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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
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There are a lot of cities on Earth.
Lots of them are pretty much devoid of things like Superheroes, conspiring villains, invasions from other planets, Gods walking among men, or even half-crazed detectives who wear dirty socks over their faces.
This place was one of them.

Prior to recent events, well... not a lot happened in Flippin Arkansas. Just a bit over 2,000 people in a county of less than 10,000. Everyone knew everyone else, the rivalries between the local schools were friendly, and everyone could have a laugh and a beer out at the lake at Bull Shoals. In fact, a few internet memes and a few stand up comedian comments were the most exciting things about Flippin, and everyone kinda liked that.

That was until IT appeared.

A rift between the worlds. And it appeared in what the residents thought was a mildly inconvenient place.​

In the Flippin Wal-Mart. Way in back in dairy, where they used to keep the drinkable yogurts and kefirs.
At first, it was hard to notice. Just a ripple in the air. Then, Joe from overnight disappeared through it. They got it on camera. Only looked for him when his truck was still out front the next day. No one's seen Joe since.

So, they did what they thought was the logical thing.
They put warning cones around it with caution tape and wrote "Door to Nowhere, please do not cross or take any merchandise inside" on some nice signs they glued to the cones.

Now, they wouldn't have to call the Home Office with that awkward call. Locals knew to avoid the area, and travelers, well they could read couldn't they? If they went through that was on them. They was warned.

After awhile, people started coming out of the rift too. Now, this could have been on the high end of supremely bad, but everyone who came through had one thing in common. They all were shopping at a Wal-Mart when they went through whatever rift they came from at that end.

Now, this was hard to react to. The management thought long and hard about it, and decided.
They simply had to become a 24 hour location, because they had to be ready for whatever shopper rolled in with merchandise.

Oh did I neglect to mention that often these people come through with shopping carts full of Wal-Mart goods? Adjustments had to be made, and UPC codes that gave the cashiers a way to ring up items that don't even exist in this reality were come up with.

The best asset so far has to be Mister Cubbins. Mister Cubbins was the co-manager of his Wal-Mart in his home reality. Everyone adjusted to the fact that he was a talking lion who wore a monacle soon enough. Well, some people give him ribbing about the monacle and say he should get the lazer surgery, but that's all in fun. He's a very efficient manager and all he has to do is smile in just the right way to 'coach' some of his employees.

Of course everyone in Marion County knows about Flippin, as does A.R.M.O.R., who set up an office down the way, just across from the Sonic Drive-In.
But pretty much everyone else hasn't a clue. Now, since the trips through the rifts seem to be one way, Flippin has had to adapt to all the new residents or tourists. It's really been a blessing to the economy. Why, they're talking of opening up that old Smorgasbord that's been closed for five years now.
To sum it up... It's pretty Flippin wonderful up here. Besides, we're only an hour's drive from Branson, Missouri. Less, if you speed a little. We won't tell.
Come on down and see us, won't you?

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The proprietor caught her intensity but not her intent, and exuding a sense of urgency the alien pulled out a small pad and one with finger painstakingly spelled out the word on her tablet for everyone to see.

"Komichiwa, Sugar Shigure. Congratulations on being the first to make friends with the newest Starr in town."

The alien stood up tall, beaming confidence and happiness in her silence at the newcomer, who responded with voice.
Shigure directed the barkeep to just pour a few pitchers of water for the girl, since she seemed to need a lot of it. "Please, I would prefer it if you did not include sugar... in my name. It is not fitting." She paused, then after a quick smile to Lincoln and a glance at Starr she continued. "So, Starr is your name? It is fitting."

She redirected her attention to the new man who obviously knew the alien. "I assume you sir... have been in this town for some time, since you knew my name... before I introduced myself... Are you her... caretaker?"

@Kingof192 @LuckycoolHawk9
"Hey, she says she likes the name!" he smiled over at the alien, who smiled back in reply and typed again on her pad, showing it off


"Yes. Your name, Starr."

"So, lots of explaining to do. First thing is she can hear you, but she can't talk and doesn't understand language. We two can read each other's minds, but its more like reading each other's heart. So I can tell you that she thinks humans are crazy and cowardly in general but she thinks your smart and generous in specific, and she can tell that I'm explaining things to you right now even though she don't really know what I'm saying. On the other hand, explaining things like how water is free, how I'm a low-level celebrity that wants to be a little anonymous and still find out about folks in the bar, or that I want to come to this restaurant AFTER I'm doing fueling my truck. Well, haven't figured that kind of thing out yet. That caretaker bit, I don't know, just doesn't seem right. That's real interesting though."

"Hey Starr, who am I to you?" he questioned, pointing to her and himself and putting his fingers together in a clumsy attempt to gesture the question.

He looked surprised as the alien started to type on her pad. "She only knows like ten or eleven words right now" he started to explain, before starting to laugh. "Starr, don't you dare do that."

The alien turned her pad around and smiled devilishly at him.

He looked surprised as the alien started to type on her pad. "She only knows like ten or eleven words right now" he started to explain, before starting to laugh. "Starr, don't you dare do that."

The alien turned her pad around and smiled devilishly at him.

"Well... Mister MacJerk, if you have a bond with her as you say... you are committed to helping her learn. Caretaker is as good a term... as any... Are you planning on staying in town? Because... I would recommend it... this town is more prepared to... handle unusual people like Starr... than most." Shigure explained, and looked over to Lincoln as confirmation. She had started to help Lincoln when she came across Starr and Mac.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Kingof192
Lincoln sighed and decided to take that as a cue to talk to the two. " Technically speaking, I am also an alien, well or rather I am infused with alien DNA. I can do like this," he said, summoning a small electric ball in his hand to prove his point. It didn't look dangerous in the slightest.


He made it disappear. " Lincoln Campbell," he replied addressing the others.

@Michale CS @Kingof192
  • Thank You
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Mac marveled at the ball of electricity, with noticeably more excitement than was intended by the effect.

"Alien DNA?! OOOO, what you just did, son. Hey Starr, lookitt this."

Mac looked back at her as he said but, but the alien was already staring at the electricity and then at Lincoln. Leaving her water behind for the moment, she created a ball of energy in her hand which matched his in terms of size and color but was of a different substance. She stretched her arm out and showed it to Lincoln.

"Now that was something we didn't expect to see today."
Mac marveled at the ball of electricity, with noticeably more excitement than was intended by the effect.

"Alien DNA?! OOOO, what you just did, son. Hey Starr, lookitt this."

Mac looked back at her as he said but, but the alien was already staring at the electricity and then at Lincoln. Leaving her water behind for the moment, she created a ball of energy in her hand which matched his in terms of size and color but was of a different substance. She stretched her arm out and showed it to Lincoln.

"Now that was something we didn't expect to see today."
"I have decided in my life... that I prefer surprises... so each day I do not expect anything... so that I am either surprised or challenged every day." Shigure said with a ghost of a smile.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Kingof192
Lincoln was surprised when the other man marveled at his power. That was not the typical reaction he got.

Most people were terrified of his powers and wanted to get away from him.

Lincoln looked over at the alien and wasn't sure what to say to her. He looked as she created a ball of her own energy out of a different element. He hadn't met many other people who could do something similar to what he did. There were indeed other inhumans, but none that he knew that he could do that to be honest.

" The world is always filled with things that are surprising," he said.

Lincoln wasn't sure how he felt about surprises. He preferred to be in the loop on all things, but sometimes surprises weren't a bad thing. He smiled back.

@Michale CS @Kingof192
Lincoln was surprised when the other man marveled at his power. That was not the typical reaction he got.

Most people were terrified of his powers and wanted to get away from him.

Lincoln looked over at the alien and wasn't sure what to say to her. He looked as she created a ball of her own energy out of a different element. He hadn't met many other people who could do something similar to what he did. There were indeed other inhumans, but none that he knew that he could do that to be honest.

" The world is always filled with things that are surprising," he said.

Lincoln wasn't sure how he felt about surprises. He preferred to be in the loop on all things, but sometimes surprises weren't a bad thing. He smiled back.

@Michale CS @Kingof192
"...that must be very useful to be able to create your own light." Shigure commented on Lincoln's display. She'd seen a lot of strange things in Flippin, and even once had a conversation with... a street before there. This wasn't the strangest thing by a long shot.

@Kingof192 @LuckycoolHawk9
Starr stared at Lincoln, expecting something until Mac cut it.

"It ain't the same Starr, but that doesn't mean it's not something" Mac said, answering a question the alien never gave voice to. "I'll try and figure this thing out"

The alien went back to get a pitcher of water, only to return.

"Y'see, Lincoln, what it comes down to is that Starr doesn't remember anybody anything like herself, so she became real curious about what you did just now. So I'm wondering, what kind of alien DNA you got there."
Lincoln chuckled a bit. He could do more than just create light, he had done more in the past and he had helped so many people. His power had always been his blessing and his curse. There was no denying that for him. He bit down on his bottom lip.

Lincoln looked back at her and wondered if she needed something.

He had noticed that she had done something similar to him, but she certainly didn't look like the aliens who had been related to his kind. However, it was a possibility.

He looked at the alien as she returned with a pitcher of water in hand.

" Well, most inhumans are compromised of human DNA mixed with the alien DNA of the Kree. That being said, no inhuman has the exact same ability, but there are people with similar abilities. It isn't an impossibility," he said, if he was understanding what the man was asking correctly.

@Michale CS @Kingof192

The Nation's Newspaper

Strange Anomaly Has Experts Baffled

Today at exactly noon GMT, timepieces all over the world stopped for a full minute. Not only that, it appears from preliminary reports, that everything and everyone stopped as well. People report a strange paralysis in which they were aware of the world around them but were unable to move. Religions and cults across the world are heralding this as the start of the end times or some apocalyptic event, and financial markets worldwide are in an uproar, with both the FTSE and the DAX halting trading for the day while the futures markets for the NYSE, NASDAQ, TSE, and SEHK are all wildly volatile.

Experts in Astronomy and Physics are baffled, so some are turning to other explanations - either some sort of divine intervention or, strangely... Magic. Special divisions of SHIELD and other international organizations focused on such things are working diligently on an explanation.

More as this develops​
[[ OOC - Do we still have interest from @Kingof192 in this RP with Starr and Mac? ]]
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