FxF Prison Roleplay Anybody? 18+ (Sub needed. Romance & Fluff.)

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Previously Syd
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
Hi there! I'm just going to start by telling you a little bit about me. I'm female, 21, and from England - I've been role-playing since I was about 13, and I love doing it :-)

Now these are the general rules (don't worry, there aren't too many):

- Please be 18 or over. This is definitely a comfort thing and I feel betrayed when I'm lied to. And since this will be a romance rp, I don't want things to be uncomfortable maturity wise and there might be more mature elements to this.

- I'm really sorry, but I'm only comfortable roleplaying with females at the moment.

- Please be active. I'm on quite a lot, so 4 or more replies a day would be great. Anything less, and my dumb brain gets distracted.

- Length. I'm looking for short, detailed, but quick responses. Something I can reply to on the move.

- Feel free to chat with me. I don't bite, I promise! (Although that's not exactly a rule as such, haha)

- Mediums. I don't roleplay through threads, but I do use pm.

Plot : I've been watching a lot of Orange is the New Black, and I'd love to do an RP where YC has been sent to prison and becomes involved with MC. Perhaps my character is very persistent in her affections, and they begin a romantic relationship out of necessity at first because YC needs protection. MC will be pretty boyish and unfeminine, the type who terrifies all the other inmates since she knows how to fight.

Although this won't be a perfect or normal relationship, this won't be smut. It'll mostly be romance, drama, and a lot of fluff when they share more romantic moments. The details of your character will be up to you, considering the crime she's committed.

So message me if you're interested :)
(Still looking!)
Hiya, I'd be interested in this!
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Hi! Cool - message me maybe? I think we've chatted before, but exams may have distracted me and we never got 'round to actually roleplaying >.<
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