From Beneath the Waves

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Korin was eager and enthused immediately, looking at new human things. He took the headphones from her very gingerly when she allowed it, looking them over as he tried to figure them out. He glanced between them and her after a moment of inspection, and a moment later it finally dawned on him how they were supposed to be used.

"Oooh," he said as he realized they went on over her ears, and gave a soft chuckle as he handed them back to her, a hand pressing a bit self consciously against one of his head fins. "Oh, no, that would never work. My hearing is . . . sensitive. It would be too loud."

He gave the speaker a gentle tap instead, smiling easily at the idea of being able to listen to something so close. "I'm used to hearing through water, or from a distance, so I'm sure anything will sound beautiful." She could play it quietly and it still wouldn't matter to him. He was just ecstatic to hear it up close at all.
She felt a little guilty at making him feel embarrassed, she had been worried they wouldn't work but she hadn't wanted to assume anything.

She took them back and returned them to her back, setting it aside and pulling out her phone. "Well good, I just hope you like the sound of something, music is really subjective."

"There's over a thousand different genres or styles of music, and over a million different songs and pieces of music."
She grinned a little, "so you're going to have to visit a fair bit to hear even a small portion of it."

"I don't know if you know any types of music from what you've heard?"
She asked, thinking he might be able to describe it at least. "But if you don't it's fine, I thought we could start with something classical or instrumental, what do you think?"
"Anything will be wonderful," he reassured, watching curiously as she tapped on her phone because he'd only ever seen ones up close that were water logged and didn't work. "I don't know what any of it is called. . . But even if I don't think it sounds pretty, it's interesting anyway. Some of it is . . . angry? I always wondered what people were thinking of when they made it."

No matter what kind of sounds the music used, he'd probably never heard them before, and everything new was interesting. Just being able to hear it up close was going to be an unforgettable experience, and now that he'd found Olivia he could hear it over and over. He couldn't help feeling like she was giving him more than he could ever give back.

When the music started to play quietly he went silent, looking at the speaker as if he could figure out how it worked, but after a minute or two leaned his weight on a hand and closed his eyes, just listening. All of the sounds were so different from what he usually heard, and they were so clear when he got to listen up close. "It's beautiful. . ." He murmured softly, mostly to himself, and for a while forgot that he had ever felt worried about being out of the water. There were so many things to find that he had never experienced before.
She laughed a little at his description of angry music, "yeah there's a few different types that sound angry, but it can be fun, because it's raw, powerful and strong."

She didn't think that was a good introduction to music however, mindful of his complaint about feeling overwhelmed by the complicated flavours of the burger, she wanted to play something that was soothing but still beautiful.

After a moment she put her phone down as music began to play, it came through crystal clear, she hadn't undersold the quality. She smiled softly, also closing her eyes to listen quietly.
Powerful and strong was a good description, he thought. Better than 'angry', though that was all he could describe it as when he'd only heard it briefly. Something about the way it sounded had kept him listening still, as he did any other time he'd managed to hear it.

Korin's eyes stayed closed as the music played, his body swaying slightly with the tune as he listened, enjoying the beautiful sounds without any sense of self-consciousness. Parts of it reminded him of distant whale song, others of the sound of heavy rain falling on rock or sand or metal. It was a unique experience. For a little while, he didn't need to think of anything at all.

When the song came to an end he blinked his eyes open, almost in a daze at first before a smile spread across his face. "What are those instruments called? They're very pretty."
At some point she opened her eyes, and was glad she did, as she was treated to the sight of Korin greatly enjoying the music. It seemed she'd picked a good first piece, and it made her excited to show him more.

She returned his smile, shrugging a little. "Well I don't know every single instrument in it, but I think the two you're hearing the most are the piano and the violin."

"It's a nice piece right?" "It's called The Merry Go Round Of Life, it's from one of my favourite movies."
"Piano and violin," Korin said thoughtfully, thinking of the sounds he'd heard and moving a hand idly back and forth through the air as if running his fingers over something. "Which one is the . . . the strings?" He was sure it was something with strings, or something very similar. It resonated differently above water, but it still felt the same.

"I've heard of movies," he said with a little nod. "I think I saw one once, on one of the really, really big ships. Is that your favorite song?" It felt special, getting to see the things that Olivia liked most. There was a lot that he couldn't share with her, not when he was tied to the sea and her to the land, but it still felt special.
She was impressed with how quickly he'd identified the sound, though perhaps his people had something similar? "That's the violin, it's a pretty sound huh?"

"Both of them are pretty versatile too, they can be used in a lot of different songs to make different sounds." "Have you heard anything like it before?"

She asked curiously before looking thoughtful at his question, she nodded a little. "It is a favourite of mine, I don't know if I'd call it my absolute favourite song though."

She grinned a little, "I have alot of favourite songs, it's hard to pick just one."
"Very pretty," he agreed, nodding a little to himself. "We have something called a gilder. The way strings make sound underwater is . . . different. Less varied. But the way the sound shakes is very similar."

Enough so that he could identify it, at least.

"Do you have some of your favorite songs with you, then?" He asked, unsure how her phone really worked and how she carried them or sent them to the speaker. "Will you play them for me? I'd like to hear them, if you like them." Anything that Olivia was interested in, he wanted to see and hear and try. Everything she did was amazing, to him.
"A gilder." She repeated softly, clearly quite interested. "I didn't know you could play music underwater, I wish I could hear it." She was very curious to hear what it sounded like, though she knew she couldn't hear it.

She smiled a little, looking a bit shy. "Um, okay sure, hang on a sec." She tapped away at her phone for a moment, then music started to play once more.

She played him a few different favourites of hers, different styles as well. An upbeat pop song, a powerful rock ballad, and a soulful folk song.
Korin was eager to share anything that Olivia enjoyed, and could have spent forever sitting there, listening to all the things she liked. Each time, no matter the type of music, he would close his eyes and take it all in, and afterwards do his best to tell her what it reminded him of. Sometimes he was sure he sounded silly, but all he was focused on was finally getting to enjoy his time with someone. Eventually, though, it had to end.

"It's getting late," he said, with a small, regretful little smile. "I should start swimming home. Thank you. . . For sharing so much with me." He'd been sitting around on the dock for so long, and he didn't like the way his skin began to feel a bit tight when he dried out. It was time he get going. "Can I help you pack up your things?"
She really enjoyed sharing a few of her favourite songs with Korin, it was nice to hear his thoughts on them since he was completely new to all of it.

It was also fascinating to hear more about his people's music, like the gilder. His interpretation of the music was really interesting, and had her looking at her old favourites from his fresh perspective.

She shook her head with a little smile when he offered to help clean up, "thanks but I've got it." "And you're welcome." She said brightly, "Thank you for doing the same."
Korin was reluctant not to help, but took Olivia's word and lowered himself into the water, where he felt more himself again. He didn't linger and make her feel strange by watching her clean, with such a long swim home in the dark, but he was sure to say his goodbyes and figure out when to come next before he left.

It started to become almost a routine, after that. Every day that he could, he went to Olivia's beach and spent time with her, trying new human foods that he often liked and occasionally hated. In exchange he brought her whatever he could from his world - pearls, shells, bits of coral, different tools or weapons he had either acquired or carved himself. Whenever he didn't have things that needed to be taken care of right away, he would swim to where he could see Oivia's light and see if she was around, even if she hadn't planned to bring him anything. Still, despite how much he liked spending time with her he could never stay long. After an hour or so he would always start to go when it was late, and if it was daylight he would drop back into the water in order to stay longer. When he stayed out in the air for long enough to dry out, it always started to feel strange. He didn't think he could call it pain, really, but it was definitely something.

After a few visits, Korin thought that he had started to get too comfortable. He was less wary of others coming into sight, and had dared even to meet Olivia on the beach, rather than on the dock where he could immediately jump back into the water and disappear. But it was more comfortable for her, he thought, getting to sit on a blanket in the softer sand rather than on the wooden platform, and he did like being able to lie out with her instead of sitting awkwardly on his tail the whole time.

For a while, as he laid with just his top half atop the blanket Olivia had brought to sit on, Korin had simply rested and listened to the music she always played for him, idly talking here and there about the different kinds. Relaxed and enjoying himself, he had only thought he was getting too much sun - he hadn't been with her very long, after all - and it wasn't until he started to push himself up that he realized it was more.

"I don't feel . . . right." He shook his head a little, feeling almost dizzy for a moment as he twisted to push up on an elbow, a hand resting against his head. "I should go back . . ." He needed to go before he didn't feel like he could get himself back to the where the waves crashed into the sand. He was too heavy for Olivia to help him, so he had to do it himself. Just like always, he thought, before it started to feel like his eyes weren't focusing. Why else would it feel as if the fins along his arm were smaller than they were before?
After his first night time visit, they settled into a comfortable routine, everyday she go about her business and every night she'd see if he was around to visit.

She got into the habit of taking her dinner down to the dock, she'd take along a serving for Korin in case he showed. If not she just eat her own, and enjoy the peace and quiet.

She found it relaxing, a way to soothe her nerves and if Korin did appear, so much the better. She treasured every gift he brought her, no matter what it was, the most beautiful pearl or the smallest trinket, she loved them all.

Each visit he seemed to grow more confident and comfortable around her, which she appreciated greatly, their friendship was always growing stronger.

She knew they were getting closer when they could just hang out in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company, which is what she was currently doing when Korin suddenly sat up.

She opened her eyes and sat up herself, she reached out and put a gentle hand on his shoulder, frowning in concern. "Are you alright Korin?"
Korin shook his head a little, pushing himself up to his elbow and then a hand to try and put himself through the effort of getting back to the water, but even his tail felt . . . odd. He wasn't sure how to describe it.

"I don't know. . ." He managed, making a displeased face at the out of place sensation that shortly turned into something between confusion and worry when he looked at his own hand. "I feel . . . strange. It doesn't hurt . . ."

His voice trailed off as paid closer attention to where the crawling, almost tingling sensation moved over his skin, eyes going a bit wide as he realized that something had actually changed. "My . . . My fins . . ." They were gone. The blue scales that trailer down his arms were still, so far, present, but the fins were - not smaller, or flattened, but gone.

Korin dropped back to both elbows, his head hitting the blanket with a soft, almost disgusted little cry as that same rippling, curling sensation began to shrink the fin along his back as well. What was going on? What was happening to him? At the same time as it horrified him and he wanted to rag himself back to the water, he couldn't help also being morbidly curious about where it would end. Was his magic trying to adapt him to land by taking his fins away? He had never asked it to do that before.
He might not be in pain, but something was clearly wrong. Something was... different? She took her sunglasses, trying to figure out what it was.

Suddenly she noticed the fins on his arm were gone, she had gotten so used to seeing them there that at first her brain hadn't even recognised their absence.

"Your fins are..." She noticed the fin on his back becoming harder to see as it started to... shrink? She glanced down at his tail, from what she could see it was the same, but.... there was something off about it.

"What do we do!?" Her tone was slightly panicked, afraid something might be really wrong with him. Disturbing thoughts of beached whales flashed in her mind, "I can get you back in the water."

She was strong enough too, even if she had to drag or roll him, but she didn't know if that would even help.
Korin could hear her panic even through the strange rush of his own blood in his ears and did his best to shake his head at her. "No." He insisted, his shoulder twitching away from her hands as if to get out of her reach though his tone was still worried, still confused. "No - I can take it. It isn't - It'll be okay."

He supposed the pained groan that came after, through a tightly clenched jaw as the feeling spread towards his tail fins, was not entirely reassuring, but he didn't want her to touch him. What if whatever magic had hold of him spread to her? He didn't know what it would do to her, hadn't even used his magics in her presence since the day he'd rescued her and doubted she'd even seen it then, but the way it moved through him was almost . . . familiar? Like something he had known once, a long time ago, even though if he tried he couldn't remember. Whatever it was doing, it wasn't trying to kill him. At least, he didn't think it was.

He pushed himself up as the strange, uncomfortable sensation continued to spread and grow more intense, twisting to look at his own arm, as far towards his back as he could see, and down where the fins at the top of his tail had already begun to shrink. His scales were receding, he realized, getting smaller and softer until only smooth skin would be left in their place, and when he looked towards his tail he could see it beginning to change shape as well, fins shrinking and strange dips in the shape of it that gave him the inexplicable but distinct impression that it was going to split in half.

"I may throw up on you. . ." He murmured half heartedly, a sort of dawning horror mixed with curiosity in his voice. It was happening to him, and that made it feel oddly sickening - but the scholar in him couldn't help thinking it was fascinating too.
She reluctantly let go as he tried to shake her hand free, having to fight a very strong urge to grab him again when he cried out in pain.

She wasn't comforted by his reassurances, but she had no idea what was going on so she'd just have to trust he knew what he was talking about.

Though it didn't seem like he knew much about what was going on eiether, she found her gaze drawn to whatever was happening to his tail, morbidly fascinated.

She took a couple of steps back when he mentioned throwing up, not wanting to get caught up in it, but close enough to still rush forward and help if he needed it.

"Your tail...." She suddenly realised what was happening to it, as she stared at where his feet should be, where if she was right, they would be. "I think it's changing into.... legs."
Korin wasn't sure how Olivia knew, but somehow she was right. As they both watched in perhaps equal amounts of fascination and horror, his tail split even as it morphed from scales into smooth skin, until finally, at the end of it, he was left with two legs in its place, with two feet and ten toes at their end. His scales had disappeared completely, his fins replaced by human ears and human legs, until every part of him that was mer was simply . . . gone.

Twisted onto his side with balled fists only just beginning to relax, Korin was heaving for breath not from any true exertion on his part but the sheer panic that had come over him at finding his body wholly changed, without any sort of input on his part. It didn't hurt, he thought, though some parts of it hadn't been comfortable and seeing his own tail split in two had made his stomach leap in ways that were extremely unpleasant. When he could, he pushed himself up enough to look at where his new legs lay, giving an experimental push of his toes into the sand, and thought his head might still be spinning at the shock.

". . . What . . ." It was the only word he could find, an unfinished sentence that meant everything and also hardly anything at all. What had just happened to him? He had so many questions.
His transformation was unlike anything she'd ever seen, it was awful and unnatural but at the same time, she found herself unable to look away.

As his tail finally split and formed into legs, she stared at them with fascination, marvelling at his smooth skin, there was no trace at all of his former scales.

"This is incredible." She said softly, "it's like you.." She trailed off as her gaze had been drifting higher, and she suddenly realised he was naked.

Immediately she averted her eyes, luckily not seeing anything. Her cheeks felt hot as she blushed deeply, she turned her back to him and cleared her throat a little awkwardly. "Uh Korin?" "Perhaps you should put that towel over your lap."