~*Fate of the Banished*~

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Cheshire Grin

The mischievous riddler cat
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Horror, and Romance

In a world much like our own, there exist beings that we could only dream of in our wildest imaginations. Many would love to share a world with supernatural creatures and beings, others would rather them be fiction. In this world, those who wish supernatural beings to reside only in fairytales seem to be the majority.

In a grab for ultimate control, human governments all around the globe have banned Supernaturals from living or existing within their territories. Countries that didn't agree with such bigoted laws were coerced through intimidation and threats of war to join in the anti-supernatural effort, however. By the eighteen hundreds, Supernaturals were scrubbed out of history books and the public knowledge thanks to the anti-super agenda.

Supernaturals were forced out of their homes, ran out of the country, or murdered on sight; There are few safe places for Supernaturals. Supes had to either hide in plain sight or hideaway in woods or deserts.

Despite the world government's insistence on committing genocide on Supernaturals, a few countries go against their wishes. In secret, these countries use spare funds to run refugee camps for them. Unfortunately, these camps are often in horrible conditions and should more appropriately be called shantytowns.

Very few people outside of the government know about Supernaturals, however, there are four rebel groups who know all about the atrocities the governments have committed. Each group has different ideas but ultimately wish for the same goal: The liberation of monster-kind. One organization, however, seems to care little about the rebels or the government: Althea Corp.

Althea Corp. is a very old company that's been around since post-WWI. After the first great war, and the death of Judas Foster's wife, he decided to make Althea Corp. It started out as a medical technology company that eventually began dabbling in gene editing. After WWII and the pressures of the USSR, Althea Corp. sought to find ways to improve the human condition and prevent terrible atrocities that happened during the great wars, not to mention combat the Russian menace.

When Foster discovered the existence of Supernaturals, he realized how invaluable their genetics and powers would be to humankind. He began ethical research, having supernatural beings consent to being researched and tested on. As his technology and research improved, his company expanded and grew as well. He wasn't as hands-on with the projects and started running things in the background while having trusted employees and scientists run the experiments and research needed. His trust was misguided, however.

With the high demand of Supernatural creatures needed for research and the dwindling amount of them they could find, let alone volunteer to be experimented on, his underlings began kidnapping and forcibly experimenting on the beings. Scientists who cared only for their research and not the lives of those they tested on (unless they were powerful), they began using crueler methods for their experiments.

Over the years, they managed to collect very powerful samples, samples that proved invaluable and irreplaceable. Placing them in Althea Corp's maximum-security lab, they poke and prod at these beings carefully. But that is all about to change.

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Skype_Picture_2020_03_22T06_32_53_468Z.pngNimue's pale hands pressed into the wall, his legs followed suit, the strange properties of his flesh allowing him to scale the wall. Usually, if any other patient had done this, the orderlies would have a fit, but this was in Nimue's nature. For the past fifty-four years, he had exhibited this behavior. It wasn't something their magic-canceling shackles could prohibit, it was a biological function that was his and his alone. No matter what room he was in, he would climb around the walls and ceiling, sniffing around for something to eat. The food they supplied the patients was trash, so he would often resort to finding stray bugs that weaseled their way into the facilities and feast upon them.

What was different in this situation was, rather than climbing about in his cell, he was in the Recreational Room, where all the other high-security patients were currently residing. See, patients weren't allowed to go outside or roam the facility freely, but every day for a few hours, they were allowed to hang out (with magic canceling bracers on, mind you) and stretch their legs. There were board and card games for them to play, even a crappy old TV. It wasn't much, but it was better than their cells. The entire room was a stark, clean white, as was the rest of the facility.

Nimue's antennae twitched and his eyes narrowed on his victim. He stood still, back arched much like a cat preparing to pounce, and within the blink of an eye, he lunged forward and grabbed a rather large cockroach. He licked his lips hungrily as he watched the vermin squirm between his fingers, scratching and biting at him to try to escape his grasp. Nimue tossed it, whole and very alive, into his mouth and greedily chewed on it. Loud crunching echoed through the silent room as he feasted upon the large bug. After he finished, he got back into position and continued his search.
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Location - The Recreation Room
Mentions - Nimue
Tags - @Freddie

Gothika let out a soft sigh as her hands rubbed her arms. There were a few new bandages covering them from the injections and taking out her blood. She closed her eyes, imagining she was free, wandering around and checking on the people who took care of her. Going through the timelines with glee and watching the events pass by her. She missed that. She missed traveling, trying to find the people her memory vaguely remembers. The ones who loved her until they disappeared. her parents.

She took a few deep breaths in hopes to relax and have some form of happy dream in this hellish pit. This place she hated so much. Althea Corp. will pay for what they did. But for now, she was more than happy to just rest. It wasn't like she would be able to do anything since her powers weren't working. But it was at least easy to keep her power a secret. If someone asked questions, she would just say she didn't fully know. She was slowly entering a restful nap when she heard a loud munching. Goodness, it was loud. Gothika opened her golden hues and looked around the room, seeing the many different supernatural creatures and humans as they played card and board games.

Her eyes finally fell on to the source of the noise. It was a large bug creature. She squinted her eyes, her vision clearing up and seen it was a moth, a moth boy. She tilted her head, recongizing the marking on him, it was Nimue. A faint chuckle felt her lips, he must have found something to eat. A bug, by the sounds of it. "Ya know, you don't have to chew that loud, Nimue." She chortled, sitting up from the ragged couch and leaned against her arm.
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Rosa.pngAt the chess table, two individuals sat apart from each other. One was a pink-haired female with bunny ears, tail, and feet. Her blue eyes were focused on the board as she appeared deep in thought. She gasped and her hand rushed to a knight and moved it into position. Her now excitement-filled eyes turned to her opponent.

"Your turn, Fern. I'm getting close to your king!" she exclaimed with a happy giggle.

Fern, a pink and white fox spirit, smirked and walked around the board to where his pawn sat. He moved his paw, knocking her king off the board with a squeaky fox laugh.

"I know you wanted to win but I think I won this round, Rosa. You are getting better though!" his voice sounded in her head.

With a shocked gasp, she folded her hands as a defeated frown rested on her lips.

"No fair! I swear I almost won!" she replied.

Fern gave a nod before walking over to Rosa and nuzzling her affectionately. She giggled again and hugged him gently, kissing her brother's forehead. She hated that he was stuck like this but she couldn't deny how cute he was.

"Hey, I heard that! I'm not cute!" he said, gently biting her hand in response.

Rosa giggled once more before standing up. Fern jumped onto her shoulder and held on as she made her way over to Gothika. She stopped and offered a smile as she played nervously with her fingers, a habit she hadn't done until she had been brought to this place.

"H-hi Gothika. How are you feeling today?" she questioned. She knew it was probably a stupid question but she didn't really know how else to initiate conversation in this place.
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It is said that Sunlight is the open window through which pours the freedom of spirit and dignity, yet If one walks in the sunlight, bathe in moonlight, breathe in a golden air and exhale a Midas touch, then there would exist, in the shadows, those who will try to pull you into the darkness with them. Sunlight is one and the same wherever it falls; but only a bright surface like that of water, or of a mirror reflects it fully. So is the light Divine. It falls equally and impartially on all hearts, but the pure and pious hearts of holy men receive and reflect that light well. Every sunrise is priceless and you can experience the richness that life holds only when you live life to your fullest potential.

Sotha'Sil didn't see real sunlight until he was a young adult, but even then, it was awe inspiring how much the sight made him weep. Nothing compared to the iridescent bulb that hung overhead, a mere mockery of the blazing glory that is the sun.

The clock ticked away, a nagging thought in the back of his head, as he laid completely motionless, trying to absorb the small motes of light into his skin. He needed to preserve what little strength he could muster from this, but he was not the only one that missed the glow of Sol- Family resided here, like their own miniature of their own, and Sotha'Sil often shared this light with them to encourage their own radiance in these lifeless halls. For all they were white and pristine, Sotha'Sil felt hollow and lifeless, body wracked with pain consistently as he felt nature's cry in his muscles. Hearing the skittering of a pair of legs, Sotha opened one eye as he saw a unique black roach, which he affectionately named 'Firma', as the bug hopped onto his shoulder and whispered.

Sotha's captors may assume his inaction was a sign of acceptance, but this was merely the makings of a plan- He would not accept that a bunch of humans who believed they could imprison deities have control over him, but rushing ahead was simply going to get him re-captured and more scrutinizing done. Therefor, he planned in secret, sharing his knowledge of the layout with the only other individual that could understand ancient greek. These humans didn't comprehend the spoken language of the old tongue, much to his benefit, and he often used it to deliver news to his fellow from the Pantheon here.

Right now? It was getting a mental map of the layout- He knew where his tools were stashed, priceless artifacts that they tried to hoard like treasure, that which they had no right! Given his current deprived state, if he were to have any chance

"Why not let me run things for a bit? I assure you, I can be quite persuasive- Doctor Usanagi is quite young and impressionable....and quite attractive for an Orient."

"Yes, because the one thing I need is for you to dip your wick into anything that walks, Syndarion."

"Fine fine fine...but even as ageless as we are, dear brother, I grow tired of these meddlers picking and poking at us."

"We merely need to wait for an opportunity. It will present itself."

Hearing the door begin to unlock, Sotha clicked his tongue and let Firma down, aptly reminding her to avoid the young Mothman, and watching as it skittered back through the cracks. The walk to the rec room was quiet, as despite questions being presented to him quite forcefully, Sotha had yet to utter more than a sentence or two at a time, his most interaction was with one fellow who he shared apparent ties with in the facility. As he quelled the light in his skin, to converse it, he walked it before seeing Nimue up to his old antics- Sotha actually quite liked the young moth, he kept things light and was a rather entertaining fellow. As he passed them, he let his fingers drop a small beetle- a gift from a friendly spider who was quite the conversationalist.

Picking a cushioned spot in a corner, Sotha gazed around, before finding the one thing he requested the first few weeks after he realized where he was- A lute. With the bracers on, he couldn't utilize his song magic, the doctors were quick to pick that up, but he was still a capable musician. Taking a seat and picking up the instrument, he began testing the strings and gave a withering look at the poor sound quality- This was not made by hand, it held a more hollow sound, as if made without soul or heart. Humans had an odd way of taking something beautiful, perverting it, and then wielding it as their own to suit their needs.

Regardless, Sotha could make it work, so after a few moments of tuning, he began playing tunes he heard on the old Tv. It at least livened up the room.
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Skype_Picture_2020_03_22T06_32_53_468Z.pngGothika, a human Nimue had grown very fond of, got onto him for being such a noisy eater, which elicited a soft giggle from the moth before he went back to his search. Nimue sniffed and huffed, his antennae twitching vigorously to pick up and track anything he could nearby. Unfortunately for him, there was nothing he could sense. A low, disappointed growl escaped his throat and his antennae laid flat against his head sadly as he began crawling down the wall over to the human. He wasn't the only one who approached her, the pink-haired bunny woman also wanted to see the precious human. Nimue sat on the floor next to where Gothi sat. He looked up at her, eyes large and glittering with excitement, as he waited for head pats; She always gave the best head pats.

Before he could get the affection he desired, however, his antennae stood straight up and he whipped his head around to see another familiar face enter the Rec Room. Nimue grinned wide as the glowing-man passed by, the kind soul dropping a beautiful beetle before him. It was a gift Nimue appreciated with all his heart, the moth clicking excitedly and appreciatively before he swiped up the glossy beetle. He ran his digits over its exoskeleton, admiring its condition. Licking his lips, he opened his maw wide to reveal his pearly white fangs. He tossed the bug into his cavernous mouth, his rude eating habits showing themselves as he slurped and crunched loudly.

As he turned himself to face Gothika again, his eyes growing wide once more to silently beg for head pats, he felt a shiver run up his spine. Sotha had begun playing his lute, his melodies something Nimue had always adored. Ever since Sotha showed up, Rec time was a lot livelier. It wasn't nearly as quiet and drab, his music bringing new life to the place. Nimue began swaying side to side as his Anteanae writhed in pleasure, his senses appreciating the bard's skill.

Unfortunately for Nimue, Sotha's gorgeous melodies were soon drowned out by the loud sound of sirens going off. Flashing red lights flooded the room as the sirens blared, Nimue's poor sensory organs growing overwhelmed to the sound. Clicking and whimpering, he placed his hands over his head, trying to shield himself from the obnoxious noise.

Over the Comm-system, a woman's voice blared "Intruders. Intruders in Section C-15, heavily armed. Warden on rout, orderlies assistance needed." A low growl escaped Nimue's throat at the news. After all his years in this place, he knew the sections well; C-15 was only a few corridors away from the rec room.
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Group meet up.png
Location - The Recreation Room
Mentions - Nimue, Sotha Sil, and Rosa
Tags - @Freddie @Pimmsie @Andraus

Gothika just chuckled towards Nimue as he continued looking for some food. She sat up from her spot as she observed him closely before seeing someone familiar walk up to her. She narrowed her eyes, getting a better view of the person only for a smile to form on her face. It was Rosa, a rabbit girl she met a while back. She leaned back slightly, watching the timid girl and her companion she understood as her brother, Fern, spoke up. Gothika just chuckled, crossing her feet before speaking, "Hey Rose, I'm doing alright. Ya know, just recovering from the injections and such from the experiments." She chortled. Her hand gesturing about as she leaned back. "I hope you are ok though, compared to me, you and the others have been here for far longer." Gothika stated, turning to her head to see Nimue come by for head pats. She rose her hand before seeing him turn away and head to the newcomer, Sotha Sil.

She always found him a bit odd, as far as she knew, he had woken up a year ago. He was nice to Rosa and Nimue, so she never thought he was too bad of a person. She nodded her head towards him in respect before turning back to Nimue who seem to have a present from him. It looked like some kind of beetle before Nimue noisily ate it. Gothika shook her head before she started stroking the top of his head, right between his antennae. It wouldn't be long until they heard soft lute melodies coming from Sotha Sil, very nice of him to livin' up the place. It was needed.

As Gothika listened and patted Nimue, the sound of a baring alarm ran through the room. A bright red light shone in the room. She closed one eye, hearing the noises sounded like the alarms from school. She turned her attention to Nimue who was panicking. He had different senses compared to a human. She carefully hugged him close, her hand rubbing the side of his head. "Shh, it's ok. Don't worry. It will be ok." She assured him, the noises didn't really bother her too much, but Nimue was like a little brother, metaphorically, so seeing him like this was a bit heartbreaking. The intercom went off, her head whipping over to a speaker. Her eyes narrowed slightly, huffing in a bit of annoyance. "Intruders, huh? Screw that, we are getting out of here. If you're in Rosa, see if you can get Sotha Sil to join us." She huffed, she honestly wanted to get out of the rec room. But there was no way she was going to let the orderly touch her or the others.
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Location- Rec Room
Mentions- Gothika, Rose, Nimue, Sotha'Sil
Tags- @Freddie @Cheshire Grin @Andraus @Pimmsie

Nozomu Adult form.pngNozomu whined as she looked at the blurry figured that carried her through the halls. She had just been taken from one of the labs in the facility, the evidence shown in the new bandages on her legs and the fresh bruises on her arms and neck. The young deity felt miserable and in a large amount of pain. "What is this feeling? I can't see the butterflies...." She said which got her looked at oddly by the orderlies that carried her. "The butterflies.... why can't I see the butterflies? I always see them...." She said once again before letting out a pained sob. The scientists had run several experiments on her and took tissue samples from areas that shouldn't be touched by any but a lover. As well marrow had been taken from the bones of her legs which had made it difficult for her to walk. "Stop that cryin, you'll see the damn butterflies again..... you taste too sour for my liking." A voice spoke up inside her head. "Z-Zetsubo? I can't see them....what's happened to me?" Nozomu croaked her throat sore from her screams of pain.

The orderlies were taking Nozomu back to her small cell instead of to the rec room with the other supernaturals. One of the doctors that seemed to actually like her a bit had given the order, stating it was best to let her rest. The closer they got to her cell the more Nozomu began to sag in the grip of the orderlies hands. She felt so tired, unable to feel much of any hope in this place left her a shell of herself. The orderlies were passing the rec room with her when the alarms went off. Hearing the announcement over the loud speakers the orderlies turned to the rec room and after unlocking the door shoved Nozomu inside. Awkwardly Nozomu stumbled into the room, and turned to look at the door. It was then just before the pain in her legs robbed her of the strength to stand that she saw one, a small blue butterfly of hope.

"There...a butterfly...." Nozomu said before she collapsed to the floor. The alarms were loud enough that she folded her ears back to reduce the noise caused by them. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked around, seeing the others for the first time in days. "Friends! I missed you, please what is going on? Do any of you know?" She asked from where she laid on the floor.
Rosa giggled at Nimue's desire for headpats. She had always thought the small mothman was adorable. He acted almost like a small child with his need for attention and behavior. "We've been okay, I suppose. As okay as we can in this place," she said gently.

Before she had a chance to say more, she jumped as the flashing red lights and sirens began wailing. She watched as Fern wigglined under her arm and wedged his face until his ears were pinned down, trying to filter out the high pitched noise. She pet him reassuringly before turning to Gothika when she spoke to her. "I'm on it!" she exclaimed before standing up quickly.

She held Fern in her arms, his face still hidden, as she approached Sotha. She hoped that he would escape with them as his music had brought much more joy to the rec room but she knew he didn't want to be there any more than the rest of them.

She stopped in front of him and took a deep breath before speaking, her voice just loud enough to be heard over the sirens. "H-hi Sotha. We're gonna bail. Gothika told me to see if you'd come with us, especially since the orderlies are all distracted right now!" she explained, or at least did her best to. She knew what came out probably sounded like word barf but she hoped he understood what she was asking.

Fern finally calmed down enough and slowly climbed up to Rosa's shoulder and wrapped himself around her neck, watching Sotha in anticipation for his response, ready to get away from the loud noises.
Sotha quickly approached Nozomu as his...cousin? Close enough, fell to the ground. Placing a hand on their face, he allowed the residual sunlight in his body to shine into them. It would at the very least help mitigate some of the pain they felt. Helping them up, he'd look over towards Rosa, before placing the instrument he had down. Holding up his wrists, he emitted a series of chirps and strange sounds, before two roaches flew out from the nearby cracks and onto his arms. Their antenna would work around the restraints on his wrists before finally, they'd fall off with a thud, freeing his wrists up. He'd finally speak towards Rosa.

"I will join you momentarily...these rough pounds of clay took items that I consider 'very' valuable to me. I am taking them back." He told her, before clarifying a bit. "I've been planning an escape for awhile now, had my roaches tell me everything they could about the areas they could reach- I know most of this facility by hand." He would then hold up his hand as he heard walking. Standing at the edge of the doorway, he would await until a security guard would walk in. Taking the Lute, he slammed it across their face to knock them down. Walking over and taking off the helmet, he then proceeded to vent his aggression a little....

Venting being smashing his head in repeatedly with the helmet. Very Hard.

Letting out a content sigh, he'd rip the security card the guard would have out of his uniform, and took his stun baton. While Sotha's magic was returning, until he got outside, it wouldn't be very useful, as being away from the sun for so long had weaken his strength immensely, therefor he had to rely on the primitive tools of humans. "I may have took a bit more joy in that than I probably should...but Father above if I had not been waiting to do that." He would then look towards the others and hold up the baton. "If any of you have anything you'd like to get back, I know where the storage room is, so follow me- If not, we'll meet up at the exit. Good luck."

With that, Sotha would begin moving through the facility, as he had NO intention on abandoning his property here, those items were a gift from his family, he'd sooner kiss a human than do that.

@Pimmsie @KumoriYurei @Goth Moth @Cheshire Grin
When Nimue got the pets he oh-so desired, he purred loudly like a cat. His antennae twitched and curled against her hand as she scratched and stroked his hair, the moth vibrating affectionately. His pleasure was swiftly overtaken by the loud sirens, his sensitive sensory organs tingling painfully as his system began to overload. He was clutching his head, clicking loudly and whimpering before Gothika embraced him. He nuzzled into her shoulder, his antennae fluttering against her cheek. Her skin was soft and warm and she smelled so nice, her kind words washing over him and grounding him. After a few moments of clutching her and taking deep breaths, Nimue began to calm down.

His antennae twitched as he heard the sound of things clattering against the floor. Peaking over the woman's shoulder, he watched Sotha kick into action. As soon as an orderly popped in, he battered the men into submission, a feat Nimue was impressed greatly by. Nimue gently slipped out of Gothika's hug, clicking at her appreciatively and smiling at her before he scuttled on all fours over to the fallen humans. He began frisking the human, digging through all their pockets for keys. He had heard what Sotha said, but when he arrived at the facility over fifty years ago, he hadn't had anything important on him, so he just ignored him.

Clicking in annoyance at his empty jacket pockets, he pulled up the man's shirt to see if there were keys on his belt. His antennae stood up happily as he found a key ring attached at his hip, the moth grabbing the keys and placing them next to him. He sifted through his other pockets, trying to find anything else useful, and found the man's wallet. His lips curled into a smirk as he stole the cash from the wallet, slipping it into the waistband of his boxers before grabbing the keys and running back to Gothika.

He jingled the keys in front of her, showing her and anyone else around that he could free them. Then, he began testing the different keys on his own restraints. The first couple were duds, but the third unlatched his cuffs easily. Purring appreciatively, he unlocked the next cuff and then offered the keys over to Gothika, tilting his head and clicking at her.

Smiley and Gothy.pngLocation - The Recreation Room
Mentions - Smiley, Nimue, Sotha Sil, Nozomu, and Rosa
Tags - @Pimmsie @Andraus @KumoriYurei @Goth Moth

Gothika continued holding onto Nimue when she saw Nozomu being dragged in. The blaring siren and red lights flickered on and off as she adjusted to the noise. There was so much commotion going on, there were shooting and screams going on outside, sounds of people dying. A faint sigh left her lips, trying to calm herself from all that was going on. She eventually turned her head in Rosa's direction, seeing she had gone to go talk to Sotha Sil. He was busy helping Nozomu, but if Gothy could see she wasn't going to be getting up anytime soon.

After Sotha Sil ceremoniously bashed one of the orderlies to death with a helmet before freeing himself, he shouted to anyone listening, saying to follow him if they needed to get anything. Gothika was about to shout back before he disappeared, her eyes lidded as she just stared in the direction he ran. 'That motherfucker.' She grumpily thought. It would have been nice if everyone had gotten their cuff off, but whatever. Gothy suddenly felt Nimue wiggled from her and scatter away to the dead orderly, a smile spread across her face, seeing he was okay made her happy. She used this time to go and check on Nozomu, she gently held onto her arm. "How hurt are you, can you stand on your own or no? Don't worry, I got'cha" She asked, tilting her head curious with worry etched on her face, carefully helping her up and held her.

Gothika looked around for a moment before seeing Nimue in front of her with keys in his hand. Her eyes widened slightly, keys to the cuffs. Gothika turned her head to Rosa and Fern before calling out to them, "Thank's Nim. Hey Rosa, Fern. We got some keys!" She laughed, gently leaning Nozomu against Nimue. If she was able to heal, gothy had to get her free first. Fiddling through the keys, hoping one of them was going to be right. After the first four, it was the fifth key that freed Nozomu. "There, that might help you a little with healing for your legs, I hope." She said with a nervous laugh. She then started looking for the key for her cuffs. After a few tires, the fourth key unclasped the cuffs as they went falling to the ground. Gothy rubbed her wristed, sighing as she felt her powers reconnecting to her, a feeling she missed a lot.

As she lightly tossed the keys to Rosa, Gothika jumped once she heard a voice she hadn't heard in a long time, "...Gothika...go and get your necklace and weapon..." The voice was sounded like an echo and gruff, and very deep. Almost as if it were very pissed. Gothika looked around, thinking it might have been someone else. The other beings in the room weren't anywhere near her, they were busy trying to get their cuffs off and killing any orderly that came by. "You know no one else has my voice, go get your fucking weapon. NOW!" The voice roared with anger. Gothika jumped once more, her body trembled slightly before taking a deep breath. "I-I'm gonna catch u with Sotha Sil, I need to get my stuff. You can either come with me or wait by the exit." Gothika tried to have some confidence in her voice, but if anyone could tell, something had startled her.

Gothika turned and started walking away, "Y-You don't have to yell a-at me, what's wrong with me helping?" She whispered softly, "I don't mind if you want to help, but for the last five fucking years, I couldn't speak to you. Only watch, so I'm not in the best of moods. But I do apologize for lashing out." The voice said with a slightly calmer tone. "Y-You're forgiven, Smiley." Gothy sighed faintly, calming her nerves a bit.
Nozomu blinked and sighed happily as she felt some strength come to her legs, thanks to Sotha Sil. With the help of Sotha Sil and Gothika she was able to stand. She was a little unsteady, at least she was until the cuffs came off. With the weights of the cuffs gone Nozomu was able to fully use the solar energy she was given by Sotha Sil. She let out a giggle as she saw the little blue butterflies of hope around Gothika. She hugged the human and took a cautious step. "I can... sort of walk, could you help me Friend Gothika?" Nozomu asked as she wanted to regain her own items. "You need to focus on healing... You know if you get hurt more you're messing me up right?" A voiced echoed inside Nozomu's head. Nozomu rolle dher eyes at that and reached to hold onto Gothika. "It's going to take me some time to fully heal and I would like to get my things too, so please friend Gothika?"

Nozomu's tails swayed and brushed against Nimue's antenna as she continued to try to lean on Gothika. "Friend Nimue, friend Rosa do you two have anything you'd like to get back?" She asked looking over at them. "I think it may be better for all of us to follow friend Sotha Sil." Nozomu said as her tails continued to sway. She couldn't help smiling as she saw more blue butterflies appear around her friends.
Rosa smiled when Sotha Sil agreed to go with them before watching him run off in the direction of the storage room. She turned to Gothika and had to scramble clumsily to catch the keys. She had never been the best at catching but feeling the keys in her hand gave her a huge surge of hope. It was happening, she couldn't believe it. They would be able to get free and get out of the hellish place. She and Fern would be able to be around nature and their forest after this was all over. It brought her an honest to divine feeling joy.

Quickly unlocking her cuffs, she gave a sigh of relief at feeling the unforgiving shackles removed from her skin. She felt her connection with nature return, though it was dampened in the building they were in. She stretched quickly before turning to Nozomu and gave a nod accompanied by a small smile.

"I do agree, we should follow the others. It would be best to stay together until our powers completely return. I also do need to get something, a pendant my mother had given me," she explained. Fern gave a purr beside her as he nuzzled her neck and laid on her shoulder, prepared to hang on if they started moving quickly. Rosa turned to Nimue and gave a small smile to the moth creature, waiting to make sure he wanted to go or wait so he wouldn't be left alone.

@Andraus @Goth Moth @Cheshire Grin @KumoriYurei
After a general consensus was met among the group, Sotha began moving through the facility, acutely remembering the steps his little friends had told him. He would've loved to carry Nozomu to safety, but as it stood, he was the only one with a weapon- he needed freedom of movement. As they turned down the stairs, a guard came over to stop them. In one fluid motion, Sotha stunned the man by striking him in the stomach with the baton, grabbing his arm and twisting it the WRONG way, kicking them in the knee to bring them down, before landing a kick straight into her head and into the wall, creating a dent.

If that man was any kinds of normal after this, it would be a miracle, but Sotha would pull something off his side that gave him pause- It was metallic like a sword, but it was had an odd grip and seemed to be...pointing? He was looking right down the hole on the end curiously, messing with the switch. "What in Tartarus's name is..."

"Hey! Stop right there!"

Sotha jumped, caught up in his own thoughts, as the gun jerked and finally, there was a loud BANG!- The Guard that was running at them would fall to the ground, a pool of red pouring, as Sotha stared at the object in his hand, now warm. "What in the ever loving, tree hugging, joggers running, nose is runny, you're not funny, biscuit burning, handle turning, butter churning, FUCK?!" He would drop the pistol on the ground before using the guards body, as to not step on the blood, to get across. Thankfully, whatever was going on, it seemed to be dragging attention away from the group of intrepid escapee's, thus it was smooth sailing from there.

The Supply Room was big, but thankfully, looting it would not be a problem- They were not made of the same material and because of that, breaching them would be simply. Holding up his hand, rot would begin dripping it, as he tapped the locks on several cases, their mechanisms melting away, before opening them up. Inside? He found a case of glitter pens, a trash can, Four Religious-Looking symbols (A Snake, Flower, Raven, and Moon), a Top-Hat, the corpse of someone named 'Kraven', A pamphlet to a place called 'Appleonia', a card-board box, and a rusted Scissorblade. All and All? Weird artifacts he felt a strange connection to.

Finally, however, he found what he was looking for- His Necklace and Staff. Placing back on the artifact of power, he gave his staff a casual twirl, before hugging it close. "Grandpa above, I missed you..."

Step one? Complete- now they just had an entire facility full of security guards, random people that were ATTACKING the security guards, and who knows what else to go through to reach outside.

Simple, right?

@Pimmsie @Goth Moth @KumoriYurei @Cheshire Grin
Nimue's antennae twitched in observation as he watched his friends use the keys he supplied them to unclasp their restraints. He felt proud of himself, his big red eyes glittering with joy. His head tilted to the side as he listened to the others speak, everyone talking about following Sotha in one way or another. Nimue did not need any gear, however...he did not want to be separated from his friends. Truly, he would be lost without them, metaphorically speaking. He knew the layout of the prison fairly well, having been there for many decades. Some of the orderlies had grown lenient with him, letting him walk around with them through the halls instead of being bound or dragged. He had always wanted to escape, yes, but getting out was impossible without his powers and the number of tranquilizers they had on hand, so compliance was a survival tactic.

As he was sitting there, he could feel the hum of his power begin to return. The glow of his eyes began to return a soft tingle flowed through his body, the sign his powers were returning. He felt like he was vibrating, joy radiating from his chest at the realization he was slowly getting back to normal. He rejoined Rosa, Gothika, and Nomu's side, purring at them affectionately and nodding at Rosa's question to let her know he was following. He didn't quite hear exactly what Gothika was mumbling about, but it did elicit a head tilt from him.

With twitching antennae, he hurriedly scampered on all fours over to Gothika and ran ahead. Obviously she was special in some way, having some sort of power, but she was still human. He could more easily fend off any orderlies, but she would struggle for sure. That topped with his knowledge of the facility, he figured it might be best for him to guide the others. Clicking loudly, he signaled for everyone to follow him. He waited only a few moments for the others to make their decision before scuttling down the hall.

Nimue found it odd that all of the orderlies were taking care of the intruders, none to be seen around. If these intruders were that dangerous, then it seemed he would have to make sure to keep his distance from them. Huffing loudly, he quickened his pace, the pitter later of his hands and feet sleeping the ground echoing through the hallways. While searching for Sotha, he heard a loud gunshot a couple of corridors away, the moth vibrating in confusion and shock and skidding to a halt. He looked around rapidly, his face twisted into one of panic. There were no guards and no guns to be seen, but it did mean someone armed was nearby. He glanced back at the others in concern, wondering if they should continue their way forward.

Standing with his back pressed against the wall and his head lowered while his arms were stretched from side to side. The room was completely pitch black aside from a single lamp that emitted the only bit of light in the room, the only sounds that could be heard were small drips of water that came from a few pipes that ran along the ceiling and the quiet panting breathes that left his lips.

Locked in one of the lowest parts of the facility, Zenaku was normally kept in a room far from any of the other cells and away from other inmates due to one of his abilities being that of copying the abilities of others around him. Not only that, though with the fact that he can be emotionally unstable at times, he is also considered to be unpredictable causing the containment of him at times to be much more difficult if he were to be around other inmates.

Minutes passed with no change occurring until the sound of the metal door to his room being banged on was heard echoing throughout his the room. Lifting his gaze only to see the bright white light of the hall that lead to his cell shine into his dark windowless cell; the next sight was that of a man who wore the basic uniform for security that entered the room with a tray of food in hand. Dropping it to the floor in front Zenaku, the male's dark golden gaze stared down at the food before looking up at the guard who continued to stand there staring at the inmate. "You...must be, new huh?" Questioning the guard who only stared at Zenaku with an arched brow before nodding slowly in response. "Yeah? So what?" As the guard questioned the inmate, while he wasn't aware of it at first; the temperature in the room dropped slowly and eventually enough to the point that one's breath could be seen as the water in the pipes along with the metal tray itself started to freeze solid.

"You mortals...are all the same. So foolish." Letting a low whisper leave his lips yet enough for the guard to hear him, since this was the first time the guard had ever brought food let alone be positioned at this post of all places, he was unaware of how dangerous Zenaku was and believed he was just any other ordinary inmate that was just locked in solitary confinement for something he might've done. Pulling out his shock baton to swing at the inmate only to stop mid-swing when the guard realized just how cold the room was getting. "Wh-what's going on...i..it wasn't th-this cold when I came in..." Shivering as the guard trembled from just how cold the room was, he'd take several steps back thinking the air conditioner was turned on at some point.

The sounds of cracking could be heard echoing throughout the room as ice formed on every corner.

"Leave the key. If you so much as try to take a step out of this room now, you'll be dead in an instant. I'm sure you have a family of your own too...surely, they would want you back home safe and sound." Threatening the guard who now only just realized the room's temperature was due to the inmate who stood there; realizing just how dangerous the inmate was and by what he said was clearly true, the guard hesistantly approached Zenaku just to undo the cuffs around his wrists allowing him to be free. "Pl..please, I only just started here a week ago, this please...s-said they would pay well and my family needs the money." Pleading the inmate not to kill him, Zenaku only shook his head before rubbing his wrists as he slowly left the room without so much as another word or let alone do anything to the guardsman.
  • OMG
Reactions: Goth Moth

- The Recreation Room
Mentions - Smiley, Nimue, Sotha Sil, Nozomu, and Rosa
Tags - @Pimmsie @Goth Moth @KumoriYurei @Andraus

Gothika stopped walking for a moment, looking back before seeing Nimue click and skittering on the floor, he wanted to lead the way. It made sense since he had been there longer. A faint smile spread across her lips before turning her attention towards Nozomu, she seemed to be a little better from a few moments ago, whatever Sotha Sil did must have helped. The ebony woman felt the other lean against you for support, while she didn't mind, it was a bit hard to walk and it didn't help that Nozomu was much taller than her. Gothika puffed her cheeks slightly, helping Nozomu as best as she could before looking at Rosa and Fern, stating she had to get a pendant.

It seemed like everyone needed to get something from this place. A faint sigh left her before smiling a bit more, "Welp, looks like we are traveling together. We'll follow Nimue and get our stuff, then get the hell outta here." She said determinedly. Gothika followed the moth boy, looking around as they went through the hall. Looking through her eyes, Smiley saw there were no orderlies, it was already strange something like this was happening, but with there being no one around. Something was up. He didn't care, the faster Gothika got her things, the faster they could leave this place behind. As they continued on, Gothika could feel her powers slowly returning. Those cuffs were liberating, allowing her to have a little more pep in her step. While she couldn't use her powers to the fullest at the moment, there were still little things she could do. It was a nice feeling.

However, unbeknownst to her, another thing was slowly resurfacing. A feeling Gothika herself was never aware of. Her aura shifted slightly, it was rather uncomfortable for those who were around her. It wasn't dread, it wasn't malice, but it was something that was very...offputting. Thankfully, the feeling was limited to just physical touch for now. Whatever was dormant within Gothika because of the cuffs, was starting to wake up again.

"We did not lose this fucker already." Gothika stated with a pulse mark forming on her temple. Her brows furrowed as she continued walking. Her body suddenly tensing when she heard a gunshot. It echoed through the hall, it was loud but not too loud. Her eyes were fixated in the direction she heard it, Smiley knew this feeling Gothika was feeling. She hated guns with a great passion. The sound of this was just something she was never comfortable with, even though she had heard them all the time in the neighborhoods she lived in. "I swear to God, if you got himself hurt." She couldn't figure it out, but Gothika found herself moving forward. Her hand twitching slightly, a bit of her power flickering at her fingertips. She feared the worse, was it possible Sotha Sil was shot? Did he have the strength to heal himself?


Gothika eventually rounded the corner and seen the body of a man who worked in this hellhole. A sigh of relief left her, seeing it was an orderly. But that didn't change her feelings. It reminded her so much of...him. Smiley snarled, getting Gothika's attention. She shook her head and looked back towards the others, "U-Um, careful, there's blood on the ground. Don't want you guys slipping in the blood." She stated, seeing the gun on the ground. She assumed someone had to shoot him. Thinking they might need protection and considered the fact that none of these guys knew how to really use one. She picked it up, it was a lot heavier than she thought it would be. She took a deep breath before removing the dead man's shirt and wiped as much of the blood she could. At least enough to where it wouldn't get on the others.

A faint groan of disgust came from Gothika as she wiped her hands on the gown she wore. She would eventually see the Supply Room and Sotha Sil there. He had already entered, "There you are, you could have waited just a little bit, ya know. You aren't the only one who had to get stuff." She huffed, looking around the room to find her things. Though she had to admit, the other items were a bit odd. Especially the corpse. She looked away quickly, taking a deep breath before stumbling on her things, her necklace from her mother and the collapsable knife from her father. "Come to mama~" She chortled happily, putting the necklace on and gripping the knife tightly. 'Good. Now, let's get out of here. Leave these fools.' Smiley hissed. Gothika sighed faintly whispering quietly, "Not yet, we leave together. It will make it easier to get out of here." 'Then stop shaking, Your nerves aren't steady enough for you to hold the knife and fire a gun.' Smiley advised, Gothika saying nothing much just nodded her head.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Goth Moth
Location: Recreation Room moving to Storage room
Mentions: Nimue, Gothika, Sotha Sil
Tags: @Andraus @Goth Moth @Cheshire Grin

As they started to move Nozomu smiled a little. She always did like Nimue he reminded her so much of the butterflies. She tried her best to walk along with Gothika so she wouldn't be a burden. As they followed Nimue Nozomu began to feel her strength returning. She started to lean less on Gothika, and politely slipped out of the human's grasp when she began to feel uneasy while they touched. "The hell is with that girl?" The voice echoed inside Nozomu's head. "Stop, be nice. She's our friend." Nozomu whispered. "Thank you for your help friend Gothi-" Nozomu flinched hearing the bang. For her and her more sensitive fennec ears the sound was amplified. She saw the butterflies that were around the group fade a bit until after they rounded the corner. "I think friend Sotha is just a bit further." She said.

Soon they entered the storage room and Nozomu smiled as she saw Sotha Sil. "Friend Sotha your alright!" She said and gave him a quick hug. "HEY Focus, our stuff." The voice echoed again. "Yes, yes I know." She said as she let go of Sotha Sil. She began looking around the room, her bare feet tapping softly against the floor as her tails swayed behind her. The artifacts all seemed to shimmer a little to her though she started to look crestfallen as she began to have trouble finding her items. Finally though she found a large case that had her mirror laying on top of it, her katana was resting against the side and she smiled as she grabbed them. She was strong enough that the mirror shrank down to a pendant at her touch and she put it on.

Turning to the case Nozomu opened it with a soft grunt. Inside was a large and ancient looking tome. It sat neatly inside a leather satchel that she picked up and hugged to herself. "My tome! Oh joy I found it!" She said before placing the satchel over her shoulder. With her items back in her possession she turned to the others, a look of determination in her eyes. "Is everyone ready to go?"
Rosa quickly scampered to catch up with the others, though she made sure that Fern didn't fall off in her rush. When the gunshot sounded, she flinched but didn't seem too affected. After all, she and her mother had heard many gunshots in the woods, especially when the humans hunted. It wasn't something one could get used to but it made it where they didn't bother her as much.

A part of her was worried that Sotha was injured but she was glad to see it had just been an orderly. "Good, at least it wasn't Sotha" she whispered to herself.

Fern gave a relived chirp and they entered the storage room with the others. She could feel all the energy the artifacts gave off but she was drawn to one in particular. Hanging on the end of a shelf was a golden rabbit pendant with an emerald at the bottom.

A single tear left her eyes as she grabbed it and held it close to her. Fern licked her cheek, causing her to smile. She knew she didn't have time to be sentimental about her mother's pendant. She took the pendant and fastened the clasp around her neck, feeling the soothing spirit of her mother caress her own.

She turned to the others and nodded with a small smile. "We're ready. Where do we head now?" she questioned, having very little knowledge of the layout of the building.

@Andraus @Goth Moth @Cheshire Grin @KumoriYurei @happydeath