Eu Sunt Drakul [Non-Canon]

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Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night. May become a wolf, when the wolfbane blooms and the moon is shining bright.

Or craving others blood when the sun goes down, and his body takes to flight.


There are things truly universal and others strange. Even by my reckoning, as I travel always a step behind the one I seek. He has been here- The earth whispers its secrets to me, and so I have come but there is more to it then that. Could it actually be true? Could there be any truth to it? It is not like the man I knew, to abandon so wholeheartedly- Ah, but times change and so must we all, or perish in ever lasting entropy. Ours is but a small part after all, mere shadows in the great stage set for our roles.

But when I see her, I can scarce believe it.

She does not know of me, not yet...But she will. The time is fast approaching.



Fireworks exploded like flowers in the night sky over the kingdom of Valla. A celebration and a memorial of all that had passed by, to bring this place as it was. Queen Corrin and her Consort, Xander had given the speech and the kingdom was now engulfed in the fun that came with it.

In the Festival of Remembrance.

In the village near the castle, the people had put up a array of entertainment. Not entirely one nor the other, instead combining the best of both kingdoms into something new. Fish catching contests, meat pie eating races, a clearing roped off for dances and more. It was a night of dreams, of fireflies and of heady contemplation. To think that prior, both would have been at each others throats- Now currently hand in hand, in song and in brotherhood.

Now, currently all gone quiet as the highlight of the evening came forward, the fireworks bursting into bright flares above, washing over her features.

She was beautiful as the legends of Faeries, briefly sighted and just as quickly gone. But she moved with an easy grace and poise, much lightened by the journey that brought her here. And in the middle of the clearing, Azura.... Princess of Valla, close friend to Queen Corrin smiled brightly and began to dance.


Water swirled around her, glistening in the torchlights as the music played, her calming voice rising above the crowd in tribute. This was her gift to Valla, and a precious one it was at that. Once seen, with not even the giver able to bestow the same experience twice... A unique and utterly fitting tribute, for those who were here as she spun and she sang.

Her song ended. The people applauded. And Azura stepped away to the side, taking a break as the announcer stepped forward.


"Thank you your highness- Our beloved treasure, everyone!" He led the applause and pondered to himself as he surveyed the crowd. It seemed like only yesterday, they had been at war. Now, here he was. Eating former enemies food, raising a family and generally attempting to keep his feet on the ground before they reached to the stars.

Thus began the entertainment as others stepped forward, the royal family cruising at their particular section. Azura would have been resting, brushing out her hair as she sighed out at the sight of the moon. Before suddenly smiling as she looked around.

"Has anyone seen Kana?'

@Sen @Minerva
"Kana, are you sure we need more apples?"
The young boy with silver-grey hair was diligently following behind a little girl, who was leading him towards a thicket of trees ladened with plump red apples, like bait just waiting for Kana to jump at. "I think Dad might be angry if he finds that we're outside..."

"Kiragi, don't be such a party pooper! And Shiro ate almost all the apples, I gotta get some for Mama! You know the apples here are the best. Remember the apple pie Papa made for the festival?"

"It was good but... I think I like fox meat more."

The girl pouted at the comment, as if she was surprised that someone found fox game better than delicious crispy apples.


"You go hunting too much! Takumi isn't going to be angry, you're always outside anyway! Plus, there are no foxes here at night!"
And so begrudgingly the two little figures began loading the small bucket they had brought with apples, with the young boy deftly and expertly climbing the strong limbs of the tree to pick the uppermost fruits, where they were bigger and more red - her absolute favourites. Eating them just like that, or baking them into desserts, sharing them with her mother was the most fun thing to do in her opinion.

Once they had gathered a respectable amount - or enough for the little girl to be satisfied - their remaining task was to bring them back home. The castle was not far away, the encampment around it was bustling with activity. The villagers were having fun as well. There were fireworks and bright lights and lots of singing, all things that Kana liked. She could almost hear Azura's voice in the wind, carrying her song down throughout the kingdom of Valla. All under the blessing of a beautiful moon, the bright orb hanging among the sea of stars.

"I think the moon is extra, extra pretty tonight," Kana commented, clutching one handle of the bucket while her companion held the other.
"Yup, it's a good moon for hunting! I haven't seen any foxes tonight though-"
Just as they exited the forest of apple trees, the slender furred figure of a fox - like a small Kaden - burst from the undergrowth, chasing what appeared to be a rabbit and its dinner for the night. Kiragi's timid demeanor changed instantly, a sparkle in his eyes as they followed the movement of the animal. "You go first! That fox is mine!" he yelped with glee before abandoning his post and throwing himself headfirst into the shadows of the forest.​


Well, she guessed he also wanted to bring back something to surprise their parents.
She shrugged and continued on her way, with so many people distracted by the festivities it shouldn't be too hard to sneak back in.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Ringmaster


Well, she guessed he also wanted to bring back something to surprise their parents.

She shrugged and continued on her way, with so many people distracted by the festivities it shouldn't be too hard to sneak back in.
There was a sudden sensation of thirst. Brief, but powerful as the aftershock left a pounding headache. As it passed, a slender hand reached out to support Kana.

"Be careful little dragon."

The voice was warm and a glance up would reveal a hooded figure, a womans voice speaking from the dark as purple eyes flashed in the light.

"Didn't you know? Its a Walburgis Night for people like you and me."


The castle grounds were nearing, and Kana was enjoying her newfound freedom, humming a tune and skipping as she tried to haul the bucket back home. She suddenly found herself quite thirsty, and looked down for her waterskin... only to remember that Kiragi had offered to carry that.


"I knew I should have brought more than one- ggurk-"
Dropping the bucket, she clutched at her head, trying to shake the incoming headache away. Her skull throbbed painfully, the pain washing over her in an instant with no warning. Was she that thirsty? Even when the need for... water, when away, she still felt as if someone had punched her head in. She would have fallen over if someone had not reached out for her shoulder, steadying Kana before she stumbled.

Was it her mother? No.

"O- Oh. Thank you, miss... um, who are you?"


"Wal... Wal-wha? Walrus? What's that, miss?"
The girl backed away from the figure. "I haven't seen you before... are you from Valla? Nohr? Um, Mama said to never talk to any weird people..." Especially those dressed like that.
"O- Oh. Thank you, miss... um, who are you?"


"Wal... Wal-wha? Walrus? What's that, miss?"
The girl backed away from the figure. "I haven't seen you before... are you from Valla? Nohr? Um, Mama said to never talk to any weird people..." Especially those dressed like that.
Her laughter was melodic and merry to the ear. And with a hand, she swept off her hood, revealing her features in the lantern light, a warm grin splitting her face.


"Is this better, little dragon?"

She beamed and tilted her head to the side.

"As to that...Its a long story. To tell it, I need a drink. Is there a place around here, that sells good drinks and hot food?"

She looked briefly shy and glanced around.

"I'm a stranger here and honestly, I feel a little lost."


"There's a festival in the castle grounds," she suggested, pointing to the colorful display of the camp and her mother's home. "I don't think you're from Valla so... it'll be really fun for you!" If she was a traveler, she might be able to get the directions she needed, if the lady was lost. Someone like Leo would be a big help... assuming she wasn't a bad person. Kana didn't want to bring a bad person home, but she didn't like to think everyone was a villain. She had seen a few antagonists but she always knew that they would do bad things just from their face... and how they talked and treated other people - all of them were big meanies.

She didn't know who the lady was, but she seemed polite and nice. A little intimidating with her strange eyes but her hairs didn't stand up straight. The little girl rubbed her temples, massaging the still aching pains, maybe she needed to go see her mother for a remedy afterwards. The quicker she could get home, the better. She'd feel safer around a stranger if she had her friends and family with her. "How did you know I was a dragon?"
She laughed again. Her eyes crinkling as she knelt to eye level. One slender finger raised up, as though illustrating a point.

"What else could you be? Considering your heritage. Now then- Let me introduce myself. I am Yomi. A wandering swordsage of merit and beauty to match." She grinned coyly and flicked her hair briefly before adding.

"Though it seems I've met my match in you. So what's your name then?"


Kana beamed at the woman. She knew of her heritage? "So does that mean you know Mama?" She was the most famous, as the queen of Valla, and the leader of the army she had brought together against the odds to take down Anankos. No one had been able to even get the two kingdoms of Nohr and Hoshido to look at each other, but then Corrin came alone. Kana knew her mother was the best, with no competition.

"Nice to meet you!" She giggled at her compliment. "I'm Kana! I'm the princess of Valla!" Most people didn't expect that, such an energetic girl to be the daughter of the renowned Corrin. But maybe their clothes and the way that they walked around barefoot gave it away sometimes. "What are you doing here in Valla, Miss Yomi? Did you come here to try the best apples in the world?"
Yomi laughed, one elegant hand lifting briefly before her mouth. A smile flickered over her features, both wistful momentarily and sad- There was sorrow in that smile, of a sort accumulated from old grief like a mountain built up with snow. And all it took was a shock to send the avalanche down. It was an odd thought here...But the smile itself...It...It almost.

It was the kind of smile an old friend used to do a lot, red eyes and a silver cross flashing across Kana's mind momentarily.

And then the moment passed as though it had never been, as she smiled and kept pace as she spoke.

"I'm sure those apples are very lovely. But really....I'm here for something else."

She looked out at the festival and sighed out, small and quiet before suddenly cheering up.

"Oooh! A noodle cart! Two please! One for me and my friend here!"

The owner, a black hooded figure nodded slowly, fires sprouting from his wagon as his hand whipped back and forth. Sesame seed oil filling the air with its rich smell, alongside spices, red pork as the fat began to seep into the pan, onions and more...The end result was two bowls as Yomi paid in silver, taking a seat and patting the place next to her as she broke out the chopsticks.

"Thank you Shingami-sama!"

The hooded figure nodded once more, before picking up the cart and heading off...A fog rolled in and Yomi continued to eat with every trace of enjoyment. After a few moments of this, she sighed out and smiled.

"Now....Walburgis Night. In various worlds, its a night where magic of a particular bent is strongest. Dark magic, necromancy- The eve of St. George Day, where the Devil holds sway." She laughed for some reason, shaking her head.

"As far as I'm concerned, it means only one thing....The night Castlevania appears from its wandering, to all its master opens its doors to. Have you ever heard of it?"

She looked quizzically over at Kana. Around them, the fog got thicker.

@Sen @Minerva

"A noodle cart? Huh? Where?"


As a fog began to roll in mysteriously - seeing as there was no sign of it coming it when she had headed out with Kiragi - something appeared in the shadows, taking shape as the two of them approached it. Except her companion seemed happy to see it whereas Kana remained cautious and confused. Her stomach ruled out in the end when she noticed that Yomi had offered her a seat and the aroma of a rich broth met her sensitive nose.

"Oh, wow!" she exclaimed with joy when the strange hooded figure served up two generously full bowls of noodles, topped up with numerous toppings ranging from vegetables and meat. It looked just like Hoshidan food, and they were delicious! Like Ryoma's cooking, but it smelled even better. Kana clapped her hands with glee, and after Yomi had dug in and she felt nothing strange or found a reason to be suspicious, the little girl snapped open the wooden chopsticks she had been provided and began to eat as well. "I didn't know there were noodle carts outside the city!" Kana giggled, licking her lips as she looked up. "This taste super good! I should tell Mama when I get back~"

She listened to Yomi intently as she slurped away, taking a good gulp of the soup and the delicious meat based broth. "Castlevania?" Kana blinked. What was that? A magical castle that only appeared on this... Walrus Night? "No. I've never seen any castles apart from Mama's one before..."
She listened to Yomi intently as she slurped away, taking a good gulp of the soup and the delicious meat based broth. "Castlevania?" Kana blinked. What was that? A magical castle that only appeared on this... Walrus Night? "No. I've never seen any castles apart from Mama's one before..."
A wolf howled in the distance and Yomi sighed out, apparently at peace as she stretched. Kicking her feet out idly, like a kid on the bench she smiled slyly.

"Well, if I'm correct? You'll be seeing it very soon, all things considered."

She then frowned and mused to herself, aloud in absent thought as she regarded Kana.

"......Oh." She blinked and her eyes flicked up and over as from the darkness, the sound of snarls and howls were heard as Yomi grinned and leaped to her feet.

"We have company~" She said in a sing-song tone of glee. A tone completely at odds with the shapes in the fog.

And with a sudden laugh, she tumbled forward just as something massive flew right where her head was a few seconds ago, before it skidded to a halt on the road.

Sparks flew up where its claws met rocks. It most resembled a Taguel, in Kana's experience but there was a depravity to it lacking from the gentle and protective beastfolk of her memory. This was a creature fully given to its savage nature, its very frame vibrating with animalistic hunger and human sadism. Its eyes were a fiery red, bloodshot and crazed and there was a scent of musk and a coppery aftertaste in the air. It roared- Yes, it roared and when it did, the impression of meeting a madman escaped from his cell only increased on the road at night. Lycanthrope...Misanthropic, tortured soul. Otherwise known as a werewolf.


And it wasn't alone as more howls rose in the night, Yomi laughing as she stroked the hilt of her sword...Before winking as she turned tail and bolted as she called out.

"If they catch you, they'll eat you! Run for it! Hahahahaha!"


Elsewhere in the woods, currently pursued by the same creatures would be another. Caught by the fog, hunted by monsters not native to her world...Nor that of the one she had left.

This was something new, and no less cursed for it as she tumbled out of the underbrush and out onto the road, in time to catch the tail of end of Yomi's words and see Kana.

Right as the werewolf leaped for them both.

@Sen @Minerva
Elsewhere in the woods, currently pursued by the same creatures would be another. Caught by the fog, hunted by monsters not native to her world...Nor that of the one she had left.

This was something new, and no less cursed for it as she tumbled out of the underbrush and out onto the road, in time to catch the tail of end of Yomi's words and see Kana.

Right as the werewolf leaped for them both.

@Sen @Minerva

Branches scraped Leah's face as she made her way through the woods. Her crossbow was in hand, and she wore the quiver at her side. She had been taken out of Tokyo, away from Io and her friends. Her Uncle's Journal was tucked into her bag, but it wouldn't help her now. Not when she was being chased by a monster she had never seen before in any world. She kept running, grabbing at her crossbow in an attempt to ready it in case she needed to fight

As she broke through the trees, she saw Kana and Yomi talking. She caught just the last sentence Yomi said.

"If they catch you, they'll eat you! Run for it! Hahahahaha!"

A phrase that reminded Leah of her Uncle Deckard, and how he tracked monsters and demons. She saw another girl standing there. the girl reminded her of Io's friend Morgan in a way, maybe slightly younger. Leah loaded a bolt into her crossbow, and shouted towards Kana. She aimed it towards the monster near them.

"Run!" She shouted. "I'll try and handle this."

@Ringmaster @Sen

And it wasn't alone as more howls rose in the night, Yomi laughing as she stroked the hilt of her sword...Before winking as she turned tail and bolted as she called out.

"If they catch you, they'll eat you! Run for it! Hahahahaha!"


Elsewhere in the woods, currently pursued by the same creatures would be another. Caught by the fog, hunted by monsters not native to her world...Nor that of the one she had left.

This was something new, and no less cursed for it as she tumbled out of the underbrush and out onto the road, in time to catch the tail of end of Yomi's words and see Kana.

Right as the werewolf leaped for them both.

@Sen @Minerva

Branches scraped Leah's face as she made her way through the woods. Her crossbow was in hand, and she wore the quiver at her side. She had been taken out of Tokyo, away from Io and her friends. Her Uncle's Journal was tucked into her bag, but it wouldn't help her now. Not when she was being chased by a monster she had never seen before in any world. She kept running, grabbing at her crossbow in an attempt to ready it in case she needed to fight

As she broke through the trees, she saw Kana and Yomi talking. She caught just the last sentence Yomi said.

"If they catch you, they'll eat you! Run for it! Hahahahaha!"

A phrase that reminded Leah of her Uncle Deckard, and how he tracked monsters and demons. She saw another girl standing there. the girl reminded her of Io's friend Morgan in a way, maybe slightly younger. Leah loaded a bolt into her crossbow, and shouted towards Kana. She aimed it towards the monster near them.

"Run!" She shouted. "I'll try and handle this."

@Ringmaster @Sen

Kana stared at Yomi, unsure how to feel. How could a castle suddenly appear out of nowhere, when she had just said there were none aside from her mother's own? Well, Kana called it Corrin's castle, but she only knew it was the place where they had meetings and things like that. She much preferred her treehouse, which was comfortable and big. The little girl liked it too. But she was beginning to find this woman strange, speaking of things that didn't make sense. Normally that wouldn't unnerve Kana, but with the night starting to take over, and the girl not having arrived home yet... she shuddered.

The air suddenly went cold as the fog began to thicken as it rolled in, too cold for Kana's liking, and she looked about, confused. The sound of a howl puzzled Kana even further. There were... no wolves around in Valla. At least, not when Keaton was about. Looking back at the party, she remembered seeing Keaton and even members of his pack back at the village. No beast dared to approach anywhere near the villages and the castle around this time.

She heard rustling, followed by another howl, this time it was closer. Letting out a shriek when the shadow landed squarely where Yomi was just seconds ago, she realized she was face to face with a snarling, drooling wolf-like creature. It was two-legged, with human anatomy - a creature she had never seen before but had read in books.

The creature turned to look at her with beady little eyes that sparkled like gemstones, but they were full of nothing but malice... and Kana could swear she could not see a will within it anymore. It swiped at her, she leaped back, feeling the cool grass under her bare feet.
"Run!" She shouted. "I'll try and handle this."
Kana dared herself to look up at the voice, a stranger and a woman running towards the creature with a crossbow in hand. But she did not pay heed to the stranger at all, and quickly drew her sword. Small enough for her to wield properly, but just as dangerous and as sharp as any sword. What her mother had taught her was to run away from a fight - not when she was going to leave someone behind.


"No! I'm not scared of you, wolfy!" she cried, before charging at the beast with her blade in hand.
"Run!" She shouted. "I'll try and handle this."
Kana dared herself to look up at the voice, a stranger and a woman running towards the creature with a crossbow in hand. But she did not pay heed to the stranger at all, and quickly drew her sword. Small enough for her to wield properly, but just as dangerous and as sharp as any sword. What her mother had taught her was to run away from a fight - not when she was going to leave someone behind.

"No! I'm not scared of you, wolfy!" she cried, before charging at the beast with her blade in hand.
But its not them you need be scared of little dragon. Not entirely anyway. The wolves are deadly and they gather, drawn by this newcomer. Who is she? I sense a dark and familiar power within her. Perhaps it is no coincidence that these two are here, together...Both harboring evil bloodlines, of a sort. But they cannot take the entire pack at once, not armed with what they have now. I suppose I can take some time to lend a hand...After this, the castle will lay before them.

I wonder how they would handle it?

If they charged together, against a leaping werewolf it would prove a hefty mistake. The creature was bulky, and if Kana and Leah's weapons could match their courage; one to save a girl she didn't know, and the other crying defiance, it might have gone otherwise. Instead, the creature would take both sword and crossbow bolt, seemingly ignoring both as with a sweep of its clawed hands, it whacked both girls open palmed hard in the stomach and sent them flying to smack into trees.

The fog was thick yet, the night growing darker though the moon was out as the most ungodly howls and roars came from all around them. Were they surrounded? Impossible to say...But the werewolf that had hit both?

It was coming for them.

What do they do?

@Sen @Minerva
But its not them you need be scared of little dragon. Not entirely anyway. The wolves are deadly and they gather, drawn by this newcomer. Who is she? I sense a dark and familiar power within her. Perhaps it is no coincidence that these two are here, together...Both harboring evil bloodlines, of a sort. But they cannot take the entire pack at once, not armed with what they have now. I suppose I can take some time to lend a hand...After this, the castle will lay before them.

I wonder how they would handle it?

If they charged together, against a leaping werewolf it would prove a hefty mistake. The creature was bulky, and if Kana and Leah's weapons could match their courage; one to save a girl she didn't know, and the other crying defiance, it might have gone otherwise. Instead, the creature would take both sword and crossbow bolt, seemingly ignoring both as with a sweep of its clawed hands, it whacked both girls open palmed hard in the stomach and sent them flying to smack into trees.

The fog was thick yet, the night growing darker though the moon was out as the most ungodly howls and roars came from all around them. Were they surrounded? Impossible to say...But the werewolf that had hit both?

It was coming for them.

What do they do?

@Sen @Minerva

Her sword clattered to the earth as the creature lunged at them, powerful arms sending the small figure crashing back first into a thick tree trunk. The fog was thickening by the second, and she could feel the presence of the others around them. She didn't have time to look at what happened to the woman, but she saw the stranger being flung alongside her. Where was Yomi? Kana couldn't see her - her head was throbbing painfully and her vision was fading at the edges.

Even if she were to call for help, she wasn't sure if she could get it. Where was Kiragi? Did he make it back in this fog? Was he home? Was he still in the woods? Why were her thoughts so muddled and confused?

She tried to calm her mind instead, pulling out her glowing Dragonstone in response to the approaching furred beast.

She wasn't afraid. She wasn't a little girl anymore.


With a groundshaking roar, the deer-like dragon leapt out from behind the blinding blue light. Slender but strong, not as big as her mother but having potential, Kana galloped forward and reared, throwing her front legs forward to try and kick the monster away with brute strength.
But its not them you need be scared of little dragon. Not entirely anyway. The wolves are deadly and they gather, drawn by this newcomer. Who is she? I sense a dark and familiar power within her. Perhaps it is no coincidence that these two are here, together...Both harboring evil bloodlines, of a sort. But they cannot take the entire pack at once, not armed with what they have now. I suppose I can take some time to lend a hand...After this, the castle will lay before them.

I wonder how they would handle it?

If they charged together, against a leaping werewolf it would prove a hefty mistake. The creature was bulky, and if Kana and Leah's weapons could match their courage; one to save a girl she didn't know, and the other crying defiance, it might have gone otherwise. Instead, the creature would take both sword and crossbow bolt, seemingly ignoring both as with a sweep of its clawed hands, it whacked both girls open palmed hard in the stomach and sent them flying to smack into trees.

The fog was thick yet, the night growing darker though the moon was out as the most ungodly howls and roars came from all around them. Were they surrounded? Impossible to say...But the werewolf that had hit both?

It was coming for them.

What do they do?

@Sen @Minerva

Her sword clattered to the earth as the creature lunged at them, powerful arms sending the small figure crashing back first into a thick tree trunk. The fog was thickening by the second, and she could feel the presence of the others around them. She didn't have time to look at what happened to the woman, but she saw the stranger being flung alongside her. Where was Yomi? Kana couldn't see her - her head was throbbing painfully and her vision was fading at the edges.

Even if she were to call for help, she wasn't sure if she could get it. Where was Kiragi? Did he make it back in this fog? Was he home? Was he still in the woods? Why were her thoughts so muddled and confused?

She tried to calm her mind instead, pulling out her glowing Dragonstone in response to the approaching furred beast.

She wasn't afraid. She wasn't a little girl anymore.


With a groundshaking roar, the deer-like dragon leapt out from behind the blinding blue light. Slender but strong, not as big as her mother but having potential, Kana galloped forward and reared, throwing her front legs forward to try and kick the monster away with brute strength.
Blood poured from Leah's nose and a bruise on her forehead. She spent a second on the ground trying to clear her vision and the tinnitus from her ear. She fumbled for her crossbow. She picked it up as the monster was preparing to attack again. She saw Kana transform into a dragon. It startled her for a second.

"Focus, Leah." She said. "Remember what your mother taught you." It was true her mother had betrayed her, but Adria had still taught Leah magic, and she had been able to keep Belial as Diablo sealed within the Black Soulstone using it. Leah put her crossbow at her side, and focused, trying to summon up some of her magic power.
She tried to calm her mind instead, pulling out her glowing Dragonstone in response to the approaching furred beast.

She wasn't afraid. She wasn't a little girl anymore.


With a groundshaking roar, the deer-like dragon leapt out from behind the blinding blue light. Slender but strong, not as big as her mother but having potential, Kana galloped forward and reared, throwing her front legs forward to try and kick the monster away with brute strength.
Blood poured from Leah's nose and a bruise on her forehead. She spent a second on the ground trying to clear her vision and the tinnitus from her ear. She fumbled for her crossbow. She picked it up as the monster was preparing to attack again. She saw Kana transform into a dragon. It startled her for a second.

"Focus, Leah." She said. "Remember what your mother taught you." It was true her mother had betrayed her, but Adria had still taught Leah magic, and she had been able to keep Belial as Diablo sealed within the Black Soulstone using it. Leah put her crossbow at her side, and focused, trying to summon up some of her magic power.

The effect was pretty much the same as a dog attempting to maul a horse. And for all their weakness to silver, the strike from the front legs would still slam with a lot more force behind the blow, enough to give a feral werewolf pause as it yipped and skipped back. A crossbow bolt in its eye, it roared right back at the dragon, clawing at itself...Before pausing, one ear pricked up at the sounds of battle all around them. Savage and primal, before growling... And picking up on Leah's energy, with a yip, it turned and fled into the woods....The darkness settling back down just as a breeze blew in to remove the fog and show case the following.


@Minerva @Sen
Kana would have given chase, but she wasn't sure how many there were still lingering about, despite the fog having lifted as if it was never there. The dragon growled in the direction of the woods, almost as if to send the running beast one last message, before turning back to look towards the castle... only for it - and the encampment around it - to have disappeared.


Her form melted away from her like wisps, leaving the little girl standing there dazed and confused. Where was home? But... the castle seemed to be whispering? It looked eerie, spooky and scary... but for some reason Kana wasn't scared. Curious, she was, to see what was inside... the doors seemed so inviting.

"M- Miss? Are you okay?" Kana asked, running up to the woman. "You're bleeding!" She quickly fumbled for her handkerchief, pressing it to the woman's nose. "We should go inside, I- I think there might be more of them out here..."

@Minerva @Ringmaster
The effect was pretty much the same as a dog attempting to maul a horse. And for all their weakness to silver, the strike from the front legs would still slam with a lot more force behind the blow, enough to give a feral werewolf pause as it yipped and skipped back. A crossbow bolt in its eye, it roared right back at the dragon, clawing at itself...Before pausing, one ear pricked up at the sounds of battle all around them. Savage and primal, before growling... And picking up on Leah's energy, with a yip, it turned and fled into the woods....The darkness settling back down just as a breeze blew in to remove the fog and show case the following.


@Minerva @Sen
Kana would have given chase, but she wasn't sure how many there were still lingering about, despite the fog having lifted as if it was never there. The dragon growled in the direction of the woods, almost as if to send the running beast one last message, before turning back to look towards the castle... only for it - and the encampment around it - to have disappeared.


Her form melted away from her like wisps, leaving the little girl standing there dazed and confused. Where was home? But... the castle seemed to be whispering? It looked eerie, spooky and scary... but for some reason Kana wasn't scared. Curious, she was, to see what was inside... the doors seemed so inviting.

"M- Miss? Are you okay?" Kana asked, running up to the woman. "You're bleeding!" She quickly fumbled for her handkerchief, pressing it to the woman's nose. "We should go inside, I- I think there might be more of them out here..."

@Minerva @Ringmaster

Leah touched her hand to her forehead. She winced in pain. "I'm fine, and you're right. We need to get inside." She said standing up and letting Kana apply the handkerchief. She tucked the Book of Cain into her bag again, and picked up her crossbow.

Leah glanced at the castle. It reminded her of the fortress of Bastion's Keep, where the Crusader Romulus had managed to seal Azmodan into the Black Soulstone. Where a long and hard battle had been fought where many brave soldiers had died.

Where her own mother Adria betrayed her.

She decided not to think about that. But if there were monsters out here, and it was like Bastion's Keep, then there were most likely defenders of the castle within. "It should be safe in there."


She was taller than Kana, but she wasn't sure if the stranger was going to be good on her own. So the girl looped one of her arms and let it rest around her, right on top of the flexible armor she always wore. "O- Okay. Let's hurry!" Together, they slowly hobbled towards the castle, the light of the moon casting eerie shadows around it. Only the woods were familiar to her, but the girl did not want to go that way after seeing the beast.

Wait, where was Yomi? Kana looked around. She had ran off somewhere before, and now she was nowhere to be seen. Worry about that later, she needed to get inside... but how? Tentatively, she knocked on the great doors of the mysterious castle. "H- Hello?" she shouted, trying to get the attention of someone, anyone who could help them.

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