from all but the most severe electric shocks and most laser beams. Its vulnerability is the red orb in the centre of the chest. While it is hard to hit, not to mention that most pistol rounds will simply bounce off from it, shattering the orb will severely reduce the armour's toughness. The orb is capable of restoring itself over time, though.

Zeus Hammer: This huge hammer is ridiculously light for its size when in the hands of a person who can use it. Most of the weapon's mass is stored in a pocket dimension fixed to it in time-space. With the press of a button, the mass reappears on the inside of the hammer, and the gravity drive inside it activates, multiplying its inertia to extreme levels, but the effect only lasts a brief moment. Still, one correctly timed blow with this hammer is able to break through thick walls of reinforced concrete. The hammer also has another button, which releases a massive amount of electricity into the circuits of the hammer. The resulting miniature storm is instantly lethal to anyone not wearing proper insulation, but this mode can only be used for a limited time before the weapon overheats.


Medical Equipment: The backpack of April contains a wide variety of tools and medicine that can be used to treat the wounded. From a scalpel to painkillers, there is nothing that this backpack does not contain. What's more, April can use nearly all of the tools with surprising efficiency, making her a valuable asset when the battle is over, and wounds need to be mended.

Sublimator: The gem in the left hand of April's protective gear is actually a supreme close-combat, one-shot weapon. At the cost of the crystal's integrity in the palm, a massive amount of heat energy is released directly into the target, making it evaporate or shatter immediately. Sadly, replacement crystals for the weapon are hard to make, not to mention that this weapon requires direct contact to work, which means that April only uses it in dire emergencies.


Armour of Petals: While not as resistant to damage as Garnett's armour, Joyce's armour can still block most hand-held weapons, and resist even a rocket launcher; however, the armour's true value lies in its special ability. It is a highly regenerative, pseudo-biological metal that contains a special compound. When the armour gets an electronic signal, all plates except the chest plate are simultaneously purged, then they explode, creating a distraction for Joyce to distance herself from her enemies. Naturally, this leaves Joyce defenceless for the rest of the fight, but it is able to regrow quickly if it can consume enough materials.

Catharsis Bow: A highly effective bow with its own targeting computer and ridiculously high starting velocity. Each arrow that is fired by this bow has the destructive power of a round from a high-calibre anti-tank rifle. Each arrow is equipped with a teleportation mechanism, which automatically teleports them back to the arrow storage compartment when they hit an object. The automatic targeting system, along with the capacity for four arrows makes this bow capable of firing with about one hundred arrows per minute. Arrows may also be overcharged, which result in a large burst of heat when they hit the target, but afterwards, they must be recovered manually.

Mijaka has no equipment. She does, however, have ridiculous strength and a thorough knowledge of several martial arts.

Employment/Lifestyle: Garnet, April, Joyce and Mijaka are the elite fighters of the Eagle's Claw Hazie, one of the most-well known Hazie of their world. Only consisting of a handful of mercenaries, this Hazie is famous for containing the best soldiers that Rankilak has to offer, but its size and power tends to fluctuate constantly. These four live a relatively luxurious life filled with combat. Gerard, however, is merely an innocent bystander that got swept up in the rivalry between the four women, and somehow ended up in the Eagle's Claw. He is just an ordinary guy, but he does have a good sense of tactics, which the women seem to lack.

"Weapon" granted by the cosmos:

A.S.S.K.I.C.K.E.R. (A.K.A.: Awesomely Supreme Sword of Killing Individuals; Created by Knife Enthusiastic Radicals.) A ridiculously huge sword that is simply impossible to lift. Over three kilometres long, nearly quarter a kilometre thick, and weighing thousands of tons, this weapon would be devastating if it were not so unwieldy. A mere swing with this sword could split planets in half, not to mention that it has an interesting feedback loop installed in it: It feeds off the strength of the user, but it also makes the user stronger. Thus, theoretically, the A.S.S.K.I.C.K.E.R. can harness an infinite amount of energy just by existing. To start this feedback loop, though, one has to be able to lift the sword first.
Are you psychic? How did you know I was going to be a fat old man!!! ARGH! *troll face of rage*

But I will flesh it out after real life... but right now i have sports...
Name: "Nathaniel Macleod, or More Simply, Nash. Does it sound too southern, or?…"

Gender: "Anatomy tells me I am male. I am thankful for that."

Age: "I've turned just about 22."

Appearance: Nash possesses a full height of six feet, or somewhere near that. He possesses Jet Black hair, and caucasian skin, his eyes hidden behind a pair of large glasses, whose lenses are often snow white in color, obstructing some of his facial features. As for his attire, he dresses strangely similarly to a greaser, wearing a pair of Jeans, whose leg sleeves are tucked into a pair of dark brown boots, along with a green biker jacket possessing the symbol for radioactivity in yellow on the back, a white t-shirt under, and a utility belt loaded with several items and gadgets, along with a large wrench.

History: Nathaniel Macleod was the son of world renowned scientist and world's first 'Mega Physicist,' George Macleod, hailing from the 'Wonder' Multiverse, or more simply, the Wonderverse, he himself hailing from a place called Wonderverse-22, from the place called Spectacle City. It was there Nash was born not just as a son, but an experiment. To test theories set by George, to create an 'Improved' rather than 'perfect' human specimen, a marvel of physical and mental ability who could be the foundation for a great future among other powerful minds.

It was then Nash lived most of his life studying and training with in the confines of a gravity chamber set to a higher field of gravity in order to strengthen his muscles, and manipulate bone density, while having him master a few areas of scientific practice, creating a kind of balance within brain and brawn, that brawn, and sometimes even the brain, bordering on Superhuman, but just barely. Not exactly able to lift entire mountains like Superman, but he throws a mean right cross.

Anyways, Nash is but a budding young mind with an interest in adventuring. He and his friends, the 'All-Star Crew,' several friends of mixed origins, most notably three main members who go with him on other adventures, including the Law Student and Expert Prankster Luciano Zeppeli, The Drunken Fist Fighter Gordon Bentley, master of multiple manner of transportation methods including boats, planes, cars, you name it. These three went along with the beautiful former cat burglar, Lisa 'LisaLisa!' Ramona, reformed and capable of finding her way through anything. These four would go on to become a great group of adventurers, with the leadership of Nash, fighting for worthy causes wherever they could be found, and exploring the unknown, taking on other bored young adults with special skills and traits to join their organization, the 'All-Star Crew.'

Of course, for his physical and mental ability, he is still dwarfed by the other heroes and others who inhabit his multiverse. There are those who could soar through the skies at supersonic speeds, punch out skyscrapers with the most casual jab, or burn things to the ground with some other destructive ability.

Regardless, he'll somehow be drawn into the intrigue and thrill-power of an adventure as cosmic as this...

Skills/Abilities: Nash has been raised since youth in a Gravity Chamber, as well as other forms of physical training regimen and scientific study, as well as a few misc. skills he's learned. He is capable of inventing fantastic gadgets to aid him, often resorting to them rather than purely physical traits alone.

Items/Weapons: Nash tends to keep various items hidden on his person, and within his extensive utility belt, including a size changing (COSMIC) wrench for melee and last moment wrench-based work. The Wrench can somehow also function like a knife, but more for work than combat, such as cutting ropes. This is all likely through some technique he learned. Otherwise, he has no qualms using weapons that he finds lying around alongside his gadgets.

Quotes: "Finding Answers is what I do. I think I'd be lost without asking Questions all the time." "Clearly The Answer is Science. Your Argument is invalid."

Theme Song: Weird Science
Name: Albert DhaMansteinn

Race: Human

World of origin: Albert lives in the world of called Allegemeinn. It is filled with industrial progression that filled every inch of the city with it's smog and and fumes, however, it comes with a brighter side as the city itself is ahead of the technology we know today, such a gravity defying beds, automatic house builders, teleporters, time reversers and many odd creations. Albert works for the company of Robhen's Tinkering, which specializes in testing out ideas for the companies- resulting in a very entertaining experience for Albert when he first arrived.

Appearance: Albert is barrel chested and tall, all the manual labor and work has strengthened his body but the detail he has to pay attention to has also sharpen his mind. He has spiky black hair that sprouts out like a porcupine's needles, with his trusty goggles hanging around his neck to keep his vision clear in times of messy work, Albert also adorns the traditional worker's outfit, long sleeve t-shirt but he prefers them rolled up for the sake of cleanliness- an overall that fits him tightly due to the fact of his towering height, and steel toed boots- capable of protecting his feet from god knows what he might drop accidentally.

Equipment: Now, this is where Albert's expertise is found, just give him a heap of metal and he will transform it into a work of art or even a weapon of mass destruction, be it small or large. Albert can turn things around with a few nuts and blots, his also takes pride in trusty side bag that he always carries with him- some of his trusty (and incomplete- not to mention dangerous) inventions that he intended to use in the correct time.

Weapon given by the Comos: The Transmigragem Anima

Weapon or tool given to the three fates by the gods, it is told to control the life that leaves the human body- allows the wielder to breath life into non living things and operate them as familiars or golems. However- it draws from the pool of souls from the underworld, and can disobey it's user due to it's rude awakening- but a master of this tool will have every creation bow down before him, never flinching or disobeying.
Hmm I like it, I shall create a character unless its cool if I dust off an old character I never got to use
Hmm I like it, I shall create a character unless its cool if I dust off an old character I never got to use

Feel free to do either so long as it fits the genre.

Wrench, you need to put down your semi useful piece of omnipotent junk granted by the cosmos.
I said it in the cbox and I'll say it here.

It's like staring at a Piers Anthony plot.

I love this! But I don't think I'd fit in with the crowd. Like Osso said, I just might stalk it though <3