[Fantasy/Survival] Shi no Gēmu - The Challenge of a Twisted City | UPDATE - Bonus Lore

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Original poster
Hello there! Whether you clicked on this by accident or not, I welcome you to a concept that's been bubbling in my head for quite a while now. For a brief explaination: Shi no Gēmu will be a fantasy concept about eleven volunteers, heading onto an expansive, dangerous island with little but a weapon of their choice.

In regards to players/posting quality, I'm looking for those who like to write long posts, create unique characters, and are generally able to keep up with something around one post every 3-5 days. If you're a super speedy one-liner kind of poster, this probably isn't the RP for you. Though I'm going for an anime kind of style, if you dislike anime, you're still very welcome to join and show interest.

Oh, and this won't be released for quite a while. I just want to see if anyone likes the concept before I make the OOC for this. I've GM'ed quite a few RP's before (though only one on this forum, and it didn't go too far.) I just want people to enjoy developing their characters as I, being the wonderful person I am, throw crazy NPC's, monsters, enviromental hazards, and all the trimmings at our eleven brave volunteers.

And no, my wonderful reader. This isn't going to be some cheap, Hunger-Games ripoff with anime people instead. Now, let's get into it more in-depth, shall we?


Yakazuma. A city that surpasses all others in a huge world of combat, magic, and exploration. The city of the tall marble mage towers, paved, clean streets of refined stone, and taverns that offer the finest beer there is to offer. The city excels in magic and weaponry development. (Though keep in mind this is in a medieval setting. Flintlocks are a thing, not firearms.)

Yet... the city's inhabitants seem so... depressed. It's unknown why, but as time has passed, the city of Yakazuma has been going downhill recently. It's becoming dirty. People always seem to have a hanging, sad face. Crime rates are slowly going uphill. Slowly but surely, the city is turning into a dump, and the governors knew something needed to be done about it.

After many tried and tested methods, one of the most successful ways to cheer up the city was a concept thought to be twisted and mad. But now, the city embraces it. This concept is know as Shi no Gēmu.

In Shi no Gēmu, every two months, eleven volunteers are selected amidst many. Some talented prisoners are forced to go; most volunteer to join to honor their families, as it's a trial that no team has succeeded yet. The eleven are sent to a randomly selected island, in which their goal is to collect eight artefacts hidden throughout the island, whilst surviving random horrors thrown at them by extremely powerful magi. These magi are known as 'monitors'. It's an extremely tough and usually gory event, no group of eleven has managed to collect all eight artifacts yet. Usually by the monitors' abuse of power killing them eventually.

This month, the eighth team has been selected, sent into what the governors say is 'Shi no Gēmu's most exciting island yet'.

Other members involved in creating Shi no Gēmu include 'Watchmakers', who are cloaked invisible whilst they secretly monitor members of Shi no Gēmu. Through magic, they are able to project the show into various large areas of Yakazuma where many people can be found. 'Gifters' do the honors of delivering donations given by the public to particularly popular members.

Think of it like a gameshow. Though magic is used in placed of TV's and wired props. And deaths or injuries just add to the fun.

Shi no Gēmu seemed like a petty concept at first, but Yakazuma endorses Shi no Gēmu as a huge event. Almost like a sport, in a way. Kids are encouraged by this twisted event, and laugh as much as the adults when a member struggles their way through living. Shi no Gēmu is sickening, and twisted, but the city of Yakazuma has just seemed to collapse. Reluctance to send lethal things at the 11 volunteers no longer exists, though the monitors are trained to be fair. The economy of Yakazuma

Will the eighth team finally complete this crazy and twisted gameshow?

The RP will begin as you, one of these eleven members, arriving for the first time on this island via being teleported. You can only take a basic weapon of your choice with you (provided by Crude Weapons Co.) Good luck! How you get through this (or don't) is up to you.
Basically in some fantasy world in some crazy city people send 11 people to go to an island. People watch as lots of shit is thrown at these poor 11 people. And the people love it.

You'll play as one of these 11 people. Go collect 8 artefacts on this crazy island, doing so how you wish. Whether you get publicity to help you win, teamwork, being cool, whatever. You'll all be handsomely rewarded, healed, and returned home if you complete Shi no Gēmu. The gameshow ends when EVERYONE dies. So if you're the only one left, the show is still running.

Magic? Yes.
Guns? No. It's a medieval kind of setting.
Swords and shit? Yes.
Do I have to use magic? No.
Character death? Yes.
PvP? Yeah... though you're meant to be working together on this. Go crazy if you want.


Now for the good stuff. The gameplay. When I release a CS, basically, you'll assign stats such as Strength, Intelligence, and all that shite, and create unique skills for your characters.

Here's the stat system I've come up with so far, for you lazy bastards who can't scroll down. Hehehe.

The Bear - Strength
"In muscle does the Bear prevail. Hulking, unstoppable, he carries his brethren to victory and throws those who may get in his way aside.
Oh, mighty Bear! Lend us your strength. The power to succeed through brute force alone. For we are weak and cowardly."
Gameplay effect: The higher the strength, the higher the damage output of melee attacks. It'll also come in handy for lifting heavy objects, wielding large weapons, and overpowering others when it comes to a battle of brute strength. It'll help you win arm wrestles, too.

The Mountain - Endurance
"Determined, unscalable, indestructible. Through the howling wind and storms of icy daggers, the mountain still stands taller than all.

Oh, great Mountain! Lend us your endurance. The power to remain standing after the hardships life throw at us. For we easily accept defeat."
Gameplay effects: The higher your endurance, the higher your base HP. With high endurance, you'll be harder to knock back, poison, and you'll pull through fatal injuries. Don't mistake Strength and Endurance for being similar. They're both drastically different. Mountains can't arm wrestle.

The Library - Knowledge
"Sheer power, hidden within your sacred pages. Records from the most intelligent within the based leather covers, the library contains the answers we desire.
Oh, wonderful library! Lend us your knowledge. The power to know all, and use info to thrive above all. For we know little about our wide world."

Gameplay effects: The higher your knowledge, the more successful magical spells will be. With low knowledge, a mage's spells will rarely succeed and not be very powerful. Knowledge also gives a small boost to crafting. A book may not be able to arm wrestle, but it can contain the words 'fuck you.'

The Eagle - Accuracy
"Eyes that see all. Calculating, the eagle swoops down, clutching its prey with one perfectly-placed hit - for all in the eagle's eyes is mere prey.
Oh, majestic eagle! Lend us your accuracy. The power to be precise, calculating, for the perfect results. For our actions our rushed and inaccurate."

Gameplay effects: The higher your accuracy, the larger the chance to land devastating critical hits. It's still possible to use melee weapons with low accuracy, ranged weapons require high accuracy to effectively used. It also gives a boost to noticing things others can't, be it sound or shiny loot. You know how to twist the arm in a certain way to make them scream in arm wrestles.

The Cheetah - Agility
"Inescapable, uncatchable. When the prey is hunted by the cheetah, they accept their end. For they cannot outmanoeuvre or outrun such a force.
Oh, graceful cheetah! Lend us your agility. The power to scale nature's challenges, and rise above others through speed. For we are slow and lumbering."
Gameplay effects: The higher your agility, the faster your character can move and attack. They can perform complex physical feats such as climbing, jumping high, or wonderfully dodging an opponent's attack. You can punch your opponent in the face and run away if you lose the arm wrestle.

Tl;dr breakdown of how the stats affect everything:

Strength: Melee damage, melee force, carry weight.
Endurance: Base HP, knockback resistance, poison resistance.
Knowledge: Spell success chance, spell damage, crafting success chance.
Accuracy: Crit. chance, ranged hit chance, noticing stuff.
Agility: Dodge chance, movement speed, attack speed.

I'll probably give out 17 stat points to assign. 0 = being useless in that aspect. 10 = being impressively damn good in that aspect. The number will affect rolls for certain things, don't you worry.

Character skills will be unique abilities the character has. Mages might have something like 'Fireball' and melee people might have something like 'Power Smash'. You design skills, and I balance them. Be creative! Your ability can slow, stun, deal AoE damage, heal, etc. Whatever, so long as it actually affects a battle/gameplay situation and isn't stupidly OP.

The amount of skills I'm still determining, but I'm thinking about a League-of-Legends kind of layout of character skills. 1 Passive, 3 Minor Skills, and 1 Major Skill. That said, I'm also thinking about 4 Skills in General. Ugh. I'll decide eventually.

As for character races? I want things to stay human. Slight variations are fine. Be creative with characters! And I'll rename Mary Sues to FUCKING DEAD Sues if I see any. As these characters are all gonna have mechanics, they need to be balanced. Mmkay?

Whether you make a classic edgy swordsman, master of fire, or charismatic cheerleader, you and 10 others are going to go through some shit together. On a large island, you've got to explore, and face challenges. Your characters are probably going to get real close to each other, being in an event where death is highly possible and all. So character interaction should be interesting.

You might want to create a camp somewhere and explore parts of the island one-part-at-a-time, or rush around looking at everything. Whatever. It's up to you. I just provide the mechanics and description of areas.

Remember, the public are watching you. And they can vote to have things done to you, dependant on your character's attitude and choices.

B-But don't worry too much about that... they can vote for good things too... ehehehee...

Food, water, and sleep will be a thing. Though I won't provide shitty meters you need to refill every 3 posts or something stupid like that. You all just need to work to eventually get a sustainable resource.

Did I mention there's a time limit to all this? Ha. Don't worry about it. You have plenty of time, it's just there to make your characters actually do something.

And finally, combat. Combat will be dice/turn-based, with a simple little system that relies on the stats you assigned to your character. You've probably dealt with dice combat and stats in many other RP's. If not, don't worry! It's easy to pick up.

I'll probably insert a taster CS, more in-depth on the stats, etc as time goes on. I just want to see basic interest for this concept first.

Points to keep in mind

A simple list of crucial points to keep in mind if you'd like to play.

  • There will be 11 players in total. I'll start if less than 11 create character sheets, and replace the unfilled spots with my own, interesting NPC's.
  • In order to 'win' Shi No Gemu, you must collect 8 'artefacts' hidden throughout the island. Once that's complete, everyone still alive will be set free and handsomely rewarded.
  • You are the eighth group to enter Shi No Gemu. All previous groups haven't succeeded, and all died in the process. This is a hard challenge.
  • Most of the eleven are voluntary. But talented prisoners forced to 'play' are also viable.
  • Modern firearms don't exist. You're being broadcasted by a form of magic. Magic runs Shi No Gemu, not TV's. We're still in a medieval setting. Though things like flintlocks exist.
  • You're supplied with simple clothes and ONE crude weapon of your choice to start with.
  • Many civilians are watching you as you go through this whole thing.
  • You can be good, neutral, or evil. I will not stop you if you'd like to try and kill everyone else on the island. Don't expect people to like you for it...
  • You are NOT competeting with others in any other way.
  • Character death is extremely possible. I am unforgiving if your character suffers a fatal accident. Better hope someone creates a healer, eh?
  • You probably already knew this, but magic is most certainly a thing. If you want to make a non-magical character though, go for it.
  • This is RP will cover mature and serious topics. Deaths and gore will be very graphic. If you're notably young or easily offended, I wouldn't recommend joining this. (But I won't stop you.)
  • The island is randomly generated by yours truly. Though challenges that guard the eight artefacts will be created purely by me.
  • You can't just stay on the island forever. There's a time limit to get the eight artefatcs, though nobody knows what happens if you exceed the time limit is unknown. The length of the time limit is also unknown, but people estimate that it's around 1 month or so. Better hurry.

Here's where I'd be putting a map. However, the RP will be based around one particular random island - and our eleven volunteers have no idea what's on that island.

I will most likely randomly generate the shape/biome/humidity/etc. of the island using a few programs I know of. Challenges and dungeons however will be purely designed by me. In terms of size, it's a pretty large island, but still small enough to be considered an island. Exciting, isn't it? You could be freezing to death on an arctic hell, or sweating your nuts off in a thick, humid jungle. I'll be sure to make the island challenging either way, so don't

Back to the world itself. I'll probably design a map that the eleven discover as they explore areas of it. If you're interested in the lore and look of the world Shi no Gēmu is based in, then I'll probably go more in-depth when I release the OOC. Hell, I might even edit in a design for the world.

But for now, have a gif of Kakyoin busting some sick moves instead.

"i em da best xdd" -kakkyoyo 2019

What to Expect from me as a GM

As a GM, I'm not evil. I don't get off others characters' suffering, or stuff like that. I enjoy giving other players a reasonable challenge, with an occasional seriously hard battle now and again. I don't like to throw invincible enemies at you to send your characters into a state of peril, though expect very rarely some seriously OP things that you'll need to work together (or just be really good on your own, you edgy lone wolf scum) to bring down.

I like to add in a bit of humor now and again to the RP, but it'll mostly be serious and intense. And I warn you, I am a fan of dank memes. If you have a particular dislike to dank memes, git gud you probably won't like me in the OOC.

Loot will be a thing. And most of the time you'll be happy with loot. Loot is such a wonderful thing, isn't it? Getting 'XP' to level up stats and skills will also come into play. But don't worry about tracking XP or anything like that, I'll document the complicated stuff for my lovely players.

I'm not a power-hungry shitlord. Just a chillax kind of guy. So if you break the rules in any way, I'll probably just give you a slap on the wrist. Rules will be what you expect from every others kind of RP. You know, no sexy times on the island, no being a metagaming douche, no building a psychopath that kills everyone or dies trying. ...Well. You could try being a psychopath focused on murdering everyone else, but don't expect it to be easy. (oh god i'm encouraging people aren't i)

My posts, obviously, will be dependent on others players' posts. But ideally, I'm looking to throw out a post every 3-5 days. Whilst I'll be the one controlling battles and all the juicy loot-y random event goodness, I don't want people to completely rely on my GM posts as a basis for their own post. If you want to describe or create a small feature of the island, go for it! If you want to go up to another character and scream 'U FUKIN WOT M8' in their face, go for it! I'm hoping you'll all make some new buddies in the OOC too, and I'm hoping we'll get some interesting character interactions too.

Also, just for fun, I like to create these four challenges. You shouldn't completely focus trying to get them, but these four super hard challenges will give you small rewards (and a massive sense of accomplishment) if you get them.

Jakers' Certificate of Character Brilliance - You written a particular section that I found extremely impressive and entertaining to read. Maybe using great symbolism or really quotable text that was just simply clever and awesome. Good job!

Jakers' Certificate of Character Hate - I really, REALLY want to strangle your character. If your character is meant to be hated, you're doing it right. Well done. And I mean hate in a good way... if that makes sense.

Jakers' Certificate of Character Feels - You literally made my cry. Whether it was your character's dying words, or their reaction when something sad happened, I literally cried. Well done. Have this certificate.

Jakers' Certificate of Character Waifuability - Your character is now my waifu. Probably the hardest achievement to get, so hard I wouldn't even recommend remotely trying. But if you somehow did this... uh... g-good job.

"dam, is this guy for reel?!"

I mean, don't take any of that seriously. They're just examples of things I like to do OOC'ly to add a little more fun. Every GM should hand out certificates! Because roleplay is all about playing your characters super good.

And finally, onto the quality of my posts. It'll vary, but I like to think of my writing levels as Adept or Advanced. Maaaaybe Prestige if I have a ton of time on my hands. I want other players to be on an Intermediate level at the least.

PFAQ (probably frequently asked questions)

When will this be released?
>Probably in a long time. 2 weeks at the minimum . Maybe fairly soon, now that I have some interested players!

How many people do you need to show interest?
>Effectively none. I'll probably make the OOC either way. I just want to get some interested players going before I OOC it up in this hood.

Will collaborative posts be a thing?
>Yeah, now and again. If you don't know how to collab post, fear not! I, the great Jakers, can teach you the ways of google docs! Or titanpad.

I want to join but I'm worried the quality/length of my posts won't be enough!
>Don't worry. I'll still let you play, so long as I can see you're putting in effort and your CS is good enough.

I want to join but I'm not really sure about the concept and stuff...
>Give it a go when it comes out! I hate to be that nagging mother, but try new things! It'll do you some good. I mean if you actually don't want to join then don't, but... ugh! You know what I'm saying shuddup.

I want to join but I'm not sure about dice combat...
>It's easy. Honestly. I didn't know dice combat at first, but picked it up. My combat system is fairly simple. Roll to hit, roll for damage, etc. RNG shouldn't be much of an issue - if, for example, your character has a high to-hit chance against a bad dodger, I'll make it so the chance to miss is extremely low.

mi gramma isbad
>You'll probably want to check something else out if your grammar is simply awful. I don't mind a few mistakes here and there, or if you don't know how to use a semicolon; you'll be fine. Just... for the love of God, use commas, full stops, capital letters, and make your post attractive if you can.

Will there be something like a Skype chat for this?
>Maybe. But I prefer discussions in the OOC.

Dafuq is this crazy plot?
>I don't know. But I tried to make it make sense. Please ask me, and I'll see if I can help you understand. Also, the plot will be more refined in the OOC.

What is the meaning of life?
>Shrek uhh tacos or something

And finally, PLEASE ask questions if you have any! This idea isn't fully developed, so don't be like 'ha this gm be shit' when I struggle to answer a question. It's just a concept with an interest check, after all!

Whether you want to join or not, I hope you had fun reading. Drop a vote in the poll if you wish, and if you know someone who'd like this, why not tell them?

Have a nice day!
-da one and only xXx_Jakers_xXx[/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr]
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: TheHappyPikachu
Gonna bump this one time to see if I can get any more interested players. I know, I'm a terrible person.
This sounds intriguing! Kind of a mash-up of the Hunger Games and an old-fashioned dungeon crawl, ne? I would very much like to be a part of this once you have it up and running.
This sounds intriguing! Kind of a mash-up of the Hunger Games and an old-fashioned dungeon crawl, ne? I would very much like to be a part of this once you have it up and running.
Hee, sort of! Though the chances are you'll be working together on this, rather than the 'one lives' rule. ...Unless you all hate each other and are thirsty for the blood of others. Then yeah, it'll essentially be the Hunger Games! Yakazuma's people will love watching that.

I'll be sure to notify you once I've created the OOC. Thanks for displaying your interest!
Interested! I'm technically on a hiatus, until my schedule clears up, but I'll be keeping my eye on this.
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Reactions: Jakers
Awesome! Glad to see some more interested players.

I should also mention by this point that I'll probably introduce a Karma system into all of this. How it affects your character, and how actions affect karma will be kept a secret. But let's just say there's benefits to both the light and the dark side... and drawbacks.

How you play your character is completely up to you. Remember though...

w e ' r e
w a t c h i n g
y o u
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Reactions: sleepingxdragon
Wao. Ok.
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Reactions: Jakers
Great! There's at least 4 interested players (though there could be more?) as far as I'm aware. I might start the OOC sometime soon in that case, maybe this weekend if I have a sudden spark of inspiration. If not, next weekend.

Though it's not final, here are the available stats. What you'd expect for a dice kind-of-RP, but I tried to make them interesting to read and all have worthwhile bonuses, so hopefully there won't be one stat everyone goes 'that's the best' and maxes. I want a wonderful range of characters, so here they are!

The Bear - Strength
"In muscle does the Bear prevail. Hulking, unstoppable, he carries his brethren to victory and throws those who may get in his way aside.
Oh, mighty Bear! Lend us your strength. The power to succeed through brute force alone. For we are weak and cowardly."

Gameplay effect: The higher the strength, the higher the damage output of melee attacks. It'll also come in handy for lifting heavy objects, wielding large weapons, and overpowering others when it comes to a battle of brute strength. It'll help you win arm wrestles, too.

The Mountain - Endurance
"Determined, unscalable, indestructible. Through the howling wind and storms of icy daggers, the mountain still stands taller than all.

Oh, great Mountain! Lend us your endurance. The power to remain standing after the hardships life throw at us. For we easily accept defeat."
Gameplay effects: The higher your endurance, the higher your base HP. With high endurance, you'll be harder to knock back, poison, and you'll pull through fatal injuries. Don't mistake Strength and Endurance for being similar. They're both drastically different. Mountains can't arm wrestle.

The Library - Knowledge
"Sheer power, hidden within your sacred pages. Records from the most intelligent within the based leather covers, the library contains the answers we desire.
Oh, wonderful library! Lend us your knowledge. The power to know all, and use info to thrive above all. For we know little about our wide world."

Gameplay effects: The higher your knowledge, the more successful magical spells will be. With low knowledge, a mage's spells will rarely succeed and not be very powerful. Knowledge also gives a small boost to crafting. A book may not be able to arm wrestle, but it can contain the words 'fuck you.'

The Eagle - Accuracy
"Eyes that see all. Calculating, the eagle swoops down, clutching its prey with one perfectly-placed hit - for all in the eagle's eyes is mere prey.
Oh, majestic eagle! Lend us your accuracy. The power to be precise, calculating, for the perfect results. For our actions our rushed and inaccurate."

Gameplay effects: The higher your accuracy, the larger the chance to land devastating critical hits. It's still possible to use melee weapons with low accuracy, ranged weapons require high accuracy to effectively used. It also gives a boost to noticing things others can't, be it sound or shiny loot. You know how to twist the arm in a certain way to make them scream in arm wrestles.

The Cheetah - Agility
"Inescapable, uncatchable. When the prey is hunted by the cheetah, they accept their end. For they cannot outmanoeuvre or outrun such a force.
Oh, graceful cheetah! Lend us your agility. The power to scale nature's challenges, and rise above others through speed. For we are slow and lumbering."
Gameplay effects: The higher your agility, the faster your character can move and attack. They can perform complex physical feats such as climbing, jumping high, or wonderfully dodging an opponent's attack. You can punch your opponent in the face and run away if you lose the arm wrestle.

Tl;dr breakdown of how the stats affect everything:

Strength: Melee damage, melee force, carry weight.
Endurance: Base HP, knockback resistance, poison resistance.
Knowledge: Spell success chance, spell damage, crafting success chance.
Accuracy: Crit. chance, ranged hit chance/damage, noticing stuff.
Agility: Dodge chance, movement speed, attack speed.

I'll probably give out 17 stat points to assign. 0 = being useless in that aspect. 10 = being impressively damn good in that aspect. The number will affect rolls for certain things, don't you worry.

But that number of stat points I give out will probably change. There's still a lot more I plan to add to the CS, but I thought I may as well let out this information to see if you're all happy with it. The stats are the first core element of your character gameplay-wise Like I said, it's not final, and I might add a new stat altogether.

Also, though endurance raises HP, you might be wondering why there's no natural defence stat. The chance of blocking the damage of an attack outright is affected by the quality of armour, or if you're using a shield, your skill with shields and the quality of said skills. Blocking an attack because 'your skin is thick' is outright bullshit. We're humans, not metal-skinned juggernauts.

Also, knowledge gives a small boost to crafting. Crafting? Oh God, there's not some shitty crafting system is there... you all might be thinking. Well, because you're all going to start with little more than one weapon, you might want to make things like crude spears, traps, and stuff. Knowledge gives a small boost, but there's going to be a skill system that will give you the chance to be really good at crafting. So don't worry! Non-mages can be good at making cool things too. If you're wondering about how the crafting system will work, please ask.

Any questions? Pop them here. And if you think the stats are BS, state your opinion! I want my players to be happy on how everything works.[/hr][/hr][/hr]
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Very interesting already! If you don't mind, I actually would like to know how the crafting system will work. I like knowing details such as those. Also, if I could suggest, there is another stat you might consider adding: Charisma. It is often over-looked, but extremely valuable. I am not sure what exactly you have planned for us on this island of trials, but it might be of use to us if we will be dealing with other humans/intelligent creatures at all. In D&D, Charisma effects how you deal with certain situations, how others react to you, information gathering and things such as posturing (bluffing or intimidation). It is all about perception and mental power, really.
Very interesting already! If you don't mind, I actually would like to know how the crafting system will work. I like knowing details such as those. Also, if I could suggest, there is another stat you might consider adding: Charisma. It is often over-looked, but extremely valuable. I am not sure what exactly you have planned for us on this island of trials, but it might be of use to us if we will be dealing with other humans/intelligent creatures at all. In D&D, Charisma effects how you deal with certain situations, how others react to you, information gathering and things such as posturing (bluffing or intimidation). It is all about perception and mental power, really.
Nyeh heh heh! I'm glad you asked about Charisma. I'll cover that question first.

So, in an RP where a whole city is watching how your character acts, Charisma would make sense to be a pretty important stat, right? Maybe if you maxed it, you could find a way to talk yourself out of the whole damn game.

Well, this is where your actions really mattering comes into play. The Karma system, and how your character acts in general, is how the public will react to you. The people probably wouldn't care if your character is super nice and charming; Yakazuma is full of crazy people. Maybe they'd want to see a super nice and charming person fare against a pack of hungry wolves.

As for the possibility of using Charisma to do things like convince/persuade/etc. when it comes to NPC's and intelligent animals, talking your way out of situations will be dependant on what your character actually says. I don't want to have some RNG roll when it comes to those kinds of things. I really want to challenge the player if they want to Bluff, Intimidate, or be diplomatic in general. You have to try and say something to get across to the other person's personality.

Basically, the words you say/actions you perform will matter. Not the roll of some Charisma stat. For example, if I wanted my character to be intimidating, I'd have them slowly draw their knife, and trace their finger across the blade, licking the blood that is drawn from their finger. And probably say some creepy shit too.

And I fear Charisma would be put as a 'dump stat' if I implemented it. If any of you are unsure what a 'dump stat' is, it's a stat in the game that's considered to be the worst stat and people put little points into to improve other stats. Charisma is certainly viable and a good stat in other RP's, but that's not how I'm doing things. You can still have Illusion magic or something if you really want to sway people to do what you want, or a passive skill that makes you naturally charming or something.

Did all of that make sense? I hope so. I'm bad at explaining things. If Charisma is really, really desired by everyone else though, I'll implement it.

And now, onto your question about the crafting system!

Basically, there will be two types of crafting if your character wants to make something. Quick Crafting, and Complex Crafting.

Quick Crafting is simple and can be done within the length of an IC post. It's something simple like sharpening a stick, hardening a spear, or making a quick noose... fletching a few arrows, you get the idea.

Complex Crafting is making something on a larger scale, such as a shelter or large firepit. Complex Crafting can take up to 3 IC posts to finish that action, but don't worry! If you all work together on the same Complex Crafting task, a shelter that would usually take 3 IC posts or something to make would be done in one swift turn. Isn't teamwork great?

Now, onto how you actually craft things.

When I make an IC post, I'll usually describe the area your characters are at. I'll describe available resources, such as trees, leafy plants, rock-littered floors, etc. Using those available resources, if you want to craft something, simply state what the item you want to craft is, what materials you're going to use, and how you're going to craft it. If it makes sense and you have enough materials, I'll let you have a shot at crafting it! There a roll will determine if you did it well or badly. But don't worry, simple things don't require a roll. You can sharpen a stick without breaking it, don't worry.

Now, let's say my character Jim wanted to make a crude handaxe. Once I've seen the GM mention that there's rocks, sticks and twine available, I could say something like:

"Jim tries to make himself a crude handaxe using the sharpest rock available from the floor, a sturdy stick, and some twine from the leafy plants. He splits the top of a stick, inserts the sharp stone, and ties the top of the split stick."

You don't need to be perfect in how you explain it. It just needs to make sense. You can't craft a katana from sticks and stones. It's basically logic-based, though crafting more intricate and complex systems (such as a spikefall trap or four-pronged spear) might be harder to make. Which is why Knowledge can boost your chance to successfully craft something. You can also have a passive skill that makes you great at crafting if you want.

Just put what you want to craft in the OOC, I'll tell if you do it or not, and then you continue with your IC post. Unless it's a Complex Craft, then you might want to try and get some people to help you.

Crafting is pretty optional, too. That's not to say it's useless - it's very valuable in some situations, but you can still get decent loot around the island. People can send you stuff too.

Hope that answers your questions! If I wasn't clear about something you wish to know about, please tell me. c:[/hr][/hr]
*accidentally stumbles myself into this RP*
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*accidentally stumbles myself into this RP*
Smooth. X)

While I'm still forcing myself away from Metal Gear Solid 5, I might as well go through what happened to seven groups that attempted Shi No Gemu, and the skill system. If you didn't know already, you're going to be the eighth group to attempt this thing. As a lore bonus, here's what happened in the previous seven... 'shows'... of Shi No Gemu.

Think of this as bonus lore. So you don't have to read it if you don't want to, but the info would be useful to know. Especially what happened with Group 6. I'll try and highlight important bits in bold, too.

You don't have to read if you don't want to. Just stuff to read if you're interested/currently bored.

Group 1

The first display of Shi No Gemu was more experimental than for entertainment purposes. A small amount were selected to watch the first group, to see if it was an enjoyable show to watch. The first eleven volunteers were all talented prisoners, who'd been promised freedom if they successfully completed the show. The group mostly consisted of strong, able melee fighters, but a particularly interesting contestant was a female wind mage who'd been imprisoned for unknown reasons.

The island the eleven were placed in was abundant in resources, mostly consisting of calm forests with warm and comfortable temperatures. The first show had only five artefacts to collect, and, driven by the possibility of freedom, the eleven worked together effectively, easily collecting the first three artefacts. Animals that attacked the group were simply torn apart by the wind mage. Those selected to watch were highly enjoying the show, getting so worked up watching it that they complained it was too easy.

The eleven was extremely close to finishing, but three were killed by the female wind mage by accident. Whilst collecting the fourth artefact, a swarm of diseased bugs attacked the camp. Confused and disorientated, the wind mage sliced apart three others without even knowing it. From there, chaos broke out. The prisoners attacked each other, resulting in a bloody, brutal battle. The wind mage was the last to survive, but she died of bleeding whilst desperately crawling to recover the fifth artefact.

If the group hadn't have fought each other, Shi No Gemu would've easily been completed for the first time. Aware of this, the producers decided to increase the difficulty, increasing the required artefacts from five to eight. Popularity of Shi No Gemu slowly began to spread, as it was enjoyable and exciting for the few who watched it.

Group 2

The second group, once again, consisted of eleven prisoners. Two of which were brothers; a pair of serial killers with an unmatched skill with knives. Determined not to turn against each other and reach their deserved freedom, the eleven got off to a good start, collecting 2 artefacts with relative ease.

However, the island was somewhat barren and mountainous. There was a severe lack of food that caused a surge of weakness throughout the eleven. Arguments broke out, eventually resulting in everyone splitting off into their own directions and ways. The two brothers managed to collect three artefacts alone in the following weeks, becoming 'fan favourites.' Three had died from lack of food, or failing to craft warm enough clothes to survive the harsh nights.

However, something relatively disturbing happened. Because so little food apart from mere plants were available, most of the remaining eight had plans for cannibalism. Barely any beasts attacked, but when they did, they were ravenously eaten. The two brothers picked off two other volunteers, consuming them, before moving on to collect another artefact. Victory was close for the remaining six.

Because the group had split up, however, challenges holding the artefacts had proved too difficult to be done alone. Four learnt that the hard way one by one, dying in grotesque fashions. The two brothers stormed on, before one of the brothers died in his sleep by malnutrition. Overcome by grief, instead of turning to eat his dead brother, the last remaining man killed himself, surprising the audience.

Group 3

The third piloting of Shi No Gemu was easily the quickest, and most unfair, out of all the shows.

Placed into what could only be described as a frozen tundra, none of the eleven prisoners had the neccessary skills or magic to keep warm. One by one they died of hypothermia, failing to collect a single artefact.

Fans of the show were outraged at the obscene difficulty of the island, causing an uproar of complaints. People behind Shi No Gemu agreed to ensure islands were able to be reasonably survived on before choosing them. Popularity died down somewhat at this disappointing, depressing, and generally interesting month of Shi No Gemu.
Group 4

Before the fourth show began, people behind Shi No Gemu suddenly announced that worthy volunteers could apply for the show, instead of eleven prisoners being selected. Volunteers were quickly found, mostly those looking to either test their skills, or bring honour to the family name.

The show began on a thick, highly-elevated forest island. Filled with many interesting contestants, such as magi, archers, beast-tamers and swordsmen alike, people began to get excited by what this version of the show had to offer.

A sheer blaze of excitement to watch, the eleven displayed impressive battles against the combat-based island. Scorching, slicing, and displaying excellent teamwork to slice through wolves and other horrors alike. Every character had their own chance to shine at their skills, collecting artefacts slowly but surely. But with each battle came a death most of the time. One by one, the group began to die in battle. The bond between Group 4 was strong, and the audience was often teary as the latest dead member was buried.

Six artefacts were collected in total. The last remaining contestants were a couple - a male and female, both skilled and proud fighters - madly in love with each other since they entered the island. Knowing they had no chance, they agreed to die a good death. And so, strangely, they agreed to fight each other after engaging in unshown activities. The female won, and later committed suicide via plunging a sword into her own chest.

It was an exciting Group, and the audience was hooked at the very start from the fourth show. After being such an improvement from Group 3, volunteering to enter Shi No Gemu became a common thing.

Group 5

Another exciting year, filled with interesting characters. The island was a bizarre, sludge-covered swamp, ridden with disease-carrying bugs and rabid creatures. All of the eleven would've undoubtedly fallen to illness if it weren't for a white-haired healer, able to cure the diseases and wounds of her comrades with ease. This lady was without a doubt the kindess contestant ever known to Shi No Gemu. She refused to kill, and only helped and comforted others. Even a hot-headed, irritable and unkind thief took a liking to her.

The show was slow and hard for the contestants, as pushing through the sludge of the swamps was difficult and exhausting. Despite this, thanks to the healer's support and aid, they managed to push on and collect six artefacts.

However, the seventh artefact was where everything went wrong. A giant, reptilian creature guarded the seventh artefact - so powerful that it literally scooped up handfuls of contestants and ate them. The healer was picked up and literally thrown across the island by the giant drake, suffering fatal injuries but still being kept alive nonetheless. Everyone was dead at this point, apart from the thief.

The thief escaped, covered in the blood of his comrades. So emotionally truamatized and angry by it all, he found the healer's unconcious, broken, and bloody body. He screamed for it all to end, moving the audience so much that riots began to break out on the streets.

To avoid conflict, the thief and the healer were pulled out and hospitalised instead of being left to die. They remain in hospital to this day.

Group 6

The sixth show. The event that almost completely put a stop to Shi No Gemu forever, and shaken the city of Yakazuma.

By this point, Shi No Gemu was extremely popular. Many, many watched as the next eleven were shipped onto an island, seemingly quite barren and in the open. One of the volunteers was a peculiar man dressed smartly in a reddish-pink suit and top hat. Despite this bizarre attire, the man was incredibly ominous and scary. He never seemed to talk, only give this sickeningly terrifying smile as the top hat covered his eyes.

In the first few days of the show, one of the last things seen was the well-dressed man pulling something out of the suit pocket.

Then all that could be seen was blank, and all that could be heard were screams and ripping of flesh. Even the Watchmakers (those who make the show visible by others) were thought to be reduced to bloody shreds.

To this day, it's unknown what happened. The man in the top hat was thought to have been killed by overseers to prevent further murder. It was a gruesome and terrifying experience for those watching.

There were only two survivors of the sudden mass-murder, both of which are still in mental asylums. The man in the suit is the very reason people are only allowed to bring in one crude weapon and wear simple clothes, as it's thought he managed to hide an extremely powerful weapon in his suit in order to cruelly murder many.

Origins of the man in the suit is unknown. The reason for his attack is unknown. The thought of his menacing smile and the way the show suddenly went black is feared to this day.

Group 7

After a long delay following the Group 6 incident, Shi No Gemu opened once again.

Not much to say about this one. A relatively simple plains-like island, eleven volunteers, who managed to collect five artefacts before dying in a variety of causes. Starvation, heatstroke, Though nobody murdered each other. It was enough to get people back into Shi No Gemu however, and the eighth group is eagerly anticipated as people of Yakazuma try to forget the horror of the Group 6 incident.

Group 8

This is where you people will come in.

I wonder if you'll be the first to win?

Or the next to fail...

Or a group that will change the tides of the game forever.[/hr][/hr]
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Should be good to start the OOC around this Wednesday or so. I'll be sure to pop a link here once it's up; it'll be in the fantasy section. If you've got any questions or requests before the RP starts, now would be a good time to do it~.
Still looking for people? This sounds awesome!
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Sure am! I'll be sure to notify you when the OOC is up~.

Also, welcome to iwaku! At least I think you're new; that's usually what orange names mean. If you're not new plsnohurtme X)

^3^ I am new! Thank you for the welcome!
Some questions:

A. Can there be firearms?

B. What time period is this in?
Jakers: Ah, I see! Thank you for taking the time to write such an answer- it all made perfect sense.

Kessel: It is stated in the OP that firearms are not allowed, and while the era is not clear, we have been told this will have a "medieval kind of setting".
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