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Which pairings do you love the most?

  • MxM

  • FxF

  • MxF

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Agender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. Primarily Nonbinary
genre(s): general, fantasy (high or low, modern, urban, or whatever), slice of life, modern, supernatural, paranormal, comedy, romance, mystery, drama, adventure ; dark themes (to add more)

themes: angst/fluff ; slow/fast burn; romance ; platonic ; arrange marriage ; fake dating ; enemies to friends ; enemies to lovers ; college, family, friendship, hurt/comfort, bayside/beach/island, city/urdan, forest, mythology, mythological creatures, friends to lovers, found family ; (to add more)
Roleplay Partner(s)
Hola~, everyone. My name is Lily and I've decided to dedicate my time to find a roleplay partner. I have a few requirements and rules. If you do not intend to meet up to these expectations, do not bother to pm me, please. If you aren't active for a day, I will not bug you for not responding. If you make any spelling errors I won't point that out either, I expect you do that yourself.

•I require 1-3 replies a day. Your replies have to be at least 1-2 paragraphs or more (7 or more sentences as well), in return depending on what you responded, I will reply to you with 2 or more paragraphs. I don't mind replies longer than 2 paragraphs, it's just it might take me longer to think of a response.
•I don't mind talking outside of roleplay, as long as you put (..) that when you speak out of character. We can have a friendly conversation even.
•I would like a partner who can use proper grammar, punctuation, etc. I'm not saying that you have to be perfect, I'm not perfect, mistakes happen, I just hope that you'd correct yourself.
•I also require you to be 15+ to roleplay with me. I want a mature person, with experience to roleplay with me. Some people aren't mature enough to roleplay certain things. And I don't want to offend anyone.

•I really dislike when people try to control other people's characters, so there is no way I will let you control my character. If you do, I will leave the roleplay.
•Do not leave the roleplay without giving me a reason, I ask that you give me valid reasons, so I can understand why you want to discontinue the roleplay.
•Keep in character as best as you possibly can. Don't make the character gloomy or sad, if your feeling that way. Or don't make it too cheery and happy, depending on your emotions. If you're feeling a certain way, then just have a regular conversation with me, and when you're ready to continue, then we will.
•Please do not spam me, I have school, and responsibilities at home that I have to attend to. I won't spam your inbox, so I ask you won't do that to me either. If I'm not responding, then just be aware I might be busy, and most times I will let you know if I'm busy or not. So I ask of you to do the same, and not leave me hanging.

I do not think that these are hard to follow. I would hope that you would message me if interested and know that you can meet up to these. If you can't meet up to one, I'll let it slide. But there are no exceptions to a few of my rules/Requirements. But we will discuss that in pm. I mostly/always love to do MxM, so I preferred for my partner(s) to play a male, or at least someone bi, homo, and/or transgender. the partner can play an asexual and a pansexual, too. FxF and MxF are not my types of pairings. Actually, FxF is rare occasions for me to do, so unless you try to convince me, then I'll give it a try. I hope you see this and understand where I'm coming from.
Thank you~! ^^
Types of genres for Rp: Any type of Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Drama, Angst, Yaoi (not like yaoi you read a manga or watch it anime; more like a gay couple type of it; like a relationship based on two guys type of it), Historical, Action, Adventure, Supernatural, Mystery, Any type of mythology, School, Slice of life, and much more I can't remember right now. D R A M A and A N G S T .... with a hint of fluff and other elements once in a while.

A/N: I love to have my characters be bottom/submissive as well. And I don't like too much romance in the rp because I feel like it takes too much of the roleplay. So, I preferred more of (P) 80/20 (R). I don't like Furry, Scifi, Yuri, Hetero, and Too much Horror as well.

A/N: I preffered to do RPs in the Forum/threads. Not PMs. I only use PMs for OCC/Chat.

A/N: I didn't mention this before, but I preferred to do the Rp(s) in a Forum Thread. Thank you.

A/N: I don't if I mention, but I would not play the "Top" Male on MxM, I don't like to do dominant ones.
Pairs:[T= Top, B= Bottom]
* {B} Student x Teacher {T} (bxb)
* Gay closets bffs
* {T} Famous x Fan {B} (bxb)
* {T} Rich x Poor {B} (bxb)
* Χ Boy Next Door (bxb) [{B} Teen x Early 20/30's {T}]
* {T} Popular x Nerd {B} (bxb)
* {T/B} Barista x College {T/B} (bxb/gxg)
* Best Friends (bxb)
* Father x Stepson
* {B} Athlete x Coach {T} (bxb)
* {T} Bad x Good {B} (bxb)
* Χ {T} Mafia Boss/Member x Pretty/Beautiful Good {B} (bxb)
* {T} Gangster Boss/Member x Pretty/Beautiful Good {B} (bxb)
* Roommates (bxb)
* "You're a billionaire and I accidentally spill my coffee on your suit as we walk by each other..." (bxb/gxg)
* {T}King/Prince x Peasant/Commoner/Slave/Servant {B} (bxb)
More to be added.

(Please read this legend before asking/stating the character you want to play.)
= More ideas/details
= Truly want to do it
= MxM
= Character I would take role on
Χ = Taken

  • Χ ok but like a plot where Muse A() is trying to convince their best friend it's finally time to propose to their long-time girlfriend and the friend is just telling them over and over that you can't just do that. So Muse A being a cocky lil shit, buys one of those mood rings from a booth in the park they're walking through and tells their friend just how easy it is. Which is when they spot Muse B, walking through the park with a coffee in hand. Muse A jogs over, and drops to one knee and proposes, mostly as a joke to prove to his friend it can be done even if strangers say no. But the biggest shock, when Muse B smirks and says yes, holding out their hand for the ring that 'matches my eyes how did you know' and introducing themselves to Muse A's friend, 'since they're engaged now and all.' And Muse A is just so shocked they said yes and how this beautiful person is cool enough to go along with their dumb jokes and wow they're pretty too and they already feel in too deep, also 'how do you ask someone to go for a drink after proposing ??' And Muse A's friend is just sitting there laughing at the look on their friends face bc holy shit they finally met their match. and it could go so many places from there tbh ???? ♥♥♥♥
  • Muse A and Muse B() are totally head over heels in love and basically perfect for each other. So perfect that within the first year or so of dating they get married! Totally a fairytale perfect situation, ya dig? At least until their wedding night when out of absolutely nowhere, Muse A reveals that they're a witch! A full-blooded, magic powers wielding, über powerful witch!
    Which honestly probably would have had Muse B running for the hills except 1) They really are in love with Muse Aand couldn't leave them if they tried and 2) Muse A swears that they have forsaken all of their powers and just wants to live the life of an ordinary mortal.
    So basically the entire 1x1 would be Muse A and B attempting to be a normal married couple while also getting into all the fun magical shenanigans that come with Muse A trying and failing to adjust to normal human life and Muse B trying to teach them the ways of being an average mortal.
  • so listen… fluff is great, but I want a couple that literally has to claw their way through life to be together (and stay together for that matter). I want fights at two in the morning where they're screaming at each other because they're so confused and desperate to stay together despite everything, but they just don't know how to hold on. I want flawed characters that don't just have 'quirky' flaws, but actual flaws that people sometimes claim as too unlikeable. Flaws that have some people so wrongfully categorize them as antagonists, because being able to play someone who understands that they have to truly work on themselves in order to be a better person not only for their partner, but for their own well-being is someone so much more complicated and human than someone who's just clumsy, or frumpy....So yes, give me real imperfect characters to flesh out. Pls and ty.
  • a plot where Muse A() and Muse B have been inseparable since they were children, the best of friends, partners in crime. flash forward Muse B is constantly getting into trouble, they're covered in tattoos, stealing cars, drugs, getting into fights, all, in general, they're known as a trouble maker. incomes Muse A who loves them to absolute pieces, always no matter what. they're constantly being dragged into Muse B's schemes even if they don't want to be. they've always been the goody two shoes, but they just can't stay away from Muse B.
  • this couple has been on and off for as long as anyone can remember. one week it seems like they're going out, the next they're at each other's throats. no one really quite knows why they're still 'together,' and truthfully, neither do they. Muse B() wants them to try and have a real relationship to give them a chance, and Muse A agreed, really only to prove them wrong and that they couldn't ever really work out. everyone close to them thinks that this is a horrible idea and will have disastrous consequences, but Muse B truly believes that they could work out…as long as Muse A actually tries too.
  • MUSE A and MUSE B both lost their fathers at a very young age. MUSE A's father was a notorious criminal, the leader of a big crime organization responsible for the attack on a government's agency in which him and MUSE B's father, one of the most famous agents in the history, fought each other to death. Several years later, MUSE A and MUSE B find themselves in the same class of agent trainees, learning about their legendary fathers and their rivalry through textbooks.
  • *whispers* Someone, please give me a plot with a reckless underground boxer who cares very little for his life and/or safety and he meets and falls in love with someone who is shy, protective and worrisome at one of his matches and they fight constantly over the issue but they always come back to one another like please?
  • PLs a hot as fuck high school music teacher who never really got out of his leather jacket and biker phase and used to be in a band but now teaches high school students what real music is and is notorious for being arrogant and vv sarcastic and a kindergarten teacher who loves kids and wears lilac/pink/purple color cotton shirts and smooth pants and is cute as a button and imagine him teaching the kids to make flower crowns and music teacher sees a flower crown on him and smirks and teases him about how cute he looks
More to be added.

Okay, so right here will be plots that I have for my OCs and I wished to roleplay about.

  • (I was thinking about this plot throughout the whole day.) So Aiden Bezarius, a character I'm about to make if I can find a great face claim for him, meets a guy in a wheelchair. The guy's legs were not working due to a car accident. Aiden works at a coffee shop/café that he owns and met the guy there. They talked everyday whenever the guy can make it to the shop. Aiden started to fall in love with this guy. The same for the guy, he falls in love for Aiden. Ever since they started dating, Aiden would stop by the guy's house and help him with anything he needs. He started doing this before they even started dating. Of course, there would be conflicts going on. Like some jerks would ask Aiden why he going out with someone who wouldn't do anything for him and whatnot. The guy in the wheelchair will even think of negative thoughts and what ifs about their relationship. He loves Aiden every much and so does Aiden. But they would talk about it and whatnot. (I still have more ideas for this plot.) ♥ ♥ ♥
  • Okay but Yoongi Moon lives in San Francisco. There, every day he does the same things: waking up, jog, breakfast, work, school, draw, etc, etc. One day, he bumps into someone (YC). He apologize but the other stops him and say he's the one sorry because he wasn't looking where he was ging and he's brandnew to the city of San Francisco. This man is a wealthy man, though he just got divorced from his abusive/manipulated wife. The man had his job, a well-known model agent or anything that makes higher money and makes him well-known, transferred to San Francisco. Yoonig, being a happy-go-lucky guy, offers to tour the guide around the city for free. And we can go on from here. I mean, I have more ideaas for this plot. This plot got inspired by San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers In Your Hair) By Scott McKenzie. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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Yo, guys~! I'm still searching for partners~! ┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
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I'd be interested if you are still searching :D I haven't read every single plot you have added but I thought I'd write the comment and then continue reading, I like some of the pairing ideas so far and so I will match it with a basic plot XD Would it be cool, if find one I like, if I make like suggestions to go with it??
I just saw the things beside the plots they answered my questions so sorry I was a little confused when I first saw that but not I get it X'D
I really like your first plot idea with them scrambling to find a partner after telling lies so they would be left alone if that is cool with you :)
Hello, @EsmeMcStuffins, for the first plot you have mentioned, we can talk it over the rp, I have more details for that one plot. Just PM me and I'll tell them to you. ^^
*Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley playing in the background*
Never gonna give up searching ~.
Never gonna stop updating plots~.
Never gonna stop finding partners~.
Never going to stop~.
Never gonna stop bug you guys and not bite you.~~.
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Reactions: Esmeray
I haven't taken too detailed a look, but this seems interesting. Unfortunately, there are two big things that most likely prevent me from doing this, and that'd be my schedule (due to my living situation, which I won't go into too much detail about) and the fact I don't enjoy doing any romance or smut. I don't really enjoy rping with more than one person at a time either, and that's why I look through one on ones all the time, cause that makes me feel a little more comfortable. Unfortunately, almost all of them require romance and/or smut, which is a little upsetting. Provided you can afford to stick up with my horseshit (which I can detail you on if you so wish), I'd be interested in doing something here. If you do not wish to enter a friendship rp with no romance or smut and cannot deal with a guy who can only reply on every other weekend days, however, then I understand and I will move on. I apologize if this meaningless comment has wasted your time.
Hello @Henry Shepherd! I don't prefer too much romance/smut as well. In fact, I rather have 80 plot/ 20 romance/smut. I mean, the romance ruins the whole plot when it's the only element, which is why it's my least favorite genre. Though I'm more comfortable with MxM, but a friendship RP with zero romance/smut in it can still do it as long as I can play a male. And I don't mind if you only reply on other weekends day and whatnot, I mean I can get busy with school, especially when this school year is important. I'm pretty sure there's a rp or two that are about platonic friendships. You can hit me up in the PM to talk about it more. ^^
I haven't taken too detailed a look, but this seems interesting. Unfortunately, there are two big things that most likely prevent me from doing this, and that'd be my schedule (due to my living situation, which I won't go into too much detail about) and the fact I don't enjoy doing any romance or smut. I don't really enjoy rping with more than one person at a time either, and that's why I look through one on ones all the time, cause that makes me feel a little more comfortable. Unfortunately, almost all of them require romance and/or smut, which is a little upsetting. Provided you can afford to stick up with my horseshit (which I can detail you on if you so wish), I'd be interested in doing something here. If you do not wish to enter a friendship rp with no romance or smut and cannot deal with a guy who can only reply on every other weekend days, however, then I understand and I will move on. I apologize if this meaningless comment has wasted your time.

Hello @Henry Shepherd! I don't prefer too much romance/smut as well. In fact, I rather have 80 plot/ 20 romance/smut. I mean, the romance ruins the whole plot when it's the only element, which is why it's my least favorite genre. Though I'm more comfortable with MxM, but a friendship RP with zero romance/smut in it can still do it as long as I can play a male. And I don't mind if you only reply on other weekends day and whatnot, I mean I can get busy with school, especially when this school year is important. I'm pretty sure there's a rp or two that are about platonic friendships. You can hit me up in the PM to talk about it more. ^^

Heyo! So I came across this little tid bit in the thread and while I haven't really read the plots you provided I felt inclined to make it aware that blue star members cannot participate in smut role-plays with red star members. I realize you too decided to do a non-smut role-play, but I wanted to let lily know about it for future reference in case she didn't know.

Once you turn 18 lily you'll only be able to participate in smut role-plays with other red star members.

Role-playing with members outside your age group can result in a ban, and I'm sure you wouldn't want that. No need to feel alarmed though, nobody here is in trouble regarding the rules. I'm just making all this aware just in case you didn't know.

On another note, I'm interested in role-playing with you, but I have to take a gander at the plots first among other things. XD
  • Thank You
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Oh, thank you for that! ^^ I wasn't looking for smut roleplay anyways since I don't really do that, but thanks for clearing it up! I'll keep this in mind next time. :)

And that's great! Take time reading the plots and pairings. ^^
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Are you still looking for partners? I'd love to do an Rp with you
Are you still looking for partners? I'd love to do an Rp with you

Yes, I'm still looking for partners! ^^ That's great! Why don't you PM so we could discuss a plot, or do one from here. :)
Hello! The Coffee Shop role-play catches my interest the most & I'd like to have a go at that.
If it's fine with you, could the role-play lean more to the fluffier side?
A role-play like this would provide a little solace in my hectic schedule.
Do consider having a look at my role-play profile so that you aren't disappointed in the content you'll receive
And also do PM me if you're interested.

Have a fantastic day.
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Hey, I was wondering if you'd be interested in an rp? I see that you've commented several times about wanting partners. I'm game. [also, I love Yuri on Ice!!!!!]

I usually end up going with Modern, Supernatural Modern, or slice of life. Usually, I mostly play males, but can play females and often use NPC. We can talk about plots...so PM ME!
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Yuri!!! on ICE is the best show I ever watch, I can't stop thinking about their kiss! (>y<)

That's cool! I'll PM you when I'm done replying to some RPs. ^^
No problem! If you have any plots I'd love to hear them!
Okay, I added another spoiler tab! But this time, it would be plots involved with my OCs. ^^ Check it out and the rest of the other spoiler tabs! I'll probably add more tonight or tomorrow. :)

To say that I'm interested is an understatement. I'd love to play the wheelchair character.
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Okay, that's cool! Just shot me a PM and we can talk more about the plot and everything, I still working on my character. ^^
May I take the "A Prince For Christmas" plot? I like it so very much! ^ ^
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