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Gundam Meister
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
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  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Mecha, Superhero, Anime, Adventure, Magical
OOC: OPEN SIGNUPS - Fire Emblem Fates - The Ocean's Silent Waves - OOC

How long had Audric been making his way through the country side exactly? Days...weeks? It couldn't have been too long ever since he received that call he had intended to find out the truth of the matter. Maybe if he could get to one of the Nohrian Royals before things got out of hand he could do something. Stop this matter from getting worse. Failing that maybe he could go to Hoshido and get Ryoma to listen to him. How long had it been since he had talked to a Hoshidan for any length of time? Most of the people who came through Cyrkensia were Norhian in origin. Regardless the young born noble could only hope that he could do something anything! His guards had informed him that Hoshido had re-found their long lost prince. Rumor had it Hoshido had long since suspected Nohr of kidnapping the young prince Corrin.

Audric wipe sweat from his brow his dully colored hair a mess as the breeze swept through his hair. He had decided to make his way on foot for the remaining journey. He always was a better fighter on his own two feet. Maybe that had been a mistake but he didn't want to hamper himself. Daywalker hung from his belt gleaming in the morning sun. His brother was probably worried sick and undoubtedly angry at the young Nestrian's sudden act of running off. Nolan always was more sensible about things. Audric...Audric preferred to pursue action immediately. He didn't immediately go to violence as his salvation but he was more than ready to use it. Maybe just maybe he could intervene before something went wrong.

Samanthia...she'd kill him for abandoning her back at the border no doubt she probably was a mess right now. He'd have to apologize to his retainer for not bringing her along. She was a competent fighter but her lack of....grace may have slowed him down. Besides Sky Knights aren't something he remembered being stealthy enough to escape notice if the situation called for it. At worse someone would think him a glorified bandit. Anyone stupid enough to challenge him would be felled by his axe otherwise. He had to stop the war from breaking out it would cause so much suffering.

The young noble came to a sudden halt as he leaned against a tree collapsing to his knees breathing in and out deeply as he shook his head. "Gotta keep going...got to...get....got to get them to stop." Audric breathed in deeply as he quickly went to his side and grabbed his canteen and drink from it greedily. "I can do it...I have to try at the very least. If I don't then...then...no don't think about that keep going!" Audric said to himself as he leaned himself up against the tree steadying himself. He didn't want to fail...failure in this moment effected more than him. Some nobles wouldn't care...some nobles in Nestra would sit back and let this happen. What did a neutral country risk at trying to stop this insanity. He had only caught wind of the capture of Corrin due to the mere fact that he had met a merchant on the way here telling him that a man in Nohrian finery was in Hoshido. Let alone the mess that had happened a couple days earlier. Why...why had Lady Mikoto...damn it! He never met the woman...but he knew her as a passionate and beloved lady of Hoshido. Then why....why did she have to die at a time like this!?

Audric kept running. He kept running because he knew he had no choice in the matter. He ran because his heart demanded it. He ran and ran but he didn't know if it would pay off in the end.


The time span had been short a week and a half since Corrin had gone missing. Nohr had marshaled their forces under the command of Prince Xander of Nohr. Corrin the young Prince had reappeared in Hoshido...with disastrous results. Between the apparent capture of the young Nohrian/Hoshidan Prince and the border incident causing relations to tumble into a black abyss at the Bottomless Canyon. The Nohrian Army had set out on a march towards Hoshido and were approaching a river crossing near the border between the two nations. Ryoma himself had taken some of his elite towards the river and set up a camp there in order to preemptively stop the march of the Nohrians.

Corrin the fated brother of both families is unaware of this but his presence will make all the difference soon enough. Ryoma had set out with a small army of his own Hoshidan forces leaving behind his retainers and allies. His intentions are to destroy Xander's men before they get near Hoshido. The dull orange sun in the sky flutters around as fate makes it's inevitable move towards the end of the feud between the Sun Born Kingdom and the Sacred Kingdom of Darkness.

However...fate itself seems to be unwinding as things rush towards an unsatisfactory ending for all parties about to be involved in this conflict. Hoshidan...Nohrian....all will feel the sting of the branch of destiny that is about to break.

Adjusting his medicine trunk into a more comfortable position on his back, the apothecary drew in a deep breath as he took a long stride forward. He had been walking for a good many hours, although to him it felt like quite a bit less. He had become accustomed to the constant travel, such that it barely fazed him anymore. That worked in his favor of course, especially in these times of war. He was needed in many more places, much more often. In fact, he was currently returning from an herb gathering trek into the mountains wherein he got his hands on just the right plant to cure a village woman of her recurring illness. Perhaps involving himself in every townsperson's ordeals wasn't the most sane thing to do, and it was likely that he was biting off more than he could chew, balancing everyone's problems with his. But, he felt that this was what he was meant to do and as long as he could help people he was going to keep doing it.

Soon, Hasegawa walked through the village's entrance, continuing on his way to the woman's home. He pulled his hat off of his head, allowing it to thump softly against his wooden trunk with every step he took as it hung from the band now around his neck. One of the woman's young children was standing out front when he arrived, a hopeful look in his eyes. Hasegawa smiled and knelt beside the house, pulling his arms out of his straps and going through his supplies to retrieve what he had gone so far out of his way to acquire for this family. When he found it, he handed it to the boy and gave him instructions on what to do with it to help his mother. Hasegawa couldn't stick around to do it himself as it so happens, since he had other folks to get back to with cures. Yes, he had a lot on his plate, but it was rewarding work and he was doing it of his own free will.

Loosing a sigh of accomplishment, the man rose back to his feet as he watched the child run inside to do as he was taught. Hefting his stock onto his back again, he started out of the little village and toward his next 'customer'. They could hardly be called as much considering he wasn't paid for what he did, but to him it made little difference. He got along just fine. For this trip however, Hasegawa would need to make some preparations. He was running low on rations, but there were no doubt plenty of edibles that he could gather in the immediate area. There was a river nearby, so he headed in its direction. He was rather adept at spear fishing, truth be told. Much as he loved animals, a man needs to eat. Once he got to the water's edge, he dropped his trunk at his feet and pulled his spear from inside--a sharpened stick, really. It was no naginata, and definitely not a weapon of any sort useful against other humans. But, fish? That was a different story.

As he stood ready to secure a meal for himself, he made note of the group of people milling about further down the river. They were out of earshot, so if they were talking he wasn't sure what about. He wasn't concerned, however. They looked like soldiers and he wasn't about to involve himself in military affairs. He got around a lot, and heard a great many things. He had an idea about why they were there. Something about a long-lost prince. Hasegawa was far removed from most politics and political discussion. The best he could do was be in the area in case combat broke out and any injured soldiers needed his aid. In his experience though, that was rarely the case. The combat almost always happened, but the Hoshidan troops had their own healers. Besides, he had plenty of people to treat and care for as it was. He may not have been the only travelling apothecary in Hoshido, but he was perhaps the only free one.
Two wolfskins kept their pace, the loud synchronized steps of the army ahead masking their movements. They followed close enough behind the group to keep up, but not close enough to get caught. The two had decided earlier to take to different paths leading in the same direction of the army. Keep sight of them, but do not let any of them spot you. Chenille's tail was wagging behind her, curiously watching over these people with excitement. Her brother, though looked like he would rather do something else, was also curious about the outcome of events.

Leno knew this idea was stupid. They were following a group of people quite literally marching to their deaths. The army, as far as he knew, were far too preoccupied with pep talking themselves in their minds or worrying about their own lives to really notice the two wolfskins stalking them. But what if someone did notice them and informed the royal siblings? They could label them suspicious of traitorous activity and slay the twins on the spot if he and Chenille weren't careful. The two of them following the army for seemingly no reason; why would any of the royal siblings believe them when they say they just wanted to see where the army was going?

Chenille, however, believed that they would most certainly not care. Because for all they knew they were just two little wolfskins that happened to be going the same way. Which was why taking a separate path was the best choice they could do. Besides, who cared about them? Everyone was going to a battle to fight for their lives and the good of the Nohrian kingdom. The royal siblings were (probably) more worried about their kidnapped brother than anything else. Why should they be worried about curious strangers?
The sun shouldn't shine as brightly as it did in Hoshido, Raphael decided.

They weren't even into the kingdom of the East properly yet, and the priest was already feeling like he was starting to sweat up a storm underneath his church robes. Not to mention, for a sun that was supposedly setting quite soon, the light was far too bright. Its orange glare seemed to conspire to shine across his eyes every chance it got, and the way to light the landscape unsettled him; they could be seen for miles around in this kind of light. All in all, it was a major inconvenience. Give Raphael the gentle, over-cast light of Nohr any day of the week.

Despite his complaints, Raphael did actually feel in a surprisingly good mood. Sure, he hated this glaring sun and this aggravating heat, but he wasn't going to let some small problems like that get in the way. No, no, he could already tell that today was going to be a good day, and nothing was going to shift this feeling of content from him. He could smile easily, and sit back on his trotting horse to watch as the Nohrian army marched through strange and vaguely unsettling Hoshido countryside. He could do so, because he already knew he was about to take the next big step on the Dusk Dragon's divine plan.

He was riding alongside the Nohrian army, who were on a noble mission to rescue a missing prince, and were moving to capitalise on the sudden demise of the Hoshidan queen. With her barrier down, they were finally able to take a fair fight against the army of this land of the sun. A brilliant piece of tactical work, and one that Raphael was certain would bring them many graces and titles from the king and yadda yadda yadda. In all honesty, politics were never Raphael's thing. He was glad the cowards of this land would finally know a fair fight, but that's far from his main interest. This would be the first time the armies from the land of the Dusk and Dawn dragons would meet properly for years, and there was no doubt the Dusk Dragon would want him to be there to witness it. Failing that, this 'Corrin' sounded most intriguing: a fifth child in the Nohr bloodline, and one that has brilliant red eyes. At the very least, Raphael wanted to meet catch a glimpse of this intriguing young man.

(There was also the fact that, with this being the first serious clash the army would have to face in a long time, the number of injured people would be astronomically high. Raphael couldn't wait.)

Speaking of royalty, Raphael could just spy the other children of the royal family at the very forefront of the army. It was almost a bit surprising that Garon would put his children at such risk, but their king had never been one to waste resources; the four of them were fierce (even the youngest girl, in her own way), and to not deploy them would have been a missed opportunity.

Raphael couldn't suppress a pleased chuckle that escaped him, earning a worried look from his escort. To be in the presence of so many decedents of the Dusk Dragon's line was truly an honour. He allowed himself the daydream of being able to talk to one of the royal children, but he knew that they would be fair to busy to meet with "lowly" priest such as himself. Things would change once he had evidence that he was the Dusk Dragon's chosen, yes indeed…

Raphael looked to sky, grinning at the golden hues being painted on the ceiling of the world. He could already tell things were only going to get better from here.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- - --- -- - ---

Emi looked down from the sky, trying in vain to focus.

This waiting was always the hardest part for archer: she could handle combat just fine, just great really, but this mounting tension was something she couldn't deal with. The air all around seemed to buzz with tension, like it was a physical presence that stood among the anticipating soldiers. Of course, the only 'physical presence' to worry about was the insane number of Nohrian troops that were marching towards this very part of the border. Emi had doubled checked and triple checked her arrows, her bow string, even her boots but nothing could halt the building nervousness in her stomach. It felt like a hand had reached out from her core and gripped her own heart, causing it beat almost sickeningly fast. There was no denying it: Emi had a terrible feeling about this.

She was stood amongst a group of other archers, who were positioned towards the back of the army. The view afforded Emi a look (half obscured as it was) of the entire Hoshidan fighting force that were now the only thing standing between the Nohrian army burning a warpath across Hoshido lands. The army was arrayed on one side of a long and stretching river, the light of the setting sun seemingly converting the simple water of the river into flowing gold. They had been given orders to hold position, and it was easy to see why. As long as that river forced the heavily armoured Nohr troops to cross the singular narrow bridge (the other nearby having been destroyed for this very reason), they held a strong defensive position.

Emi hoped the plan would work out, if only because she wasn't looking forward to adding another scar to her 'collection.' If the Samurai kept themselves between the archers and the actual enemy force, she might be able to escape the day without taking on any more injuries, while at the same time scratching the itch that was slowly building at the back of her mind.

That old itch. She could feel her hands starting to ache, and her fingers and knuckles cracking as she clenched and unclenched her hands under her gloves. Two old lines across her back once again began to throb and burn, even as she kept ramrod straight. Her hands begged her to reach for her yumi despite the bile that occupied every other part of her at the mere thought. She would normal just go back to training, but maybe this pent-up feeling was a good one to have before a battle commenced. At very least, it made her feel alert and ready.

Emi breathed once, twice, and finally tried to focus once more on the horizon, trying to pick out any Nohr banners through her half blurred vision. She felt no particular hatred for the common garden Nohrian: they were no guiltier of what was about to happen than she was. Despite that, she hands begged for use and her yumi sought targets. To that end, she would do what she did best.

If only she could shake the feeling like something was about to go terribly wrong.
As the troops of Nohr kept marching a young gentlemen with very light armor, and a helmet hiding his green hair came marching up next to Raphael he wasn't smiling quite so much as grinning. He was clearly one of the conscripts Garon had ordered fill out the Nohr Army sometime ago. He looked up to the healer on his horse and nodded at him. "Hey there! You're one of our healers aren't you? Name's Millow I'm one of the reserve soldiers. People around here come from all types of backgrounds don't they? And Hoshido seems really pretty doesn't it?" The young lad said with a cool friendliness as he marched alongside the man. "You conscripted? I sure am I don't got nothin' against them darn Hoshidans but you know if Lord Xander says we need to fight I guess it's the right thing to do. Isn't it? I mean I heard stories of Xander how intimidating he is but I never seen anything so terrifying and yet so graceful in my life. Granted the closest thing I've seen that was graceful were birds." Millow chuckled awkwardly as tried to make small talk with the priest of the shadow dragon.


"Rally up men!" came the voice of the elderly samurai soldier named Saito as he marched toward the center of the Hoshidan encampment. Ninja, and other soldiers were roaming around getting into formation. Ryoma was already on the front so Saito had to manage and keep up the spirits of the men. They had seen conflict with the Nohrian faceless already but now they were fighting real people and not monsters. Arguably more intimidating. What was taking a life compared to slaying a monster? "Today we defend our homeland against Nohr they come to attack us and destroy our people. Many of you, as I told at least, are still mourning Lady Mikoto. Still we must strive hard for victory for the sake of Prince Ryoma. Take heart in your abilities gentlemen, and ladies. Your the pride of the Hoshidan forces. Fight to your best or you will fall. Be warned if you can't take a life be prepared to at least hurt a man. They will not hesitate to strike you down for their King Garon. Do not fall to their level we are better than that. If anyone has any questions they may come see me. Dismissed." Saito shouted loudly and with pride to his men who were listening many of them acknowledged him, and others went to simply do their jobs once more. Saito himself kept his composure despite feeling tired of all the fighting he had been enduring since he was a boy. He hated war he really did. The nohrians were people like them too why must Garon insist on this madness? All the same he'd defend his homeland from the invaders. Saito found a nearby rock and sat down on it before taking a headband from his waist and tying it around his head. He then took out his katana and laid it out on his lap. He was prepared for combat no matter what else would come of it.
"Hey there! You're one of our healers aren't you? Name's Millow I'm one of the reserve soldiers."

Raphael felt his smile twitch and his dull blue eyes swivel in their slots to look at the solider now marching alongside him. He didn't recognise the young man, and he certainly didn't have enough energy in him to pretend to care. He was having a perfectly fine day without some lout traipsing into it.

"Hmm." Raphael grunted without comment, still keeping something resembling a smile on his face even as he nudged his horse to move faster: he was a little bit satisfied that Toby was now moving at a trot that was just slightly uncomfortable to keep up with via walking. He hoped that might be enough to discourage his would-be 'friend.'

"People around here come from all types of backgrounds don't they? And Hoshido seems really pretty doesn't it?"

No such luck then. That being said, Millow's comment did indeed cause a reaction. While his face remained in its near-perpetual smiling state, Raphael felt a wave of disgust roll over him.

'Pretty?' That's not the word that Raphael would have used. Everything they had seen so far has certainly been 'soft' compared to what was usual in Nohr, but those were two very different things. The air was lighter, the grass greener, and birds seemed to sing insistently through the air, and it was no doubt easier to life a day-to-day life over here…but that was problem. Raphael knew that the darkness of Nohr was a gift, given to them by their dragon god. The darkness had made the men and women of Nohr strong, and no doubt all this light had made the fools who called Hoshido home weak. To call all this weakness 'pretty' was something only an unenlightened fool would think. However…

"…The light is a little too much for me, really."

-Was all Raphael said aloud. It wouldn't have mattered much anyway, since Millow was already geared up to speak again.

"You conscripted? I sure am I don't got nothin' against them darn Hoshidans but you know if Lord Xander says we need to fight I guess it's the right thing to do. Isn't it? I mean I heard stories of Xander how intimidating he is but I never seen anything so terrifying and yet so graceful in my life. Granted the closest thing I've seen that was graceful were birds."

Merciful Dragon, this lad liked to run his mouth. Raphael could feel the content smile slipping from his features as Millow's words buzzed into his ears like the sound of a particularly driven fly. Way to ruin a perfectly fine campaign march.

Deciding that it would be better to actually reply to the lad, least his took Raphael's silence as an invitation to keep rambling on, the priest responded,

"To answer your first question, no, I'm not conscripted. The only force that guides me here is the will of the Dusk Dragon; it is by its holy power that I am given the purpose of healing, and thus I am happy to obey its direction." Raphael drew himself up, his smile briefly returning as he placed a hand against his chest and closed his eyes with content. His smile faded, however, as his eyes snapped back open, and their glare landed on Millow. "To answer your second question, of course it is right thing to do. 'Right' and 'wrong' is only determined by strength, and thus we will do this world a favour by wiping these weak Hoshidan off its face."

As he spoke, Raphael's voice became lower and more intense, and his horse started to whinny with concern as he felt his rider's agitation. The few other soldiers in sight became slightly perturbed when the priest lent so far out of his saddle it became a wonder how he didn't just fall off of it. Raphael pointed his stave at Willow, practically growling his words through his teeth.

"If they have been made soft and cowardly after hiding behind their damn queen's barrier then so be it: it is our divine crusade to show them how cruel the real world is."

After a few moments of silence, Raphael sat back in his saddle properly, using the stave he had been using as a pointing stick to scratch his nose as he said,

"Third and finally, don't give Lord Xander the title of 'gracefu'l anywhere within his range of hearing. I've never met the prince, but few men of his calibre like being called graceful or compared to birds."

Idly, Raphael reached out to scratch his horse, Toby, behind the ears. As the steed whinnied happily at the attention, Raphael felt his smile start to return to his face. No point in letting some conscript's inconsequential chatter ruin a good afternoon, after all.

"Rally up men!"

Emi quickly fell into step with the others, standing up at attention while Saito gave his speech.

"… are still mourning Lady Mikoto. Still we must strive hard for victory for the sake of Prince Ryoma…"

Emi would admit she was definitely in the former category. She had never had the honour of meeting the queen face to face, but it was difficult to not admire a woman as poised and strong as Mikoto had been. Even from a distance, Mikoto had been a figure that inspired loyalty and confidence from all around her, even in someone as mixed up and wavering as Emi. Getting vengeance for her death was the only part of this conflict that the archer felt like she could genuinely draw strength from.

Ryoma was a royal that Emi wasn't sure of. He certainly had his mother's drive, and was an unmatched warrior, but whether he had the capacity to lead the country was still an unproven aspect. Still, this next battle should put any doubts to rest, at the very least (assuming they all survived the day).

"…if you can't take a life be prepared to at least hurt a man…"

"Pfft." Emi couldn't contain a small scoff at that. Saito was a good leader, and a kind man, but he'd clearly been pitted against Faceless too much. The Nohrians sure as hell weren't going to show any hesitation, so neither should they. The idea of winning a war without a single causality was a nice idea, but it sure as hell wasn't a feasible one. It wasn't something Emi enjoyed, but she knew that she was going to have to aim every arrow for something vital, because their enemies sure as hell were.

"…Do not fall to their level we are better than that..."

"That remains to be seen." Emi muttered to herself, causing the archer next to her to elbow her in agitation.

She knew what Saito meant: Hoshido were indeed currently on a moral high ground, since they were the victims of a surprise attack and are indeed only trying to defend their homes. But call Emi a sceptic, but she reckoned that wouldn't really matter if they were all dead in the next few hours.

Despite how weak it would reveal her to be, but Emi was indeed half-considering running if the battle started to turn south. It wouldn't be fair on her fellow soldiers, and life under Nohrian rules probably wouldn't be pleasant, but at least she would still be alive.

In any case, Saito wrapped up his speech. He invited others to come to him if they had questions, but that didn't really register in Emi's head. She didn't have any questions, because very soon all she would need to know was which direction her superiors needed her to shoot, and that was simple enough. To that end, Emi went back to (thrice) checking her equipment, trying to ignore how her hands were starting to tremble. She wasn't sure if the shakes were out of hands 'itch' or from fear, and she wasn't sure which she would prefer it to be.
Xander's men blew a horn in the air and it reverberated around the Nohrian forces. It was a hollow and depressing sound but it signified that they had reached their destination. Xander looked around at his men his all too familiar frown plastered on his face. His intentions were simple and clear: He was going to rescue his brother and bring him back home. If he was with Hoshido however he was bound to have known the truth by now. He was not his brother by blood or any other means. It didn't matter to Xander one bit. Corrin for all of his naivete for all of his faults was Xander's brother blood or not. He was intent on doing all he could to save him even if Corrin didn't want to be saved. Elise and Camila stood behind him ready to aid him at the moment's call. Leo was also nearby commanding the units Xander had left him in charge of. Xander knew Leo was the finest commander in all of Nohr his strategies unparalleled and his magic strong. "Men and fellow soldiers of Nohr hear my call to action! Hoshidan forces have captured a Prince of Nohr. Corrin has been sheltered for a long time and his time with the Hoshidans have may or may not have changed. Do not harm him. He will come back to us I know he will. For once he joins us Hoshido will know the depths of their folly. They bask in their own hollowness in the sun and take for granted their wealth. Fear not their blades and spears for you are the finest soldiers in the land! Prove your strength and destroy the enemy! For King Garon! For your families! For NOHR!" Xander shouted to the host of men who cheered loudly. They rallied by their prince and the Wyvern Commander readied his men for the charge of Hoshidan lines. The presence of the majority of Nohr's royal line bolstered their confidence and they knew victory was assured. Leo smirked as Camila nodded at Elise who asked her if they would be getting their brother back. The Nohrian Lines charged forward shouting their war cry as they charged towards the bridge. They engaged the first line of Hoshidan forces which quickly crumbled being only a token force to hold the other side of the bridge. One of them blew a horn and that signaled the call to war.

"Well looks like we'll have to cut our little talk short. Not that it seemed we had much to say. Good luck out there anyways." Millow said with a grin as he joined the charge with the fellow soldiers his tone filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. But if one thing was clear to the wolf girl it was that the boy didn't lack courage he intended to fight with everything he had one way or another.


Saito was cut short of his final preprations as he heard the call of a proud and noble Hoshidan horn sounding the incoming Nohrian invasion. "So it starts then? I'm sorry I must cut this brief discussion short. Prepare for your first true taste of war. Prince Xander, be it he is here or not, is not to be trifled with." Saito said coolly as he marched forward towards Ryoma who stood at the front of the line of his men. Samurai, Ninja, and other forces prepared themselves. Yukimura himself at Ryoma's side as he prepared to address the troops one last time. "Men I make this clear and simple: Nohr will not stop here. The men of Nohr have cowardly sent waves of faceless after us and brought ruin and destruction to our capital itself. Hundreds of Hoshidans have known loss to Garon's cowardly tactics! BUT NO MORE! We have lost a queen but today we have a new prince at our side! My countrymen I ask of you only one thing: To defend your families! Hoshido must not and will not fall to fools who stay behind a wall and let civilians die for their own selfish gains! LET US SHOW THEM THE TRUE MIGHTY OF OUR NATION! Do not falter but do not worry if you fall in battle we will not forget you! Do not fear the darkness for the light banishes the dark with it's presence! ONWARD!" Ryoma said unleashing Raijinto from it's sheath as he himself led the troops towards the river.


Audric huffed and nearly collapsed on his knees as he finally arrived his brow dripping with sweat. "Am...Am I on time? This can't be the wrong place I know it can't be!" Audric said his grey hair clinging to his head as he shook off his exhaustion. He had fought in worse conditions before like in that bog that one time. He couldn't believe that he had missed his chance or he made an awful mistake. Ryoma Crown Prince of Hoshido...where were you!? He had to get to him before things got out of hand! If he could reach him maybe he could-

Audric was cut off as he felt a hollow feeling deep inside of his gut he shook his head. "No...NO! Damn it!" Audric roared as he looked up at the sky and saw the start of the Nohrian assault. He saw the man in front and he couldn't tell if he was happy....or extremely disappointed. "Xander...I thought you were better than this! Why are you here!? Son of a dastard! But wait....maybe-" Audric's hopes were dashed rather quickly once more as he heard a counter horn bellow and soon enough he heard the sound of a march. Audric had failed...failed miserably he couldn't stop it and all of his efforts were ruined! He watched the initial clash Nohr had the upper hand but Xander quickly ordered a charged which was met by a man in bright red armor. Ryoma...it must've been him he was too far out of ear shot to actually hear the man shout but he got the jest of it. But he must admit Ryoma must've been far above him as a warrior but Audric knew the fighting prowess of the Nohrian Crown Prince all too well. "Nolan....Keith....brothers. I'm sorry I wish I could've done more." Audric said giving up he felt the will drain out of him as he fell to his knees. To make matter worse...he saw Hoshidan reinforcements....Audric shook his head at the futility of it but then the thought came to him of what his brothers would say of the young Nestran Noble if they saw him pitying his own failure like this. What would his retainers think? Audric growled and roused himself from his state and went forward. If he could make them listen he would.


Corrin rushed forward Takumi, Hinoka, and Sakura all on his heels they were marching to engage Prince Xander...Corrin's beloved brother. Xander meant the world to him but now...after the death of his mother? After all the death at the capital and the faceless? After Han's assault and the death of Gunter? No! Xander would listen to him! Takumi was still suspicious but Sakura and Hinoka loved Corrin and were convinced of his innocence just like Ryoma. He had to do something. As he reached the battlefield he saw Hoshidan and Norhian forces clashing. However they were taken aback at the sheer force of Xander and the skill of Ryoma's combat the fighting becoming less tense as it became clear that the two lords would settle it in one on one combat. However in a pause Xander looked over and saw it..."Corrin, you're alive! They haven't harmed you, have they little prince!?" Xander said with affection a smile coming across his face worry turned to relief and Ryoma stopped as well. Corrin himself was mixed with emotion. But he managed to get something out, "Xander! Big Brother! I'm...I'm fine." Corrin said with a calm voice reassuring his brother. "But why....WHY ARE YOU INVADING HOSHIDO!?" Corrin asked his brother with conflicted emotion. Xander dropped his smile and become deathly serious once more.

He had expected this. "Father says it's time to show our true strength. Hoshido has reveled in it's decadence for long enough. Join us, and we'll end this quickly. If we can conquer Hoshido here and now, we can avoid unnecessary bloodshed." Xander said to his brother as he looked back to Ryoma. Corrin couldn't believe the words coming out of Xander's mouth...was this really his brother?

"Brother...I....I need a minute to think." Corrin said as Ryoma then spoke his loud authoritative voice booming. "Be careful, Corrin. That man is a Nohrian Commander and their crown prince as well! Don't let him deceive you!" Ryoma shouted to Corrin who could only mouth Ryoma's name in return. It was then that Camila, Elise, and Leo all rushed to the front. "Corrin! I was so worried about you. Don't ever wander away from me again!" Camila said with enormous relief and affection towards her younger brother. Leo came next. "I'm glad you're OK! Corrin. You really must have the devil's own luck brother!" Leo said with equal relief a big smile plastered on his face as he carried his book.

"Yaay! WE GOT OUR BROTHER BACK!" shouted Elise as she bounced up and down on her horse. "Norhrian scum! First you kidnap him, NOW YOU DARE TO LIE TO HIM!?" Hinoka said with pure anger and distaste towards all three of the Nohr Royals."CORRIN IS MY BROTHER, NOT YOURS!" Hinoka declared with anger as Camila changed her affectionate tone changing to a deadly serious one, "You are mistaken young lady. Corrin is my sweet little brother. You may not have him." Camilla said with distaste at Hinoka who glared in return. "Don't be fooled by their words! You belong with your true family! With Hoshido!"Ryoma declared loudly as Xander snorted.

"We have loved you my little prince since you first came to us. We have loved you and raised you since you were but a child. Come home, little prince. We can live together once more. As a family once again!" Xander said with passion as Ryoma angrily countered telling Corrin to come home with him once more. Xander countered saying Nohr was Corrin's true home.

(Due to a media error it won't let me link the specific time in the video please go to 11:47 in the video and watch to the end of the scene)

Audric rushed to the battlefield as he looked around he saw a boy he could only assume was Corrin standing there. He cursed himself for not making it faster. He couldn't intervene now for the moment he just stayed back as he listened to both sides make their case. He knew he wasn't allowed to pick sides but for the moment he couldn't help but feel worried. He also felt extremely pained. This young prince forced to make a choice between two families...he couldn't imagine having to chose between two sides like this. He had to though for he knew neither of the high princes nor their siblings would simply back down. But once the prince had chosen maybe he could get the other side to back down. If not then-

"I-....I won't betray anyone." Corrin declared calmly.

Audric was at a loss for words could he truly mean to not pick a side!? Was the prince mad? Or did he know something Audric didn't. He listened though curious and hopeful.

"I won't fight against the people of Nohr. After you cared for me all these years how could I?" Corrin said as his face looked sternly at the ground. "Xander...you....Camilla, Leo,....and Elise. You-We may not be related by blood. But you ARE family to me. You've been with me for as long as I can remember." Corrin said as he looked at his hands and smiled fond memories returning. Xander smiled at his young brother, "Well said, little prince. What ties us together is thicker than blood." Xander proclaimed as Ryoma looked over to his brother unsure about how to feel a bead of sweat forming. "What are you saying, Corrin?" Ryoma simply asked. "You would so easily discard your true family, you blood and kin, and side with those who stand against us?" Ryoma asked a feeling of betrayal clutching at him but he threw that feeling aside. Corrin responded simply. "Absolutely not. I refuse to fight my Hoshidan siblings, either. Ryoma big brother....we might not have spent much time together, but too me you are my family too. I love you. I love Takumi's passion, Hinoka's will, and Sakura's kindness. I would never let that go." Corrin stated with a smile at Ryoma who smiled back his feelings dissipating. Xander on the other hand frowned. "I'm so glad to hear that. We feel the same." Ryoma said as Corrin hardened himself, "I will not and can not side with either of you against the other. I will not betray my family." Corrin stated flatly he would not hesitate from his stance. Ryoma and Xander both calmly asked him at the same time: What would Corrin do then? "I'm so sorry...BOTH OF YOU PLEASE SET DOWN YOUR SWORDS! We can come to a peaceful-" Corrin demanded as he held his own sword up as Xander groaned and brandished his prized Siegfried. "I've heard enough Corrin! I can see what you're trying to accomplish here. As your older brother, however I must show you the way. It is my duty to teach you the truth." Xander declared as Ryoma readied Raijinto. "NOT WHILE I STAND! CORRIN IS FINALLY BACK WITH HIS TRUE FAMILY! I WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE MY LITTLE BROTHER FROM US AGAIN!" He declared loudly as Corrin begged Ryoma to stop.

Xander stepped forward however, "I don't think so. Don't think for a moment that I will let you take my brother without a fight you cur. It seems only right to cross swords with my opposing equal though. As heirs to our respective families, why don't we settle this here and now?" Xander said giving up on changing his brother's mind for the moment. Ryoma gladly accepted declaring he would protect his kingdom and his brother. The two engaged once more this time however a wyvern lord and samurai both ordered their own men to charged the battle started a new. Corrin retreated to a safe middle ground between the two forces.

Audric had been inspired by the boy's speech. His will restored he decided he had one course of action left. He would side with the prince and he would stop this fight! Audric made his way down to Corrin who was talking with a blue haired woman and a light brown haired maid whom had bothe appeared suddenly. "Excuse me but you seem to be in a bit of a bind Prince Corrin. Mind if I assist you?" Audric said suddenly appearing from his grassy knoll over Corrin who was startled. The maid nearly tripped over herself but readied herself to fight Audric. "Who are you? Which side do you belong to?" Corrin asked of the young noble who appeared in front of him as Audric smiled at him. "I'm Audric a noble from Nestra. I am not royalty my lord but I am more than glad to assist you in this. In fact I came here to stop this war in the first place. I don't like wasting lives needlessly. So please allow me to assist you! I won't give you reason to regret it. My axe, Daywalker, will crumble any foe it needs to in order to stop this fight."Audric said proudly as he smiled at Corrin who seemed a bit perturbed by Audric's declaration.

"He is not very subtle now is he? But we are in no place to refuse help. We will gladly accept your help Lord Audric. Thank you for offering it to us." the woman said as Corrin went over and shook Audric's hand. "I'm glad to have you with us so what is our first course of action. Azura any plans?" Corrin asked the woman as she nodded and pointed out two separate units on the field. "If we can defeat the enemy commanders we can stop both parties from fighting temporarily. That will make both Xander and Ryoma listen to you. At the very least it will make them fall back to reconsider their options I believe." Azura said as Audric smiled, "Consider it done I'll hold off the bulk of the infantry. Go focus on their commanders. Please Corrin don't worry about me I'm not frail. I may be tired and a bit worn out but I'm still a force to be reckoned with. I'm glad to be working with you I don't see a lot of people willing to put aside fighting entirely and try to make peace I can respect that." Audric said as he rushed off too do his duty he didn't even bother listening to what the others had to say.
The next few moments felt time was running slower. Chenille and Leno had followed the army all the way to their designation, in time to hear the turn of events unraveling. One side shouting that Corrin was their family, the other saying that he was theirs. It reminded them of Wolfskin fighting over a piece of meat when they thought about it.

"Whoa. I've never seen so much drama..." Chenille whispered to her brother. Leno didn't say anything, listening further as the arguments commenced. Each side of the royal siblings not keen on letting this one person go. He could understand the need to keep their family together, but hearing Corrin deny going to either side... What in the world was going on in that human's head?

"I won't fight against the people of Nohr. After you cared for me all these years how could I?" Corrin said as his face looked sternly at the ground. "Xander...you....Camilla, Leo,....and Elise. You-We may not be related by blood. But you ARE family to me. You've been with me for as long as I can remember."

"Well said, little prince. What ties us together is thicker than blood."

"What are you saying, Corrin?" The Hoshidan prince spoke. "You would so easily discard your true family, you blood and kin, and side with those who stand against us?"

"Absolutely not. I refuse to fight my Hoshidan siblings, either. Ryoma big brother....we might not have spent much time together, but too me you are my family too. I love you. I love Takumi's passion, Hinoka's will, and Sakura's kindness. I would never let that go."

"I'm so glad to hear that. We feel the same."

"I will not and can not side with either of you against the other. I will not betray my family."

Chenille and Leno listened to the speech, the boy's words ringing true and passionate with each breath. She didn't know what to think at the moment. He definitely had courage for not siding with either, that Chenille could smile upon. But he very well might have just damned himself unless he can bring those fired up royal siblings to drop their swords.The words he spoke had certainly gotten to Chenille, and were buzzing around her head. It got her thinking... Maybe peace between Hoshido and Nohr was something they needed? Could it... Peace between those two kingdoms could certainly benefit everyone... Even the shapeshifters.

Leno, on the other hand, had different thoughts. Why didn't Prince Corrin choose Nohr? Yes, it would appear the Hoshidan royal siblings were his family by blood. But the issue was that Prince Corrin barely knew them. It didn't make sense. He had been with the Nohrian siblings for as long as Leno could remember. But he still views the Hoshidan royal siblings just the same as Nohr's royalty... Interesting...

Chenille felt her lips tug, the battle beginning once more. Thankfully she and her brother had taken that different path, or else they might have just gotten caught in the middle. The Wolfskin eyed the figures from a distance; a maid, the prince, a blue haired lady, and now some random guy that approached the group. She looked to Leno, then back to the group. "Leno. I'm going over there."

"What?" Leno eyed his sister, eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm going over to that group. I want to fight for a peaceful ending." She told him matter-of-factly. Chenille didn't think she'd have to be more clear than that.

"Hm. You're willing to risk your life for some cause that barely presented itself? Chenille, you don't know how things will turn out, or if this cause will even work in the end. You would die for nothing but someone else's dream."

"I could die up in Kaen Peak too, Leno. I'm no stranger to risking death. Besides... What if fighting for this cause leads to the outlaw of poaching? Maybe we could save the lives of Wolfskin if doing this brings that peace Prince Corrin wanted?"

"You're grasping. Poaching will never stop so long as humans continue being humans. I know this, you know this. Prince Corrin wants peace between Hoshido and Nohr. What he wants has to benefit him in one way or another. For him to stop poaching; no one is that generous, Chenille. Come, if we stand here any longer, we're going to get killed." Leno gestured her to follow, so that they could go down the separate path they came from, but Chenille didn't budge.

"...I'm not going home with "what ifs"." Chenille turned and immediately started sprinting towards the small group.

"CHENILLE!" Leno growled under his breath and started chasing after her.

Chenille approached the group first, with Leno skidding to a stop next to her. "Can I help you out, prince Corrin? Sorry this is all sudden, but I wanna fight for that peaceful ending."
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