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The Tragedy

Original poster
Marcus sat in a dark room, his mask sat beside him on the tbale as his second in command stood next to him "[BCOLOR=#ff0000]I didn't think someone woikd replace that Dragon bastard after he kicked the bucket. Hopefully he will see more in my views[/BCOLOR]" he glanced back at Desdemona. No matter how many times she told him he could call her "Dessie" he never did, he told her that even the smallest people in this gang were like his family, and as long as they were loyal he'd treat them with the respect they deserved.

He heard a knock at the door, looking over to it he lifted up his mask, locking it onto his face and called for his relations captain, who'd he sent to retrieve The Hyde's leader to let the new leader in. [BCOLOR=#ff0000]"Welcome Mr. White, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance" [/BCOLOR]Marcus spoke like a business man, cause in a way that's how he was raised to look at life, his father had owned a business, which he wasnt sure how was running anymore... maybe he should invest in it, it would be nice to see his father again. He had taught Marcus the ins and outs of business and in tjrn Marcus applied those lessons to gang life. Once Otto had sat down Marcus continued to speak

[BCOLOR=#ff0000]"I brought you here to talk about our relations, as you may know, the previous leader of The Hyde and myself didn't see eye to eye, I just want to be able to tell my men that we no longer have to worry about attacks from them" [/BCOLOR]He scanned over the so called "Viking" his appearance certainly lived up to the name, looking like the men of the Norse faith. [BCOLOR=#ff0000]"what do you say?" [/BCOLOR] There was an edge to Marcus's voice one that demanded respect and he usually found it gave lesser men and uneasy feeling, however he didn't see the Viking waver. He was glad to see that if he did get this man on his side he'd be a strong ally, certainly would cause trouble though if he decided to continue Apollo's work
@Raven Haruka
@Dakota K5
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Night was starting to fall and he still had not received night vison for his sniper. It still upset him that they were taking their sweet time to get him it. But none the less he must manage with what he has. Knox had almost finished making his round again anyways. He scanned the streets and rooftops and still couldn't even see a slight thing to shoot. Knox stood up from his vantage point ontop of a building and placed his sniper back to his back. The improvised silencer stuck out longer than he wanted it to but it also had to do. Knox called over the headset to rotate around to the next area. They had been getting complaints recentally about a beast had taken out a couple Hyde memebers. The way it sounded it was probably just another feral ghoul in the area. Knox made his decent down the building and onto street level when he made it there he dangled his P90 next to his side waiting for a man from his recon group to link up with him.
[fieldbox= , solid, maroon] [glow=gray] \/ Desdemona / Dark Room / A New Face? /\ [/glow]

Desdemona stood beside her superior, her nose crinkling as she let out a small yawn. Although the room was dark, and the sun would set here in a couple of hours...the fact remained that her sleep had been interrupted.

Well, that fact didn't irritate her so much as the fact that some grunt had the balls to wake her up. Even if her leader had ordered the poor girl to, the fact that the little bitch was the one to wake her up--and not her dear Marcus--was just so infuriating. Of course, he doesn't usually wake her up anyhow, so she shouldn't really be complaining--

"[BCOLOR=#ff0000]I didn't think someone would replace that Dragon bastard after he kicked the bucket. Hopefully he will see more in my views[/BCOLOR]"

Abruptly freezing in her tracks, the vampire woman decided that she should be thinking of more positive things.

"Well, that would be mortals for you, sir. Always scrambling to replace what they've lost, not truly taking into account of why such a thing would happen."

Suddenly, a knock at the door had Desdemona standing taller, the door opening to reveal the next leader of that pesky little gang that's been causing so much trouble.

[BCOLOR=#ff0000]"Welcome Mr. White, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance" [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff0000]"I brought you here to talk about our relations, as you may know, the previous leader of The Hyde and myself didn't see eye to eye, I just want to be able to tell my men that we no longer have to worry about attacks from them" [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff0000][BCOLOR=#ff0000]"What do you say?" [/BCOLOR] [/BCOLOR]

Desdemona moved behind her leader's chair, leaning forward against it as her eyes stared unwaveringly at this short, slightly stubby human. Though she had to give him some credit--after all, he was here. In the dark. With one of the most powerful leaders in the world.

...Surely, he wouldn't be that intimidated by a vampire?

"Mr. White, would you care for a drink? Or, would you rather prefer to have a bite?" Flashing him an elegant smile, she continued to stare at him as she waited for an answer. [/fieldbox]
@The Tragedy
@Dakota K5
Saharah had gone with her leader to the La Sangre meeting. Honestly she wanted to murder Marcus, their leader, for killing Apollo! She would murder their entire gang for what they did! She blamed herself for the death of her former leader, if she hadnt been so busy fighting off the others she could have taken the fatal hit. It's why she never stepped up to take the role of the leader, she didnt protect Apollo, she didnt deserve his place.

That's when Otto the Viking had stepped up. Saharah didnt have to think twice about him when he took over the role of leader. She would serve him like she served Apollo. She would fight by his side until one of them died in battle, just like she had sworn to Apollo after he basically saved their gang.

Saharah walked behind Otto as they stepped through the doors. Marcus was sitting there with the stupid mask on his face and that bitch of a second in command next to him. Ugh, she couldnt even stand the sight of that woman and her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to her. Why was Desdemona even here with her leader? When Desdemona said the word bite, Saharah glared daggers at the woman and lowers her blades on a string, ready to attack if they tried anything.

@The Tragedy
@Raven Haruka
@Dakota K5
Otto White
Interaction: Marcus Leroy, Desdemona and Saharah
Mentioned: Knox

He had came to this meeting unarmed, as a show of good faith after all you don't walk into another man's home armed unless you were looking for a fight though Otto wasn't sure the term man applied in this case. His knock had been simple and singular, a gesture of greeting he hadn't used in a long time as most of his greetings came from the end of his model 97 shotgun...though now that he thought about it some blessed salt shells and his shotgun would make a mighty fine bargaining tool considering his present company, the few demons he had run into had been...put off to put it lightly with a chest full of blessed rock salt or pure iron buckshot.
He could feel the hate flowing off of Saharah behind him and he heard her bladed ropes drop into a ready position at the quip made by the Vampire Desdemona. He turned his head to his new second in command. "Calm, we are here as guests and while I understand the bad blood It would be best that we remain...courteous for now." His voice came out in a low rumble spoke lowly to his second though he wouldn't be surprised if his host and his pet vampire could hear him. He turned his head back to the female vampire. "Scotch if you have it. Vampire right? You are such diminutive little things when you...peel back the flesh, arrogant creatures filled with so much pride but in the end laid low all the same. I must say the ashes your kind produce on death have a rather...unique effect on the living members of your kind, from what I have seen it is quite painful." He spoke to the woman with a small grin, vampires were a favorite of his. The terror in their eyes as they realized they were going to die was exquisite.
His thoughts drifted to the sniper of the gang he had come to be leader of, Knox was his name. Otto wouldn't mind having some sniper cover right about now, but that wasn't gonna happen at the moment. He turned himself back to Marcus and smiled that the man. "You know you gotta offer something for my cooperation, just asking for it...that's extremely arrogant of you to assume I would acquiesce just like that." Otto gave a snap of his fingers to emphasize his point. "Oh don't use your reputation or status to try and intimidate me into agreeing, i've heard of you Marcus Le-roy...many of your kind died with you name on their lips though weather they were hoping for help or not I ain't really sure but they all did die the same." Otto paused for a moment and leaned back in his chair. "Frankly speaking I don't think you could afford the price of my loyalty and I doubt you could buy any of the people I find under my command as some of them have much more...personal issue with you." He stopped again. "But I am nothing if not practical, so let's hear what you can offer me..." Otto spoke smoothly, the words rolling off his tongue like honey.
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Knox waiting for another minute or two before one of his men or the grunts of the group came around the corner. "Where are the other Four?" Knox asked the man. "They are on their way Nixum wants to know if he could head to the next area to have some kind of forward surveillance." The man asked. "Aye just make it quick then call it out over the comms then." Knox ordered as he started to walk off to the next area. "Rally up with the other's im gonna try to link up with anyone in HQ." Knox said with his heavy Irish accent coming though. He trys to hide it but most times it slips through. "Knox to HQ come in anyone on the line?" Knox commed through and waited.
Marcus's hand tightened around his cane, the only sign he'd show of his anger. This man talked like that Dragon half breed. He glanced back at Desdemona to make sure Otto's remark hadn't gotten to her, the room was already tense enough. He looked back at Otto and rubbed his mask a bit [BCOLOR=#ff0000]"I suppose it only right that you'd want something in return for peace between our groups" [/BCOLOR]

Marcus thought for a moment before he spoke [BCOLOR=#ff0000]"You seem like a man accustomed to weaponry, I'm sure you've seen that the weapons your group managed to get ahold of are in no shape for any large scale attack, they're practically falling apart at the seems, how about I supply you with up to date weaponry and all I ask is that we don't get in each other's way, you don't want to make the same mistake as your predecessor do you?[/BCOLOR] Marcus glanced at Saharah

[BCOLOR=#ff0000]"You could find yourself in the same hole he found himself, Mr. White, for when you try to kill me you might find I'm not the same as those lower demons, the ones who disguise themselves as little grandma to take children's souls because they are too weak to do it themselves"[/BCOLOR] Even under verbal attack from this bearded thug Marcus kdpt his tone calm and collected, not letting himself waver
@Dakota K5
@Raven Haruka
Saharah stood behind Otto as he sat down. She would not sit, it would only slow her down if something happened, she was a lot quicker on her feet. She had pulled her blades back up like the leader had said, but she did not like it what so ever! One wrong move from these vamps and she would tear their hearts out... Oh wait she "forgot" They dont have hearts, but she would gladly shop their heads off and watch them turn to ash!

Hoo hooh, Marcus had a lot of guts to talk about their gang and Apollo like that. She really had to grind her teeth on this one. Their gang wasnt falling apart at the seams, they were s strong team, even if they were all underdogs and outcasts. Otto wouldnt follow Apolloa's footsteps no matter what, she would die before she let another leader die in front of her eyes. Saharah's hands had become fists and she was almost shaking with rage. She had to grit her teeth not to snap either.

Oh Apollo, give me strength, I swear to God I'm gonna tear these beasts apart! Saharah thought and took a deep calming breath. She shouldnt get agitated so fast. She had to learn to keep her cool better. Apollo had told her that for years, it was time she finally listened to that before she fucked up again. She didnt want to make the same mistakes. She wanted to be someone Otto could rely on to watch his back, not someone he had to constantly keep under control.

@The Tragedy
@Raven Haruka
@Dakota K5
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[glow= red] /\ Desdemona / A Dark Room / Why This Little...! \/ [/glow]

Honestly, if she wasn't already in a sour mood, this would be hilarious to watch. Instead, at an innocent remark , this human girl had the nerve to glare at the vampire--apparently not taking into account her exact situation as she suddenly readied her weapons. It managed to irk Desdemona, and the fact that her smile dropped was enough to notify such a thing.

But that smile soon returned at the remarks of the human leader, who had his second put away her weapons.
Yes, tell your little puppy to back off.

"Scotch if you have it. Vampire right? You are such diminutive little things when you...peel back the flesh, arrogant creatures filled with so much pride but in the end laid low all the same. I must say the ashes your kind produce on death have a rather...unique effect on the living members of your kind, from what I have seen it is quite painful."

Desdemona turned and began to walk to another table--this one much smaller in size, and covered in various glasses and containers. Pulling one out, she quickly made the man a drink with deft hands, all the while listening to the enemy's demands.

"You know you gotta offer something for my cooperation, just asking for it...that's extremely arrogant of you to assume I would acquiesce just like that."
"Oh don't use your reputation or status to try and intimidate me into agreeing, iIve heard of you Marcus Le-roy...many of your kind died with you name on their lips though weather they were hoping for help or not I ain't really sure but they all did die the same."

Walking over, she set the glass down in the center of the table, noticing how her boss was reacting to these words.

"Frankly speaking I don't think you could afford the price of my loyalty and I doubt you could buy any of the people I find under my command as some of them have much more...personal issue with you."
"But I am nothing if not practical, so let's hear what you can offer me..."

Walking over, she set the glass down in the center of the table, noticing how her boss was reacting to these words. This bastard, I can't tell if he's got balls--or if he's just an idiot.

Desdemona only watched as Marcus began to answer.
[BCOLOR=#ff0000]"I suppose it only right that you'd want something in return for peace between our groups" [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ff0000]"You seem like a man accustomed to weaponry, I'm sure you've seen that the weapons your group managed to get ahold of are in no shape for any large scale attack, they're practically falling apart at the seems, how about I supply you with up to date weaponry and all I ask is that we don't get in each other's way, you don't want to make the same mistake as your predecessor do you?[/BCOLOR]
Offering a new supply of weaponry, a smart move. After all, the weapon is only as good as the user- or so they say.
[BCOLOR=#ff0000]"You could find yourself in the same hole he found himself, Mr. White, for when you try to kill me you might find I'm not the same as those lower demons, the ones who disguise themselves as little grandma to take children's souls because they are too weak to do it themselves"[/BCOLOR]

It was time to address the elephant in the room.

Desdemona returned to her spot behind Marcus, her face completely neutral as she adjusted the loose-fitting dress she wore.
"Mr. White, you know very well we take all of our business matters with the utmost professionalism. However, I'm beginning to sense the fact that neither one of you are treating this with the same amount of respect." Motioning to Sahara, she continued. "You should take into consideration that events such as this one do not occur usually with La Sangre. The only reason my leader has brought you here is to offer your company a second chance--even going to far as to provide you with military-grade equipment." Standing tall, she gave a nod of her head to the guests. "I hope you understand that I say these things with the utmost respect, Mr. White, but in the end it is your choice. Should you accept our proposal, we can all go our separate ways--and peace will be between us. Should you decline...well, there is no need to do so, is there?"

Sharpening her gaze, the vampire frowned and shook her head--though her eyes smiled as she finished.
"After all, one of you came unarmed, and I don't remember ever agreeing to such a condition when you walked into our home, as our guests. Right, sir?"

- - -
@The Tragedy
@Dakota K5
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When he finished his conversation with HQ he made a change of plans. He switched to the station for his men. "Lets go back and make sure the boss has cover when he heads out return to patrolling path One." Knox said to the men as they turned back around to head closer to the building. "You sure the La Sangrine batards are okay with us patroling around this close." Nixum asked. "Aye just keep all guns pointed away from buildings and if they count more than the Six of us they reserve the right to "slaughter" us no retaliation." Knox mocked there request. "In hell i don't care if we break our side of the agreement these bastards are not killing a damn one of us. Nixum said slightly furious. "Let me deal with it remember call sign Golem is our safe word they should be notified of it." Knox said turning off his mic and beginning his climb back ontop of the rooftops. Knox made his was to a vantage point where he could slightly see into the building. He took out a pair of binocs and took a look into the building. Knox turned his mic back on to talk to his men. "Give me a echo One Three and Five, how is everything?" Knox called out to his men.
Allison was in the form of a small hummingbird, flying not too far from the entrance to the base. She soon found herself flying farther and farther from the base, scouting the areas nearby for any hostile entities or possible threats. She slowed down as she spotted some movement below. Maybe one lost soul who's wound up in the wrong territory, or maybe an enemy looking for a fight. She slowed the flapping of her wings down, in hopes of decreasing the noise made. As gently and quietly as she could, she propped herself in a tree not too close, nor too far from the figure. (Can this be someone?? XD)
Otto White
Interaction: Marcus, Saharah and Desdemona

He looked at Marcus and his cane. "Calm down that cane looks expensive and I would hate for you to break it on my account, and while the offer of weapons is...nice that's something I can provide myself. Of course you wouldn't think I don't have considerable personal wealth to fund any operations I desire do you?" He spoke as he looked at the scotch. "You also act as if I am a man who fears a fight or death, Marcus you have a reputation but you do not scare me. I've faced worse then you in both the form of humans and other wise. You seem to think that because you have a measure of control here in the mortal world that you are someone important but you are just another two bit gangster except you got a bit more then mortal blood flowing through your veins." He took a sip of the scotch. "I want peace but the problem here Marcus is that you are used to getting what you want without much resistance, even the last leader of the Hyde offered only physical resistance but I got much more then that...on both sides of the natural divide. So you are gonna have to try harder then a simple arms deal."
He looked to Desdemona. "You see I didn't come here visibly armed oh dear Vampire. You see you pick up some things when you spend years in war torn middle eastern nations." Otto pulled his jacket open a bit to reveal a bomb vest with ball bearing containers strapped to it. "Ten pounds of C4 explosive along with blessed silver ball bearings rolled in the ashes of a saint with a wireless detonator set to my heart beat and a detonator on my person. You really think I would come to a meeting with a Vampire and Demon without insurance?" He asked as he looked at the female Vampire like she was stupid. "This also changes the mood of this whole situation doesn't it? You don't wear a suicide vest to just any meeting." He spoke to the both of them. "And while I might not kill Marcus here with this vest I would certainly take you out of the game Vampire and leave Marcus wounded and open to others looking to...move up in the world." He popped his neck as he looked to Marcus. "Frankly speaking I didn't come here with the intention of making a deal because you can't offer me what I want because what I want isn't something tangible...I guess that means we are to have war." Otto spoke the last part with a large grin pointed right at Marcus. "Now Saharah and I are gonna walk out of here nice and easy or this vest and this building go boom. Oh and Thanks for the scotch." He spoke as he looked to Saharah. "Let's leave this place, it reeks of arrogance." He stood and started to walk out with his second.
@The Tragedy
@Raven Haruka

As he walked out Marcus spoke "[BCOLOR=#ff0000]you're making a mistake Mr.White, one that Apollo made and you will find yourself in his position" [/BCOLOR]his hand tightened around his cane "[BCOLOR=#ff0000]trust me when I say I'll make your life a living hell if you walk out that door,and I'll make sure the Hyde dies along with its leader"[/BCOLOR]

Once Otto walked out Marcus stood up, after hearing the footsteps disappear he drew his sword and stabbed through the glass he'd been drinking from and threw it to the ground. He'd wipe that smug shit stain off the planet, but for another time. He slowly relaxed "[BCOLOR=#ff0000]Desdemona, make sure that Anastasia is supplied and ready for any attacks sent our way, I'm sure we'll be getting some in the futur"[/BCOLOR]

With that Marcus walked out, heading up to his office, he sat down and sighed, rubbing his temples, he rested his head on the table, for being only 28 he felt stressed enough to be 40
@Dakota K5
@Raven Haruka
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Knox watched as Otto ripped open his jacket and reviled his vest. Knox kinda giggled and shook his head as he watched Otto leave the building. After he got his echo call back he ordered his men to gather in a perimeter around Otto to guide him to his next destination. Knox knew he didn't need it but he wanted Otto to know he had his back. Knox began his decent down from his vantage point into the streets. He landed down next to a tree but felt something a little off. Knox scanned the tree to find a little hummingbird inside of. "Hey there little guy." He said holding out his finger hoping it would come to him he always loved hummingbirds his favorite animal to be honest.
@Allison Rose
Saharah couldnt help but to smirk a little at what her leader said. She knew he would never make a deal with these creatures, but still, you never knew if they would make an irresistible offer. Seriously, they only wanted to give them weapons? Sure their weapons were a little run down, but at least they knew how to fight with they. If they had accepted the weapons, probably first thing they would do was take their revenge anyways. She would probably tell Otto about it, but she wouldnt want his to get involved since he didnt know Apollo.

Saharah smirked at Desdemona as Otto got up and glared at Markus before she followed after her leader. She would come for their heads again one day. "That went well." She smirked at Otto as she reached outside. "I swear one of these days I'll cut their hearts out for taking out Apollo and insulting the gang." She added with a soft growl as they got outside. Those vampires would pay for what they did to the gang... To her family because that's what they were. This gang was all she had and she wasnt going to let anyone get away with insulting them.
@Dakota K5
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Allison hopped onto Knox's finger, chirping. She was planning on gaining his trust and hopefully learning something useful to help out her leader. She flapped her wings, flying around Knox's head in a 'friendly' manner. He seemed to be oblivious to the fact she was a shape shifter-or that she was even a female. Her hummingbird form's colors were a dark red and purple, her wings had rainbow colors. So with her wings flapping so fast, it seemed to show a sort of rainbow design.
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Knox watched as the little hummingbird buzzed around him. He swung around his rifle and took a quick swing at the hummingbird. "Come on sharpshifter if your going to be a animal atleast act like it." He said finishing his swing and taking out his sidearm. "Revel yourself." Knox ordered.
Allison tensed up, not sure what to do by this point. She quickly avoided his swing shifting into an ant, hoping to blend in with the few ants on the ground. She shivered at being so small and flightless, perhaps she should've turned into a mosquito. At least then she would've had wings for a quick escape if needed. Her agility was super quick, however she always felt the need for a backup plan in case her stamina and agility faltered.
Knox scanned the ground and anywhere he could but he lost sight of the shapeshifter. "Knox report in everything good? We are on the move again hurry up." A voice called over the radio. Knox turned his mic on quick. "Im in route be there soon." Knox said running up towards the building and quickly parkoured his way to the top of the rooftops and made his way to the rest of his men. Atleast Nixum should have linked up with Otto at this point.
Allison sighed in relief once he left, shifting back to her human form. "Gross!" she exclaimed in a whisper, referring to dirt/mud that got in her shirt. She brushed it off, lifting her shirt slightly to hopefully let the dirt fall out. She quickly shifted into a bee this time, following the way Knox headed in hopes of ambushing him and possibly those people he was talking to. She swore she would be of use to her gang at least once.
@Tank2Crate (and anyone else that has a part with him)