Fire Emblem: Crestfallen | OOC

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

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Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female

A long time ago, when Musentia was nothing more than a fledgling realm, darkness threatened to encompass the world. This darkness took the form of wretched, demonic beasts that preyed on the flesh of men. The people of Musentia struggled to fight against these monsters for many years, but they lost more and more ground every time man and beast clashed. These people fervently prayed to their deity, Yhirel. For many years, He remained silent as the beasts continued to ravage Musentia.
Just when the shadows were about to engulf the rest of humanity, Yhirel presented himself to ten individuals whose hearts rang with desperation to help their kind. He bestowed upon them divine weapons that would aid them in their onslaught against the monsters. But even then, victory would not come easily to these heroes.
When the heroes reached the source of the monsters, a vicious creature known as Azaral, they engaged in battle for six days. It was on the seventh day that the ten Divine Heroes were able to slay Azaral and finally bring peace to Musentia. The Days of Ruin were finally over.
The Divine Heroes eventually went their own ways, staking claims to territories all over the realm. With time, there would be conflicts and tension between the three nations of Musentia, as expected. But the Divine Heroes' bloodlines ran true through history, and their weapons were either passed down from generation to generation or hidden away from the eye of man.
But this story is not one of the past. This story is one of the present, where a new generation thrives for a place in this world. While the Irinduil Monastery maintains its religious influence over Musentia, it is also known for its prestigious Officers Academy. The royalty and nobility of the three nations of Musentia send their heirs to the Officers Academy in order for them to learn the art of warfare and make sure they are ready to succeed the previous generation. Even commoners are able to attend if they have the coin or are spurred by sponsors. The Officers Academy is divided into two academic houses, the Red Chimeras and the Green Falcons.
Our story will focus on the Red Chimeras. Our characters will strive to hone their skills, achieve their goals, pass their tests, forge relationships with other students, and compete with the Green Falcons in tournaments. For now, the students have little to worry about, but their bright futures can change at any moment...
Information about the three nations of Musentia can be found in the Traveler's Guide to Musentia.
The people of Musentia worship a single deity, Yhirel. The Church of Yhirel is composed of many devout followers who believe that they are to be granted a peaceful, fulfilling afterlife if they are to follow his word. The Church also revere three Saints-- Saint Baranbe, Saint Lileth, and Saint Tharae --who were said to have spread Yhirel's word in ancient times. In the Irinduil Monastery, both students and faculty are expected to stick to Yhirel's teachings, for they believe that the deceased can achieve a peaceful afterlife (called Elysium) if they adhere to his word. If someone is accused of going against Yhirel's teachings or is witnessed committing a transgression against the church, the archbishop has every right to punish them as he sees fit.

Azaral is considered the demonic opposite of Yhirel. A cursed dreadwyrm that wished to consume all of the world, its presence spurred the apparition of beasts that almost destroyed Musentia. The Ten Divine Heroes, headed by Marlon, were able to slay Azaral. Despite its death, its said that those who turn their backs on Yhirel and let their hearts become black with malice spend an eternity suffering in Azaral's realm, which is deemed the Void.

Those who have Crests have the blood of the Ten Divine Heroes flowing through their veins. In Musentia, Crests are desirable to have, as they are the bonafide symbol of status. A person who has a Crest, whether a Major or Minor one, have certain aptitudes for fighting, the arts, or so forth. However, those of noble blood do not always have Crests; sometimes, the presence of Crests can skip generations or appear in one sibling and not the other. Lords and ladies of Houses are often interested in marrying their children off to Crest bearers in order to increase the presence of Crests in their bloodline.

Located on a plateau, the Irinduil Monastery was built roughly five hundred and fifty years ago. It is perched on a mountaintop from which one can see the three nations of Musentia. At its base lies forestlands and a bustling town that bears a lake and hot springs. Students and faculty are free to visit the town as they so wish. The Irinduil Monastery is divided into specific areas, which are listed below.
Beyond the Main Gate of the Irinduil Monastery lies the Main Courtyard, where the Monastery's markets and main entrance can be found. The Main Courtyard is heavily protected by guards.
Branching to the east of the Main Courtyard, the Training Grounds are where seasoned soldiers and students go to perfect their fighting skills. It is a sandy arena complete with areas for people to spectate.
Beyond the Main Courtyard, the Mess Hall is located adjacent to the Dormitories. It is a hall that bears two sets of long tables. This is where everyone in the Monastery comes together to share meals.
The Dormitories have two floors; the first floor is reserved for students and divided into sections for nobility and commoners, while the second floor is where professors, knights, and other faculty members reside. Each student gets their own room where they are granted a fair amount of privacy, but esteemed Monastery faculty have every right to search a room with due cause.
The Library branches off the Dormitories to become a segment of its own. It is a place where all of the Monastery's books are kept. There is a variety of books that one can find here, ranging from fiction to history to tactics. Any books deemed inappropriate by the Monastery are confiscated and then burned.
Across from the Dorms is the Officers Academy. There are two rooms, one for the Red Chimeras and the other for the Green Falcons. Classes are held from Sunday to Friday from 11am to 3pm. Saturdays are usually a day of rest, both for faculty and students. Sometimes, professors may take their students to complete minor missions, such as clearing out an area of bandits, helping out a local town, practicing with the Monastery knights or the other House, and so forth.
The Faculty Quarters reside near the Officers Academy. Here, one can meet with faculty members within their offices.
The Cathedral is located at the very back of the Monastery. A place where people come together for religious celebrations and services, it overlooks the rest of the Monastery and is its largest facility.

The Divine Calendar is used all over Musentia. There are twelve months, and each of them bear between twenty-eight and thirty-one days. It is currently the 28th of the Traveler Moon, Divine Year 781.

With the coming of the new year, the people of Musentia begin to honor their goals for the coming months. They shed their past follies and instead look towards bettering themselves. During the
New Moon, the people's morales are at their highest as they look to the future with bright eyes.

Winter embeds itself deep into the land; the deep frost can be almost be felt in the south. During the
Withered Moon, much of Musentia is penetrated by dangerous blizzards that have been known to tear down trees. Many people, especially the impoverished, struggle to survive the winter.

Vermilion Moon's skies bring less blizzards and freezing rain, allowing the realm to start recuperating from the harsh, past months. Days become slightly warmer, but every so often, a cold frost drifts across the land to remind the people of Musentia that winter is still here.
03/15- THE GRAND IRINDUIL FEAST: to celebrate the foundation of the Officers Academy, the Irinduil Monastery holds a feast celebrating its students.
03/29- THE VERMILLION BATTLE: Irinduil's yearly tournament between academic houses, the Red Chimeras and the Green Falcons.

After a brutal winter, the first winds of spring spur dreary hearts as previously barren tree boughs come alive with buds. No longer is Musentia clutched in a long and dark winter-- during the
Visceral Moon, birds chirp from their perches and lovers elope as sunlight floods the land.
04/12- SAINT BARANBE'S DAY: a spring celebration honoring Saint Baranbe. It is a day where friends and lovers gift each other small sweets such as chocolates and pastries, to show their affection. It is said that kissing someone on Saint Baranbe's Day brings good luck.

Just as quickly as it had come, the sunlight that briefly warmed Musentia is covered by drifting rain clouds. During the
Whiterain Moon, rain quenches the parched land and helps blooming flowers grow. With the passing showers, Cretus' fields are flooded with beautiful white flowers that can be seen from the Irinduil Monastery.

Days become longer and nights shorter as hunters take to the forest in search of game. During the
Hawk Moon, many large-scale hunts are held all over Musentia.
06/23- RUN OF THE HAWK: Irinduil holds its own hunting tournament within its forests.

During the
Soaring Moon, pegasi breeders welcome their pure-blooded broods into the world. As summer reaches its peak, one could turn their sights skyward and see pegasi in the process of teaching their foals how to fly. The sight inspires weary hearts and drives them to new heights.

The fields start to change from green to gold as the sunny days begin to grow overcast. To the east, in Cretus' capital, the Muse's Forum brims with the most treasures anyone has seen in a year. From the snowy north of Mordlind to the sandy grasslands of Galbia, people travel to experience the rarity of such wares during the
Traveler Moon.

During the
Amber Moon, men and women take to the fields in order to reap what they have sown months before. Working together to gather the grains and crops, they rejoice and give thanks to Yhirel for the bounty of the earth.
09/25- HARVEST FESTIVAL: Musentia celebrates its annual crop pull. Such festivals are held throughout the three nations and involve copious amounts of eating and drinking.

Cold wind from Mordlind begins to seep to the south as autumn takes its hold. As nights become longer, both humans and beasts prepare to brace for the long winter. During the
Hallowed Moon, the people of Musentia begin to reminisce about the past year and the losses they have suffered.
10/29- HALLOW'S DAY: Musentia holds festivals honoring their departed. It is usually a day in which people dress up as spectres and ghouls in order to ward off vengeful spirits.

The brisk autumn breeze turns into gnawing, early winter winds. To the north, deciduous trees are stripped of their leaves-- to the south, the heat dwindles to a comforting warmth. Despite the change in weather and the coming of cold snow, the
Radiant Moon is when people come together to praise Yhirel and the Ten Divine Heroes.
11/11- THE DIVINE FETE: Musentia's holiest day, people gather together to celebrate the Ten Divine Heroes' victory against Azaral. It is a day of unity, family, and friendships-- and, of course, grand feasts and gift-giving. The Irinduil Monastery holds its annual Divine Gala, as well.
11/25- SAINTS' DAY: A minor celebration in which Musentia honors its sibling saints, Saint Lileth and Saint Tharae. The Irinduil Monastery holds a feast and a vigil to praise them.

Winter tightens its grasp on Musentia, but so far it does not deter people from work and merry pastimes. The young frolic in the powder snow and creatures brave the cold weather as they trek through forests and icy rivers. At the end of the
Twilight Moon, men and women celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of a new one.
12/31- EVENTIDE: The last day of the year, Eventide is spent in festivities. Friends and family gather together and wait until the moon reaches the halfway point in the sky, which marks the beginning of a new year. Much of the day is spent drinking and partying.


  • Please note that this is a 18+, high-casual/semi-advanced roleplay. While I don't expect novels for posts, I would like for you to please take your time creating your characters and writing your posts. We all make mistakes, and that's fine, but if your post gives me a headache to read, then that'll be an issue.
  • Do not ghost us. If you need to step away from the RP, please let me know.
  • There won't be a Discord for this roleplay. However, I heavily suggest using the OOC thread for plotting, silly talk, planning, etc. I want my roleplayers to be actively talking about the roleplay and other things. If you do not say anything in the thread for a week and have not posted in the IC thread, I will assume you dropped/ghosted.
  • EVERYONE WON'T BE ACCEPTED. I'm looking for roughly SIX more people to accept. That will put our group at a total of eight. If you are not accepted, please do not hold it against me. The factors that tie into being accepted are consistent posting, proper grammar/spelling, the type of character you make, and so forth.
  • I will listen to people's suggestions and ideas for plot development and etc. However, my final decision is law.
  • Please read the OOC. There is a ton of information that is already set in stone.
  • While we do have a handful of people, I don't want you guys to constantly pump out posts. Thus, we will be running on a semi-cyclic posting schedule. This means you should try to wait for a couple of people to post first before typing another post. If the person we're waiting for doesn't post in a week or so, then we may move on.
  • Not all characters are going to have Crests or be nobility.
  • Characters must be 15-19 years of age at the start of the RP. This rule does not apply unless you are making a professor or some sort of older NPC.
  • Try to keep characters balanced! This means that if there's four girls and only one dude, then you should probably make a dude.
  • Fill out all portions of the character sheet, please. Also, please follow the format of the character sheet.
  • I am a fun-loving person. I love it when we talk about things and make fun of characters, create ships, theories, and relationships. Don't hesitate to reach out to me for anything you need!
  • Have fun~

[Full Name]
Their full birth name.
Nicknames, etc.
One of the three nations that they come from.
[Starting Class]
Commoner or Noble to fit their status.
If they hold any form of social status (ex: Heir to a noble house, heir to a merchant company).
Only Nobles from one of the Ten Houses may bear a Minor or Major Crest of their respective House.
Their age.
[Date of Birth]
Their date of birth (ex: 20th of the Pegasus Moon, Imperial Year 1163).
[Appearance Information]
Their appearance details (height, weight, hair and eye color, notable features, unique uniform modifications, etc).
Brief overview of their personality.
[Personal History]
Brief overview of their personal history.
[Preferred Fighting Style]
Their one preferred method of fighting (from Three Houses).
Their current set of equipment. Should only be a Training weapon or two at the start.
[Learned Spells]
Any learned magic spells (from Three Houses) that can only be used by a magic-wielding class.

  • A list of their biggest interests. (2-4)

  • A list of their likes. (3-6)

  • A list of their dislikes. (2-4)

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@Jessica2477 @Orikanyo @Gladis @Rads @thempress @Rouge Rogue @Quiet Pain @Psyker Landshark @Solace @Demon Shinobi

Alrighty, you folk. Here's the sign up thread. Get to work on your characters! Remember, you have one week to finish your characters, starting from today. Also remember that only six of you will be accepted.

Take heed of the characters that have already been claimed. We are currently on a 2-to-4 or 2-to-5 female to male ratio. @Psyker Landshark , @Solace , @Rouge Rogue, @Orikanyo , and possibly @Demon Shinobi are making males, while @Jessica2477 and I are making females.
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I edited the ratio on the post above yours. I also stickied the posts above just so people don't have to be going back and forth between pages.
Well, my character is going to be male, I sadly wont be budging on that due to the image in my mind that is this character, I shall have to deal with whatever comes on the matter. (I was also one who psoted his character art before which were male but no mention? Much saddness, how could you Lumi.)
I'm not saying you can't make a male, but it's probably gonna impact your chances of getting accepted if too many people make males. That goes for other male-makers, too. :)
Magic Anime girl edit.jpg

[Full Name]

Lapiz Zuval




The Mordlind Concorde

[Starting Class]

Commoner (technically)


Commoner; heiress to her aunt's library





[Date of Birth]

16th of Visceral Moon, Divine Year 763

[Appearance Information]

Standing at about 5'6 in height with a slim build that holds no muscle definition, Lapis is very unintimidating by appearance and may come across as a pushover.

She believes that first impressions are very important and so takes extra special care of her clothes and grooming. Lapis is usually seen in a long-sleeved, white button-up shirt, a brown commoner's corset, a white frilly skirt with black shorts underneath (to prevent showing more skin than she wants) and knee-high low pump boots that match her corset. When in uniform, it is always neat and tidy.

On her neck, she wears a blue bow that matches her hair accessory, both items from her days when she was a noble. She cherishes these accessories and is rarely seen without them.

Lapis's favorite feature about herself is her long dark blue hair. It is what catches people's eye first, so she takes extra special care of it however she can. Lapis was also born with a rarity of having silver hair within her bangs, and though she has embraced this imperfection, she gets a little annoyed with how much they stand out when she first meets someone.


A curious young woman with a love for knowledge, Lapis has always adored the world of the arts more than she has people. Magical, performance, cooking, Art history; thanks to spending a good portion of her childhood with books, Lapis is quite knowledgable in many histories, facts, and stories. Her particular favorite type of art and main hobby is fortune-telling. Unfortunate for her, Lapis tends to confuse her fortunes all the time to the point that they are almost always wrong. For instance, if her fortunes read "loss of money," more likely than not the recipient will find a bag of gold later that day. Her most particular one is when she foretold "good health" on a recipient and later that day that same recipient ruined their clothing with a sudden case of the runs. Lapis does not let this stop her and is determined to get at least one right, even though her confidence in her fortunes is not what it used to be.

Aside from this, Lapis, from having witnessed what it has done to her father, has a dislike of Crests and does not believe them to be as important as everyone makes them out to be. She believes "Strength and Worth in character" rather than Crests and has a distaste for anyone who believes themselves better just because they have one. She hopes to one day prove that having a Crest isn't everything.

Lapis is also a kind and polite girl who is a bit eccentric. She is not afraid to ask what she wants, can get in people's personal bubbles without meaning to, and can be easily excited when she learns or is in the process of learning something new. Her favorite thing to learn is other people's stories since she cannot hear or read about them anywhere else (unless that person wrote an autobiography, but then that's less exciting). She also tends to be a bit weird due to her slight lack of social skills.

She has a fear of abandonment and despises false information being presented as true.

[Personal History]

Born into a minor house of nobility, Lapis was treated as a disposable child because she did not bear a Crest. Her father, a man obsessed with bringing more power to his name via a Crest, married and divorced often in the search of having the one child who would bring honor; to the point that his children only knew their mothers by name. As a last-ditch effort for his children, Lapis's father had tried marrying his eldest daughters off to different nobles with Crests in their bloodline in the hopes his wish would come true. It was because of this Lapis learned quite a bit in manners and conducting herself properly, but there was no luck in betrothing her. Her father was successful in marrying off his two eldests to families that held Crests in their bloodlines (mainly due to their beauty), but that still left Lapis and her two younger siblings.

Each child who did not have a Crest had been rehomed with relatives or adopted into other houses by commoners or nobles willing to take them, separating the siblings for the years to come. To Lapis, they too were forgotten faces and she only remembered their first names. This was how Lapis found herself living with her father's sister, an ex-noble removed from the House for not holding a Crest, and her husband, a former knight of The Mordlind Concorde, whom she had come to call her mother and father.

Her aunt was the proud owner of a library located within the outskirts of The Mordlind Concorde, where she offered free reading lessons and storytimes for the local children. Her uncle worked within the library taking charge of the funding they received and telling tales of his days as a knight to anyone who would listen. Because of their work, Lapis was always surrounded by literature and held a particular interest in the books about knights and heroism. She found these as well as other stories far more interesting than actual people that her social skills took a hit from isolating herself. It was only during her aunt's storytimes that Lapis would be willing to play and interact with other children.

To remedy this, her uncle expressed excitement about learning about other people, because everyone is like their own walking books. Each person has a story to tell with them as the main characters, and that Lapis should put an effort into understanding people as well. Needless to say, this worked.

As she grew older, her uncle discovered that Lapis had a gift for knowledge. She was learning faster than what was deemed normal, and he, being an ex-knight, decided to teach her about Magic and how to wield it. As he expected, Lapis quickly learned and she learned well. He continued training her for the years to come, taking time out of his day to learn with Lapis so that he could continue teaching her and not fall behind. Her aunt, in order to bond with Lapis, decided to show her more obscure versions of Magic such as fortune-telling and illusion tricks. Lapis had become particularly interested in fortune-telling and learned more about it with her aunt, making her the Teller-in-training that she is today.

After her aunt and uncle spoke to one another, the two sat her down one night and asked her if she had ever thought about being becoming a knight for The Mordlind Concorde. Lapis held a special talent for magic, according to her uncle, and it would be nice to see her use it to its full potential. To their surprise, Lapis had in fact been thinking about becoming a knight. The stories she read and heard from her uncle had really stuck with her, but the one thing that made her want to become one had been her biological father.

When she was rehomed, she never got over the feeling of worthlessness because of something she couldn't control. Lapis would have lived and grown up with her biological father and possibly mother if he had not been so obsessive about having a Crest in his family. He would have loved her and her siblings, but because of that one difference, he didn't.

She is certain that there are other people out there who have been in her situations, and others feeling worthless because they were not born "fortunate" enough to have a Crest, and so she wants to become their Symbol of Hope. Lapis told her adoptive guardians that she wanted to become a knight and climb the ranks so that she can prove that a Crest doesn't mean anything if there is no strength and character behind it.

With that, her aunt and uncle gathered the necessary funds for Lapis's schooling, taught her basic swordsmanship to hone her combat capabilities, and prepared her for the coming year at the academy.

Lapis knew just how much her aunt and uncle put in for this, and she knew that failure was not an option. Not when this selfishness almost bankrupted the library.

[Preferred Fighting Style]



-Training sword


[Learned Spells]



  • Arts of all kind (Painting, Stories, Cooking, Magical, etc.)
  • Other people


  • Fortune telling (telling them and having them told)
  • Books
  • Learning new things
  • Cooking


  • Intense exercises
  • Crest obsession
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  • Love
Reactions: Marlowe
I'm not saying you can't make a male, but it's probably gonna impact your chances of getting accepted if too many people make males. That goes for other male-makers, too. :)
so sad, looks like I'll have to pull out all the stoips and stomp the competition beneath an iron wrought boot~!
Did anyone else wanna claim anything?

(minus the eyepatch)

[Full Name]
Maelys Ernst Pleiades​

Mael (preferred name)​

The Syndicate of Cretus​

[Starting Class]

Heir to House Pleiades​

Major Crest of Pleiades​

Seventeen years old​

[Date of Birth]
22nd of the Hallowed Moon, Divine Year 764​

[Appearance Information]
Mael stands at a modest 182 centimeters tall (or 5'11), and weighs around 79 kilograms (or around 175 pounds). He is said to bear a great resemblance to his grandfather in the latter's youth; his long facial features are well-sculpted, his strikingly natural charm attributed to his noble heritage. Many have observed that his thin eyebrows often narrow to give off sudden sharp expressions, his light blue eyes sharing that same articulation. He has medium to long, wavy dark brown hair that he prefers to comb back, going great lengths to style and preserve it each day. Spending plenty of his years basking in the sun, his skin complexion is moderately tan, considered an 'undesirable' trait for someone of his stature and background.​
While Mael is a fairly slim person, his attention to conditioning has kept his body in a healthy, athletic shape, which he actively works to develop. He wears the standard Officer's Academy uniform in his own personal manner, preferring to keep the jacket loose and unbuttoned (similar to Sylvain) while folding the sleeves up to his elbows unless the weather is too cold or in the case of required formalities. He has tribal markings imprinted on his arms from the biceps to wrists, and wears a necklace with two colorful feathers and a keepsake attached.​

Despite his heritage, Mael is unlike the usual pompous and superfluous attitude that most nobles portray towards their associates and subjects, preferring separation from formality in his everyday interactions. He has been a habitual troublemaker since early adolescence, never seeming to learn from all of the past scolding and reprisal. When the young man doesn't have the urge to scheme another one of his antics, he likes to take the passing days in stride, enjoying casual conversation behind a good meal. He is genuinely friendly and approachable, always looking to befriend others and be within the presence of his companions.​
Though, when it comes to certain things such as sparring or contests of any sort, he can become fairly competitive against his rivals. Mael is devoted to his conditioning, possessing a strange fixation on becoming the strongest boxer and strengthening himself tirelessly to meet this ambition. To this end, he will accept any sort of challenge regardless of how ridiculous they may be, simply to prove his own power to himself, with the exception of monotonous tasks and chores.​

[Personal History]
Born Maelys Ernst Pleiades, he is the grandson of Farfalle Roose Pleiades, the only Crest-bearing child of the noble family's bloodline. He was declared the heir to House Pleiades after his father, Bachus, fell out of Farfalle's inheritance from the absence of their Crest. While Mael was considered his grandfather's child foremost than his own father, their enormous wealth removed any amount of difficulty from his upbringing, and the young boy found himself in the presence of caretakers and tutors more often than his own family. He would frequently prove to be a troublesome youth, for he would slip out of their extravagant abode to escape the 'boring' instruction against his grandfather's decree to play with the other children.​
Through all of the stern reminders of the destiny set out for him, Mael accepted the inevitable responsibility of House Pleiades' future on his frail shoulders, however reluctant the boy may have been. His childhood was rife with marriage proposals and promised betrothals to many princesses due to their wealth, but Farfalle refused them all, citing anything short of perfection as meaningless to their name. At the age of ten, he was taken under the wing and personal instruction of his grandfather to undergo the Path of Pleiades, testing the mettle of his birthright when the time would come. Mael would be sent to the Officers Academy after his grandfather's sudden illness prevented the continuation of his grooming, where House Pleiades would await the return of a true man.​

[Preferred Fighting Style]

Training Gauntlets, Vulnerary​

[Learned Spells]
  • Battle training
  • Theater
  • Hiking
  • Fighting
  • Strength training
  • Acting
  • Sweets
  • Playing musical instruments
  • Responsibility
  • Boredom
  • Spicy foods
  • Board games
  • Cold weather
  • His family
  • Like
Reactions: Marlowe

[Full Name]
Theodoric Branden Marlon


Mordlind Concorde

[Starting Class]

Heir to House Marlon

Minor Crest of Marlon


[Date of Birth]
12th of the Withered Moon, Divine Year 762

[Appearance Information]
Stands at about 6'1. Has a decent amount of muscle and broad shoulders, weighing in at 190 pounds. Skin tone is fairly average, not particularly tan nor pale either way. Wears the standard uniform, but with a short white side cape mantled on his left shoulder.

Stern and focused, Theodoric treats his duty as both a knight and a landed noble with the utmost importance, throwing himself into his studies of war and governance. Orderly, efficient, and composed, Theodoric looks down upon excessive arrogance and ostentatious displays, being a good deal more subdued in his interactions. One wouldn't be able to tell his family's wealth from his possessions, with his preferred sword being more functional than fashionable and his preferred clothing being light, practical garments. The only concession he makes to vanity is his fondness for capes, and his only vices are good wine and imported coffee.

Despite his understanding of the political field and the knowledge that one day he could potentially wind up being the Speaker of the Concorde, Theodoric bears little taste for politics and desperately hopes he is never chosen for the position. If given the choice, he would vastly prefer remaining on his family estate, overseeing Marlon's lands and people.

[Personal History]
In truth, Theodoric had never been the preferred heir to House Marlon. The bloodline was stronger in his elder sister, Gwendolyn, given that she possessed a Major Crest of Marlon compared to Theodoric's Minor Crest. That, and her influence in the political arena had many observers whispering that she would have been a strong candidate for the next Speaker should she inherit House Marlon before the current one passed. However, after graduating from the Officers' Academy, Gwendolyn went missing on a routine patrol when Theodoric was but ten years of age, and after months of fruitless searching, the title of heir passed to the young boy.

Before becoming heir, Theodoric had been a rather carefree child, but upon his sister's disappearance, the boy was forced to grow up rather quickly. He threw himself into his studies and his training, seeking to match the expectations his parents had of Gwendolyn once upon a time. Years later, most accounts would suggest he'd been successful. Theodoric may not have had his sibling's charm, but his abilities in the fields of knighthood and administration were just as good as the previous heir's. Still, this wasn't enough for him. After learning all he could from what tutors that House Marlon could find, the next logical step was the Officers' Academy. Theodoric seeks to become as worthy a leader as he can for House Marlon, its subject people, and its lands.

[Preferred Fighting Style]

Training Sword

[Learned Spells]

  • Swordsmanship
  • Winemaking
  • Administration

  • Seafood
  • Coffee
  • Sparring
  • White wines
  • Military treatises
  • Poker

  • Hot weather
  • Flying
  • Loud people
  • Dairy
  • Like
Reactions: Marlowe

(minus the eyepatch)

[Full Name]
Maelys Ernst Pleiades​

Mael (preferred name)​

The Syndicate of Cretus​

[Starting Class]

Heir to House Pleiades​

Major Crest of Pleiades​

Seventeen years old​

[Date of Birth]
22nd of the Hallowed Moon, Divine Year 764​

[Appearance Information]
Mael stands at a modest 182 centimeters tall (or 5'11), and weighs around 79 kilograms (or around 175 pounds). He is said to bear a great resemblance to his grandfather in the latter's youth; his long facial features are well-sculpted, his strikingly natural charm attributed to his noble heritage. Many have observed that his thin eyebrows often narrow to give off sudden sharp expressions, his light blue eyes sharing that same articulation. He has medium to long, wavy dark brown hair that he prefers to comb back, going great lengths to style and preserve it each day. Spending plenty of his years basking in the sun, his skin complexion is moderately tan, considered an 'undesirable' trait for someone of his stature and background.​
While Mael is a fairly slim person, his attention to conditioning has kept his body in a healthy, athletic shape, which he actively works to develop. He wears the standard Officer's Academy uniform in his own personal manner, preferring to keep the jacket loose and unbuttoned (similar to Sylvain) while folding the sleeves up to his elbows unless the weather is too cold or in the case of required formalities. He has tribal markings imprinted on his arms from the biceps to wrists, and wears a necklace with two colorful feathers and a keepsake attached.​

Despite his heritage, Mael is unlike the usual pompous and superfluous attitude that most nobles portray towards their associates and subjects, preferring separation from formality in his everyday interactions. He has been a habitual troublemaker since early adolescence, never seeming to learn from all of the past scolding and reprisal. When the young man doesn't have the urge to scheme another one of his antics, he likes to take the passing days in stride, enjoying casual conversation behind a good meal. He is genuinely friendly and approachable, always looking to befriend others and be within the presence of his companions.​
Though, when it comes to certain things such as sparring or contests of any sort, he can become fairly competitive against his rivals. Mael is devoted to his conditioning, possessing a strange fixation on becoming the strongest boxer and strengthening himself tirelessly to meet this ambition. To this end, he will accept any sort of challenge regardless of how ridiculous they may be, simply to prove his own power to himself, with the exception of monotonous tasks and chores.​

[Personal History]
Born Maelys Ernst Pleiades, he is the grandson of Farfalle Roose Pleiades, the only Crest-bearing child of the noble family's bloodline. He was declared the heir to House Pleiades after his father, Bachus, fell out of Farfalle's inheritance from the absence of their Crest. While Mael was considered his grandfather's child foremost than his own father, their enormous wealth removed any amount of difficulty from his upbringing, and the young boy found himself in the presence of caretakers and tutors more often than his own family. He would frequently prove to be a troublesome youth, for he would slip out of their extravagant abode to escape the 'boring' instruction against his grandfather's decree to play with the other children.​
Through all of the stern reminders of the destiny set out for him, Mael accepted the inevitable responsibility of House Pleiades' future on his frail shoulders, however reluctant the boy may have been. His childhood was rife with marriage proposals and promised betrothals to many princesses due to their wealth, but Farfalle refused them all, citing anything short of perfection as meaningless to their name. At the age of ten, he was taken under the wing and personal instruction of his grandfather to undergo the Path of Pleiades, testing the mettle of his birthright when the time would come. Mael would be sent to the Officers Academy after his grandfather's sudden illness prevented the continuation of his grooming, where House Pleiades would await the return of a true man.​

[Preferred Fighting Style]

Training Gauntlets, Vulnerary​

[Learned Spells]
  • Battle training
  • Theater
  • Hiking
  • Fighting
  • Strength training
  • Acting
  • Sweets
  • Playing musical instruments
  • Responsibility
  • Boredom
  • Spicy foods
  • Board games
  • Cold weather
  • His family


[Full Name]
Theodoric Branden Marlon


Mordlind Concorde

[Starting Class]

Heir to House Marlon

Minor Crest of Marlon


[Date of Birth]
12th of the Withered Moon, Divine Year 762

[Appearance Information]
Stands at about 6'1. Has a decent amount of muscle and broad shoulders, weighing in at 190 pounds. Skin tone is fairly average, not particularly tan nor pale either way. Wears the standard uniform, but with a short white side cape mantled on his left shoulder.

Stern and focused, Theodoric treats his duty as both a knight and a landed noble with the utmost importance, throwing himself into his studies of war and governance. Orderly, efficient, and composed, Theodoric looks down upon excessive arrogance and ostentatious displays, being a good deal more subdued in his interactions. One wouldn't be able to tell his family's wealth from his possessions, with his preferred sword being more functional than fashionable and his preferred clothing being light, practical garments. The only concession he makes to vanity is his fondness for capes, and his only vices are good wine and imported coffee.

Despite his understanding of the political field and the knowledge that one day he could potentially wind up being the Speaker of the Concorde, Theodoric bears little taste for politics and desperately hopes he is never chosen for the position. If given the choice, he would vastly prefer remaining on his family estate, overseeing Marlon's lands and people.

[Personal History]
In truth, Theodoric had never been the preferred heir to House Marlon. The bloodline was stronger in his elder sister, Gwendolyn, given that she possessed a Major Crest of Marlon compared to Theodoric's Minor Crest. That, and her influence in the political arena had many observers whispering that she would have been a strong candidate for the next Speaker should she inherit House Marlon before the current one passed. However, after graduating from the Officers' Academy, Gwendolyn went missing on a routine patrol when Theodoric was but ten years of age, and after months of fruitless searching, the title of heir passed to the young boy.

Before becoming heir, Theodoric had been a rather carefree child, but upon his sister's disappearance, the boy was forced to grow up rather quickly. He threw himself into his studies and his training, seeking to match the expectations his parents had of Gwendolyn once upon a time. Years later, most accounts would suggest he'd been successful. Theodoric may not have had his sibling's charm, but his abilities in the fields of knighthood and administration were just as good as the previous heir's. Still, this wasn't enough for him. After learning all he could from what tutors that House Marlon could find, the next logical step was the Officers' Academy. Theodoric seeks to become as worthy a leader as he can for House Marlon, its subject people, and its lands.

[Preferred Fighting Style]

Training Sword

[Learned Spells]

  • Swordsmanship
  • Winemaking
  • Administration

  • Seafood
  • Coffee
  • Sparring
  • White wines
  • Military treatises
  • Poker

  • Hot weather
  • Flying
  • Loud people
  • Dairy

Oh Im trying to work out a female monk but I can change to a guy if that helps

You can make a female if you want.
[Full Name]
Callum Von Dire
Cally, Callum
Syndicate of Cretus
[Starting Class]
Commoner, Son of a renowned gladiator
17 years old
[Date of Birth]
20th, Visercal moon, 764
[Appearance Information]

A pillar of confidence even when standing amongst blue-bloods, hes not the type to bow, to bend and it shows from the nonchalant ways he holds himself. A shit eating grin upon his face when talking to a highborn brat from the lowliest servant. he stands higher than average, his frame sturdy yet shows a impressive amount of litheness in his movements, like watching a cheetah stretch and prowl about while not on the hunt.

And blue is not his natural hair color, dyed to be a more... Impressive shade than his usual brown, he takes great pride in his choice of color. Though his eyes stay a normal brown color, deep and rich like the Cretian soil, it sparkles with delight when he spots his favorite meal, or person.

Confidence, confidence made into a human form, this is what this young man is about. he knows hes looked down upon for his lack of noble upbringing and crest, but he'll be damned if he lets that hold sway over any of his actions. He knows who he is, the son of the great gladiator VON DIRE! A man with a win streak a mile long and world record fastest win in the Gladius games, a man you look up to, a man you respect no matter what you may say about his status.

This is what Callum strives to be, he wants to be like his father, strong, capable, loved no matter where he goes. he even does his best to treat each battle like one of the shows his dad pulls off, like the whole world is a stadium that is there JUST for him. No matter the time, place, or actual people to watch him, he can, and will, do his best to show off. Not only to do so for the sake of it, because one day he will join into the games as well.

And on that day, on that hour, he wants to give his father his best. Not out of some petty revenge like some others may feel, theres no back stabbing between him and his father, he loves the man through and through. Unlike the others of his country, he shall take his father's position by true and fair contest than subterfuge.

And he will! For he is a VON DIRE!!!

[Personal History]
When people say they have lived in a parent's shadow all their life, typically they mean that in a bad way, for Callum however the shade was a comfort, his father began life as a simple peasant, strong in body, good in heart and with a smile like a happy dog. This man Was a farmer, like many, before he started his life as a fighter, first he was conscripted into the militia for his strong body to fight against a rising bandit problem. it was there he learned of his ability for fighting, and his ability soon became mastery as the militia became rather well known for it's long streak of bandit takedowns.

And normally, this may not be to speacial, if it weren't for the reported tales of Callum's father taking down two men into a chokehold in each arm, cracking open a rogue's breastplate with a single punch, taking down five armed men like they are nothing. He became known as John "The Hound" Von Dire before he even became a gladiator. But that didn't take long of a transition, for he was picked up by a proper trainer not long soon after, he and his wife and newborn son, one you might know as Callum, were brought to the estate of the noble and treated as guests in the fine home, like one of the family as John worked away day and night training.

Wither this was a plot for the noble in question to gain more favor, or perhaps simply out of the goodness of his heart, or perhaps simply the man knew where to find a good gladiator where there was one, who would know, but Joesphi Alaburn the twelfth seat did impress with his hostpitality. Callum grew up knowing nothing but the greatness of his father's fantastic shows and the smiles that came from them. He was also given a formal education, learning to read and write which in of it'self is rare for a farmer's boy, but he mostly took to trying to copy his father when he was training with his moves.

However, as he grew in age, his father thought it would be best for some more formal training, thus he soon found himself, with the blessing of the noble, at the monastery.

[Preferred Fighting Style]
Fist weapons, showboats like a mother-, always looking like hes fighting to please a crowd of onlookers.

Training gauntlets


  • Gladiatorial matches and games.
  • Food.
  • Showing off.

  • People willing to test his skills.
  • Meat.
  • Fluffy animals.
  • Competition.
  • Fashion.

  • Sorelosers/Sorewinners.
  • Lazing around.
  • Sweets, typically because once he starts he can't stop, next thing you know hes gained five pounds...
  • Cooking, he can't cook, don't LET him cook.
  • Drab unappealing things or clothing.
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My character's up~
Oh? Where to? Mine is ready as well.
Oh? Where to? Mine is ready as well.

I'll look at your sheet later on, when more sheets come around :) These characters were previously discussed and approved