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Barely got him cranked out in time, talk about cutting it a tad bit close haha.


End Game Title:
Blade of Twilight (Very Subject to Change)

N/A (For Now)

Age: 32



Home country:


Oddly enough, Azaze is not one that terribly cares about the state of affairs between Hoshido and Nohr, rather, he enjoys the chance to test himself against anyone that would threaten his homeland. He typically has a devil could care attitude when around his peers, something that tends to be seen as a negative thing. Rather, he has no interest in sugar coating his words, telling things how they are, far as he is aware, without wasting time mincing words or otherwise leaving any doubt in what he means. If that means he comes across as crass and rude? So be it, he would rather be plainly understood and know precisely where he stands with someone, or a group, rather than play games with words and intentions, and not know where he might stand with a given person until it is far too late.

When it comes to a fight, Azaze is much the same as he is otherwise, straight to the point and not wasting time with fancy flourishes and tricks. Go for the kill, clean the blade, and move onto the next target. Not to say he doesn't enjoy combat, that would be a blatant lie. He loves a good fight, more so than most might consider healthy or reasonable, and claims he has a good reason for it. He believes that, crossing blades with someone, whatever their weapon of choice might be, gives him a chance to see them for who they really are. There is no time for falsehoods in battle, not of who someone is, and he has often gotten himself into trouble when, after crossing blades with someone, calling them out for failings that ends up sparking another fight. Probably on purpose since, no matter his given reason, its plain that he just enjoys a good fight, regardless the reason.

Azaze has a distinct distrust of anyone capable of shape shifting, of any sort. He sees that, considering how malleable they are with their physical form, there is no reason to trust that they aren't as malleable with their given word or anything they say or do, really. Not to say he approves of the pelt hunting, but he has no sympathy for the shapeshifters at all. However, this pales in comparison to those that use magic, mainly the Dark Mages and such of Nohr, but this hatred has bled over into distrust of anything magical. Due to the Nohrian constructs, the Faceless, sacking countless places since they could pass through the barrier protecting Hoshido, including his home, he has an intense hatred for the creatures. Their masters are only hated more, and being confronted with Nohrian mages of any sort, whether they are responsible for such things or not, gets him riled up into a fury that is uncharacteristic of him. But he intends to make them suffer for the suffering they cause, and if any other magic users cross him? So be it, they can join the rest in damnation, as far as the Samurai is concerned.

Rarely, one might find Azaze in prayer, if a shrine is available or otherwise, one might find the man within such a place, kneeling in front of the broken remains of his mentor's sword. Times like these, it is often best to leave him be, for he has yet to forgive himself. He often fails to forgive himself for his failings, whether that was not being in control enough to save his mentor, regardless of it was possible or not, or other failings as they mount. It is a side he is loath to show, since his guard is down in these moments, and he often distrusts whoever found him in such a position, doubly so since he professes a disinterest in any sort of deities or divine beings, even outright calling people who overly rely on such things foolish. Yet, he refuses to explain why he can be found at shrines, at odd hours when no one else might be there, meditating over the ruined remains of his mentor's sword, hinting at a belief that might exist under the surface.

Born within an hour walk of Fort Jinya, Azaze grew up seeing the warriors of Hoshido training with each other on an incrediably regular basis, and on more than one occassion his parents would find him with a stick, emulating the moves he had seen the Samurai engaging in. His parents were horrified that their eldest, indeed only, child was so enamored with the idea of being a soldier instead of inheriting and working on the family's farm. Yet, no matter what they said or did, he kept practicing in secret, seeking out a retired samurai in the small village and learning from him, despite his parents protests. The old samurai was of the mind that, if he was old enough to hold a training sword and choose to walk that path, then he was old enough to make such a decision for himself. Of course, with the birth of his younger brother, his family would disown him, leaving the old samurai with the task of raising and training the boy.

They moved to Fort Jinya properly, the old samurai was friends with many of the men in the garrison there at the time, and they aided him in training the teenage Azaze in the art of war. Being raised by soldiers, even Hoshidan samurai sharing the habits of the common soldier when at rest, he was quite the blunt young man. Of course, as soon as he was of age he joined with the garrison properly as a true Samurai, his mentor and, in every way that mattered, father departing back for the village, returning to retirement. Azaze would find himself part of a roving guard, after being assigned as such, hunting the abominations that Nohr dark mages conjured up, the Faceless. It gave him a taste of proper battle, not the mock training that, while it did emulate warfare, hardly constittued as the proper thing. Azaze was enamored with the idea, eagerly throwing himself into battle any chance he got, a wild buck with the older and wiser heads following along, shaking their heads.

Azaze would learn to temper his battle lust when they found his home village being sacked by the Faceless, the abominations going undetected for too long by the nearby Fort, as it was busy dealing with other problems. Of course, he felt rage and loss since, despite being abandoned by them, his family was still just that, family. Throwing himself into the fight, a roaring rampage of vengeance and rage, he was only halted when he found the center town hall of the village, doors barred and survivors within, his former master dead on the stairs, a blade clutched in each hand. About half the Faceless that had attacked the village lay dead before the man, and he received a proper burial from Azaze. After this, though, he cursed the men strong enough to fight that had cowered within the town hall for letting an old man die for their sake, a man that, he said, was worth more than the lot of them combined. He walked out on the village, returning to the patrol party only after they were done in the village helping bury the dead and preparations to abandon the ruins.

Azaze no longer cared for the thrill of combat, in the sense that he would draw it out or enjoy the act of warmaking, rather, he enjoyed fighting for bringing the lives of those that deserved to die, to an end. It was a jarring shift for those that had known his younger self, and his newfound disregard for politeness or status was not a welcome change. But fighting through the burning ruins of one's hometown and seeing his mentor, a man that had been like a father to him, would continue to haunt him. Having never forgiven himself for forgetting the man's lesson of not letting battle drive oneself crazy, he would focus on ending fights as quickly as possible, though he could not deny the feeling of excitement and enjoyment every time he drew his katana to wage war. This would remain for some time, hunting any abominations that Nohr created, or otherwise acting as vanguard whenever he was part of a Hoshidan party that made its way outside the reaches of the Lady Mikoto's barrier.

Yet, when word reached his commander that, not only was the fact that Lady Mikoto's lost child returned to her, but she had been assassinated a few days later and that, indeed, the barrier was no longer a thing, disbelief and outrage filled the camp. Most of all, Azaze demanded that they march for the border, where Prince Ryoma and other Hoshidans gathered to rebuke the inevitable Nohrian invasion force. Regardless of his demands, the patrol group was recalled and sent to meet up with Prince Ryoma and the Hoshidans preparing to stop the Nohrians. Despite the events leading up to it, Azaze was excited, eager to spill the blood of Nohrians that had been sending monsters into Hoshido for this long now, show them an ounce of the suffering that had been wrought upon innocents, out of spite and jealousy over what Nohr did not have.
Steel Katana

Broken Blade of his Mentor

Most Likely to Offend, intentionally or otherwise.
Born March 22nd

Just want to say he sounds really cool. Can't wait to see this guy in action ^^
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Reactions: Rax Rosetta
Just want to say he sounds really cool. Can't wait to see this guy in action ^^
Haha, thanks! I think he'll have some fairly interesting reactions with people, I'd wager, which'll definitely be a fun time for all parties involved. Sure as sure.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jessica
@Rax Rosetta He seems like a solid character my only problem with him may be that he could have issues following Audric around. Audric is not Nohrian he's mixed Hoshidan/Nestrian but he still appears, and hails from the Nohrian side of the continent.

He also may have some history with our other samurai Saito whom has been serving for a good portion of his life in the service of the Hoshidan Army and was even an adviser at one point to King Sumeragi. Saito is renown for his calm demeanor, his tenacity in a fight, but also his rather unorthodox stand on Nohrians as he believes that only the nobility, and the common criminals of Nohr are at fault not the general public of Nohr and as such he holds little distaste for the regular Nohrian Soldier.
Sorry about the delay. Here's the character sheet.

"Worry not, friends, you are all part of the Dragon's design. I shan't let you fall here, so long as you come to me for healing. Heheh…"

Raphael Gavatara

End Game Title: Blood-lusting 'Prophet'
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Class: troubadour.
Home country: Nohr
Appearance: With sunken blue eyes, a sharp hooked nose and an unnervingly perpetual smile, Raphael is not really an approachable looking sort. His parted black hair is neatly combed and he is cleanly shaven, but his body is tall and thin, and seems to almost be swallowed up in the official body-length church mantle he is never seen without. The mantle is an expensive and well crafted article, though it is only adorned by an insignia for the Dusk Dragon. Underneath the mantle, he wears the simple (but comfy) robes of a priest. He doesn't actually wear boots or anything appropriate to be riding in, instead wearing a pricey set of formal shoes. Like many other priests of Nohr, he wears black leather hide gloves, and like many other Nohrians period his skin is pale from a lack of sunlight.

Personality: Raphael is a man with a delusion of grandeur and a fascination with wounds. His ego and self importance is inflated by his belief that he is the chosen prophet of the Dusk Dragon, and thus he believes himself to be the most important man in the room, no matter who else is in it. He is not necessarily condescending: he also believes that everyone is a part of the Dusk Dragon's grand scheme, and thus are all important in some way (to his ends). However, when one holds the belief every step they take will shake the earth, their ego becomes considerable. He is calm and confident in nearly all matters thanks to his certainty that everything will work out in his favour in the end.
Raphael has a morbid fascination with wounds: he claims this is purely from a professional perspective as a healer, but the truth of the matter is that healing wounds gives him a rush that is not appropriate for a man of the cloth. There is something about the sight of cuts being stitched closed with magic that causes him to tremble with excitement, and his mastered the healing arts purely as an outlet for this side of him. This does tie in somewhat to his views on life and death; while he follows the core beliefs that Dusk Dragon teaches (that power is absolute and that death is merely another part of life) Raphael does deviate from the teachings slightly in his belief that all should be shown some degree of mercy. While this is mainly used to feed his fascination, he does genuinely think all life has an intrinsic value that should be respected.
Additionally to the above points, Raphael is actually a fairly attentive and loyal friend. When someone grabs his interest and his attention, he will is fully willing to listen to their woes, and will make sure their grievances are settled as best he can. Admittedly, this is partly born out of the thought that they might be another cog in the grand machine that makes the Dusk Dragon's plan, but even Raphael is capable of feeling fondness.

Biography/history: Raphael was found as a baby under a statue of the venerated Dusk Dragon in a small Nohr town by the local priest, whom had been passing it by chance. The priest would try and find out where Raphael had come from, but no leads ever presented themselves. The priest had no children of his own, and decided that he would take responsibility and raise the babe as his own son. Whom Raphael's blood parents are and where they are now is a complete mystery, but one that Raphael is not overly concerned about. When the boy asked about his parentage and his past, his adoptive father would jokingly say that he was simply a gift from the Dusk Dragon itself.
This one idea, said mainly in jest, would come to have a large affect on Raphael later in life.
The boy devoted his time to learning the way of the church that worshiped the Dusk Dragon, mostly to honour his adopted father at first. He enjoyed the company of the other choir boys, and found a certain peace in learning the various stories that surrounded the object of their worship, but the boy could never settle fully. One question had always kept him restless: if he was indeed sent from Dusk Dragon itself, what was his purpose? Why had he been placed into this world? He would often find himself staring at the statue that he had been found under, as if hoping it would somehow give him the answer.
It was a few years later that he would find his first theory, and at the same time find the great 'passion' of his life. He had been studying healing magic in the intervening years, though had only ever practiced its use on extremely small bruises or common maladies like colds. When he was only just blooming into adulthood, he was sent on minor errands to the neighbouring towns and hamlets, often to just pass correspondence between those faithful to the Dragon. While on one such trip, he stumbled across a bleeding and solitary merchant, weakly crying out from a nearby ditch. The woman had been attacked by brigands, who had simply stabbed her in the gut before running off with her cargo. Oddly, the woman seemed more pained that she had fallen for such a cheap shot rather than the actual knife wound in her stomach. Raphael had panicked at the sight of so much blood, but had dutifully carried out the healing, praying it would be enough to save the woman.
Raphael had learned two things that day. The first was that the woman he had helped was called Anna; the merchant had simply told the boy priest (while passing a bag of gold into his hands) that he was 'going to go far' before disappearing over the horizon. The second thing he learned was that he really, really, really enjoyed healing others. To perhaps worrying degrees. The sensation of healing wounds – actual ones, not the cuts and bruises he was used to – gave him a rush like nothing he had ever experienced. As time went on and his skill grew, so did his addiction to this new and fascinating sensation. He would end up volunteering to for medic duty in the local barracks just for a chance to heal more serious wounds.
This feeling became the basis for the first reason he now believes in his 'divine mission.' To rationalise this new surge of emotions, he convinced himself that it was a sign from the Dusk Dragon itself, that it was a guiding light to what he needed to do. To that end, he began to dedicate even more of his time learning the healing arts.
The second reason he believes in his purpose in life is ordained by his god was what he learned about Anna. He had kept his ear to the ground, trying to find out what had become the merchant he had helped. While he was glad to hear she was alive and well, it became clear there was something…odd about her. He would hear multiple reports of the exact same woman in different parts of the country, and several reports of said woman disappearing from anyone's knowledge, and reappearing in completely different areas. To the increasingly fanatical man, there was no other explanation: she must have been some sort of apparition or messenger of the Dragon, sent to set him on the right path.
The third and final reasons for his belief came on the day he was to ascend to rank of a bishop. He had gained quite a reputation for his 'generosity' and willingness to put himself in harm's way to heal others. He had often moved from one dangerous frontline to the other, healing soldiers wherever he went for a number of years. People applauded his devotion to helping the nation's troops out of what appeared to be the good of his heart, despite his actual reasoning be much more base than anyone believed. A handful of years ago, he was given the title of bishop as a reward for his work, a title that he accepted only on the grounds it would not interfere with his 'work.'
Deciding to kill two birds with one stone, Raphael decided he would carry the donations and bounty that had been offered by the more out of reach region he was in at the time back to the capital. This fact did not escape the notice of several thuggish groups. On his ride to Windmire (the home of the Dusk Dragon's grandest cathedrals), he was beset upon by bandits who were seeking the sizeable chest he was guarding. His escort were professional soldiers, and thus had no trouble dispatching the less skilled rabble, but one had managed to get close enough to throw an axe at the bishop to be.
What happened next would be etched into Raphael's mind. The axe had sailed cleanly through the air, seemingly on a direct path to his head. A sudden and violent gust of wind had picked up moments before it had been thrown, however, and by some miracle had pushed the axe just far enough off course. It had come so close that Raphael would later swear the axe had taken a few hairs from his head, but he would escape unscathed.
That had been enough for Raphael. He still had no idea what his purpose on this world may be, but he was now convinced that the Dusk Dragon wanted to see him alive to do it. He would accept his title of bishop, along with all the boons that it came with, and turned right back around to return to his healing passion.

Very recently, he has heard of mutterings from the soldiers he has been healing: that Garon has begun amassing troops near the border, and that the royal siblings themselves are somehow involved. Raphael knew this was it. This was the calling he had been waiting for. He has no idea what his task is, but he can smile with confidence. No matter what happens, he will live to carry out the divine will of his god. It is, after all, what he was brought into this world for…

Weapons: - Healing stave
- Mending stave

Items: N/A

Other: He rides a surprisingly ordinary brown horse called Toby. His favourite snacks are carrots and sugar cubes, which Raphael happily spoils him with. Seems unaware of the grim tasks his master sets out on, though is trained like any other war horse to not be too easily spooked by combat.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jessica
@Baddamobs Your character seems fine though like with Rax I've got a few questions: Would your character willingly follow Corrin (Audric technically since he's going to take up Corrin's role) after his stance of not going with either nation? This path will start off like revelations but differ when Corrin gets hit by Rajinto, and Siegfried which forces Audric to step up and proclaim him a neutral party for all involved. Corrin will die with his last wish to ask of Audric, and the party, to restore a balance in the world. Is he in, or not in the Nohrian military march at this time?
@Rax Rosetta He seems like a solid character my only problem with him may be that he could have issues following Audric around. Audric is not Nohrian he's mixed Hoshidan/Nestrian but he still appears, and hails from the Nohrian side of the continent.

He also may have some history with our other samurai Saito whom has been serving for a good portion of his life in the service of the Hoshidan Army and was even an adviser at one point to King Sumeragi. Saito is renown for his calm demeanor, his tenacity in a fight, but also his rather unorthodox stand on Nohrians as he believes that only the nobility, and the common criminals of Nohr are at fault not the general public of Nohr and as such he holds little distaste for the regular Nohrian Soldier.

Well, his main hatred when it comes to Nohr are their mages, and the Faceless, rather than the entirety of the nation in general. Sure, he dislikes the Nohrians as much as most other Hoshidans, he just has a rather intense dislike (read, intense hatred) of their mages. It kind of bleeds over into mages in general, so while he appears to be from the Nohrian side, the fact he is in fact a mix of Hoshidan/Nestrian would alleviate that. And, if it really came down to it, all Azaze would see it necessary to do is duel Audric to see who he really is. A good duel would sort things out properly, gauge who he really is. Besides, not everyone that followed Corrin trusted him right away, but would come around to do so in their supports. Who's to say it can't work out that way for Audric?

I think Saito and Azaze could certainly have crossed paths before, at worse. I think the difference between tenacity in a fight, and Azaze's love for fighting could be an interesting point to mark a difference between. Saito would definitely have Azaze's respect, if nothing else, as a fellow samurai, and as a skilled one at that. Though he would certainly disagree with his outlook on the Nohrians, as he sees it as every man and woman is responsible for their actions, regardless of whether they are simply following orders or not. The fact that Nohrian rank and file choose to follow the orders and act the way they do, in Azaze's mind, is what condemns them. Their mages, doubly so.
@Rax Rosetta Alright I'll accept him then. If that's how you want things to run down I'll see what I can do.
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Reactions: Rax Rosetta
@Baddamobs Your character seems fine though like with Rax I've got a few questions: Would your character willingly follow Corrin (Audric technically since he's going to take up Corrin's role) after his stance of not going with either nation? This path will start off like revelations but differ when Corrin gets hit by Rajinto, and Siegfried which forces Audric to step up and proclaim him a neutral party for all involved. Corrin will die with his last wish to ask of Audric, and the party, to restore a balance in the world. Is he in, or not in the Nohrian military march at this time?
The idea I was running with in my head was that Raphael isn't technically part of the Nohr army, and is there sort of as a solo agent of the church. When he hears about Corrin (a person who can actually turn into a dragon, and was a part of the Nohr royal family), he becomes convinced that the 'Dragon-child' is a key part of figuring out what his mission is. When passes Corrin passes their mission onto Audric, Raphael is likewise convinced that must be the new direction to take. Since his loyalties only truly lie with the Dusk Dragon (and himself), he's got no qualms about abandoning the Nohrian army. Indeed, he recognizes that Audric's path will take him into great danger, and thus the likelihood of someone getting injured is also at pleasingly high percent, which suits him just fine.
Alright I'll accept the character. We should get a few more hoshidans hopefully.
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Reactions: Baddamobs
With that edit, Leno and Chenille should both be done.
@Jessica2477 I'll accept the characters. Also nice job drawing them. I'm a rather poor artist but I can respect some well done drawings.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jessica
Alright, I'm interested--Been super into Fire Emblem recently. Can I ask, what's the stance on Dancers? I didn't see anything in the rules banning them, but I just wanted to make sure, since apparently Fates has this exclusive-to-one-character Songstress thing that basically does the same thing.
Alright, I'm interested--Been super into Fire Emblem recently. Can I ask, what's the stance on Dancers? I didn't see anything in the rules banning them, but I just wanted to make sure, since apparently Fates has this exclusive-to-one-character Songstress thing that basically does the same thing.
Dancers usually fulfill the same role and there's plenty of them in Nestra at the very least. Songstress seems to be an Azura thing as it ties directly into her amulet and her specific circumstances but it's all the same really.
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Reactions: Lissamel
Half wondering if I shouldn't make a second character as well, since Raphael is probably going to be doing a lot of hanging towards the back and away from combat (except to heal) until he promotes into a class that can attack.
That's your prerogative we need more hoshidan characters.
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