Final -V- IC

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Runa wasn't about to just make it easy for the attacking Abyssal. She had plenty of mobility in the air, while the leaping monster didn't. She flew aside, easily dodging the attack, and gestured downward with her good arm. A sudden and powerful gravity distortion slammed into the Abyssal, plucking it out of the air in an instant.

"Stay down!"

The pile of three Abyssals left tangled together after Tian's little gambit were too tempting a target, so she pushed her abilities to the limit, to both keep the other monster pinned down, and attack the other three. A number of small dark spkeres formed near her as she distorted space to an extreme degree. The bolts of concentrated gravitons rushed forward as space snapped back like a rubber band in their wake, and hammered the area where the three Abyssals were. Indiscriminate and poorly aimed, but it would have to do.
Jin-Sun raised his blade as an Abyssal leapt at him, parrying the beast's claws with his sword before straining his cybernetic muscles to shove it back, mindful that Gigakill's prone figure was still behind him. He had to keep the elder hero safe until either every threat in the area was neutralized or Gigakill awakened on his own.

Too bad that Abyssals were one of the worst possible opponents for him to fight. The auroroum high-frequency blade was the only tool in the cyborg's arsenal that would affect it, crippling Jin-Sun's fighting style without the use of unarmed strikes or his Wire Spears.

Jin-Sun grit his teeth beneath his faceplate as the Abyssal lunged at him from the side, and he leapt up and flipped over the creature, thrusting his blade down in midair. The high-vibration blade plunged into the Abyssal's back and tore through its spine from the momentum of Jin-Sun's leap, the cyborg ninja viscerally ripping the blade back out as he righted in the air and descended. He immediately whirled around and delivered a final cleave to the Abyssal, neatly bisecting it vertically.

Turning around, he kept in front of Gigakill, trusting his teammates to handle the three disabled Abyssals.
"Get clear!"

Recovering from the initial surprise, Iphigenia was ready for the incoming Abyssal. Trusting her fellow members to handle their own individual bundles of fun, she leapt backwards. Sparks flew from her hands and feet as she attached herself to the wall behind her, using herself as an electromagnet to dodge the charging beast's attack. Using the momentum of her movement to power an attack, she lashed out with a lightning whip, knocking aside the abyssal as she came down again from the wall, a hand strategically placed to engineer a more graceful landing.

Her eyes glanced occasionally at Gigakill, watching for any signs of movement or cognitive life as she retaliated against her aggressor. With another flick of her wrist, she slammed down the abyssal with a crackle as it made its second charge, smiting it into the ground. Calculating that the monster would be staying down after that attack, the purple-haired girl switched her priorities to the stunned trio of abyssals.

"I'll deal with those three now before further complications arise."

Relieving herself of her less elegant form of attack, she formed up a long, smooth electrical bolt in her hand before pointing with her palm towards the disabled enemies. Without pausing further, she let go her attack with a loud crack, joining the more rushed shot that Runa had put out.
Kyouko's eyes shifted to her sides as she realized being wide open - an Abyssal already jumping on that opportunity. The girl had a grind on her face. For once since she joined the Five, the brunette felt truly strong. Ready to use her ability to reset her own position to dodge the Abyssal just to use it right after Ora to hit it Tian however, saved her. It wasn't a bad deal, her 'Senpai' watching out and all. However, it also meant he thought she couldn't have handled it herself.

Whatever, right now, the girl was on fire. Despite the teams effort to make it possible to focus their fire, Kyouko had her eyes set on a single prey. Sure, by now her action might have been useless, but Tian's silly attempts only pushed her will further to truly proove herself.

It was simple, truly, just like how she had worked with the liquid inside the can before. It didn't matter that the liquid was inside her body at all, what mattered it that the liquid was part of the can. For all it mattered she could have spilled the liquid on the floor and be on another continent - Kyouko Himura could have used her ability to get the liquid back into the can, no? With that theory it was also easy to see the punched Abyssal as a 'part of her'.

Using 'Neuanfang' to return herself, and the Abyssal, in a position where she was to punch the being Ora without reseting the damage done to it; Kyouko punched the nightmare'ish being once again. And again. And again. And Ora. Ora. Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora...

If it had been a human, by now, the Abyssal would have simply been a pile for ash. However, in this case, the being simply dissolved.
One by one, the black-bodied scourges upon reality fell into themselves. Pristine black surfaces featured dents and flashes of white, as if their forms were trying in desperation one last time to reform themselves. It was like watching a carton of plastic trying to put out their indentations. A few popped, but ultimately, they were simply too worn by the onslaught of the Final Five to survive any longer. Expended of energy, the Abyssals collapsed in on themselves, becoming shrinking swirls of black before vanishing entirely from their presence. The room, once returned to cleanliness from Kyouko's Neuenfang burst, had become shredded.

Fate had its way with the space.

With their enemies gone and the room presumably being the only place that had been returned to the past, the final Five could rest easy. Gigakill continued to spark within himself until...


The machine suddenly stood on its feet, bouncing from his knees to his full height. Without hesitation or holding back, he swung his arm outwards into the air, attacking an unseen enemy. The Abyssals gone, he hit nothing, a booming whoosh of air trailing behind him as he nearly struck Tian-Gui in the cheek. For a moment, the robot appeared still ready to fight, looking between the smaller people standing before him in a wide stance.

"!!! Ah! ...Ah... Ahhh." He calmed, dropping his arms to his sides.

Gigakill's glowing green eyes laid upon Tian-Gui, and then Runa. With great berth, he swung his arms out to the side in greeting, clearly poised to wrap them around the two for a grandiose hug.

"Tian-Gui! Runa!" he shouted in a cheerful manner, electronic voice buzzing with warmth. With one motion, he enveloped the two familiar faces in a hug, easily lifting the girl from the floor, and taking the giant boy just inches away. "How good it is to see you two but... What are you doing here? Who are these... Ah. Iphigenia! And... Is that Jin-Sun? What happened to Ling? To Tomoki?" Letting go of the two, he stood up to his full height, towering over the Final Five. He scanned over them one more time, noting someone unfamiliar...

His eyes fell upon Kyouko. "Who is this young one?" he asked, staring long at Kyouko before noticing her arm. His eyes flickered, then narrowed, but he said nothing. Gigakill eventually turned his attention to the room and chuckled. "I presume you all did away with... wait."

Gigakill's eyes flickered and flashed, as if calculating something. "I have been out of operation for... No. Then...!" Gigakill's head shot up towards a wall before he spoke out loud to 'someone'. "Bayenne, release facility window lockdown." Over a loudspeaker, a female voice replied, the very same that had spoken to the Five throughout their stellar trip.

Affirmative. Releasing all facility window locks. Please stand clear of windows.

As the computer spoke, the room around them whirred to life, closed shutters rising to reveal the outside Martian surface. Red soil was illuminated by the sun, and cast a dusty glow upon the skies that looked like smog. No wind blew, and no clouds hung in the skies. It was, after all, still a dead, inhospitable world out there. But perhaps most inhospitable of all...

Was the towering, inconceivably large Abyssal that stood upon the red earth. It's 'head' looked high, and before its featureless face hung an orb of what could only be described as obscene energy, coalesced into an orb of unimaginable power. How long had it been there, charging this bolt of destruction? Gigakill answered.

Even to the untrained senses... To everyone, not simply Tian-Gui, this orb spoke within them a feeling incarnate. Not simply death. Not simply destruction.


"Two years. I fell asleep for two years before I could stop this thing," he said, looking out onto Mars. "Whatever had rendered me inoperable did so to buy this Abyssal time. A lot of time. If it finishes..." He shook his head. "It's a miracle you even came to me. Did you all know? About me? About this? Who sent you?"
"Oh, Hey, Giga-" Runa was cut off as she was swept into the steel colossus' arms, and the rest of her breath was squeezed out of her. She did wrap her arms around what she could, but there was no way she could get all the way around Gigakill's bulk without a few extra feet. "It's nice to see you again, too."

She couldn't bring herself to explain what had happened to the others, and just left with an "ah..." that quickly trailed off. That sort of talk could be left to adults. She did introduce their new member. "That's Kyouko. She's the one who...revived you," or whatever it was she did. The rest, she could leave to the brunette to explain. She didn't want to steal too much thunder on the introductions.

For the rest, she didn't have a clue what Gigakill was going on about, up until the shutters opened and her jaw dropped. How Abyssals could get that big was the first question that came to mind, but it was her second she blurted out. "How the hell did that even get out here? How'd nobody notice it?"

"Okay...think...that's really not good. Like, really, really not good. We're actually here for unrelated reasons and didn't even know about this, but good thing we ended up here."

She pondered the situation, quietly muttering to herself and occasionally ticking through fingers as if she was trying to do a little mental math. "I, uh, I've got one idea, but...I've never tried something like it before. It's also probably hella dangerous. But, I could try making a black hole and shooting it at that thing." There were some likely holes in that plan, including the damage to the facility unless she got outside, first.
The combined attacks of Tian-Gui, Runa, and Iphie made quick work of the Abyssals in the corner…at least until Kyouko 'rescued' one of the Abyssals so she could punch it out herself. This time, no words at all came from Tian-Gui as he turned. She really was better off as a solo hero, wasn't she? Just like what Tomoki ultimately chose to become, unable to utilize her full psychometric potential in a group.

He turned his gaze around the chamber, slowing down his breathing as the effects of Kyouko's magic dissipated, leaving the same battle-scarred room once more. Tian-Gui closed his eyes, turning his magic inwards once more. More cracks in his bones. More pain in his body. More things to endure. Wordlessly, he wove more flamestone in to fill in the cracks, reinforcing them once more. They just had to deal with the mecha. He just had to hold on a bit longer.


Instinctively, the golden titan took a step back, right as Gigakill's giga-hand swiped by. For a moment, he blinked, his jaw dropping within his mask, before he raised his arms out to the side as well, reciprocating the mecha's embrace. "Master, it's been way too long!" Tian-Gui exclaimed, glad more than ever his armor was still active, "Tomoki's going solo now, as a PI and all that. Last time I heard from her, she was in Egypt dealing with the Pharaoh's Curse. As for Ling…"

He bit his lower lip.

"…we were always aware of how unstable his existence was."

He shook those negative thoughts away, as the TRUE hero of Shanhu released him, before clenching his fist. The two of them fistbumped each other, sparks of Flamestone and steel lighting up the place as a shockwave emanated through the containment chamber.

"Seriously, it's great to see you again after so many years. If you're here, where's the others then? Where's Lotte?"

Before further chit-chat could be had, however, the demeanor of Gigakill changed once more, as the windows within the facilities opened up, revealing the desolation of Mars…and the destruction of the planet.

Compared to the Thremont's mecha, the size of that giant Abyssal wasn't too impressive, but compared to the bus-sized bullets that came from that mecha, the size of this monster's 'bullet' was…mind-boggling.

It had the intensity of a small sun, an orb of destruction the size of a city.

The Last Song.

Yeah, as much as he wished it wasn't the case, there was no way that Lotte's lovetaps would do more damage than this meteor. At the enormity of all this Tian-Gui's mind just blanked out, his precognitive capabilities betraying him this one time. Despair clutched at his heart, a despair that was greater than the interdimensional esper that dragged them into the nightmare realm.

For this time, the price of their defeat wouldn't just be their lives.

It would be the destruction of all eight billion individuals upon Earth.

"A black hole…" Tian-Gui said, swallowing, "…would just be absorbed by that Abyssal's body, due to its magical nature. I don't even know if we'd have enough firepower put together in order to take down that thing."

He could barely withstand the beam of a restrained Abyssal, and this thing? This had been charging up its attack for TWO YEARS.

"Kyouko, what are your chances of being able to turn that giant ball of death two years into the past?"
Jin-Sun stayed silent upon Gigakill's reactivation, only giving the robot a brief nod as he was addressed. He'd never particularly interacted with Gigakill much, considering that he'd preferred Citadel and Black Star as mentors, but he was glad for an experienced and powerful addition to their forces nonetheless.

And then Gigakill revealed why he'd been up here to begin with: a massive Abyssal on Mars, charging an attack aimed for all of Earth. Jin-Sun froze as he gazed upon its form, glancing at the others.

"I think Kyouko's Neuanfang is the only way we can deal with this with what we have available." He shifted his gaze back over to Gigakill. "We hadn't even known you were here in the first place. We came to use the Mars Styx Accelerator to launch ourselves past the shields of an air fleet. Long story." Jin-Sun sighed, tapping his gauntlet to access his communicator.

"Anyways, hold on. I'm patching you in to our commnet." He murmured as he tapped holographic outputs from his gauntlet. Fortunately, the fact that Gigakill had been deactivated for two years meant that his communications network was still the same as what Jin-Sun remembered, and so it was a relatively simple task to reregister Gigakill to the commnet. "John, this is Jin-Sun. Do you read me? Found an old friend, over."
A few more seconds passed as the Abyssal actually did not exist anymore. Still, the brunette kept punching away until she suddenly, simply, just stopped. The monstrosity was...dead? Kyouko panted. They stood victorious over the ambush. Alas, in the end, she fai-


The young girl was taken by surprise as the true hero leapt back to life. A small smile appeared on her face as she immediately realized what his awakening meant. She revived a dead being. Sure... it was a machine of sorts BUT it, he, had a soul, no? Turning back a dead body wasn't any different! And a soul was all the same. All the brunette had to do was bring Miku's remains to Mars and then...

"Kyouko, what are your chances of being able to turn that giant ball of death two years into the past?"

Upon hearing her name a few times the daydreamer was finally taken back into reality. Reviving her dear friend had to wait. First, the Final Five had to actually make sure the same-aged dead girl had a world she could return to. "I am Kyouko Himura!" She introduced herself to Gigakill. "You are one of the major reasons why I want to become a hero!" She explained herself.

"My ability..." Kyouko looked down. She was aware of some things in regards to Neuanfang but it still left a lot of mysteries unsolved. "I can turn back the state of an entities properties." That kind of explained it, no? "Like I had done with the Abyssals, and my position, over and over again... ." THAT still felt so goddamn awesome, finally able to do something badass and flashy!

"You have seen what happened to Gigakill. There were some...difficulties? But I succeeded!" A grin displayed on her face now. "Right now I feel stronger than ever! And I am not just saying that because, I can literally feel how this place makes me stronger than earth! I'm sure I can do it."
Iphigenia let out a low whistle as the battle proper concluded, watching the small abyssal beasts collapsed in on themselves like small micro-singularities. For a moment, the room was quiet once again, with the room returned to its destroyed, lusterless state from before Kyouko had meddled with it.

Collecting herself and dusting off the soot accumulated from the heavy fighting, Iphie stepped back at Gigakill's reactivation. Clearly out of sync for the moment, she let herself be way out of the way until the mecha regained his bearings.

"Kyouko, you bloody bastard, you actually did it," she muttered under her breath, her face immediately glowing as she looked up to greet the resurrected robot.

"Long time no see, Gigakill." Giving a light-hearted wave, made a wry smile, reflecting on the circumstances that had brought everybody here. She scratched her cheek as she hashed out her thoughts. "There's a lot to catch up on. But Runa's right, we were here for unrelated issues. Big issues, but…" She glanced out at the scene that Gigakill had unveiled by opening the shutters. She'd taken a long breath upon seeing the infernal machination, but she wasn't daunted, not yet. "This is worse by far."

She made a small shrug at Jin-Sun. "That fleet is on a grand scale. It makes me almost wonder if it could contend directly with this unholy thing right here." She drew in more air through her teeth upon hearing the suggestions placed towards Kyouko. While her performance just moments ago was great, it had gone overboard. Was there a chance for something to go wrong? Iphie was worried about the unknown factors. "Or there might be trouble, considering you weren't able to control your flow, Kyouko. I'm never going to forgive the Thremonts, but if they could be convinced to not go for world domination, their massive airship be an option too."
"I've lost contact with the others, after they had taken to following other leads. See, after the day the Abyssals attacked Shanhu, we'd decided to figure out why and from where they came. After the Mars facility SOS years ago, I came here to help... all too late," Gigakill explained, still staring out onto the Martian surface. He turned to Tian-Gui.

"They could be anywhere at this point. You hadn't heard from them?" A rhetorical question, given the Flamestone hero's curiosity. Crossing his arms, the robot appeared ponderous as he listened to the suggestions for how to deal with the situation. Iphie and Jin-sun's explanation of the predicament back on Earth prompted a quick gaze from Gigakill, though he didn't comment on the fleet.

"A black could potentially sap up the energy in the orb, but I'm not sure you could generate one that's both fast enough to do so without subsequently sucking up the planet itself," he said to Runa. "The bigger problem, however, is that we need to destroy this facility anyways. We should try using that orb against it." Gigakill turned to Jin-Sun as his comms were modified. A static-filled voice came through as John's voice barely reached them a few seconds afterwards.

"I hear... What's your stat...? Who'd you find?"

"It's me, Gigakill, John," the robot said with a gleeful tone.

"Gigakill?! How in... world? Why are... on Mars? It's... two years!"

"It certainly has been. But the details are better left explained once I reach home."

Gigakill returned his voice back to the group before him as John's voice faded away into heavy static. His eyes fell upon Kyouko, his otherwise expressionless metal face somehow looking... stern. With a slow approach, he stepped before her before bending at a knee.

"I've got something for you and you alone," he said. A compartment opened up at his ribs as a small mechanical device ejected what looked to be a necklace. A small, black symbol made of what looked like obsidian hung from the metal chain. Something about it drew Kyouko's attention heavily, as if it were meaningful. Extending his the jewelry to her, Gigakill took Kyouko's far smaller hand in his own and set the necklace upon it. "It'll make sense at some point, but for now, we need this and you Kyouko. I believe that arm of yours is critical to what needs to be done." Standing and turning back to the group, he spoke in a loud manner, as if they were about to head into battle... and they were.

"Listen up guys. This is how it's going to go down. Iphie, you're going to be the team battery, and when I say battery, I mean the biggest battery you can imagine. Tian-Gui, you're going to be the baseball bat. I don't know how big a Flamestone rocket you
you've made in the time I was gone, but it'll need to be the biggest you've ever made. Runa, you're going to be the ice spell. Binding that Abyssal is going to take a lot of oomph. I hope you're ready to lay down a serious black hole. Jin-Sun, you'll be with me and Iphigenia."

Gigakill began to gesture with his hands as he explained further. "Occupied as that Abyssal may seem to be, it'll still give us a hard time if it notices us. Runa, you'll need to keep its feet bound to the Martian surface with a black hole. It's the only thing strong enough out of you all that can keep an Abyssal like that in place. Tian-Gui, I need you to gather all the energy you can from Iphigenia as she channels it from the Mars facility power system. Jin-Sun and I are going to go with her to get the plant to draw power from all the generators across the facility. You'll need to get out onto the facility roof where we'll blow a hole so Iphie can have line of sight with you. That blade of yours should be able to cut one out, right?" he asked Jin-sun. "While Runa has the Abyssal bound, you'll charge up and fire a Flamestone drill for its head. We need to get it to drop the orb on Mars..." He turned to Kyouko.

"Which is where you come in. I can tell by that arm of yours you've dished out a lot of energy recently. If it isn't too much to ask, I'll need you to do something like that again... And I'm hoping the trinket will help. I need you to reverse the size of that orb so it's just big enoguh to craterize the facility area. As soon as Tian-Gui gets the orb to fall, we need you to also teleport us back to the Styx Accelerator where we high-tail it out of here before the orb impacts."

"Any questions?"
"I'm good. I...think. I mean, that sort of gravity well is gonna be dangerous for the facility, too. But, I should be able to manage something to pin that thing down." Runa thought about it for a moment. "Wouldn't i take four to grab its feet, unless I just put one big well right under it that it just can't get away from? Either way, I'll start thinking about how to do it." That the girl could do the equivalent of general relativity in her head, but couldn't grasp high school trigonometry was perhaps a curious paradox of her nature.

"Mm...this is gonna be pretty taxing..." Not that it would stop her. Runa wasn't the sort to balk at a challenge like this. It was going to be WAY too awesome. "I should probably go outside with you guys, huh? Not like it'd bother me any, and I'd need a good view."
"It's the Final Five Finisher," Tian-Gui corrected, even as he smiled underneath his mask. So the original Final Five hadn't been lost after all. They just all went off in their individual missions to figure out the root cause of the problem, and forgot to call back for status updates afterwards. It was pretty stupid, if he thought about it, but heroes didn't have to function off logic.

And right now, they had a mission to focus on. Rolling his shoulders, Tian-Gui took a deep breath, as long golden rods rose from the back of his armor. Lightning rods to conduct the magical lightning that flowed through Iphie's body.

"Jin-Sun, you're gonna be cutting a hole for the Finisher to fly through, right?" The titan asked, still regulating the arcane power that coiled and boiled within the Flamestone. "Make it a big one then. I'll try to condense it as much as possible, but it's gonna get massive."

With that statement, he let out another deep breath, clearing away his thoughts and focusing his mind. The foe that stood before him was titanic, with endless stamina and two years to charge up its planet-eradicating orb. The men and women who stood alongside him were the cream of the crop, the strongest individuals within Shanhu, each of them with a heart of justice that would wholeheartedly oppose this evil. And though the Thremonts and their flying armada may still be a threat to the peace of humanity back on the planet, this Abyssal was a threat towards everything.

He felt the thrum, as he raised out his clenched right hand, the golden crystal resonating with his will.

"Final Five Finisher…initialize."

Piece by piece, aureate shards detached from his constantly regenerating armor, spiralling and solidifying over a lance that was growing bigger and bigger by the second.
Iphie listened quietly at Gigakill's plan. For a recently reawakened robot, he was quite active, not that it was a bad thing. She looked between the other five of them, taking in the gravity of the situation.

"That's quite the ambitious plan."

She made a wry, forced smile. It was so ambitious that Iphigenia wanted somebody to do a proper failure analysis of it first, but she knew that there was no such time for that. They probably didn't have very good odds, no, but they had to deal with it, however risky it seemed. After all, if they didn't, everybody would end up dead sooner than later. As for the task requested of her, the purple haired girl nodded.

"Easy. Just lead the way. Although, why must the facility be destroyed? Is it sustaining that beast in any way?"
"Always one to just go right into it, eh, Red," Runa asked Tian. Come to think of it, color-coded or not, none of them really had fancy names like in the comics and TV shows. "Well, here goes. Gravity generator, maximum output." For all that sort of announcement, nothing much seemed to change, at first. Then the glow building through parts of Runa's body got strong enough to shine through her suit, and her body began changing, reconfiguring itself for the task at hand. Wing-like structures burst from her back, and began to glow brightly.

"I'll hold these near collapse as long as I can, so get started." Outside, areas of space near each of the titan-class Abyssal's feet began to twist, the intense gravity focused on each enough to visibly bend the light passing through. Wind began to blow, as the air began to fall toward those points, whipping up dust as it went. "Just let me know when." Runa had a look of intense concentration on her face, it was clear that working this much at once was not something she was used to doing, or could keep going forever.
Kyouko eye's sparkled as she gazed upon the necklace. Clearly there was something special to it. She could simply tell! Though... why wouldn't her Idol just tell her? Whatever it was. Girls were supposed to be pretty so the brunette put it around her neck, continuing to listen to Gigakill's instructions.

"Y-Yeah, I can do that!" But... the facility would be gone? Somehow, Kyouko knew the increase of her power was tied to this place... if it were to be destroyed then Miku...Miku would... "Yeah! Is there a way to keep the facility intact? I plan to bring someone very important here once all this is done! I'm sure I could make it even smaller!" Kyouko could feel her heart pounding against her chest. She was aware that the live of the others were in her hands... was that how a hero was supposed to feel? Always aware that, if one were to fail, people would die? In her case, just them, but for others? Countless... .
Jin-Sun nodded at Gigakill, his hidden face set in a line of grim determination.

"Roger that, Gigakill." This was it. The pressure was on now. Everything else he'd done with the Final Five up until now had more of a personal feel to it. No stakes for anyone besides himself and his teammates. Even the reality of the Thremont fleet hadn't set in yet, but this...if they failed here, the entire Earth was doomed.

This was bigger than just his own personal grudge. This was what it meant to be a hero.

Jin-Sun drew his sword, falling into step besides the elder hero.

"Mark the area, and I'll carve it out. It'll take some swinging with Wire Spears, but it should be doable."
Before they could break into action, Gigakill finished with some answers to their questions. He nodded at Iphie and crossed his arms.

"More or less, that is correct. Quadrant X was undergoing experiments with something that summoned the Abyssals to Mars, much in the same way as they appeared on Earth years ago. Here it was far less catastrophic, which leads me to believe something in the same vein, but bigger, had been done on Earth to achieve the same summoning. I could not investigate it here before I became inoperable. Whatever it was here, it must be destroyed before anyone returns to restart it." Looking upon Kyouko, his eyes relayed a smile, and his tone was encouraging.

"I'm afraid not, Kyouko. I cannot allow this place to continue standing for what it contains. I would urge you to make it smaller, if I knew where Quadrant X was even located. Had I known from the database maps, I would have made it there already, but it appears hidden." He nodded at her again, "This place has nothing for your friend that cannot be found on Earth," he said cryptically.

Looking up, Gigakill stared down a hallway with stern eyes.

"If nothing more is to be said, let's begin."

A single step set in motion their greatest battle yet.

The team went first to the Styx Accelerator, where they were to 'set' their past position for Kyouko to return them to with Neuenfang. Similarly, with some coding, Gigakill set the Accelerator to prep itself for an immediate launch as soon as they ordered it to do so. With their rally point set, they split off into their individual positions to begin the operation.

Runa was the first to reach her position, squared up against the humanoid Abyssal titan. Focusing her attention upon the two feet of the Abyssal, the singularities began to form, first drawing what little air remained on Mars, and then dust, and then rocks... The ground cracked under its weight and then...

It noticed them. Runa where she stood, and the rest of the team that had begun running down the hall with opened windows were "seen" by the Abyssal, though its vision was still turned up to the obscured energetic sky. Flashes of red preceded the storm of characteristic red lasers that surged across the Martian soil, eventually ripping into the facility itself. Lines of energy screeched all around them as the Abyssal attempted to sear them in half.

The hallway they traverse became an obstacle course of death and vacuumed air. Boxes and loose objects flew into the air as opened tears in the facility drew them in. Gigakill resorted to simply brute-forcing through the objects and dodging the lasers nimbly for his size, all the while heading for the main generator with Tian-Gui, Jin-Sun, and Iphigenia.
"You've got as long as these last. Here's hoping nothing goes outright wrong." The distortions in space changed, as Runa pushed them the rest of the way to a full collapse, tearing spacetime into pits from which nothing would escape. The air was drawn in, the shattered ground was drawn in. The abyssal itself would also be drawn in. Two spheres of frozen light pinned it down, piercing through the ankles of the colossus. Intense as they were, they were also small enough that hell wouldn't be wrought across the entire solar system. Mars, however, will be forever scarred.

The Abyssal's assault was to be expected. Runa in particular couldn't simply hide from it, with her role in the plan. Of course, even if she was sliced in half, she'd keep going. The storm of searing beams was something she did her best to avoid, throwing up a field of warped space to deflect those she couldn't, but even so, she wouldn't last. Vermillion energy sliced into the red sands all around her. "Hurry it up," she said over comms to the others. "I can't dodge like this for...much longer."

Her communication was cut short by a scream of pain, as one of the Abyssal's lances finally struck home.
Jin-Sun took point, his blade flashing furiously as it cut through any object that flew at him. His body's inertial dampers automatically adjusted for the station's change in air pressure caused by the ruptures, allowing him to maintain his balance as he weaved around the lasers.

"Alright, it's on to us!" He yelled back, flipping over another laser blast. "Keep moving!"

Before long, they managed to reach Gigakill's designated location for himself, Iphiegenia, and Tian-Gui. Jin-Sun tapped the side of his head, opening his comm channel.

"Iphie, patch into my HUD. Mark out the area you want me to open up."