Fire Emblem: Ballad of Dragons

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The RAWRing 20s
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Futanari
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Yuri, Yaoi (if there is a crossdresser), Furry, Romance, School Life, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Modern, etc. I'm pretty open minded


Hey guys I was wondering if anybody would be interested in playing a Fire Emblem fandom roleplay where we play OCs. This will be an original tale but inspired by the GBA games of 6 and 7 but peppered with inspiration from other Fire Emblem titles. I plan on using classes as a way to describe your character's skill set and their path in life. I would prefer if we stick to the unprompted classes first before promoting later. The classes I mainly want to use are from the GBA games including Sacred Stones. But I will also add Soldier to the list and their class progression from Radiant Dawn. As for the Lord class, you don't have to stick with swords as your weapon. Could use bows instead if you wanted. And of course the manakete class will be available. I mignt also allow the implementation of a "Gunner" class that uses firearms but is something new. But we can discuss more about that later. Magic will also follow Anima, Light, Dark, and Staves.

Anyways the story centers around the continent of Albrest where five kingdoms signed a peace treaty after centuries of conflict. The times proceeding the signing brought the kingdoms into a golden age and some changed their form of government getting away from the Monarchy. The desert kingdom of Serath became a magocracy ruled by three arch mages. The mountain and frozen landscape of the kingdom of Vallia had violent revolution overthrowing their king in favor of the Immortal Emperor Ammuna who in secret harnessed the power of dragons. The martime power of the Miglain Kingdom dissolved into a Republic after no heir could take the throne after their king's untimely death. Leaving Chevalot and Castelbia as the only monarchies left. Though Castelbia is gradually turning into a Theocracy since the seat of Virtuous Chucrh rests there.

It seemed peace would last forever until Vallia invaded Miglain. The Republic had no chance against the Empire's might but a resistance group formed to combat the occupying forces. The immortal Emperor gave his four trusted generals dragon stones to allow them to channel the power of the five dreadful wyrms. Each stone containing the spirit of one of the Five Dreadful Wyrms. He sent each of his generals out to conquer the rest of the continent.

Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Chevalot, a ceremony is being held for the princess coming of age. All the nobles and some others who snuck in are in attendance for the party. Everything seems festive and normal until news of Vallia troops approaching the castle is announced. Soon our characters are thrust into the roles of heroes as they are tasked to get the princess to safety only to learn they are chosen by a prophecy to defeat the Five Dreadful Wyrms for good but first they have to find the pieces of the Fire Emblem to gain the power to face the wyrms.

Would this plot be of interest to anyone?
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I'm interested. I know the games pretty well (played from FE7 to Heroes), so I'm no stranger to the classes. I think there's enough variety where you don't need to add classes like a gunner. I'd focus on the description of the nations so the players can come up with backstories for characters.
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Maybe. Old school FE always catches my eye, but I'm particular when committing to groups.
@Toogee A long time ago I thought I read somewhere that in the old fire emblem games before the gbas there was a class that used guns so wanted to make sure I gave it some love. ^.^ But it probably was a hack and not an obscure one time class. Once my time frees up a little more, I'll work on better descriptions for the countries. Before I had committed I wanted to see how much interest the bare bones would receive. Though may be tonight or tomorrow I can get the descriptions up.

@Rook Partly why I wanted to make this rp. I miss the old school vibe of the older FEs but the GBA saga was my favorite. I tried Awakening and couldn't get into it. I appreciate that it revived the series. I haven't touched Fates yet. Fire Emblem Echoes is pretty nice though. I mainly stick with one on ones but been wanting to branch back out into groups. I would love the opportunity to roleplay with you in a group setting but understand if you have hesitations.

Anyways guys, thank you for the interest! I really appreciate it.
A long time ago I thought I read somewhere that in the old fire emblem games before the gbas there was a class that used guns so wanted to make sure I gave it some love.
Having played all the pre-GBA titles, I can say that this was definitely a hack.

@Rook Partly why I wanted to make this rp. I miss the old school vibe of the older FEs but the GBA saga was my favorite. I tried Awakening and couldn't get into it. I appreciate that it revived the series. I haven't touched Fates yet. Fire Emblem Echoes is pretty nice though. I mainly stick with one on ones but been wanting to branch back out into groups. I would love the opportunity to roleplay with you in a group setting but understand if you have hesitations.
Echoes was really nice. Especially following the mess that was Fates. Fates emphasized a lot of the things I didn't like about Awakening. Echoes was really refreshing, I felt like I was playing an updated version of the old games (I mean, I was, but it was still really nice). Unfortunately, the popularity of the new games makes it hard to find content for the older titles-- especially when seeking roleplays not heavily influenced by Awakening or Fates.
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I'm interested. I always liked the feel of mage Knight in sacred stones, but they always felt out classed by sages
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Well between the four of us I believe we could get things going.

@Reanimator Spuds I feel you there man. Hell a sage could take on an entire army by themselves if maxed out.
For this RP, I want to enforce a "classic mode" on myself. If, for whatever reason, my character is caught in a situation in which he/she wouldn't survive, I'm not afraid to kill a character off. I could make a new character afterwards.
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Sure thing man, it'll add to the drama. If anyone else wants to do that go ahead. And since this is Fire Emblem based, if you are feeling adventurous you can play another PC character.
The kingdom of Chevalot lies in the Frozen South. Before it was a kingdom, it was tribes of barbarians that were in constant conflict with one another. It took one barbarian by the name of Haraldur to unite the tribes as one entity. While the tribes were fighting one another, Haraldur saw a new threat among the horizon. It was one of the Five Dreadful Wyrms, Fafnir. The evil dragon wanted the icy realm as his own but Haraldur with his united peoole fought off the evil wyrm. Bathed in the blood of the wyrm gave the Barbarian King supernatural power. But the Wyrm was not truly defeated.

Decades after the battle, the Barbarian King married a woman from the North. This caused a division among his people especially since he took her last name and named his new kingdom after her, Chevalot. A civil war broke out but Haraldur and his supporters brought the rebellion down. However it did cause several tribes to leave the newly found kingdom. The king eventually had two sons before he died from the poisonous dragon blood his body had.

His two sons, Helgi and Leifr had grown up very differently. Helgi was raised in the traditional barbarian upbringing however his brother Leifr was raised by his mother in the ways of the North. Once more civil war broke out as the brothers battled for the throne even though Leifr was the rightful heir. The war became known as the "War of the Wolves" and became a center point for Chevalot's future. Helgi had united the tribes that had left under his banner promising them to get rid of any Northern influence over their kingdom. But after five years Helgi was eventually defeated by his brother Leifr. As punishment for the rebellion, he declared the Barbarian trbies that refused to join the Kingdom of Chevalot as outlaws and traitors to the crown. Afterwards, Leifr went about replacing the Barbarian teachings and way of life with Northen customs. As far as becoming allies and life long friends with the Kingdom of Castelbia. To this day the few remaining barbarian tribes look upon their lost heritage while trying to persevere what they have left.

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Castelbia is known as the oldest monarchy. Their lineage traces back to the ancient times where wyrms freely roamed Albrest and terrorize humans. But out of this bleakness was born a woman with the gift of the Sleeping Goddess. Her name was Alondra Castlebia and she was not only a warrior but a prophetess.

She was born when the Dreadful Wyrm Azazel ruled over the soon to be Kingdom of Castelbia. He demanded virgin sacrifices so he wouldn't kill anyone. If they did not give him what he wanted, he would burn down villages and eat whoever he could. The people of Castelbia lived in terror, not wanting to upset their "ruler." However Alondra challenge the dragon with the gift of the Goddess, the magic of Light. The battle was waged over several days but the mighty wyrm was defeated leaving the people free.

After the Wyrm's defeat, Alondra preached about the Sleeping Goddess and performed miracles for the people. She told them that when she dies, she will join in guarding Goddess while she sleeps as one of the Virtues. But before she passed, she helpled found the Virtuous Church and helped her secret lover Esmeralda form the Kingdom of Castelbia before she departed to the heavens.

Esmeralda took the Saint's last name to honor her memory. The Kingdom of Castelbia grew into a Matriarch with the Virtuous Church growing beyond Castlebia's borders. Even into enemy territory like the Tonache plains where the native nomads had once roamed free. The royal family and the clergy enjoyed a close relationship as they endeavour to make their late Saint proud. The people of Castelbia never striked out at their Queens, fearing the Church's Inquisitors that was kept hidden from the royalty. But the civilians can take comfort that Pegasus knights of the crown protect Castelbia's borders.


While the rest of Albrest was trying to find their feet and weather the storm against the Wyrms, Serath gradually became Albrest first civilization. Even while Castelbia was building their monarchy, Serath was ruled by a man only known as the Golden King. His only ambition in life was only to become wealthy and conquer the weak. His bloodlust and avarice knew no equal as his fabled vault named the "First Gilded Vault" was filled with riches from across his desert domain and pricelss treasures from the neighbouring countries that were never returned.

In his conquest and treasure seeking, he came upon a ruin temple from the Time of the Ancients far hidden in the desert. He sent soldiers in to investigate this temple for any riches but when they came back, they were aged and turned to dust at his feet. Instead of fear, he was mesmerized. So much so he ventured into the temple. There he came across the first tome of dark magic. Consumed by it's power, the Golden King had not realize it contained the soul of Apep, one of the Deadly Wyrms.

Soon he taught this power to those who he deemed worthy. These worthy pupils would become his army of darkness. So powerful was his magic, his people feared for their lives. However the day came when his madness could no longer contain the Wyrm's spirit and Apep took over his vessel, turning to his true form.

The dragon declared himself a god among the Desert Gods seeked to bring upon chaos. However, it took three casters that each harnessed a different magic. Elric the Sage who was a master with Anima magic from the distant tundra of Chevalot. Ophelia the Bishop from Castlebia who was among the first to be gifted the magic of Light from the Saint. Then there was Jahan the Druid who was the Golden King's most talented pupil. Together the mages fought the chaotic Apep and managed to seal him away back in his temple.

After the battle, the three mages remained in Serath to help rebuild what was lost. Eventually the people looked to them for guidance and the Hero Mages decided to rule over Serath and vowed to protect it. When they had passed, three new mages took their place and to this day three mages each strong in either Anima, Dark, or Light magic rule over Serath. Each candidate is selected by a council called the Academy. Serath is still consider to be the Jewel of Albrest but also a place where mages can learn and practice their craft.

Vallia was home to the first Dreadful Wyrm and his brood of wyverns. He terrorized the human settlements to the where they had to hide in deep tunnels in the mountains. Otherwise they could be picked off from a wyvern flying above. The wyrm delighted in the suffering of the humans, feeling they were an inferior creature. The Wyrm's name was Hydra and none could escape the gaze of his many heads.

When all hope seemed lost for the humans, a group of brave souls managed to capture and train the wyverns without being noticed by Hydra. The courageous men and women flew into battle against the Deadly Wyrm with nothing but spears. Many died during the skirmish that lasted days but in the end, the riders proved victorious. The mighty Hydra had been defeated for good and had disappeared into smoke. With the Wyrm gone, the riders that were left helpled build what was theirs.

Although these Wyvern Riders were revered as heroes, they had decline when offered to become the rulers of Vallia. Instead they vowed to use their spears for the betterment of Vallia. In their stead the Popov family became Vallias rulers with the mighty Wyvern Riders not tied to them.

However through the centuries, the Popov royal family abused their power causing the kingdom to come to the brink of ruin. After the treaty was sign for peace, a foreigner by the name of Ammuna promised the people hope if they followed him into revolution against the throne. Having no one to turn to since the Wyvern Riders remained neutral, the people placed their fate with the stranger. Soon revolution swept across Vallia and the monarchy was no more. In their place was the Immortal Emperor with his four trusted generals. However the people did not know that this stranger was actually Hydra in disguise and his Generals were vessels for his brothers.

The costal republic of Miglain is the youngest of the five countries. It was first settled by ancient explorers who were seeking refuge from the ravenous Wyrm, Leviathan. The settlers were pirates seeking a new place of operations from the king of their island homeland. They had pillaged trade routes and assaulted royal ships. But their luck had ran out.

The refugees decided that Miglain would prove a good place to settle and make a new life for themselves and with the closeness to the sea, they would have ready access to food as well as a port to harbor ships. But Leviathan made any attempt to settle a futile effort. The Dreadful Wyrm ruled the seas and attacked from both the sky and water. Even if some of the pirates wanted to return home, they were landlocked.

With what resources they could manage and under the command of the Pirate Queen Aella, the pirates dared to face the Wyrm. Many ships were lost but holding true to their axes, the pirates managed to clench victory from the narrow jaws of defeat. With the Wyrm no more and under the guidance of Aella, the pirates turned Miglain into a maritime powerhouse that eventually put their pirate history behind them and mended fences with their homeland, Akau.

During the Golden Age, pirates fought agaisnt the soldiers and sailors of Miglain for some did not wish to become a part of the new republic. Miglain had thrived with pirates robbing trade routes and taking on merchant vessels. But the new Council of the Sea knew if they wanted to become a part of Albrest that they needed to get away from their pirate past. The skirmish only lasted a few weeks with the vastly superior navy of the New Miglain Republic out fought the pirates, allowing their republic to become one. However remnants of pirates still either work for the republic's navy or hide among the waters waiting to take back their haven.

But what made these five nations end up fighting in the first place? Its simple, the need for conquest and to fulfil one's greed. No one remembers who attacked first but that first attack was all that was needed to ensure centuries of bloody conflict. All the while they didn't know their battles served as fuel for Hydra to regain his strength and turn his brother's essence into stones to keep them from fading away. The prophecy speaks of heroes that will rise agaisnt the Wyrms once more with the recovered Fire Emblem. With its power the heroes will once and for all defeat the dragons and rid Albrest of their influence. However with their attack, a peaceful and united Albrest becomes divided once more as survival becomes priority agaisnt the onslaught of Vallia's war machine.
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Hey guys I finished updating the countries of Albrest, I hope they help with coming up with your ideas. Also I am allowing the classes Tactician and Dark Flier from Awakening. If there are other classes you wish for inclusion, feel free to ask. Anyways, here's a link to the classes but remember we're mainly using Binding Sword, Blazing Sword, and Sacred Stones classes including Bandit from Binding Sword. Also thieves, rogues, and assassins will use knives instead of swords. If you want, you can also play as the recruit, pupil, or journeyman classes.

Here's a recap of the other classes allowed:

Soldier (Radiant Dawn Progression)

Dark Flier (Mages and Pegasus Knights can promote into)

Tactician (Awakening progression)

Also if you guys want, I can go ahead and make the sign up thread over this weekend. I can even post the character sheet here so you can get your character prepared. Also when it comes to promotion to your other class, it has to be later on in the story and be an impactful point in your character's life and be a good addition to the story. Like a knight gets promoted to the rank of General in the Coalition Albrest Army for their deeds. Or a shaman promoting to druid after their studies bring them to an ancient dark tome that imparts its power to them. Only to shorten their life.
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1. Your class link leads to Serenes Forest homepage, not a class list. Sacred Stones classes

2. Good descriptions on country origins. I would suggest adding a little bit on current events for each, specifically Serath.

3. Go ahead and post character sheet, though I assume it's pretty standard. Right now, I'm think a soldier/knight of Chevalot who's part of the unti guarding the royal castle during the princess ceremony. An ordinary soldier thrust into extraordinary situation. I assume the RP is starting there?
Huh, well thanks for adding the sacred stone classes. :) Looking over the classes from the other GBA games, Sacred Stones is a good list to go by. The only thing missing is Bard but I'll just add to the list of classes available to play.

I plan to add the current events with the sign up threads. But a quick rundown wouldn't hurt so here we go:

In Serath there has been an assassination of the three grand mages and there is no worthy candidates to take their place.

In Vallia the Wyvern Riders as a whole remain neutral however there have been some riders who joined the empire and others who formed a resistance group. There also have been civilians who have mysteriously disappeared.

In Miglain the occupying Vallia forces have been fighting the resistance group there. Some members of the Council have died in the initial assault.

In Chevalot is the coming of age ceremony for the Princess. However there has been increased hostile barbarian activity recently.

In Castelbia the Inquisitors have been conducting investigations into recent heresy while some of the royal family went to attend the ceremony in Chevalot. However there have been rumors of an coup among the nobles for the crown.

You are indeed correct. The RP will start at the ceremony. It will serve as the Prologue chapter and help introduce our characters. And I like that character idea. Gives your character a reason to help protect the princess and get her to safety once the attack happens.
Bards ftw

Alright, you almost have me. A couple questions first, though.
What posting frequency do you have in mind?
Are you going to have a post length requirement?
And If so, what will that be?
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I too have some questions, mostly regarding Miglain and Serath
@Rook Ah fellow fan of bards. I plan on having Bard use swords and Dancers use knives. For posting frequency my default will be at least a couple of times a week. Going with defaults, for post length I was hoping three standard length paragraphs. However feel free to post more than the defaults since they're more of a guideline.

@Reanimator Spuds Shoot! Hopefully I can fill in any gaps I left and answer your questions.
Well, for Miglain, I imagine that there would have been wealthy trading families, and for Serath, i was wondering which event happened first: The assassination, or Vallia's invasion of Miglain?
Yes for Miglain most of the council was made up of the wealthy families. It was their idea to create the republic and move away from their piracy history. They had good intentions however it wasn't seen like that. Before that, it was more of a confederacy made up of ruthless and cunning pirate captains and the wealthy merchants that made a profit from their exploits.

Vallia's invasion of Miglain came first then the assassination. News of these events haven't reached Chevalot or Castlebia since the ceremony has taken priority. Which is odd since the Inquisitors also serve as a spy network through Albrest.
A taste of what's to come:

