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"That still doesn't answer my question, Tohsaka," Alex fixed the woman with a steely glare, "Why are you not the mage this time? It's incredibly risky bringing this many outsiders, and given my association with a group who professes to distrust the Association and the corporations, it seems even riskier to bring me in... So what's your aim?" Years of fending for himself had taught the mage one simple fact about working with someone of a greater position than you; that person was always looking to screw you over.​


"Because the Grail chooses people randomly." She said. "It essentially chooses those it thinks are most worthy, and selects them to fight." She makes a peeved sigh. "And we brought you in BECAUSE you're Anti-Establishment. You aren't tied to the Corporations or the Association."

"Because the Grail chooses people randomly." She said. "It essentially chooses those it thinks are most worthy, and selects them to fight." She makes a peeved sigh. "And we brought you in BECAUSE you're Anti-Establishment. You aren't tied to the Corporations or the Association."
"... Okay, I can understand you not trusting the business assholes, but why not the Association? What, did one of the families do something forbidden and piss them off?"


"Actually, given how strict those assholes are about their rules, I wouldn't be surprised if that did happen."
Azrael chuckles at the thought of an action figure of him. The thought amused him greatly. "Well, I knew about the wish thing, and the seven servants. But the corps would really risk throwing such a huge thing into public eye for a petty reason like that?" He strokes his chin, in thought. Meanwhile, Ally speaks up, her previous anger washing away for a more business-like attitude. "Yes, well... Finding reliable information on the Matrix is much more difficult than most people think. A lot of the info I found was either corp-controlled, or idiotic rumours of involving the masses as huge sacrifices." She frowns, retrieving some laptop from her bag, placing it on the table. She opens it up, and brings the screen to a few documents. "Luckily I had a friend who knew a guy, and he was able to get me, through some crazy techno wizardry, a paltry few documents from the Association archives. All that they said was some weird prophecy and seven cards. It was low-level information, as I'm sure those guys have something more... substantial... on the matter, but I can't get my hands on it, not without some top-level access to it." She sits in Azrael's lap, garnering a "Damnit, warn me before you sit on me!" From her partner. She slides the clearly heavily retrofitted piece of tech over in front of her.

Azrael picks up from here. "So, if it's televised, what's the point of hiring Runners, and not, say, actual mercenaries? Not many runners would be happy to show their faces on national television."
"... Okay, I can understand you not trusting the business assholes, but why not the Association? What, did one of the families do something forbidden and piss them off?"


"Actually, given how strict those assholes are about their rules, I wouldn't be surprised if that did happen."
"None of us are Association connected anymore." Rin said. "I decided to cut it off after getting my formal magical education there, and Sakura's family was kicked out back in 2024. I'm entirely unsure if Ilya's family was in to begin with." She said.

Azrael chuckles at the thought of an action figure of him. The thought amused him greatly. "Well, I knew about the wish thing, and the seven servants. But the corps would really risk throwing such a huge thing into public eye for a petty reason like that?" He strokes his chin, in thought. Meanwhile, Ally speaks up, her previous anger washing away for a more business-like attitude. "Yes, well... Finding reliable information on the Matrix is much more difficult than most people think. A lot of the info I found was either corp-controlled, or idiotic rumours of involving the masses as huge sacrifices." She frowns, retrieving some laptop from her bag, placing it on the table. She opens it up, and brings the screen to a few documents. "Luckily I had a friend who knew a guy, and he was able to get me, through some crazy techno wizardry, a paltry few documents from the Association archives. All that they said was some weird prophecy and seven cards. It was low-level information, as I'm sure those guys have something more... substantial... on the matter, but I can't get my hands on it, not without some top-level access to it." She sits in Azrael's lap, garnering a "Damnit, warn me before you sit on me!" From her partner. She slides the clearly heavily retrofitted piece of tech over in front of her.

Azrael picks up from here. "So, if it's televised, what's the point of hiring Runners, and not, say, actual mercenaries? Not many runners would be happy to show their faces on national television."

"We hired runners because we didn't have the luxury of Corporate Security to protect our Mage. Their teams will be a mix of Runners and CorpSec." Rin said.

Kellyn stared into his tea. "I May have some information that the CDC requisitioned during a Toxic Shaman investigation. Rin also has some, and the other families may have some more. We can piece them together if it's fragmented." He began to drink his tea.
"None of us are Association connected anymore." Rin said. "I decided to cut it off after getting my formal magical education there, and Sakura's family was kicked out back in 2024. I'm entirely unsure if Ilya's family was in to begin with." She said.

"We hired runners because we didn't have the luxury of Corporate Security to protect our Mage. Their teams will be a mix of Runners and CorpSec." Rin said.

Kellyn stared into his tea. "I May have some information that the CDC requisitioned during a Toxic Shaman investigation. Rin also has some, and the other families may have some more. We can piece them together if it's fragmented." He began to drink his tea.
"Hm." Azrael takes a drink of his juice, frowning slightly as he hears their opposition. "Well, it won't be too tough to deal with. My biggest concern are the Servants, who I hear are supposed to be various legends of history? Not sure how tough they are, but can they withstand modern weaponry? Or is the target of the mundane teams the enemy mage? If that's the case, then this should be relatively easy. Not many things can withstand a hail of 50cal APDS rounds." He chuckles as he taps the huge case at his side with his foot.
"Hm." Azrael takes a drink of his juice, frowning slightly as he hears their opposition. "Well, it won't be too tough to deal with. My biggest concern are the Servants, who I hear are supposed to be various legends of history? Not sure how tough they are, but can they withstand modern weaponry? Or is the target of the mundane teams the enemy mage? If that's the case, then this should be relatively easy. Not many things can withstand a hail of 50cal APDS rounds." He chuckles as he taps the huge case at his side with his foot.
Kellyn stood up. "And that's why there are Shadowrunning teams. The corps really want this, and know that Runner teams would be used against their mages. Which, is why Runners are hired as others defense mechanisms, and offensive maneuvers. Who thinks like a runner? Other runners." Kellyn said. "They're going to be highly trained, and highly protective of their team members, plus there will always be things we unaccounted for. I don't think this job is cut-and-dry."
Kellyn stood up. "And that's why there are Shadowrunning teams. The corps really want this, and know that Runner teams would be used against their mages. Which, is why Runners are hired as others defense mechanisms, and offensive maneuvers. Who thinks like a runner? Other runners." Kellyn said. "They're going to be highly trained, and highly protective of their team members, plus there will always be things we unaccounted for. I don't think this job is cut-and-dry."
Azrael nods, taking another drink from the juice. "True enough. At least we've hired on a hacker so we don't get completely trashed by enemy Runner teams. I don't particularly enjoy it when my Image Link gets flooded with hardcore gay pornography." He frowns, but cracks his neck. "Well, if we're gonna be working together, how about we go over exactly what each of us is bringing to the proverbial table, hm?"
"None of us are Association connected anymore." Rin said. "I decided to cut it off after getting my formal magical education there, and Sakura's family was kicked out back in 2024. I'm entirely unsure if Ilya's family was in to begin with." She said.

"We hired runners because we didn't have the luxury of Corporate Security to protect our Mage. Their teams will be a mix of Runners and CorpSec." Rin said.

Kellyn stared into his tea. "I May have some information that the CDC requisitioned during a Toxic Shaman investigation. Rin also has some, and the other families may have some more. We can piece them together if it's fragmented." He began to drink his tea.
"Fucking traitors, working for the corporate big wigs... Anyways, welcome to the fun side of magic, Tohsaka."
"Hm." Azrael takes a drink of his juice, frowning slightly as he hears their opposition. "Well, it won't be too tough to deal with. My biggest concern are the Servants, who I hear are supposed to be various legends of history? Not sure how tough they are, but can they withstand modern weaponry? Or is the target of the mundane teams the enemy mage? If that's the case, then this should be relatively easy. Not many things can withstand a hail of 50cal APDS rounds." He chuckles as he taps the huge case at his side with his foot.
"Fairly certain it's both, in a way. Lose the mage, then you've definitely lost your bid, but from what little I know about the various incidents... It seems like you need a servant to stick around as well. Like, they're incredibly powerful figures, but you don't want to suicide run them."
Kellyn stood up. "And that's why there are Shadowrunning teams. The corps really want this, and know that Runner teams would be used against their mages. Which, is why Runners are hired as others defense mechanisms, and offensive maneuvers. Who thinks like a runner? Other runners." Kellyn said. "They're going to be highly trained, and highly protective of their team members, plus there will always be things we unaccounted for. I don't think this job is cut-and-dry."
Alex lifted up his gym bag, one that carried his various armaments and a few extra surprises, "Do you think they account for high-grade explosives at registration, set off right after our team finishes up and gets out?"

The creepiest part about that statement was that the mage was completely serious in considering this a possible way to win.​
Azrael nods, taking another drink from the juice. "True enough. At least we've hired on a hacker so we don't get completely trashed by enemy Runner teams. I don't particularly enjoy it when my Image Link gets flooded with hardcore gay pornography." He frowns, but cracks his neck. "Well, if we're gonna be working together, how about we go over exactly what each of us is bringing to the proverbial table, hm?"
"I bet your weeb companion loves it," Alex fired off, not wanting to miss the chance to take a shot at Ally. He loved a job that came with free entertainment, "Anyways, like we've made it clear before, I'm your gainfully employed magician, ready to summon us up a Servant and shove a spear of fucking ice down someone's gullet, usually with high-grade explosives attached to it. My theoretical knowledge is rather impressive, covering shitty magical tradition and theory, spell design, artificing, arcane threats, English, Japanese, Hebrew, Latin, mana barriers, and fucking getting a good ass burger for shitty ass burger prices."

"So what about you three then?" And thus, the tables have turned in, Alex now eyeing the three stated allies of his for the competition, "I've spilled everything you need to know about me, so what about you fucks?"
"Fucking traitors, working for the corporate big wigs... Anyways, welcome to the fun side of magic, Tohsaka."

"Fairly certain it's both, in a way. Lose the mage, then you've definitely lost your bid, but from what little I know about the various incidents... It seems like you need a servant to stick around as well. Like, they're incredibly powerful figures, but you don't want to suicide run them."

Alex lifted up his gym bag, one that carried his various armaments and a few extra surprises, "Do you think they account for high-grade explosives at registration, set off right after our team finishes up and gets out?"

The creepiest part about that statement was that the mage was completely serious in considering this a possible way to win.​

"I bet your weeb companion loves it," Alex fired off, not wanting to miss the chance to take a shot at Ally. He loved a job that came with free entertainment, "Anyways, like we've made it clear before, I'm your gainfully employed magician, ready to summon us up a Servant and shove a spear of fucking ice down someone's gullet, usually with high-grade explosives attached to it. My theoretical knowledge is rather impressive, covering shitty magical tradition and theory, spell design, artificing, arcane threats, English, Japanese, Hebrew, Latin, mana barriers, and fucking getting a good ass burger for shitty ass burger prices."

"So what about you three then?" And thus, the tables have turned in, Alex now eyeing the three stated allies of his for the competition, "I've spilled everything you need to know about me, so what about you fucks?"
The Orc smirks slightly as he's asked what he's proficient in, before removing Ally from his lap, which she responds with a pair of rolled eyes. He grabs the case with both hands, straining a bit against the weight, needing both hands to lift it. He places the case on the table, undoing the clasps and lock keeping it closed. "Go ahead and make your overcompensation jokes now, Harry Potter, because this one's a beast." He opens the case, revealing a big gun. And not just a bug gun. But a REALLY big gun. The weapon was easily a 50-calibur, meant to be mounted on Mechs and Tanks, not hand held.


The weapon was easily half his size, decked out in multiple different addons.

"Aside from my skills as a mechanic and armourer, (That means I'm the guy who's gonna be takin' care of everyone's guns), I have this fine baby. 50-round clips, and 100-round belts, I've got APDS and High-Explosive ammunition for this bad girl. She's my pride and joy. Best part is? I didn't even buy her. Most people can't, thanks to MET-2000's contract with Ruhrmetall Weapons. But I found this precious girl on a MET-2k mech wreck." He closes the case, placing it back on the ground. "Lastly, I've got a few modifications that allow me to take some serious punishment before biting the dust."

Ally, on the other hand, after rolling her eyes at Azrael, simply crosses her arms. "I'm sure Gun-Nut over here told you I'm not a runner. I'm this idiot's Fixer, but I usually work as his Coordinator and mission ops when he's in a Run. I might do that for you bunch too, if I'm feeling generous."
The Orc smirks slightly as he's asked what he's proficient in, before removing Ally from his lap, which she responds with a pair of rolled eyes. He grabs the case with both hands, straining a bit against the weight, needing both hands to lift it. He places the case on the table, undoing the clasps and lock keeping it closed. "Go ahead and make your overcompensation jokes now, Harry Potter, because this one's a beast." He opens the case, revealing a big gun. And not just a bug gun. But a REALLY big gun. The weapon was easily a 50-calibur, meant to be mounted on Mechs and Tanks, not hand held.


The weapon was easily half his size, decked out in multiple different addons.

"Aside from my skills as a mechanic and armourer, (That means I'm the guy who's gonna be takin' care of everyone's guns), I have this fine baby. 50-round clips, and 100-round belts, I've got APDS and High-Explosive ammunition for this bad girl. She's my pride and joy. Best part is? I didn't even buy her. Most people can't, thanks to MET-2000's contract with Ruhrmetall Weapons. But I found this precious girl on a MET-2k mech wreck." He closes the case, placing it back on the ground. "Lastly, I've got a few modifications that allow me to take some serious punishment before biting the dust."

Ally, on the other hand, after rolling her eyes at Azrael, simply crosses her arms. "I'm sure Gun-Nut over here told you I'm not a runner. I'm this idiot's Fixer, but I usually work as his Coordinator and mission ops when he's in a Run. I might do that for you bunch too, if I'm feeling generous."
"Jesus of Nazareth fucking Christ, good thing you added the goddamn disclaimer to it. That thing is bigger than a dragon's fucking cock."

Where Alex got the standard for making such a comparison was unknown, but he certainly felt that it was an appropriate one. He gave the gun a once over before looking to Ally, "And you have to figure out how to get ammunition for this massive pile of anal wreckage, Nekoteny? Jesus, I actually feel sorry for you."
"Jesus of Nazareth fucking Christ, good thing you added the goddamn disclaimer to it. That thing is bigger than a dragon's fucking cock."

Where Alex got the standard for making such a comparison was unknown, but he certainly felt that it was an appropriate one. He gave the gun a once over before looking to Ally, "And you have to figure out how to get ammunition for this massive pile of anal wreckage, Nekoteny? Jesus, I actually feel sorry for you."
Azrael laughs at Alex's reaction to his BFG, quite amused with it. "The only tough part is finding EX-Explosive rounds that fit this thing. I damn near have to make the shit myself, since people aren't usually very pleased with the prospect of their BFG's spitting out more explosives than an old Micheal Bay trid. The real question, however, is can this bad bitch take down a Servant? I remember from old footage from our research on the Wars showed that not very many people used conventional firearms against Servants. Not that this beast can be called 'conventional'."

Ally shrugs, simply frowning at the orc, who is happier than pig in mud currently. "Honestly, if it's between the two of us, he doesn't actually need to Run to live, he simply does it for a chance to use his pride and joy."
Azrael laughs at Alex's reaction to his BFG, quite amused with it. "The only tough part is finding EX-Explosive rounds that fit this thing. I damn near have to make the shit myself, since people aren't usually very pleased with the prospect of their BFG's spitting out more explosives than an old Micheal Bay trid. The real question, however, is can this bad bitch take down a Servant? I remember from old footage from our research on the Wars showed that not very many people used conventional firearms against Servants. Not that this beast can be called 'conventional'."

Ally shrugs, simply frowning at the orc, who is happier than pig in mud currently. "Honestly, if it's between the two of us, he doesn't actually need to Run to live, he simply does it for a chance to use his pride and joy."
Alex snorted at Ally's response, finding her disgruntlement pretty funny, "Somehow, I feel like he wouldn't fit in any other sort of job. Now, onto the whole Servant thing..." He stroke his chin, where something of a beard was beginning to grow, as he tried to decide if the weapon would work. He would need to shave here soon if he wanted to look good for the cameras at the event, "Maybe. The problem is, you've got a huge variety of people who can show up as servants and as different classes as well. That thing might kill say a Caster if it hits, but first you have to deal with the servant's powers possibly fucking up your shot. A Berserker, on the other hand?"

He shivered, remembering tales of the Berserker who had been in what he thought was Rin's war, "They can easily no-sell a shot from that. They are some of the toughest bastards to kill, and it usually requires temporary alliances between teams to eliminate them or their summoners."
Azrael nods, taking another drink from the juice. "True enough. At least we've hired on a hacker so we don't get completely trashed by enemy Runner teams. I don't particularly enjoy it when my Image Link gets flooded with hardcore gay pornography." He frowns, but cracks his neck. "Well, if we're gonna be working together, how about we go over exactly what each of us is bringing to the proverbial table, hm?"
"Fucking traitors, working for the corporate big wigs... Anyways, welcome to the fun side of magic, Tohsaka."

"Fairly certain it's both, in a way. Lose the mage, then you've definitely lost your bid, but from what little I know about the various incidents... It seems like you need a servant to stick around as well. Like, they're incredibly powerful figures, but you don't want to suicide run them."

Alex lifted up his gym bag, one that carried his various armaments and a few extra surprises, "Do you think they account for high-grade explosives at registration, set off right after our team finishes up and gets out?"

The creepiest part about that statement was that the mage was completely serious in considering this a possible way to win.​

"I bet your weeb companion loves it," Alex fired off, not wanting to miss the chance to take a shot at Ally. He loved a job that came with free entertainment, "Anyways, like we've made it clear before, I'm your gainfully employed magician, ready to summon us up a Servant and shove a spear of fucking ice down someone's gullet, usually with high-grade explosives attached to it. My theoretical knowledge is rather impressive, covering shitty magical tradition and theory, spell design, artificing, arcane threats, English, Japanese, Hebrew, Latin, mana barriers, and fucking getting a good ass burger for shitty ass burger prices."

"So what about you three then?" And thus, the tables have turned in, Alex now eyeing the three stated allies of his for the competition, "I've spilled everything you need to know about me, so what about you fucks?"
The Orc smirks slightly as he's asked what he's proficient in, before removing Ally from his lap, which she responds with a pair of rolled eyes. He grabs the case with both hands, straining a bit against the weight, needing both hands to lift it. He places the case on the table, undoing the clasps and lock keeping it closed. "Go ahead and make your overcompensation jokes now, Harry Potter, because this one's a beast." He opens the case, revealing a big gun. And not just a bug gun. But a REALLY big gun. The weapon was easily a 50-calibur, meant to be mounted on Mechs and Tanks, not hand held.


The weapon was easily half his size, decked out in multiple different addons.

"Aside from my skills as a mechanic and armourer, (That means I'm the guy who's gonna be takin' care of everyone's guns), I have this fine baby. 50-round clips, and 100-round belts, I've got APDS and High-Explosive ammunition for this bad girl. She's my pride and joy. Best part is? I didn't even buy her. Most people can't, thanks to MET-2000's contract with Ruhrmetall Weapons. But I found this precious girl on a MET-2k mech wreck." He closes the case, placing it back on the ground. "Lastly, I've got a few modifications that allow me to take some serious punishment before biting the dust."

Ally, on the other hand, after rolling her eyes at Azrael, simply crosses her arms. "I'm sure Gun-Nut over here told you I'm not a runner. I'm this idiot's Fixer, but I usually work as his Coordinator and mission ops when he's in a Run. I might do that for you bunch too, if I'm feeling generous."

Kellyn stood up again. "They're going to check for explosives and weapons and whatnot at Orientation. There's Orientation immediately after registration. It's sort of like Camp or College."

He stared at the Huge-ass gun. "Well... Uh, I don't think I can possibly top that..." He put his tea back down on the table. "Anyway, I'm a doctor. I'll be patching you all up if you guys get hurt so we don't need to visit some Street-Doc that will sell our body parts or something. I'm also an Adept. I use my adept powers to assist me in my shooting. I'll be the group's Overwatch and Sniper. I'll cover you all from the back." He cleared his throat. "I'm also bilingual in English and Latin, incredibly lucky, and have a photographic memory. I can see something, and store it in my mind." He leaned over to unzip his suitcase. From under layers of clothes, several guns lay. "My Valiant is in the car. But this is my Yamaha Raiden, my AM-47, a crossbow, and my Predator." He put each weapon on the table. "Nothing like what Azrael has, but still powerful."
Alex snorted at Ally's response, finding her disgruntlement pretty funny, "Somehow, I feel like he wouldn't fit in any other sort of job. Now, onto the whole Servant thing..." He stroke his chin, where something of a beard was beginning to grow, as he tried to decide if the weapon would work. He would need to shave here soon if he wanted to look good for the cameras at the event, "Maybe. The problem is, you've got a huge variety of people who can show up as servants and as different classes as well. That thing might kill say a Caster if it hits, but first you have to deal with the servant's powers possibly fucking up your shot. A Berserker, on the other hand?"

He shivered, remembering tales of the Berserker who had been in what he thought was Rin's war, "They can easily no-sell a shot from that. They are some of the toughest bastards to kill, and it usually requires temporary alliances between teams to eliminate them or their summoners."

"Right. Also, to take out a mage's magical ability without killing them, you need to have some sout of special bullet, if I recall correctly. But even then, they can just pass it off to some different Mage. Killing them is the best option. Learned that in the CDC."
Alex snorted at Ally's response, finding her disgruntlement pretty funny, "Somehow, I feel like he wouldn't fit in any other sort of job. Now, onto the whole Servant thing..." He stroke his chin, where something of a beard was beginning to grow, as he tried to decide if the weapon would work. He would need to shave here soon if he wanted to look good for the cameras at the event, "Maybe. The problem is, you've got a huge variety of people who can show up as servants and as different classes as well. That thing might kill say a Caster if it hits, but first you have to deal with the servant's powers possibly fucking up your shot. A Berserker, on the other hand?"

He shivered, remembering tales of the Berserker who had been in what he thought was Rin's war, "They can easily no-sell a shot from that. They are some of the toughest bastards to kill, and it usually requires temporary alliances between teams to eliminate them or their summoners."
Azrael shrugs, keeping a hand on the case. "Well, that's the problem. You see, a Berserker might be able to no-sell one shot, but SF-20's aren't exactly made for semi-automatic fire. One shot might not be enough, but how about 10? 20?" He taps his index finger on the box, deep in thought. "Well, I guess there's no real way to tell properly without a little... 'field testing'. And if THAT doesn't work, then I can bet you my gun that their mage won't stand up very long against this thing."
Kellyn stood up again. "They're going to check for explosives and weapons and whatnot at Orientation. There's Orientation immediately after registration. It's sort of like Camp or College."

He stared at the Huge-ass gun. "Well... Uh, I don't think I can possibly top that..." He put his tea back down on the table. "Anyway, I'm a doctor. I'll be patching you all up if you guys get hurt so we don't need to visit some Street-Doc that will sell our body parts or something. I'm also an Adept. I use my adept powers to assist me in my shooting. I'll be the group's Overwatch and Sniper. I'll cover you all from the back." He cleared his throat. "I'm also bilingual in English and Latin, incredibly lucky, and have a photographic memory. I can see something, and store it in my mind." He leaned over to unzip his suitcase. From under layers of clothes, several guns lay. "My Valiant is in the car. But this is my Yamaha Raiden, my AM-47, a crossbow, and my Predator." He put each weapon on the table. "Nothing like what Azrael has, but still powerful."

"Right. Also, to take out a mage's magical ability without killing them, you need to have some sout of special bullet, if I recall correctly. But even then, they can just pass it off to some different Mage. Killing them is the best option. Learned that in the CDC."
Azrael looks over Peacekeeper's small collection of guns. "Very nice. So, I'm guessing from how these things usually work, since you're the sniper, you're going to be focusing on priority targets. Do you have any ways of rapidly moving from cover to cover aside from your own two feet? If so, I can force enemies into cover with a little suppressive fire, and depending on the terrain, you can easily flank them, dropping VIPs with a single well-placed shot. I'll probably focus on covering Harry Potter here from enemy Runner teams, and probably mowing down any Corp Sec reinforcements." He leans back, cracking his knuckles. "Now all we need is our hacker to show up, and we'll be solid."
Azrael shrugs, keeping a hand on the case. "Well, that's the problem. You see, a Berserker might be able to no-sell one shot, but SF-20's aren't exactly made for semi-automatic fire. One shot might not be enough, but how about 10? 20?" He taps his index finger on the box, deep in thought. "Well, I guess there's no real way to tell properly without a little... 'field testing'. And if THAT doesn't work, then I can bet you my gun that their mage won't stand up very long against this thing."

Azrael looks over Peacekeeper's small collection of guns. "Very nice. So, I'm guessing from how these things usually work, since you're the sniper, you're going to be focusing on priority targets. Do you have any ways of rapidly moving from cover to cover aside from your own two feet? If so, I can force enemies into cover with a little suppressive fire, and depending on the terrain, you can easily flank them, dropping VIPs with a single well-placed shot. I'll probably focus on covering Harry Potter here from enemy Runner teams, and probably mowing down any Corp Sec reinforcements." He leans back, cracking his knuckles. "Now all we need is our hacker to show up, and we'll be solid."

Kellyn nodded. He dug into his bag and pulled out those shoes with wheels. Not really. What he really did was reply. "I can pretty well cover my tracks with my adept abilities. I can cloak myself, as well as leave no tracks when I walk. And yes, I will be taking out High Priority targets. However, what I think we should do is focus on the Mage, while our Servant fights their servant." He began packing the guns back into his bag.

Rin turned to Dres. "May I see your Command Seal?" She asked. "It should be on your hand."

@The Tactician
Kellyn stood up again. "They're going to check for explosives and weapons and whatnot at Orientation. There's Orientation immediately after registration. It's sort of like Camp or College."

He stared at the Huge-ass gun. "Well... Uh, I don't think I can possibly top that..." He put his tea back down on the table. "Anyway, I'm a doctor. I'll be patching you all up if you guys get hurt so we don't need to visit some Street-Doc that will sell our body parts or something. I'm also an Adept. I use my adept powers to assist me in my shooting. I'll be the group's Overwatch and Sniper. I'll cover you all from the back." He cleared his throat. "I'm also bilingual in English and Latin, incredibly lucky, and have a photographic memory. I can see something, and store it in my mind." He leaned over to unzip his suitcase. From under layers of clothes, several guns lay. "My Valiant is in the car. But this is my Yamaha Raiden, my AM-47, a crossbow, and my Predator." He put each weapon on the table. "Nothing like what Azrael has, but still powerful."

"Right. Also, to take out a mage's magical ability without killing them, you need to have some sout of special bullet, if I recall correctly. But even then, they can just pass it off to some different Mage. Killing them is the best option. Learned that in the CDC."
Azrael shrugs, keeping a hand on the case. "Well, that's the problem. You see, a Berserker might be able to no-sell one shot, but SF-20's aren't exactly made for semi-automatic fire. One shot might not be enough, but how about 10? 20?" He taps his index finger on the box, deep in thought. "Well, I guess there's no real way to tell properly without a little... 'field testing'. And if THAT doesn't work, then I can bet you my gun that their mage won't stand up very long against this thing."

Azrael looks over Peacekeeper's small collection of guns. "Very nice. So, I'm guessing from how these things usually work, since you're the sniper, you're going to be focusing on priority targets. Do you have any ways of rapidly moving from cover to cover aside from your own two feet? If so, I can force enemies into cover with a little suppressive fire, and depending on the terrain, you can easily flank them, dropping VIPs with a single well-placed shot. I'll probably focus on covering Harry Potter here from enemy Runner teams, and probably mowing down any Corp Sec reinforcements." He leans back, cracking his knuckles. "Now all we need is our hacker to show up, and we'll be solid."
"Orientation? What the fuck, I didn't come here to sit through another college lecture!"

Already, this war was starting to sound more and more tiresome, though he should have expected as much. Given that the corporations were running the show, it should have been no surprise that there would be a bunch of new rules attached to it to protect their interests, "Though how the fuck do they keep a mage from shooting off right there in the middle of the lecture? How do we know the other teams won't have sponsors waiting outside with their weapons, ready to shoot us and anyone else even remotely not them, and claim victory that way?"

"Jesus fucking Christ, we're going into the proverbial lions' den with this horseshit," He groaned as he leaned back and crossed his arms, trying to think of a way to keep them and most importantly himself alive, "Some of us actually want to make it to fucking thirty..."
Kellyn nodded. He dug into his bag and pulled out those shoes with wheels. Not really. What he really did was reply. "I can pretty well cover my tracks with my adept abilities. I can cloak myself, as well as leave no tracks when I walk. And yes, I will be taking out High Priority targets. However, what I think we should do is focus on the Mage, while our Servant fights their servant." He began packing the guns back into his bag.

Rin turned to Dres. "May I see your Command Seal?" She asked. "It should be on your hand."

@The Tactician
"And I'll be stuck in the back, taking potshots in relative safety?" Christ, an absolutely death-seeking and yet somehow boring job. Why did he have to get stuck with this job again?

Wait, shit, Rin was talking to him again. Fuck, calm down, Alex, just show her the Command Seal.


"Lately, I've been able to pass it off as just another tattoo to go along with the one for my fire magic."
"Orientation? What the fuck, I didn't come here to sit through another college lecture!"

Already, this war was starting to sound more and more tiresome, though he should have expected as much. Given that the corporations were running the show, it should have been no surprise that there would be a bunch of new rules attached to it to protect their interests, "Though how the fuck do they keep a mage from shooting off right there in the middle of the lecture? How do we know the other teams won't have sponsors waiting outside with their weapons, ready to shoot us and anyone else even remotely not them, and claim victory that way?"

"Jesus fucking Christ, we're going into the proverbial lions' den with this horseshit," He groaned as he leaned back and crossed his arms, trying to think of a way to keep them and most importantly himself alive, "Some of us actually want to make it to fucking thirty..."

"And I'll be stuck in the back, taking potshots in relative safety?" Christ, an absolutely death-seeking and yet somehow boring job. Why did he have to get stuck with this job again?

Wait, shit, Rin was talking to him again. Fuck, calm down, Alex, just show her the Command Seal.


"Lately, I've been able to pass it off as just another tattoo to go along with the one for my fire magic."
Azrael looks a bit shocked at this, showing a bit more intelligence than the constant insults his Fixer throws at him would let on. "Wait... Aren't those only supposed to show up AFTER someone's summoned their servants?" He frowns a bit, shaking his head. "You're damn lucky nobody picked you off while you were on your way here, Dres. Otherwise we'd be out of the competition for good. Not saying I want that money, but it'd be best to keep that wish out of the wrong hands here." He leans back, stroking his chin. "Hm... If we aren't allowed to bring weapons to Orientation, can we at least wear armour? Orientation itself seems rather ridiculously risky for ANY team involved. It puts you out into the open, too many opportunities to get geeked early on... Who's hosting this event anyway?"
"Orientation? What the fuck, I didn't come here to sit through another college lecture!"

Already, this war was starting to sound more and more tiresome, though he should have expected as much. Given that the corporations were running the show, it should have been no surprise that there would be a bunch of new rules attached to it to protect their interests, "Though how the fuck do they keep a mage from shooting off right there in the middle of the lecture? How do we know the other teams won't have sponsors waiting outside with their weapons, ready to shoot us and anyone else even remotely not them, and claim victory that way?"

"Jesus fucking Christ, we're going into the proverbial lions' den with this horseshit," He groaned as he leaned back and crossed his arms, trying to think of a way to keep them and most importantly himself alive, "Some of us actually want to make it to fucking thirty..."

"And I'll be stuck in the back, taking potshots in relative safety?" Christ, an absolutely death-seeking and yet somehow boring job. Why did he have to get stuck with this job again?

Wait, shit, Rin was talking to him again. Fuck, calm down, Alex, just show her the Command Seal.


"Lately, I've been able to pass it off as just another tattoo to go along with the one for my fire magic."
Azrael looks a bit shocked at this, showing a bit more intelligence than the constant insults his Fixer throws at him would let on. "Wait... Aren't those only supposed to show up AFTER someone's summoned their servants?" He frowns a bit, shaking his head. "You're damn lucky nobody picked you off while you were on your way here, Dres. Otherwise we'd be out of the competition for good. Not saying I want that money, but it'd be best to keep that wish out of the wrong hands here." He leans back, stroking his chin. "Hm... If we aren't allowed to bring weapons to Orientation, can we at least wear armour? Orientation itself seems rather ridiculously risky for ANY team involved. It puts you out into the open, too many opportunities to get geeked early on... Who's hosting this event anyway?"

"Yes, we can wear armor. And I don't think it's going to be that dangerous. Everyone is under contract to not fight there. It was in that sheet you signed. The war officially starts once all the servants are summoned." Kellyn said. "We won't have anything to worry about. And about you staying back, you'll be controlling the Servant, and making sure their Mage doesn't try to geek you. You'll be on the front lines with the servants." He clicked his tongue. "As for the mediator? "The Church."" Kellyn said, doing air quotes on The Church. "In reality it's Lofwyr and Lung, but the human mediators are the Church. Probably run a tighter ship though, as the priest who was mediating went fucking psycho the last two times."

That obviously struck a chord with Rin, who winced slightly.

"Sorry." Kellyn replied quietly.
Azrael looks a bit shocked at this, showing a bit more intelligence than the constant insults his Fixer throws at him would let on. "Wait... Aren't those only supposed to show up AFTER someone's summoned their servants?" He frowns a bit, shaking his head. "You're damn lucky nobody picked you off while you were on your way here, Dres. Otherwise we'd be out of the competition for good. Not saying I want that money, but it'd be best to keep that wish out of the wrong hands here." He leans back, stroking his chin. "Hm... If we aren't allowed to bring weapons to Orientation, can we at least wear armour? Orientation itself seems rather ridiculously risky for ANY team involved. It puts you out into the open, too many opportunities to get geeked early on... Who's hosting this event anyway?"
"See, this guy gets my paranoia!" It almost seemed unnatural how cheerful Azrael's comment had made the mage, given it was about the possibility of his imminent demise, "Anways, like I said, I've been passing it off as just another tattoo. Works great given the fact that my arms are literally covered in them."
"Yes, we can wear armor. And I don't think it's going to be that dangerous. Everyone is under contract to not fight there. It was in that sheet you signed. The war officially starts once all the servants are summoned." Kellyn said. "We won't have anything to worry about. And about you staying back, you'll be controlling the Servant, and making sure their Mage doesn't try to geek you. You'll be on the front lines with the servants." He clicked his tongue. "As for the mediator? "The Church."" Kellyn said, doing air quotes on The Church. "In reality it's Lofwyr and Lung, but the human mediators are the Church. Probably run a tighter ship though, as the priest who was mediating went fucking psycho the last two times."

That obviously struck a chord with Rin, who winced slightly.

"Sorry." Kellyn replied quietly.
"Fucking... So we've got dragon eyes on us, just great. Now, as for that one priest you mentioned... What, was one of the mages involved a little boy or girl or something?"
"Yes, we can wear armor. And I don't think it's going to be that dangerous. Everyone is under contract to not fight there. It was in that sheet you signed. The war officially starts once all the servants are summoned." Kellyn said. "We won't have anything to worry about. And about you staying back, you'll be controlling the Servant, and making sure their Mage doesn't try to geek you. You'll be on the front lines with the servants." He clicked his tongue. "As for the mediator? "The Church."" Kellyn said, doing air quotes on The Church. "In reality it's Lofwyr and Lung, but the human mediators are the Church. Probably run a tighter ship though, as the priest who was mediating went fucking psycho the last two times."

That obviously struck a chord with Rin, who winced slightly.

"Sorry." Kellyn replied quietly.
Jack frowns at this, very displeased with the whole contract business. "Right, but that in of itself is a huge loophole. Just because people aren't allowed to fight there, doesn't mean one can't hire others to do so, either inside or out of the building. And knowing the fact that dragons are running it doesn't make it any more safe. They've probably already made arrangements with various sniper teams to take out the opposition, just because of that loophole." He leans back, lacing his fingers behind his head.

"See, this guy gets my paranoia!" It almost seemed unnatural how cheerful Azrael's comment had made the mage, given it was about the possibility of his imminent demise, "Anways, like I said, I've been passing it off as just another tattoo. Works great given the fact that my arms are literally covered in them."

"Fucking... So we've got dragon eyes on us, just great. Now, as for that one priest you mentioned... What, was one of the mages involved a little boy or girl or something?"
Azrael, at that, leans forward, shaking his head. "Joking aside, that man wasn't a simple priest. He was a fucking monster. I saw a few videos of him fighting from two Wars ago. The man was absolutely insane, able to keep up with other SERVANTS while he fought. He wasn't a priest, that motherfucker was a cold blooded assassin. Apologies for bringing him up here, Rin, but..." He leans back, coughing a bit. "I'm just glad to hear that monster isn't anywhere near this War. I don't even think I could HIT him, and I'm a surgeon with my SF-20."
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