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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Adventure Finder
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
I have a shifting work schedule, so My online times will be random.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Fantasy, scifi, futuristic modern, fantasy modern, Action/adventure, Mystery, Fan-based,
Welcome to Fire Emblem: Almathea

The IC Thread

This will be a large-scale (judging by initial interest) Fire Emblem based RP which takes place in an alternate world linked to the originals via the Out-realm gate. Please read all info prior to creating a character.
One character per person to start - all characters subject to GM approval.

    • They say that generations ago in another world, the world of man, a great war nearly destroyed the land. The few survivors sought refuge the only place they could, through the Outrealm Gate and another world. They were led by a young solder named Brennah, a man marked by fate.

      When they came through to the other side they were astonished to find it was not a world of men but a world of beast-people, the Kemonojin, a race of people who had learned to (with the help of a special stone) take the shape of the beast whose animal characteristics they shared. Birds, Kitsune, wolves, rabbits and others, they had the forms of them all. The humans were welcomed with open arms and helped to find a new home. The Kemonojin saw them as a return in peace of some of the exploratory parties they had been sending through the gate for generations. The races mingled and grew to become great friends. However . . .

      Tragedy struck.

      No one knows what exactly happened or how it started. Four generations of records have vanished and all the hints that remain are not enough to fill the void in knowledge. The Humans were forced west and it is said it took everything Brennah's heir had to manage that much or face the complete demolition of his race. The Kemonojin sympathizers were ostracized and banished with them. The Eastland boarders were closed and that bar strictly enforced.

      Currently, after some 300 years, in the human held lands, those baring the mark of Brennah (his distant decedents) hide it in fear of retribution of that ugly history, for men have come to place the blame on that historical figure.

      The Kemonojin are rare and few between, their kind feeling a great loyalty towards their own and many young crossing back over the boarder never to be seen again. If the are killed or welcomed back remains unknown. Of those that remain in human held lands many have adopted human culture and garb in the attempt to assimilate themselves, and of the humans surrounding them some have gotten the idea that it is the beast-people to blame for the unknown tragedy. Needless to say the two races are not exactly friends any longer.

      It's a precarious balance, the friendship between races dangles on a thread hanging from the tapestry of an unknown history.

      Now a new story unfolds as the Tri-annual peace summit approaches and every land sends an envoy to negotiate their part in the treaties that keep the human realm at peace.


    • FEMap-World.jpg

    • FEMap-countries.jpg

    • Shan - This northern Mountain Kingdom is known as the home of the Pegasus Knights. With long winters and short summers the people who call Shan home and hearty and strong and used to working hard for their prosperity. Ruled by three houses who generally work together as a council, but are also often in competition with each other.

      Ma Kai - An ocean provence the people here are excellent sailors and shipwrights. More than a few have made their fortune as either merchant or pirate, and the seafood cuisine has become a source of pride. This land is also known for it's lavish festivals.

      Coill - The Wyverns make their nests in the Mountains of this land. The large fruitful forests providing plenty of game for their hunt. A lucky few have managed to befriend and ride these fearsome creatures and more than a few legends have been born of such an activity.

      Heiya - A land of pains and lush farmland, Haiya is probably the most peaceful of all the realms. Though it does have it's share of problems. Hunting Wyverns to the north and the Eastland wilds to the east make border patrol a serious business. Still, boasting the largest market of the continent people come from all over to trade for goods from other lands making this country a melting-pot of culture.

      Sahra - A desert region, water is a precious commodity. The people here are mostly nomads, moving from one oasis to the next in hopes of not using too much from any one place before it can refill. There are a very few permanent settlements here, built deep in the canyon lands around the very few source springs. All such are heavily fortified with little tolerance for outsiders.

      Eastland Wilds - The dangerous, wild and unexplored territory or the east. People who cross the great river marking the boarder are said to return mad or disappear altogether. Monsters have occasionally been seen from the boarders. Beasts thrice the size they should be with teeth and claws that can rip a man to shreds. The proof of this has been seen in Coill when the occasional wild Wyvern has been know to carry one home as a trophy of its hunt.
      It is rumored the Outworld Gate lies somewhere beyond the eastern Wilds' boarders.

  • 1. Characters may keep any weapons/magic they may have known before trading/promoting classes when applicable. The charts is created based on what a person has on starting in a specific class.

    Do bandits, sailors and berserkers have advanced traversal abilities like in the games?
    Because it's an RP i going to say that each class probably has specific skills, however some things I'd like to leave up to the players. Though it would make sense for a sailor to know lakes and rivers better than anyone else, or barbarian's to know their homeland etc.

    Oh and one more thing I just through of, one of the defining elements of Fire Emblem is the support mechanic. Are we going to find some way to implement benefits to characters becoming friends, lovers or rivals? That'd be really cool.
    8D I was hoping that would happen naturally since this is an RP. Yes, I expect any characters that interact regularly to develop some sort of relationship, help each other, challenge each other, protect each other, scold each other etc.

    4. Skills- I'm fine with skills as long as you can find a way to make them work in an RP setting and players agree on what a skill is if more than one person wants to use the same one

    Weapon durability! Will that play a part in this, or is every weapon infinite?
    Yes weapons will have to be repaired and replaced, but I'm going to leave this up to the individual players and trust them to be responsible for purchasing new weapons etc. in the RP

    Players who forget will feel the karma paddle at inconvenient times ;)

    Just like people who forget to restock when playing Fire Emblem 8D

    6. Promotions will be made available a certain number of "chapters" from a character's start

    7. All personality types, backgrounds, lifestyles, etc are welcome.

      1. One color per post. Use line breaks and Quotation marks for Dialogue. (this helps with readability for me which means I have an easier time maintaining and running the RP)

      2. NO smut - this is a mixed age group RP in the group forums. I don't wanna see anything that even looks like it. Take it to the libertine forums. NO exceptions.

      3. Treat each other with respect. Even when you disagree. Sharing differing viewpoints is fine, name calling and personal attacks are not.

      4. Avoid One liners. Posts should contain enough content for people to reply to. 3-4 sentences minimum.

      5. I do not enforce a posting order. However, there are enough people in this RP that rapid fire posting can take up a lot of room very quickly. Please be aware of this and don't leave people behind.

      6. If you do not post within three weeks without informing me why I will be checking on you and GMing your character accordingly. This may include writing them out.

    • As a GM I'm a rather large fan of the Karma Paddle.
      This means the actions in the RP have consequences. So if a character gets caught stealing they would find themselves in jail. Murder an NPC and there will be an investigation (or in the case of the last RP I ran a full manhunt) Teamwork with other players could be well rewarded, etc.

      I can also be incredibly accommodating to player ideas if people contact me about them. Plot with me, PM me ideas or things you'd like to see happen. I'm always happy to consider thoughts and Ideas.

      Other times I may have to tell a player no and be a bit of a hard-ass about it.
      I will try to always give a reason for a no, however ^_^

    • Turns will consist of one week. I expect everyone to make at least one post within that week unless they have informed me of some conflict.

      Chapters will have no set time limit. Rather they will center around the characters achieving some goal. Chapters can be about anything from buying supplies to defeating a boss. After a set number of chapters from a character's start I will make promotions available for that character.
      If you have an idea of something you'd like to see happen please let me know ^_^

    • There will be cross weapon/magic classes but for organisational purposes I've listed them by the dominance of the base class. I have also organised by promotional tier.
      Players will start with their character at level two or lower.

      - Sword
      - Lance
      - Axe
      - Bow
      - Staff
      - Light Magic
      - Dark Magic
      - Anima Magic

      Note this is a simplifies class chart only and does not contain all combat ability details


      Tier 2 > Tier 3

      A member of the ruling family.

      Lords may start out using ONE of the following:



      Great Lord
      A promoted member of a ruling family.

      Use their starting weapon + one other
      may gain a mount[/spoili]
      Weapons Based Class

      Tier 1   Tier 2   Tier 3

      Beast Unit
      Mount: Horse





      Beast Unit
      Mount: Horse


      Armor Unit





      Great Knight

      Beast Unit




      Armor Unit






      Armor Unit


      May have a special blade





      Sword Master
      May have a special blade



      Can Lock-pick



      Can Lock-pick




      Can Lock-pick









      May have special Axe













      fights for money





      Bow knight
      Beast unit
      Mount: Horse








      May use longbow, towering bow, and double bow

      Pegasus Knight
      Beast Unit
      Mount: Pegasus




      Falcon Knight
      Beast Unit
      Mount: Pegasus


      Dark Flier
      Beast Unit
      Mount: Pegasus


      Wyvern Rider
      Beast Unit
      Mount: Wyvern





      Wyvern Lord
      Beast Unit
      Mount: Wyvern



      Griffon Rider
      Beast Unit
      Mount: Griffon


      Magic Based Class

      Each magic user will carry a focus with them. This focus wears down over time and once it become cloudy or dark must be replaced. (much like a sword or Axe)

      Staffs will not be designed for combat. Staff users, however, are free to be creative with what they have. Throw rocks, use a tree branch, attempt to use someone else's sword etc. Just be responsible about it. If it's a first time a character's ever held an axe, then I expect them to be clumsy and fumble through it. Characters may be trained by other characters too. That way when it's promotion time they'll know what they're doing ^_^

      Tomes are a characters spell books. they are written and maintained by the characters and unique to each person.

      Tier 1   Tier 2   Tier 3





      Can summon spirit decoys






      Dark Mage






      Dark Knight
      Beast unit
      Mount: Horse



      A magic Student





      Sage / Bishop


      Monk / Cleric



      War Monk / War Cleric


      Beast unit
      Mount: Horse

      Female Only



      Beast unit
      Mount: Horse

      Female Only
      Non-Promote-able Class and Second Seal Info

      Tier 2  
      adds a bonus to a unit

      Requires Second-Seal
      Another character(s) may train them in the desired weapon and/or mount

      Applies to any unit wishing to trade classes outside of promotional chart. May trade across current tier or lower.

      In human form any Kemonojin / Manakate has human weaknesses.

      Dragon/Beast stone - Stones are hard to find and very valuable and treasured among those that do have one. Like a hard stone they'd be very hard to break and so if used wisely could last for the entire RP.
      Characters with stones should be responsible with them.
      Uses Dragon stone
      subclass of Kemonojin
      Beast-person: uses beast stone

    • Please only fill out what I give you. Backstories can be revealed in game.


      Country of origin: (note Eastlands is off limits without prior GM approval)

      Class: (Tier 1 or 2 to start)

      Weapon of Choice: (sword, axe etc - for those with multiple weapons options)

      Armor type: (light, med. heavy, none)

      Mount: (if applicable)

      Special Skills: (lock picking, speed, body builder etc)




      Appearance: (Image or written description is fine. If using an image please keep it small for for download time for those using mobile)

      Other: (any additional quirks or items you feel people should know about)


      Recruitability conditions:

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  • Available character slots (may change depending on Character needs and player number)

    Lords: (one country each, one weapon class each)
    1. Lord of Coill - NPC
    2. Lord of Heiya - Taken
    3. Lord of Shan - Available
    4. Lord of Sahra - Taken
    5. Lord of Ma Kai - Taken
    1. Available
    2. Taken - Shaman
    1. Taken - Mercenary
    2. Taken - Archer
    Pegasus knight
    1. Taken
    2. Taken
    Wyvern Rider
    1. Taken
    2. Available
    1. Available
    2. Available
    1. available
    2. Available
    1. Taken
    2. Available
    1. available
    2. Available
    1. Reserved for Maxim
    2. Available
    1. Taken
    2. Available
    1. Taken
    2. Available
    1. Taken
    2. Available
    1. Available
    2. Available
    1. Taken
    2. Available
    1. Taken
    2. Available
    1. Taken
    2. Available
    1. Taken
    2. Available
    Dark Mage
    1. Available
    2. Available
    1. Taken
    2. Available
    monk / cleric
    1. Available
    2. Taken
    1. available
    2. Available

    Player Character Gender Race Age Class Origin
    @Archer Xavier Male Human 28 Lord - Lance Heiya
    @AtomicItalian Orrsin Male Human 31 Pirate Ma Kai
      Dilyos Male Human 26 Mage Coill
    @AutumnWyvern Silvia Female Kemonojin half-breed (weasel) 20 Mercenary Heyia
    @Dakup Gaston Male Human 21 Pegasus knight Shan
      Cassandra Female Human 32 Cavalier Heiya
    @ᴅɪᴀʙᴏʟɪᴄᴀʟ Alter Male Manakete 25 Shaman Coill
      Ellison Male Human 17 Monk - Staff Heiya
    @DustBunny Xander Male Human 13 Pupal Sahra
    @Kestrel Eugen Male Human 22 Pegasus knight Shan
    @Korra Quinn Korra Female Kemonojin (hawk) 19 Archer Sahra
    @Maxim Florent Male Human 22 Wyvernn Rider Coill
    @Requiem Requiem Male Human 23 Lord - Dark Sahra
    @Tyrannosaurus Rekt Khord Male Human 28 Barbarian Sahra
    GM - Falcon Galric Male Human 30 thief Shan
      Leilani Female Human 27 Lord - sword Ma Kai

  •   Character Gender Race Age Class Origin Status
    @Aria Valle Kyra Female Human 21 Cleric - staff Heiya Inactive
    @Dubs of Stigma Eleos male human 12 Pupal Heiya Inactive
      Chess female human 16 recruit Heiya Inactive
    @Karakui Sera Female Manakete 230 dark mage East land Inactive
    @Leif Rylant Male Human 20 Lord - Anima Coill NPC
    @Nano Kizuna Female Human 19 Dark Mage Sahra Inactive
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Put me down for a pirate from Ma Kai. I'll edit this post with an actual character tomorrow, just want to hold my spot. If we're allowed a second character I'll develop one once everyone else has picked their first.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Falcon
Name: Korra Quinn

Country of origin: Sahra

Class: Archer

Weapon of Choice: Bow

Armor type: None

Mount: N/A

Special Skills:

Swallow's Return - Rather then using durability to fight, Korra can use arrows to support an ally by distracting a foe with a wild and poorly aimed arrow to give her partner an opportunity. 20% of the time, this sudden arrow is so distracting it can lead to a critical failure in combat.

Sparrow's Strike - When necessary, Korra can calm herself and try to separate herself from the chaos of battle. Taking time to line up a shot while others are still swinging her swords, by taking more time to perfect her sight, she charges up for her following attack

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Kemonojin (Hawk)

Appearance: Korra wears loose fitting clothes that couldn't be called armor. A jacket over her shoulders to protect her arms from the sand and sun, and long hair neatly braided into a pony tail with wild bangs to keep the sun from her eyes. The only barely qualifying piece of armor she wears, are over her hands and feet to ensure that those precious extremities that allow her to move and fight aren't damaged beyond repair. She has a thick metal collar around her neck with a broken chain that barely reaches her breast line that has been ferociously clawed at and dented in various places. At her back she has wisps of what used to be wings along her back, if properly healed, they could perhaps unfurl once more as the large wings they once were. Though her eyes appear normal, the more intense her emotions, the more her pupils begin to narrow into the shape of a hawk's as her vision adjusts to match her level of alertness like a real animal. Her ears have some semblance of the beast heritage she has, giving them a down-y look and feel that some mistake as fur from afar.



Korra will never approve of Beast Stones, and would sooner die then use one herself.
Korra became an archer out of necessity, her skills were her key to survival and are sharpened and honed in battles of all kind.
She has a lithe and delicate figure that gives her a gentle touch she applies to archery.
Once a slave who was forced to sing and dance, Korra doesn't agree with authority figures and finds recreational dancing and singing painful.
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Name: Silvia

Country of origin: Heiya

Class: Mercenary

Weapon of Choice: Sword

Armor type: med.

Mount: n/a

Special Skills: Heightened sense of hearing and smell. Lightfooted.

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Half-breed (weasel kemonojin)

Appearance: Average height and the sturdy build of someone who trained most of their life. Her complexion is tan, though not very dark, and her eyes are a rich brown. Her hair is a tawny orange in color and messily cut short (much to her mother's distress) and one of her most defining characteristics is her large round nose she inherited from her mother's side of the family. Her canines are sharp and longer than the average human, a trait that some people find to make her smile rather unsettling. Her armor is plain with no fanciful ornamentation and mostly leather and she always carries her sword and shield. She has round felted weasel ears that she keeps pinned back with her bandanna (once red, now faded pink) and a tail she keeps tucked underneath all her clothing, fur the same as the hair on her head.

New wip. Old img 1 2
Still working out armor designs. Most of the colors on the old refs are accurate enough.

Other: She knows nothing of her kemonojin lineage. Her appearance was explained to her as a curse and a reason to stay away from wilds.
@Korra Quinn
This is not a dice RP so I'll need you to modify your skills a little to account for that ^_^
I would also like to know what animal kemonojin she is and which characteristics of that animal she has in human form.
Do you have a set plan for who held her as a slave? If not it's fine I have a few ideas >:D

@Korra Quinn
This is not a dice RP so I'll need you to modify your skills a little to account for that ^_^
I would also like to know what animal kemonojin she is and which characteristics of that animal she has in human form.
Do you have a set plan for who held her as a slave? If not it's fine I have a few ideas >:D

mm, i knew the dice thing, i just thought it'd be a fun element to add to the character, kind of like activating Astra or Sol or Aether etc etc. if you'd prefer i take it out, i can just remove the dice part.

As for which characteristics she'd have, her skills and other parts touch on that, otherwise i didn't plan on her having any overtly animal-like traits, kind of like she'd steer away from them to try and be more human.

If you have ideas though o3o sure i'd love to hear?
if you make it a percentage chance instead of dice that would be much better
Also by poorly aimed did you mean aimed to not hit anything important? or did you mean poorly aimed as in she wasn't that good yet.

As for characteristics, I'm afraid a full kemonojin is going to have some noticeable ones, and I really would like you to state her animal plainly in her character sheet.
something like:
race: kemonojin (lion)
would be fine

If you want her to look human then you can state what she does to hide those features, or you can make her a half-bread with features easier to hide.
things like ears hidden by a hat or bandanna; longer, sharper teeth; feather or fur textured hair; tail hidden by a skirt; eyes like her animals etc are examples.
percentage will work o3o

for poorly aimed, it's more not really meant to hit anything important except those rare moments the percentage clicks.

And ah =w= i get it, i misunderstood there, i'll edit that in!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Falcon
Looks good, just decide on and edit in some animal features for her to hide and we'll be good ^_^
Looks good, just decide on and edit in some animal features for her to hide and we'll be good ^_^
i tweaked it a bit more to probably better suit her, what do you mean by animal features to hide? o3o she's got head wings/ears that are kinda clear in the picture?
Well being a full Kemonojin she'd have more animal features than a half -breed. larger teeth, more canine shaped eyes, maybe a tail or other patches of fur?
You can look at a picture of Panne , Naesala , or Caineghis for an example of what I'm thinking if it helps
though if you wanna say other traits hidden by clothing or something I'll accept that.

I admit, I'm tired and my explanations aren't that good right now
Well being a full Kemonojin she'd have more animal features than a half -breed. larger teeth, more canine shaped eyes, maybe a tail or other patches of fur?
You can look at a picture of Panne , Naesala , or Caineghis for an example of what I'm thinking if it helps
though if you wanna say other traits hidden by clothing or something I'll accept that.

I admit, I'm tired and my explanations aren't that good right now

mm, I can find a picture that shows off the FC's tail? though maybe it'd be a safer bet to call her a half breed?
@Korra Quinn If you dont mind my butting in if she is part bird perhaps give her harpy-like elements. feathered tufts on her arms (perhaps plucked?) and if she was made to dance and sing perhaps she had long ornamental tail feathers (even if hawks dont normally). Part of me wants to tell you "birdie feet!!!" but I haven't quite figured out how that would be easy to hide.
i keep indecisively switching between hawk and dog because i'm not sure i have a picture that's good enough =3= if ears are enough, i have a better one that might be more appropriate, otherwise i'd probably have to go for a half breed
Don't worry about matching the image at all. Use the image you like best and in the written portion stick a list of other features she might have ^_^
@Korra Quinn its a collection of things so some nsfw stuff is tossed into the mix but nothing from the first page from what I can tell but check out some bird ladieez Probably far more monstrous than what you wish but... Gotta love them monster folk right >3>
Approved! ^_^
Since I plan on having a second character, should I put the CS for that up now and introduce them later, or just make the CS when I introduce them? Either way, can I reserve Lord of Shan for that character?
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