Favorite mermaid movie

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Okay I know we all got one so out with it expose yourself! What was/were some of your fav mermaid movies growing up?

For me the little mermaid is and obvious one but also aquamarine. Me and my sister watched both those to the point we scratched the discs 😂 I still see the aquamarine dvd cover and get nostalgic I loved it so much! Rewatching as an adult it Def has cringey bits but I still love it
Ngl. I actually didn't like the original Disney animation of The Little Mermaid. I did like the premise of the 2018 live action movie, even if the actual movie was a bit of a disappointment, but I wouldn't want to rewatch that either. I did enjoy the H2O mermaid series a LOT as a child and all of its inconveniences, but that doesn't count.

Oh! I enjoyed Studio Ghibli's Ponyo a lot and would watch that again, that counts, right? 😂
Ngl. I actually didn't like the original Disney animation of The Little Mermaid. I did like the premise of the 2018 live action movie, even if the actual movie was a bit of a disappointment, but I wouldn't want to rewatch that either. I did enjoy the H2O mermaid series a LOT as a child and all of its inconveniences, but that doesn't count.

Oh! I enjoyed Studio Ghibli's Ponyo a lot and would watch that again, that counts, right? 😂
OMFG PONYO YASSSSS okay we are definitely counting ponyo 😂
Would Shape of Water count? I know that Doug Jones' character wasn't exactly a 'merperson,' but it was a watery fantasy romance I very much enjoyed.

Otherwise, my vote can go to The Little Mermaid. Especially since I adore Ursula and Prince Eric is one of my fave Disney princes.
The Little Mermaid, Aquamarine, and Splash.
the thirtheenth year, aquamarine, barbie: mermaidia
The Mermaid! It's an HK-Chinese movie by Stephen Chow (love that dude).

Alternatively I really liked Barbie as a kid so I guess Mermaidia haha.
i havent watched it in soo long, but probably aquamarine! at least i think it's the movie that had those girls meet a mermaid and end up stowing her away in a water tower???

don't know if it counts either, but shape of water was..an interesting one. kinda cool!
As a kid, I loved whenever Aquamarine played on the Disney channel. I wanted my own mermaid bestie!
The Mermaidia series in the Barbie movies!
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Now faced with this question I don't recall watching a lot of movies with mermaids being the sole focus! Even still, I am going to go ahead and say it anyway. Disney's the Little Mermaid. It still hits.