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Kingdom Sheet


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King Avenius

Northwestern Foothills[/column][/row]

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[border=1px solid #674036][bg=white]The Silvern crest depicts a merlin with wings outstretched, clutching a fire lily in it's talons. The crest is always made of silver, except for the royal family whose crests are made of white gold. The kingdom's colors are silver/grey and pale blue.



The Silvern Kingdom lies east of the westernmost highlands and foothills of the Seven Mountains. Its small towns and villages spraw up and down intertwined rivers and mountainous valleys. It is not a large kingdom, but it is a comfortable one. Townsfolk find work in the many silver mines, villagers farm and sustain the kingdom as best they can while others sail up and down the rivers, selling and trading goods. Silvernest is perched and built into Mount Tasiar. The castle looks down upon Looking Glass Lake, which was once a simple mountain tarn. Over the years, between long-lasting rainy seasons and excavation it has tripled in size. Due to its numerous waterfalls, Silvernest enjoys certain technological advances like plumbing and aqueducts.

Culture: The Silvern Kingdom is ruled by the current King and advised by the Prui`Druen, who acts similarly to the Hand of the King. Whenever a King dies, the throne will pass to the next living heir, which is almost always a male. The exceptions of course, is a king with only heiresses, or if the heir is too young to rightfully rule. In which case, the Queen Regent and the Prui`Druen will simultaneously rule until the heir comes of age or until the heiress is married.

The Silvosi are hardworking people, and have wide and varied professions. Mining and metallurgy, hunting and fishing, and trading (of silver) are the most common.

Their diet mostly consists of river fish and mountain game. What crops can be grown in the mountainous region of Silvern are, but are rarely relied upon by the masses. The Silvosi denizens are often found selling and trading their renowned spirits.

Once a year, Silvernest opens it's gates and allows passage into the heart of the kingdom. It's a holy day, one where people fast until the light fades and then feast and dance until dawn. The following morning denizens will flock to the nearest Sept where the Prui`Druen will lead a prayer blessing the coming year.

Weddings are performed by the Prui`Druen (lowborn weddings are usually conducted by a Druen) wherein a braided tassel of blue and grey is wrapped around and clasped in the hands of the betrothed. The two intended whisper seven Oaths to each other and then the Prui`Druen prays over their joined hands and announces them Bonded by Oath (married).

Religious Structure: Unlike most of Ellemar, the Silvosi are not monotheistic. To most they seem like pagans - worshipping multifarious gods and believing in strange things, yet this Silvosi tradition dates back to ancient times and has served them well. They believe in the spirit of the world, in the flora and fauna, and everything inbetween. They pray to their gods in seven Silver Septs throughout the kingdom. The largest and grandest of them all lies in the heart of Silvernest.

The Prui`Druen, essentially a High Priest or Priestess, acts as the Head of the religion and as such, is in charge of the kingdom's religious duties. Every Prui`Druen has a Rue`Druen of the opposite sex, and acts as their advisor, assistant, and second in command. If a Prui`Druen were to die unexpectedly, the Rue`Druen will lead for the Prui`s obligatory year-long mourning period, and then step down when the next Prui`Druen and Rue`Druen are selected.

Former Rue`Druen's make up most of the seven Convent members, who not only choose each Prui`Druen and Rue`Druen - but act as a secondary council for the current king as well. Each member is in charge of one of the seven Septs, and reports to the Prui`Druen in person every four months.

Druen's are clergy members that specialize in one of the six sacred arts: poetry, art, music, war, academia, and dance. There was once a seventh - magic - but the Druen's lost their magic in ancient times and now only spread stories and myths of what they lost and have forgotten. Druen's usually live within the Silver Septs, but some small monasteries have been built across the countryside where Druen's go to live, train and fulfill their Oaths. Druen's as a whole stand as mediators between the mundane and divine aspects of life. They're holy people through sacrifice and training, and are regarded highly throughout the Silvern kingdom.

Geography: Mostly moist and cool year round; Silvern has brief springs, succinct wet summer's, lackluster autumns, and lingering frosty winters. The kingdom itself sprawls across the foothills and highlands of the western Seven Mountains. The Silvernest Castle is built on Mount Tasiar, overlooking a large lake.

Pertinent History: Prince Lucien, former heir, and brother to King Avenius died tragically in one of the kingdom's more prolific silver mines. The shaft that collapsed on him and several miners were caved in after the bodies were retrieved and properly laid to rest out of respect. Avenius' father lived long enough to see his youngest son become the man he always wanted him to be.

Slavery has been abolished since the kingdom's infancy. The first "ruler" of Silvern was nothing more than a usurper from northern lands. In his two-decade rule, he tried to dismantle the kingdom's reliance on the Druen's and executed those who refused to swear fealty, even women and children. The death of the Prui`Druen led to his demise as the people - both rich and poor - rose against him. He and his family were slaughtered and the denizens declared themselves freemen of Silvern Kingdom. Rebellions have been common throughout Silvern's long-standing history, and the people have no qualms rising against a tyrant on the throne.


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Due to flooding, what little crops the kingdom is able to grow have been reduced, and even the game animals seem to be disappearing. Though the kingdom is still mainly self reliant, it's relying on trade more than ever before to help feed it's people.

Denizens wonder why King Avenius has yet to marry off Princess Lucianna to (A KINGDOM), despite the brewing political tension. Rumors fly and the kingdom is divided on whether or not their beloved princess even should.

According to rumors, the current Rue`Druen is spreading falsehoods across the Seven Septs and the commoners, apparently trying to spearhead a rebellion - in which the Druenite's would take control of the Silvern Kingdom. All men would be freemen and there would be no royalty. There have been whispers of assassination attempts, but nothing substantial has reached or tried the Kingsguard.

Raiders from the north have been attacking and pillaging the outlying villages and town for centuries; but over the past two years they've been more violent than ever. King Avenius has sent a small squadron of men to protect his people and put an end to the raids.[/border][/column][column=span3][border=2px solid black][bg=#674036]



The Silvosi army is average in size but makes up for that fact in austere training. Enlistment is voluntary as it is life long. The only exception to this rule is delinquent or wrongdoers whose crimes don't spell death. The army is opportunistic and open to noblemen and freemen alike. The Silvosi army has it's own set of Oaths, that must be taken at one of the seven Silver Septs across the kingdom before a denizen may be considered a part of the military.



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NAME:| Avenius Gringoire


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ROLE:| King


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CLASS:| Monarch


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AGE:| 59




BRIEF DESCRIPTION: King Avenius looks like a trustworthy man with his expressive blue-grey eyes, framed by laugh lines and bushy brows. Avenius' hair lost it's auburn color early in life and now even his beard is salt and pepper. Standing just under six feet, physically, Avenius is nothing more than your average man. His body has softened with age but he still emanates a regal aura.​

BRIEF HISTORY: Born second after his older brother, Avenius grew up shrinking his princely duties as he never thought he would rule. He prefered ale, hunting trips, women, and combat training over academic and political learnings. That all changed when his older brother, the crown prince, died suddenly and tragically while visiting a prolific silver mine. The kingdom and the royal family mourned, and Avenius - devastated at the loss of his older brother - shouldered the weight of his responsibilities like a true king.​


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NAME:| Clariscia Gringoire


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ROLE:| Queen


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CLASS:| Monarch


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AGE:| 45




BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Though her beauty has gradually faded with age, Clariscia still carries herself with grace and elegance befitting a queen. Her hair is dark, slightly peppered with grey, and falls in waves halfway down her back. Her high cheekbones rarely betray her laugh lines and aging wrinkles. When she smiles she has small dimples in each cheek. She is almost as tall as her husband, just shy a few inches.

BRIEF HISTORY: Clariscia was born as a noble lady of Silvern and was betrothed to Prince Avenius before birth. He was not the heir being second born, and for that Claris was thankful. She had no wish to be Queen, only a romanticised dream of life, love, and children. Life had it's own plans however, and she ended up Queen of Silvern as her betrothed became King. Though they weren't in love at the time of their marriage, Clariscia has come to truly love her husband. It took a long time, not until their second child for her to realize.​


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NAME:| Rannulf Gringoire


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ROLE:| Crown Prince


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CLASS:| Monarch


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AGE:| 28




BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Tall, dark, and handsome, Rannulf is the perfect blend of his mother and father. He received his mother's sharp, striking features, and his father's blue eyes. Rannulf's however, are more grey than blue and are sharply contrasted by his dark auburn brown hair. Speaking of which, is traditionally long and almost the length of his sisters. He prefers to wear leathers over luxurious clothing, but does so without complaint during official or ceremonial duties.​

BRIEF HISTORY: Being the crown prince and his father's son, Rannulf has regarded his responsibilities dutifully despite being quite the ladies man. Since his conception, his been betrothed to (A PRINCESS) of (A KINGDOM). Training started early in life and continues till this day. He enjoys all manners of his training and has rarely complained. His mind is like a sponge and he enjoys the pursuit of knowledge. He has a close relationship with his younger siblings, even Joscelin, and it was he who convinced Beyla (and will convince Luce) to become Druen.


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NAME:| Beyla Gringoire


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ROLE:| Princess


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CLASS:| Monarch


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AGE:| 12




BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Freckled and blue-eyed, Beyla is annoyingly intelligent and she tends to hold herself as such. Despite this, she has a mischievous grin that reveals two small dimples in each cheek - the only child of Clariscia to inherit them. She has her mother's dark brown hair and to the dismay of her handmaidens, loves to get it dirty.​

BRIEF HISTORY: For as long as she can remember, Beyla has wanted to become the next Prui`Druen. Everything in her life seems to have brought her to this revelation, and in a few months time - after her next name day - she will take her Oaths to become Druen. It seems she talked her sister into becoming Druen as well, even though neither have officially taken their Oaths. As the youngest Gringoire there is some obvious favoritism, especially from her mother and Luce.​


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NAME:| Joscelin Gringoire


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ROLE:| Princess


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CLASS:| Monarch


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AGE:| 15




BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Joscelin's dark blonde hair is ever so noticeable, and something that she's always wanted to change. Unlike her half-siblings strikingly sharp faces, Joscelin's facial features are rounded and soft, much like her temperament. Instead of pale blue-grey her eyes are deep blue-green and framed with lashes of gold. Despite being three years older, Josce and Beyla are the same height save a few inches. The gods have bestowed her with curves unbefitting a young woman, and Joscelin looks much older than her true age.​

BRIEF HISTORY: Despite being born outside of her father's marriage with Queen Clariscia, Joscelin was raised with love. Her mother, a noble lady within the kingdom, died giving birth to her, and the King hesitantly took her in. Surprisingly, the Queen took pity on the child, and tried to raise her as if she were her own. Though she was bitter, she was bitter towards her husband, not the child. Unbeknownst to her, the Queen had suffered through a miscarriage just months prior and felt somewhat joyful at the news of a child she could raise. King Avenius is speaking with (A KINGDOM) to betroth Joscelin to prince (A NAME).​


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NAME:| Melissent Ghaliane


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ROLE:| Prui`Druen


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CLASS:| Clergy


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AGE:| 40




BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Melissent is tall, elegant, and fierce; exactly as a Prui`Druen should be. Though her hair greyed early in life, mainly due to the stresses of her station, Melissent is beautiful. Silver-grey eyes match her stormy grey hair and stand stark against her rose-peach skin color. Hidden beneath her dull grey robes is a body still in it's prime.​

BRIEF HISTORY: Melissent is the daughter of the previous Prui`Druen and knew as a child that that was her Calling in life as well. She took her Oaths young in life, barely thirteen - which is the legal age to take vows - and has lived the Druen way of life since. Her mother died when Lis was twenty seven, and the Rue`Druen took over until the next Prui`Druen was selected. Traditionally there's a mourning period of one year and then the Convent and the people choose the next leader. Melissent became the youngest female Prui`Druen at the age of twenty-eight and has led successfully these past twelve years.​


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NAME: Lucianna "Luce" Gringoire || AGE: Nineteen || ROLE: Princess || SOCIAL CLASS: Monarchy

Lucianna is the second born child of King Avenius and Queen Clariscia and the firstborn daughter. She's known, since shortly after birth, that there's always a way to get what you want. Luce walks a fine line between use and misuse of this knowledge. Thankfully, she's the apple of her father's eye and she's rarely had to tread the wrong side of the line.

With that being said, Luce is not uncompassionate or unempathetic and it shows in her frequent visits to towns and villages outside the heart of the kingdom. She was a little younger then Beyla is now when she first ventured outside Silvernest's protective walls. Luce still remembers the hungry faces and the sadden looks she received. Perhaps that's why the Druen way of life appeals to her so much - she'd actually be able to help people without feeling ashamed by sneaking out with Cloudrunner to bring provisions to impoverished families.

When her half sister Joscelin arrived, she was barely old enough to remember the stir it caused within the castle. All she does remember, is a lot of yelling between her mother and father, and a baby that made a lot of noise. Being the inquisitive child she was, it didn't take her long to figure out that the blonde haired baby was like - and unlike - her. When she was old enough to be told the truth (which was shortly after Beyla's second or third name day) she was disappointed in her father but gained a new sense of respect for her mother who found the courage to take in a child she didn't sire.

Luce has always been interested in becoming a Druen and it's the only reason her father has yet to finalize her betrothal to (A NAME) from (A KINGDOM). Under Silvern laws, if she takes Druen Oaths, she doesn't have to marry. Her time however, is almost up - and if she doesn't make up her mind soon, she'll be forced to marry (A NAME) whether she wants to be Druen or not.​


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[/border][/side]Luce is a product of her upbringing and someone who likes to get her way, even if said way is detrimental. She rather learn through experience - and ask for forgiveness rather than permission - then hear the word "no." She's quite stubborn that way.

Luce is compassionate but a little tactless at times - her honesty is as brutal as her loyalty is strong. Not nearly as eloquent as her mother or as earnest as her father, Lucianna tries to balance both sides of herself with as much poise and finesse she can manage.

Luce has a hard time making decisions - between wanting to evaluate every possible outcome and waiting for perfection - it's no wonder Luce can never make up her mind. It's common for her to go back and forth between decisions and those closest to her know better than to rely on her first answer for anything.


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Though Luce has been briefly instructed and introduced to political matters, she prefers other academic pursuits. Besides memorizing the crests and trade goods of the other kingdoms, Lucianna isn't much for politics or the dealings of other kingdoms.


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QUIRKS: When Luce is nervous, she has a habit of biting her nails despite being told for the upteenth time how unladylike it is. Lucianna has a growing collection of crystals and precious gems and has a habit of smiling nervously while conversation is paused or faltering.

PROCLIVITIES: She has a tendency to ride Cloudrunner whenever she's angry or just in a bad mood. Feeling the wind in her face clears her mind and relieves tension. The life of a Druen appeals to her, but she has yet to make up her mind and take her Oaths.

SOFT SPOTS: Luce has an absolute soft spot for her little sister Beyla, and is fiercely protective of her. She also has a soft spot for children, and whenever her father allows her out of the castle, she brings provisions to impoverished families. Unbeknownst to everyone but her older brother, who doesn't approve whatsoever, Lucianna has a soft spot for one of the royal guards.




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MOUNT: Cloudrunner; a smoky black mare with a flaxen silver mane and tail. They've been together for a little over four years, and Cloudrunner dislikes anyone but Luce and Beyla riding her.

WEAPON(s): The only weapon Luce has any training with is the bow. Three years ago, on her name day she received a beautiful bow made out of yew wood, and she absolutely treasures it.





Lucianna is strikingly beautiful, possessing her mother's high cheekbones and her father's pale blue-grey eyes. Like her younger sister Beyla, Princess Luce has a face full of freckled constellations and like her brother Rannulf, her dark brown hair is tinted auburn. It's longer than what's depicted in the picture above, and falls in loose waves to the bottom of her back.

She stands just above average height and is tenderly built, much to her dismay. After years of begging, Luce was finally able to convince her mother and father to let her train in the art of archery, and it took a long while until she was strong enough and possessed enough finesse to master it. Her physique is maintained mostly through her equestrianism and love of riding.

Luce has full lips, almond eyes framed with thick dark lashes, and a creamy-peach skin color. She prefers to wear her kingdom's colors, as it flatters her quite nicely, and doesn't have a problem indulging in the finer aspects of life, especially when it comes to clothing.


[h]S I L V E R N[/h][centerblock=98][divide=thick][/divide][/centerblock] [row][column=span2][border=1px solid #000000]
Beyla, The Druen Princess
  • @ Elle Joyner
  • @ LeviathanL *
  • @ Anomaly *
* Not by name [divide=thick][/divide]
I assumed two things:​
1. Princess Audra hasn't arrived in Silvern just yet, though the royals are expecting her arrival before they retire for the night. 2. Queen Alana's invitation has not been received. (Or sent? I'm unsure of each kingdom's exact timeline.) [divide=thick][/divide]
King Avenius of Silvern
[/border][/column][column=span6][border=1px solid #000000]"Is it true, father? Is it true the King of Thornwild is dead?" Beyla peeked her head into the solar even further and watched hesitantly as her father glanced between the Queen and Princess Lucianna. "Now where did you go and hear something like that?" He asked kindly, though the skin around his eyes were tight. King Avenius set his smoking pipe down upon the oaken table and beckoned his youngest daughter forward. "Come child, and tell me what you have heard." King Avenius' youngest daughter tiptoed slowly into the room, unsure of what to make of the milkmaids idle talk. Though she was far too old, she climbed onto the king's lap and looked him painfully in the eye. She tried to discern the knots forming in her belly by the crestfallen blue orbs staring back at her. Beyla knew something was wrong, the air tasted sad and morose but for what reason other than the untimely death of the King in the East? Her father was a kindly man, stern, but undoubtedly kind — yet cold anger emanated from him. Beyla thought it was rather unbefitting. "Well?" asked King Avenius, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "I went down to the kitchens to get some warm mulled wine," Beyla said, pausing to glance at her mother who scoffed haughtily at the notion of doing her own fetching. "When I heard the milkmaids whispering." She shrugged her shoulders all too innocently and said, "I listened to them father, I know I shouldn't have, but I did. They say King Barenthorn is dead — that he was killed by one of his handmaidens. I-Is it true?" Avenius sighed deeply and nodded, lowered his head to Beyla's forehead and gave her a whiskery kiss. He gave his wife and eldest daughter an apologetic side-ways glance before speaking. "It seems to be so youngling." "Oh that's horrible," Beyla said. "So close after the death of Prince Jorad… I didn't even get my warm mulled wine." She finished the sentence whilst stifling a yawn. "Perhaps you should retire for the evening Beyla, there will be plenty of time to meet your future queen at daybreak. It goes without saying the young maiden will be exhausted from her journey. Lucianna, why don't you show your sister to her chambers?" "Mother!" Beyla cried with injustice, a dark scowl flashing across her face. "Come," Her sister Luce said softly, diffusing the situation before it escalated further. She rose from her seat and held out her hand. "Let us find some warm mulled wine and let mother and father speak alone." She wanted to argue and plead her case, but the stern look on her father's face told her to stand up and take Lucianna's hand. Beyla gave her father a goodnight kiss before scowling faintly at her mother. "Goodnight," She said tepidly. Together, she and her sister left the solar and went in search of mulled wine. [divide=thick][/divide] The King stared at his heart's queen for a long moment, regarding all their time together. Love wasn't there at first sight, but it grew and blossomed with time. After each child she bore, he found his love growing stronger... and when she agreed to a raise a daughter that wasn't of her own blood, he knew he'd love the woman forevermore. Still, trouble brewed and with the news of Barenthorn's death the southern vultures were sure to bring touble into his land. Avenius glanced back at Clariscia and the Oaths he swore at his coronation filled his mind. He couldn't help but think there were only two paths he could travel. Silvern could keep her soldiers safe and out of the Thornwild fray or unite with powerful allies and aid in their desire for the Thornwild crown. He sensed monumental danger down each path. "I value your judgement, my lady, what are your thoughts on what's transpired?" "My thoughts have been elsewhere… our son will be wed soon Avenius. It seems only yesterday he was a boy." Clariscia said sadly. The queen gazed wistfully at the tapestries lining the walls until finally her brows furrowed and she opened her mouth to speak. "Barenthorn's death has caused more of a stir than I ever imagined it could. We have peaceful, if strenuous, relations with almost all the kingdoms Avenius… I feel we'll be pulled into the fray whether we want to be or not." "If that's the case, would it not be simpler to choose who we'd rather fight alongside and unite before getting dragged in?" The King replied, scratching his beard absentmindedly. Queen Clariscia was silent for a long time, so long in fact, that the King rose from his oaken table and bid her farewell. "I must find Rannulf and ensure he is befitting of his betrothed." "Avenius…" "Yes my lady?" The King said quietly, glancing back at Clariscia. "Who should Silvern fight alongside?" "Before we can think of that my lady," He said gravely, "We need our adjacent kingdom's allegiance." His queen looked stricken. She whispered her firstborn daughter's name softly, as if saying for the last time. "Lucianna." When she looked at him next, her eyes spoke of betrayal. King Avenius left the solar in search of his son, who's betrothed rode farther north every moment. He sighed and scratched his beard, mind full of questions and wonderings, knowing that the princess of Cain'Loren wasn't the only southerner to be traveling north. [/border][/column][/row]
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adryana calder

nicknames: yani

age: 27
birthday: august 28th

species: human // supernatural of some kind, be it part-vampire, fae, or HWP

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel massa pulvinar, ultrices arcu nec, porta purus. Maecenas a bibendum elit. Nam ultricies nisi dui, quis rhoncus nulla scelerisque quis. Etiam id quam euismod, ornare elit sit amet, tincidunt sapien. Vivamus maximus velit et nisl hendrerit, et accumsan tortor finibus. Duis tincidunt ex nunc, ut posuere mi tincidunt nec. Phasellus ut nulla quis arcu accumsan auctor. Sed non mattis mauris, at ullamcorper arcu. Sed at neque lacinia, imperdiet quam ac, semper ex.

Maecenas et nunc velit. Mauris in placerat quam, sed porttitor lectus. Donec dapibus nisl nisl, aliquam hendrerit est rhoncus in. Vivamus vestibulum justo scelerisque mauris scelerisque, ut facilisis magna consectetur. Etiam efficitur accumsan dictum. Nulla convallis urna ac erat semper tristique. Duis placerat lacinia nibh, id suscipit nunc aliquet sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas in interdum est. Donec ac leo magna. Proin non nisl quis erat tincidunt interdum eu non lectus. Integer porta ligula vel dictum pretium. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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Full Name: Sorrina Marinette Qova
Nickname(s): Rina
Alias(es): Noah Rayx, Alicia Dalelo, Sara de la Cova
Age: Nineteen
Date of Birth: February 29th

Genetic Layout: Mutant
Blood Type: AB+

Eye Color: Hazel-green
Hair Color: Dark blonde
Height/Weight: 5'9/127 lbs.
Distinguishing Marks: A dark freckle underneath her left eyebrow. Various scars received during her confinement at {SECURITY//:Access Denied}, including scars on forearms from a failed suicide attempt & along the left side of her head, though that is covered by regrown hair.

Affiliation: Freebloods
Occupation: Resistance Operative

Powers and Abilities​

> Enhanced Intelligence - Lorem Ipsum
> Photographic Deduction - Lorem Ipsum
> Boundary Perception - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec feugiat nulla at cursus porta. Etiam feugiat magna eu tellus tincidunt condimentum. Praesent non enim luctus, egestas tortor quis, congue nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus tellus mauris, vehicula non sollicitudin ut, mollis sit amet leo. Proin tempor odio a neque hendrerit sagittis. Donec eleifend nisl in nulla iaculis semper. Quisque a eros vel est cursus varius nec vitae augue. Donec hendrerit, sem sed maximus lacinia, sapien quam hendrerit purus, in imperdiet tortor leo accumsan dolor. Duis id arcu at diam tempor rhoncus ac eget nulla. Morbi non varius mi.

Quisque sodales velit non sodales imperdiet. Fusce lacinia convallis imperdiet. In leo tellus, elementum a convallis sed, consequat nec magna. Aliquam convallis nisl efficitur sodales pellentesque. Praesent mauris purus, gravida id diam sed, facilisis eleifend erat. Quisque finibus tincidunt nisl. Praesent eget tellus pulvinar eros rhoncus viverra auctor eu eros. Pellentesque facilisis, leo eu eleifend luctus, mi felis pellentesque tellus, vel eleifend nisl odio sed sapien. Nullam nec ipsum at sem rhoncus sagittis. Suspendisse at orci et ante egestas cursus nec at magna.

Mauris ac velit sapien. Sed bibendum turpis mi. Cras sed velit luctus, gravida mauris ut, pretium risus. Duis fringilla hendrerit quam, at porttitor mi varius non. Curabitur condimentum tortor vel mauris cursus varius. In vulputate, turpis ut porttitor sollicitudin, orci lectus consequat nunc, sed ultrices tortor augue eu orci. Cras massa diam, tincidunt id enim a, lacinia finibus risus. Fusce eleifend quis lacus et tristique. Vivamus ac nisl non sem egestas aliquet. Vestibulum nec rhoncus neque. Etiam arcu sem, sagittis non neque at, scelerisque efficitur nulla. Nam laoreet accumsan ullamcorper. Integer velit mi, blandit sit amet sodales non, condimentum eget odio. Phasellus placerat nunc quis dui imperdiet, nec ultricies dolor mollis. Curabitur non lectus at metus aliquet congue. Donec id blandit justo.

Nunc iaculis mi sodales nibh iaculis pellentesque. Ut pretium ante sed accumsan facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vehicula iaculis lorem sit amet congue. Donec imperdiet neque est, at fermentum metus varius hendrerit. Phasellus scelerisque cursus lacinia. Phasellus eget orci convallis, condimentum eros a, lobortis augue. Donec et ligula luctus, mollis velit at, scelerisque nibh. Suspendisse porttitor, ipsum id luctus tempus, risus tortor rutrum lacus, et tincidunt nibh tellus id lectus. Morbi lobortis lacus laoreet, volutpat mauris sed, convallis odio. Nullam ornare aliquet semper. Nulla hendrerit urna ut elit aliquet, placerat faucibus tellus efficitur. Morbi eu dolor nec leo consequat mattis imperdiet sed orci. Curabitur eget nisl semper, ultrices velit non, ultrices sem. Cras vitae laoreet odio.

Face Claim: Elle Fanning
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec feugiat nulla at cursus porta. Etiam feugiat magna eu tellus tincidunt condimentum. Praesent non enim luctus, egestas tortor quis, congue nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus tellus mauris, vehicula non sollicitudin ut, mollis sit amet leo. Proin tempor odio a neque hendrerit sagittis. Donec eleifend nisl in nulla iaculis semper. Quisque a eros vel est cursus varius nec vitae augue. Donec hendrerit, sem sed maximus lacinia, sapien quam hendrerit purus, in imperdiet tortor leo accumsan dolor. Duis id arcu at diam tempor rhoncus ac eget nulla. Morbi non varius mi.

Quisque sodales velit non sodales imperdiet. Fusce lacinia convallis imperdiet. In leo tellus, elementum a convallis sed, consequat nec magna. Aliquam convallis nisl efficitur sodales pellentesque. Praesent mauris purus, gravida id diam sed, facilisis eleifend erat. Quisque finibus tincidunt nisl. Praesent eget tellus pulvinar eros rhoncus viverra auctor eu eros. Pellentesque facilisis, leo eu eleifend luctus, mi felis pellentesque tellus, vel eleifend nisl odio sed sapien. Nullam nec ipsum at sem rhoncus sagittis. Suspendisse at orci et ante egestas cursus nec at magna.

Mauris ac velit sapien. Sed bibendum turpis mi. Cras sed velit luctus, gravida mauris ut, pretium risus. Duis fringilla hendrerit quam, at porttitor mi varius non. Curabitur condimentum tortor vel mauris cursus varius. In vulputate, turpis ut porttitor sollicitudin, orci lectus consequat nunc, sed ultrices tortor augue eu orci. Cras massa diam, tincidunt id enim a, lacinia finibus risus. Fusce eleifend quis lacus et tristique. Vivamus ac nisl non sem egestas aliquet. Vestibulum nec rhoncus neque. Etiam arcu sem, sagittis non neque at, scelerisque efficitur nulla. Nam laoreet accumsan ullamcorper. Integer velit mi, blandit sit amet sodales non, condimentum eget odio. Phasellus placerat nunc quis dui imperdiet, nec ultricies dolor mollis. Curabitur non lectus at metus aliquet congue. Donec id blandit justo.

Nunc iaculis mi sodales nibh iaculis pellentesque. Ut pretium ante sed accumsan facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vehicula iaculis lorem sit amet congue. Donec imperdiet neque est, at fermentum metus varius hendrerit. Phasellus scelerisque cursus lacinia. Phasellus eget orci convallis, condimentum eros a, lobortis augue. Donec et ligula luctus, mollis velit at, scelerisque nibh. Suspendisse porttitor, ipsum id luctus tempus, risus tortor rutrum lacus, et tincidunt nibh tellus id lectus. Morbi lobortis lacus laoreet, volutpat mauris sed, convallis odio. Nullam ornare aliquet semper. Nulla hendrerit urna ut elit aliquet, placerat faucibus tellus efficitur. Morbi eu dolor nec leo consequat mattis imperdiet sed orci. Curabitur eget nisl semper, ultrices velit non, ultrices sem. Cras vitae laoreet odio.
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empty post 5
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[border=8px double #696969][bg=#A9A9A9] [border=1px dashed #C0C0C0]
[/border][border=1px single #C0C0C0][/border]
[bg=#C0C0C0][h]x A better world for metapsychics and latents alike!xx - S.O.A.R Director Lazzizar[/h][/bg]
[row][column=span4][border=1px dashed black]The W.I.T.C.H Initiative is a highly classified, completely off-the-books military program that specializes in experimental metapsychics. It is a second generation product that has been funded by multiple, unnamed sources from across the world. It's purpose is simple, to find a way to balance metapsychic abilities with transhumanism control. The problem, is that almost all humans show some form of metapsychic ability, no matter how mundane their latency may be. The Directors of this program believe that with better metapsychic understanding, leaps and bounds will be made to the current stagnant transhumanism industry. Their aim is to offer metapsychics a better life by altering latent, human ones. But is that truly all they're after?
[column=span4][border=1px dashed black]You're probably wondering why you've been given access to this information. The answer is simple. Shido. The infamous Valos Shido. The revolutionary mutineer has risen from the ashes of his imprisonment, and has lent his brilliance and fortune to the Agyian military once again. This time with a project that benefits both ally and enemy, and gives a second chance to those struggling with the same complications he had. There is, of course, a catch. Though the military will be directing and running the program, Valos has been granted full, hands-on, behind-the-scenes control. The issue? He's chosen you to become the next Initiate, and only he knows how to run the software.
Your invitation has been extended, will you accept?
[bg=#C0C0C0][h]xIf you want in, all you gotta' do is drink ithis...xxxx- Director Reya's AGI[/h][/bg]
[imagefloat=left]BAbSOBN.png[/imagefloat][sh]What is it? What does it mean? Psychic what?![/sh]
'Metapsychic' is more than just a noun. It's both word and label for those with metapsychic abilities. All humans are metapsychic, but there are two broad categories that people fall into: Functional and Dormant metapsychics.
Functional metapsychics are usually
[border=1px dashed #C0C0C0][sh]
So, who are they? What do they want? They have psychic what?!
Metapsychics are humans, like you and me, that have Functioning psychic powers.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec leo elit, auctor in ultricies vel, interdum in eros. Vestibulum at ante purus. Suspendisse vehicula lorem eu fringilla laoreet. Phasellus vel justo euismod, aliquet neque sit amet, ullamcorper quam. Maecenas feugiat fermentum eros ac finibus. Sed faucibus dapibus cursus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc aliquet metus et dolor aliquet fermentum.[/border]
[border=1px dashed black][row][column=span4][bg=#A9A9A9][border=0px solid #A9A9A9]
hheee he e ehaaa heaaaa wehhheeeee waaaahhhhhh.
hheee he e ehaaa heaaaa wehhheeeee waaaahhhhhh.
hheee he e ehaaa heaaaa wehhheeeee waaaahhhhhh.
[column=span4][bg=#A9A9A9][border=0px solid #A9A9A9]
hheee he e ehaaa heaaaa wehhheeeee waaaahhhhhh.
hheee he e ehaaa heaaaa wehhheeeee waaaahhhhhh.
hheee he e ehaaa heaaaa wehhheeeee waaaahhhhhh.
[bg=#C0C0C0][h]About this Roleplay[/h][/bg]
[border=1px dashed #C0C0C0][bg=#A9A9A9][border=0px solid #A9A9A9]
[bg=#A9A9A9]CLICK ME[/bg]
Depending on how much interest this gathers, I plan on having two IC tabs - one for the Initiates, which will be the main bulk of the RP, as well as a second tab for non-Initiate RPer's. Due to the nature of the Initiate program I will only be able to accept seven or eight characters to fill those roles. However, I have multiple subplots in mind for the IC 2 tab, which will be more of a sandbox-type setting, where character development will be prioritized. That does not mean you can post whatever you like, nor does it mean the Initiate thread won't be prioritizing character development. Options will be lenient as long as there has been collaboration with the GM prior to posting. (To make sure nothing breaks the internal lore of the world.)
The Initiate thread will be kept moving by a somewhat rigid plot-line, whereas the IC 2 will rely on characters moving their own arcs by initiating and reacting to IC 2 plot points. I say somewhat to the former because I fully believe in being able to adapt to new situations, and that new, possibly even better ideas are bound to present themselves. The Main/Initiate thread will follow the eight or nine Initiates who have been invited into a program that promised to not only enhance their metapsychic abilities, but to control them as well. Once Initiated they are divided into special units where they learn how to control their abilities in real-life situations. Which is something they never bargained for.
IC 2 will contain characters from W.I.T.C.H, S.O.A.R, and other governmental authorities. I will allow a few RPer's to sign up for those agencies, but as I will be revealing Initiate related spoilers, they will be limited. There are Crimester organizations that your characters can be affiliated with, pulling off hard jobs and impossible rescues. If you want your character to be on the right side of the law, sign them up for the Agyian military. Maybe even Morrigu class. They could be wealthy corporates who just paid a hefty sum for new nanotechnology that they never received. Or maybe they work in the over crowded medical centers deep within the slums. All with the option of being metapsychic or in the stages of latency.
There will be an effort-based point system in this RP, that I think keeps up with the logistics of the RP. Points will not be received until your character has been accepted, so create your character without the thought of points. Remember, they are effort-based, the more you put in, the more you get out. Each character is worth 45 points, and there's a maximum of 100 points per RPer. Each post is worth .5 point, and you must "buy" an additional character for 25 points after reaching the minimum post count of 8. Accumulated points can be spent on editing or creating plot-points with the GM, buying new, state-of-the-art equipment IC, and a multitude of other things. There will be an in-depth look at the Point System in the Overview tab, but I wanted this mentioned before the thread is even created.

[bg=#A9A9A9][border=0px solid #A9A9A9]
[bg=#A9A9A9]CLICK ME[/bg]
Depending on how much interest this gathers, I plan on having two IC tabs - one for the Initiates, which will be the main bulk of the RP, as well as a second tab for non-Initiate RPer's. Due to the nature of the Initiate program I will only be able to accept seven or eight characters to fill those roles. However, I have multiple subplots in mind for the IC 2 tab, which will be more of a sandbox-type setting, where character development will be prioritized. That does not mean you can post whatever you like, nor does it mean the Initiate thread won't be prioritizing character development. Options will be lenient as long as there has been collaboration with the GM prior to posting. (To make sure nothing breaks the internal lore of the world.)
The Initiate thread will be kept moving by a somewhat rigid plot-line, whereas the IC 2 will rely on characters moving their own arcs by initiating and reacting to IC 2 plot points. I say somewhat to the former because I fully believe in being able to adapt to new situations, and that new, possibly even better ideas are bound to present themselves. The Main/Initiate thread will follow the eight or nine Initiates who have been invited into a program that promised to not only enhance their metapsychic abilities, but to control them as well. Once Initiated they are divided into special units where they learn how to control their abilities in real-life situations. Which is something they never bargained for.
IC 2 will contain characters from W.I.T.C.H, S.O.A.R, and other governmental authorities. I will allow a few RPer's to sign up for those agencies, but as I will be revealing Initiate related spoilers, they will be limited. There are Crimester organizations that your characters can be affiliated with, pulling off hard jobs and impossible rescues. If you want your character to be on the right side of the law, sign them up for the Agyian military. Maybe even Morrigu class. They could be wealthy corporates who just paid a hefty sum for new nanotechnology that they never received. Or maybe they work in the over crowded medical centers deep within the slums. All with the option of being metapsychic or in the stages of latency.
There will be an effort-based point system in this RP, that I think keeps up with the logistics of the RP. Points will not be received until your character has been accepted, so create your character without the thought of points. Remember, they are effort-based, the more you put in, the more you get out. Each character is worth 45 points, and there's a maximum of 100 points per RPer. Each post is worth .5 point, and you must "buy" an additional character for 25 points after reaching the minimum post count of 8. Accumulated points can be spent on editing or creating plot-points with the GM, buying new, state-of-the-art equipment IC, and a multitude of other things. There will be an in-depth look at the Point System in the Overview tab, but I wanted this mentioned before the thread is even created.

The Federal Republic of Agyos is one of three superpowers that help shape and guide this world, the other two being the Aranian Empire and the Lemerian Monarchy. The country and continent of Agyos is currently divided into five territories, synonymously called "free-states." Each territory, or state, is then divided and categorized into cantons and districts. S.O.A.R has full service lists of cantons and districts in each territory, and by law has the right to document any and all residents in said cantons or districts. Below you will find a brief description of each.​

  • For over a millenia, Nazza has stood proud and unwavering. Not only is she the oldest territory, but she's also the oldest settlement on the continent. Nazza has stood the test of time. Most Agyian roots will bring you to Nazza, and as such, retains bits and pieces of culture and identity that dates hundreds and thousands of years back. Nazza is the heart of the country, the lifeblood that permeates through it's citizens, keeping them united as one. It shouldn't come as a surprise then, that most call it the Historic state. There are museums galore, capturing almost every stage of society that Nazza has endured. It's also said to be the most mystical, the holiest. And with her Temple District that burrows deep into the ground and reaches far into the heavens, no one can deny it.
    Dotted across the metropolitan landscape are national reserves, where native fauna, flora, and wildlife flourish under highly regulated supervision. Nazza is second only to her sister-city Lunas in green economy, who produce the majority of the nation's food with their high-tech agricultural facilities. World-leading hospitals have grown into fruition here, as well as major medical research and development. Formidably guarded, top-secret military stations are scattered throughout the territory, and once again, are second only to Lunas in safe, low-crime rate canton communities - even in the slums. Many new families travel to Nazza for peace of mind and safety, and the territory is currently third in new arrivals. Beyond everything, Nazza is a place of entertainment, with theaters and festivals, the Nezzarith funfair, towering mall districts, and even water parks for those feeling a bit adventurous.​

  • Lunas is technically the second territory, but as they didn't legally sign the Covenant until after Zorai, they take third place. Written history tells a slightly different version of the truth when it comes to the origin of Lunas, but all seem to agree on one fact: their namesake comes from Laither Lunaussi. The renowned metapsychic who shed blood, sweat, and semen to fund the then little settlement known as Oldesia. Everyone knows the close bond Nazza and Lunas share, but few know how the bond was struck, and how it has remained so for almost a millennium.
    Romanticism runs deep in Lunas culture, and they're the "greenest" territory Agyos has. Literally and figuratively. Their agricultural production makes up seventy five percent of the nation's food resources, and Lunas citizens do not forget this, nor do they exploit it. Only once has Lunas halted it's food production - roughly two hundred years ago when they went on strike against Zorai's increasingly absurd energy prices. Within a matter of months the issue was solved and the citizens haven't struck since.

  • qwerty

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[h]The birthplace of a nation...[/h]

Nazza is one of the five independent territories that encompass the country of Agyos. Not only is Nazza the oldest of the five territories, but it boasts culture, cuisine, and much more native antiquity. The finest history and art museums are located within this territory's border, and the locals are proud and pretentious of their collections. Despite the pretentious local attitude, Nazza is second only to it's sister-state Lunas, in low-crime rates and safe, family-friendly neighborhoods. Many of family's move to Nazza for its perceived safety.
Nazza is a unique location, having kept most of its original architectural aesthetic hybridized with modern, streamline engineering. There are many craftsman trade here in Nazza; keeping up with it's architecture or designing new ones, Nazza is always looking for men and women who are handy with their hands.

  • There are many Cantons in Nazza,

  • Considered by many the holiest place in Agyos, the Temple District of Nazza reaches into the bowels of the earth, and extends far into the wispy clouds. Religious figures, fanatics, and theologians from all over the world come to this very district to gaze in wonder at the holy structures Nazza has assembled. Though it's wondrous and great for business, true religious figures (despite serving in the District themselves) believe just that - great for business. Within the last sixty years the Temple District has shut it's doors on the public and only grants access to those with special clearance, or a hefty deposit.
    Lower districts are mandatorily opened three times a week for low income members of the Faiths to come and worship their Gods. Almost fifty years ago, when the government issued a military draft, the families of those drafted were given aid by the Temple District which left them financially drained. The priests and priestesses didn't mind performing their religious duties, but the ones in care of the District grew angry at the Covenant which forced them to aid everyone despite their growing debt. They found a loophole enabling them to become a private, religious entity which granted immunity from the Covenant and their wishes. Outrage lasted for decades, but there was nothing they could do about it.
    The Upper Districts are quite a mystery to most, as it's doors have been closed for so long. Those who enter rarely ever speak in details, only remarking on its beauty. The priests and priestess who work there also live there, and rarely venture down to lower districts.

  • asdfdsf
Functioning Metapsychics are usually divided into three categories, with or without ranks. Said ranks usually come from documented training, but that's not always the case. Some children have been ranked Grand Neophytes by their sheer, uncontrolled power. Ranks can be legally stripped, as it grants certain permissions, but that doesn't mean said power has diminished.
The Categories: Neophytes, Middlings, and Mavens
The Ranks: Grand, Paramount, and Supreme
[sh]Tiers of Power Explained[/sh]
The Seven Tiers combine both ranks and categories, and adds something extra to the mix: Degrees. There are seven degrees for the seven Tiers, and they help a metapsychic raise through the ranks. They also help governmental officials keep tabs on documented metapsychics. They are subjective however, to an individual's power - so far, sheer power, especially sheer power of will seems to be the staple of higher rank metapsychics. Over the past few decades there are have been many studies on how to objectively judge metapsychic power levels, but nothing concrete has been revealed as of now.
[row][column=span2][border=1px solid black][border=1px dotted black]xTiers 1-2: xGrand
xTiers 3-5: xParamount
xTiers 6-7: xSupreme[/border][/border][/column]
[column=span6][border=1px solid black][border=1px dotted black]There are a total of 49 Degrees that document the power of a metapsychic.
Instead of power, metapsychics are separated into Categories based on knowledge and control of their metapsychic ability.

> Morrigu
> Dhailon
An Operative Unit within the W.I.T.C.H program.
> Valkyrja
An Operative Unit within the W.I.T.C.H program.
> Vishe Kana
An Operative Unit within the W.I.T.C.H program.
Surveillance of the Agyian Republic
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[centerblock=67][sh]CATALEYA COLE[/sh]
[border=1px solid black]Nicknames: Leya, CC
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Kong Robbers
Occupation: In-between jobs at the moment; former bartender and sous-chef.
Personality: Leya is a reserved woman who thrusts herself into new experiences for what she believes is much needed growth. She's tenacious, hard working, and paces herself in almost every aspect of her life. Since she was a child, pacing and compartmentalizing has helped keep her mind focused on one thing or the other at all times. And once her mind is set on something she trudges through it with an almost tunnel vision like obsession. Quietly ambitious and with an inner desire that strives to prove herself fuels her psyche.
Bio: - Leya was born deep within the Waterfront to a famed culinary chef and a shady politician. Her mother owned a somewhat famous restaurant that she had inherited from her mother. Leya's father had ties to Waterfront's open proverbial doors that led the way to human trafficking. Life was great at first and she grew up in a stable, loving environment.
- When she was five years old she accidently caught their family house on fire after throwing a temper tantrum. It's one of the first memories Leya has and part of the reason she doesn't like using her powers. Her parents learned of super-status that day and did everything they could to keep it a secret.
- More and more accidents happened throughout the years, and her parents found it hard to keep their secret, a secret. When she was nine years old her mother revealed a secret of her own and told Leya that her grandmother had a gift seemingly similar to hers. Her parents went as far as keeping her in the house (and in the kitchen of the restaurant) at almost all times.
- A few months before her twelfth birthday, Cataleya was abducted and taken to Fort Pleasant. Unspeakable things happened while she was in their "care" and to this day Leya refuses to talk about what she witnessed and endured. And that's if the subject of her abduction is even mentioned;
- Roughly seven years after being abducted Leya escapes with a fellow abductee and after separating ways Leya made her way back to her home in search of her parents. Though she found them and watched them from a distance for many weeks, Leya couldn't bring herself to reenter their lives. So she made her way up the east coast job by job.
- It took her a few years of hard work and soul searching to reach the Mecca, and when she finally did she was met with what she thought was true love. After almost a year of dating Cataleya and Arlo Mirae settled down in the Core, content in their relationship and dreams of saving their earnings to move to Lotus and have a beach wedding ceremony.
- Their dreams came true less than two years ago when they moved to Lotus. In hindsight, Leya's glad in more ways than one that their wedding kept getting pushed back. After only a few months within Lotus, Arlo started acting strangely. This led to stressful arguments and caused control over her powers to wane for the first time during their relationship. One stressful argument gave way to Leya's powers and she felt obligated to tell him the truth.
- It's been three months since Arlo disappeared and Leya got wrapped up in gang activity. She still doesn't understand what exactly is going on and how much the Kong Robbers know about her powers. Right before Arlo disappeared he threatened to expose her abilities to 'people who could use them.'
Superpower?: sí
Power Name: Molecular Acceleration
Power Description: "Molecular Acceleration is the ability to make molecules reverberate at a speed which causes them to become disordered. This causes an object to rapidly heat up, and as a result, the power can cause objects to melt or burn."

With training Leya has the potential to make objects heat up, burn, melt, ignite, or possibly even combust. Her power can only be channeled/accessed through the palms of her hands.
{ Molecular Acceleration | Molecular Acceleration }
Sub-power: N/A
Strengths: She doesn't have to wait for the stove to boil her water. Leya can quite literally heat up a room.
- Uses of power are large and diverse and Leya has yet to tap into her true potential.
- Power can be used equally offensively and defensively, sometimes even simultaneously.
- Can affect multiple people at once. Anyone in her radius can and will be effected unless there's intentional and directional control administered.
Weaknesses: Friendly fire and burns are quite possible. Her power radius rarely exceeds thirteen feet. If her hands are tied or incapacitated in some form Leya cannot access/release her power. Being emotionally (or otherwise) unstable can result in complete loss of control over her power, leading to disastrous effects. Despite being able to cause molecules to ignite into flames, she is not immune to fire herself and will burn just as easily as anyone else.


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Nickname: Leya, Cat, CC
Codename: an INVICTUS-issued codename
Age: (actual if applicable and appearance age)
Gender: (if applicable)
Race: (even if normal human or human with powers, put something here)
Clearance Level:

This section is dedicated to a description of what your character looks like. This includes height and weight, and anything that your character image does not show. If your character can change forms or has an alternate form, you can write out what it looks like and LINK pictures here. It doesn't have to be in paragraph form. It could be in list form. But please, use full sentences.

[fieldbox="PERSONALITY, #242424, solid, 10"]
I'd like at least a paragraph about your character's personality. Try to include three positive traits, three neutral traits and three negative traits.
If you need more prompt, then include situations in which your characters would act a certain way.​
some characters have very very long pasts, so all I'm really looking for is a summary and reference to important events in the character's life, as well as how long they have been with INVICTUS and their feelings toward the organization.

lorem ipsum


[fieldbox="WEAPONS, #242424, solid, 10"]
this is the section to write down what weapons the character uses. they could be standard issued ones as well as their specialty ones. this may also include weapons that they innately have (like claws or fangs, etc).​
Ability Name: (what the power is)
Description: (what the power can do)

(you can add more abilities using the same structure above)
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