Fantasy-Adventure RP

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♡ vast and brilliant. ♡
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Usually in the evenings and late at night.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. No Preferences
Definitely fantasy, anything with magic, sci-fi, apocalyptic, occasionally modern/slice of life depending on the plot.
I'm in a very high fantasy mood due to the extensive amount of Dragon Age Origins I've been playing, and I'd like to do something of the similar concept. A party of unlikely heroes, on a mission to save the world.

There would be different playable races and classes, the basic fantasy stuff. Humans, elves, etc. I would limit the amount of characters to about six, and the plot would a good mix of violence, action, romance, and angst. The objective would be simple, really, these six unlikely heroes travel the land, attempting to destroy some other-word like evil force that puts everything they know at stake.

However, this would be something that would require a lot of group plotting, without a doubt.

I'm pretty much asking if anyone would be down for it, to help me with it, and if six people show interest in this thread I'll make it invite only and so we can just straight to it. I rambled a bit but I hope I got the idea across.
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I'd be very willing to do an RP like this and to help plan one out. I've been wanting something along the lines of this for awhile and I do have a couple of ideas in mind.^^
I'd be very willing to do an RP like this and to help plan one out. I've been wanting something along the lines of this for awhile and I do have a couple of ideas in mind.^^
Sweet! Shoot me a pm with your ideas. c:
Sweet! Shoot me a pm with your ideas. c:
Will do once I'm off work and feel free to tear apart any of my ideas if huh want when I send them your way. ^^
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Will do once I'm off work and feel free to tear apart any of my ideas if huh want when I send them your way. ^^
Alrighty! Can't wait to read 'em. c;

also, tagging @Lulunopia bc my bud.
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I'm interested.

I was actually thinking of doing something similar.

My plot would have been the hero's were chosen to go on an adventure to collect weapons that they are each a master in and use it to fight the demon army.

Feel free to borrow it if you want
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Interested. Never played the game before but fantasy is a specialty of mine. :) Tag me if this starts up or PM me if you need someone to run ideas past.
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I don't have very many ideas, but I'm good at improvising during roleplays and I'd love to take part in this.​
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I'm interested.

I was actually thinking of doing something similar.

My plot would have been the hero's were chosen to go on an adventure to collect weapons that they are each a master in and use it to fight the demon army.

Feel free to borrow it if you want
I'll definently borrow that idea, yes. Take a little of @Shayla has too, and we'll prolly have a plot by tonight. c;
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You have my curiosity, I'm pretty good at making up mythos and history as well as lore should you want some fluff for the mcguffin that the heros need to acquire.
I am also interested. I can also do a bit of world-building if need be, but that's if any ideas are needed.
I have more experience with D&D rather than Dragon Age but I'd be down for culture worldbuilding and some character-based stuff (NPCs, character-based subplots? archetypes if we're aiming for a well-rounded party, things like that. It depends on how homebrew-y you're going for.)
I guess the question is what have we got so far?
Yeah, That is the important question, And as I said, its fluff for specific things. Ya know. If you tell me that the bad guy happens to be weilding a sword that lets him control fire. Then I can write up fluff for that. or specific things. or if you want me to create gods/demons for the world, But I need a basis.
Yeah, That is the important question, And as I said, its fluff for specific things. Ya know. If you tell me that the bad guy happens to be weilding a sword that lets him control fire. Then I can write up fluff for that. or specific things. or if you want me to create gods/demons for the world, But I need a basis.

If we're using the weapon macguffin plot @Kurogane86 suggested how many different weapons are we planning for? Also, how large-scale is this? (In a single country, spanning multiple continents, a specific region?)
Actually, that's probably something I could handle, GIve me the number of characters, and I can whip up a list of weapons in no time, Then we can allocate them randomly (I'll use a random number generator, ya know, give each weapon a number, then allocate each player a random number) be kinda fun. lots and lots of weapons I have in mind allready from angelic spears to swords that harness the heart of the world through to scythes once used by death.
If we're using the weapon macguffin plot @Kurogane86 suggested how many different weapons are we planning for? Also, how large-scale is this? (In a single country, spanning multiple continents, a specific region?)
I guess it would depend on how many players. Although not everyone has to be a master some can be support. Maybe we can sound off whether people want to be a master or support?
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