Frozen Ash

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Original poster

January 4th, 2023
Seismic activity wasn't very active through out 2017, a major earthquake shook the East Coast tremendously. The 7.5 quake was centered in San Francisco Bay, and did major damage to San Francisco and Oakland. The Golden Gate Bridge nearly collapsed entirely. While the U.S was still weakened by this natural disaster, a 8.0 quake rattled Japan, setting the country into a state of chaos. These two quakes is believed to have started this cataclysmic event, as the tectonic plates around the world cracked and split. Volcanoes around the globe erupted, throwing debris into the air. The largest of which, Aira Caldera, a super volcano in erupted violently. Japan never recovered.
Across the world, thousands died within a week. The debris and ash that clouded the air blocked the sun, and slowly around the world climates changed dramatically. The air was cold and rigid nearly every day. The suns beams have never broken the surface of the clouds of debris floating in the air, and though days are still brighter than nights, every day is gray.

Those that survived the initial week were the strong. The real test was for the coming years however, as soon snow storms were replaced with "Ash Storms". Nicknamed by the population, these Ash Storms blew snow and air too the ground, covering the ground in a mixture of black and white. If you were caught outside during these storms for an extend period of time without a mask, you were likely to fall ill and die within the week.

By the end of 2018 governments around the world were already falling. The minor countries of the world were in states of anarchy. Island nations were mostly submerged as the sealands rose. Florida included was nearly completely submerged. At the start of 2019, the United States Government started to waver. The populations were starting to rebel. In June 2019, disaster stuck Yellowstone as the super volcano located there erupted. Power was lost nation wide, the only working electricity was found on generators.
Now its everyone for themselves. Billions died. Those left are the strong or the smart.

Are you among those?

Hello! This is going to be an apocalyptic roleplay set roughly six years after volcano around the world sent debris into the air and blocked the suns rays from reaching Earth. Starting the second Ice Age, survivors often are hunted by bandits, people who lost their humanity and now kill for what they're looking for.
This will be set in the US (where I'm not quite sure yet. Probably Kansas, Colorado, or Texas.) And we will be a group of survivors in an area highly populated with 2-3 bandit groups.If you have any questions feel free to ask! ^-^ I'll give more details if we can accumulate some interest!​
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I'm really not trying to be a dick here...but your scenario is loaded with inaccuracies. First off an earthquake in San Francisco would not weaken the U.S. as a whole, two matter how big they were, would not cause the Tectonic Plates to crack and split. Secondly, the "Second Ice Age"?...there have been at least twenty ice ages in Earth's history...and lastly, how in the world would an ice age cause sea levels to rise? If anything an ice age would cause more of the oceans to freeze at the poles, thus reducing sea levels, not causing them to rise. Again not trying to be an asshole, but some facts definitively need to addressed with this plot.
I'm really not trying to be a dick here...but your scenario is loaded with inaccuracies. First off an earthquake in San Francisco would not weaken the U.S. as a whole, two matter how big they were, would not cause the Tectonic Plates to crack and split. Secondly, the "Second Ice Age"?...there have been at least twenty ice ages in Earth's history...and lastly, how in the world would an ice age cause sea levels to rise? If anything an ice age would cause more of the oceans to freeze at the poles, thus reducing sea levels, not causing them to rise. Again not trying to be an asshole, but some facts definitively need to addressed with this plot.

No no, I dont have knowledge on too much Earth science and I certainly don't mind the criticism!
I believe the destruction of a major US city would actually weaken it, not too mention and more damage it could cause.

Didnt know that fact about ice ages, I knew of only the major one in the Pleistocene period. and I didn't mean to imply the temperature of the world was what was causing the rising sea levels, rather than the destruction of the volcano off the coast of Japan. Last time it erupted it caused major flooding and rising waters in the East. My bad on that part, I'll edit it when I get home. Honestly only added that in for more effect xF

I'm certain the earth would have more earthquakes but I'm not going to go through the trouble of listing each one out seeing as this is just an interest check
Well, I'm interested even with the inaccuracies.

Maybe the tectonic shift caused a shift in the poles so that the poles get more sun, melting the ice there to make the waters rise? Though that would throw off compasses too. If polar north shifted or the axis the Earth rotates on, that could cause the shifting of ecosystems and the freezing in the US, right? Make the new equator run through Russia and South America?
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Well, I'm interested even with the inaccuracies.

Maybe the tectonic shift caused a shift in the poles so that the poles get more sun, melting the ice there to make the waters rise? Though that would throw off compasses too. If polar north shifted or the axis the Earth rotates on, that could cause the shifting of ecosystems and the freezing in the US, right? Make the new equator run through Russia and South America?

That could work, though of course the focus on the roleplay wouldn't really need that to be specified!
Glad to have you aboard, hopefully we can get two or three more before I start working on more information.
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I know this is a month old bur I'm very interested and would love to join if this becomes a thing.