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Original poster
(Please ignore the overwhelming similarity to Fate/Apocrypha. I couldn't think of anything better.)

Welcome masters and servants alike, to the next holy grail war. The original seven masters had no desire to fight each other for the grail, so seven more have been chosen as a failsafe to make sure the grail war still happens. These new masters will form a team known as "The Black Faction". The other ones are the "Red Faction". These two teams will fight each other black vs red. Once one team has been eliminated, the remaining one will fight to the death in the classic free-for-all of 7 masters and 7 servants. I think that just about wraps up the intro, feel free to ask any questions.

For reference

  • •Each person may have up to 4 characters, no more than 2 servants and 2 masters

    •For servants, there will be a divinity limit of rank B.

    •Character death is a definite possibility. Then angain, I'm sure that if you're here you understand that, yes?

    •This goes along with that last one. When in combat, please go with what would realistically happen even if it means your character dying. For example, a battle of will against Karna? Well, he's known for indomitable will, so you'll most likely lose that one. But yeah... I just don't want an extremely weak guy with both legs cut off somehow running away from an assassin-class servant at full strength, ya know?

    •(in IC) While gore and vulgar language are allowed, please don't just go randomly like "fuck you" to literally everyone. What I mean is that I ask you to refrain from just being like "every other word in my vocabulary is 'fuck' or 'you' ". And as for gore, I just don't want someone tripping in a house and getting disembowelled by a table for no apparent reason. I'm sure you're all rational in that regard, yes?

    •(in OOC) Please be respectful and get along with your fellow RPers, we're all here to have a nice battle to the death, yes? If you have a disagreement with a fellow RPer here, you can either take it to PMs and settle it yourselves, or I'll step in and settle it myself.

    •No godmodding. This is just plain annoying. Also, if you're just going around like "berserker went around the city killing all the other servants brutally, I win bitches" it will result in my typical "three strikes, you're out" concept.

    •The concept I just mentioned. Basically, you'll get two warnings. After those, one more offense and it will result in an untimely end for your character. A very blunt one at that. And don't worry, I have plenty of plans for those kind of people XD. Note: I won't just give you one of these warnings if you're like "what the hell?! Lancer died?? Gahhhhhhh". That's annoying, but I'll just tell you to calm down. However, if you start harassing players for it, or just going on and on and on about it, then I'll probably end up giving you a formal warning. I hope that made sense ._.

    •If a player is making you uncomfortable, you can either settle it with them, or tell me. If you tell me, I'll PM them and tell them that a player is getting really uncomfortable for whatever reason it was.

    •If your character(s) die, feel free to stick around in the OOC. Just because you can't exactly kill people anymore doesn't mean you can't continue in whatever we end up talking about. All I'm saying here is that you're still part of it even if you die. Of course, I'm not going to stop you from leaving, but you get my point.

    •Feel entirely free to call me on my bullshit! If I'm being unrealistic, irrational, or just plain irritating tell me! I don't want to be one of the people I'm making up rules about XD.

    •If think that's about it for my little list. Have fun here and go kill your friends and enemies alike! :D (not literally, that's illegal ._.) To follow the pattern, lancer must commit suicide because of a command seal

  • ~Master~

    "insert quote here"​

    Magic Circuits:
    Quality: (rank value)
    Quantity: (average is around 20)

    Command Seals: (description or image and placement)
    Bio: (reason for participating, backround, how powerful of mage family are they from, etc.)
    Magecraft: (any spells or magical talents they may have)
    Familiar(s)?: (sentient or nonsentient beings to help with battle, like Kayneth (master of lancer in Fate/Zero) had that mercury ball thing)
    Other Armaments?:

  • ~Servant~

    appearance (battle and casual if possible)​

    Title: ("King of Heroes", "Hound of Culainn", etc.)
    True Name: (actual identity)
    Possible Classes: (all classes this servant can be summoned as)
    Current Class: (class this servant is currently summoned as)
    Weapon: (optional, just for nice details)
    Armor: (optional, just for nice details)
    Summoning Catalyst: (what allows for the summoning of this particular servant)

    Class Abilities:

    Personal Skills:

    Noble Phantasm(s): (provide name, effects, rank, and any details you wish)


    Legend: (short-ish summary of their legend)

  • ~Masters~
    Eliseus von Einzbern - Random
    Veyla Edelfelt - NPC
    Julius Liwen - Random
    Joseph Kay IV - Ser K+
    Keith Grobeos - TehBrumbass
    Matsuda Eriko - Plainjoe
    Ophelia Canz-Retreal - NPC
    Blank - NPC

    Spearman of Destiny - Random
    Lord of the Labyrinth - NPC
    Pandora - Random
    Swordsmith of Destruction - Vania
    The Otherworldly Book - GlitchyBugger
    The World's Greatest Archer - Kurogane86
    Sword That Set The World Ablaze or Burner of the World - Takashi
    The Weaver - DrowsyPangolin
    Murderer of the Misty Night - Crow

  • ~The Graveyard~​
    Nobody's dead yet ._.
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"Mother... don't leave... us..."

Murderer of the Misty Night

True Name:
Jack the Ripper

Possible Classes:
Berserker, Caster(if so, will be manifested as the servant Nursery Rhyme, as Lewis Caroll was a suspect)

Current Class:


Gender: Female
Height: 134cm
Weight: 33kg
Weapon: Knives
Armor: N/A

Strength: C
Mana: C
Endurance: C
Luck: E
Agility: A

Class Abilities:
Presence Concealment: A+
Mad Enhancement: C

Personal Skills:
Murderer of the Misty Night: A
Mental Pollution: C
Information Erasure: B
Surgical Procedure: E

Noble Phantasms:
Maria the Ripper: The Holy Mother of Dismemberment: C
Under normal circumstances, it deals raw damage. With each of these conditions, damage is boosted, potentially to the point of a fatal Zabaniya of a Hassan:
a. It is nighttime
b. the target is female
c. it is misty

The Mist: Darkened Misty Metropolis: C
Jack the Ripper carries a little lantern that holds the power of this Noble Phantasm. The mist is heavily mixed with sulfuric acid and created with mana. Upon opening the shutter and gently touching the candle inside, the lit flame instantly begins to generate smoke-like mist from the bottom of the lantern. The mist, wrought of magical energy, forms a Bounded Field around an area over a dozen of meters that has a negative effect on all those who enter within the perimeter, even although it can be a means of keeping people out. Normal humans will quickly faint from pain upon coming in contact with the dense cloud of enveloping smoke as simply breathing it in burns their throat and direct contact with eyes causes them to fester. They start to suffocate due to being unable to breathe, and they cannot see anything as they writhe in pain. She can easily use this time to selectively kill them, or she can simply wait for them to be inflicted with death within a few turns. Magi will not immediately perish, but they will receive continuous damage and makes it difficult for them to use Magecraft if they do not take countermeasures. Heroic Spirits will not receive damage, but they will have a Rank Down in Agility.

Jack the Ripper is an amalgamation of many abortions, as such, Jack never did have a singular opinion. Jack the Ripper, due to being tens of thousands of aborted children, has the mentality of tens of thousands of children. She never did have the chance to develop or learn morals. To Jack, killing a human is no different than killing an insect or picking a flower - and the rewards in the form of souls is higher, too. She prioritizes rationality over behaviour, and she will repay cruelty with cruelty, and benevolence with benevolence. She is ever-loving to the one she accepts as mother, even killing her out of love.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Likes: Mother
Dislikes: The World
Wish: To be unbirthed within mother's womb.
London, 1888. That was when the legend of Jack the Ripper began.
It was also an era where whores and prostitutes waltzed through the streets of London. Their unborn babies would be aborted and tossed into rivers. These children never did understand the joys of birth, the joys of parents, the joys of life.
The vengeful spirits of the preborn children collectively merged into a shadowy entity, a shadowy entity that could not be called human. This being was supernatural in nature. Filled with vengeance, the foul creature had a grudge against prostitutes, slaying them left and right with few clues.
Over time, legends of the foul beast emerged. Many called the case the legend of Jack the Ripper. The being was happy to recieve a name - a joy that the unborn could never have.
And now - all it wants is mother's warmth.
What did happen to Jack the Ripper in the end? No one knows. Some say Jack the Ripper died, disappeared. Maybe Jack the Ripper simply pursued something else...


"Mother... buy us... dress? Mother... good person... We... love mother..."
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Do they have to actually be real people from legends or can you make them up?
Quick questions.

1. Do we have to play as master and sevant?
2. Is this a pg13 rp?
3. Are we creating all oc's?
Ok, here we go.

If you can create a decent enough legend and such, then I can allow that. Still, it kind of depends on the character, they must follow the same rules as existing servants. As for masters, I'd like it if those are entirely OC.

1. You don't have to, but we don't have too much of a player base at the moment so multiple characters would be nice.

2. Yes, I think it will be. Just seeing as there is bloodshed, violence, and the like.

3. For masters, I'd prefer we do keep them OC. As for servants, you may use any existing one with a divinity rank of B and under. But you may create a servant as well.
Ooo~ A Fate series roleplay? Count me in darling!
I'm happy with any, but I'm leaning towards either Caster or Berserker.
Gotta keep that #Casterisalwaysevilforsomereason going


Title: Lord of the Labyrinth
True Name: King Minos
Possible Classes: Berserker, Caster
Current Class: Caster
Master: TBD
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Weapon: A Silver Rapier (Rank C Base) (Rank A with Lightning Charge)
Armor: Steel-Onyx Alloy Armor with spiked Pauldrons
Summoning Catalyst: A twisted, rusted crown that used to belong to him.
Strength: D
Mana: EX
Endurance: B
Luck: C
Agility: A

Class Abilities: Territory Creation C+
Item Construction D

Personal Skills:
Minotaurs: Minos can summon armor-clad Minotaurs (up to three), anywhere he can see. The Minotaurs follow his orders exclusively. They are clad in armor made of the same material as his, and wield magical axes that drain mana from those they hit. The drained mana is given to his master.
Son of Zeus: Minos is immune to the effects of electricity. He can charge his rapier with electricity to inflict shocking blows to his opponents nervous system, changing it to a Rank: A Weapon.

Noble Phantasm:
Name: Hell's Judge, Rank: Variable
Effects: Minos judges the souls of those before him. Putting them through pain based on which ring of hell he chooses for them. Deeper rings of Hell affect less people but are more powerful. With the final Ring only capable of affecting one person.
Ring 1 (Limbo): Rank: E+. Can affect up to 40 people. All individuals are trapped within seven gates that slowly close in on them. The gates can be broken like a metal doors, but those lacking the strength to break the doors will be crushed.
Ring 2 (Lust): Rank: D. Can affect up to 35 people. Violent Winds rush by those affected. Bashing them back and forth. Painful, but not deadly. However, makes them easily impaled if a sword is placed where they will be blown.
Ring 3 (Gluttony): Rank: D+ Can affect 30. Victims are pelted with large balls of hail that home in on them from all directions.
Ring 4 (Greed): Rank: C. Can affect 25. Those affected feel their bodies lose control as they are forced to fight one another with nothing but their fists. The effect ends when half of those affected break 3 bones.
Ring 5 (Anger): Rank C+.Can affect 20. Does the same effect as the previous ring, but goes until half lie unconscious.
Ring 6 (Heresy): Rank: B+. Can affect 15. Those affected are trapped in a stone tomb filled with fire. They must remove the heavy stone lid to escape or be burned to death.
Ring 7 (Violence): Rank: A. Can affect 10. Each is trapped in a pocket world where they fall into a river of boiling blood and fire. Those who escape the river are attacked by hellhounds and harpies. Lasts for 2 minutes.
Ring 8 (Fraud): Rank: A+. Can affect 5. Each victim is sent to a pocket world where they must best a Dragon of old.
Ring 9 (Treachery): Rank: EX Can affect 1. The individual is immediately entombed in a large block of Ice and unless they are released will suffocate and die. Inside the ice they are quickly sapped of the physical strength and mana with which to break the ice.

Personality: Minos is extremely loyal to whoever his master is. He seeks to atone for his disloyalty in life and shall do whatever it takes to defend his master. Having spent his entire life placing judgement on others, Minos has tired of rules and dislikes placing them upon himself or others. As such he does not find the use of his Noble Phantasm tasteful and is hesitant to use it. His general air about him is one of a king, but he comes across as more understanding than most kings. For having spent so long sending others to hell, he has been through hell himself. However, some of his old habits still have a slight hold on him, and he often has to work to resist them.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Likes: Women, Wine, Victory
Dislikes: Rules, People who vex him.
Wish: To return to life as a human so he may lead a life without guilt.
Legend: Minos was a son of Zeus who was adopted into a royal family in Crete. After gaining enough power to take the throne he sent away his only brothers into exile. He was a famous adulterer. Having children with many women, even a nymph. His disloyalty to his family caused his wife to mate with a bull and produce the Minotaur. He sought out Daedalus to create the Labyrinth to keep the Minotaur away from others. Every 9 years he would send 14 boys and girls to feed the Minotaur in respect and atonement for what he had done. Eventually, Minos was killed in a plot involving an enemy king where he was trapped in a bath and scalded to death.​
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Heeeeeeeyyyyyy. Another Fate/ roleplay?
Count me in!

And due to the lack of masters...
Fill in the blank.
XD thank you add banner. Instant interest as soon as the add goes up, this is the highlight of my day I think. Anyway, glad to have you on board!
1044172 (1).jpg
Title: The world's Greatest Archer
True Name: Robin of Locksly
Possible Classes: Archer or Saber
Current Class: Archer
Master: ?
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145
Weapon: longbow, arrows, longsword
Armor: leather armor
Strength: B
Mana: B
Endurance: A
Luck: B
Agility: A

Class Abilities:
independent action rank A
magic resistance rank C

Personal Skills: military tactics rank Ex

Noble Phantasm: reality bubble

On to Sherwood Forrest - Robin transports those he is fighting to an alternative dimension that looks exactly like sherwood forrest. While there Robin is able to summon his Merry men to fight along side him, utilizing the terrain to their advantage.

This attack has a time limit of 5 mins however while inside the opponent will face the full might of the Merry Men.

Rank A

Personality: cocky, happy, eager. A good guy that will give the fight his all and make sure his mage is familiar with doing things a just way.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Likes: good food, good drink, testing his might and being social
Dislikes: oppressors, not fighting, and losing
Wish: Robin wishes to be reunited with his men and love maid Mariane.
Legend: Robin hood who would steal from the rich and give to the poor is known as the greatest archer of all time. Robin hood who became an outlaw to fight the oppression of the tyrant prince john of Nottingham. With his band of merry men Robin hood fought back against prince john and his unfair tax laws which freed Nottingham from a dreadful fate.
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Umm... @100 % Snek your stats are kinda wrong XD Not to be nit picky, but they go in grade values,E-EX with E being worst and EX being the best. So umm... yeah, please change those to understandable values for this RP please?
Fuck it, count me in. Would you prefer OC or canon Servants, as a rule? I assume we're restricted to the standard classes.

Oh, also, what kind of timeline are we in?

And where are we, for that matter?
Umm... @100 % Snek your stats are kinda wrong XD Not to be nit picky, but they go in grade values,E-EX with E being worst and EX being the best. So umm... yeah, please change those to understandable values for this RP please?

So you want our stats in an e-ex format. Are there guidelines to our stats or is it a free for all?
1. All. OC, cannon, existing, all of it is here
2. Umm... modern? This is an AU that happens... I'll say after f/sn
3. Fuyuki, a familiar place to all series fans

Just try to keep it within reason for your servant. If I see something amiss, I'll help you out. Ya know... like having lancer Enkidu with EX level strength? Kinda odd. But yeah, you can decide them and if they seem off, I'll help.
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Alright, this one might need some tweaking, so shoot if I need to change anything.



"Alright, so guns are cheating. [glow=red]But if I take your knife and then beat the shit out of you, it's still a fair fight, right?[/glow]"

[glow=red]Name:[/glow] Eliseus von Einzbern ("El")
[glow=red]Mage?:[/glow] Only just
[glow=red]Magic Circuits:[/glow] Pure
[glow=red]Quality:[/glow] EX
[glow=red]Quantity:[/glow] Unknown, est. over 100

[glow=red]Servant:[/glow] ??? (I'd ideally like to negotiate with Servant players, but I can also just make/get one)
[glow=red]Command Seals:[/glow] Each part is spread out over the left side of her body. A butterfly on her forehead, a bird's wing on her chest, an ouroboros around her ankle.

El is very defiant, prone to being rather rough-and-tumble, and exerts a confident attitude. She's surprisingly street-smart, and isn't particularly willing to "take crap", so to speak. She has little-to-no brain to mouth filter, and unless she's actively trying to keep a secret, you will know what she's thinking, even you're better off not knowing, which pairs well with a foul mouth. She also remarkably ruthless and brutal in a fight, not allowing her victim opponent the slightest amount of leeway, and she's very good at picking them too. She shows little regard for the property of others, using it as she sees fit and not really caring about protests. In other words, somehow the prototype homunculus who was destined to become the basis for the Holy Grail's vessel subverted that destiny and became a delinquent street punk instead.

Despite seeming carefree, El is actually an exceptionally astute person. She has simple desires and maintains a simple attitude towards people, mirroring them in a sense: if they seem enough like a good person, she'll treat them with respect whether or not they are kind to her; if they don't, she won't really acknowledge them until she needs to let off some steam.

[glow=red]Likes:[/glow] Violence, urban settings, modern conveniences, honest people
[glow=red]Dislikes:[/glow] The Holy Grail, the Einzberns, "tough guys" (she has yet to realise the irony of this), noisy insects
[glow=red]Wish:[/glow] None in particular, she's just pissed off. She sees the Holy Grail as the symbol of her suffering, so if she has a wish, then it is to use the Grail's omnipotent powers to force the Root itself to assume human form in her presence and then kick it in the balls so hard that all of reality will feel it.

The Einzbern family. Designers of the Heaven's Feel ritual, creators of the Holy Grail, and those responsible for its War. Consistently, they have always drawn the strongest cards to fight for what was rightfully theirs, caring only about victory and taking back what they lost. Eliseus was created for that purpose. A homunculus to act as its vessel, it was granted humanity so as to more faithfully serve and to battle with more passion.

That was a mistake.

Despite her overwhelming power, Eliseus was a complete failure. Her humanity drew her away from her purpose as a tool. She was rebellious, and she refused to learn what she was being told to. Nobody quite understood where her rebellious streak came from. Perhaps it was because the Einzberns were barely human anymore that they could not understand in the first place. One way or another, on a freezing winter's night, Eliseus escaped from those she could not ever truly see as "family". That "family" was neither something she looked for nor something she ever found.

With a few pieces of jewellery useless to her former "captors", she managed to get by for several years alone. It was not without mistakes, and it was not without consequence, but she learned and became self-sufficient, even if it involved stealing again every once in a while. It was a day like any other that her Command Seals appeared, abnormally early due to her status as a former Grail vessel. She paid them little mind.

Her existence was near-impossible to hide from the world of Magecraft, so she didn't even try. In fact, she embraced it, eventually becoming what was effectively a freelance mercenary who would tackle odd jobs from time to time. It was within this business that she heard of the city of Fuyuki in Japan and what was happening there.

A Holy Grail. The reason for the Einzberns and their hardships that had conjured her and inflicted them upon she who wanted nothing to do with it. Because of it, she was alone. Because of it, she was a street rat. Because of it, she'd had to take from others. Now she thought about it, the Einzberns had racked up a lot of interest for her to pay back.

"That thing, huh?"
She had cracked her knuckles, grinned, and turned to leave, eyes burning as they never had before.
"Where are you going?" a would-have-been client asked.

[glow=red]"To kick its ass," she replied.[/glow]

El is a homunculus designed to be able to perfectly utilise the Third Magic of her own accord upon absorbing six Heroic Spirits, although while this is not entirely out of her reach, despite her lack of ability, she lacks training in Magecraft and she has not had sufficient preparation to be able to properly use it, so it is very likely that if she were the Grail, it would probably fail to manifest in the first place. Her physiology is enough of a resource by itself that any normal Magus that could use her Magic Circuits and mana freely could probably reach the Root in under ten years. However, due to her background, she has very little Magecraft available to her, marking her as a completely inferior Magus to potentially every other Master.

Her overwhelming amounts of magical energy does allow her to discharge magic missiles not entirely unlike a certain Aozaki by converting prana directly into heat. Due to her inhumanly high reserves of mana, her missiles can be compared to the heart of the sun if she were to use one hundred percent of her power, but due to lacking in any form of resistance to that heat, she is forced to constantly hold back in power, oftentimes resorting to high numbers instead.

In addition, she has also awakened to her Origin, Thief, during her experiences in the outside world. Through her own power and her natural inclination towards the Sorcery Trait of Wish-Granting as an Einzbern homunculus, she has developed an ability that is close to Magic, but cannot be truly called as such, and it even strays far from the bounds of what can be considered Magecraft, instead existing closer to a psychic power more than anything. [glow=red]Marodieren[/glow] is an ability that allows her to "steal a property on a conceptual level". In stealing an object with Marodieren, instead of simply "teleporting the item to herself" as she appears to, what she is actually taking is the property of "holding that item". She can steal any property she chooses so long as she understands it. Although this theoretically would allow her to steal even things such as Noble Phantasms, the crystallisation of a Servant's existence, a Servant in themselves is a contradiction that requires a great deal of mana from a living Magus to anchor them to the World, lest the Counter Force erase them, and as such, stealing a Noble Phantasm causes her extreme pain, and even with her high amounts of mana pushing back, she can only survive a few minutes before being finally killed. While El owns the Noble Phantasm while Marodieren is active, it does not take it from the Servant as they continue to exist. As such, with that which relates to Servants, it becomes an ability that "plagiarises" rather than an ability that "robs".

[glow=red]Familiar(s):[/glow] None
[glow=red]Other Armaments:[/glow] No expedition anywhere would be complete if El didn't have a knife and possibly gun on her.
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Doubt you'll get 24 players interested, and it doesn't seem like doubling up is a requirement. Are you planning on managing all the remaining empty slots yourself or something?
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