G-Force ( An all Female Superhero Squad)

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And then there's poor asexual Chloe who has to put up with this bs
And then there's poor asexual Chloe who has to put up with this bs
Asexuals can still have romantic relationships, so it doesn't have to be bs. :3
Asexuals can still have romantic relationships, so it doesn't have to be bs. :3
I was mostly referring to Dovah's comment earlier, about people... doing stuff.
also, I know that, but imagine being grossed out by sex and everyone else in the base just keeps talking about it
I was mostly referring to Dovah's comment earlier, about people... doing stuff.
also, I know that, but imagine being grossed out by sex and everyone else in the base just keeps talking about it
True. I doubt it'll be like that though. The lesbianism will be kind of a background thing.
True. I doubt it'll be like that though. The lesbianism will be kind of a background thing.
Okay, just from the OOC it didn't look like that.
Okay, just from the OOC it didn't look like that.
Well, it's not Lesbians that are Superheroes it's more like Superheroes that are also lesbians, and other life things. That's actually what the OOC says.
Well, it's not Lesbians that are Superheroes it's more like Superheroes that are also lesbians, and other life things. That's actually what the OOC says.
Yeah, that is what the OP says, I won't debate that, it's just the comments floating around the OOC. :/
Yeah, that is what the OP says, I won't debate that, it's just the comments floating around the OOC. :/
Does that bother you? I mean, it's a selling point for the rp, so I can't say I'm surprised because that's usually the reason I make all female roleplays and why people join them.
Does that bother you? I mean, it's a selling point for the rp, so I can't say I'm surprised because that's usually the reason I make all female roleplays and why people join them.
A little, but as long as it isn't a big deal in the RP it's fine. I just do't enjoy sex-centric rps is all.
A little, but as long as it isn't a big deal in the RP it's fine. I just do't enjoy sex-centric rps is all.
Well, if it was sex-centric it would be put in libertine, so it's not 'sex-centric'. I don't think focusing on the lesbian relationships that will most likely occur in the roleplay makes it sex-centric, either. >_> I understand your concerns, I just don't know how that became a worry?



Lonsa "Lonni" River


Code Name:

(6'3" when transformed)


Lonni is a hard working person with high morality and she expects the ones around her to have the same standards. She comes off as stoic, blunt, and stand offish unless she is close with someone. Though she is a firefighter, she isn't much of a team player and would much rather do things on her own. Because of that, she usually over works herself and takes on burdens that aren't her own. Lonni doesn't like overly chatty people, not being a talker herself. If the conversation is desirable, she will contribute, but she's not the type to start one. In the end, Lonni always does the right thing, but she also has a bit of a temper, which she loses on a daily basis. Whether it's a loud outburst, or silent seething, Lonni hardly makes it twenty four hours without getting angry at someone or something.

Super Powers:
Super strength- can easily lift up to two tons

Armor- Indestructible armor encases her entire body, steel like in appearance. Can deflect bullets, and any weapon. May be knocked back by explosives and can lose consciousness from electricity, but won't damage her physically/no long term damage. Lonni is still learning how to fully control this power.


-Has good morals
-Hand to hand combat
-High pain tolerance when not in armor

-Doesn't work well on a team
-Follows orders, but will do things her way
-Can be reckless

-Can't completely control her armor
-Short tempered


Lonsa grew up on a ranch outside of Silvergate City with three younger sisters and her grandparents. She had always been responsible for her sisters since her grandparents were always busy with the farm work. When she turned thirteen, her Grandfather fell very ill and she took on his work and never had time to herself outside of school. A year later, while she was waiting for her Grandmother to pick her and her sisters up from school, a small boy had wondered into the street. Lonsa had rushed out to grab him and was struck by a car.

That was the first time her strength and her armor had shown itself. Lonsa had no injuries, but the car that had hit her was demolished. After that, her grandmother pulled her out of school to keep attention away from them. She was home schooled after that and when she turned twenty one, moved away from the ranch to Silvergate City, where she quickly found a job as a fire fighter. Her enhanced strength gave her an advantage. Although her super strength grows with her own strength, Lonsa still hasn't mastered her armor and it seems to activate at inopportune moments.

She never had thoughts of being part of a 'superhero team' until she was approached by the G-Force. And even then she was reluctant, but saw an opportunity to gain more knowledge about her powers.

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Lonsa "Lonni" River


Code Name:

(6'3" when transformed)


Lonni is a hard working person with high morality and she expects the ones around her to have the same standards. She comes off as stoic, blunt, and stand offish unless she is close with someone. Though she is a firefighter, she isn't much of a team player and would much rather do things on her own. Because of that, she usually over works herself and takes on burdens that aren't her own. Lonni doesn't like overly chatty people, not being a talker herself. If the conversation is desirable, she will contribute, but she's not the type to start one. In the end, Lonni always does the right thing, but she also has a bit of a temper, which she loses on a daily basis. Whether it's a loud outburst, or silent seething, Lonni hardly makes it twenty four hours without getting angry at someone or something.

Super Powers:
Super strength- can easily lift up to two tons

Armor- Indestructible armor encases her entire body. Can deflect bullets, and any weapon. May be knocked back by explosives and can lose consciousness from electricity, but won't damage her physically/no long term damage. Lonni is still learning how to fully control this power.


-Has good morals
-Hand to hand combat
-High pain tolerance when not in armor

-Doesn't work well on a team
-Follows orders, but will do things her way
-Can be reckless

-Can't completely control her armor
-Short tempered

I think Tatianna just found the girl of her dreams XD
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"I love you~ and you, and you, and you too!"



5' 4''

High School Counselor


Mhyta loves talking like she loves laughing and smiling. If she finds the topic or the person is interesting, she can talk like all day. It's easy to talk to her and befriend with her because of her bubbly personality. It will always be a sunny day around her because Mhyta rarely seen in rainy moos. Mhyta is good with hiding her gloomy feeling, either she doesn't want to show it or she doesn't really aware with that kind of feeling.

Myhta is quiet well-known with her playful personality. She likes throwing cheesy jokes even though sometimes it's not funny at all, she always does that anyway. She also likes teasing people who are close with her (she likes to tease people who she just meets too anyway...) to the point where it can be annoying for those who doesn't know her well. However, it's not easy to hate her especially when she always showers people with love and attention. Mhyta remembers it well what her grandmother always says... "Mhyta! You're already 24, stop acting like you're still on your 17, behave yourself like a lady!" and she will always respond with a wide smile then a kiss on the cheek, ends with her favorite words, "I love you too~"

No, she isn't sensitive over her own feeling. She often abandon her feeling anyway. Mhyta is sensitive to people around her. This side of her started to grow when she took Psychology as her major. She needed to be sensitive and sympathetic to help her understand her surrounding, helping people who deserves her help and love. Over several years, she trains herself to be more caring and compassionate, put aside her own self-interest and put others first. Mhyta also grows her motherly side because of this, but not the stern old mother, she is more like the fun lively young mother.

What is hers... IS HERS. She doesn't like sharing and she doesn't intend to do that in the future. Never. touch. her. precious. ones, especially her family, friends, and lovers. Yes, it's lover with an S. She might not like sharing, but it doesn't mean she doesn't like to be shared... (that sounds a little bit dirty...) Anyway, Mhyta hates sharing, period, no further explanation needed. She always put people above her, but when it comes to her possession, she can turn into a ferocious beast.

Impatient Super Patient
Myhta is impatient by nature actually, but because of her job, she needs to be extra patient. You can't handle troubled students with fists and sharp words, right? It's not easy, but it's doable. If you see her starts to do 'hmm hmm...' and nodding a lot, it means her patience almost reaches its limit. Mhyta will still smiling, fake smile of course, even though she feels like her anger trying to break her head.

Mhyta can regenerate every part of her body, the more severe damage she takes, the more it needs time to regenerate. She can regenerate but it doesn't mean she won't feel any pain. The pain still lingers until the wound is healed. Don't worry, she isn't God nor an immortal. She can be killed, but it won't be easy. It needs a perfect plan to slow down her regeneration or even better stop her from regenerating entirely. The simplest way, burn her into dust, leaves nothing but ashes of her dead body.

Illusion Manipulation
She called Magi because of this skill, she can do what the magician can do, illusionist precisely, without tricks. She can alter people's vision with anything she wants. It doesn't last long though, the more complicated the illusion is, the less it can last. The most difficult illusion manipulation she can do is change her entire appearance. To do this, she needs to know the target in details, at least the visible parts or the illusion can be easily seen as a fake. Her appearance alteration only last about 20 minutes and she will totally drain her energy afterwards.


Good Listener
You can talk about crappy things for hours and she will stay there, sitting like a child who eagerly listening to her mother's story.
Lovable Companion
Take her with you if you want to have a fun, stress-free adventure. Laughter and joy guaranteed.
Mhyta can bend her body into many shapes thanks to her past experience in cheerleader squad.
Not an expert, but enough to protect herself and takes down some perverts.
Tactical Mind
Mhyta is good with making strategies. She is quiet confident with her tactical skill because of years playing strategy games. Don't underestimate her tactical skill, she is absolutely good with it.
Mhyta tends to see everything in detail (mostly for her illusion manipulation), making her naturally becomes a good observant.


Low Blood Pressure
Mhyta gets tired easily and she gets dizzy often if she uses her superpowers exaggeratedly.
Easy to Trust, Easy to Forgive
Mhyta is full of love which means she loves her enemies as well. She tends to forgive her enemies and trusts stranger like her own family. This side of her might bring goodness to her, but most of the time brings danger close to her.
Overly Carefree
Mhyta takes everything lightly, even the superhero job. If she doesn't find it important enough, she won't give enough effort to do that
Pain lingers even though she can regenerate herself. When she is severely damaged, she can't move due to the unbearable pain. She needs time to gather herself and at this time, she is at her weakest point.
Illusion Manipulation
She needs to make a perfect illusion, rich in detail, so it looks like real. If she can't imagine a full image of her illusion, it will break easily and damages her own mind. Also, each time she makes an illusion, she needs to rest.

This is how her costume looks like (minus the wings of course). Her costume was made with a fireproof spandex and as light as feathers which helps Mhyta to move faster and freely.


Mhyta lost both of her parents in a car crash when she was only one year old. Her parents died tragically while little Mhyta survived without any scratch taken. Baby's luck they said, but God knew it was far greater than a mere luck. After the accident, Mhyta was raised by her grandparents who later called as Ma and Pa by Mhyta. As a toddler, Mhyta has shown her bubbly and active personality, she loved playing outside which often made her hurt herself. It's pretty natural to see toddlers hurt themselves because playing excitedly, but what made Mhyta different from other toddlers was she never had wound on her body, not even a single scratch. Her grandparents started to wonder what was wrong with her. Once they saw Mhyta fell from the swings, but after they rushed to see how badly hurt she was, they found no wound... just tiny blood on her knees. Mhyta then taken to doctor who also confused with her condition. Nothing was wrong with her body, her regeneration cells might be stronger than normal, but that was it. Getting no satisfying answer, her grandparents decided to leave the oddness behind and considered as a gift from The Greatest for the lucky girl.

Several years later when she was about 7, Mhyta started to discover another gift given to her. Mhyta was drawing on a piece paper at her yard with the sun shining brightly over her. It was a happy day for Mhyta, well everyday was but that day was considered as one of her best days. Humming happily, she drew a cute little pony with glowing purple hair waving around. She was too focused with her drawing that she accidentally 'drew' the pony into life. The little girl stared at the purple pony in front of her. It was so real that she needed to blink her eyes thousand times to wake her up from dreaming. The pony moved just as she wanted to, jumped just as she wished to. However, the moment Mhyta stretched her hand to stroke it, she grasped nothing but air. Then after that, the pony disappeared.

Curious with the pony, Mhyta tried to draw another thing, this time was a brown teddy bear. Once again, the teddy bear came into life as she started to draw. She was showered with joy as she found out what she could do with her imagination. The excited little girl ran inside the house and told her grandparents only to find that they weren't believe with her words. Mhyta tried to show them what she did earlier, but nothing happened. In disappointment, she walked back to her room and cried to bed.... Nope, she didn't do that. Instead of crying, she retried what she did in the yard earlier. Another days, another months, another years spent with her training her illusion skill. The more she trained, the more she able to made a perfect illusion. She also realized that she didn't bring the drawing into life, but instead she was making an illusion out of her imagination.

After she was confident enough with her illusion skill, she showed to her grandparents once again who then believed that Mhyta was not just gifted, but she was a superhuman. They said to keep it as her own secret for she didn't know what would happen if the world found out about her power, the regeneration and illusion manipulation. The government might take her for experiment and even worse, bad people might take her to do their villainous deeds. Holding her grandparents' mandate, Mhyta tried her best to hide her power and only used it when she really had to. However, no matter how good she was at hiding it, someone would always find out what gift she had. Someone... an organization who later invited her to be one of their superheros to save the world.


Mhyta Mori, the half-Japanasse lady, was standing in front of a drink machine, battling between having a cup of coffee or tea for her morning. Her slender forefinger rubbing her chin like she was thinking so hard that her forehead started to wrinkle over time. She was always indecisive when it came to food and drink for she wanted to have anything on sight, but couldn't risk her body from getting fat. Five minutes passed... but Mhyta still couldn't decide what kind of breakfast she must have to start this lovely morning. She grunted... she tilted her head right and left... she crouched then stood again, but still she couldn't choose between the two beverages.

"I can buy both drinks for you if you want to, Miss."

A muddy low voice suddenly broke her concentration. Without hesitation, she turned her head to see who was standing behind her. A man with an overly formal suit smiling at her, creepily. Automatically, Mhyta put her hands in front of her hand, making stern fists and glared at the stranger, "I've learnt taekwondo for years. Back off or I'll break your neck!"

"Woah, easy there, Miss, I'm here not to kidnap you or rape you. I think you've watched 'movies' too much," he smiled and gave Mhyta a small black card, "I'm here to offer you an opportunity. An opportunity that could give you lot of fortunes by helping those in needs, by driving away the darkness from this pure innocent world."

Mhyta raised her brow in doubt, but then seconds later she was already smiling, "Ah, I see, I'm sorry for treating you like an antagonist. So... you're offering me an opportunity, yes? And if I'm not mistaken, you're also offering to buy me a drink, yes? Then how about telling me more about it at my office, I'm interested~ and also I think I would like to have the coffee please, thank you."

With a tap on his shoulder as goodbye, Mhyta headed to her office, leaving the man smiling with victory like in every hero movie. Fortunately, that man was indeed there to offer her a good opportunity, not taking an 'opportunity' from the lady. From that day, Mhyta joined the superhero 'club' and started to save the world. She even had a new code name, Magi from Magician, because of her power to create illusion and regenerating.

There you go~ Hope she is good enough and please tell me if I need to change her or anything ^^


"I love you~ and you, and you, and you too!"



5' 4''

High School Counselor


Mhyta loves talking like she loves laughing and smiling. If she finds the topic or the person is interesting, she can talk like all day. It's easy to talk to her and befriend with her because of her bubbly personality. It will always be a sunny day around her because Mhyta rarely seen in rainy moos. Mhyta is good with hiding her gloomy feeling, either she doesn't want to show it or she doesn't really aware with that kind of feeling.

Myhta is quiet well-known with her playful personality. She likes throwing cheesy jokes even though sometimes it's not funny at all, she always does that anyway. She also likes teasing people who are close with her (she likes to tease people who she just meets too anyway...) to the point where it can be annoying for those who doesn't know her well. However, it's not easy to hate her especially when she always showers people with love and attention. Mhyta remembers it well what her grandmother always says... "Mhyta! You're already 24, stop acting like you're still on your 17, behave yourself like a lady!" and she will always respond with a wide smile then a kiss on the cheek, ends with her favorite words, "I love you too~"

No, she isn't sensitive over her own feeling. She often abandon her feeling anyway. Mhyta is sensitive to people around her. This side of her started to grow when she took Psychology as her major. She needed to be sensitive and sympathetic to help her understand her surrounding, helping people who deserves her help and love. Over several years, she trains herself to be more caring and compassionate, put aside her own self-interest and put others first. Mhyta also grows her motherly side because of this, but not the stern old mother, she is more like the fun lively young mother.

What is hers... IS HERS. She doesn't like sharing and she doesn't intend to do that in the future. Never. touch. her. precious. ones, especially her family, friends, and lovers. Yes, it's lover with an S. She might not like sharing, but it doesn't mean she doesn't like to be shared... (that sounds a little bit dirty...) Anyway, Mhyta hates sharing, period, no further explanation needed. She always put people above her, but when it comes to her possession, she can turn into a ferocious beast.

Impatient Super Patient
Myhta is impatient by nature actually, but because of her job, she needs to be extra patient. You can't handle troubled students with fists and sharp words, right? It's not easy, but it's doable. If you see her starts to do 'hmm hmm...' and nodding a lot, it means her patience almost reaches its limit. Mhyta will still smiling, fake smile of course, even though she feels like her anger trying to break her head.

Mhyta can regenerate every part of her body, the more severe damage she takes, the more it needs time to regenerate. She can regenerate but it doesn't mean she won't feel any pain. The pain still lingers until the wound is healed. Don't worry, she isn't God nor an immortal. She can be killed, but it won't be easy. It needs a perfect plan to slow down her regeneration or even better stop her from regenerating entirely. The simplest way, burn her into dust, leaves nothing but ashes of her dead body.

Illusion Manipulation
She called Magi because of this skill, she can do what the magician can do, illusionist precisely, without tricks. She can alter people's vision with anything she wants. It doesn't last long though, the more complicated the illusion is, the less it can last. The most difficult illusion manipulation she can do is change her entire appearance. To do this, she needs to know the target in details, at least the visible parts or the illusion can be easily seen as a fake. Her appearance alteration only last about 20 minutes and she will totally drain her energy afterwards.


Good Listener
You can talk about crappy things for hours and she will stay there, sitting like a child who eagerly listening to her mother's story.
Lovable Companion
Take her with you if you want to have a fun, stress-free adventure. Laughter and joy guaranteed.
Mhyta can bend her body into many shapes thanks to her past experience in cheerleader squad.
Not an expert, but enough to protect herself and takes down some perverts.
Tactical Mind
Mhyta is good with making strategies. She is quiet confident with her tactical skill because of years playing strategy games. Don't underestimate her tactical skill, she is absolutely good with it.
Mhyta tends to see everything in detail (mostly for her illusion manipulation), making her naturally becomes a good observant.


Low Blood Pressure
Mhyta gets tired easily and she gets dizzy often if she uses her superpowers exaggeratedly.
Easy to Trust, Easy to Forgive
Mhyta is full of love which means she loves her enemies as well. She tends to forgive her enemies and trusts stranger like her own family. This side of her might bring goodness to her, but most of the time brings danger close to her.
Overly Carefree
Mhyta takes everything lightly, even the superhero job. If she doesn't find it important enough, she won't give enough effort to do that
Pain lingers even though she can regenerate herself. When she is severely damaged, she can't move due to the unbearable pain. She needs time to gather herself and at this time, she is at her weakest point.
Illusion Manipulation
She needs to make a perfect illusion, rich in detail, so it looks like real. If she can't imagine a full image of her illusion, it will break easily and damages her own mind. Also, each time she makes an illusion, she needs to rest.

This is how her costume looks like (minus the wings of course). Her costume was made with a fireproof spandex and as light as feathers which helps Mhyta to move faster and freely.


Mhyta lost both of her parents in a car crash when she was only one year old. Her parents died tragically while little Mhyta survived without any scratch taken. Baby's luck they said, but God knew it was far greater than a mere luck. After the accident, Mhyta was raised by her grandparents who later called as Ma and Pa by Mhyta. As a toddler, Mhyta has shown her bubbly and active personality, she loved playing outside which often made her hurt herself. It's pretty natural to see toddlers hurt themselves because playing excitedly, but what made Mhyta different from other toddlers was she never had wound on her body, not even a single scratch. Her grandparents started to wonder what was wrong with her. Once they saw Mhyta fell from the swings, but after they rushed to see how badly hurt she was, they found no wound... just tiny blood on her knees. Mhyta then taken to doctor who also confused with her condition. Nothing was wrong with her body, her regeneration cells might be stronger than normal, but that was it. Getting no satisfying answer, her grandparents decided to leave the oddness behind and considered as a gift from The Greatest for the lucky girl.

Several years later when she was about 7, Mhyta started to discover another gift given to her. Mhyta was drawing on a piece paper at her yard with the sun shining brightly over her. It was a happy day for Mhyta, well everyday was but that day was considered as one of her best days. Humming happily, she drew a cute little pony with glowing purple hair waving around. She was too focused with her drawing that she accidentally 'drew' the pony into life. The little girl stared at the purple pony in front of her. It was so real that she needed to blink her eyes thousand times to wake her up from dreaming. The pony moved just as she wanted to, jumped just as she wished to. However, the moment Mhyta stretched her hand to stroke it, she grasped nothing but air. Then after that, the pony disappeared.

Curious with the pony, Mhyta tried to draw another thing, this time was a brown teddy bear. Once again, the teddy bear came into life as she started to draw. She was showered with joy as she found out what she could do with her imagination. The excited little girl ran inside the house and told her grandparents only to find that they weren't believe with her words. Mhyta tried to show them what she did earlier, but nothing happened. In disappointment, she walked back to her room and cried to bed.... Nope, she didn't do that. Instead of crying, she retried what she did in the yard earlier. Another days, another months, another years spent with her training her illusion skill. The more she trained, the more she able to made a perfect illusion. She also realized that she didn't bring the drawing into life, but instead she was making an illusion out of her imagination.

After she was confident enough with her illusion skill, she showed to her grandparents once again who then believed that Mhyta was not just gifted, but she was a superhuman. They said to keep it as her own secret for she didn't know what would happen if the world found out about her power, the regeneration and illusion manipulation. The government might take her for experiment and even worse, bad people might take her to do their villainous deeds. Holding her grandparents' mandate, Mhyta tried her best to hide her power and only used it when she really had to. However, no matter how good she was at hiding it, someone would always find out what gift she had. Someone... an organization who later invited her to be one of their superheros to save the world.


Mhyta Mori, the half-Japanasse lady, was standing in front of a drink machine, battling between having a cup of coffee or tea for her morning. Her slender forefinger rubbing her chin like she was thinking so hard that her forehead started to wrinkle over time. She was always indecisive when it came to food and drink for she wanted to have anything on sight, but couldn't risk her body from getting fat. Five minutes passed... but Mhyta still couldn't decide what kind of breakfast she must have to start this lovely morning. She grunted... she tilted her head right and left... she crouched then stood again, but still she couldn't choose between the two beverages.

"I can buy both drinks for you if you want to, Miss."

A muddy low voice suddenly broke her concentration. Without hesitation, she turned her head to see who was standing behind her. A man with an overly formal suit smiling at her, creepily. Automatically, Mhyta put her hands in front of her hand, making stern fists and glared at the stranger, "I've learnt taekwondo for years. Back off or I'll break your neck!"

"Woah, easy there, Miss, I'm here not to kidnap you or rape you. I think you've watched 'movies' too much," he smiled and gave Mhyta a small black card, "I'm here to offer you an opportunity. An opportunity that could give you lot of fortunes by helping those in needs, by driving away the darkness from this pure innocent world."

Mhyta raised her brow in doubt, but then seconds later she was already smiling, "Ah, I see, I'm sorry for treating you like an antagonist. So... you're offering me an opportunity, yes? And if I'm not mistaken, you're also offering to buy me a drink, yes? Then how about telling me more about it at my office, I'm interested~ and also I think I would like to have the coffee please, thank you."

With a tap on his shoulder as goodbye, Mhyta headed to her office, leaving the man smiling with victory like in every hero movie. Fortunately, that man was indeed there to offer her a good opportunity, not taking an 'opportunity' from the lady. From that day, Mhyta joined the superhero 'club' and started to save the world. She even had a new code name, Magi from Magician, because of her power to create illusion and regenerating.

We like the character, but for her powers they seem unrelated? So, if you could choose one or the other, or add something more related to regeneration or illusion, or find some way to explain how they're related. For everyone else's powers they all go hand in hand, if that makes sense? It wasn't stated, but the second power is usually like sub power or another branch of it.

I wouldn't call her op, but she can basically withstand x amount of damage for as long as she wants, and if she so chooses play mind games/illusions on her foes. o.o

Edit: After discussing it further with VanillaCola we think you should trash the illusion power for the fact that all your charry would have to do is cast an illusion and the fight would be over.
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We like the character, but for her powers they seem unrelated? So, if you could choose one or the other, or add something more related to regeneration or illusion, or find some way to explain how they're related. For everyone else's powers they all go hand in hand, if that makes sense? It wasn't stated, but the second power is usually like sub power or another branch of it.

I wouldn't call her op, but she can basically withstand x amount of damage for as long as she wants, and if she so chooses play mind games/illusions on her foes. o.o

Edit: After discussing it further with VanillaCola we think you should trash the illusion power for the fact that all your charry would have to do is cast an illusion and the fight would be over.
Understandable, playing with mind and vision is somehow too much. I'll edit her tomorrow since it's already midnight here. The regeneration is okay to keep, I guess? I'll add more limitations for that power later.
Understandable, playing with mind and vision is somehow too much. I'll edit her tomorrow since it's already midnight here. The regeneration is okay to keep, I guess? I'll add more limitations for that power later.
That sounds good. And the limitations you have for regeneration are fine right now. We don't want to cripple the power any, really so it's fine as it is.
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Also you could add another power as well since you're removing illusions. Maybe she's like...super stretchy or something. I feel like that matches well with regeneration lol.

  • Name Calista Ivers
    Age 26
    Code Name TBA
    Height 5'5"
    Weight 125 lbs
    Occupation Photographer
    Costume TBA

  • Strengths
    Computer Nerd - Motorcyclist - Strong Spatial - Understanding - Remarkable Memory - Amenable

    Too Trusting/Too Optimistic - Too Meticulous - Shady Work Habits - Unskilled Civilian - Soft Hearted

  • Shapeshifting
    Calista will never be able to completely change her biology. This means that she won't be able to ever change into an animal, or take on the face of another human. This ability instead allows Calista to choose one part of her body, and apply a shift in that one area only - she may only shift that body part into either an inanimate object, or, when she beings to train and get to know her powers more intimately, perhaps even weapons.

    For example, if Calista has decided that she wished for her hands to turn into a certain ID card - it will happen. However, if she needed her right elbow to turn into some hook for whatever reason, she will have to drop the shift on her hand, in order to pull off the next desired transformation.

    At the moment, Calista only knows how to shift into things that she knows well and regularly uses - like a pencil, her home keys, and occasionally the electronic ID card she needs to slide across her door to get into her designated office.

    She can only transform one part of her body at any time [this rule stays no matter how much experience she may get throughout the roleplay].

    Presently, and in the near future, the transitions between each transformations will be slow and horribly uncomfortable for Calista. [However, in the far future, I plan to have her be able to transition through shifts easily, though it will irritate and leave her arm spasming if she overexerts herself.]

    Digital Manipulation/Hacking
    The most basic way to think of this ability is to liken it to something that's like 'information extraction' - at Calista's level at least, for the next long while. This particular superpower makes it so that when Calista makes contact with machinery, she essentially intrudes as an an auxiliary admin may have access to whatever the machinery may hold, information or otherwise - while this doesn't make her a cyborg, whenever she does use this ability, one may assume that her human behavior and thoughts are dimmed, overridden by the flow of digital signals that she needs in order to understand the languages and codes of the machinery.

    This isn't something that Calista actually understands herself, it is something completely unexplored, since she does fear getting a visit from the feds about hacking things and whatnot - or worse, if she were to stumble upon some great scandal and needed to be 'silenced'. In the beginning, where Calista may first truly exercise this particular ability, she will find it most easy to make a connection and properly manipulate cameras - of most kinds.

    An example of her executing this ability while at a very novice level, would be if she were to follow someone suspicious in an hotel. Upon visiting the control room, she'd simply connect with the main control system, and bring herself into the camera records - scrolling through a particular time frame to find whatever it is she needs, the date and time, and whatnot.

    It's very basic, and things that even normal people may be able to do - but with time, this may be Calista's greatest asset to bring people the comfort and protection they may need in the far future.

    At the moment, Calista has to make physical contact with the machinery in order to be granted access. This means she might actually have to climb a ladder and fondle a security camera, or crawl through vents to sneak into some control room to properly take whatever information she needs - she is unable to remotely extract information using a private or tertiary system.

    She is limited as to how much information she can take - as she is very much in tune with her humanity, there will be multiple times in where she may suddenly find herself 'overloaded' with the digital signals. It isn't dangerous to her health in any way, but she will be unable to rearrange and string the codes together from overexertion, and conversion of languages and signals jamming against one another. She will be unable to, for a very long time, to properly balance both digital inputs and human processing at the same time - which means she will have to remain stationary while receiving the digital signals, or ignore any incoming signals to properly tend to her human functions.

    While Calista officially deals with computers for a living - and photography, but still - she still has to learn a whole lot about illegally breaking through walls, erasing her traces, multiple different coding languages, making her own languages and algorithms before even contemplating on more complex uses with this ability.

    Future Growth
    In no particular order, and does not encompass absolutely everything I have in mind with this

    1. When Calista begins to make her own codes and programs, she can then begin to insert them into the machines she connects with - so instead of just taking existing information from the the machine, she can begin to implant her information - false or true - into the database/system/etc. (Ex. A facial recognition method)

    2. When she is familiar enough with the workings of several typical machine systems, she may be able to connect to them from a safer distance - without the need of actually fondling the machinery - and use another computer, or even a phone, to get what she needs from an outside system.

    3. In the far future, if she learns how to get through firewalls, and read different codes, she may be able to do way more than just getting information - opening electronically locked doors with passwords and whatnot, turning off the lights of the building, control the timing of elevators, etc.

    4. Tentative Last Level: Retaining her full human functions while receiving information [though not necessarily doing the more complex abilities]. Example, walking into a shoot out and getting the enemy numbers, who may be armed, who is closest/easiest to throw something at, is there a visible hostage [picked up from cameras], escape routes, etc. This will require Calista actually being able to compute both digital information and physical concrete authentic information before her very eyes - literally, I don't plan on doing this until a very, very long time.

  • At a glance, many are right to assume that Calista is an earnest person. Firstly, she is someone who always does her best to steer herself along the right path, guided by her strong moral compass. Or, as some may say, her naivety and optimistic perspectives often take lead and bring her nothing but trouble. She is a very honest person, nearly incapable of lying - lying well at least - but she is most sincere in her compliments and her words, never failing to truly convey her interest or her genuinity to those she may address.

    She is a bit of a quiet person, but only because she spends more time alone than she does with others - though not necessarily by choice. She can be a little shy, but who wouldn't be when they're usually found with some of the raunchiest/cheesiest/lamest romance novels in their hands most of the time? Calista is definitely a bit of a bookworm, but never fear, for she enjoys human conversation so much more than the fantasies that she loses herself in at times.

    That being said, while she does enjoy having friends and being a good friend at that, she does have a low tolerance for things that simply drain the life out of her. She is easily uncomfortable hearing about the negatives in a person's life. She will lean a shoulder and an ear, but like they all say, lines have to drawn somewhere - and Calista never really knows where that lies, but if the situation is just a bit too sour and salty for her taste, she will give the person the space they need. She simply isn't well equipped to handle drama or some of the more darker aspects of life. Surely, whoever believed that she was someone with good advice at hand would appreciate her leaving them be too.

    Perhaps the best quality that Calista prides on having is how her perspectives hardly change. She is very much her own person, in a sense where she seldom finds comfort by 'strength in numbers'. Mostly unafraid to step out and play both devil and angel's advocate when needed. It is hard for Calista herself to even pinpoint where exactly her passions lie, and as such, she has an easier time finding and seeing both sides of the lens - so to speak.

  • Calista's parents were both powerhouses in their fields. One was a top tier lawyer, and the other a highly reputable doctor. Growing up under such shadows had always played a huge factor in the ever fluctuating levels of Calista's self esteem, not to mention her dreams and goals. Even at a young age, Calista had been a well disciplined child, always preening under the praises of her parents and teachers. In all honesty, she simply looked up to her parents, both of whom while swamped with their work, still managed to give her a fulfilling childhood, giving into [most] of her [reasonable] demands.

    They were basically Calista's childhood heros, and still are to this day. Both excelled and made saving people part of their everyday life, and while her parents had laughed at the comparison, Calista had so firmly believed that no one could ever top them, that nobody could measure up or actually stop them. Alas, as she grew up, she came to discover that just like any other human, they weren't invincible or impervious to the ill will of others.

    In one of her mother's' more complicated and dangerous cases, the entire situation had spiraled out of control - which unfortunately, would seem to happen when organized mafia crime was involved. Their house had been tampered with when they arrived home from a family dinner night out, though they weren't sure if anything had really been taken, her parents had immediately went through procedures to make things right once more. It wasn't the same after that though, the case continued, and of course, being a professional hit, little to no evidence was found of that incident. Calista had just a bodyguard and a few official looking people shadowing her from time to time as the case continued though, for her safety.

    When things escalated though, they took her out from her school into a safehouse of sorts. This was when Calista was just about 18, and more than terrified for her family. Pleading and screaming at the officials hadn't done much to get her out of the situation, and that was when her powers came to be. At the time, the relief and smugness within her had made her overlook the entire thing - her arm had turned into a ... bat of sorts, and in her haste to smash the window to pieces, she failed to realize that she hadn't grabbed for one like she had thought for the next few years. So she escaped that little safe house - though she did leave a post it note on the fridge for her handlers - and immediately went to seek out her mother and father.

    Long story short, Calista eventually found them held at another safehouse, one that hadn't been too heavily guarded, though the door was definitely one beautiful piece of technologic work - she'd simply unconsciously called on her powers, her desire overriding her senses, and unlocked the door easily. The whole case eventually cooled down, though the family decided to move away from the terrible memories, and it was through that experience that Calista found the confidence in herself to go for what it was she really wanted to do, at least for a little while - capturing the moments of life.

    It wasn't as cool as her parents' job, and hardly a heroic one, but this was something that her parents supported wholeheartedly, and brought out the best qualities, the positive ones, from their daughter, one that they were so proud and so delighted to be witness to on most days.

  • Calista stood rigidly by the small window. Her legs were shoulder width apart, and her arms were raised, though tucked close to her body as the camera was held firmly in her hands. In such a position, one would barely notice if she moved, twitched, breathed even ... which meant that when she chose to snap the shot, it should turn out just as still, and unmoving. Lightly inhaling, Calista's eyes darted from side to side, from one side of the lens to the other. Admittedly, there wasn't too much within her field of focus right now, but she knew that her time would come. After all, this was a little side project of hers that she had been looking into for just a bit over a week for now, and tonight, she would launch it.

    Several minutes later, she caught a shadow coming in from the top right side. Stopping the circulation of her breathing, Calista completely froze up. The grip on her camera strengthened, and the finger hovering over the shutter was now lightly caressing the button, more than ready to reflexively snap whenever she needed to. A couple of seconds later, a man walked right into view, and Calista felt the tiniest bubble of relief wash over her, that meant that the first step of her plan had been correct.

    The man continued walking, eventually stopping right next to a plain silver car. Clearly, he wasn't in any kind of a rush to get anywhere, as he took his time unlocking the car and making slow progress in actually opening the doors. As the man wrapped his hands around the handle of the door, Calista's shoulders dropped, forcing the tension to leave - the money shot was going to come by quick, and she would be damned if some nerves got in the way of her task.

    Just as the man slid half of his body into the car, Calista's finger immediately snapped down onto the shutter. There was an audible flickering sound - the picture had been taken. But Calista didn't have the time to check if it was as good as she hoped it was. She snapped down once more on the shutter, this time capturing the car's license plate. As the car drove off out of her field of view, Calista exhaled loudly, inhaling quickly right after.

    Slightly lightheaded, she took a few steps back and fell onto the bed behind her. It was a horrible habit of hers to hold her breath whenever she needed to take a picture, but this was the first of many of her small side projects, a project that often bit into her integrity more often than not when she first planned it out. Perhaps with some time, she'd find herself comfortable enough to snap pictures left and right out of the blue without minding the invasive actions she was partaking in.

    She spent the next few minutes shuffling through the two pictures that she had taken, a small smile blooming on her face as she noted that both pictures were exactly as she had imagined. That took care of step two. Just as she was running herself through the next step, her cell phone lit up, and peeking at the message, Calista decided that she'd forward those pictures to Katherine, the journalist who needed an edge, tomorrow. She had a family dinner to get to.

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