Fire Emblem: Requiem

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Belhurst Castle
Belhurst, Yveltskr

Interacting with: @Fyrra (Isra), @Vayne (Dustice), @Demon Shinobi (Roq), @Orikanyo (Roland), @Thaleko (Chidori)
Cold wind washed over Beatrix as she stepped away from the castle's calacatta marble hallways and slipped outside. Above her head rested a deep stretch of blue; the sky was streaked with clouds, but it didn't seem like it was going to rain-- or snow. The sun shone harshly, or so it seemed, but Belhurst was not warmed by its rays. Instead, the wind howled above the city and through its pathways and alleys. It cut through furs and armor alike, and Beatrix, wrapped in moose hide and bear fur, trembled. "It's going to be a long winter," she mumbled. Making sure that her lance was firmly secured to her back, she made her way down the varnished steps and toward the few that waited for her at the bottom.

King Leonhardt II had publicly looked for volunteers to accompany her on her journey. Yveltskr could not spend men on a journey that could take as well as years for its completion. The thought intimidated Beatrix, for the people that usually gathered at the promise of coin were cutthroats, highwaymen, and criminals-- among others, of course. She really didn't feel comfortable with the idea. But the king laughed and waved her off, telling her that she would be fine, as the ones who had gathered were nothing akin to what she worried about.

Beatrix walked down the rest of the steps, coming upon the gathering of recruit that waited for her. There was a young swordswoman, a boy with a lance, a dark-haired swordsman, a blonde archer, and... a Laguz. She stared at the beast for a few moments, somewhat confused at what he was doing there, before shaking her head and turning to the others. A silence passed. She was supposed to tell them something, but now that she was standing there in front of everyone, she froze up. She was their leader and she already looked awkward as hell. Another blast of wind roared through the city. It caught her off guard and almost knocked her over.

"We're going to be gone for a long time. But know that we are doing this for the Realm," Beatrix began, her eyes sweeping over them again. Now that she had taken a second look, she saw that they really were nothing but common folk. The boy with the lance looked green. The swordswoman was young, probably even younger than her. "I don't know when I'll get you all back home, but we'll all be seen as heroes. I promise."

Wishful thinking, at most. Beatrix knew that they might not come back at all. Her eyes settled on the Laguz warily, trying not to stare at his flowing tail and ears. She hoped that he belonged to someone. "As we pass through the city, make sure to grab whatever else you might need. King Leonhardt suggested that Noranimus is a good place to start looking for signs of the treasure. We'll have to pass by Copperspine and Taltfallow in order to cut through the Ebonwood. The cold weather will worsen, and I don't want anyone to fall victim to the elements."

With that, Beatrix walked past them, beginning to walk down another set of stairs that led to the more well-off portion of Belhurst. They would have to maneuver through the ornamented windows and then through the lower city before they reached the walls.
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Chidori Tsubasa

interactions: @Luminosity
Chidori's head was down, eyes shut up tight, as she sat atop a marbled wall contemplating. Her weapon was clutched in her hands; she was absentmindedly rubbing down the steel, so that it glinted in the light of -what she would call- a lazy sun. A breeze whistled, blowing her loose shenyi, the silky material not protecting her much from even the subtle chill, which tickled her skin. Her only response? Faintly creasing curt mouth.

After waiting for a spell, someone of importance finally emerged from those gaping jeweled jaws. This entire place.. Belhurst. It felt far colder than the growing chill of winter. On the surface: a city of gorgeous heights, glimmering with opulence, extravagant. It was wearing its wealth on its sleeve. A city built through indulgence. Ultimately frigid and distant. Impersonal. All presentation, no actual substance.

The woman spoke. Were they open, Chidori would've rolled her eyes at the mention that they would be doing this 'for the Realm'; not particularly caring. The woman was nervous. Tone clear that she wasn't as put-together as her appearance would suggest, or at least not currently. Eh, who could blame her? This was a band of misfits that were thrust upon her.

When Chidori heard that they'd be heroes, her first instinct was to also dismiss that, but then realized that's exactly what she wanted! Well, more or less, anyway. 'The greatest swordswoman' would have to be known far and wide as a hero, no? So upon this realization, she perked up, grasping why she had been interested in this in the first place.

However, hearing what the woman said next, made her frown with dismay. Acerbically, in her rather light voice, she commented, "Are you saying that you and yours didn't prepare properly for this trip? You expect us to sign up for this, but provide our own necessities, instead of being given proper provisions by you?"

After a minor pause, the female sighed, as a chhink rang out when she sheathed her sword. "You gotta 'do it yourself'.." she muttered, "If not, then you haven't accomplished anything, huh?" She nodded, as if affirming that quote. Opening her eyes, she stood up, revealing her rather small stature. Immediately Chidori whipped the belt of her weapon around her, so the sword sat on her back. "Very well," she said, giving one sweep of her gaze to the others, before falling in step behind the taller woman.
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Roland Durand
Hopeful and curious.

In truth, this may just be even more nerve wracking than any of his training lessons! Well, save the one where he met Ferice the first time.. and their first times flying together, which was a frightening scene for both parties involved really. he was better now! at least, but they both remembered that time... Not quite so fondly..

A nosedive into a canyon due to a strange wind current while having to dodge thrown spears and striking a target the size of a watermelon was not among his favorite tests.

But now here he stood in a group of strangers and commoners(His good friend Excluded from the commoners comment, he was a good friend and worthy ally!) from who knows where having to be put under the orders of a storied veteran! His sisters had mocked him greatly over this. "Oooh gonna be takeing orders from her hmm? Shes a cutie isn't she!?" "Hehehe, be careful not to fall in love at first sight!" "You better behave or mum will get mad." His mother was also not helpful on the subject. "GO GET EM BOY! BRING ME BACK SOME OF YOUR TROPHIES YOU HEAR!? HEAD OF THE FIRST KILL AND DON'T LET THAT DAMNED FAT WYVERN OF YOURS EAT IT!"

His father, didn't have much to say on the matter, only gave him a few tricks and a wish for the best of luck... And a warning about choosing one's partner on the battlefield carefully.

he wasn't certain what he meant, but he took the advice to heart and brought Roq, the man he would always want covering his back! not that he could really stop Roq form joining anyways since he wanted to come. Plus.. he wasn't certain how his family would treat Roq alone... he wouldn't leave the man at the mercy of his sisters...

But now here he was... Standing before Beatrix and... Well... he wasn't really certain what love at first sight felt like really... So he couldn't really say in truth. Was this it? because he has felt this was before with other women he's seen... Wait.. What if he HAD fallen for them and he didn't even notice!?!?!


Then the stories really do play up love at first sight than it really is.

...Wait they were already leaving? Beatrix's speech was rather short... He already had quite abit of provisions on Ferice right now, who was currently flying nearby the roost, he told the wyvern to stay put until they were going to leave so... "Umm.. Excuse me, my name is Roland Durand, are we not going to do introductions?" he asked as he waved to Roq, trying to stay together with everyone. He looked towards the woman with the sword and nodded. "Hi I'm.. Ah.. i just said that didn't I.. Umm.." he started to stumble upon his words, looking quite embaressed already...

He only wished that Ferice was here to help as his face had a bit of a red glow to it from the small blush... or maybe it was the wind? A thing that didn't seem to bother the wyvern rider to much.

@Thaleko @Luminosity @Demon Shinobi (Whenever you are able)

Belhurst, Yveltskr
Interacting with: @Orikanyo @Thaleko
@Luminosity @Fyrra @Vayne

Amaroq had been so excited about the journey ahead of him that he could barely stop his tail from wagging as he waited with Roland for the one who would lead the rag tag group of adventurers on their journey. He'd worked hard for the chance to venture out with his master and he couldn't have been more prepared. He took a deep breath standing among the small group. He took in the scent of the winter winds as they washed over his flesh. He was far more comfortable in the cold than one might have expected given some of the harsh conditions he'd endured even before beginning to train under the tutelage of the Durand household. Even so, the young Laguz found it harder and harder to stand still with each passing moment.

That wasn't all Roq could feel though. He could feel lingering looks. Maybe his training had been paying off more than he thought. It was certainly a joke he could imagine Roland's sisters making, though it would typically be followed with a less than kind punchline. No, it wasn't that. It was because he was a Laguz. It wasn't something he was unaccustomed to. People stared. It wasn't like his position in society was especially high. A second glance could have shown the wolf becoming more nervous as he became lost in his thoughts. He hoped he wouldn't embarrass Roland. At least, that was what he thought before his ears perked up at the sound of the footsteps approaching down the stairs that led to the castle.

There she was. The woman would would lead him, his master, and the rest of the group into the depths of the unknown. At least, that was what he thought. Even unsure, however, he couldn't help but allow an excited smile to adorn his face as he threw his arm around Roland. "Is that her master? The beauty the mistresses mentioned?" He questioned in a hushed, though still clearly excited tone. His suspicions would soon be concerned as she spoke. He could hear the nerves quaking her voice. But what could possibly have her nervous? The situation? Wait... She kept looking at him. Was it him? No. He pushed the thought from his mind. The presence of a single Laguz couldn't possibly shake someone of her calibur. Was it the cold? It wasn't like it mattered as they were soon on their way.

"Master, master," Roq whispered as they began to walk, "Do you think you're falling for her? The mistresses said it might happen. I'd totally get falling for a noblewoman like her." He added with innocent amusement in his voice before Roland seemed to try and introduce himself to the young woman who held a sword at her waste. She seemed tough. Even so, Roq couldn't help but chuckle as Roland's nerves overtook him. He stammered out his introduction.

"Wow..." He couldn't help but laugh a little bit. "I didn't expect to see you so tongue tied master. I was sure it'd be me." He smiled cheerfully as he playfully nudged Roland. "Not that I could blame you with a not one, but two beauties in our midst." He tried to lighten the mood for his master looking over the woman who stood a full foot shorter than him. He flashed a toothy Grin. "I'm Amaroq, by the way. But you can call me Roq if it feels more comfortable." He finally introduced himself. One might have said that Roq's casual demeanor and chipper attitude was something of a deterrent to the seriousness of their journey, but they'd be hard pressed to get the Laguz to act in a manner not fitting his character. "My master and I will be in your care as you'll be in ours." He added as he lowered his head in a small bow. He was clearly used to this display of "manners" from years of servitude. "If nothing else, I've got your back. All of your backs!" He finished, making much more general, and somewhat louder statement.

Isra stood among the gathering of recruits, bundled up, shivering, questioning everything about this expedition silently to himself. Of course, he'd heard the same story anyone else in town had: The King needed people for a quest to chase a myth, that will hopefully cure the plague that was ravaging the southern end of the country once it was found. With it came the promise of coin, glory, and a heroic return, but as the archer stood here in the open, among the others who'd heeded the summons, he was certain he'd been played for a fool.

The notion only solidified itself when the fur-clad warrior looked the lot of them over, gave a short explanation, and continued on with the expectation that everyone follow. That one of the sword-wielders gave voice to the concern of provisions and supplies was a relief: even if they had to procure their own, it explained what sort of state this country was in: the king could spare neither soldiers nor provisions, and the terms of payment were vague at best beyond the initial hiring. It almost seemed as though this were a wild goose-chase meant to remove somebody from the capitol and place them in danger.

But none of that mattered, in the face of curing a plague should they succeed.

As the fur-clad warrior moved past them, Isra turned about to face a stuttering lancer, a cheerful laguz, and another swordsman... but for the moment, it was the lancer and the laguz that drew his attention, their affectionate rapport leaving the archer visibly perplexed. He'd never seen a laguz so excitable, let alone teasing the one they were bound to serve, but this was a welcome enough sight. Isra's confusion gave way to a smile as he nodded toward the pair.

"Now is not the time to tarry, but well met, Amaroq and Roland." For a moment, the soft-spoken blonde considered moving past them without a further word, but rather than draw attention to the idea that a small group of soldiers gathering near a noble might attract more eyes than necessary, he deigned to at least repay their friendliness. "Isra. We can get better acquainted once we've departed."

And with that the archer strode forth, intent on grabbing a few necessities before the journey truly began.
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Interacting with: Luminosity, Demon Shinobi, Orikanyo, Fyrra, Thaleko

"...Ninety-eight... ninety-nine... one-hundred."
That was all of the gold that Dustice Nastrond had left to his name. Not even enough for three ounces of vulnerary. The young man was not particularly fond of desperate living, and the lack of contracts certainly did not help. All of his lucrative contacts either lacked the coin to even sustain themselves in these darker days, or had fallen victim to that damned plague. Yveltskr was as much a shithole now than it had been during the years of war, and it did not inspire him so much that he was back to the first step. Kugawa still remained an ocean and a mountain of money away, and it was that anguish that carried his feet back to the capital today. Wherever she was, he was surely keeping his mother waiting, if she was even alive.

The winds of winter did not bother him much. Underneath of his hooded robe, his gambeson provided as much protection from small arms as it did warmth for the earlier seasonal chill, but it would not suffice for the months to come. Dustice had been waiting for more than long enough by the time that Beatrix Havenbrook strut down the steps of Belhurst Castle, rising up from his seat at the bottom step. "It's about time," the young man sighed, crossing his arms together as he met their lady in command. A distant memory arose from the depths of his mind as he recalled the day of the siege, when the rebellion stormed the capital. It had been these very same steps that his blade stained with the blood of the Crownsguard, not even two years past.

It was an evocation that Dustice had repressed for a reason. Silencing his thoughts, the mercenary reaffixed his pouch of gold to his belt, his gloved hands tying it carefully beside the hilts of his two swords. A grunt drew from his lips as Beatrix briefed their ragtag bunch on the task at hand, scoffing at the mention of heroes and the Realm. Having studied the likes of his soon-to-be acquiantances, it was no question that his expression recoiled at the sight of a Laguz in their midst, disgust welling up inside of his chest as his eyes burned with prejudice. The filthy savage was a willing servant, and to a pompous noble, no less. Biting his lower lip, the young man had grown accustomed to his share of liabilities during joint contracts, and the other lot seemed... interesting, to say the least.

"Dustice," the mercenary volunteered his name among the wave of introductions, falling into their ranks and hanging to the left of their troupe as it started down the next set of stairs. "And I don't intend on allowing most of us to die just yet," a hand came up to scratch the side of his neck, casting a faraway gander among his new compatriots. "At least, until I get paid."

Belhurst, Yveltskr

Interacting with: @Fyrra (Isra), @Vayne (Dustice), @Demon Shinobi (Roq), @Orikanyo (Roland), @Thaleko (Chidori)
Well, this was a tough crowd. First, the swordswoman grumbled about the king not providing them with funds. That irked her a little. Beatrix kept her vision ahead of her, furrowing a brow as she straightened her lips. She didn't reply; she was already stressed about being in charge of this whole expedition, and forging enemies so early would only assure their journey would be fruitless. As she walked, she heard the boy and the Laguz speak up. The boy sounded like he was going to pass out at any moment and the Laguz... well, he sounded rambunctious. Beatrix continued to walk at a leisurely pace, allowing them to talk and keep up with her at the same time.

"My name is Beatrix," she greeted with a smile. Nonetheless, she was worried about the Laguz. At least he seemed like he was owned by someone. Maybe the boy would keep him under control if he started getting a little too nasty. Roq's words spurred the others, and more chatter rose out behind her as they passed by many types of shops, stores, and stalls. People selling exotic fruit from Tornabraux, armor smelted by dragon fire (or so they so claimed), women brandishing and showing off silk dresses of all colors. As they walked, Beatrix discovered that the boy was named Roland, the archer called himself Isra, and the dark-haired swordsman was named Dustice. His words drew her gaze to him.

"You shouldn't go on such long of a journey just for coin. With your brains in your pockets, you'll wear yourself out, and quick." Despite the bluntness of her words, Beatrix held no malice towards Dustice just yet. Of course Leonhardt's words would draw people searching for gold or glory-- maybe even both. Her gaze flitted over him; he seemed a little run down on his luck. "Besides, I think stopping the spread of the plague is a little more important than dreaming about pocket change."

She was relatively quiet as they drifted down to the lower parts of the city. Beggars began to dot the streets and the wares were cheap, possibly even fake. The merchants were desperate to sell. Concubines slunk down the street dressed in flowing garbs that caught her attention. She wondered how some could afford such luxuries while their bellies were empty; did they have men that paid for their delights?

"Did you hear about the trouble near Copperspine? They say highwaymen're on the loose."

Beatrix's ears perked up. Two men talked near a smithy.

"They've been ambushing supply caravans along the Bluestone Path, I'm hearin'."

"And civilians, too. By the name of the Lady, how could people be so heartless?"

"Best be careful," Beatrix muttered under her breath. "Lest we want those hounds at our necks."
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Chidori Tsubasa
interactions: @Luminosity @Orikanyo @Demon Shinobi @Fyrra @Vayne

"Thank you!" Chidori began by chiming in instantly after the gruff man's brusque 'it's about time'. She didn't sign up for this thing to just wait around wasting time, she had a name to make for herself! This was supposed to fast-track that goal. That's when she noticed his swords, eyeing his equipment with some scrutiny; a momentary flicker within her causing herself to rile up. She gave a soft shake of her head to pacify herself.

Upon being directly spoken to by the knightly-looking lad. Her rustic eyes swept him over, scanning the boy, giving him a raise of her eyebrow. "You're a timid one, aren'tcha?"

Quickly she followed that up. "For what it's worth, I wasn't paying attention, so feel free to introduce yourself once again."

Chidori thought about the assembly around her, while he mulled over his obvious next stuttered response; she figured if this thing was gunna be a group-wide effort, they should probably know who each other was. Something everyone else seemed to conclude, all handing out their names as charitably as a drunk laggard, sloshed out of his gourd, and wanting to extend his happiness to everyone in the local bar. Begrudgingly she decided to introduce herself to this ninny -and she supposed to anyone else who was listening. As if she had convinced herself to something that repelled her, she snorted and rolled her eyes. "I'm Tsubasa Chidori. Be sure you got that; I know it's hypocritical, but I ain't gunna repeat it." Hearing the voice of her master in her head reprimanding her for both rudeness and proper speech, she grit her teeth. "Tch. But I'm not going repeat it."

Turning her gaze forward once more, staring at the tall back of the leader lady, she snickered. "Not that I'll need to. You'll hear it repeated again, many times." She narrowed those rustic orbs, "I'll be sure of that," she said slightly darkly. The pampered knight-boy's mutt said something to her, or rather, just spoke assertively to everyone within the small group. He seemed jolly, despite everything, and himself. She wondered where the mutt got such skills. Normally one wouldn't think of general bemused conversation as 'skills', but for a Laguz? It was out of the ordinary.

"Sure, dog." Chidori said brusquely to Amaroq as he introduced himself to her.

Finally, as they strolled calmly down the streets, she just had to make a sarcastic remark to her fellow sword-wielder. "Aww, touching," Chidori 'sweety' said to the one known as 'Dustice', flashing him a smarmy little grin. "You care about me. Well isn't that just a relief? I'm so happy I got a big strong man to have my back out on the battlefield! Hehe~ I feel better already!" After her backhanded words, her eyes took in the shops around, while following their leader. She'd definitely need to nab a few things, seeing as how even on a mission by the king, they were expected to furnish their own trip. And not long thereafter, the group paused, overhearing a conversation down by the constant dinging of the smithy's hammer. The way leader-lady was staring at them, Chidori knew she was taking quite an interest in their rumor. Though by her words, maybe she was more sensible than Chidori was giving her credit for.
Roland Durand

"Ah umm yes a pleasure to meet you isra- Ah!! Roq! Don't say that infront of people!" he gasped, face fully red from embarrassment. But.. it seems the people around him weren't exactly very... pleasant... he could tell from their eyes they were sizing him up as well! how foolish, they were here to fight for the Treasure! not compete for some reward! Unless... They were to intend upon the treasure for themselves? it was rumored to be a fantastic treasure indeed...

horrendous... their jeers and spite were evident... And how they look at Roq...

For his country, he must remain vigilant!

And so, this Chidori girl's bluster will not infuriate him as she so wishes, he will not allow it!

...Ah yes, provisions!

he had some money toi spare, he wasn't fully certain how much money to take with him but his father assured him 5000 gold would be sufficient... Nonetheless he quickly attended some of the shops nearby and bought some things for the road, namely extra snacks for Roq and Ferice, as much as Roq was as Sollan as he was wolf, he still liked meat as any other.

And jerky kept well, but he snuck in some dried fruits nonetheless.

Bedrolls, mess kit, cauldron, tinderbox, extra ropes, handkerchief, cold medicine, what else did his father state would be a good idea? he ignored the memory of his mother recrommending to "Bring a lambskin so yea din't fill the world with yer kids my lad." he doubted such a thing would come to pass... Seeing the current group he doubted he would like many of them in the near future... Their leader was being rather standoffish and that Chidori girl wasn't doing any favors for herself...

And the others... he felt their eyes.. how dreadful...

At least he had Roq, what a good man he was.

"Roq! Do you have any ideas of what we should gather? Perhaps you might need a coat unless your planning to weather the weather in your other form." His wolf form did look very warm... he dared not hug him lest he drive the man away. But he looked so soft...

@Demon Shinobi and @ anybody else who wants to interact.
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Belhurst, Yveltskr
Interacting with: @Orikanyo @Thaleko
@Luminosity @Fyrra @Vayne

Roq smiled as Isra returned the greeting moving closer to her... him? He sniffed at the archer and smiled. "Oh man, you're a beauty yourself Isra. You could give either of the women here a run for there money." He spoke, playing at what he believed would be a compliment as the group continued their walk. He was glad at least one other person apart from Roland could see beyond his ears and tail. At least, that's how it felt. And he'd take the win considering he would soon be brought back to reality as Dustice spoke. Most. What did he mean when he said most? Roq could venture a guess, but what did it matter? So long as Dustice pulled his weight, all Roq could do was pull his own as well.

Then, there was their fearless leader. She was more than correct. Roq could tell that even in spite of her glances at him, even in spite of may have gone through her mind, she was a good person. Besides, maybe he was wrong. Maybe she just liked him. He chuckled softly to himself before shaking his head, still listening to Chidori. He could tell she was a tough cookie. But something she said perplexed him. "How are you gonna make sure we hear it many times?" He asked her suddenly intrigued. "You said you wouldn't repeat it..." And yet he was clearly confused. He didn't quite get the notion she was trying to get across. Of course, it quickly cleared from his mind at the comment about him being a dog.

"Actually," he laughed softly, "I'm a wolf. I can understand the mistake though. Not everyone can tell at first glance. Besides, wolves are a much more uncommon Laguz tribe." He tilted his head to the side, his smile never leaving his face. She was peculiar. She'd repeated that she wouldn't repeat, inferred that she'd make sure they heard her name often., and even confused him with a dog Laguz (a common misunderstanding). Or maybe... Oh... It was an insult... Wasn't it? He thought. He must have seemed like an idiot.

"Either way, dog or wolf, I promise you don't need to worry about my bite," as long as they be an ally, nobody did really. "Which is a lot worse than my bark," he emphasized the word as he looked the girl over once more. "Can you say the same short stack?" he teased, playfully, even if it might not be taken as lightly as he meant it, before coming to a halt with Beatrix. Rumors about bandits in Copperspine. But what else was new. He could have cited any number of issues that had received little attention. But even so, it would be a great way to learn how everyone fought and handled things.

"Huh?" The Laguz was pulled back to his senses as Roland asked what he thought they might need. "Maybe sure you have anything you need to keep warm in the night," he said mimicking Madam Durand, "after all, you can't always rely on the warmth of a beautiful lady." He grinned playfully. "Unless that's what you were gonna try to do." Roq teased as he hugged Roland. "Or were you gonna sneak into my sleeping bag again?" He asked, clearly thinking it was no big deal. It wasn't like it was a habit, but there had been one incredibly cold night while training for outdoor survival. And Roq ran a bit hot. The cold wasn't as big a deal for the Laguz as his Sollan owner.
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Isra slowed his stride when Amaroq stepped forth to sniff at him, not intending to delay his brief separation from the group longer than necessary, but something about the tall, friendly person suddenly in his personal space had the archer's attention. Confusion colored his face once more at being called a beauty so casually, but given the way this new acquaintance was so quick to use that word to describe a few others present, he probably meant nothing significant by it. Probably. "Not familiar with that turn of phrase," Isra responded with a shrug, "but I suppose you could give a good chase yourself?"

What else could one say, when the only personable ones present were the slave and his owner? Granted, Isra had only spoken to the duo before everyone else took their turn with introductions, but from a quick read it seemed like he would be lending his strength to a glory-fiend, a sincere warrior, an affectionate tracker, a nervous disaster, and their focused, ambitious warmaiden of a leader. It was not the sort of entourage that came to mind at the mention of a royal task force, leaving Isra to ponder whether this Beatrix was being tested or removed from the throne room. At least, until word of Roland sharing a sleeping bag met his ears: Isra lost his train of thought at that point, stopping to stare at the lancer in bewilderment for a moment, before deciding he'd no desire for an explanation and vanishing inside a building to gather his belongings.

When the archer emerged, he'd traded out his bright red garb for one in vibrant blue, his chest covered with some sort of foreign plate, and the rest of him bundled up in a coat to insulate him from the chill one's armor tends to adopt in the colder months. Apart from that, and a mandolin strapped to his rucksack, he looked like any other traveler.

After a quick visit to the blacksmith and a few market stalls, dropping the last of his coins on food, a wide shovel, a woodcutting axe, a spare set of bowstrings, a tent, and several cloth sacks full of caltrops, Isra walked into the lower part of the city with a wary eye: one flight of stairs separated the destitute from those who had never understood true hunger. That there were beggars down here but not above said all that needed to be said of the city, and the archer suddenly felt unease with the knowledge that he was traveling with a blue-blood in command of such a small troop.

Come to think of it, the warmaiden introduced herself as Beatrix. Neither 'lady' nor 'duchess' nor 'princess,' but simply her name. It was a curious detail... but one that warmed Isra up to the idea of staying with this group. Rejoining them at the gate, the archer tried to set his doubts and first impressions aside. "So, we are to investigate and stop a plague. Is there something specific we should be looking for, apart from the obvious? What is this treasure you seek, that holds such power within?"
Jorin Adelas

What a damned dreary day. Jorin sighed and wrapped his cloak around him further as he oversaw the camp's cookpot, occasionally giving it a stir. The same camp routine he'd performed for years, only now he was a bloody bandit. In truth, he'd never asked for this. The sergeant had come up with this course of action after they'd deserted, and for lack of any better options, all the men had gone along with it. Less and less after each raid, though. They'd been taking casualties more often lately.

Just then, Jorin perked his head up as he heard footsteps in the snow behind him. Glancing back, he gave the approaching highwayman a nod.

"Food's not ready yet. Sergeant's got orders?"

"Nothing yet." The bandit laid his spear down as he took a seat by the fire next to Jorin. "Pickings have been getting slim. Think we're getting a bit too famous for our own good. Scouts haven't found any passerby for days."

Jorin sighed at that, shaking his head. "Of course they haven't. Hell, this makes me miss the war. At least then, we weren't completely sure we were doing the wrong thing."

"Don't let the sergeant hear you say that. You know how he gets. Cut Muholland's throat in front of the camp when he questioned orders."

"Funny how we still call him that. Like we have any kind of structure or rank left." Jorin spat, before reaching down and slipping the spearman a crust of hard bread. "Here. You could use the food while you're out there scouting."

"Many thanks, Adelas." The man chuckled, rising. "Don't let it all get to you, yeah? We'll find another mark soon." He walked off, taking a bite out of the bread as he did so.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Jorin murmured under his breath as he returned to his vigil over the stew pot. "How long until this is too much for the king's men to tolerate? We'll not last like this..."


Interacting with: Luminosity, Thaleko, Demon Shinobi, Fyrra, Orikanyo
"Unfortunately, my situation demands a large sum of gold to pursue," his brow narrowed in a look of vexation, returning the noblewoman's gander with equal curt. "And, as a matter of fact, I could also remind you that those who were employed by your king, the usurper, have still not seen a single coin that was pledged. Myself included."

The fact of the matter had only served to boil resentment within Dustice following the end of the war, where mercenaries answered the promises of fortune from the usurper only to find that Leonhardt the Liar had no means of repaying his debts. "And if I recall correctly, your rebellion was quite the disastrous failure until we fought your battles for you," his words spoke daggers to Beatrix, his fingers coming up to pinch his nose as the smell of the Lower City hit him. "Well, 'least I wager we are very much unlike this riff raff..."

Vile was a modest description for the odor that licked the Lower Cities. The mercenary rested his left palm over the pommel of his first sword, stepping around the dregs that called this squalor their home. How was it that the crown was unable to manage Yveltskr, their capital city of all places? Dustice found it very skeptical that a plague could magically erase the riches within the kingdom's treasury. When their mission was complete and they would seek an audience with the usurper, would he demand the restitution that he was owed.

His look shifted to the snark of the female midget directed towards him, giving Chidori a greater examination. "Of course," Dustice started with a scoff. "I'd hate to see you die before you can afford warm clothing." A brief chuckle escaped his mouth, his ears catching the words of the smithy that the others must have also heard.

"You hear that? Brigands on the Bluestone," he parroted the exchange between the individuals by the smithy, looking between the members of their group. "A little practice couldn't hurt."

City Outskirts
Belhurst, Yveltskr

Interacting with: @Fyrra (Isra), @Vayne (Dustice), @Demon Shinobi (Roq), @Orikanyo (Roland), @Thaleko (Chidori)
It seemed like their little group had become filled with banter; at least they weren't quiet sops that would make the trip a silent trek. Beatrix didn't mind it. In fact, she very much embraced it. She turned to Isra, offering the blonde a smile. "Unfortunately, we don't know what the treasure is, exactly. People have spoken of such a treasure for hundreds of years, but it was never found, so much of the Realm decided it was simply a legend. Though, King Leonhardt believes that the treasure is far from myth. He claims that Whitespire must have some information on the treasure, so it would be a good place to start." She brushed a stray hair out of her face as they wandered further down the street. The walls were within their sights, now. They were tall and gray with pathways lining the top. Silhouettes strode back and forth against the faded sky. Upon closer inspection she could see that the men on the walls were mostly bowmen. Beatrix knew that the city guard that were stationed on the wall were often Belhurst's prized archers, but sometimes mages made up some of their numbers as well. Raiders and armies would be struck down before they could even reach the walls themselves.

Suddenly, Dustice spoke up in her direction. He took up a hostile tone of voice, which caused Beatrix's smile to fade from her expression. The man certainly had a distaste for the current crown. Honestly, she wasn't surprised; if he really had served as a mercenary in the war, then he had every right to be a little upset. Nevertheless, Beatrix wasn't pleased with the way he spoke about the king and government in public. "The crown greatly appreciates your efforts in the war. But, if you can tell, it has left much of the nation in the gutter. King Leonhardt is currently trying to gather enough coin to pay back the mercenaries that have fought in the war, along with the families of the ones who have perished," she answered in an exasperated sigh. Dustice's interest in money somewhat concerned her. How could she know that he was loyal to the cause? What if someone came around and offered money on the spot? "As for the bandits, I would prefer if we avoided them. The faster we get to Noranimus, the better."

Their troupe passed through the city gates. Beatrix guided them to the stables, where there was a man with a wagon and two shire horses. The wagon had general supplies that they would need on their journey: camping equipment like tents, firewood, a flint striker, small cauldrons, pots, skillets, lanterns, knives, canteens, along with a couple of fishing rods, pillows, and sheets. There were also a couple of horses stabled for them, but they looked rather scrawny and underkept. Beatrix was glad to see that the king offered some supplies, but she wondered if they would last long. She also had a couple thousand gold in her purse if things went awry. King Leonhardt thought he was being generous. Beatrix partially agreed. He didn't have to give anything, but Beatrix would have liked it if he could have at least give bed rolls.

There was a young man who stood next to the wagon. A young fellow, he had long, brownish hair that was rather messy. His eyes were bright-colored, almost the hue of a crisp forest. He perked up when they approached.

"Ah, m'lady Havenbrook. 've been waitin' for yer arrival."

"Oh, yes... you're, uhm..."

The man bowed towards all of them. "Name's Pascal, m'lords and ladies. 'll be drivin' the supply wagon for you all. If you need anythin', just say the word, and I'll be on it."

Beatrix nodded in thanks. "Thank you very much, Pascal. I'm sure we'll get along fine," she said as she walked around the horses, noting their size and color. A mottled, black and white mare with a white mane and black-tipped tail, and a black stallion with a white blaze, socks, mane, and tail. "I see they're able..."

"Yeah, they're brothers-- their mother birthed 'em both at the same time, quite the spectacle if you ask me. The white and black dappled mare's name is Sapphire and the stallion's name is Azure. They're hard workers I tell you, and they won't disappoint any o' ya."
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Chidori Tsubasa
interactions: @Luminosity @Demon Shinobi @Vayne

Hearing the Laguz complement the blonde boy's 'beauty' just made Chidori roll her eyes. As they passed a shop, she stopped at the window that was reflective enough to act as a quick mirror. Her lavender locks fluttered in the breeze, framing her face attractively. The mask she wore hid half of her face, but Chidori was quite confident in what lay underneath. Still.. with a quick glance around, she plucked it down just enough to glimpse her entire face. Satisfied, she quickly replaced her mask. As if she really cared about such frivolous things like 'beauty', or if the weirdos around her considered her as such. Before she departed the reflective window, she reached up and situated the horned hairband atop her head. 'Yosh,' she voiced within her head, turning to fall back into step with the others.

Almost immediately, Chidori felt herself prickle. The dog's question was annoying. "Cuz my name will be famous," she flatly answered. Then her eye twitched, "Dogs and wolves are both canine, dog," she clarified, "or are you stupid?"

When he insulted her, she smirked, enjoying the game of words. Playfully, Chidori remarked with a toothy grin, "Heh. Keep talking, dog, and maybe you'll find out."

He moved away, and with him, her amusement left. She then heard him discussing protection against the cold. As if almost on cue, another little breeze blew through the road. Her mouth scrunched up again, and her hand clasped her bare arm. Considering what she was wearing... it probably was a smart suggestion by the dog. His comment about using women to make one warm wasn't lost on her, making Chidori frown in disapproval.

Still walking down the streets, heading into the Lower Cities, with the whiff of stink on the air, she now had to respond to her fellow sword-user. "Hffh!" Chidori huffed at him, raising her nose up at him, folding her arms. "Enduring the chill just makes me stronger. As master says, 'To get strong, one has to overcome hardship and distress. If it isn't difficult, then you aren't bettering yourself.'" She rubbed her arms, then noticed that little action, forcing a shrug, "The cold is just one more hardship that will temper my soul." She raised her eyebrow at his comment about the bandits. 'Practice'? Mulling it over, she realized that 'practice' was perfect! To become the best, she'd have to keep at it restlessly, lest she lose her edge. "I -I concur!" the little 'midget' tossed in her two cents. Only to instantly feel dejected, the very next moment, when their missus leader shut the idea down.

The myrmidon pulled out her purse, looking down into it, giving it a shake. Only a few coins responded. She frowned down at her meager coin. But before leaving the city, Chidori stepped into a few places, to buy a few necessities that she could afford.

With a few more things hanging off of her person, like a bedroll, and a basically-empty purse, she returned just in time. They passed the city gates, only to meet a man, some horses, and a wagon of modest supplies. After having just tossed away her coin for supplies, this sight was irritating. And yet -"I stand corrected"- at least the king did provide some supplies. "Looks like he does care if this little mission success, good to know my life isn't forfeit." She chimed sardonically, glaring over at Beatrix, as if it were her fault, and Chidori was trying to make her feel guilty.

"Pascal? That's exotic," she said cocking her head. "How'd you get such a name?" she asked the wagon-boy. After hearing the horses's names, Chidori raised her eyebrow. "Why are the horses named after blue? Wouldn't something like -oh, Iduno- Coal, or, heh, Smore work better?"
Roland Durand

"Roq!!!" Roland gasped. "Why ever would you say that I... I only ever did it that one time... It was cold and..." He tried to rationalize it for those who were actually paying attention, which in truth was not many, he looked absolutely embarrassed to hell though, his face was completely red! he bought his equipment and rushed out of the store, still looking quite off kilter from the teasing.

This however made him miss the mention of bandits as he trudged his way after Beatrix, trying to block out the world with the supplies he currently carried.


Roland was... honestly rather perturbed cone they reached the stables. He was certain he left Ferice here... The young knight eyed the surrounding area and noticed the rather... Well.. Quite large hole in the roof of the stable that he remembered Ferice being in. Along with a few rather frightened smaller wyverns and many, MANY spooked horses who were being attended by a desperate stable hand. TO which, Roland began asking. "Umm.. Excuse me, do you know where my wyvern wouold be? hes about... yay tall." he held a hand way above his head. "Green and blueish scaling, large teeth, propensity for roaring when hungry-"


"Ah! You have! Would you please point me in the direction of him please?"


"Ah yes well he does get that way sometimes. I guess the other wyverns didn't like him too much?"

"Too much!? He outright scared the females to hell!"

"Oh my poor boy... He must be so sad..." Roland sighed, looking sad for his wayward friend... "I wonder where he might be-":

"OH GODS HERE HE COMES AGAIN!" the stable hand pointed skyward, screaming and running for the hills as the horses scattered to the winds, the wyverns scurrying for cover as this ABSOLUTE beast of a wyvern flew overhead, covering most of the area in it's shadow before turning once more to come down upon them.

"FERICE!!! Come on down! Come on! Come on!" Roland called to the wyvern in the most cheerful of voices his compatriots, aside from Roq, had heard from him so far. It was like he was beckoning a cute dog of sorts.

And in truth, the wyvern that seemed large from afar, was quite terrifying up close when it finally swooped in for it's landing, coming to a slow walk on it's from wing claws and legs to finally cuddle it's rider... "Ah my poor boy... They certainly weren't being very nice to you were they? No, how rude of them..." the knight began to scratch the wyvern, who's head was about as large as his torso, under the chin... "Yes yes and it's all fine now my Ferice... We'll find you a lady soon I swear... I got you many treats! You want one? My... Oh dear... Were you visiting some sheep?" he questioned, staring at the bloody wool wrapped around one of the wyvern's teeth..

"..Well.. No treats yet, don't want you getting a bad belly now do we..." he paused before looking to the group. "..Ah yes.. Ehmn... Everyone meet Ferice. he is my partner, Ferice would you say hello- oop." the wyvern let out a hiss and.. what might have been it possibly clearing it's throat? "See? He's very friendly."

Standing side by side, one wing wrapped abit around the young man, the two stood before the group reunited and ready to fight whatever comes their way!

Belhurst, Yveltskr
Interacting with: @Orikanyo@Luminosity

After the brief bit of banter, Roq found himself listening and following along with the other members of this small squad of would be adventurers. He was interested in seeing how thing would continue, but all the supposed excitement of bout before a long journey was soon sucked out. Beatrix was quick to brush off the notion of bandits around Copperspine. He sighed. Of course. Those of a more noble disposition had no time to worry about the poor dregs that primarily inherited the area of mines. It was like that during some of the few cave ins he'd lived through and so on. He wasn't about to argue.

"With all due respect captain, wouldn't it be good to start with something like that?" He said regarding the bandits. "You never know where or when you'd find information about whatever it is we're looking for, or even about where we're going." The Laguz added as they were led closer and closer to the stables. "Besides, you should have seen the way the shortstack reacted. She could barely contain herself." He said with a small laugh in reference to Chidori who no doubt would have loved to take a chance to take out some brigands with an opportunity of increasing her own notoriety.

Then, they reached the stable. Their horses didn't seem all that healthy at a first glance. Even so, Roq immediately walked up to one of them and placed his hand tenderly on it's head. "I guess we'll be in your and your brethren's care." He said with a gentle smile, followed by what could only be described as a quiet conversation between the animal and the Laguz. He proceed to do the same with Azure and Sapphire. They didn't seem to dislike their names. Quite the opposite. Not as on the nose at they could have been. Roq was content to commune with the animals while the others spoke and made their plans, having already said his piece.

That is until his master's other companion came to join the fray. "Ferice." He said with a small growl, though the look adorning his face was anything but angry. More determined. He smirked, sparks seeming to fly as his line of vision met with that of the monstrous wyvern. "We'll be in your care as well." He said with a calmness which masked an underlying tone that seemed to say 'I'm down to go whenever you are' as he stared down his scaly ally. He never managed to get on Ferice's best side given the beasts love and loyalty of their shared master. Though Roq couldn't blame him. Still, they'd ended up "wrestling" on far more than one occasion and it was obvious.
The archer's gaze grew more distant as the group passed through the gate outside, though whether it was the confirmation that they were indeed chasing after a legend, the layers of bickering mere moments after meeting, or simply being in another of these armed escorts after years of isolation, Isra could not say, Talk of the previous king's ascension only bolstered the idea, nagging at the back of his thoughts, that he was right to stay away from noble affairs and shouldn't be here.

But, this was his only lead. The end justifies the means, does it not? What was a year or three in unpleasant company, compared to the possibility of ending a plague? But, they weren't all unpleasant. Isra glanced from the warmaiden to the sword-wielders, then towards the other talkative pair, but before he could think of anything worth contributing to the conversation, they were all greeted by a small supply convoy, and the shriek of a wild wyvern! Reflexively, Isra strafed behind Dustice and drew his bow.... only for Roland to run up to the wyvern and dote on it while speaking of finding it a mate.


"What in-"


"But why is it-"

Isra's failure to understand just what Roland was, that he could be that much of a ditz and still survive from one day to the next, soon gave way to acknowledgment toward Amaroq's attitude towards this Ferice: better not to think too hard about it; simply accept the boy's peculiarity and move on to something less bewildering than the local slave-owning eccentric Yveltskr nobility. Or prepare for the day that one's naivete deigns to get everyone present killed.

Rubbing at his face with a palm, the archer put his bow away before looking back toward the pair of horses and Pascal, sharing in Chidori's vocalized frustration, but not quite for the same reasons. "The extra supplies will help, but between this and the wyvern, we would be beyond fortunate not to draw unwanted attention. Might as well add banners and a shining beacon." Cue another pause before he suddenly perked upright. "So, now that we're all here and... prepared? What does one say before starting a journey in Yveltskr?"

Bluestone Path
Outskirts of Belhurst, Yveltskr

Interacting with: @Fyrra (Isra), @Vayne (Dustice), @Demon Shinobi (Roq), @Orikanyo (Roland), @Thaleko (Chidori), @Psyker Landshark (Jorin)
A pair of voices arose; one of them was directed to Pascal, and one of them was directed at her. Beatrix was surprised to see that the Laguz was bold enough to speak directly to her, but surprisingly enough, he gave a warm aura that diminished any surprise or worry that might have bubbled up inside of her. Roq was still on the topic of the bandits-- he was right. Maybe the bandits could have heard rumors of the treasure or where it was located. It would still be safe to head to Whitespire, just as Leonhardt said. Gathering information on the go was a bonus. "Very well, we'll see how useful the bandits will be to us."

Pascal looked at Chidori as he leaned forward and put his hands on his hips. "Why, 'm not sure why my Ma and Pa named me Pascal. Mayhaps it was the name o' a boat. Or the name of his Pa before 'im. As for Azure and Sapphire, they were named after their sire, a big ol' boy by the name o' Blue. When I was a lil' boy, Blue was always 'round me, no matter what. When he had foals o' his own, Ma and Pa let me name them, and I decided I should honor ol' Blue's legacy as much as I--"

His explanation was cut short when a shadow overwhelmed the group. Beatrix flinched at the sudden shade and wind before glancing upward at the sky. A large wyvern with green-blue scales and many, many sharp teeth landed nearby and strode up to Roland. She stared at the beast, keeping herself from reaching for her spear. That was probably the largest wyvern that she'd ever laid eyes on. Pascal ducked behind his wagon, but Azure and Sapphire remained relatively calm.

"Your horses don't spook?"

"N-no m'lady, these two been raised besides wyverns all their lives. Ma and Pa were beast breeders-- their ancestors even bred those griffons 'fore they gone up and vanished all those years ago. B-but they won't spook in face of that big o' drake, trust me."

"Good." Beatrix shifted her gaze to the rest of the group. At least the wyvern-- Ferice, judging from the dialogue between the boy and beast and the grumblings of the Laguz --would serve as a worthy adversary on the battlefield. She sighed, once again brushing the strands of hair that had blown into her face. Isra spoke up next, and she looked at him as she tipped her head and smiled. "People always say may Lorelei walk with you. They think that if the Lady remains with someone on their journey, then She will bring safety and glory upon them."

The thought of her Lady soothed Beatrix. They were going on a journey to spare the Realm from the plague's onslaught. Of course She would walk with them. Murmuring a prayer under her breath, she dusted off her armor and clothing from any dust that might have blown onto her due to the gale produced by the wyvern's wings. Without another word, she went to the stables and picked out a horse from the several that the king had lent them. It was a dusty brown stallion with dark eyes and darker speckles on its rear. Its legs were dark as well, but she didn't know if it was because it was its hair color or dirt from the stables. Beatrix mounted the stallion and guided it back onto the Bluestone path. Glancing over at everyone, she offered the group another of her broad smiles. "Let's be on our way, yeah?"

If they wanted to stay on the main path, they would have to stay on the Bluestone-- and the Bluestone Path led in the direction of Copperspine before it branched off into many different roads and pathways. Beatrix was still on edge about the bandits. She had heard rumors of them before. Stories about how some of the bandits used to be part of Roidnell's army and banded together just to survive. What kind of men would desert their king's army just to become brigands? She was quiet as their troupe moved down the pathway. The wagon's wheels clattered on the cobblestone path until the stones became lined with dirt. Eventually, the cobblestone path turned into soft dirt. It was wet from a previous nights' cold rain. A small forest had enveloped them as well; bare branches above their head swayed in the wind above their head. Her breath fogged in front of her lips. Even though she could hear some chatter behind her, it was quiet. Not too quiet. She heard something over the whistle of the wind. Was that..?


A figure crested the slope in front of them. It was a broad-shouldered man in rags, breathing heavily as he staggered down the small slope and toward them. He had a scraggly red beard and fear in his eyes. But Beatrix wasn't concentrating on his face. Her gaze settled on the crimson gash that sliced his shoulder all the way down to his abdomen.

"Oh, Goddess, help us!" the man screamed as he rushed up to them. "Brigands, further down the path-- they-- they ambushed our caravan--"

Bandits? Beatrix steadied her horse as she gripped the reigns. The man was desperate; he practically clung to the reigns near the horse's bit.

"Please help us!"

"A-alright-- Pascal, take him onto your wagon and see what you can do!" Beatrix called behind her. Kicking her heels into her horse's sides, she bolted over the crest, expecting the rest of her numbers to follow her in her charge.

At the bottom of the other side of the crest, there were two smaller wagons that were being collapsed upon by bandits. The horses connected to the wagons fidgeted and neighed nervously as bandits dragged merchants off their wares and wagons. One or two merchants laid on the ground, pools of blood beneath their bodies. Screams of fear permeated the air as Beatrix drew closer. She slowed her mount to a casual trot before she leapt off the saddle and reached for her lance. "Leave them alone!"

A bandit that brandished a bloodied axe turned to face her. "Ye? Who's gonna make us? Some blue-blood like yerself?"

The bandits all looked at them, now. Their glowers were filled with a mixture of apprehension and bloodlust. Beatrix grit her teeth-- she counted nine or so bandits altogether. Some of them stepped toward her and the rest of her men. "Stand down, or--"

The bandit with the axe let out a cry and bolted toward her, swinging his weapon in a savage arc towards her torso. He was quick, but Beatrix was more light on her feet. With a grunt, she lunged her spear, parrying the incoming blow before taking a few steps back. She took a more aggressive stance, narrowing her eyes to see what the bandit would do next. "It'll be a fight, then!" she called towards her group in warning. "Protect the merchants as much as you can!"
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Chidori Tsubasa

interactions: @Luminosity @Demon Shinobi @Orikanyo @Fyrra

Being called 'shortstack' out of nowhere made her flash an angered glare at the dog. Powerful swords-people weren't known for their height! They were known for their ability with the sword! If her height was continuously mentioned, then that would be what she became known for! A scenario entered her mind.

'Look! It's her! The swordswoman!..' Chidori began beaming.. 'Who is as short as a child! Buuhahahaha!'
Exaggeration! She wasn't that short!
'She's so bite-sized!! Ahahaha!'
'What was her name again?.. Peanut?!.. Hahaha!'
'Maybe like.. the Midget Swordgirl! Haha!'
Hearing all them making fun of her height, instantly turned her face red in a firm pout.
Someone then patted her on the head, 'Hi there Mini Miss. You know those things are dangerous don't you?' He said, pointing at her swords. 'Where's your parents?'
"Graar!" Chidori growled, swiping his hand away. "Don't call me short!!"
'Haha! Our lil girl is so fiesty! Hahaha, don't get so mad Firecracker, it's too cute!'
"GRRRR!" she grit her teeth, fuming.


"Listen, dog, don't call me short!" she childishly whined, rebuking Roq. Her words were interrupted with the Laguz interacting with the huge wyvern that came down out of the sky, its shadow darkening the area before it landed. Chidori hunched a bit, hand hovering over her sword. She was wary about such a beast -- she hated wyvern riders, for obvious reasons. Her swords were quite ineffective against their scales, and far-reaching lances. Her eyes followed it and its master, playfully cuddling. Gah, it was sickening, all that sweet affection; she averted her eyes, no longer wanting to pay it any attention.

That was when she heard the archer's comments about waving banners showcasing their pride as a group on such an honorable mission. In the presence of such fame of course she misconstrued his meaning. "Ah, yes! Madam leader, of course! Do that!!" Chidori chimed, envisioning the banners heralding their arrival. Now that was why she was here! Not to be made fun of for her height! Those banners were sure to travel far and wide through rumor, and her name were to as well, being the fierce swordswoman fighting under such banners!

Her enthusiasm was quelled, as it seemed the wagon boy decided to speak to her about her questions now, which she gave him her ear. "Big Blue, huh?" A grin grew, hands placing themselves on her hips. "Ooo~ Legacy is worth preserving, good sir!! Legacy is something I'm very much interested in; I'm somewhat an expert in legacy," she stated, leaning forward, wiggling her eyebrow. "You could say I'm a bit of a legacy connoisseur!" Whatever that meant.. After the reasoning behind their names, she seemed to very much approve of the horses names, patting their manes, cooing, "Mm there there Azure-san, Sapphire-san~ You're both good boys, aren'tcha, aren'tcha." Chidori had such a delighted smile lighting up her face. "Yes~ you are~~"

Their leader woman explained what was often said before setting out; some prayer to the Goddess. She listened, looking over at the archer. Perhaps they were both from the same country? He was wearing familiar clothes. Then their leader lady mounted up, and set out finally. Despite what she had just been doing with the horses, Chidori bemoaned, "Tch, I'm not good on horses.." To which she just set out following on foot.

It didn't take too long for their adventure to become exciting. Peering ahead, she witnessed their leader's exchange with the bandits. Bandits! Her face lit up, and Chidori rushed forward. When she passed the injured man, she said, "Do not worry good citizen! I, Tsubasa Chidori, will save you! I will teach these evil bandits the error of their ways!-" She brought her sword up, glinting in the daylight. "-On the end of this blade!"

Almost immediately upon coming over the crest, was she locked in combat with one of the 9 bandits. She side-stepped his axe swing, feeling the weight behind it as the air next to her was disturbed. Next, she stepped quickly forward, catching his gut with her Wo Dao. She dragged her blade forward, teeth clenched, slicing him cleanly, red splashing out. With a smirk, she turned.

"Heh. Never hold back. Never falter. Make it quick. Make it clean." Her steely eyes gleamed. "That's my strength." She finished with satisfaction, hearing him curse her, before falling over. She turned back to the battlefield, smiling wildly under her mask at the big burly bandits, holding up her sword, dripping the brigand's blood, "Now who's next!?"
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