Favorite Ships

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It is that time of year when love is in the air, so why not discuss our OTPs? Do you have a ranking of them? Do you have some pairings you used to ship but don't anymore? Do you have any BrOTPs? NOTPs? OT3s? Whether they are absolute crack ships or have oodles of chemistry and textual support, feel free to geek out as much as you'd like!
I have alot of ships but which one I focus on at a time depends. I have a few I always ship, one being the painfully obvious one SPIRK which is spock x kirk from star trek 😂 it was my first gay ship and I've been shipping them for minimum a decade now if not more

Other ships are:
Yuri x Victor(Yuri on Ice)
Kakashi x iruka(naruto)
Draco x Harry(Harry Potter)
Edward x bella(yes I'm team Edward Sue me >~>)
Like 10 other anime ships I can't remember off the top of my head
Various kpop ships, it changes alot

I try not to judge other people's ships even if I don't agree with it. If someone gets into a serious discussion of ships yeah ill take part but in the end it's personal preference
I don't ship often, but two of my favorites that I stand by are Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens or, for any Fire Emblem fans out there, Tibarn and Reyson From Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn.
All of my ships right now are final fantasy 14.

Warrior Of Light (WoL) x Haruchefant
WoL x G'raha Tia
Zero x Jullus
WoL x Aymeric
Lucretcia x Aymeric
WoL x Ardbert (or as I call him, brobert)
I'm sure I could come up with more buuuuuuuuuuut I'll leave it there for now
spock x kirk
I've never watched Star Trek ngl, but I did watch the Are They Gay video about them and I definitely agree they are great.

Yuri x Victor(Yuri on Ice)
Yes! Super cute show.

Edward x bella(yes I'm team Edward Sue me >~>)
I don't even like Twilight but I think you're objectively correct, lol. Jacob has Nice Guy™ vibes.
I can't even explain how much I agree with the Jacob gives off nice guy vibes comment. Like the only ship I will really get into is the Bella x Jacob ship because that mf gave off disturbing vibes >~>

And yessss spock x kirk, I feel like if that show happened now instead of back when it started they probably would've made them gay 😂 but back when I was made everyone was still pretty homophobic 0.0

Ooooh another ship I forget merlin x Arthur, speaking of unresolved sexual tension, those two omfg
Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens
YESSS!! They're one of my favorites as well! Ugh, I adore them, and I'm so psyched for season two. Hopefully, Neil will bless us with an explicit love confession now that he's already chosen to continue adding to the story without Terry (RIP wonderful man <3).

Ooooh another ship I forget merlin x Arthur, speaking of unresolved sexual tension, those two omfg
MERTHUR IS EVERYTHING. I still haven't finished watching the entire show (I'm about halfway through) but I've already watched plenty of Merthur compilations so I know their important scenes since they're the only thing I care about it at this point, lol. I'm such a sucker for intensely devoted couples like them.

With Spock x Kirk, I agree. I think there's a statement from one of the show creators saying that they wrote it with intentional romantic subtext. I can't remember the exact quote, it was one read off in the Are They Gay video, lol.

I should probably list some of my favorites that come to mind with no particular order (excluding my #1):
1. Edward x Oswald (Gotham) [I love enemies to lovers and friends to lovers so 'tense strangers to unlikely friends to besties to almost lovers to enemies that still take torture and grenades for each other to almost lovers again'? exquisite]
2. Crowley x Aziraphale (Good Omens) [So pure, so sweet, so canon]
3. Will x Hannibal (Hannibal) [Incredibly written, love watching them destroy each other]
4. Stede x Edward (Our Flag Means Death) [They're so fucking cute omg. Honestly, all three of the main couples are wonderful.]
5. Merlin x Arthur (Merlin) [As previously stated]
6. Jean x Marco (Attack on Titan) [Maybe my first OTP I was devoted to ever; it still holds a spot in my heart]
7. Marceline x Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time) [The original lesbians for my queer child heart]
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Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens
YESSS!! They're one of my favorites as well! Ugh, I adore them, and I'm so psyched for season two. Hopefully, Neil will bless us with an explicit love confession now that he's already chosen to continue adding to the story without Terry (RIP wonderful man <3).
I so sincerely hope so! I need this to happen so badly
I'm not the biggest shipper in general and I respond to most pairings with a resounding "eh". I'm also dull in that I kind of prefer characters be together and deal with outward complications rather than all this-and-that to get there. Exceptions apply. I also suffer from that condition where the moment someone asks you about things you like you can't remember any of them. I'm fairly sure there are at least a couple more.

Stranger Things has some pairings I care about. Eddie x Steve or Eddie x Chrissy being two of them and Eddie x Chrissy x Steve. As of S4 I'm also back to liking Joyce x Hopper. Conversely, I am distinctly averse to Steve x Nancy and live in fear that that's where the series is going to go.

Elliot x Leo from Pandora Hearts is one I took a long time to warm up to and I do still enjoy a good friendship interpretation of them, but I like them as a couple now more. One of the few pairings I've considered writing fanfiction for.

Tibarn and Reyson From Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
A pre-Awakening FE ship in the wild? What a treat!

Speaking of Fire Emblem, there are so many I could put down for the "used to ship" from those games. I haven't played any of the games in a while now and I haven't played the older games in a very long while but I used to be obsessed with the series. I remember a lot of the ones I liked (although far from all) but I couldn't tell you why I liked most of them anymore.

Eliwood x Ninian was my ride-or-die for a long time, and I still like it. However, I prefer them as a pairing that doesn't stay together. I prefer Ninian return to her home with her brother and for her to be tragically separated from Eliwood rather than be tragically separated from her brother and die young. I find it poignant if they're each other's first loves who end up parting ways.

And speaking of Eliwood, Eliwood x Hector is probably my biggest NOTP, still within the confines of me being rather mild on pairings. I really adore them as friends and never personally found any sort of romantic undertone to their interactions. Sometimes I just want friends to be friends. Plus I associate myself with Eliwood and my brother with Hector so that makes it extra off-putting.

Nyna x Camus was another one I greatly adored and it has undoubtedly left me soft for certain dynamic or aesthetic pairings. I have no idea how I'd feel about this in retrospect or even why I liked it so much. It might have just been that they were both pretty and were tragic.

4. Stede x Edward (Our Flag Means Death) [They're so fucking cute omg. Honestly, all three of the main couples are wonderful.]
I haven't finished OFMD yet (but I'm close) and hard agree that they're incredibly adorable.
some basic ships

1. Garak x Bashir [Star Trek: DS9] - the subtext was clearly there, but the writers did seem like they were hesitant to write their first male gay ship of the show.
2. Deana Troi x Worf [Star Trek: TNG] - I like this ship better than what we got in DS9. I was never convinced Riker and Troi were meant to be together again. I think Riker would be honored to be the best man. I think I was most convinced with the episode where Worf undertakes risky life or death surgery and asks Deana to care for Alexander should something happen to him.
3. Spider-Man x Black Cat [Spider-Man 1994] - Strong woman that doesn't need a man to protect her.
4. BB x Rae [Teen Titans] - Just wholesome. Their personalities just go well together.
some basic ships

1. Garak x Bashir [Star Trek: DS9] - the subtext was clearly there, but the writers did seem like they were hesitant to write their first male gay ship of the show.
2. Deana Troi x Worf [Star Trek: TNG] - I like this ship better than what we got in DS9. I was never convinced Riker and Troi were meant to be together again. I think Riker would be honored to be the best man. I think I was most convinced with the episode where Worf undertakes risky life or death surgery and asks Deana to care for Alexander should something happen to him.
3. Spider-Man x Black Cat [Spider-Man 1994] - Strong woman that doesn't need a man to protect her.
4. BB x Rae [Teen Titans] - Just wholesome. Their personalities just go well together.
YES to Garak and Bashir! How could I have forgotten them!
I suppose the only one that I really feel that strongly about is Amuro and Char from UC Gundam and also their polycule with Lalah in Newtype Nirvana. But that's okay, because Yoshiyuki Tomino himself told me to:

I thought it would be good if, maybe, I could highlight the sensuous elements... to the point that you'd think, "Could Char and Amuro be gay?"

So no there's no other reading of Char's Counterattack.
I don't think I've ever been super into shipping. I have ships of course, but I was never super intense about it like some of my friends could be and it always confused me as to why someone would think two (or more) characters would work in a relationship without having a connection beforehand, whether that connection was friendship or hateship or a 'I hate you, but only I get to be a dick to you' type thing doesn't matter, but they had to have a connection of some sort beforehand or it just didn't make sense to me (turns out, I'm demisexual/demiromantic, so that's why I guess lmao).

Anyway, here are some of my ships:

  1. Mamoru/Usagi and Haruka/Michiru (Sailor Moon) - These were some of my first ships before I even knew what shipping was and it probably says a lot about me. They definitely started my love of the Reincarnation Romance
  2. Spock/Kirk (Star Trek) - I don't think I have to explain this one
  3. Crowley/Aziraphale (Good Omens)
  4. Riku/Sora, and also Riku/Sora/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) I was very into R/S when I was a teenager, something about the whole Dark/Light motif they have just gets me. As I got older it also made sense to include Kairi because all three of their destinies are tied together
  5. Gideon/Harrowhark (The Locked Tomb series). My newest OTP. Childhood Frienemies to...something. It's got everything I love. A complicated relationship with years of history behind it, Not-Exactly-Friends to Enemies to Friends to Lovers, touches of a Lady/Knight dynamic, yearning. It's heartbreaking and beautiful and I love it
I was never into fandom in a big way as a teen or for most of my 20s, but then a few years ago I suddenly got bit by the fandom bug in a Big way. I have a ton of ships, but my current favourites are:

1. Sett/Aphelios from League of Legends -
How many people can say they managed to ship characters so hard they became canon? 8)
This ship gets a lot of hate because it started as a 'crack' ship, and many people still consider it one. However, the people I've met who are fans of this ship have all been amazing. I guess that's what you get when your fandom is a game for capital-G Gamers with a renowned toxic fan base. It was the first ship I ever wrote fan fiction for! I love them and it's fun!

2. Diluc/Kaeya -
I started playing Genshin Impact for these two. They did not disappoint me. Red/Blue ships are just always good, and I have a thing for 'toxic exes that 100% are not over each other and make it everyone else's problem'. I do wish I didn't seem to fall for all the ships that people are rude about though.

3. Zhongli/Xiao -
I'm just a huge sucker for the god/loyal servant dynamic. I adore Zhongli and ship him with a lot of characters, but Zhongli/Xiao is something very special (especially if you love hurt/comfort, which I do. It's like the ultimate hurt/comfort ship)

4. Hua Cheng/Xie Lian -
See above!! TGCF is also just an incredible book; I haven't been so absorbed in one for as long as I can remember. (I do wish it got a better official translation though...)

5. Caitlyn/Vi -
I have shipped them for years, long before Arcane was ever announced. You have no idea how excited I was when Arcane was first teased and I learned Caitlyn and Vi were major characters. The show did not disappoint me! I hope they smooch in season 2.

6. Souji/Yosuke -
The very first ship I was ever truly into, back when Persona 4 first came out in North America. I was obsessed with them, and have probably read more fan fiction for this ship than any other. I don't spend a lot of brain real estate on them anymore, but they will always have a special place in my heart.
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I'm reading a series called 'Daybreak' on Webtoon, and the main two characters Cog & Marcus??
THOSE TWO? *chef's kiss* They are so friggin' cute that it pains me.
The artist has no right to make me squee every time I get a notification about a new chapter.
I'm highly upset about it D:
Some Fave Couples:
Midnighter & Apollo (the Authority comics)
Globgor & Eclipsa (the Star Butterfly cartoon)
Dracula & Mina (from Bram Stoker's Dracula)
Briareos & Deunan (from Appleseed)
Zagreus & Thanatos (from the Hades vidya game)

Some Fave Ships That Aren't (as far as I know) Official Couples:
Bruce Wayne (Batman) x Barry Allen (Flash) (DC comics)
Moon Knight x Tigra (Marvel comics) -- (These two have been briefly romantic in the old comics and lowkey flirt in a newer Moon Knight run, so MAYBE JUST MAYBE THEY'LL COUPLE UP...? *hopeful noises*)
Luna x Mirana (from DOTA)
Poe Damron x Finn (Star Wars)
Gabriel Reyes x Jack Morrison (Overwatch)
Sokka x Zuko (ATLA)
Nightcrawler x Wolverine (X-men/Marvel comics)

Your mention of OT3 reminded me of an unpopular ship I do so love: MidZelLink (Midna x Zelda x Link)
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Oh gosh, I have so many but I'm not gonna list all of them. Lol. I'm half asleep (thanks insomnia!) But I wanted to be included in this thread. Lol

Draco × Hermione
Katara × Zuko
Inuyasha × A rock (I don't like him. He's not good enough for either kikyo or kagome)
Sesshoumaru × Kagura
Harley Quinn × Poison Ivy
I'm not super into shipping but I saw Yuri x Viktor and Merlin x Arthur (BBC) and I have to agree with those. Loved their dynamics and if I can ever find someone that can incite the same sort of passion as Yuri and Viktor can inspire in each other I will count myself lucky.

Based on my avatar I have to say Book! Sophie x Howl as well. And then my mind draws blank at other ships I like. Maybe Wei Wuxian x Lan Wangji? Though mostly from the side of Lan Wangji, because that devotion he had. </3 Caitlyn x Vi also needs to be mentioned.

Katara × Zuko
@rissa @Diana @DayDreamer fite fite fite
I'm coming back to also second Merlin and Arthur because I keep seeing it and just yes




Oh but since I am here, I am very fond of this whole Steve x Nancy x Eddie crackship, it intrigues me.

I also will throw in for Merlin and Arthur because C'MON. THAT CHEMISTRY WAS UNDENIABLE.


Harry & Luna


I don't do a lot of hardcore shipping of people I WANT to be together because there's always so many fun combinations of pairings and I love solving love triangles with just everybody bangs. I just have really strong opinions about couples I hated. 😂