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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Django Jane
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Sci fi, Romance, Historical, Modern, Supernatural


A man can remake himself among the stars. Where space knows no bounds, so, too, does life's will grow in leaps and bounds and strides. The expansion of mankind into the Gamma star system has paved the way for a brand new sort of western frontier. Laws are as strong as the guns upholding them, and in this bright, roaring Neon Age, anything is possible with the right ship and attitude.

All that's left to decide is what kind of Gamma Baby you want to be.


Welcome to Gamma One, a roleplay realm that will take players throughout the titular star system somewhere far, far away from the little old Milky Way. Here in the Gamma system, space knows few constraints. Both Terran and Native life thrives on the cluster of planets scattered throughout the cosmos, but watch as pirates and officers and colonists alike jostle for space and just an all around good time amongst the stars. There will be faction battles; there will be space battles! And for enterprising minds, there will even be side stories to explore. Adventure is at the forefront of this cosmic saga, for both the player and their character!

Realm architecture will be that of a purely open world, player run endeavor supplemented by realm subplots and mysteries. While this is a sci-fi setting, it is not meant to be wholly dark; comedic, light-hearted tones are highly encouraged and will be implemented throughout most of the world-building. Players are more than welcome to "take to the stars" and see where their adventures lead them!

After all - anything is possible in space.



Nobody remembers when the first Terrans came to Gamma One. The pre-Neon Era space vessels from the Milky Way were massive, clunky relics that barely survived the 200,000 light year journey from Earth, and the pioneering Terrans who managed to wake up alive from cryo sleep were dismayed to find their data logs fried to bits. Historians estimate that it was around the same time the Wohduns, fleeing the genocide of a conquering race on their home planet, emerged at the outer rim of the galaxy. It would take them a decade to reach the freshly colonized city of Sarva, and together the Gamma transplants transformed the wild planet of Terra into a veritable hub of trade, commerce, and civility.

The Terrans were never able to get in touch with their home planet, and over time their history on it before Gamma One was forgotten, their new reality settling into their bones and DNA with every passing of the alien star. Earth has become mythologized in their history logs, and the fanciful talk of more Gamma Babies arriving upon the edge of the cosmos lingers just long enough in one's mind for all Terrans to keep one eye constantly on the past and the other on the future. In time, more nations and clans came seeking refuge amongst Gamma One's embrace: first the Wohduns, and next the war-hungry Ramites, each race finding their niche amongst the growing constellation of Gamma's denizens. With the latest advent of Artificial Intelligence to count within its ranks, the star system has never been more of a wondrous - if not tempestuous - cosmic melting pot.

Our story will be told in star system Gamma One, which spans five planets to date and three main satellite locations or space stations. The time in history is currently the Neon Era. Think big, bright, and bold- the somber notes of colonial rule has fallen to the gaudy showmanship of the modern day Spacer. If your ship isn't firing bright purple nitrous flames, well - is it even really a ship?

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"What's a Gamma Baby without a mother?" - an unknown colonist's unsuccessful pick-up line to his well-endowed bartender

Gamma One isn't simply the domination of the human race over a cluster of planetary bodies. It is a vibrant, gorgeous diaspora of intermingled celestial beings scattered across each world like dandelion seeds in the wind. While Terrans were the first to come, they were certainly not the last nor the greatest. Each race has contributed to the intricate web that ties the Gamma Babies together, though it hasn't been all peaceful. While the Tribunal has done some good in maintaining the status quo, power in the wrong hands can still corrupt. But war, like tempers, ebbs and flows and - with the right laser gun - is killed entirely.

Let's take a peek at the genetic make-up of Gamma One.


  • Affectionately dubbed "Gamma Babies" due to the star system becoming each of their safe havens, the three main races that dwell within Gamma's planets are the Terrans, Wohduns, and the Ramites.


    Unlike the other races, these are a people with neither recorded history nor ties to a world beyond the borders of Gamma One. This, coupled with their race being the "pioneering" nation to discover Gamma One, has given them the title of the original or "true" Gamma Babies. These homegrown Spacers are masters of navigating the stars. The Terrans (otherwise classified as humans) make up the bulk of the star system's population. A tenacious and hardy people, they are the most prominent figures on the frontier of the unknown, and their resilient bodies have made them a force to be reckoned with - even against the fearsome Ramites.


    None are quite so kind nor peace-loving as the Wohduns. The refugees found safety from the ravages of genocide in the arms of both Terrans and Gamma One; together, both races forged their planet into a prosperous galactic power. The Wohduns could be considered a sister race of the humans given their close similarities. However, there are a few glaring differences. The Wohduns have sharp, nearly animalistic features with skin colors that vary in unnatural gray and blue hues. Some even have large, bug-like eyes and skin, and noses tend to be flat or nearly nonexistent, much like their opposites in creed - the Ramites.


    In the wake of a Wohdun's peace flares the roaring passions of an inflamed Ramite. The Ramites are the fire of Gamma One. The second to last race to migrate to Gamma One, their first course of action was to enter a short-lived war with the Terrans. The incursion was quickly quelled, yet the Ramites have not grown any less daring in their impulses towards violence. A tenuous harmony exists between them and the rest of the galactic nations; they have largely retreated to the tropical planet Jogono, a place known not for its hospitable conditions but for the intimidating beasts that trundle along its surface. Ramites are distinguished by their massive frames, flat noses, and eyes, which can number anywhere from one to four.

  • Planets
    • Terra - the epicenter of Gamma One. The main planet for Terrans
    • Jogono - a dangerous, tropical world. The main planet for Ramites
    • Maia - dubbed Terra's "sister" planet due to its similar Earthlike conditions
    • Lnsa's Horn - an almost entirely machine-operated planet that is the hub of AI activity
    • Tartus - a hellish planet entirely inhabitable. Serves as a resource for rare metals

    Notable Locations
    • The Triangle - a massive space station used as a prison for the galaxy's most infamous prisoners
    • Lifeline 001 - a space station in the center of the galaxy with medical facilities. A neutral zone
    • Secret Rose - an entertainment space station

  • In the face of a wild space frontier, the interplanetary alliance known as the Tribunal helps bring law and order to an increasingly lawless galaxy. One ambassador from the Terran, Wohdun, and Ramite nations form the three member ruling body. The Tribunal has brought a measure of peace and security to most corners of the galaxy, but not all; their influence can only stretch as far as their enforcing officers go, and where there are gaps in the guards, piracy and criminal activities abound.

  • A man can do anything with a good ship and a good weapon. With the Neon Era in full swing, the people want big, bright, and flashy. Weapons that utilize laser or plasma energy are at the forefront of modern day battles. Ships, on the other hand, have been streamlined and updated. Gone are the days when a crew had to be put in stasis in order to endure years long space voyages. Now with the warp jump technology, a ship can reach the end of a galaxy within a short span of hours. Engineers have not achieved instant transportation of a body from the ship to a planet's surface yet; however, the ejection pods to reach planet side are able to arrive within ten minutes of deployment, allowing for fast and speedy transfers of personnel.

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Q & A

What are the realm rules?
  • All Iwaku site rules apply to this realm.
  • Reading the entirety of the lore is not mandatory. However, it serves as the foundation of our realm, and character forms that violate the integrity of the lore will be rejected.
  • Only art images are allowed for GM-run story arcs. Players who choose to run their own side stories may determine pics at their own discretion.
  • Characters must be posted for at a minimum biweekly in GM-run rps. If I do not hear from you after two posting periods (four weeks), you will be ejected from the rp.
  • Initial character applications must be approved by me. After that, players are free to post as many characters as they like on the same character thread. Only character threads that have been rejected will be archived.

Are players allowed to create their own lore?

Absolutely! I'll provide the framework lore for the realm, but players are more than welcome to introduce new elements into the mayhem. After all - there's a whole star system out there to explore. Who knows what you'll find?

Will there be more lore?

Worldbuilding is one of my passions, so an immediate goal of mine is to flesh out all presented lore! I'd also love to add more new material as the story continues on.

What will be the realm set-up?

Ideally, I envision this realm to be largely a sandbox for players with very little GM (a.k.a. me) dominated storylines. I will provide both locations and subplots for players to explore. The rest will be on player initiative!

What's the secret formula for the Krabby Patty?

*cuts to a commercial break*
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