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Jack Robinson

Original poster
Expedition Antarctica Recruitment Roster
The German Confederation has called for an expedition. A group of the harshest, bravest combatants in the world. Mighty demon hunters, desperate mercenaries, vengeful warriors, all have been invited to join Expedition Antarctica. The mission: bring about the destruction of the demon lord Tubal-Cain, who is in hiding in the icy wastes, most likely somewhere among the other demons seeking refuge there.

The expedition has need for all sorts of skilled individuals, but those with the following skill sets are needed:

1 doctor- taken by @Makomin
1 cook- taken by @Cartoonicat
1 tracker- taken by @RiddL
1 demonologist- taken by @Chris_Reaper
1 scout- taken by @Polaris North

The expedition numbers at around two hundred individuals. They will depart from Germany via the G.C.S. Eis in the beginning of May and arrive in Antarctica after three weeks of travel. The leader of the trip is Captain Nero Okafor, a Nigerian mercenary.

For more information, here is a link to the initial interest thread. https://www
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Tracker pls
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I got dibs on the demonologist, I'll have a character up sometime later today.
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Almost forgot, here's the character sheet. Lol. Somewhat important.




Appearance (picture or description. I'm not picky.):

Personality (doesn't have to be super detailed. Just the core facts, please.)

History (reveal as much or as little as desired):

Job before Expedition (were they a merc, an adventurer, or what?):

Role on Expedition:

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Preference on IRL face claims or anime ones?
Name: Jericho Judah-Asher

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Personality: Jericho is a borderline nihilist, he sees the dark side to almost every situation and is pessimistic about life and the universe in general.

History: Jericho Judah-Asher is part of an ancient Hebrew bloodline that traces it's ancestry all the way back to a man named Seth. In the time before time, Adam and Eve bore two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain of course murdered his brother and was cast out by The Almighty. However the story didn't end there, Adam and Eve had a third son, which they called Seth. The boy was favored by The Almighty and in time grew to be a mighty man of renown. He was told the story of his two eldest brothers and burning with a sense of righteous retribution, swore to avenge his brother Abel by tracking down his other brother, Cain and killing him. After many years, Seth finally found Cain and in a final battle, beheaded his brother, avenging Abel's murder. But not before Cain had sired many offspring, continuing his accursed lineage. This sparked off an eons long war between the descendants of both Cain and Seth. The bloodline of Seth eventually became known as the Sicarii later evolving into the peoples known as the Hebrew Israelites , which in turn formed twelve distinct tribes amongst them. The Sicarii became a generational group of elite warriors.

Jericho was born as part of the Tribe Of Asher and was trained from birth in the arts of a Sicarii warrior. Adept in the fields of Hebrew mysticism and Demonology, Jericho was part of the front lines when the gates of Hell were literally ripped open by a contingent of foolish priests. Over the course of the war, he fought valiantly but saw countless of his friends, family as well as half the Earth's population get shoveled into a mass grave. As a result he grew extremely jaded and cynical about life itself.

Job before Expedition: Over the millenia, The Sicarii had grown into master infiltrators and permeated every aspect of society and the politics of world affairs to keep a protective eye on things. Jericho was an embassy officer with the Israel Department Of Theocratic Affairs, which had close negotiating ties with the Vatican. Jericho served as a Cryptographer of Semitic languages and expert of ancient demonology.

Role on Expedition: All purpose soldier as well as team expert of various demonic entities.

Misc: Jericho has a near genius level I.Q. and his weapon of choice is an engraved Falcatta.
jeri 2.jpg
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FC: Park Shin Hye

Danielle Kim

27 years old


Danielle Kim describes herself as a realistic person compared to a more optimistic or hopeful person. She is highly logical and base her decisions off calculated collaterals and probability of success. Also, Danielle can quite the cynical and sarcastic person, a result of having to live in a time whereby survival is of importance. However, she is extremely loyal to whoever she deems her own. Though, she can be quite hot-tempered.

Danielle's parents were witch doctors that were originally from South Korea. The two were mandated of duty and stationed in Burma to help out with the start of what would be known later as the Burmese Holocaust. Many were killed or injured and many believed that healing from demon attacks required not just anatomy-skilled doctors but those who have practiced or believed in alternative medicine.

Danielle Kim was born roughly after a few years of them living in Burma but at that point, things were getting worse. The government and its infrastructures have collapsed at that point, national security was just a title and Burmese citizens had to either live for themselves or sacrifice themselves for others. With the help of a military friend, Danielle's parents had Danielle transferred back to South Korea where she was by her grandmother, another witch doctor who ultimately taught her all she knew about the human anatomy and more alternative methods.

Job before Expedition:
Gains over duty, is what Danielle Kim always say whenever she is presented with a job that is to spark her moral side.

Danielle is a mercenary doctor that helps heal or prescribes remedies to any given ailment when she sees something she can gain. It can be money, property and even favours, depended on how heavy a weigh she is to unload. Danielle moved around a lot and never stayed in the same place more than thrice.

Role on Expedition:

  • She always carry around her scalpel in her pockets, both for healing and protection purposes.
  • Danielle is proficient in the usage of pistols.
  • Her favourite food consists of anything deer meat.
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Name: Daemos (Terror)

Age: 37

Gender: Male


  • Quiet.
  • Tenacious.
  • Risk taker.
  • Solitary in nature.
  • To the point and blunt.
  • Quick witted.
  • Leader

History (reveal as much or as little as desired):
20 years ago, an organisation kidnapped children from various countries, from Africa, Asia, America and Australia and brought them to a facility in the middle the great Australian desert, a hostile land that kills the unprepared.

This organisation trained a group of 100 children till manhood to create perfect hunters who could track and eliminate any enemy this organisation may have. Needless to say this backfired in a way that most of these things do, the 100 rebelled, their leader known only by his assigned code, Daemos (Greek god of Terror), the 100 used their training well, killing all at the facility and taking only wounds themselves.

Unfortunately there rebellion coincided with hells release, reports of demons started coming through and after a week long discussion, the 100 began hunting down demons themselves, using their training to their advantage and taking out small bases, freeing prisoners and killing anything they found not human, but as with all wars attrition kicked in, losses were taken and supplies were often destroyed.

After this Daemos made the decision to unite with the rest of the world putting a face to the predators that had been stalking and killing small hoards of demons without outside help. This put an end to the 100 as they all agreed that splitting up and helping everyone was the best thing to do, their skills at tracking being second to none though eventually only one remained, and so it is today.

Job before Expedition (were they a merc, an adventurer, or what?): Project gone wrong.

Role on Expedition: Tracker

Misc: Prefers to use knives and swords as opposed to guns, his reasoning being "Guns make noise and need reloading, you don't need a silencer on a knife or ammunition."
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Name: Hans Gambino

Age: 30

Gender: Male


Personality: Sarcastic, funny, nervous, occasionally brave, strives to "do the right thing."

History: Hans is the son of an Italian man and a German woman. He lived in New York for his entire childhood up until the Infernal War reached America. Demons destroyed New York in the year 2173, and killed Hans's mother. He and his father then moved to Nevada, which was rumored to be untouched by demons. They lived in Las Vegas for the entirety of the war. A demonic cultist terrorist group known as the Nevadic Mormon Saviors attacked Las Vegas and killed Hans's father, as well as much of the city's population. Hans, enraged by how sorrow had continued to follow him, joined a group of people committed to fighting the terrorists. After several months of fighting, they defeated the terrorists, but unleashed a demon that the terrorists had been using as fuel for their army. The demon possessed one of Hans's friends and went on a rampage. Hans and four other men tracked down the demon and killed it, but Hans lost his left hand in the process. Following what is now known as the Nevada Affair (a bloody footnote to the Infernal War), Hans moved back to Las Vegas. He became involved in some gambling problems, and had to join the Suarez Cartel in Mexico. He eventually won his freedom after helping the cartel defeat a group of racist Americans known as Uncle Sam's Liberators who were trying to purge North America of anyone who wasn't white. Hans then continued south. He got sold into slavery and ended up in Liberia, fought as a gladiator in Egypt, and then ended up in Guatemala, where he fought in a civil war between demon supporters and anti-demonists, and continued on his journey south. Everywhere he went he encountered hardship and adventure. He's now thirty years old, and is known all over the world for his many misadventures and (admittedly lucky) exploits. Some know him as Spike-Hand, some know him as El Salvador del Mexico, but most just know him as Hans Gambino. He's joined the expedition out of desire to see some penguins in Antarctica. He doesn't fully understand what he's getting into, to be honest. He was allowed to join because of his heroics in the past and ability to get out of almost any situation.

Job before Expedition: He's been a drug runner, a general, a gladiator, an adventurer, a vigilante, a slave, and a freedom fighter. If you ask him what his profession is, he just says he's a professional screw up.

Role on Expedition: Officially, he's not really even supposed to be on the expedition. He got on because he did a favor for the Chancellor of the German Confederation one time, and was told he'd get to explore Antarctica if he went with them. If asked what his role on the expedition is, he'll usually make something up.

Misc: Has a spike stuck into the stub where his left hand used to be. Uses it as his primary weapon. His other weapon is a revolver, one that has all sorts of demonic symbols inscribed upon it. He keeps it a secret, and won't use it unless he absolutely has to.
Alright folks. Characters look good. Here's a list of NPCs which will be controlled by me and be relevant to the plot .

Captain Nero: leader of expedition. Harsh, cruel man. Vengeful and strong. Possesses a large demonic sword and a shotgun for methodical killing of demons. Willing to do anything to achieve his goals. Wants nothing more than the death of Tubal-Cain. because of what he did to the people of Nigeria.

Tubal-Cain: demon lord, father of smiths, founder of numerous secret societies all over the world. Son of Cain, the first human to be turned into a demon lord upon death. Tubal-Cain is sadistic and cruel, and is willing to do anything to survive. He is ten feet tall, has grey skin, huge black horns, and yellow eyes. He is the perpetrator of numerous calamities throughout human history, and is wanted by all governments of the world for his war crimes.

Agent James Hobbes: an agent of the WSA (World Security Agency), an organization dedicated to world security. Agent Hobbes is telekinetic, capable of manipulating objects with his mind. He's quiet, calculating, and determined. He is a well trained strategist and tactician, and was sent to Antarctica by the remnants of the WSA to eliminate Tubal-Cain...or at least, that's what he says his purpose is.
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Brief Relevant Information About Demons

The average demon stands at about eight feet tall. There are three typical types of demons: red skinned, grey skinned, and black skinned. Red skinned tend to be your average demon, about eighty percent of demons are red skinned. Grey skinned are a bit more rare, making up around fifteen percent of the demonic population. Black skinned are the most rare at five percent.

All demons are prideful, and the best way to beat a demon is to make it think it can beat you. Make it overconfident, make it think it has an advantage over you, and you'll beat it every time.

Red skinned demons are capable of minor fire magic. Grey skinned are capable of strange dark magic, such as necromancy, illusions, and other mental tricks. Black skinned are shadow demons, and can turn invisible, use black shadow energy to defeat their foes, and stuff like that. All demons can use some form of telekinesis. Some are better than others. Grey skinned demons are the most skilled at the art. Your average demon won't be able to hurt you with telekinesis, as he has to overpower you mentally in order to use his abilities on you. Unless you're weak minded or just don't see it coming, you should be fine.

Any demon worth his salt has horns. Typically, the bigger the horns, the stronger the demon. Most demonologists are unsure why this is. All demons have yellow eyes. All wield long, curved blades capable of killing other demons as well as humans (naturally). Anyone who uses a demonic weapon tends to have their mind assaulted to some degree depending on the power of the demon, as the demons' weapons are tied to their spirits.

Demons can't die. Their corporeal forms can be destroyed, of course, and it is almost impossible for them to return to the human world due to the Vatican Portal being closed. A blow to the heart or head, or the total destruction of the body will result in the a demon's "soul" returning to hell. A blow from a demonic weapon will kill most demons, with demon lords being an exception.

Demon lords like Tubal-Cain can only be killed by another demon lord's weapon. This essentially means you have to take the weapon from the demon lord's grasp in order to kill him, a feat which is nigh impossible. A man named Frank Hamilton (known as the Vanquisher among demons) managed to successfully kill four demon lords during the war (Apollyon, Abaddon, Amon, and Raiku).

Hellhounds are demonic pets that demon lords can summon at any time. They are basically fiery dogs the size of grizzly bears that will hunt you relentlessly. Imps can be summoned by demon lords too. They are small, seemingly harmless little pests that will harass and attack with small weapons. They can be deadly in large numbers. Hellhounds and imps can both be killed using traditional human weaponry.

Red skinned demon

Grey skinned demon

Black skinned demon
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Name: Seran Hamilton

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Seran was actually glad that he wasn't born with horns. He has a mop of messy black hair on top of his head and a rather athletic figure to boot. He's typically seen in jacket and jeans as well as an undershirt. He's relatively unimpressive as most have come to gain this kind of figure thanks to the Infernal War, and then some. What sets him apart is his bright yellow eyes - a sign that he is, in fact, a half-demon. Nevertheless, he proudly wears this feature of him and doesn't let his half-demon blood affect him as much as possible. He carries around a sword that was given to him and then gloves to better his grip.

Personality: Growing up in a society that has shunned you because of your blood, he's grown quite cynical and distrustful of anyone around him that he's just met. Despite how easy it is to get his blood hot - a saying that is more literal to him than anyone else - he's just as good as hiding it behind a neutral face. He tends to lie, a lot, even without his knowledge. He rarely lies about his childhood, but everything that comes after is hazy to others thanks to this, and what he says is actually convincing. Basically, a pathological liar. He is determined, however, once he gets his sights on something and will do his best to achieve a goal. He is generally fearless and cautious which makes him an excellent scout. After all, why would you be afraid of a species the same as your father? He is, despite everything else, respectful and follows orders from a higher up. He is generally strong-willed, but a bit prideful as well. He actually does try his best at interactions, but his half-blood nature typically makes everyone evade and distrust him - as much as he hates it.

History: Seran was born to an unsuspecting mother who drank to forget about the horrors of the past. She was usually like this and usually got home safely. But, one day, perhaps due to one of the demons luring her in or just because of drunken stupidness, but she wandered off to the woods near. There, one red-skinned demon was holing out - slowly dying due to his wounds. It was unknown who he was as his mother never remembered the face nor did anyone else see, but he was relatively not well-known since no one remembered a red-skinned demon being around that general area. Needless to say, she was raped - as was the story for almost every other half-blood - and then left.

She woke up with the worst migraine and the worst feeling in her stomach. She was carrying a baby. Not wanting to drop the baby even if it was a half-blood, not that she remembered, she continued on living her life like a normal person - or as normal as she could be. Imagine her surprise when Seran was born - bright yellow eyes looking into hers. Not wanting for anyone to shun them out just when he was a child, she hid the fact from everyone else and made the nurse swear to never tell anyone - she never did. She attempted to give him a normal childhood, but that was quickly dashed when the child was seen and one of the neighbors caught sight of the yellow eyes. Due to the grace of the leader of that village, they allowed the child to live there along with his mother - but under the condition that Seran should always have someone watching him at all times.

And so he grew up with everyone taking turns to watch him. Even as he showed no signs of being like his father, they were still distrustful of him and jumped at every chance for him to be scolded. He drew a strange symbol that was just a horrible drawing of a flower? Scold him. Accidentally push someone aside? Scold him. Anything he does was closely monitored. At the age of eight, he discovered his ability to create and manipulate fire. The village went wild and tried to shun him again; but the grace of the village leader was great and allowed him to continue living there. The leader pulled him aside for a one-on-one talk and told him to use his fire for good - for humanity. Seran agreed.

Seventeen years old, with practice of the usage of his pyrokinesis and some sword practice, Seran was quite the skilled child, but was still not beloved by all. There were a select few who treated him kindly, but it was still the same. So Seran turned out the way he is now, with just a dash of his father's inherent demonic nature. He's driven back some odd raider or something along those lines. But he wasn't expecting a demon to come barging in, looking for fresh kills. They had defeated the demon with minimal casualties - but they did kill his mother. His loving mother. And that was their mistake. Bearing the hatred on demons, he sought out someone who was willing to take him in to kill some demons.

And there, the remnants of WSA stepped in. They took him in and taught him a few reminders before throwing him into the expedition to defeat Tubal-Cain. He was sent alongside Agent Hobbes, who was tasked to keep an eye on him. Seran was surprised at how fast everything went and now he was among a bunch of humans who didn't exactly like him because he was half of what they were trying to kill. But he didn't care right now. He only needed to kill. And that was what he was going to do.

Job before Expedition: He typically just explored areas out of his mother's hometown but generally sticks close. He also protects the general area from anyone else that means to do harm.

Role on Expedition: Scout - He could have been a cook, but no one would want a half-demon to touch their food right?

  • He is, indeed, a half-blood
  • He has enhanced physical prowess - strength, speed, reaction time, agility and the likes
  • His other power is pyrokinesis, which he has practiced for a long time
  • Due to his red demonic nature, he finds no need for thicker clothing than he has now and is generally warm to touch
  • He's actually an experienced cook - but no one trusts him enough with their food so he can't do anything about that
  • He's actually quite a marksman, using his pyrokinesis as a substitute for a gun and uses it to shoot concentrated fire
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Important Events And Individuals in the Infernal War (For Reference)

The Drowning of Florida:
Tubal-Cain, with the assistance of the giant demon Leviathan, caused the waters of the Gulf Coast to pour forth freely upon the land around it. This resulted in the submersion of Florida, half of Alabama, parts of Texas, and a large part of Louisiana. Parts of Mexico and several other Central American countries suffered from the calamity as well. Tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, all sorts of storms tore apart the Gulf Coast area and killed upwards of five million people.

The Burmese Holocaust- an indigenous group of Burmese natives were rumored to be researching the weaknesses of demon lords way back toward the beginning of the war. In an effort to preserve these secrets, Tubal-Cain led his small army into Burma. They overwhelmed the nation in a matter of weeks and began exterminating anyone who was genetically related to the indigenous group. Millions died, and in the end, it was discovered the tribe's research was totally unfounded and useless.

Nigerian Genocide- an awful event in which half of Nigeria's entire population was wiped out by Tubal-Cain shortly following the Burmese Holocaust. It is unknown why Tubal-Cain butchered so many. Some say he was bored. But it is known that anyone who was part of Tubal-Cain's cult within Nigeria was left alone during the violence. Nigeria is now in utter anarchy, with a violent civil war between Tubal-Cain's cultists and remnants of the Nigerian government going at it to this day.

The Battle of the Washington Monument- some call it the last battle of the Infernal War. In this battle, the resistance group known as the American Comeback invaded the capital city of the United States. Rather than take the whole city, they instead seized the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. They divided the demonic army into two separate forces this way, and with the armies of Apollyon split between attacking these two points, rebels from Washington D.C. and thousands of former US military operatives stormed the city and outflanked the demons. Frank Hamilton, the leader of the American Comeback, personally slew Apollyon and his right hand man, Abaddon, ending the demonic rule of North America. With this event, and numerous other demon lords already killed in various encounters, the Infernal War began to grind to a halt.

The Nevada Affair- a footnote to the Infernal War, the Nevada Affair was an event that involved the brainwashing of half of Nevada's population by a terrorist group known as the NMS. This sect of Mormon radicals had captured a demon lord known as Raiku, and used his blood to take over the minds of thousands of people, essentially creating a zombie army. A group of people led by a well known Nevadan citizen fought back, and with the help of the Republic of Nevada, defeated the terrorists. Frank Hamilton, Hans Gambino, an assassin named Edgar, and two other unknown individuals were part of the force that defeated the terrorists and later killed Raiku, the demon lord revealed to be behind the whole thing.

The Vatican Portal- the event that started it all. In an attempt to open a window to hell to show a world of nuclear weapon junkies exactly what awaited them for their sins, a rip occurred in the fabric between dimensions. A massive explosion occurred in the underground research facilities of the Vatican that ended up destroying the entirety of the Vatican City. A deep, fiery pit opened up where the holiest of cities once stood, and out crawled a fifteen foot tall demon: Apollyon, known from then on as the First One, the greatest of all demons. After him, millions of unholy beasts spewed forth. Abaddon, Cain, Tubal-Cain, Amon, Sloth, Leviathan, Raiku, Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Azazel, Beelzebub, all these wicked demons and more invaded earth. Italy fell within days of the event. All of Europe followed soon after. The portal closed after sixty-six days of constantly vomiting forth demons. By then, the Infernal War was in full swing.

The Grand Rape of New Orleans (possible triggers ahead)- when Apollyon invaded America, he started in the east and went west. His forces, tired of the endless fighting, wanted a stop along the way. Apollyon led his army into the rich south, and pillaged many cities. They finally stopped in their reckless partying in New Orleans, where they spent a month killing all the men and having their way with the women. When they left, satisfied and hungry for blood, they left only women and a handful of stunned, ashamed men. All fertile women had been impregnated, and nine months later, those who hadn't killed themselves or killed their babies gave birth to a whole host of half demon children, ushering in a new species of strange hybrids. They looked like humans, but had yellow eyes, black hair, and enhanced capabilities. These children are highly sought after, and yet feared as well. Agencies such as the WSA have taken special interest in them, while some more superstitious individuals have tried to invade New Orleans and wipe out the demon children.

Important Individuals

Frank Hamilton- a man from Texas, a former member of the CIA. Frank joined the Texas Resistance back when the war first started and the CIA went into hiding. He was the head of a top secret branch of the CIA that focused on otherworldly creatures. Frank Hamilton's specialty was demonology. Demons, you see, have entered our world before, but only in small numbers when summoned by powerful humans. Frank had thus fought demons before and had learned their weaknesses. With Frank's help, the Texas Resistance almost took back the whole state before Abaddon ambushed them in Dallas and wiped them all out. All except Frank. Frank was feared by demons, the only human to ever be feared by the monsters. He was known as the Vanquisher, as he had already killed hundreds of demons by the time he was captured during the Dallas Ambush. He was later rescued by the American Comeback and masterminded the Battle of the Washington Monument. He killed Apollyon, Abaddon, Ammon, and later Raiku during the Infernal War and the Nevada Affair. Now, he is retired, living in Los Angeles, and he owns a successful chain of beach side resorts. He has written dozens of books on demonology and keeps in touch with many demonologists.

Pope Innocent the Ninth- the man who started it all. He ordered the creation of the Vatican Portal, and died in the explosion. His name is cursed all over the world to this day. Calling someone a Pope Innocent is essentially calling them a giant screw-up.

I will add more later. Maybe. Let me know if you have questions.
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