Favorite Banned Book

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Harry Potter's always been a fav to ban in my area. People complained that the devil was a character in the book....um.excuse me? since when?
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Harry Potter's always been a fav to ban in my area. People complained that the devil was a character in the book....um.excuse me? since when?
Dumbledore is Satan. He lures children into practicing witchcraft and is gay. 100% evil, totally Satan.
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Dumbledore is Satan. He lures children into practicing witchcraft and is gay. 100% evil, totally Satan.
To Kill a Mockingbird
Animal Farm. NO HUMANS.
The irony when these were mandatory readings in my school curriculum back when I was a tiny Asian in an Australian Christian high school. And we used to watch Harry Potter the movie on the last day of each term. Thinking back, I miss those days.

I think the only book that was banned at our place was like. '101 ways to cook a human heart' or something. I admit the title made me super curious not because I'm into such things but just for the sake of science curiosity, but I never got a chance to read it.
The Satanic Verses, by Salman Rushdie (along, of course, with the usual list most everyone already mentioned: 1984, Catcher in the Rye, Fahrenheit 451, all the Harry Potter books (in order), etc.)
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I think I found a new favorite banned book
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