Fire Emblem: Ballad of Dragons OOC

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Chapter List

Prologue Arc
Invasion of Chevalot

Prologue: Meeting of Strangers
On the night of Princess Illyia's coming of age ceremony, the castle is attacked by Vallia forces. During the attack, the Princess is escorted to safety by friends and strangers alike however their way out is blocked by Vallia troops. Fighting their way out, the group meets up with Loraine, Illyia's life long friend. Illyia decides the group should go to the Steinsson manor. The family have always been supporters to the crown.

Chapter One: Steinsson Manor
Upon arriving at Steinsson Manor, the party finds it in ruins and occupied by pillaging barbarians. Hoping there is still someone alive, the princess jumps to action and confronts the barbarians. Instead the party learns that the nobles that weren't at the Princess's ceremony were captured by the Barbarians and sent to their Encampment in the Deep Wood.

Chapter Two: Into the Deep Wood
Armed with the location of the nobles, Illyia leads the party to the Deep Wood where all manners of creatures exist. It doesn't take long for the party to be ambushed by giant snow spiders and ravenous wolves. The group fights their way through the horde of creatures and find their way back on the path towards the encampment.

Chapter Three: The Rescue
Having found the barbarian encampment, the group launch their plan to save the nobles in captivity. As the battle between the two forces wages, Vallia troops soon enter the fray bent on killing everyone including the barbarians. Only Illyia and company are left standing besides the nobles. The rescued nobles pledge whatever resources they cam to the Princess to take back Chevalot Castle.

Chapter Four: Heritage
Taking sometime to prepare, the group readies themselves to take back the castle. On their way there however, they are stopped by Byrnhildur and her group of barbarians. The Barbarian Queen claims Chevalot will once more belong to her people before attacking the group. With Byrnhildur's dying words, she reveals Illyia's true heritage leaving the young princess in shock. Not knowing what else to do, she continues forward to the castle.

Epilogue: The Wolf's Den
Upon reaching the caslte, the group is attacked by Vallia forces. Fighting their way through the troops they manage to come across the Black Wolf. The Black Wolf challenges the group as more troops come to his side. After the battle the group enjoys a well deserve celebration. However after a week passes staying in the caslte, another Vallia invasion force comes making the party flee to Castelbia.


The RAWRing 20s
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Ballad of Dragons

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"Grandfather, tell me another one of your stories! You know when you were a soldier!" the little girl said excitedly, her eyes beaming up at the bearded old man. The old man smiled looking at the raging fire in the fireplace. The crackling of the fire brought back memories of the nights he spent with his comrades next to a camp fire they struggled to keep alive under a star filled sky. He smiled at the thoughts of his comrades and him sharing stories about their youth and the goals they had after their whole ordeal was over. Yet that smile turned to a frown as he also was reminded of the friends he lost on the way. The times were rough but the bonds he had made were something he would forever cherish. Looking into his grandchild's eyes, he couldn't help but feel like he was looking back to when it all had started. When he was a nobody and not a decorated war hero.

"I don't think I told you the story from the beginning have I?" the old asked stroking his long white beard. The little girl shook her head making the old man laugh a little bit. How long had it been since everything had happened? It felt like a life time ago when he was in the thick of battle fighting against the overwhelming odds. He could hear the echoes of metal clashing against each other along with the incantations of spells being casted. It was an exhilarating feeling that he could never forget. He could still feel the weight of his weapon in his hand even if it was no longer there. The battlefield had changed him but it made him appreciate what he had even more.

"You know of the stories I told you but I don't think I have told you of the Ballad of Dragons." he once more stroke his beard while his grand child grew even more restless. She was practically shaking with anticipation at her grandfather's words. "Ballad of Dragons?" she asked in awe as the old man nodded his head. "Oh yes and how we had to retrieve an ancient weapon called the 'Fire Emblem' in order save Albrest from the Five Deadly Wyrms." The memories flooded back to him and he could feel the cold air against his skin once more at that night in Chevalot. "And?" The little ask, sitting on the edge of her seat." The old man leaned towards the girl in his chair wearing a broad smile. "It all begun on that night in Chevalot. . . "

The continent of Albrest where five kingdoms signed a peace treaty after centuries of conflict. The times proceeding the signing brought the kingdoms into a golden age and some changed their form of government getting away from the Monarchy. The desert kingdom of Serath became a mageocracy ruled by three arch mages. The mountain and frozen landscape of the kingdom of Vallia had violent revolution overthrowing their king in favor of the Immortal Emperor Ammuna who in secret harnessed the power of dragons. The maritime power of the Miglain Kingdom dissolved into a Republic after the wealthy merchant families came together to bring their nation into the modern age and away from their piracy history. Leaving Chevalot and Castelbia as the only monarchies left. Though Castelbia is gradually turning into a Theocracy since the seat of Virtuous Church rests there and the royal family are strongly rooted in the Church.

It seemed peace would last forever until Vallia invaded Miglain. The Republic had no chance against the Empire's might but a resistance group formed to combat the occupying forces. The immortal Emperor gave his four trusted generals dragon stones to allow them to channel the power of the five dreadful wyrms. Each stone containing the spirit of one of the Five Dreadful Wyrms. He sent each of his generals out to conquer the rest of the continent.

Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Chevalot, a ceremony is being held for the princess Illyia Chevalot's coming of age. All the nobles and some others who snuck in are in attendance for the party. Everything seems festive and normal until news of Vallia troops approaching the castle is announced. Soon strangers and friends alike are thrust into the roles of heroes as they are tasked to get the princess to safety only to learn they are chosen by a prophecy to defeat the Five Dreadful Wyrms for good but first they have to find the pieces of the Fire Emblem to gain the power to face the wyrms.

The kingdom of Chevalot lies in the Frozen South. Before it was a kingdom, it was tribes of barbarians that were in constant conflict with one another. It took one barbarian by the name of Haraldur to unite the tribes as one entity. While the tribes were fighting one another, Haraldur saw a new threat among the horizon. It was one of the Five Dreadful Wyrms, Fafnir. The evil dragon wanted the icy realm as his own but Haraldur with his united peoole fought off the evil wyrm. Bathed in the blood of the wyrm gave the Barbarian King supernatural power. But the Wyrm was not truly defeated.

Decades after the battle, the Barbarian King married a woman from the North. This caused a division among his people especially since he took her last name and named his new kingdom after her, Chevalot. A civil war broke out but Haraldur and his supporters brought the rebellion down. However it did cause several tribes to leave the newly found kingdom. The king eventually had two sons before he died from the poisonous dragon blood his body had.

His two sons, Helgi and Leifr had grown up very differently. Helgi was raised in the traditional barbarian upbringing however his brother Leifr was raised by his mother in the ways of the North. Once more civil war broke out as the brothers battled for the throne even though Leifr was the rightful heir. The war became known as the "War of the Wolves" and became a center point for Chevalot's future. Helgi had united the tribes that had left under his banner promising them to get rid of any Northern influence over their kingdom. But after five years Helgi was eventually defeated by his brother Leifr. As punishment for the rebellion, he declared the Barbarian trbies that refused to join the Kingdom of Chevalot as outlaws and traitors to the crown. Afterwards, Leifr went about replacing the Barbarian teachings and way of life with Northen customs. As far as becoming allies and life long friends with the Kingdom of Castelbia. To this day the few remaining barbarian tribes look upon their lost heritage while trying to persevere what they have left. And with the ceremony, barbarian activity has increased.

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Castelbia is known as the oldest monarchy. Their lineage traces back to the ancient times where wyrms freely roamed Albrest and terrorize humans. But out of this bleakness was born a woman with the gift of the Sleeping Goddess. Her name was Alondra Castlebia and she was not only a warrior but a prophetess.

She was born when the Dreadful Wyrm Azazel ruled over the soon to be Kingdom of Castelbia. He demanded virgin sacrifices so he wouldn't kill anyone. If they did not give him what he wanted, he would burn down villages and eat whoever he could. The people of Castelbia lived in terror, not wanting to upset their "ruler." However Alondra challenge the dragon with the gift of the Goddess, the magic of Light. The battle was waged over several days but the mighty wyrm was defeated leaving the people free.

After the Wyrm's defeat, Alondra preached about the Sleeping Goddess and performed miracles for the people. She told them that when she dies, she will join in guarding Goddess while she sleeps as one of the Virtues. But before she passed, she helpled found the Virtuous Church and helped her secret lover Esmeralda form the Kingdom of Castelbia before she departed to the heavens.

Esmeralda took the Saint's last name to honor her memory. The Kingdom of Castelbia grew into a Matriarch with the Virtuous Church growing beyond Castlebia's borders. Even into enemy territory like the Tonache plains where the native nomads had once roamed free. The royal family and the clergy enjoyed a close relationship as they endeavor to make their late Saint proud. The people of Castelbia never strike out at their Queens, fearing the Church's Inquisitors that is kept hidden from the royalty. But the civilians can take comfort that Pegasus knights of the crown protect Castelbia's borders. Yet like Chevalot's forces, Castelbia's forces have been tied up dealing with the native nomads of the Tonache Plains. Also
Inquisitors have been conducting investigations into recent heresy while some of the royal family went to attend the ceremony in Chevalot. However there have been rumors of an coup among the nobles for the crown. Yet news of Vallias approach has not been heard which is odd since the Church's inquisitors act as a spy network through out Albrest.

The Religion of the Sleeping Goddess revolves around the Seven Angels of Light who each represent a heavenly virture. These angels guard the goddess while she sleeps from the machinations of her evil brother the Devil King and his seven heirs of dakrness which each are represented by a seven deadly sin. It is said once the Goddess wakes up, she will once more fight her brother for dominion over heaven, hell and the world causing Armageddon. When the battle is won, those who lived a good life before they died will join her in heaven where they will live immortal. While those who are filled with sin will be punished for eternity in hell by the Angels of Light. So followers choose a virtue to live by and try not to fall into sin.

While the rest of Albrest was trying to find their feet and weather the storm against the Wyrms, Serath gradually became Albrest first civilization. Even while Castelbia was building their monarchy, Serath was ruled by a man only known as the Golden King. His only ambition in life was only to become wealthy and conquer the weak. His bloodlust and avarice knew no equal as his fabled vault named the "First Gilded Vault" was filled with riches from across his desert domain and pricelss treasures from the neighbouring countries that were never returned.

In his conquest and treasure seeking, he came upon a ruin temple from the Time of the Ancients far hidden in the desert. He sent soldiers in to investigate this temple for any riches but when they came back, they were aged and turned to dust at his feet. Instead of fear, he was mesmerized. So much so he ventured into the temple. There he came across the first tome of dark magic. Consumed by it's power, the Golden King had not realize it contained the soul of Apep, one of the Deadly Wyrms.

Soon he taught this power to those who he deemed worthy. These worthy pupils would become his army of darkness. So powerful was his magic, his people feared for their lives. However the day came when his madness could no longer contain the Wyrm's spirit and Apep took over his vessel, turning to his true form.

The dragon declared himself a god among the Desert Gods seeked to bring upon chaos. However, it took three casters that each harnessed a different magic. Elric the Sage who was a master with Anima magic from the distant tundra of Chevalot. Ophelia the Bishop from Castlebia who was among the first to be gifted the magic of Light from the Saint. Then there was Jahan the Druid who was the Golden King's most talented pupil. Together the mages fought the chaotic Apep and managed to seal him away back in his temple.

After the battle, the three mages remained in Serath to help rebuild what was lost. Eventually the people looked to them for guidance and the Hero Mages decided to rule over Serath and vowed to protect it. When they had passed, three new mages took their place and to this day three mages each strong in either Anima, Dark, or Light magic rule over Serath. Each candidate is selected by a council called the Academy. Serath is still consider to be the Jewel of Albrest but also a place where mages can learn and practice their craft. However while the troops of Vallia march against the nations, the three Grand Mages were assassinated. Leaving the Academy Council with no worthy candidates to take the titles all the while Vallia storms through the desert.

Vallia was home to the first Dreadful Wyrm and his brood of wyverns. He terrorized the human settlements to the where they had to hide in deep tunnels in the mountains. Otherwise they could be picked off from a wyvern flying above. The wyrm delighted in the suffering of the humans, feeling they were an inferior creature. The Wyrm's name was Hydra and none could escape the gaze of his many heads.

When all hope seemed lost for the humans, a group of brave souls managed to capture and train the wyverns without being noticed by Hydra. The courageous men and women flew into battle against the Deadly Wyrm with nothing but spears. Many died during the skirmish that lasted days but in the end, the riders proved victorious. The mighty Hydra had been defeated for good and had disappeared into smoke. With the Wyrm gone, the riders that were left helpled build what was theirs.

Although these Wyvern Riders were revered as heroes, they had decline when offered to become the rulers of Vallia. Instead they vowed to use their spears for the betterment of Vallia. In their stead the Popov family became Vallias rulers with the mighty Wyvern Riders not tied to them.

However through the centuries, the Popov royal family abused their power causing the kingdom to come to the brink of ruin. After the treaty was sign for peace, a foreigner by the name of Ammuna promised the people hope if they followed him into revolution against the throne. Having no one to turn to since the Wyvern Riders remained neutral, the people placed their fate with the stranger. Soon revolution swept across Vallia and the monarchy was no more. In their place was the Immortal Emperor with his four trusted generals. However the people did not know that this stranger was actually Hydra in disguise and his Generals were vessels for his brothers. TheWyvern Riders as a whole remain neutral however there have been some riders who joined the empire and others who formed a resistance group. There also have been civilians who have mysteriously disappeared.

The costal republic of Miglain is the youngest of the five countries. It was first settled by ancient explorers who were seeking refuge from the ravenous Wyrm, Leviathan. The settlers were pirates seeking a new place of operations from the king of their island homeland. They had pillaged trade routes and assaulted royal ships. But their luck had ran out.

The refugees decided that Miglain would prove a good place to settle and make a new life for themselves and with the closeness to the sea, they would have ready access to food as well as a port to harbor ships. But Leviathan made any attempt to settle a futile effort. The Dreadful Wyrm ruled the seas and attacked from both the sky and water. Even if some of the pirates wanted to return home, they were landlocked.

With what resources they could manage and under the command of the Pirate Queen Aella, the pirates dared to face the Wyrm. Many ships were lost but holding true to their axes, the pirates managed to clench victory from the narrow jaws of defeat. With the Wyrm no more and under the guidance of Aella, the pirates turned Miglain into a maritime powerhouse that eventually put their pirate history behind them and mended fences with their homeland, Akau.

During the Golden Age, pirates fought agaisnt the soldiers and sailors of Miglain for some did not wish to become a part of the new republic. Miglain had thrived with pirates robbing trade routes and taking on merchant vessels. But the new Council of the Sea knew if they wanted to become a part of Albrest that they needed to get away from their pirate past. The skirmish only lasted a few weeks with the vastly superior navy of the New Miglain Republic out fought the pirates, allowing their republic to become one. However remnants of pirates still either work for the republic's navy or hide among the waters waiting to take back their haven. Yet with Vallia invasion into the nation, members of the Republic's council died in the initial assault. The resistance is slowly losing ground against their superior foes and their newly acquired pirate allies.

But what made these five nations end up fighting in the first place? Its simple, the need for conquest and to fulfil one's greed. No one remembers who attacked first but that first attack was all that was needed to ensure centuries of bloody conflict. All the while they didn't know their battles served as fuel for Hydra to regain his strength and turn his brother's essence into stones to keep them from fading away. The prophecy speaks of heroes that will rise against the Wyrms once more with the recovered Fire Emblem. With its power the heroes will once and for all defeat the dragons and rid Albrest of their influence. However with their attack, a peaceful and united Albrest becomes divided once more as survival becomes priority against the onslaught of Vallia's war machine.





Class: From the GBA era of Fire Emblem including Soldier from Radiant Dawn with its Soldier's class progress. Dark Flier from Awakening, mages and Pegasus knights can promote into it. Tactician from Awakening will also be an option. Also adding Bard class from FE7 (their weapon will be swords) and the Dancer class (their weapon will be knives.) Also Thief, Assassin, and Rogue will use knives instead of swords. Plus Magic will be Anima, Dark, Light, and Staves. And Manakete will be available. Our characters start with a base class first unless they are of the Recruit, Journeyman, or Pupil class from FE 8. Later in the story our characters will promote. it has to be later on in the story and be an impactful point in your character's life and be a good addition to the story. Like a knight gets promoted to the rank of General in the Coalition Albrest Army for their deeds. Or a shaman promoting to summoner after their studies bring them to an ancient dark tome that imparts its power to them. Only to shorten their life.

Appearance: either a anime pic/fantasy art. Or sprite portrait, I highly recommend this for that fire emblem nostalgic feel.

Bio: minimum of three paragraphs
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Name: Randel Thatcher
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nation: Chevalot
Class: Soldier

Bio: Randel was born in Chevalot in one of the many villages scattered across the massive continent. He came from a family of thatchers, those that built and maintained the straw roofs of homes. He would have followed his father's footsteps and continued the trade had it not been for the day barbarians assaulted his village. They threatened to burn everything to the ground unless the villagers paid taxes to the brigands in the form of crops. The arrangement didn't last long, for the knights of Chevalot came to their aid. They formed a perimeter at the village entrance to keep the marauding brigands from destroying the village. Randel watched as soldiers stood their ground and struck at the foes with coordinated strikes. It was an overwhelming victory, but not without sacrifice. One of the Chevalot men lost his life in combat. Soldiers and villagers alike remembered and celebrated his bravery that night. Randel ate with the soldiers, listening to their stories of valor. What really intrigued the boy were their humble beginnings: they started out just like him. Barbarian attacks were too often a way of life for those who lived far from the castle. Brave men were needed to fend off these attacks. At 16, Randel was inspired to join Chevalot's army to protect those who could not.

In his nine years in the army, Randel had to learn to grow up very quickly. He had seen more experienced men fall to ambushes. He had to become adept with the lance and shield to avoid their fate. In his many battles out in the frontier, Randel developed his two-handed lance fighting technique. He used swift strikes at knees to end fights quickly to face another opponent. He could strike in front, behind him, left, and right in quick succession by twirling his lance like a baton. A blacksmith rewarded his skill with his own personal weapon, Dervish the Axebreaker. It was a bladed lance with a telescopic shaft, allowing it to shrink down to the size of a sword for convenient storage. Despite his adventures across Chevalot, Randel much preferred to stay in one place. His constant travels didn't allow him to enjoy the scenery, much less rest.

Randel got his wish when he was stationed at the royal castle for the last year. It was a great year: no longer did he have to make bed in the frozen snow. Nothing compared to a warm bed. He was able to make regular rounds through the castle town without having to worry about getting ambushed around every corner. Yet he knew this peaceful life wouldn't last. After the violent revolution in Vallia, soldiers in Vallia were moved to watch the border. More soldiers guarding the border meant fewer were guarding the interior of the country. Randel wondered how long the peace at the royal castle would last…

Name: Elise Mayweather

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Nation: Miglain

Class: Mage


The Mayweather family was well known throughout Miglain. They take credit for being one of the original families involved with the creation of New Miglain Republic. The Mayweather family has been a powerful name in the Republic, being one of the largest merchant companies in the country. Elise was raised, pampered and sheltered. Her father was always off making deals and trading with others. Her mother was sickly, never capable of leaving her bed, but she tried her best to be there for her daughter. Unfortunately this was for very short intervals, and so Elise was raised by her maids. Since she was the only heir to the Mayweather company, her father made certain care that she was well educated, and sent her off to the Academy in their neighboring country.

Elise studied magic, just as the rest of the students at the Academy. However, she wasn't exceptional. She was just fine, but her performance was perfectly set at the peak of the bell curve. An average student. One that did what was needing to pass, and nothing more. This was likely due to her upbringing. She didn't apply herself because she had no reason to apply herself. Others had done everything she needed since she was a child, and felt that it would continue to be true even after she inherited her family's fortune.

Upon the invasion of Vallia, Elise was concerned. She had not heard much from her homeland since the invasion. All she knew was that some of the Council had fallen. But there was nothing she could do right then was there? She hadn't heard word from her mother, and given her health there was cause to fear the worst. But the invaders made it difficult for her to talk, and her maids couldn't do anything to help the situation. So for the first time, Elise applied herself to her studies, hoping to at least be able to make her way into her home.

Her studies were short lived unfortunately. Not long after, the three grand mages were assassinated. Now fearful that the Vallians would be seeking to invade her school as well, she mounted up on her horse and fled for Chevalot. The Mayweather family had many acquaintances there. She would surely find refuge there. There were a few scuffles with small bands of barbarians, but thanks to her magic training and horse, she managed to reach the capital on the day of the Princess's coronation
Name: Illyia Chevalot

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Nation: Chevalot

Class: Lord (Sword)


Illyia was born into the Chevalot family but as product of her father's infidelity. To cover up any scandal, the maid that was her mother was sent off into the frozen wastes to never be heard from again. Little did her father know that the maid was in fact a barbarian princess and her seduction was all a part of her plan to reclaim the throne for her people. Despite the Queen's dismay, she raised the girl like her own daughter and the two eventually grew close.

She was the youngest of four siblings and the full bloodied Chevalots made sure to make her feel unwelcomed. The common folk didn't know of her Father's bedding of another woman, it was kept a secret amongst the Chevalot's royalty. Not even their closest friend and ally Castelbia knew of this secret. Yet her true paternity was kept secret from her due to the Queen'a wishes so reluctantly her children followed her orders but didn't make life easy for Illyia growing up. In fact her siblings tended to abuse her in everyway they could.

Despite her harsh treatment of her siblings, she didn't waver under their scrutiny and abuse. In fact it made her more determine to prove her siblings wrong about her. When she could, she went with her father on patrols into the barbarian lands where she learned fast about how to defend herself with her Father's guidance. And when she wasn't in the frontier fighting off brigades, she was honing her swordplay with esteemed fencers in Castelbia as well as learning the ways of court. Soon the girl grew into an example of what royalty should be, her mind and swordsmanship impressing all the nobles in her realm. But most of all, her genuine good heart won her people over.

On the eve of her coming of age ceremony, her father became suddenly ill leaving him unable to attend his daughter's ceremony. Despite this setback, her father insisted the ceremony go on. That night some soldiers were sent from the castle to the frontier to deal with a barbarian uprising led by a woman named, Brynhildur. Leaving the castle defenseless to the approaching Vallia's forces.
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I can't say how excited I was to find this! 8D
Please let me know if I got the timeline for the Vallia rebellion wrong. I took my best guess and ran with it. I'm happy to change anything as you need :)

Name: Caldric Van'Ike

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Nation: Vallia

Class: Thief


Caldric's father had been a Wyvren Lord. One of the best once upon a time. A man of noble dignity, able to stay neutral in even the most taxing situation. His mother had been a cousin of the Popov family. Nobody important, certainly not anyone who held any power or had any ability to change anything. But she was a gentle soul who loved her husband and their son dearly. When Ammuna and the rebellion came, Caldric's father was forced to choose sides. His wife, or his neutrality. He chose his wife, and paid the price. True, their little family probably would have been ripped apart either way, but by the end of the revolution Caradoc Van'Ike was a wanted fugitive by the new government. He was forced to abandon his family and flee, praying doing so would guarantee their safety. He was wrong.

Aderyn Van'Ike, Caldric's mother, was taken prisoner by Ammuna's forces. Whether for questioning or other purposes was never learned. Caldric himself was tossed out into the street like the trash the soldiers believed him to be. The boy was too young to learn to fight, certainly didn't know anything useful, and when one considered the nature of his parentage his loyalty was too questionable to make a good servant. Caldric was abandoned, not knowing if either parent was alive and with no resources to find out. He barely had the resources to survive. He managed though. Calric learned quickly to adapt and was able to fall back on the few survival skills his father had managed to teach him. He found places of shelter from the cold, learned how to pick pockets for coin, figured out how to get in and out of buildings to snitch unattended food. Eventually he found other children like himself and they banded together teaching each other the skills they'd need as a young band of thieves.

It was the resistance that rescued them several years later. Caldric was in his mid teens by that time. The small street group had managed to hide a resistance spy while Caldric him managed to successfully mislead the guards with an ever changing array of costume and perfect accent switches. The resistance member took them all back with him in gratitude. Five extra mouths weren't that many, especially when everyone of them had a useful skill and willingness to work.

The resistance taught Caldric to fight. They taught him how to blend into the terrain, what information to gather that was important to their cause, and they shared with him the news that new rumors of his father still popped up now and again. Nothing to find the man by, but enough to guess he was alive. His mother, no one knew her status either way. In exchange Caldric went on every job they asked of him. They were still just a group of people looking out for each other. Only this time they had a purpose. To free Vallia from an age of cruelty and find peace before they forgot what peace was.

When Vallia moved against Miglian the resistance knew they had to step up. Members were chosen and sent to each land. They were to wait, observe, listen, and report back anything that could be of value. It was this that led to Caldric's presence in Chevalot around the time of the princess's coming of age ceremony. It also explained why he was willing to sneak into the royal palace itself.
@Falcon Looks good to me, feel free to jump in. :) If you won't mind, I am thinking maybe my shaman character is your partner since I love the whole spy network thing going on. Might even have us encounter an Inquisitor. But anywho, how would you feel about my shaman being your partner?
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oooh! I love it! <33333
Do you want to work details out here or in a PM?
@Falcon I'll send you a pm with her appearance and what not. I hadn't flushed out her back story but I knew I wanted a Shaman since that's my favorite class of the GBA era xD
I tend to gravitate to thieves no matter which era game I'm playing.
I'll also wait to jump in until we've decided on a plan :)
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Name: Gwyn

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Nation: Serath

Class: Bard

Bio: Born into the destitution of a Serathian slum, Gwyn was just another mouth to feed. His adolescence was spent scrounging and struggling to survive. Often Gwyn had to turn to less than wholesome methods in order to persist another day. In particular, he spent most of his childhood as an amateur pick-pocket. Unfortunately for him, he was not especially good at it. Possession were something difficult to keep, Gwyn had no permanent residence for much of his youth, and even if he had had a home, items were better bartered in exchange for coin or food. However, there was one item the boy kept. It was a crudely carved wooden flute which he had been given as a gift.

This flute was Gwyn's delight. Whenever he had free time, he spent it practising (although his free time was rare). Although the flute was awfully tuned and its player far from skilled, he never stopped practising or finding better musicians to imitate. At the age of fourteen, Gwyn had finally gained enough musical ability to earn a pittance through his performances. And because of this, he was slowly able to move up from his lowly lot in life. He earned enough for a new flute and for a new appearance, with his new look he was able to make more money at finer venues.

Gwyn left behind Serath and his slum as soon as he was able, he travelled to different countries, teaching himself to imitate the upper class. The bard craved the finer things in life, he wanted to place as much distance between himself and the life he left behind. Having made his way to Chevalot he now performs at fine inns and even entertains at occasional noble affairs. In the case of the latter, he is always on his best behavior. Gwyn is noticeably fond of the after parties as well, especially when they involve fine-looking lasses. However, despite his best efforts, there is still a touch of lowbrow character underneath all his polish.​
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Name: Camilla Garcia

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Nation: Castelbia

Class: Shaman



Camilla was born to a single father whose wife had died during childbirth. Long after her death, he grieved the lost of his wife but never blamed his daughter. Instead he grew over protected of his little girl, sometimes to the extreme. Even though it was outlawed in Castelbia, he taught his daughter the dark arts like his father before him. As she grew, her prowess with the darks arts were on a prodigy level. Yet the more her father taught her, the more he lost his sanity. One day, her father conducted an experiment to bring back his dead wife back from the dead while his daughter was busy with her studies elsewhere. When she eventually made it back home, her father informed her that they needed to leave Castelbia, for he had angered the Church's inquisitors. Due to their intervention, the experiment had failed but caused the Church to call for an Inquisition. Soon inquisitors scoured Castelbia for such heresy.

With this new reality, her dad had them flee far away to the mountains of Vallia. There he imagined they would be safe and that he could continue his experiments in bringing his wife back from the dead. Camilla's teenage years were spent in the cool mountain air of Vallia while concentrating on her studies. She didn't get out much since she wanted to make her father proud but her dad always had a close watch on her. His over protective attitude soon grew out of control, to the point where Camilla couldn't see the light of day. However that all changed when her father was killed by Church inquisitors, her father's crimes brought to her for the first time. Luckily the Inquisitors did not bring her in for heresy, instead the showed her mercy seeing how afraid she was. Having no one left, she had to brave the world and truly experience it from outside the walls she knew so well.

Eventually she found herself involved with the Resistence where she vowed to use her dark magic for good and show the Inquisitors that gave her mercy that she was no longer her father's daughter. Her time with the Resistance was filled with plenty of first times for her. The group became the family she had always wanted especially her mentor, Caldric who she viewed as a father figure. The two had developed a good partnership and knew they could rely on the other. However before she could formally graduate into their ranks, word of Vallia's troops marching against the other nations spread to members of the Resistance. Not wasting time, Camilla and Caldric were one of the teams assigned to Chevalot. With the armies of the Immortal Emperor's Generals marching, time was of the essence.
Sorry for the bump, just wanted inform that I included a summary of the Sleeping Goddess religion that is practice in the Church. It can be found under the Castelbia Spoiler.
Name: Loraine Castelbia


Gender: Female

Nation: Castelbia

Class: Staff Lord (Troubadour)

Skirt ends just above the knees. Underneath she wears black leggings and white boots with matching armor.

Loraine was the younger of the Castelbia sisters. when they were in their mid teens her older sister was sent to Vallia to meet with a noble family in the attempt to arrange a marriage match and an alliance. However Vallia fell, and no sign of her sibling was found. The older girl was presumed dead and Loraine was proclaimed heir.

Very very changes were made to her routine to prepare for it. She already spent a great deal of time attending classes of one type or another. Over time Loraine had several tutors, each one responsible for a different subject. Basic education such as math, history and literature, an instructor for etiquette and another for politics, and last but certainly not least one of the church clerics who instructed her in the history and daily application of their faith. Her instructors simply tailored their lessons to fit her new role. Loraine also learned to paint, play music, and became an accomplished horsewoman alongside her trusted mare Mist.

Loraine has always tried her best to live her life by the seven virtues as taught by the church. Of the seven she progressed farthest with Kindness and Patience. Many have commented on her large heart and how she often believed the best in people even when she shouldn't. Of all the virtues Loraine perhaps has the most difficulties with humility. She has often come across as arrogant without meaning to.

Although sheltered Loraine has been allowed to travel some. Always with a proper armed escort and only to other noble houses. After her sister's death the trips were restricted more, and included a larger guard. There have been many visits between Castelbia and Chevalot which have allowed the two princesses to form a close friendship. Loraine Sees Illiya as a dear younger sister and tries to emulate what she believes an older sibling should be for the other girl, what she hopes her own sister might have been had she lived. When Loraine announced she wanted to go to the coming of age ceremony the Church and her guard captain had a fit, each citing a recent increase in bandit activity, but Loraine's determination prevailed and she was eventually allowed to attend.
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I have some questions (pls point out my stupidity if you already answered these)--
i) firstly, would it be possible to get some kind of timeline of events, even if it's a bit rough?
ii) how long ago was the monarchy deposed in Vallia?
iii) how long ago were the Grand Mages killed? I take it this wouldn't be common knowledge yet?[/user]
Well to answer your first point, I can make a rough timeline of the Golden Age for you guys to help better explain events. That one is my bad.

I would say the Monarchy was deposed of within roughly twenty long bloody years.

The grand mages being killed was something relatively recent like a week at most. Nobody but those in Serath know about this.
As promise, here is a rough time line of the events.

The Warring Age (W.A.)

The Golden Age (G.A.)

345 W.A. Peace Treaty is sign by all Nations.

0 G.A. Golden Age begins for Albrest

10 G.A. Miglain becomes a Republic

12 G.A. Ammuna arrives in Vallia

15 G.A. Ammuna incites Revolution

24 G.A. Princess Illyia is born

35 G.A. Ammuna overthrows Royal Family and becomes Emperor

40 G.A. Vallia's invasion of Miglain

40 G.A. Assassination of Serath's Grand Mages

40 G.A. Princess Illyia's Coming of Age Ceremony

Name: Ember (spoilers: this isn't her real name)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Nation: Castelbia

Class: Tactician

Appearance: A seasoned warrior is most likely to take one look at Ember and see both a sword and a satchel at her waist large enough to hold a spellbook, or the way her furrowed brow makes her look like she is always sizing up someone's potential to be a threat. Or more likely, they might notice her hesitation when it comes to actual combat.

Bio: To most who ask, Ember is just some girl who awakened one morning in a cold field, oblivious to her place in the world and carrying little beyond her sword and select bits of wisdom she could use to remove herself from dangerous situations. In truth, she does not have any sort of memory-hampering ailment, let alone any ties to an invisible power guiding her; she would simply prefer to never speak of her origins. That she has no interest in regaining her memory is a somewhat obvious tell, however.

Castelbian pegasi-knights might notice her resemblance to one Aurore Giroux, a virtuous warrior whose promising career was cut short after an arrow meant for her heart hit her steed's wing. She survived the collision with the ground, but the impact left a nasty impression. Seizures and chronic pain plagued what few years she remained, yet she remained faithful of her place in the afterlife.

The father of Aurore's child, a priest by the name of Claude Roussel, ended up taking custody of Ember while she was fourteen years old, gentle from a sheltered life of little conflict, and lacking in ambition. He had no other children to call his own, and was not only bitter from his lack of involvement in Ember's upbringing, but deep down, disappointed in not having a proper tool to help elevate his status. That she showed a fundamental understanding of swordplay and spellcraft meant little: in Castelbia, the riders are trained first against sword-wielders and second against spell-weavers, thus the child was a liability.

Secretly, Claude is part of a subsect of the faith that believes the matriarchal nature of the queendom is in itself a perversion of nature, and works to change it. He and Ember did not have a healthy parent/child relationship. But, it was Claude's chance meeting with one of the lesser nobles that led to Ember meeting her first love, her first interest in taking a job serving a noble seriously, and subsequently, the loss of her faith.

Ember is no tactician. At least, not then. Even now she is still green, but at least aware of how The Inquisition works. A life of virtue leaves one open to betrayal and manipulation. Among courtiers and clergy, lives are destroyed not with blades but with words. She hasn't told anyone of what prompted the sudden change in her life and ideology, as to do so might invite accusations of heresy, but in any other life she might have pursued the life of a songstress or an herbalist. Something less dependent on strife and warfare. But that is not the reality in which she lives.

Without so much as a goodbye to anyone, Ember left Castelbia with no intention of returning, carrying little beyond her sword, some travel necessities, some cosmetic goods (also travel necessities), and a mirror and hairbrush. At some point tales of a flame-haired swordswoman met her ears, and she took one of the speculated names from the stories as her own.

By chance, she just happens to be in Chevalot on the night of the invasion.
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So, if you need me to not be a tactician, or not be swrd/lght, I can rewrite Ember as an archer or something. Also if you need me to find a different way to have a villainous family member, I can do that too.
@Fyrra You're good, she sounds awesome to me. Can't wait to see what she'll bring to the story.