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Gotham City. Since everything changed, it went from being just another crime-infested pit of a city to being the capital of New Jersey - and still crime-infested. Only difference now, is some people get paid by the government to add to that infestation. Politicians. People who think that because people punched a piece of paper saying, I think you're right for this job, that gives them the right to do whatever it is they want, as long as their adoring public never finds out about it. Sometimes even after."


"Not that Gotham doesn't still have it's share of trashy, slum-ridden neighborhoods. It does, even with that fancy new monorail zipping all around town like some demented theme park ride. I gotta admit though, a lot harder to dispose of a body via train 'accident' when you have to get 30 feet up in the air to do it. These are the neighborhoods that I cover. For some reason, I, and a select few other people, lucky or not, can remember how things were before. There were no Avengers, no SHIELD, no Daily Bugle or Spiderman. Or... and this is going to sound crazy, but there's these turtle guys who live in the sewers across the river. I swear, I saw one. Wearing a mask. Isn't that rich? As if a little swath of cloth across your face was going to hide you were some sort of mutant half human half turtle. People here, they need answers. Thankfully, I can answer them. Who am I? They call me...


"The Question"

Current Dramatis Personae
Lt. Harvey Bullock GCPD meta human coordinator
Harley Quinn
Lincoln Campbell aka Sparky
Karen aka Voyd
Virgil aka Static
Stephanie Brown aka Heron

Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

[FONT=Caveat, cursive]This role-play is part of the Epic Crossover story line series. [/FONT]

CHARACTER INDEX Epic Crossover - Character Index

Interested ? contact me via PM


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SPONSORED BY - "Dream On" Gotham City's very own fantasy league mobile app... www.dreamongc.com

She then gives a very accurate but extremely feminine immitation of Bullock giving a GCPD form up and rally command that she'd heard him use once... or twice... or five times... hoping they would cover behind the inflatable as she was trying to drag Harvey into doing.
" I'll only need three minutes to get ready, but that is just a simple fact," he replied, hanging up on him, going straight for the bathroom and in record time, changing into his costume and out of scrubs. He snuck out of the clinic and smiled when they arrived. "So, what's the plan here?" he asked.
Harvey takes a look at the bouncy castle and shakes his head, no way is he and the boys hiding behind it. Thats going to be on the six o'clock news for sure, and he isnt having that. He does however use it for cover and takes an officer with him to the left while the other two go right. Firing a round safely in the wall to create support fire without hitting anyone, he and the officers flank through the entrance to the left and right of the window trying to shock and awe the shooter between them.

Stephanie didn't want to crack open that briefcase just yet, so she slung it over her back, strapping it down with an extra utility belt, before grappling down to join... a bouncy castle? ... along with the rest of the GCPD folks like Harvey to help out. "I always knew you were full of hot air, Harvey, but this is ridiculous."

"The plan? The plan is to go bust bad guys' butts and save the day! What other plan do we need than that! Woo-hoo let's go!" Voyd opened a portal and grabbed both Lincoln and Grady by the hand, leading them through who knows how many portals - her range was basically sight, so it was a dizzying experience for those not used to it - and when they arrived, she saw the castle.

"Huh. Don't see too many bounce houses in super fights. And look, it's got kevlar fibers woven in. A bulletproof bouncy castle? That sounds like Nicola to me. I'm dropping you two inside the thing, you can pop out of there and I'll start disarming them." Voyd said while casually leading them through a couple more portals, eventually Lincoln and Grady end up inside the bouncy castle, and Voyd disappeared through another portal instantly afterward. This was followed by the sound of her portaling behind one of the shooters and surprising him with a solid punch to the temple, after which she grabbed his gun and portaled again...

@Drixe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar
Lincoln Campbell

" That's not really a pl-"
He didn't get to get much further than that before he was grabbed by Voyd and thrown so many portals that he had to take a second to wonder if his stomach would eventually catch up with the rest of his body. Maybe he shouldn't have had breakfast before the duo had arrived to take him to the crime scene because with all of these portals, he was going to start to throw up.

Lincoln couldn't agree more that it was not normal to find a bulletproof bouncy castle, but he was terrified that if he did speak, he would for sure lose the very little breakfast that he had. It was barely staying down and he wasn't sure how many more- oh god, she was going to take them through more portals. When he would finally regain his sense of composure he would proceed to do the only logical thing that one could do after being through a dizzying amount of portals. He puked in the bouncy house. God, he wondered if Grady was holding up better. " Next time, we are going to meet her at the site, I like to keep my breakfast," He aimed to fry the nearest guard's gun.

@Michale CS @Gands @Sonevar
  • Haha
Reactions: Drixe and Gands
Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

Grady too is affected by the crazy roller coaster trip of Voyd. His stomach seems fine but he is dizzy as hell for a moment. He stumbles out of the bounce house and rapidly gets shot a few times for his trouble. He falls over with something of a groan.

" Yeow.. Damnit... Make the freaking world stop spinning... Next time we take the bus. "
Meanwhile, in the surrounding buildings at least another several snipers start earning their pay. Firing into the cafe, determined to find their target. They are ignoring the cops for now.
Static, satisfied with his rush-job mask, re-positions into a low crouch. Several tables begin to float, only a few inches in the air at first, as Static makes sure no one is using the previously immobile tables as cover. He takes a moment to read the electromagnetism in the air, attempting to zero in on the shooters' positions.

"Alright, remember what Richie taught me about Street Fighter. The best defence..." Static hops straight up, as the tables quickly through the window. He lands on the center table, hitching a ride as the tables fly towards the buildings holding the gunmen.

"...is a good offence!"

@Drixe @Sonevar @Dipper @Michael_CS @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands
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Voyd gasped as Grady was shot. "Ohmygosh are you ok?" She looked him over, but it looked like he wasn't too bad off and already healing.

She looked off in the distance and managed to spot one of the snipers, thanks to her enhanced vision made better by the mask that Edna had made her. "Get a left hook ready..." Voyd opened a portal, the other end opened behind the sniper, her arms came out of that end and dragged him yelping backward through the portal, right into Grady's path...

Harvey heads upstairs in sn apartment with a few other officers to go for another sniper. The rush upstairs as quickly as possible without sacrificing the training they got at the academy. This being Gotham they aren't afraid to shoot to kill if the target doesnt back dawn when they get rhere. All this goes down without any of them saying a word, just using hand signals they learned on the job.
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Seeing the masked man take flight with an assortment of furniture, she tosses her telescoping combat sledgehammer lightly towards him, figuring his charge-field could catch it and he could use it as an additional weapon. Then with a HUGE smile she skips up the stairs after Harvey and crew to help them... or to annoy them ... herselves hadn't decided yet

@Gands @Michale CS @Drixe @BrokenWings @LuckycoolHawk9 @Dipper
Lincoln Campbell

" You know, I'm starting to suspect that today is going to be one of those days,"
he said, as he noticed that he somehow missed hitting anything at all. He took a deep breath and tried to not curse his luck. He would close his eyes and recompose himself, aiming to zap the poor guard that Voyd had put into Grady's path.

@Gands @Michale CS @Drixe @BrokenWings @Dipper
GM Post

There are maybe 4 snipers left firing, when they as a group should realize what a bad position they are in. Cops, several costumed people flooding their positions. The abandoned five story building has in the end housed about eight different gunmen. All of which were using long distance rifles.

I say where because at this point it doesn't take our heroes long to take them down. There is one guy on flying furniture from the diner, Harley, Bullock and the GCPD, Stephanie, Voyd and Lincoln and Grady who seems to have mostly shown up to get shot several times.

At this point, all eight gunmen have been subdued, restrained, unconscious or all three. Miraculously, only Grady suffered any wounds aside from flying glass. It should be noted for our heroes that the gunmen, aside from the original who Stephanie subdued all continued rather stubbornly firing towards the diner even when attacked.

All of our heroes were effective in subduing at least one sniper, some more than one. I leave you back to your regularly scheduled Bat channel as some or all of our heroes are gathered in the parking lot between the diner and the abandoned apartment building.

@BrokenWings @Drixe @Sonevar @LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS
  • According to Plan
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Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

Grady took a moment to look around, managing a smile. He was after all still alive. He thought he finally wasn't dizzy or nauseous. He noticed a young man floating down to the ground and approached him slowly.

"Sparky!, lets go talk to this guy, he seems... new in town ? "

Approaching slowly to Static...

"Hey there ! I'm called Corvus"

He held his hand out to shake.

@BrokenWings @LuckycoolHawk9
"Awesome! Another super! Cool powers. I'm Voyd." She extended her hand to him when he got close, a bright smile on her face.

She was on cloud nine. She had successfully beaten bad guys and no one was too seriously hurt, and it was with a team! She'd never been with an actual team before, except for that one time with Elastigirl.

@Gands @BrokenWings @Drixe @Sonevar @LuckycoolHawk9
  • Sweet
Reactions: Gands
Harley Skips up the stairs with a maniacal grin to show Det. Bullock the screen of her phone... which displays Montoya's fan score in her cops vs robbers app as 2 rankings above bullock's own. She keeps both the phone and the "Joker's smile" turned on him until he responds but says nothing else otherwise.
Lincoln Campbell

" Maybe I was wrong about today being a terrible day. It seems that things are actually turning around. I mean- I might as well. He seems to have similar powers."
Lincoln would smile at the young man. " Name's Sparkplug, Corvus started to call me Sparky on the side. What's your name?" He asked.

@Gands @BrokenWings @Drixe @Sonevar @Michale CS
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Harvey looks to the phone a bit confused at first, the smiled , " have you checked out the squad builde site, i'm in the top 3rd build. She's barely in the top 8 build". He grins a bit ad says "oh the talk of team building reminds me, we got a new target. Her names "miss sinister " im going to text he others were going to meet at franks tommorw " . Harvey didn't bother to clarify further, any person from gotham knew franks red hots. A city staple it wss a hot dog cart passed down three generations of the same family. It was so beloved that more the a few gang wars were settled over a mustard and sauerkraut in the park. He sent the text to the others, he left a note of where the cart was to be found in Gotham's central park for thoes who didnt grow up here.
Rubbing the side of his head with one hand, and holding a sledgehammer with another, Static finishes his descent from the apartment building, and walks toward the diner. He shakes hands with a few of these new folks, (although he was uncertain if all those outstretched hands were actually meant for him.) and exchanges pleasantries. "I go by Static Shock, although most people just end up calling me Static. Static Shark during Halloween. Please don't call me Static Suck, only unoriginal bad guys get to call me that." Looking back and forth between all the new people, Static notices splotches of red surrounding a hole in Corvus' shirt. Several holes, on a more detailed search. "Umm, I think you need to get to a hospital, sir. The human body only has so much blood."
  • Nice Execution!
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"Think about what you just said, and look at him." Voyd winked at Static, hoping he'd take the inference that Corvus wasn't exactly human.

She smiled at Static then too. "I just thought of a crazy way our powers could work together. If I made a couple of portals near each other and you flew through them over and over, the amount of power you could generate would be amazing! A solid EM field wall that could either be a shield or a powerful weapon!"
Corvus smiles a bit at Static. Even as he is looking at Corvus's various wounds, the green armor he is wearing seems to stitch itself up, evidence if wounds dissappearing.

"Thanks for the concern Static, but I'll be fine! One of my gifts you see. Say, I dont think I have seen you in town before? We, some of us anyway, are planning to meet tomorrow around noon at Franks Famous Franks. A renowned hot dog stand at the north end of Graham Park. Why don't you join us ?"
  • Ah Seen It
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Static watches Corvus' wounds close through his make-shift mask, hoping whatever made the holes is not still in there. "Ya, I'm new in town," Static starts, answering Corvus' question, "...and hot dogs sound great. Where's Graham Park?"

Static's attention is eventually shifted to Voyd, "...Wait, portals? EM fields? I'm not so sure about that, I'm not too fond of having them too far outside my control. I've come close to knocking out hospitals and other emergency services by being careless, and aside from the potential guilt of destroying someone's life-saving tech, I've had my fill of angry nurses screaming at me."
GM Post

So, word is spread to our heroes to meet at Frank's Famous Red Hot Frankfurter Stand the next day at noon. Corvus makes sure people new to town had the address.
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