Fire Emblem: Ballad of Dragons

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The RAWRing 20s
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
After 11pm EST
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Futanari
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Yuri, Yaoi (if there is a crossdresser), Furry, Romance, School Life, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Modern, etc. I'm pretty open minded

Illyia greeted her guests as they made their presence known to her. She made sure to giggle at the obvious flirtations that the older nobles shot her way even if the comments made her skin crawl. When the eligible suitors greeted her, Illyia made sure to exchange pleasantries but nothing more. Like the older nobles, they weren't her type even if they were around her age. When it came to romance she wasn't sure what she wanted but she certainly didn't like the qualities of her suitors. It was easy to tell they wanted to further their power. Too bad for them, she wouldn't give her hand away so easily.

She was in the middle of another awkward conversation when her mother thankfully interrupted the discussion and pulled her aside. She smiled warmly and hugged her close. "Geez mother, stop it. You're going to embarrass me." she said teasingly as she wrapped her arms around the aging woman. "Good that's what mothers are for." The queen chuckled holding the girl close before letting go. "Look at you darling! All grown up!" Her smile broaden as she she stroke her daughter's hair. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks mom." Illyia smiled as her Mother left her side. Her cheerfulness went away when she saw her siblings staring daggers at her. She knew they were up to something, it was just a matter of when. Sighing, she looked around the throne room and saw a friendly face, a soldier by the name of Randel Thatcher. They didn't know each other long but Illyia considered him a friend nonetheless. Smiling, she walked up to the much older male. "On duty as usual?" She teased as she leaned her back against the wall next to him. "How have you been? I haven't talked to you in awhile. Surprise you weren't with the soldiers to meet that barbarian woman."
The royal ball had been the talk across the castle town. Townsfolk were excited that the youngest of Chevalot's royalty was becoming a young woman. People all across Albrest had come to the castle to greet Princess Illyia. Some had gifts, some had sons to court off. Yet for all the rich and famous that had come to visit, the princess has made her way just outside the ballroom to greet a lowly soldier.

Randel was on guard duty, ensuring only those on the guest list were allowed in. It was a rather boring task, but it beat shoveling after the horses in the stable (his job as of yesterday). In fact, the most eventful thing to happen that evening was Princess Illyia coming over to talk to him. Despite that fancy ball gown she was wearing, the princess slouched against the wall like a commoner would. Randel still stood straight and addressed her by her title, but not without a little teasing.

"That's not very ladylike, Princess," Randel greeted, mimicing the queen from many times before. "I've been relegated to the stables for some time. Our recent deployment moved me over here. We still need soldiers to guard you and your family after all, even if it's little ol' me. Just as well, I don't look forward to going back out there."

He would be lying if he wasn't worried about recent soldier movements. Between the troops on the border and those sent against the barbarian gathering, he felt like he was the only one making sure the princess was kept safe. He wondered how long before the barbarians would become too much. He kept those thoughts to himself: no need to worry Princess Illyia on her big day.

"Now, what brings milady to mingle with the help? These guests have come from all over to see you. Have they bored you already?"

Randel's general stoic look was broken by a smirk. Even on this day, he still saw the princess as a kid, one he couldn't help but break protocol just a bit to talk like a regular person.
At long last, she had arrived at the capital of Chevalot. Her journey was long and arduous, but she was alive, Worse for wear (much worse) but alive. She knew that her father had acquainted himself with the nobility of the land, but she didn't know who specifically. Her best bet was to approach the castle, and attempt speaking with the royal family. Unfortunately this would be a difficult task at the moment

The streets were crowded with stalls, stands, and the common rabble. What could possibly be happening at the moment? It seemed riding in on horseback was not an option unfortunately, as there were people dancing and singing across the streets like drunken fools without any sense of respect. In fact a lot of them were those things! Elise hitched her horse in the nearest place she could: a stable just outside the castle city walls. It seemed she would have to proceed on foot.

This whole ordeal had left her with little to wear, as all her finer clothes had been ruined the barbarians she had met along the way and the harsh wilderness that they inhabited. The fine fabric were torn and frayed in a few spots, dirt was smeared across her face, and her hair was wild and messy. At a glance she seemed more like a bandit than a wealthy scion.

"How humiliating..." She could feel their eyes on her as she passed. Whatever they were celebrating, she was a hindrance. A stain of misfortune on their otherwise happy day. They thought her penniless and without home, and that hurt Elise. What hurt more was the fact that, in a sense, they might be correct. She was weary, tired. Her whole body was aching, partly from spending a few nights in the wild, and running from her life.

"Oi! You can't enter there. Invited guests only." She was stopped right outside the castle gates. Guards were stationed to keep commoners from entering. But Elise was no commoner, in spite of her appearance. She was still the proud heir to her family's wealth. "I am Elise Mayweather from the Mayweather family. The Mayweathers have been a reliable supplier to the royal court for years, so I demand you let me pass. As you can see I-"

"As I can see you're just tryin' to get a closer look at the Princess. I've heard plenty of stories today, but you being a part of the Mayweather family is definitely one of the more outrageous ones. Now get on."

They didn't believe her at all! "I'm telling you! My name is Elise Mayweather, daughter of Ferris Mayweather. I am the heir to the Mayweather fortune and my family is responsible for half of this castle's material objects! All those dresses were likely sown from fabrics MY family provided, and the food spiced with spices MY family procured. Now if you don't mind-"

Desperate and in need of a companion, Elise forced her way past them, but was quickly stopped by the guards at the front of the gate, though she struggled. "Let me go! Unhand me you brute! Is this how you treat every important figure? I need to speak with someone, anyone!" The comotion quickly created a scene, as she was being detained by the guard
It bothered him to no end that so few guards were in the palace. He'd expected more. Especially when there was an important social occasion going on below that included not only the royal family, but a gathering of nobles from all over the country and beyond. It was reasonable to suppose that the majority of the soldiers were on the border guarding against the Vallia threat, but their absence still felt wrong to him.

Caldric was a professional thief. He had expected far more security, planned for it, it had been too easy to get in. Right now his was in an upper corridor of the palace, making his way towards the royal study. There were documents there, documents that could help their cause if he could make copies. It was too much to risk taking them altogether, although if there was something valuable enough he wouldn't hesitate. He was a thief after all.

There was a noise back down the hall and Caldric paused to listen turning his head slightly. No signal. All was well in that case. His partner Camilla was back down that way. She was a good look out. She'd played the part more than once for him. Caldric had left her in the perfect spot for the job. Not only did she have a view of three directions and a courtyard bellow, but there were at least three good spots to hide in easy reach and five better spots further on if she had a little extra time. If something happened she'd signal him, he'd get out, and they'd meet back at the rendezvous point.

Caldric pulled his cloak tighter as he moved silently to the study door, pulled out his lock pick set and got to work. There were disturbing rumors of Chevalot making secret deals with the new Vallian government. If there was any proof of that it was likely to be in this study. A list of names, ledgers of trade deals, anything that could tell the resistance one way or another. Of course it be just rumor. There was always the chance it was nothing more than the musings of a drunk in a tavern. Caldric intended to find out either way.

Camilla stood in the spot she was instructed but her body couldn't help but shiver at the cold breeze. It was different than the mountain breeze she had grew accustomed to. This air felt as if it was meant to freeze your bones. She couldn't see why people would want to stay here in such conditions. Not even her robe and cloak could combat the dreadful cold. Ever since they started their adventure into Chevalot, she wished her father taught her anima magic instead of dark. A nice fire spell would be nice right about now.

The young shaman was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't realize the guards that rapidly approached behind her. "You there, who are you!" Camilla's eyes grew wide realizing she was caught. She doubted if she said she was a part of the Resistance they would believe her but she wasn't sure if there was a Vallian spy amongst their ranks. One slip up could cost her and Caldric their lives and fail in their mission. Instead she took a deep breath and put on a persona. Waving her hands in the air erratically, she widen her eyes. "I'm the Great Madini! For one gold coin, I can tell your future! In fact that's why I am here because the stars told me I should be here!"

The two guards looked at each other confused as they listen to the girl's awkward attempt to sound like an old gypsy woman from Vallia. Camilla felt that her rouse wasn't working but she was in this now, she mind as well commit to it. She summoned a small flux ball between her hands and pretended to look into like a crystal ball. "You sir, your name is. . . Henry!" She said pointing to one of the guards. The guard shook his head not knowing how to take the girl. "No it's Helgi." Camilla pointed at the other guard and told him his name was Henry, only to be told it was Leif. Her flux disappeared leaving her in an awkward atmosphere with the guards who were quietly debating on what to do with her.

Before she could make a dash to a hiding spot, the two guards restrained her and dragged her away. In the moment she had forgotten what the signal was so instead she started to shout that she was the Great Madini. She hoped her voice would echo to Caldric and he would get the message. The guards grumble at the girl before one of them knocked her out, having enough of her voice. Helgi thanked Leif as the two dragged her to the Guard Captain for further instructions.


Illyia chuckled at the guard's comment as she looked back at the conversing nobles. The man knew she felt more at home in their sparing matches than in the court. All the talking and acting just right was exhausting. Unlike her siblings who relished being the center of attention, she rather blend into the background. Why she enjoyed talking to the help and to villagers. They saw her as a person and not some kind of chess piece on the board. She looked back at the male with a smile.

"You caught me. But is it really that obvious?" She mockily asked as she feigned shock. She didn't like how the dress made her feel so restricted and blatantly showed this by shifted the dress a little to get comfortable. "You're lucky, you don't have to wear something like this." she pouted as she admitted defeat to herself. She had tried to persuade her mother into letting her wear her armor instead of this. Then she had an idea. Her guests seemed to be preoccupied with each other rather than herself so she figured it was a perfect time to sneak off and change. With a impish smile, she leaned in towards the male. "Hey how about we get some sparing in? I haven't used my rapier in a while and been itching for some combat. Besides my guests won't miss me."

Before the male could answer, Illyia left his side and headed to her room. She was filled with excitement and her steps gradually became quicker. Though she stopped a little as she saw the short and stubby guard captain approach Randel with some black garbed woman. She couldn't hear much of the conversation but what she picked up was that since he was shrinking on his duties, he was put on baby sitting duty. Nobody liked the Guard Captain and at the moment she wished she could have punch him in his face. But she decided against it since it would cause more of a scene and she didn't want to get Randel in more trouble.

Eventually she made it to her room where she struggled to get the dress off but was relieved she did. Her armor, gamerson, and clothes were far easier to put on. She let out a sigh of relief as the weight of her equipment felt right and not like that dress. A smile crept over her face as she picked up her rapier. It was a gift from her only true royal friend from Castelbia. Placing it in her scabbard, she exited her room to go find Randel once more.
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The atmosphere of the city was intoxicating that day, Chevalot's denizens were abuzz with excitement about the princess's coming of age celebration. Extra booths had been set up in the merchant area by merchants to cater better to the increase in traffic the city was witnessing. The wares they were peddling at these tables were exotic and colourful, unique baubles and bright confectioneries which smelled divine. Gwyn had spent more than a few hours of the past couple days browsing the merchandise, of which he bought little. The exceptions being a few delightful sweet treats. The bard had thoroughly enjoyed socialising around town that week.

But it was nothing compared to the event itself. The extravagance of the scene both thrilled and overwhelmed him, never before had he been inside a hall the size of Chevalot's castle. The nobles he had performed for before were small lords with small castles. Sneaking into a royal event wasn't necessarily a good idea, but Gwyn hadn't been able to resist. And it wasn't necessarily sneaking. He came in the way of the entertainers and servers, a group of musicians allowing him to accompany them for a few extra coins. And once he was inside, he knew how to blend like a bee.

Gwyn had slipped from the crowded hall to take in some of the fresh evening air, while the sound of festivities continued in the background. The sound of distant music and dozens of conversations was interrupted by a closer, more distinct interaction. Based on the tone and volume, it sounded like a tussle.

Curiosity killed the cat, hm?

The bard departed from his cosy nook in the wall toward the sounds. He did not have to walk long to find the source. A dishevelled girl with bright red hair was being detained by the guards as she protested loudly and attempted to force her way in. He hadn't caught all of the conversations, but he had caught enough. This girl was claiming she was a member of the Mayweather family. Gwyn was well aware the Mayweathers were filthy rich. If this girl was really who she claimed, there was a lot to be gained in helping her. And even if she wasn't a Mayweather, she looked like she might clean up nicely.

"Hey friends," Gwyn approached with a jovial demeanour, a hand raised in friendly greeting. "What is all this…" He trailed his voice off intentionally, an imitated expression of surprise on his face. "Lady Mayweather?" He exclaimed, sounding befuddled. "Ah, what have you been through?" the bard moved quickly forward and took the girl's hands into his own, checking her over. While she looked even more tousled upon close inspection, he did think he clothes looked as though they had once been quite fine. With a step back, he gathered himself. "Forgive me, my lady. I doubt you remember me. I am Gwynnis Argyle, I performed at your court some time back."

"Somehow I doubt that, you being the entire point of the party and all," Randel pointed out to the princess. "But, orders are orders-"

The soldier wasn't even able to finish speaking before Illyia rushed away in excitement. He would have called back to her, but his captain passed by with a woman he didn't recognize. Sure enough, he was charged with "babysitting", as if he wasn't already tasked with guarding the ballroom. The woman in question was dressed in dark shawls that brought out her red hair. She didn't seem immediately threatening, other than her crazed calls about being "the Great Madini". Just what Randel needed: a nutjob. Given the commotion he was hearing towards the front of the castle, this was going to be a long night.

"Look, you picked a really bad day to loiter around the castle," Randel said to Camilla. "Clearly the captain didn't think your crime was worthy of being thrown into the dungeon; he really likes throwing people in the dungeon. So what is your business here?"
Caldric heard the shouting as Camilla was hauled away. What he didn't hear was their agreed upon signal. And so he assumed the worst. There was no time to put back the map he was studying and so he quickly folded it and shoved it inside his vest. A dash for the curtains had him completely hidden before anyone could enter the room. Caldric could hear the voices and the boot falls as the guards patrolled the hall and for a long moment he was sure they were coming in, but the moment passed.

He waited another moment before moving to the door, pausing as he could still hear the voices. They were discussing the crazy gypsy girl they'd found wandering inside. Something about letting someone named Randel watch her and deciding what to do after the festivities were over. Caldric felt his lip twist a little at that. So far he was not impressed with this kingdom's defenses. If they were not planning to ally with Vallia then they wouldn't last long. Of that he was certain.

Well at least he knew Camilla was in one peace. Caldric slipped out the door once the coast was clear. The question now was who was Randel, how did he find this man, and how on earth was he going to get Camilla free once he figured it out. Perhaps if he could find suitable clothing he could pass as a noble and attempt to blend into the crowd. It'd been a long time but Caldric could almost remember those lessons.

At the sound of more voices coming down the hall Caldric took a risk and ducked through the closest unlocked door at hand.
"Even better!" he mumbled to him self as he realized he was in a servant's room. A foreign male servant's room and the man who lived there was apparently Caldric's size. "No need to impersonate a noble and attempt to pass when most people never look too closely at the help!"

Ten minutes later he strolled right passed the guards wearing the other man's stolen cloths. Well an over shirt and apron in the Serath colors to be more precise. They fit over his own things which he wasn't quite willing to risk going without just yet. His own cloak had been turned into a bundle which he was carrying as if to bring to his master. And as he walked Caldric kept his head down and walk fast of course, had to pretend he was off on a task of some sort after all. His pants were un-tucked and left hanging to his ankles to hide his boots so he doubted anyone would notice the clearly Vallian style footwear. Besides, with any luck no one would remember exactly what the servant garb of Serath was supposed to look like do begin with.

A few minutes later he nearly gave himself away anyway. He was hurrying down a corridor towards a stairwell which he believed could get him to the festivities below, when his saw the Princess of Chevalot exiting her chambers. He hesitated as his brain registered who she was. Almost taking too long as he very nearly forgot to bow. When he did bow it was with a slight grunt as he nearly dropped his bundle. Only thing he could do now was pray she didn't notice.
This young... Woman? Man? He knew her. Well, at least knew of her. But right now, knowing someone was there to help her was just what she needed. She tried her best to keep her composure, but a few sniffles did manage to get through. She had been through more than she had ever been used to. It was a miracle she had made it here today.

"Th-Thank you... I might have heard of you before. But even if I have, I can't for the life of me remember much. It's been dreadful. I know nothing of my family, and Miglain. Some of the Council fell in rebellion against the Vallian invaders. I was concerned, but there wasn't anything I could do. I was certain I would be safe in the Academy... But... The grand mages, they were assassinated! I ran here as fast as I could. I didn't know what else to do. Without the mages I couldn't feel safe in Serath. But It was dreadful crossing the land. I was assaulted twice by barbarians, and narrowly escaped with my life! And now I come here, and these brutes, wish to detain me! I didn't know what to do. I thought maybe I would find a family acquaintance... But...

She rambled on for quite some time, clearly exasperated. She finally held her head in her hands, sniffling a little more. She was exhausted and scared. Never had she done so much by herself in her life. It was amazing that one as sheltered as her had managed to come here today.

"Please... I need to rest... Preferably with a nice herbal bath and something decent to wear... I feel no better than those brigands in the wild..."
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At least the guards appeared convinced by the scene, their outward aggressions reduced to confusion. One retained a particularly skeptical expression. It was no large matter, though, Gwyn was certain he could convince the man. "Please, don't trouble yourself," the bard said, sure to nod in all the appropriate places when promoted by her story. He wasn't familiar enough with the Mayweathers to validate the truth or lack thereof in her statement, however, she definitely had a detailed story to sell. One piece, in particular, stood out.

"Did you just say… The Grand Mages were murdered?" Gwyn felt little connection to his birth nation, he'd actively avoided it in the years since he left, but if what she said was true that was news. And something in the girl's demeanour was increasingly convincing him she wasn't acting. Perhaps it was the franticness with which she spoke or perhaps it was that determined spark in her eye, he wasn't certain. Nevertheless, he intended to find out. And something as dramatic as the assassination of the Grand Mages was information to be shared.

"Please, allow me to escort you into the castle, My Lady." Gwyn extended an arm out to her in an offering of support. "Surviving not one, but two barbarian attacks is no minor feat! I am sure you need your rest, come, let us find an attendant to provide for you." The pale-haired blond was pleased to see the guards didn't make a move to interrupt. They appeared to either be convinced or not care enough. In either case, Chevalot probably needed some better security.


Illyia felt better with her armor on. It was like an extension of herself along with her rapier. This was her true self and not that obnoxious dress. She had the heart of a warrior more than that of a prissy princess. She chuckled a little thinking of Loraine, her best friend in the whole of Albrest. If she was hear she would give her an earful about how she treated the dress. With hand on the hilt of her rapier, she strolled down the corridors toward Randel.

However, her attention was caught by a servant she hadn't seen before. She made sure to get to know the help since she wanted to give them a friendly noble to trust in since her siblings made sure to abuse them. They didn't see them as people but objects. But she couldn't help but hear the man grunt, her suspicions went to the wayside as she went over the male. "Are you okay sir? Do you require anything? I am Princess Illyia by the way, what's yours? You must be a new servant brought in just for my ceremony." Her voice was filled with friendly concern as she insisted helping the man stand back up.

Before her eyes could glance at the bundle, screams filled the halls. The sound of clashing metal soon joined in with the cacophony. Illyia immediately drew her rapier and looked at the servant "Hide." Was all she said as she rushed towards the throne room where they were coming from. The blasting of fire balls scorching the air as they traveled the air towards their target met her eyes as well as the guard struggling against soldiers wearing. . . Vallia colors!? What were they doing here? Her train of thought was soon interrupted by a fireball that nearly missed her. Steeling herself, she rushed the mage dodging his barrage. As her rapier found its mark, so did the mage's fire ball. Illyia clenched her rapier, plunging it further into the mage as she tried to ignored the pain. She wasn't used to dealing with magic.

For a brief moment Illyia could see the carnage and it sickened her. Bodies fell to the ground with their faces contorted in pain. Small fires had broken out yet they quickly spread as they ate more fuel. It was hard to distinguish friend from foe as soldiers and guards became but a blur of whirling steel. Illyia tried to scan the crowd for her mother but the chaos made it hard to. The only place she could think of was her father's room. And a group of Vallians had the same thought as she did. Illyia sprinted towards them, cutting them off from the corridors. Her rapier at the ready to strike.


Camilla let out a defeated sigh, looking away from the soldier. She made a mental note to work on her cover persona when she had more time. It should have been flawless so how did the guards see pass her? She definitely underestimated these Chevalot folks. "Okay so you caught me. I was hoping to meet the princess. I heard so many things about her that I wanted to get to know her if I could. Even a handshake would have made my day." Camilla took a few steps away from the guard as she tried to get a better look at the party going on. "Hey you guys have food? I am starving really bad." She placed a hand over her stomach as it made an audible growl. "See? You wouldn't leave a woman starving would you?" she asked as she gave him a wide grin.

The atmosphere suddenly changed as a frantic messenger yelled at the top of his lungs that Vallia was attacking. Camilla cursed under her breath, wishing they had more time. The messenger fell to the ground as an arrow struck through his heart. In the distance, Camilla could see Vallia troops destroying the peasant's festival as a group made their way up to the caslte. Worried, she looked at the soldier in her company. "You need to get any noble safe and all the man power you can muster." Camilla took out her Flux tome and started reading out an incantation while darkness crawled over her body. "I will hold them back as best as I can."

She couldn't help but smirk as her first opponent was a mage who had broken rank for their shot at glory. He couldn't have been too bright as he shot a fireball at her. The darkness that had evenloped had shielded her from the brunt of the attack but it still stung. The mage screamed as a dark symbol appeared below him and ultimately formed a ball of dark magic that evenlope him before dissipating. The mage fell backwards and rolled back to his comrades.

"Wow neat." Camilla said to herself before an arrow dug into her shoulder. Wincing, she made her way towards the throne room looking for some cover. Eventually she found a hiding spot in a corridor and leaned against the wall. Calming her breathing like she was taught, she watched as Vallia troops walked past her without noticing her. Soon she caught sight of a girl holding off a group of soldiers with a rapier.
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Whatever Camilla wanted with the princess, it didn't matter. An announcement was made that they were under attack by…Vallia? That's impossible. They would have received word well before the ceremony that they were marching on their land. How was it possible an invasion force could stay hidden for so long?

Before he could get any confirmation, the attack was underway. Sure enough, the attacking army bore the colors of Vallia. Camilla started barking commands to him.

"You think?" Randel said of the obvious commands. Randel followed Camilla into the throne room, where the royal ball was taking place. It was a massacre. The unarmed guests had no chance against the foreign army. Randel was far use to seeing such chaos in the backcountry. He was hoping to avoid these scenarios for a bit longer, but alas, not even inside a castle was safe from battle.

His first priority was to get to the royal family. Randel grabbed what appeared to be a sword attached to his hip. He swung it to the side, causing the hilt to extend out into his weapon Dervish. The soldier took his weapon in both hands and charged through the throne room.

He swung the bladed lance behind an enemy's knees, bringing him to the ground. He didn't bother to finish him off; he needed to get to Illyia as fast as possible. Three other Chevalot soldiers were following behind to back him up. An enemy mage raised his hand to cast a spell, but a swing from the bladed lance was faster. The mage suddenly became too busy hold his throat to utter another word. Randel jabbed his lance behind him to an enemy soldier trying for a sneak attack. Randel kept going until he came across a group of enemies engaging…

"Dammit, Illyia…"he muttered aloud as he passed Camilla (not that he noticed). He didn't even wait for his other allies to catch up before engaging. While they were facing the princess, Randel stabbed at one of them in the back for a surprise attack, as well as distract the others long enough for Illyia to escape.
Caldric Van'Ike

Caldric cursed mentally to himself as the princess clearly noticed him. In the brief moment it took him to settle on a lie she had already moved to help him up. He found his Serath accent and forced a stutter.
"N-no my l-lady. I-I'm fine. C-Came from Sarath w-with my m-master t-too--" her eyes were dropping to his cloak. If she examined it too closely then--

Suddenly they heard screams. The princess was ordering him to hide and running off to fight by herself, but in that moment Caldric realized something. If Chevalot was planning to ally with Vallia then Vallia would not be attacking, and he clearly heard Vallian voices shouting in the din. That meant her highness was a target and it was now Caldric's job to get her out in one piece. Well that and to find Camilla... To have this chance and loose it... the resistance would have his hide.

"No way in hell I'm letting you fight alone," Caldric almost growled switching to the Cevalot accent he'd been using since entering the country. He unrolled his cloak again and slung it around his shoulders over the servants uniform. With any luck it would obscure his figure and make him a harder target to hit. A knife was drawn in each hand and he set off after Illyia.

He almost wasn't fast enough to catch up to her. Several of the enemy got between them and it became not only a fight to save the royal, but one to stay alive. to anyone watching it would quickly become clear that he was more than just a servant. He moved as one trained to fight and not as a soldier. Caldric turned sideways to dodge the thrust of a sword only to feel it graze the edge of his jaw. A second man's blade went through his cloak to get his upper right hip. Caldric had no doubt the man had been aiming for his stomach. Both were incapacitated as quickly has Caldric knew how. He didn't even bother with the third, instead dropping and rolling past the man's feet to come up running still trying to get to the princess.

Once he passed out of visual range of the first three the rest of the Vallian soldiers tended to leave him alone. At least at first. His cloak was clear Vallian make so there was a chance he was one of theirs sent to spy inside the castle. It wasn't until they realized he was attacking them and defending the lady that they struck at him in turn. Perhaps not the most honest trick, but it was keeping him alive. Caldric very much wanted to live.

It wasn't easy. Caldric could feel blood seeping down his neck from the cut along his jaw and soaking his breeches from the one on his hip. He tried to ignore it though. Wouldn't do to get distracted. He kept moving, and once he got close enough to watch Illyia's back did his absolute best to keep approaching enemies off her. Not that she needed much help. The young woman clearly knew how to use that rapier she held.

When they reached the throne room Caldric could smell the change to the magic in the air. He knew at once Camilla had been close. of course anyone who had not been traveling with a dark magic user probably had no clue.
"CAMILLA!" he roared as loud as he could manage, "CAMILLA!" his voice echoed eerily among the sounds of fighting that encompassed the throne room. "CAMILLIA, I'M HERE IF YOU CAN HEAR ME!"

It was then that he saw the Princess rushing to cut a group of Vallian troops off before they reached a particular corridor. He saw one of her own soldiers moving to protect her. He saw something else too. His hand whipped back and then forward again his knife taking the Vallian soldier that had been rushing the princess from behind in an exposed shoulder joint. Caldric pulled out another knife from the top of his boot to replace it, and moved in, intent on keeping the man from getting up again.

Loraine Castelbia

Loraine was getting impatient. They should have arrived at the Chavelot castle yesterday in time for dinner and as it stood they were now an hour late for the coming of age ceremony and she still couldn't even see the city walls.
"Jagen," she started for the umpteenth time nudging her mare so she was riding mostly beside the commander of her body guard. "You keep saying the delays are to avoid bandit activity, but we've seen nothing but a rouge pack of thieves since setting out. And they were little more than children! This is by far the least eventful trip to Chevalot we've ever taken and yet you insist on making me miss the whole point of going in the first place!"

"You will still be able to see your friend, still give her the gift you brought, and most likely still have a chance to wear your new dress," the grizzled paladin answered with a grunt. "And what's more you will have arrived in one piece."

Loraine barely suppressed the urge to stick her tongue out at his back as she let Mist fall back to their assigned place at the center of the guard. The grey mare danced a little bit mimicking her rider's antsy feelings. But, Loraine supposed, if she was going to be late at least the company waiting with her wasn't so bad. The guard was constant but they weren't the only ones allowed to accompany her, and not everyone in her party insisted on treating her like a porcelain doll.
It wasn't a coronation ceremony, yet even then the draw of some lordling's coming of age paled in comparison to the festival outside in Ember's eyes. She'd seen nothing like it before: mounted archery contests, duels with wooden swords, ceremonial pottery, pretty dresses, music and dancing... and none of it had anything to do with the sleeping goddess, apart from a few pious sorts who brought their faith into every aspect of their life, even this far from the queendom. Still, even flock of Her Holiness couldn't spoil Ember's good time.

A large contingent of soldiers hurriedly exiting the castle, however, was enough to put the girl on edge. Barbarian activity, some of the townspeople explained. Everyone just seemed to accept it as a hazard of everyday life, and while Ember had no reason to believe otherwise, the thought of the castle garrison being emptied in the middle of a festival, the easiest time a spy could fall in amongst their ranks, was just too perfect.

Hours passed, and soon the festival grounds were in flames. Ember had hidden herself, dreading this moment: her gut told her this was an assassination attempt, yet it made no sense. Why target the youngest in line for succession at her ascension to adulthood? Nobody benefits from her death... unless this castle had some strategic value that made it worth occupying? As wyverns secured their place on the walls and the dead townsfolk piled up in the commons, Ember knew her only chance at escaping with her life was a gamble. She could fight her way out like some sort of berserker with a chip on her shoulder, disguise herself as a Vallian soldier and slip out after all the tensions died down, or maybe there was a third option?

The security detail had almost no warning. Vallian forces thundered inside the keep, and right behind them was an errant swordswoman, less concerned with carnage than she was with locating the bedchambers. A risky turn, but she was clearly not the first in this line of thought. Two soldiers stood ahead of her, going room by room to dispatch anyone unlucky enough to be caught unarmed.

"Stand aside," she told the pair before charging forth, carving her sword into the archer's arm. Another swing, and the other's spear dug into her shoulder. Tunnel Vision.

The short clash ended when Ember grabbed a tea-kettle from a nearby table, steam seeping from the tip, and splashing the scalding liquid onto the Vallian warrior's face. Screams were had, likely drowned out in the sounds of battle, yet Ember continued her search for the royal bedchamber, reasoning that the best way out would be through there.

....though, shrouded in her drab cloak, with sword in hand and a messenger bag slung over her shoulder, it might be impossible not to look like one of the castle's assailants. And she smells faintly of oil? Clearly this woman is up to no good.
"Oh thank you, thank you!"

It was a simple kindness(and possibly not one out of kindness) but it was what she needed. Gwynnis had already started leading her inside, when screams echoed across the kingdom. There was a commotion coming from inside. But the screams seemed to be coming from all directions. It was a full on assault upon the castle. How did they get past the barricade?

She pulled out a tome. Not a pristine one, on the contrary. This tome had seen better days. It's red cover was scared, and it's pages were falling out. The guards that once had been keeping her out was now trying their best against invading forces. unfortunately the Vallian army was clearly better trained and more well equipped. Right before one was struck down, Elise formed the symbol with her hand, and drew across the air, as a ball of fire struck the knight, blasting him backwards.

"This poor tome doesn't have much left in it..."

Elise was tired though, after casting that spell, she nearly collapsed. She looked at Gwyn, convinced the man was not much of a combatant

"It seems here was a mistake after all... What a foolish child I am. Please... I think I can take care of myself. You should get going. Thank you for your kindness, but I suppose I am not so fortunate."
In a manner of seconds, the entire mood of the scene changed. Joviality gave way to an ominous undercurrent. Various screams and violent sounds drifted throughout the hall, clearly distinguishable. Within a few short moments, everything around Gwyn had changed and along with the shift, he dropped his efforts to remain seemly. "Like Hell you can!" He retorted to the girl's claim that she would be alright on her own. "You're barely standing as is!" He took a step back, giving her downtrodden appearance another glance.

Many men filled the castle, how had they even gotten in so quickly? The two gate guards were already engaged in combat with the sudden onslaught of soldiers. Gwyn watched Lady Mayweather as she used her magic to assist one of them, saving his life despite how much it appeared to take out of her. She didn't look like she had any strength left to run away, fighting probably seemed the only choice. The pale-haired bard was no fighter, for half a second, as he watched her fight, Gwyn considered following the girl's advice to high tail it out of there. But there was no way his conscience would let him sleep after that, especially since there was something he could do to help her.

"I may not be much of a fighter," He confirmed as he unhooked the fastenings which kept his flute secure at his hip. Even if Gwyn had had a sword, he wouldn't have been very useful. The feminine man was definitely more of an evasive fighter, most of his fighting skills were learned to survive combat long enough to escape. "But I can help. I'm more than just your average run of the mill musician." Gwyn lifted his flute where it could be easily seen. "I am able to play special melodies, ones which can restore energy and lift spirits."

Either the guards were doing a nice job of keeping enemies away or two unimposing individuals near the gate weren't the biggest targets. Whatever the reason, Gwyn took advantage of the opportunity. He raised the birchwood flute to his lips and played out a short, light-hearted melody.

"C'mon, let's go!"
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The enemy soldiers assault became more aggressive as they more Vallia troops found ways into the ballroom. The guards were no match against the might of Vallia as one by one they fell to the ground much to Illyia's horror. Sure she had fought alongside her Father against barbarians and saw good man fall but this time seem so different. These soldiers were not as seasoned as the soldiers that went to fight Byrnhildur, some were only just a little older than her. The efficiency at which the enemy troops dispatched the soldiers was almost inhuman. But she was brought back to her thoughts as a Vallian soldier crumbled on the floor next to her. And another soldier screaming in pain. Though her eyes only focused on one person.

"Randel!" she gasped, though clearly happy to see the man. Her grip tighten on her rapier as she heard a man over the chaos shout orders to the Vallia troops. she noticed it was their guard captain! Anger flooded her as she saw the man in the distance heading towards the throne room as if he owned it. Effortlessly, he aimed his spear into one of her siblings that was trying to run away. The laugh he gave off only fueled her anger even more. That was it, he was going to pay for this transgression with his life. But not before he gave her some answers. "Randel, he must pay." her voice almost was shaking with the rage she was filling as she dug her weapon into a soldier's weak point in his armor, causing him to fall in a puddle of blood.

"Gunnar!" she yelled above the clashing of steel. The guard captain turned towards her with a big grin on his face. There was no remorse or any human feeling behind that look. No it was a look of a man who thought he had his life made now. Illyia didn't know what Vallia promised but surely the man had no allegiance to her family in the first place. As she made her way towards the man, she was stopped by a solider that managed to leave a deep gash on her sword arm. She held back her yelp of pain as she readied herself for a counter attack. These men were well trained and one slip up would cost her her life. She couldn't afford to go to the grave yet while her parents were in danger and that bastard Gunnar was breathing.


Camilla watched as the battle raged on. She couldn't help but feel that these Vallian troops were different somehow. They seemed more disciplined and educated in the ways of battle. The soldiers they were familiar with didn't lack discipline but were nowhere near the caliber of these troops. Each swing was calculated, each risk evaluated. As Camilla watched more, she noticed a tattoo on one of the exposed arms of the shoulder. Her eyes grew wide as she recognized the black wolf tattoo. It all made sense now, Vallia meant to take the castle and keep it. The Black Wolf Gora Sokolov had come. Her father had made sure she knew everyone that was important in Vallia to help blend in better and the resistance helped further her education about Vallia. These poor Chevalot guards had no chance against the fangs of the Black Wolf. Their intel had nothing mentioning this.

Camilla took a vulnerary off her belt and took a long drink of the healing liquid. She could feel the pain subside and a burst of energy. Her ears perked up when she heard her name. "Caldric!" she yelled back among the cacophony of screams and clashing steel. One of the soldier's rushed her but luckily she was managed to dodge the attack, her darkness deflecting the tip of the spear away from her. Concentrating, she felt the air crackle around her as she readied her spell. She could tell the soldier was mouthing something but soon he crumbled over as the impact of her flux spell visibly shook the man. The spell left her a little exhausted but she powered through it as she tired to find Caldric.

Weaving through the bodies, she saw her man and felt a sense of relief come over her. She was glad he hadn't been injured it look like. Carefully, she made her way to him and once there pushed him off to the side. The princess caught her attention though as she tried to rush towards a stubby short man shouting orders. But he wasn't the Black Wolf. The thought that the wolf was lurking somewhere troubled her more. " Caldric, these people need to get out of here! The Black Wolf is here and these soldiers are his fangs. You know that one guy who is a hero in Vallain folklore? Captured a castle within only hours and another in the same week? Fought one of the Wyvern Lords single handily and won! Yeah that folk hero guy is here, and this castle won't last that long." She pointed out as she readied herself another spell.
Randel, together with what appeared to be a servant with a good throwing arm (Caldric), had managed to fend off a group of Vallians threatening the princess. Illyia's happiness at his well-being was short-lived: something caught her eye. Their guard captain had defected to the Vallians, ordering enemy soldiers as if he were on their side all along. Damn him! That was why the castle defenses were so meager! And when Randel questioned decisions concerning security, he was relegated to stable duty. It was all a trap.

Just as Randel thought Illyia would make her way out of the ballroom, the princess waded back into the battlefield. She intended to make Gunnar pay, even as enemy soldiers were coming for her. But Vallian soldiers continued to stream into the castle. Capturing Gunnar would be impossible. They had to get out, or Gunnar would be capturing them. Already she was wounded. Randel stood beside Illyia, using his lance to get the enemy off balance while Illyia countered.

"Milady, the castle is overrun," Randel explained, his Dervish stabbing at their foe's feet. "I have to get you out of here."

An arrow sailed across the ballroom and impaled itself into Randel underneath his collarbone. If it weren't for his armor, the wound would have been more serious. His free hand moved to his wound upon reflex. The soldier looked around in confusion, trying to figure out where the arrow came from. They had lingered too long. The Vallians were beginning to realize that the princess herself remained on the battlefield. Two enemy archers had climbed upon tables to get a better vantage point. Though they had difficulty relocating Illyia and Randel amongst the hectic battlefield, it was only a matter of time before they took aim again.
Caldric Van'Ike

Caldric was so busy fighting he almost didn't realize Camilla had found him until she was pulling him back. He barely managed to hide his limp and hoped the blood on his face looked like it could have belonged to anyone. He didn't need her worrying over him until the fight was over. "Camilla are you all right--" he started only to be cut off by Camilla's news that these troops belonged to the Black Wolf

"The Wolf!?" there was no hiding the alarm in his face as he heard that. He broke off a curse and turned his head trying to follow the fight. This really wasn't the time to get distracted. "That means he's coming... We have to get out of here and I don't mean just you and me..." His eyes were locked on the princess as she rushed her former guard captain. "Camilla, We have to get that girl out of here and to safety. I don't know where the rest of her family is, but if we can save one then there's a chance to save this country too --- Will you stay close and watch my back?"

There wasn't a doubt in his mind that Camilla could provide the cover he needed to get back to the royal's side. He'd look out for her and she for him. That's the way it had been since the resistance had partnered them together. But as he turned back to the fray he forgot to hold his cloak and it sailed open with the motion, revealing the gash in his leg he'd been trying to hide from her.

Still he moved back to his place guarding the lady in time to hear one of her own men trying to convince her to leave. With Camilla with him as well he hoped they would listen.

"Highness, your Knight is right." He called, slipping easily back into his Castelbian accent. "Your own guard has betrayed you. That means they already know the castle's layout and weak points. There is no chance you can hold it with so few men. It's tacitly unsound! Our best chance is to fall back and find allies! Return with a stronger force. We Cannot risk losing you as well!"

He held a knife in each hand trying to fight even as he yelled over his shoulder at princess. But a battle field was no place to make speeches, even if he was trying to persuade a lady to reason. And while his knives were long they still didn't have the reach of a sword or pole-arm. That meant Caldric had to get close to attack and trust Camilla to keep the distance she needed to stay safe on her own.
Ember was not expecting the assault to have progressed as far as it did in the small amount of time that had passed. If anything, it made her risky flight in this direction all the more dangerous, but it was too late to back out of her ploy now. Alone and surrounded by hostile forces and suspicious castle servants, her plan needed to work or she would die long before finding an opening to escape through.... though, admittedly, the thought of disguising herself as a Vallian soldier had not occurred to her.

"You two," the swordswoman singled out a pair of worried servants as she wiped her sword's blade clean, "You want out of here alive, right? Help me out, and I'll make sure you're not among the dead here." The stares of disbelief were real, and a disappointing (if expected) response. Ember was just about to move on when one of the maids cut into her path.

"I've got family I need to warn. If you can get me out, I don't care who you are-"

And with that, the girl shoved her bag into the maid's hands and moved on. Her arm hurt from the wounds, but as long as she didn't actively engage anyone, she might be able to survive the ambush. Maybe. If she were lucky. Because, the way this assault was going, she wouldn't be able to depend on her skill in combat to save her: these Vallians were good. Too good. An attack like this was the sort of thing that got turned into legends..... But that could be used to her advantage.

With one of the castle staff at her side, getting through Chevalot's alarmed guards was a breeze. It wasn't until the pair got closer to the bedchambers that the serving girl grew nervous.

"You're not an assassin, are you? And what's in this bag? It smells awful."

"We're in a castle," Ember explained, "whoever is attacking is very good at what they do. Misdirection, ambushes, and sheer numbers and experience are on their side. It's just guesswork, but they are most likely the type to make a personal appearance when the troops find whoever's in charge here. They'll wish to savor the coup de grace."

"But what does that have to do with-"

"If the royal family is staying here, they will have an escape route ready. That bag is full of oils and flour. I'd planned to trade them at the markets, but... When flour catches fire, it combusts. I lack enough to clear a wall, but what I do have can provide the opening we'll need It just needs the proper placement and timing, and-"

"And what makes you think Her Highness is going to cooperate?" the maid questions, looking worried, "And even then, will it be enough to stop their pursuit? Even should your hunch prove accurate, are you enough of a force to attack their commander and escape with your skin?"

Stopping, Ember turns to face the maid with a frown. A more observant person might notice the trembling in her arms: of course she isn't any kind of juggernaut. A few soldiers are enough to shake her up, and she's plotting to out-fox a mastermind? "I'll have to be, or I shall die here as well. You're welcome to leave, though. I've brought ropes as well.... but I wouldn't chance the windows."

Ember's plan was flawed. Anyone could tell it had been scraped together on a whim, and that her biggest mistake was getting involved in the first place. Everything hinged on variables, like the queen being the type of person to protect her children (but what mother isn't?), or the newly-of-age princess having someone with both her best interests in mind and knowledge of a secret passageway, or the Vallian in charge being cocky enough to tell their soldiers to save the nobility for him. Granted, that last one need not be the case. It might work out better if it were not. There was no time to execute a better plan.

But, as the screams and clashing of soldiers and steel still filled the halls, Ember held on, charging through the halls and toward the bedchambers, with the maid unhappily leading the way. If not stopped, she'd break in right through the door.