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So I've been thinking it'd be interesting to do a Fate RP. I've got some ideas and I'll release more info if we get enough interest. For now, some basic info.
The fate series is classically about the Holy Grail War. This is a competition between 7 masters and their servants. These masters and servants fight to the death until there is only one master remaining. Servants are heroic spirits from the past and even the future sometimes, that are summoned to our time to fight alongside their masters. Masters are typically magus, though sometimes a normal person can be chosen. These masters are given three command seals. Command seals are used to give an order which the servant cannot refuse, no matter how much they wish to. Once these seals are gone however, a master no longer has their rights as a master. This also means that the servant can break the pact if they wish to. Mostly though, they can act completely of their own accord. Anyway, the grail. The Grail is the ultimate prize in the war, an omnipotent wish granting device. Tempting, is it not?
Now then, here's a question for you guys:
- Should we implement the classes like ruler, launcher, etc.?

appearance (battle and casual)
"insert quote here"​
Title: ("King of Heroes", "Hound of Culainn", etc.)
Name: (actual identity)
Possible Classes: (all classes this servant can be summoned as)
Current Class: (class this servant is currently summoned as)
Weapon: (optional, just for nice details)
Armor: (optional, just for nice details)
Strength: Mana:
Endurance: Luck:

Class Abilities:

Noble Phantasm(s): (provide name, effects, rank, and any details you wish)

Legend: (short-ish summary of their legend)
"insert quote here"​
Command Seals: (description or image)
Bio: (reason for participating, backround, how powerful of mage family are they from, etc.)
Magecraft: (any spells or magical talents they may have)
Familiar(s)?: (sentient or nonsentient beings to help with battle, like Kayneth (master of lancer in Fate/Zero) had that mercury ball thing)
Other Armaments?:

And hello to any new people who see this before the OOC.
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Interested. Can we reserve a servant/master spot? Also are there any posting requirements/expectations? As for extra classes, as long as you have a solid plot behind them I think they'll be fine.
Posting expectations are intermediate to adept. Just not text speak and really bad grammar. Basically, good enough so that everyone knows what you're trying to say. As for spot reservation, not entirely sure. I may do it on a first come first serve basis. As for extra classes, I just thought maybe some people might want to play as a ruler, launcher, or avenger class servant. It doesn't matter too much to me, just adds more people.
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I've changed my mind. What slot would you like to reserve? (servant, master, both? Hell, maybe even the overseer)
Edited: added CS templates to copy. (You're also welcome to add any fancy stuff if you want, but those are the basic templates)
Hmm, I guess I'll reserve a Saber spot for now.
Got it, hope this gets more interest as well...
Also, @Vania , in case you didn't realize this is an AU RP, so you can either choose an existing servant or make an entirely new one.
Will it follow Fuyuki Grail War Rules or am I allowed to choose an Assassin that is not Hassan-i-Sabbah?
This will be an AU, you can choose literally any servant from any installment be it game, light novel, anime, etc. Or, you may create one of your own.
When you say literally any servant, are there any limits to consider? For instance, the Grail in the main canon cannot summon Servants with a Divinity Rank of EX, such as Stheno, Euryale or Artemis.

But yeah, I'm considering between Berserker and Assassin right now.

Should we implement the classes like ruler, launcher, etc.?

Launcher is just a cool nickname for a Lancer.

If you integrate Ruler into this, you could make this a faction war - where two factions of seven Servants would duke it out.

Ah yes, the Avenger Class. While the correct way to depict the Avenger Class is to make it replace the Berserker, Archer, Caster or Assassin class in a Grail War, it is sometimes outright added as an 8th class in RPs.
Well, if someone ends up making one with a crazy divinity rank, I'll probably throw someone in who has an anti-divine noble phantasm. I'll probably just end up taking an avenger slot though. Ah, decisions...
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@Crow as for those particular servants you mentioned, they were all present in Grand Order, so they are completely viable choices for this RP.
@Crow as for those particular servants you mentioned, they were all present in Grand Order, so they are completely viable choices for this RP.

Grand Order does work differently though, using the FATE System as opposed to a regular wish-granting Grail. A high-enough Divinity Rank would make the Grail's wishgranting capabilities obsolete, since such a high Divinity Rank would allow the Servant to do a lot.

Oh, right, are we allowed to mention our servant identities out-of-character? I sort of want some opinions regarding my choices.
True, alright then. Divinity rank will be limited to say... C to B? Also, yes you are definitely allowed to mention their identities, even IC. But if you do mention your own servant's identity in the IC, then just don't be randomly telling people. Obviously.
Well then. Here are the ideas I have...

Assassin Ideas:
I'm thinking of going for my favourite young lass - Jack the Ripper.

Berserker Ideas:
My old Yamata no Orochi. She's a toughie.

Other Ideas:
If you do end up considering allowing other classes like an Avenger, I might just go for the Shinjuku Avenger.

What do you think?
Well, assassin and avenger are perfectly fine. As for your berserker... I'll allow her. So yes, all of those are fine. We're there any particulars you wanted to know about, or just if they're acceptable? I'm also thinking of just making this a faction war because the only servants I'm liking at the moment are Siegfried and Edmond Dantes.
Just if they're acceptable. Glad to see that they are.

The Faction War of Fate/Apocrypha is 2-sides, each 7 Masters and 7 Servants. That is a total of 28 core characters.

If you do go this route, maybe you could allow each player to make up to 2 servants and 2 masters, each servant and master being from opposing factions.

Also, if we do include Avengers, how will you go about them? Allow them to replace one of the four non-Knight classes or outright add them as an 8th class?
I was already planning on allowing each person to have multiple characters. Now, if you make a master an a servant, they may not be paired together. Once we have the full roster of servants and masters, I'll randomly divide them in half, also making sure there aren't duplicate classes in one faction, then pair them up. As for avengers, I'll probably just throw them in as an extra.
I'm really interested in this, but I've only watched Fate/Zero and UBW. I'm not sure how class ranks work or w/e. Can i still join?
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