GGO Operation Typhoon (IC)

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Runs with Axes
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Online Availability
Varies, but often.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female

- Sign ups / OOC -

Okayama - Japan - May 16th. 2028

Gazing into a cup of coffee with a bit of a smirk to her face, a woman in a formfitting white buttoned up dress shirt, is disturbed from her peaceful, absolutely uneventful day by a phone call.

"Hello, this is Investigator Hirata, what can I do for you?" Saying this automatically as her telephone's lcd screen lights up showing the caller on the other end and immediately souring her mood more.

"Hello Kokona-chan. I have.. a need of you." The scar showing man says from the other side of the line, a stern look to his face and a hostility that betrayed his years.

"Ah.. Chairman Kamoshida.. What can I do for the.. Sato Group today?" Kokona says in reply to the elder, who only smirked at her response.

"Come now, I came to talk about your Hobby and the small matter of the living expenses you incur."

Narrowing her eyes and sighing heavily the woman scoffs. "Well get on with it.. My payments were on time."

"Fine then, you overly rude girl, Have you seen Gun Gale's Latest Expansion, or rather the Tournament to usher it in?"

"Seen it? I have it pre-ordered and look who's talking about being rude, Old Man.."

Chuckling at the honest of her response, her pc comes alive with a few beeps alerting her to new messages. "Your Family debts will be considered forgiven and maybe some funding will find it's way to you. We have Great interest in this tournament and a.. Senior of mine wants his troublesome daughter watched out for, with some of the few useful skills you have."

"You have a funny way of asking for help, so what do you want me to do?"

"Simple. This is a team our marketing Division and our..debt department has put together for maxium impact to our various sales divisions. The further you go, the better, you'll be leading it of course. All we ask is your listed job, and report anything we need to know."

"I don't like it, what are you hiding?"

"A simple matter of medical research, keep them going, you'll find your pain censors have been modified. Also we'll have a second team in the field, so should you all Fail, it won't matter...much."

"Well...wait, a blind girl?! Actual NEETS!? ...only a few of these people have played often, none as long as me..mostly girls.."
Stammering over her words as she glances over the files, the older man cuts Kokona off mid sentence, with a raised hand as he reaches for the disconnect.

"You have no choice, make your arrangements and put on a good show, the Players will be watching, plus why not get to know one another, you kids these days don't get enough Sun. Also we arranged a credit pass for you to make use of..file all your purchases, yes?"

With a sudden black flash, the woman was left shaking her head, quickly pulling up the player contact information and committing it to memory. Mumbling a mixture of curses and names, the girl connects to her FullDive headset, calming herself and slipping into a sleep like state. Suddenly a popup screen appears before her vision, with a login request.

Username: Okuu
Password: *********

Logging in and gazing down at her hands a swift series of motions crops up, coupled with an active message alert. Clicking it a confirmation was sent of her team being entered into Operation Typhoon, as well as a few Million Credits, with the Seal of the Sato Group stamped clearly across the Document as chief Sponsor.

"...No Choice huh? But what about no chance?" Keying up a mass PM, Okuu mass messages the other members of her Team.

"Well, seems I'm your Leader now, huh? I look forward in getting to know you all. The Company has a few requests of us all, which I'll go over later... Anyways given the suddenness of this, I'll arrange a drop off for weapons to keep your on a current page if you are new.. Anyways be at the Iron Sentinel Bar, 90 minutes before the Tournament, and for god's sake, remember to eat, piss, feed your pets and take care of packages or whatever before that, the Tournament's first Round is set to last Six to ten hours.

But yeah we'll be talking over a few things, at the inn ask for the Molotov Party. I'll have a room reserved, don't worry about treats and drinks, will provide.


~ Kokona "Koko" Hirata - Okuu ~

Filing the message away and confirming it to be sent, the next three days would fly quickly as Kokona would log back in as Okuu, recalling her information, the real face between each player was memorized, occupations, hobbies, odd facts...minus a couple however, she had no clue what their Avatars looked like, while Sato Group and her own three days of digging had turned up much, it seemed the Sato Group did not concern it's self with such minor things, as what the players were actually capable of.

Renting a room and stocking it with an NPC Vendor, she had access to a large variety of in game food and drinks, a piano was added to the room with a larger poker table to sit at and a pool table set off in the corner to aid in killing time while they talked or wait, the woman for herself had no intention of doing much, but she knew how chaotic team groups could be. All manner of food and drinks were strewn across a serving table along the back table, as Okuu flipped a gambling credit chip between her finger, looking down at the card deck with visible disinterest.

Closing her eyes and triggering an audible sigh, the Molotov Party was now, officially open, and they had a little over an hour to get things explained and some form of team setup made.

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[fieldbox="Inghild Kreuger/Graf Spee, Green, solid"]
"Strikeout!" The home base umpire yelled extending his arms as just moments before, a ball clocked at an amazying 90 miles per hour shot into the back catcher's glove.

The crowd was once again taken back, stunned by the near other wordly performance of Kagouya High's new principal pitcher. A foreigner she was, quite petit in size and feminine development but this would not be the things her newly acquired fanboys are looking at. What they were focused on was her pale skin that shined defiantly against the rays of a setting afternoon sun. Her hair, oh so smooth and rich.... displayed no hint of grease whatsoever which she should have had plenty of by now.

She looks at the crowd for a brief moment, her eyes shine towards her coach and then towards classmates that had taken time out of their afternoon to watch the game. She smiles at them before redirecting her attention back to homebase to greet the new batter.

Inghild examines her new opponent, looking at batting stance as well as jersey number, she recognizes the batter as a star player on the opposition team. The batter seems confident... good.

Inghild lets her build up some confidence while using the time to plot a shot trajectory. She signals to the catcher and umpire and releases a throw that goes straight down the center but of course with a little spin...

The batter responds unaware of the trick that had been applied to the ball. As she bats the ball, instead going where she had wanted it to go, the ball decided to follow a trajectory of its own which was to fly across the foul line.

For a moment, confusion settled into the batter as everything had not gone according to plan. Qyickly, scasts it as an accident and resumes her batting stance.

Again Inghild allowed her opponent the time to rensure themself, using the time to plot another shot trajectory. She rubs the baseball and looks at it in preparation for a throw. For a brief moment, the ball became a plasna grenade but quickly reverted back into its true form.

Inghild signals and throws the ball. At first it looked like it was going to be a ball however... somehow midway in flight down the center line, the ball jutted upwards and it enters the hitting box at just the right time and place.

This move successfully confused the batter whom had let he guard down the moment the ball looked as if it was going to hit the ground. When she realized that it was not going to do that, it was too late and the ball had already landed in the backcatcher's glove.

Grinding her teeth, the batter offers a scowl at Inghild. Inghild sees this, voluntarily she allows Graf Spee and her higher level of status thinking to take over.

"Primitive behaviour and inability to control senses obstruct your capabilities as a baseball player. You are truly a slothful charlatan... truly you are. I hate sloths... slow and inefficient. Please take the next throw as a sign that you should leave baseball."

With a very faint signal, Graf Spee throws the projectile on a right handed curve trajectory... for the first few meter, the ball seemed like it wa going to hit the batter's face... she squints an eye but soon reads the ball curcing back into the hit box. With no time to spare the batter attempts a desperste swing to atleast get anothe foul ball however...


The ball brushes the bat, losing its momentun but does remain suspended in the air for short moment. When this time passes, it dives into the back catcher's hands.


After the game...

Inghild waits quietly at the curb for her ride whilst keeping herself busy by browsing online retailers for a pair of ankle boots. A car soon arrives for her, pilotting the Merecedes was her mother's assigned chaffeur.... a complementary service offered inside her mother's contract with some Sato pharmaceutical company.

A young Japanese man dressed in a fine tuxedo and wearing aviator glasses quickly helps Inghild into the vehicle and they were off within seconds.

Reclining into the air conditioning, Inghild took off her baseball shoes and socks and replaced them with a new pair of socks and her regular day to day shoes. Eyeing the driver for a bit, Inghild expertly changes out of the rest of her baseball attire into a white double breasted coat with a matching skirt without exposing too much of her undergarments.

When she finished, the driver handed her an Ipad and informs her that there were some "complementary beverages" available in the cooler at her feet.

Inghild first checks the Ipad and finds a video recorded message left by her mom.


"Guten nachmittag kinder,
[In German]
I apologize for not being able to show up to your first gane in Japan as... inoortant matters have transpired here at the office but nonetheless I do know you have beaten you opponents with small resisistance.

Anyhow Kinder,
I wa made aware that Sato group is fornulating a team for some GGO gaming tournament and I have volunteered your services to them. In exchange we will be allowed a sizable share of the revenues gained by the sponsorship and publicity so... in other words the higher you go in this tournament, the more money there will be in our pockets.

I will leave the gaming related details to you but I trust you will make good use of this opportunity and excel just as you have always been.

Additionally. Sato corporation has additional incentives that they want to offer to you as a means of gratitude and for the purpose of, what I feel as, keeping you on track. We shall discuss which incentived you will accept later this week over morning tea.

Now... get it done Kinder... or should I say...


Note that we will divide the earnings 50-50. CAPICHE?"
Once again, Inghild was having a hard time deciphering her mother's mind. The women was nice... yet there was an uneasy aura of sinister intent behind it all. A troubling point was how her mother obtained her ingame name.

Whatever it was that was troubling her, Inghild soon later shrugs it off and redirects her attention to the cooler at her feet.

Opening it and to much of her delight, she found three bottles of chilled Heinekin beer.
Looking at the car's windows, she confirmed thay they were heavily tinted before she cracked open a cold one and drank all three bottles in pure bliss.


Present day...

After three days of schoolwork and meeting some of her mother's corporate partners in Sato corporation, Inghild finally got the chance to spend time with her mother on the day the tournament started. In the morning they went to a spa and had one of those fill body scrub downs.

Much to her moyher's surprise and....delight. The scrub produced little to no precipitate on her daughter's body post-scrubbing. They then went out for lunch to a pretty good local curry place.

Eventually, it came time for Inghild to log onto GGO and become Graf Spee. This was in the afternoon, approximately two hours before the event started. Leading up to this time, Inghild took a thorough bath and shampooed her hair. With all the necessities taken care of, Inghild walks into her room and was greete by her mother whom held her amusphere.

"Good luck kinder, I know you wont disappoint!" Her mother cheered before carefully fitting the VR device over her daughter's head.

She the leaves the room after leaving a kiss and Inghild was left by herself. Rubbing her cheeks, Inghild took a few breaths in preparation for her mental change. After gaming for months, Inghold had determined this was necessary step at least for her to allow her alter ego to take over. Slowly, she climbs into bed and slides a blanket over herself. She then quickly dozes off only to have an automated login screen to appear.

Nutzername: Graf Spee
Passwort: **************

Entering the realm of GGO, Graf Spee straightens out her purple blazer with her hands and makes some adjustments to her beret before beginning her way to the bar.

It did not take her long and she soon reached her destination. Spee slips into the bar quietly and immediately goes to the bar and acquires a jug of beer. Carrying the container, she drinks directly from it. After downing about half of the jug, she notices the other female player and heads over to her for a standard meet and greet.

"Guten abend kamerad, I am Graf Spee. Isee you are disinterested in something, perhaps we can entertain each other for the time being?"

Collab with @RedArmyShogun
It was a boring day much like any other when Jiro's mother called him down to pick up the phone; saying that someone was asking for him. She wasn't worried much considering she knew her son didn't get out much and never really caused trouble. She'd just figure it was a teacher from the school and left the phone on the counter. Stumbling down the stairs Jiro eventually found his way to and picked up the phone. "Hello, this is Jiro." He spoke in a very uninterested almost monotoned voice. His facial expression mirroring his tone.

"Hmm, an analogue phone, how quaint. Pay attention well boy, tell me, what do you think of the new GGO Expansion, and do not hang up, this is an opportunity that will only come once, depending upon your answer." An Authoritarian voice says in response.

Jiro simply kept walking up the stairs to his room, promptly shutting the door behind him. His experssion hardly shifting. "The new expansion? It'll at least be interesting I guess. I've already got it pre-ordered." Despite not being all too fond of the way he was being addressed Jiro was good at hiding his discomfort.

"Well then, is it interesting enough for you to join in on the special Tournament? I'm calling you directly as I don't care to trust important jobs to underlings. I am Kamoshida, Sojiro, CEO of Sato Group. If you don't believe me, you only need look outside. A company Truck of mine should be there unless the fool left without my permission."

Jiro listened to the man's words, a sign of intrigue sparking in his face. This guy had beaten him to it. He was gonna ask him to prove whatever he was going to say somehow. Without responding right away Jiro went to his window immediately and parted the blinds slightly, just enough to see outside. To his surprise there it was; a Sato Group company truck parked on the side of the street. Jiro's attention was certainly acquired at this point; a little more life coming across in his voice. "Its starting to become interesting enough for that." He backed away from the window. What the hell, it felt like he was in the start of one of those western spy movies he'd seen.

"Don't worry about it. We are offering to pay all of your expenses for the tournament and to provide your current equipment with upgades, according to the game you have been eying one of those laser swords huh? But fist tell me have you heard of Ko-.. No, Okuu? I am told she specializes in flame weaponry and tactics." The voice says in a half bored expression as some men who looked like they were straight out of a Yakuza film enter the truck, giving a slight wave at the staring youth before driving off.

"Yeah, I've been working towards getting a light sword." Jiro respondes as he watches the shifty men wave to him and leave in the truck. This was all shady as hell. "Okuu? Can't say the name rings any bells. So I'm guessing she is some kind of leader of a team in the pro league or something?"

"Something like that. You'll be paid in accordance to a standard contract. Extra depending on your placement, we'll be placing lots of advertisements for medical services mostly with a few other product lines. But yes, she's the team leader. Your default contract will be, oh.. Twelve Million Yen, enough to pay for a good University hmm? I take it you are interested?"

Jiro managed to stop himself from making any verbal responses right away. His eyes were wide for a moment before he calmed himself down. His flood mind of thoughts narrowing to a more logical thought pattern.
"Everything does sound too good to pass up. But I do have one question. What's the catch?" In reality and human beings there was always a catch, Jiro knew this well. "My guess is there is some kind of betting scheme involved...but that's just a guess. Call me curious if you'll humor me."

"The Catch is performance related pay. That is the least we'll pay you. As to why you, you are the only one who has played almost as long as Okuu and yet have no standing teams or ties. So, you are both useful and expendable, the more you all win, the more money I make, the more money you make. Other than that Okuu will have the rest of the information. The Game will be conducting a few tests with pain receptors for our research and some Social aspects will be explored possibly. Is that a good enough answer, or have you never heard the idiom, Curiosity killed the cat?"

Jiro was very pleased with the answer he'd received. A little bit of the man's true nature appeared to come out which helped the young man believe what he was hearing. Some people that had enough power had no need to lie, merely hide things. "Oh, I've heard the idiom. I've just never believed in it. Blind men die blind lives after all. I accept your offer Mr. Kamoshida."

"Very well. You should be getting...well we called it an Email in my time, but in game Okuu will contact you with the terms of the contract, as you know with how GGO works, the terminals can only be active but so long prior to a team match. I'm expecting a good show." With an audible click the conversation was over.

A smile came across Jiro's face as the call ended. A team tournament in the new expansion for GGO, pain receptors, contracts, shady corporations and a hefty sum of funds to top it all off. Things were gonna get interesting indeed.

3 Days Later
The days came and went as Jiro prepared for what was to come. He spend whatever free time he had after school practicing in GGO, making sure he kept his skills sharp. When the day of the match came the young man made sure to finish his homework and any other chores his parents needed of him before promptly syncing into his VR headset. Promptly traversing into the world of GGO through an all too familiar login screen to become the nearly robotic Jinzo.

Username: Jinzo
Password: **************

Jinzo had made sure to check all of his current equipment the night prior so he'd be able to head straight to the Iron Sentinel Inn. On the way a small group of players would cheer as Jinzo passed by them. "Oi, Terminator! We've got bets placed on ya." "Yeah, do what you do best." Jinzo would stop suddenly and turn his head to face the group of players. His voice sounding almost completely robotic thanks the the voice modifier within his mask. "The cheers are deemed irrelevant. Numerous terminations are immanent." He doesn't usually try this hard to be in character but it never hurt every now and then especially on a day like today. The small group cheered in response to the fan fair before Jinzo moved on to the inn.

Having asked for the molotov party he was directed to the proper private room. Ducking slightly as he entered through the doorway the large metal man scanned the room; the bright red eye pieces on his helmet glowing.

Unless this Okuu was a fashionably late team leader he presumed one of them was her. He took a moment to remove his mask so he could speak normally without the voice changer; sounding more like a fairly deep man's voice who was in his late twenties.
"Seems a bit overkill for just a meeting spot. But I suppose if you've got the funds why not flaunt it I suppose." He didn't feel the need to say his name currently as they could clearly see it above his head. Besides, there would probably be some group reveal of skills later once everyone arrived.

Natasha Nehling

It's a dark night, and a lone Natasha stalks through the forest. She treads softly, taking care to avoid stepping on any fallen branches or leaves. Up ahead she sees the first sign of her target. A broken twig hanging off a bush near a set of tracks. Natasha stops for a few minutes to discern the likely location it headed if in, before turning to follow.

After some time, she finally finds her target. A lone deer, standing in a clearing. Carefully, she start to move around downwind of it. To avoid her scent giving herself away. Carefully and quietly she steps through the dense foliage in the area. The slightest noise could give her away, and ruin the entire night. Finally, she finds the perfect spot, and settles in to take her shot.

Slowly, she begins to pull back on the string of her bow, keeping a close eye on the deer. Almost as if sensing something was wrong, the deer stops in it's tracks to look around. Fortunately Natasha is to well Camoflauged to be seen. She makes sure to take careful aim, as the slightest disturbance could run her entire shot. As the deer continues to look around, Natasha releases her arrow.

A few hours later Natasha finds herself having dragged it back home and some eating a nice dinner. Natasha is just about to finish cleaning up when she hears the phone ring. Picking it up she answers immediately.


"Hello Natasha, I believe I have a deal for you that would benefit the both of us. After all, I know you need help with your 'situation' we'll call it..."

3 days later

The day had finally came, after making sure chores were taken care of and her peers well fed and watered. Natasha finally goes to her room for the upcoming match.

Grabbing her Fulldrive headset, Natasha takes a while breaths to call herself. As she slips into a sleep like state, a pop up message appears asking for her username and password.

Username: Altura
Password: ********

Upon entering and confirming, she finds herself in the world of Gun Gale. Having already previously loved in to set up her equipment, Natasha finds she needs to only head for the Molotov party. Asking a few people leads her in the right direction luckily.

Walking in she quickly scans the room before giving everyone a friendly wave and a smile. After all if they're going to be working together, they should at least be friendly towards one another.
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Reactions: Detective Zero
Felicity "Fel" Carver - Fenyx

A plain looking girl sat on the similarly mattress of her bed, eyes closed. Her hair was a common shade of brown and- if the words of others were to be believed -her eyes were striking gold. Sadly, none had seen them in years, and as far as she herself was concerned, gold was just another one of those mysterious things people called 'color' - ultimately meaningless to a blind girl.

Blip, blip, blip~

The sound continued echoing from the headset she wore through the small, mostly empty space of her apartment. Each echo confirmed the same things: the table was still in the middle of the room with her hot chocolate resting on it. The dresser was still standing in the corner, and her closet door was still slightly ajar. What color it all was, or how dirty it might look - completely unknown.

Blip, blip, blip~

"Don't be silly, Taika-chan," Felicity called out into her headset."Just take it!"

Silence for a moment, as the voice replied back to her ear.

"I didn't steal it from a dead person or anything like that, it's just a little medical test~!"

"No, no, no, it's not even that dangerous, they just want me to play this VR game... thingy."

"Pfft, no, who would be crazy enough to play with Nervegear? It's umm... that... new one... people use."

"Yes I'm sure! I just forgot the na— oh wait, FullDive! That's the one."

"Umm... Gun Gale Online, apparently?"

"Eheheh~! Maybe that's why they chose me? All americans are obsessed with guns right?"

"...mhm, probably. We're more rare than americans, that's for sure..."

Felcity felt the strange gear on her head that resembled a strange robot helmet more than a headset. It could've been something straight out of a sci-fi movie, though it really was useful in all kinds of ways. Luckily, she didn't have to see it herself.

"Anyway, I'd better go. I'm going to try and get familiar with the game a bit before we play for real. Take care, Taika-chan."

Ending the call, Fel switched off her crazy future hat and felt along the bed until she could grab the other future hat. Slowly, she lowered it down onto her head, fastening it tight.

"Here goes nothing I guess..." she murmured to herself, switching the device on.

Username: Fenyx
Password: *************************​

Fel felt her senses leave her - the feel of the helmet's cold frame, the sound of a gentle breeze outside, even that strange aftertaste of fried rice in her mouth; they all faded away. In their place, new sensations arose. Familiar sensations were there, like the sounds of crowds shuffling around, or soft clothes brushing against her; but also something totally new. There was this awareness of shapes around her - almost like a constant stream of detailed echoes, despite the relative lack of sound.

Fel - or 'Fenyx' - grinned wide. Noting the strange glances a few passersby were giving her. Their faces… their expressions… she could make them out! She could make out the shapes of their faces, but what did those detailed shapes mean? Curiosity, perhaps? Concern? Fen just smiled wider; this was fantastic!

Fenyx wandered up to the unfamiliar building, taking note of the giant block above the doorway. Maybe it was a screen or banner with some graphic spelling out 'Inn,' but the shape itself didn't help her a whole lot. Luckily, a robotic voice in her head filled the location name in for her, confirming this to be the spot.

For a moment, Fen just stood there like a human traffic cone as a few people went around. She took a deep breath and sighed it out, willing her nerves to follow the air away from her. These were the pros. These were the guys she was getting paid a lot to work with. If there was ever a time not to screw up, this was it.

"Just relax and act confident… you know what you're doing… you're a professional...!" Fen murmured to herself, the whisper totally inaudible. "At least I wish…" Having delayed as long as possible, she finally wiped the shaky emotion from her face and strode inside with a purpose.

"The Molotov Party, please," Fen recited to the man at the counter.

"Sure, door's right down this hallwa— uhh, miss?" The man paused mid-gesture as he realized the girl wasn't even looking. Boldly, he waved his hand in front of her face. She remained standing there, unflinching.

"Thanks," she nodded, heading for the door he pointed out and leaving him with a confused look on his face.

The new room brought new sensations and new shapes. A few other 'people shapes' made it clear she wasn't the first one here, though her mind immediately focused on the soft bunch of toruses in the corner. Were those donuts?! And virtual calories were even free!

Fenyx was about to rush over to grab one, but she stopped herself just in time. Remember: professionalism! Professionals were never the first ones to go for the food. It was like… a rule... or something. Eyes still shut tight, Fen made her way to the table they were all gathered at, finding a spot at the nearest wall to lean on. Professionals did that too, right? Silently leaning on walls? Seemed familiar enough.

'Just ignore me and go about your business; nothing to see here.'
'Heheh, see… sight puns…'
'Wait, that chuckle wasn't out loud, was it?'
'Okay, no, I'm fine. Whew~'
~ Kokona "Koko" Hirata - Okuu ~

Guten abend kamerad? I..what?

Confused on what the girl had said, Okuu sat there briefly, consulting the game's menu options and language listings, before finding one that seemed to be a match, in hindsight likely the only one who didn't speak just Japanese or English. No doubt the German, on time, somewhat stereotypical. This had to be the Krueger girl. Curiously looked much like herself, but with a color swap on the eyes and hair, some people had all the luck on rolls.

A bit surprised by the next one, he seemed outfitted in some sort of heavy armor, a storm trooper? Either way his face, now free of the mask was not like any of those on the sheet, fortunately his username filled that mystery out. It was a name she had seen a few times though never played with. Surprisingly how the game generator worked, though his appearance was more typical to the game.

Next to enter was a curious mix of battle livery...and a maid dress.. where in the world had she found that? With this odd mix and the minimalistic nature of the equipment, she was fairly sure, even before she looked at the name, Okuu was sure this was the other guide

Next came a girl who curiously reminded her of an airplane.. Her Avatar seemed like one of those SAO portovers, no one on her list had survived or had any connection to that hell, though the consantly closed eyes have given that away.. This was the blind girl and she was able to get around unusually well. The player Okuu was glad the girl wouldn't be holding them back, but the person, Kokona was not pleased that a blind girl had been wrapped up into this.

"And what did you have in mind, Graf Spee?" She says blankly, setting the chips down and taking note of the girl drinking a rather large jug of beer, she hoped she would flush it out of her system before she left. According to the rumors one of the teams in the last Squad Jam has almost missed the competition because a member had to deal with the realistic biological features of the game, coupled with a toilet. (@The Perfect Cadence)

Turning her attention to the larger iron giant, Okuu tilts her head towards the food and drink covered table, smiling lightly. "Well I'm not the one buying it. These are a part of the credits we were left in game by our..generous benefactors. And We'll be sitting here for about an hour. Got to give some of you something to do, yeah?" (@BlueFlameNikku)

Altura had said nothing and so gets a nod in return, taking a look at whom she assumed was the blind girl Okuu speaks up to her, smiling a bit tightly as she did so, a world weary smile.. "Don't try so hard Fenyx. You can look cool when we are out there. You'll freeze up if you stay so tense. You like sweets? I picked up a few." (@Luma)

"Ah yeah, I'm Okuu, your team leader, we got some stuff to discuss once the rest arrive." She adds in as if an afterthought.

(OOC note, may see about getting us all banners, or standardizing our headers, not a big issues as of now however.)
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<< Aiden Cross // Church >>

It was a long day of class and even longer with everything this particular foreign transfer student had piled with how it felt. He could have let himself be cozy with a typical job and have a stable life back in America with how things had gone, but that all seemed so boring to Aiden. The way he saw it, taking the opportunity to come to Japan, it was the place where all the 'magic' happened to try and fulfill his life goal.

As Aiden sits in his dorm apartment to wind down before getting started with his evening activities, a rare thing takes place.. A phone videocall. Being in the later part of the Afternoon, Aiden would likely be home, no the caller on the other side was sure of it. Upon picking it up, the college student was in for a strange sight, an older man with whitening hair and a scar along his left side, with a full beard and the look of a man who took no one's shit, his suit was remarkably at odds with this appearance.

"Oh, someone with a civilized phone. Tell me are you Mister Cross?" The old man says simply in a flat tone.

Blinking, the relatively young student looked to the phone's screen, wondering who this was exactly. Still, they seemed to be aware they called the right person, "Uhm, yes, that would be me. Hello. Is there… Something I can do for you, Mister-?"

"I am Kamoshida, Sojiro. Chairman of Sato Group. And it's what I can do for you. Tell me young foreigner, do you have an interest in the Next GGO Tournament?" The man says flatly in response, seemingly testing the waters a little bit before he made his intentions clear.

"GGO-, sir?... Well, I do play it when I have the time to. Watching them always seemed fun, so to answer, uh.. Yes." Aiden was curious what this was leading to. He was wracking his mind on why the name sounded familiar, but the purpose of this phone call started to bode on him that there may be more to it than just simple questions perhaps. Still, he complied and listened.

"Hmm.. You are an aspiring author I see. Manga. And a Roleplayer." Laughing a bit at that, the man narrows his eyes. "It's a very hard line of work to get into. I used to read those when I was your age, let me get to the point. Hard work does very little in this world. So how would you like to get the inspiration of a lifetime, the human condition is important to you no Mister Cross? Or should I call you.." With a pause as he looks down at a sheet of paper, the man seemed to know much at least; "Church? I'll get down to business, the Sato Group is one of the main competitors to this competition, our marketing department would like you on the team for your entertainment value. You will collect a flat sponsorship fee, that will climb based on your wins and connections to some of the Manga production companies we have a hand in. What you do with these connections is no concern of mine. I simply offer you a foot in the door. An amazing offer for a Gaijin, yes?"

"You sure did plenty of digging up for even my GGO alias.. If I may, why me and by what do you mean by entertainment value? You have my attention about it so far, but this almost sounds too simple… I can't lie, it does sound good to take." Even on a base value, this offer seemed ideal for his situation. While he normally kept a good head on his expenses, a recent drawback due to the game itself prevents him from pushing for an attempt at publishing ever since a GGO trade went completely sour. He would have used the money to help it along, but was instead having to use his planned spending to cover his usual bills when it all bottomed out. He was hopeful about this sudden bout of 'good fortune' but he was being wary of it too.

Grinning a bit, this was yet another who had questioned the old man's offer, though they were smart to do so.. This one at least was easy enough to talk to thankfully. "Heh. As if I know why, the marketing division thinks you'll add a bit of a punch to the mix. The rules are simple. Aside from your basic sign on fee, the more you win, the more advertisements I get; the more money I get, the more money you get. Aside from that, we are primarily in the Medical Industry side of things. The pain sensors for the tournament will be increased a bit and the tournament will be held over the span of several days; real life days. As part of our marketing, you and the others may be required to take part in private interviews and the like as well. You'll also be.. Asked to take up a few irl meet and greets with your comrades."

"The team leader is a player by the name of Okuu, she favors flame based weaponry, have you heard of her? Either way, our condition is that you'll be representing our company and taking part in our social and medical research." The older man says simply, questioning the younger man once more.

"Pain sensors? How much more would 'a bit' be?" That's when things got really curious for Aiden. What was that needed for? It put him on the fence to think about it, after all he had heard only stories of what happened in other games such as SAO. Still, even GGO did have its share of 'pain' but how much this was going to be changed was an uncertainty. Even starting up GGO was hesitant for him because of the stories that sprawled up from those past events, but he still jumped in. Thinking about it, he may have even been crazy enough to jump into SAO, had he not known about the 'truth' behind it - hell, maybe even if he did know.

Staying silent for a few moments as a hand cradled his chin, Aiden thought as he leaned against a chair, "Okuu… I've heard the name, but never delved into it much. They've been on the breath of plenty players words… Alright… I'm still a little on the fence, but you can count me on board. I'd ask more about these conditions, but I have a feeling I won't get much answered directly as I'm sure you're a busy man. Still, as it stands I see no reason to turn this down. It just might help me with other things as well..."

Exhaling in a grumpy manner, the old man seemed to take some offense as being compared with the SAO incident, but continues on, actually answering some of the questions.

"Don't worry, we aren't like those fools with SAO.. Mostly we want to study trauma cases. The head cases say such a long drawn out thing will need moral support, and the system makes use of respawns. It's a thirty percent increase overall, not as bad as really being shot or even close, so I'm told."

"The difference is you'll be doing this for hours. We even have a blind girl selected for the tests. Anything more than that I've instructed Okuu to tell you before the tournament. I'll take it we have an agreement?" The man says with narrowed eyes, reaching for the disconnect button.

A blind girl… Huh? That got a very curious expression out of him, but he listened intently nonetheless. Giving a gentle nod, Aiden felt he got what he needed for the most part, "I'll be there. I-... Thank you for answering some of these questions I had."

"Hmm.. You are a smart one. Okuu will send you the details shortly." With that the call ends and the man vanishes from the screen.

So that was that. The phone call finished and Aiden was now left to ponder over everything that went on with the call. Looking ahead, he guessed he had some things to reschedule and a game to prepare.

Username: Church
Password: **************************

Three days pass and while balancing out his schoolwork and sliding most of his 'hobby' work to the side, Aiden Cross focused on what to expect on GGO, as Church. When the time came, Aiden was already logged in and he was making his way to the meeting site.

The Iron Sentinel Bar, that was the meeting place. Entering it, Church took a glancing look around and asked for the Molotov Party. Being directed to the Private room like everyone else so far, the young man would find himself with five others already in the room. How many more were there he wondered. Off the top of his head, there may have only been two faces he'd recognize from reputation unless he had some info mixed. However, as said, Okuu was there and four others.

Looking around the room, Church gave a nod and a two fingered wave as he slipped himself in quietly, "Well, there's some modicum of relief that I'm not the first one to arrive… Less of the waiting game." He cleared his throat and found a spot to settle as he stood. It was doubtful to him that anyone would know the character that was Church, but he was not bothered by it in the least. Sure he had gotten some reputation but it was hardly anything worth speaking about like Okuu or Terminator, unless word of his aggressive and quick methods as of late had been picking up on the wind that he was actually getting a hint of a nickname. Unlikely that they'd make the connection either way.
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'Oh crap, she's actually talking to me...!'
'Well of course she was going to address you: blind gunslingers are pretty unusual!'
'Okay, act caaaaalm...'

Fen outwardly sighed, as if she was trying unsuccessfully to dispel some tension. "There's a lot of money involved here, yes," she confirmed? From what she knew there was, but as far as the rest of them were concerned, it was anyone's guess what kind of cut each of them was getting. "It's a good reason to try very hard, I'd think. Um... sir. An hour though, hm...?"

Detatching from the wall, Fenyx casually wandered over to the pile of succulent torus pastries and picked one up, stealing a small bite. Wow, that was delicious...

Fen took note of the new arrival, sending a quick wave to the side in his general direction. "I suppose there's no point in discussing anything important while we have people missing." That said, she finally took a seat at the table, eyes still shut tight.
~ ~ Kanzaki Sanada ~ ~

In the middle of a dark room a blinking cellphone interrupted someone's beauty sleep… And this certain someone wasn't any happy about it. Extending her hand over the huge bed's length to slam her palm onto the phone in an attempt to shut it up, Sanada ended up tapping it with the open hand multiple times before taking a deep breath onto her pillow, followed by a screech of rage. Finally giving up and sighing to the loud sounds of the phone, she raised her and hand to plant a finger onto the alarm's disable button.

"Well, goddamn great I'm already awake now… And it's not even time to go to college…" Sighing yet again, the moody girl gets off of her bed to open the door to her "office", a small area where most of her things are, except someone else is there already. A tiny figure tapped away at her computer's keyboard.

As she approached, she placed a hand behind the person on their shirt's collar and pulled them from the seat, turning the kid to face her. "Shoichi… Who gave you the key to my room?" She asked with a raised eyebrow to her intrusive little brother. As if her bad mood wasn't enough, now she had to deal with the brat while in her pajamas. However, his expression of fear as he looked to her face made it all worth it.

"N-no one! I-I j-just needed to check m-my account o-on the PC and Sa--" Stammering and babbling off as she walked towards the door to her room on the farthest end, Sanada decided to not pay too much heed to the kid's words. As she neared the door, she pulled him to be face to face with her before speaking again. As soon as she did, the boy made the most nerve-wrecking hurt puppy face that one could possibly see in their lives. With Sanada's expression twisting, however, it was clear that she didn't buy it. "Get the fuck out and don't enter my room again!!" She said as she threw him off of her room almost like throwing a sack of potatoes, though he was tough… He'd be fine.

"If I see you in my room again when I wake up, I'm going to hang you to the poles in the garden until dawn, you hear me?" She added before slamming the door shut.

Walking to her PC's table and a copy of the key to her room on top of the table, she was sure it had been Sarada. Hiding the key somewhere in her room, she prepares for the rest of her bored, programmed day.

A bath and a change of clothes later she was already at the kitchen for breakfast, and to her almighty great luck of today, her father was there. With her mind already set on her facade towards her family, she politely bows to her father before seating herself alone at the side of the table. With her father on one end, her mother not present and only her twin sister facing her, she thought again on how to make this situation to her favor.

"Good morning, father." Was all she said for the time being. Best not to pry at anything for the time being. Quickly, however, Sarada spoke up in interjection. "Good morning to you, sleepyhead. You're still going through with that crazy gaming stuff you talked with father?" She asked in a teasing manner, a smirk on her face.

"Oh you mean Sojiro's project?" Says a man looking up from a tablet of some sort, wearing a fine cut suit, if not for the stylized flair of it, one might mistake him for one of Japan's many businessmen. "Uncle Kamoshida is trustworthy with it. I expect results out of him, he's ran Sato Group well. Why do you ask?"

Her smirk ever present, Sarada watched as her sister opened her mouth to speak, but quickly butted in. "Well, dad, turns out Sanada wanted to put those gaming skills she spends all day honing in her room to the test. She spoke to me one of these days that she planned to get in with Kamoshida-san's team to see just how well she'd do." With those words, she briefly glances at the older man by their side, with a wide grin. Sanada merely groans at her words. If there was anyone that managed to annoy her the most it was her sister. Sighing to regain her composure, she finally spoke up. "Well, father, I believe this would make a fine test of skills for me and also an opportunity to help with the business. Aside from that… It'd be quite the thrill." With those last words, her smile contorts slightly but she remains composed.

Looking up from the device with a sigh, his two daughters were always like this, it was no surprise his son was as of yet so meek. "As I told you before, I rather not either of you get involved with the business. I have sent you to school because of this..." Taking his time to consider the request, the man reaches for his phone, placing a call. "Kanzaki, Sumio. Connect me with Kamoshida. Now... Huh that so? A few minutes won't hurt."

Turning his attention to Sanada, Sumio stares at his daughter pointely, studying her, or seeing what her true intentions might be. "So you know, Sojiro-san has a few side projects running in this, and it's meant to be for profit..while it is a game, this tournament is a serious matter, are you sure you wish for me to ask of him a favor, to just satisfy your curiosity, or is this something you truly want, Sanada?"

There it was. The old man's sight was as sharp as she could ever believe. It was no wonder he was in this line of work. Still, it taught her a valuable lesson… Looking away sheepishly, she giggled. "Come, now, father… I wouldn't be asking you to do it for me if I were to back-out midway. I want this. This'll be the biggest tournament since launch, and I don't want to miss it. If there's an opportunity to get profit out of it so that I can tune my bike or buy a new car, maybe pay another future tuition, I'm all for it, father." Be frank. If there was anything that her father wanted from his children was that they always be frank with him. He already had to deal with enough farce and fake business outside his house. Inside of it, sincerity was one thing the old man valued. While it was true Sanada's thrill-seeking inner-voice screamed at her to launch into it, she was being honest with her full intentions.

Sarada, on the other hand, scoffed at the display. Laying her back on the chair and crossing her arms, she spoke with a serious expression. "You go, Sanada. Keep on playing games and studying, meanwhile I aim for the big fish and crush some skulls in the way." Throughout the phrase, a killer smirk surfaced. Sarada and Sanada were not so different from each other, the two just had differing focuses.

"I would rather you Crush Mochi. Both of you are too much at times. I would hope to see more tenacity out of your brother." Sighing a bit and shaking his head the man wasn't sure how to deal with his daughters, it had taken him great effort to keep them both out of trouble. "...You might need to speak Kamoshida, or do you want me to handle all the arrangements? Though it's good for you to earn your own money... There are just a couple of special things happening with this project you need to be aware of."

As if to speak of the devil, the gruff man's face appeared on the phone screen, bowing his head lightly on the projector. "Aniki Sumio… Young…" With a stiffening to his face, it was clear he thought anything but; "... Ladies... I trust you are well? What is it that you require?"

Nodding his head, Sumio points towards Sanada. "She would like to take part in the Tournament."

"Would she now?" The older man says, gazing at her from the projector.

As the projector turned on, both Sarada and Sanada bowed their heads in response as well, with Sarada waving her hand in an almost affectionate greeting to a member of family. Truth be told, the red-eyed twin had much more connection with her father's contacts than Sanada did.

After her bowing, however, Sanada was pointed by her father and quickly the old man turned to her. "If you would have me, Uncle Kamoshida, I'd like to participate in the tournament as a member of your project. I am fully aware of the importance of this work, and I'll give it my all to see it done to perfection." Although curt, her words were laced with the sweet politeness only a girl could manage. Some would call her wholesome but those that knew her in the game would know that it is foolish to do so. She was simply being what her father sought from her.

Laughing from the projector, Kamoshida seemed amused by this at least, turning his attention back to Sumio. "I see your Rose Garden is as lovely and dangerous as always... Very well. I needed one more... participant for the test. I do this for the relationship we share as sworn blood brothers and as a Junior to his Senior. I'll take... Special precautions in regards to my Niece, she will not be spared what we discussed earlier however."

"That's fine. I don't want her in needless danger, what did you have in mind?" With that the pair had a conversation cloaked in terms and leaving the two girls only partially in the loop, before coming to an agreement a few moments later.

"Very well, Sanada, you may join. I already have your account name, a woman by name of Okuu will be contacting you soon. When you meet her later do keep in mind she can be trusted…" Leaving his glare on the girls before bowing his head to their father, the call ends.

"Well, there you go, Kamoshida is as prickly as ever, that's how he's survived for so long."

With a smile from one side of her face to another, Sanada bowed deeply to her father. "Thank you, father. I shall not squander this opportunity." She said before once more turning her face to the other side of the table. Her smirking sister seemed more than displeased, but her scoff was as enough encouragement as she would get from the girl. "Dear sister… Aren't you late for college?" Sarada licked her lips after asking.

With a surprise coming from Sanada as she pulled her phone to look at the time, a yelp escaped her mouth. "F-Forgive me, father but I must go now! Thank you again. " With rushed words, the girl quickly dashed out of the large hall and towards the garage to get her bike, leaving Sarada and Sumio alone.

With a dastardly smirk, Sarada laughed, pleased with her sister's distress. "My… I do love seeing her squirm every now and then… Now, dad, may I follow you in your job today? I want to learn as much as I can… " The red-eyed girl asked

Shaking his head with a sigh, Sumio spreads his palms across the desk, closing his eyes in consideration. "You siblings should learn to be happy with one another. The organization is family. And that family means much. Get your brother, he's doing nothing and needs to be toughened up, I guess you both can come observe the meeting. Though you should worry for your sister in this game."

--- A Week Later ---​
As college passed by, Sanada was completely unfocused. Her mind being on when she would receive the message from the person Kamoshida mentioned, she was left with no amusement at school other than bossing others around and forcing them to do her work for her. Not that these weren't already daily activities for her, but given her mood grew worse the more time passed without her receiving any messages, those around her were given even worse treatment.

In time it all was done right for when she received the message with a meeting point. Pleased with it at last, Sanada now pushed others to finish their tasks quickly enough so she could leave.

When classes were over, the young white-haired, tiny figure sped with her bike home, probably getting another ticket in the way, but getting home in record time. As she plopped out of her bike and moved into the house, she didn't even bother to pay heed to her sister and mother, rushing into her room and greeting the PC screen at last. As soon as it lit up however, she caught glimpse of what her brother had been using her computer for…

"Market studies? Why the hell is Shoichi reading my books…?"

With a dumbfounded expression, Sanada just shrugged the whole issue away with a shake of her head. Closing the window and opening her FullDive drivers and checking for any updates. With the momentary reprieve, she quickly took off her clothes and changed into something more comfortable.

Seeing the systems on the clear, she quickly plopped onto bed and attached the FullDive visor…

Username: Ryder
Password: **********

At the corner of a desert on the edge of the map, Ryder smoked a single cigarette, watching the sunset go as she rested on her bike. Sighing to herself as she once more read the message she received, she threw the cig away before hopping onto the bike.

Checking her equipment one more time, she looked onto the map to check the distance as she expressed a defiant smirk. Starting the bike with a kick, the engines roared in response… Perfect. "Right, now let's try to set a new record…" She mused as the bike took off in a powerful thundering. Leaving after her trails of dust and sand, Sanada made her way quite characteristically towards her target.

It didn't take long before she reached the fallen spaceship city and parked her bike off at the entrance, with a few touch of her fingers, the bike was added to a personal storage of hers made specifically for it. Now pulling up the hood of her cloak to stride into the city, it didn't take long for her to find the meeting point, the Iron Sentinel Bar. Asking for the Molotov Party and a whisky bottle, Sanada found herself entering the room only to meet at least half a dozen people already.
"Gods be damned I can't believe I wasn't the first one to arrive." She said out loud as she walked past almost everyone and towards a nearby table and got a cup for her, adding in the ice as she did. Taking a seat on the pool table, she turned towards the mass of people and brandished the whiskey bottle. "Hope you don't mind that I brought my own drink…" She said before pouring it for herself, and then eyeing the whole group. Taking the cup to her mouth and drinking a long gulp before setting it back on the edge of the pool table, she crossed her legs and laid herself back as she questioned.

"So, who the fuck is the boss here? The Stormtrooper from Star World Wars 2, the eye-scarred Sephiroth, the Vocaloid babe or…" As she trailed off her sight fell onto Graf Spee and Okuu… "Well, you two up the ante, you're so bland I can't even think of anything when I see you… Guess your names will suffice. What do I call you lot?" She asked as she raised her cup, pointing to each person she had already created a nickname for. Her finger, however, stopped at Okuu before she pulled her hand back to pour more of the whisky onto her cup. "Anyone wants some?" She asked as she poured to herself.​
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A few days prior;

As a certain young redhead sits in rather standard cafe on her college campass, enjoying an ordinary life among her friends, a rather eventful situation was to suddenly unfold. As a waitress comes to the table for her order, two gentlemen in suits, with cleaned slick back hair, shades and ear peices approached her, everything about them screamed Security Guards, the dangerous sort that was. With a stern face and clean shave, the signs of tattos was briefly visable under one of the men's sleeves.

"Aikawa Enju?" He says looking pointely at the girl, as a teacher from the facility staff comes in breathlessly behind the pair huffing and puffing, a middle aged woman from the looks of it who was some sort of secutary. "..whew..I told you to wait.."

"The boss was clear on his instructions." Shaking her head the woman sighs. "These men to speak to you, or rather, their boss wishes to speak with you, his company is one of the larger donors to the school."

"I can assure you it will be a short conversation from the Limo we have out front. The Boss would like to speak with you on a couple of matters." The manner in which the two men stood about was at odds with their words and very encouraging for her to come along, as the female looks on. "I'll be outside of the car if you get nervous or it's something you don't want to agree to." she adds in, causing the tattoed man to supress a laugh as if to tauntingly say Like hell you could.

The redhead was having a rather eventful conversatoin with her friends in the cafe. Even if it wasn't exactly a conersation she had hoped for, it was still worth her time. To this day, no one actually knew that she was secretely an otaku. A hobby she called it, and something she felt was neccessary to be kept hidden from her social life. It would just become too awkward if people in her circle knew of it.

However, while she enjoying her vanilla milkshake, two men in black suits approached her, immediately catching her attention. From her first impression, they looked intimidating. Not only that, she was surprised that they wanted to talk to her. "What? Me?"A rhetoric question escaped her lip. Enju was still trying to understand what was going on.

"Enju-chan, do you know them?" One of her friends asked an obvious question, but she really didn't have an answer for them.

"Huh? I--- I don't.."

Though over the short amount of time, she was able to understand that this boss who wanted to speak to her, was a large donor to the college she was attending. There was more to the situation than that. A quick glance revealed a tattoo as well. So this was either some thugs who wanted her attention, or something else was going on.

However, the assurance from her sensei did help her in finally giving a response. "Uh..Sure?" Standing up, she looked around. The people inside the cafe had their attention fixated on the matter that was unfolding before her. She looked outside and noticed the car as well.

Surely they wouldn't do anything rash where there are a dusin and more witnesses around.

"Enju-chan, you sure? We'll be waiting just outside with sensei as well. Just in case they try anything.. Hmph!" One of her friends, Nagamura added, standing up, whereas her friends did the same.

A moment of silence echoed throughout the cafe, before the men in suits ushered her to follow them outside.

"Please enter." Clasping his hands as the second man opens the door, Enju is left alone in the privacy of the Limo, with a sudden ring and connection, a large TV screen lights up, showing an aging man, black, white and grey hair, with a sternish look and some battle damage to his face, his buisness suit was at odds with him.

"Aikawa, Enju? Hmm.., you don't much look like a Chan, do you?" Studying her, his gaze didn't seem like that of a pervert at least, so much as a man who wanted something.

"I am Kamoshida, Sojiro, CEO of Sato Group. Hmm..An Otaku huh? I wouldn't believe it, but then again I liked watching some of the super hero shows when I was young.. Tell me, Are you a GGO player? And what are your thoughts on the new Tournament?" He says flatly, and seemingly as uncarring diverging one of her most closely guarded secrets.

Once she was inside the car, she was alone. There was no one there. 'Where's this boss?' She mentally thought to herself. Looking around, she was confused. What was going on? She could see a TV screen, but nothing was happening. Leaning forward out of curiosity, she was trying to find a button to press.

If she just left the Limo, it may look bad. What would those two goons outside do? Enju still had no idea who they were. However, as luck would have it, the screen lit up, and an old man appeared. She was already too close to the screen, and abruptly leaned back into the seat.

Nervous and curious, she was listening, but her emerald eyes widened up slightly when he introduced himself as the CEO of the Sato Group. Oh, she had heard about them before. They were not only donating largely to the college she was attending. They apparently were donating other major companies as well.

Though his barrage of questions about GGO immediately caught her attention. Instead of being nervous, she was curious, but wasn't hopeful 'Oh god? Does he know? He knows?! Wait, if he does, and I'm here.. Is he going to expel me from the college? Wait, can he even do that?' So many questions ran through her mind, but she had to bring herself back to the reality that was right infront of her.

"Y-yes.. I do.. Sometimes.. When I've got time? A-and.. If you're talking about the tournament, I-- I assume you're referring to the new expansion? I d-dont have it.. Maybe I'll get it when its on s-sale.. I'm just not that big of a gamer." Enju was trying to dodge a bullet here. It would be really bad if he knew she was an otaku.

Her eyes widened up once again. Reminscing about an old boyfriend she eventually parted ways from. 'Aaaaaack' She mentally screamed. 'Did he find out and.. T- told his f-father?'

"..." Closing his eyes, this girl was a bit dense wasn't she, or just that terrible of a liar? "..You are aware most of your activities are tracked and sold to intellegence services and the highest bidded, no? No, of course not, like most of the youngsters now unless it's put in your face you ignore it. But I digress. Simply put, our marketing Division wants you for this tournament as apperantly you are a skilled sniper. We are offering you the expansion free of charge, plus a couple of other things, but if you are more concerned about the images of a fragile youth.." Motioning towards the car door, the man stops speaking, waiting for some sort of response.

"Oh-- Maybe you should have led with that, and try not to intimidate me with those men in suits outside." A sudden change in Enju's voice. Her demeanor was different now. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. It wasn't about her ex boyfriend. It was something else. This old man knew about her identity. The fact that she was Shinra in GGO. Referring to her skills with the sniper was enough.

"No no, good sir.." A smirk was plastered on her face. It was time for her true self to show up.

"I actually do play GGO a lot. Almost most of my spare time is spent in there, as Shinra, as you seem to already know."

"It's just that I dont have friends who has the same hobbies, or interests like me. So thats why I keep my other lifestyle to myself.."

"But but,, I am absolutely thrilled that you would want to hire me for the upcoming tournament in the new expansion. As you may know. I'm an otaku at heart. So I attend as many events around Japan that has to do with almost anything. Manga, anime. Special events with limited figurines, games that are unique and a lot more."

"I also like to have a collection of sniper rifles. I've had an interest in them from many years ago thanks to a certain someone. If I see something special, shiny I would want it."

"Anyhow, will this help me attend such events easier? I mean, what's in it for me, Kamoshida-san?" Enju knew that an offer would have some form of a catch, but right now, she was comfortable in her position. She wanted answers, and if those answers were good in her book, she'd say yes to his offer.

"Call it a force of habit." He says in regards to the men outside. "Plus it is hardly my problem that you weren't home to answer your phone.."

"Very well then, I'll get to the point. I cannot help much..well no, I might very well be able to pull some strings to get you an actual rifle, or I could just make my intial offer. Currently you'll be part of a team lead by someone I know. The more you win, the more you make, but the signon to compleation offer will be Twelve Milion Yen. I would say a few days of your time would be worth a few years of pay, no?"

He says flatly not batting an eye at her hobby mentions, though he pauses for a bit at the mention of the Manga. "Hmm... Another member of your team, a Gaijin, he wants badly to be a Mangaka, I had made arrangements for him to meet people in the Industry, I could extend the same offer to you for a tour or the like at a few places. So would you care to agree to this?" Sitting still, he was waiting for the barrage of questions, so far all of them had a couple at least.

"Oh really?" An upbeat voice, filled with excitement, Enju was thrilled hearing about the offer.

"I would love that, yes, to visit a few studios. To meet my favorite authors, voice actors. That would be great!" Enju could imagine the meet and greets in her head. The places she could go thanks to the old man.

Not only that, but the twelve million yen if they won the tournament was too good to be true, but knowing that the Sato Group would have the funds to pay them such, she knew that he wasn't lying.

"I absolutely, absolutely would love all of that, buuuuuuut.. A real rifle? I'd rather not put my hand on them.. I like to have them in the game. I mean, you guys have been checking up on my activity, so you know I'd rather just buy something like that in-game."

Enju supposed that he had done this to the others as well. According to Kamoshida-san, she was to be part of a team. If memory served her right, this would likely mean other players with unique skills. Oh this would be a blast in her mind, that's for sure.

"I'll accept your offer, minus the real rifle as mentioned. Besides, I've been eager to something more meaningful in-game."

"So, what do I do next?"

"Very well. A player named Okuu shall contact you shortly with all the details, she's the team leader, a flame specialtist I'm told. And a couple of things will be expected out of you all, but you are being well compensated, no?" Reaching for the cutoff, it seemed she had no questions, at least for now. "If we are done, you make exit, my men will leave and you'll likely not see them again."

"A flame specialist named Okuu, huh? Interesting." Enju smirked. It was odd to hear about a flame specialist in GGO. She had basically never stumbled upon someone like that. Nevertheless, judging by what the old man said, this bunch she would likely be meeting soon, would be interesting.

"One last thing.. I already have the new expansion." With a smile, the screen was now off. Their little meeting was done, and she got out from the car. Her friends were nervous and serious, but the smile plastered on her face for a short duration changed their demeanor.

The two men in the suits got inside the car and left. Obviously, Enju's friends, and even the sensei asked her what this entire ordeal was about. All she said in return, was that it was a small offer to work at one of the firms after she would be done with college.

Enju just still couldn't tell them about what it was about. They wouldn't understand, and they may even see her in a new perspective. Regardless, she returned to her usual, cheerful, kind Enju they all knew.

It had almost been a week since her conversation with Kamoshida-san. By now, she had received additional information about the team, and where they would all meet one another for the first time in-game. Enju was more or less excited about the day ahead.

Her classes were done, and instead of hanging out with her friends, she enthusiastically returned to her apartment. "Oh, I can' wait to see how this tournament will turn out." Making sure nothing could interrupt her within the apartment while she would be in-game, Enju returned to her room.

A sigh escaped her lips. "Alright, lets see." Laying down on her bed, she picked up her AmuSphere, and placed it over her.

Username: Shinra
Password ******************

And thus, she returned to the world of GGO. Once she made her way to the fallen spaceship city, she eventually reached the Iron Sentinel Bar. "Molotov Party." The special keyword that'd give her access to the others who had arrived before her, or maybe she would be the first.

Okuu would be there too, as informed. Opening up the door, she had barely just entered, but noticed a short silver haired girl talking in a rather straightforward way. Her blue orbs widened slightly at the sight before her. A smirk was plastered on Shinra's face as well.

Using the opportunity to give the others a look, she could immediately see someone quite interesting there as well 'Oh look, its T1000.' Approaching the silver haired girl, she took a seat next to her, by the counter and ordered herself a shot.

The smirk plastered on her face was unchanged, even if the shorty would be looking at her. "Such energy! I like it! I look forward to working with you."

"Name's Shinra.." She raised her voice for the others, turning around.

"Let's have some fun busting some heads out there huh?.. What ya say?" A rhetoric question escaped her lips. Shinra giggled as well, and gulped down her shot. Shinra would be busting heads sooner or later though.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: RedArmyShogun

"Hello, Bread-shuttle. You've dragged up quite the interest rate while you've been gone."

It was always the same. Anytime he thought he might should go back to school and at least try to catch up, it just got worse. As if it was a loan he couldn't escape repaying, it was miserable to endure every day, and it only got worse if he decided to return after an extended absence. Labor was exploited, work was copied, money was stolen. All he wished was to be left alone, but it seemed as though that was naught to be.

It was why he lay on his bed, staring solemnly at his ceiling while occasionally taking a bite out of the apple in his hand instead of going outside, working hard, meeting girls or making friends. Whatever his goal, it would be obstructed. Whereas here was his own safe haven, somewhat. His true escape was in the headset sitting at the side of his bed.

With a sigh, he took another bite. "Guess I'll log on... Maybe I can gear up a bit more for the expansion..."

With a sudden ring of his phone and a quick answer Takumi is met by an aging man whom looked like some sort of Yakuza leader, before he could even stammer out a you've got the wrong number, the older man begins to speak.

"Takumi Katsuda, an apple a day only keeps the Doctor away, not the bill collectors. I am Kamoshida, Sojiro of Sato Group, Chairman, CEO, the Boss..whatever you wish to call me. And for you Katsuda-Kun, I want your attention for an offer and a few questions. An offer that will change that miserable thing you call a life at present."

Fumbling the phone at the sudden appearance of the older man, the apple fell from his hands and tumbled onto the bed. He had to have the wrong number, there was no reason for the Sato Group to care about him, or call him. But the man knew his name, and apparently his current situation.

Fantastic, another person to tell him what a loser he was.

"W-What do you want with me, Mister Chairman... I don't think there's any reason for the Sato Group to even know I exist."

"You would be correct normally. It's your little headset there that makes you of any use. To put simply we of the Sato Group will be advertising and investing heavily in Operation Typhoon, we have put together a team and we want you to be a member of it." Sighing a bit and remembering his other recent conversations, the older man pauses briefly before continuing.

"The game will be running on a few custom rules and past your basic sign on bonus, all of your earning will depend on your performance. I'm getting valuable data, advertisement space and attention from the parts of the Web that I have a vested interest in. With what human resources suggest we do you may even meet some other people for a change. Also, as to your debt and some problems.. Well, people have a way of learning pretty quickly with enough pressure."

Waiting to see if the boy had any remarks or questions, Kamoshida gazes back through the screen.

"W-Wait... You mean like... a pro-team?" Takumi questioned the man.

It was an odd offer that came out of nowhere. They just wanted him to play the update? Then there was the matter of earnings. If he could make money just by beating some other players, most had trouble breaking through his armor anyway, so if he played tank with others who were competent, it could turn out rather easy.

"Earnings... as in, real money?" He followed up.

If he could make actual money just by playing the game, why would he decline. It won't solve all his problems, but it'd be a help.

"Yeah... I'll do it. What do you need me to do?"

"No, I plan to pay you in candy. Of course real money. The sign on covering is Twelve Million Yen, that would be a couple years or more of earnings for you. What you all earn past that will depend on performance.. A woman by name of Okuu, will message you in game, she'll be your team leader. She's a veteran player with a love of flame weapons I am told. As to what I need you to do... Win."

Waiting to see if there were more question, Kamoshida reaches for the disconnect.

A face of dumbstruck awe appeared on Takumi's face. Twelve million yen?! Just for signing on and trying?! If that's all of what he gets for just trying, he could make something serious by winning or just getting close.

"I-I'll do it... And I'll win!"

Today was the day Takumi met his team. With a sigh, he slipped the headset on, laid on his bed and logged on.

Username: TruTitan
Password: ************

Stepping into GGO, the rather large titan of a man rolled his neck. It was always a bit strange, stepping into a body so different from his own. After a few moments, it was just like his own skin though.

Takumi made his way to the Iron Sentinel Bar. It was a pub typically used by higher-end players, but he hadn't been here very often. Usually he just returned to the city for special gear or the market, he didn't usually waste time in hubs like the building in front of him. Well, that was one reason. The other was that his player model wasn't very indoor friendly. Hunching to keep his head under the top of the door frame, he stepped inside, vibrating some of the tables and patrons who sat at them. Most players weren't as large as he was, nor with such heavy armor so the sight was somewhat rare.

"Molotov party. Where is it? I don't wanna be in such a cramped place for very long."

"Uh... down there..."

Without even a nod of thanks, he maneuvered down the hallway to enter a room filled with other players. Looking around, most were girls. Well, their models were feminine anyway. It was stocked to hell, probably for the more social of the group. Takumi could only be glad it was more spacious than the public pub.

"Guess I'm in the right place then..." He murmured aloud, voice modulated by whatever filter the helmet had, then taking a spot on the wall. He wouldn't bother trying to fit in or on those seats.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: RedArmyShogun

"You will make a deal with us. Just to leave society?"

"There is no point in continuing. I just want to play the game. In it, I don't have to deal with horrible teachers and other students, or soon to be horrible bosses and co-workers. I'd just be continuing a long line of people being the same as high school. Finding a job... having a life.. it's just too empty. Do the same thing day in and out. Hope you land somewhere nice in life. I'd rather just be in the game... any game as long as possible. Real life holds no interest to me. It ceased to a long time ago."

"Your life will belong to the Sato Group. You know that this choice is permanent?"

"Absolutely. I will help you win."

Sakura held the FullDive headset in her hands. She just had to win. Hold that shotgun in her hands and shoot. It wasn't pretending, not really. It was like shouting into a microphone at karaoke. No one ever had to know anything about the real her. MourningGlory was just a mask. No... it was joke really. A way to vent about the people who pushed her around. The polite responses she had to give back were churned around inside her until they became... this. MourningGlory. Didn't matter if she won or lost. She just wanted to see something explode.

And explode and explode and explode.

And soon, she'd get that wish. She'd fight in the tournament and then every bad part of her life would be excised out. She'd live the NEET live and no more terrible teachers and bullies. No more toilet lunches and no more waiting until she could log in to the game. The thought brought a smile to her face.

"Okay... I... I can do this!"
She said, seeming to be yelling. Yet, the ultimate volume was that of a regular conversation. She blushed and apologized to the air, hoping she hadn't woken anyone up with her 'yelling'.

Quietly laying down and setting up the game, she opened the login screen.

Username: MourningGlory
Password: *********

The first thing she did was clear out her PMs, quickly opening up Okuu's again to confirm the information again. So that was their team leader? Didn't seem all that impressive.

Oh well.

It was time to get going.

. . .
. .


"Molotov party! Better hurry it up 'cause I've got a lot to talk about with those big idiots!"

"Right this way, ma'am."

It didn't take long to get there, and even shorter for her to throw open yet another door in order to make her entrance known to everyone present.

"Sup scrubs? MourningGlory here to liven things up. Hope you all weren't doing the boring bits before we start yet, 'cause I'm not interested in your stories. Who all has the capability of getting this done? Who is doubting their resolve? Who all is absent?"

She looked out over the group. Eh. That terminator guy looked impressive, but as she clicked through each person, she finally found Okuu and slammed down in the nearest available chair to her.

"Hahaha! Better hope that you all are ready to win, or else I'm afraid we'll all have some other troubles to be dealing with..."
MourningGlory turned serious for a moment, playing with the nearest chip. "You know the ones I mean, right?" The chip, which had been resting on one of its corners suddenly snapped in half. The noise was louder than normal. "Guess we all better wait for those other slackers. I'm only fashionably late... but looks like those other chumps are just plain late."
@RedArmyShogun @TheBarPeople
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: RedArmyShogun

Molotov Party Room
Jinzo nodded in response to Okuu's words. It was indeed true there were going to be here for awhile longer. So the armored player took the opportunity to sample the table of food and drink. He acquired a plate of various appetizers and a mug of water. He wasn't one to drink much in game due to the adverse side affects but the food was a welcomed idea; an army marched on its stomach many a general would say. While he did so the room began to fill with the faces of those he'd be teaming with. He'd be surprised at the ratio of female to male. Unless a few of these individuals were some superb hackers or of the like that could fool the headsets into thinking you were another gender.

But they all seemed like a bunch of real characters for sure; but who was he to judge considering how he looked. The other large metal man that entered did cause Jinzo to raise an eyebrow as it was unusual for him to see someone near as armored as he was. The one girl who seemingly was trying to keep to herself and another with red hair that seemed to be extremely well...forward for lack of a better term. Then you had the two loud chicks, the one bursting in calling everyone scrubs right out of the gate and the one with the whiskey. Though at least the one with the whiskey seemed knew where Jinzo drew some of his inspiration from. Bits of his love for certain classic western movies always seemed to come through here and there. The remainder of the group seemed competent enough but only time would tell.

At this point the metal man pulled a chair over by the pool table and took his seat, not wanting to be at the epicenter of the room. He used the side of the pool table to rest his mug and plate of food before glancing at Ryder before speaking. "Seems she's the boss." He'd answer to Ryder while looking and pointing towards Okuu for a moment. "Since she's been the one answering our questions and all."

After a few bites of food and some water he'd think over the over of some whiskey. It was about an hour till the start and hell some of these people were drinking quite a bit already. "Screw it, one shot won't kill me, so long as its booze." He'd crack before reaching over for a shot glass and sliding it over to Ryder.

Mentions: @People in the Molotov Party
Interactions: @RedArmyShogun @Yzmael

On a late Sunday evening in an unremarkable budget apartment, with pizza boxes and food containers strung about and cheap quality furniture and more than a few empty beer cans laying about. A telephone rung. And while most would give up upon the fourth or fifth ring, this one continued to ring and would not stop, the caller would be heard. Cutting to the message box, a stern sounding man speaks up.

"Sergeant Nishizawa, or should I say deadbeat cop, I know you are home. Pick up, this is Kamoshida Sojiro. I will not call twice."

A brief silence followed the message before a low moan answered from the floor. Followed by a "Fuck… you…", Kazuto lay sprawled out on the side of his bed. One leg barely managing to secure itself to his mattress and the rest of him limp with intoxication. His breathing was heavy and ragged, a sign of light alcohol poisoning. Though nothing a few hangover cures couldn't fix.

Waiting there in silence, intending to let the man hang up the phone. Kazuto battled the pain in his skull that seemed always on the verge of ripping it in half. Eyes clenched tight, he cared only that he be left alone, in the dark and without disruption. However, with the pain suddenly subsiding for a brief moment, capacity for thought returned and he began to wonder just what the hell Kamoshida would want with him on a Sunday evening.

Managing to prop himself up with the assistance of his bed, through blurred vision he looked to the answering machine. Noting as the call ran on to almost three minutes, the caller had yet to hang up. Persuaded by this that he should at least hear what the man had to say, Kazuto stumbled his way over to the receiver. Knocking over a bottle of vodka which began to soak into the rented carpet, he paid it no mind. Instead, yanking the phone free and almost toppling the table with it. He finally answered in a grouchy tone.

"Fuck you."

"Well now. Good morning to you as well, or rather evening. A shame your mother never told you to respect your elders. Tell me how are your horse races and promotions coming along?" Kamoshida says in response, before continuing. "Perhaps if you sober up enough you'll have interest in hearing the words of a long standing Business associate and the sum of twelve million Yen."

"I'd rather hear the dial tone. … I thought you were out… what happened?... Wife need more money?" Managing to huff out those words, Kazuto took the handheld receiver and braced himself against the wall. Swallowing the urge to vomit, he inched towards the kitchen, using the wall for support.

"Oh, you must not keep up with the times, I'm chairman of a corporation now. Mainly we deal in medical technology and a few other things.. And are you wanting me to hang you off the roof of a building again? ... Either way this isn't about reunions. How would you like to have your debts settled?" The voice responds in slight irritation, curiously threatening a policeman over an open line, though the man had insulted his wife.

"Yeah?... Maybe… I'll apply at the hospital. … If they're taking just anybody now days… And if… it'll impress your old lady… sure. Just remember… the safe word's… affair." Laying the phone down on the kitchen counter with a smirk, Kazuto shifted his focus to the fridge. Opening it and tilting over to inspect its contents. With a heavy hand he began removing various things to prep one of his patent, yet revolting hangover cures. Listening in on half focus to the voice echoing from the receiver, he began slowly mixing.

"Talk money… it's what you're good at. And I could use some… haven't been ... to the horses lately…"

"And I wonder what you are good at minus avoiding death. Tell me, is it true you play this game called Gun Gale Online? If so did you have any interest in the upcoming tournament?" The voice says frankly and to the point, wanting to finish his business, he mostly ignores the man's antics.

"Yeah… I read something about that… how does it involve twelve million yen?"

"Well, the tournament is being hosted by corporations. I represent a corporation, what an inspiring member of Law Enforcement." He says with a bemused hint to his voice before carrying on. "Simply put, I'm paying based on performance, the higher you place the more you'll get. Twelve million will be what you collect at face value regardless."

"Heh… I guess you figure me an idiot then too? That's too good… show up and get twelve million..."

"Ho, what you lack in common sense you make up in street sense. As I said, performance pay, the tournament reward is inconsequential. Though, the tournament will be upping the pain sensors, that was one of our conditions for medical research. Other than that the team has been hand selected and you may need to personally meet some of them. A private eye will be employed in this task, one person of note will be part of this tournament. Simply put, if my PI has to go too far or the whole team does something...silly, I want you on hand to encourage the department to look the other way, or to at least delay them. Your badge is good for at least that much. If you have no interest hang up now, if you are, then I'll tell you the rest of what you need to know."

"Heh, so that's it. … twelve million to flash my badge and turn some heads… … … What the hell, you're offering more than the last guys. What's the details?"

"Well, no, that's the rate I'm giving most of them, forgiving your debts with the Yakuza is the price of your badge for the next few days. That PI I told you about will be leading the team, her name is Okuu in game, everything out of that will be up to her, family name is Hirata. She should be contacting you and the rest tomorrow to give more details. It's that simple. Accept it or walk away."

"Even better. Tell the gang to come by again. They forgot my booze the last time."

Where the hell is this place!?

Repeating this thought for about the fifth time. The Doktore roamed the streets in earnest search of the Iron Sentinel. Having already dived into GGO from the comfort of an internet cafe booth, he had been occupied for the last thirty minutes with just finding where the damn meeting was held. Walking from one end of the city to near the other, he had expected there to be some sort of marker along the way. Growing exceedingly frustrated as time dwindled, his focus and attention shifted from searching to cursing.

This was unlike his usual meet-ups. Being a medic for hire, he was use to joining random parties for raids and then going separate ways. The teams usually choosing open area locations to meet up at or at least near something with a visible landmark. It made sense to do that if you couldn't be bothered to wait on someone and just wanted to get your daily raid in. It made things simple for the Doktore which he liked. No useless idling and waiting for missing players. No bullshit drama between teammates to interfere. No strings attached, leave when you pleased and share contact information only if you cared to. A game life of constant action without real life baggage or interference.

Today of course just had to be different. The chance to bag twelve million yen without so much as putting in an ounce of effort was on the line and he had to get lost. Re-reading the private message again, the Doktore cursed its lack of directions. Further cursing the futility of doing so, he wished that instead of spending all his time raiding he'd learned just a bit more about the cities.

Eventually caving and asking for directions, it wasn't five minutes before he was outside the place. Cursing its location and how obscure it had been in passing, he threw himself in and asked for the Molotov Party. Rushing to the room, he popped in to luckily see that they hadn't yet left without him. Scanning the room with an uninterested stare, he found the closest seat to the door and set himself down without a word.
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Turning her attention to Fenyx, the girl didn't seem to understand the situation, at least not fully, but that talk could wait till later, as it was one they all needed to here. Of course what happened next would give substance to her thoughts, as if willing them into being. something she soon regretted.

First came a very hotheaded girl that seemed to think she was the big Fish in a small Pond. She would have to be put in her place, between the nicknames and insults and flashy entrance, this had to be the Yakuza daughter. Kamoshita made it clear to protect her, and later on with a belated message the line "Even if from herself." Either way she had to learn who she was didn't matter all that much so much as who she Was. A very different thing, many a powerful Child had been dropped from a very tall roof.

"I'm the person that likes to be unassuming, so I can better watch you. As to nicknames, I think Princess suits you rather well, or Hime if you are a fan of titles..." Stating this all a bit cynically, the woman seemed to keep on her friendly smile. Abruptly dropping the chip to the table, the woman seemed to have more to say but was cut short. "You could call me Boss." (yz)

Next on the odd entry team was a redhead. Judging by the gear this was the sniper who got lucky on the character creation roll, she looked a lot like she did in real life. "Busting heads? If my sniper has to get in close enough to bust them with her Rifle, I or you have made a terrible mistake. Though well met." (Akashi)

Next up was a huge man, that would run par with M, if not more so in of all things Power Armor, that stuff was exceptionally rare and expensive. Either he was very lucky or very skilled, and luck was a skill of it's own. Given his standoff nature or seemingly how stand offish he was, this might be the shy boy. (Emp)

Next up was a noisy Avatar which was likely a female or a really handsome male. She went on about not caring then questioning resolve, she likely didn't seem all that interested in them and her words were all over the place. This had to be the fool that sold herself into Neetdom, well not that she could blame her, most people were scum. Breaking a chip next with a few other words, Okuu simply smiled in response. "Well you arrived either way. And thanks for the professional opinion." Curiously her name wasn't showing up like normal, if not for the fact no npc was that lively she might would have checked. (Karyra)

The machine gunner was quick to point out who she was in all of this. Giving a nod in return in thanks, she is cut off when the final member arrives, five minutes late, with how he conducted himself, didn't apologize and seemed a bit...distant, this had to be the Cop. Only a Cop would be so bold. "How nice of you to join us. And that makes the Squad." (Astros)

Turning to the rest the woman stands up from her chair and speaks up.

"And that's everyone. Ladies and Gentlemen, the disabled and the stupid, bright jewels and boring folks, it's time we got this discussion underway. First off it's time I told you the Devil's Due.

Firstly Sato Group has made arrangements with all of your employers or teachers to arrange for leeway or vacation in your day to day lives, the tournament is global and will have thousands of players..initially on other servers. Then against the remaining teams. The Battles will be fought Regionally, nationally and finally, if we survive that long, internationally."

Pulling up a world map Okuu continues;

"In all a few dozen squads will be dropped all over the map at least 1000 meters from one another, Radar sweeps and locators with team leaders will be included. Same song and dance as always. Buuut, while I don't know all the details I was told in this tournament it will be possible to respawn."

Letting that sink in it would beg the question in how did they expect it to end. Well minus questions about money, or plans, positions, it went on and on really.

"As to how this is set to end, part of why I asked you to come in so early was to get your bodies used to the DiveGear, we'll likely be here for at least six to ten hours. Because of that, the tournament will be split across this and next month with a couple days between rounds, in addition I know a lot of heavy firepower will be brought in, or available at least, I had a talk with some of the NPC's and the amount of Mortar and heavy rounds being brought in is concerning.. Also there may be brief breaks but I'm not sure on that.. Now I'll get down to two key points of this tournament. "

Holding out one finger and smiling, the woman continues;

"One, your pay. Initially the Sato Group will give you Two Million, the rest is to be paid upon our elimination or upon our two weeks Survival. Sato Group also has another Team active in the tournament, mostly the Video game club with a few others, we are expected to fight them. During the Regionals. As to additional Pay, Sato Group is basing it on advertisement space and placement. We could walk away with our twelve million or one hundred and twenty million Yen, maybe more or slightly less. So if any of you are thinking of just lazing out of this, I'll shoot you in the head myself."

Hold up a second finger, she seemed almost reluctant to bring this part up;

"Secondly, the Devil's Price, the pain receptors have been increased by thirty percent and Auto disconnect short of in a medical emergency or in the case of a third party removing you has been shot down. This is by all means a physical and psychological Trauma test, studying the effects of prolonged warfare or other notable stressors. I'm told its nowhere near as bad as really being shot, but keep in mind, you'll be doing this for hours and will be killed and brought back a few times likely. Though this is no SAO, you are free to log out, and the game won't actually kill you... That being said, this is the part some of you will hate.

Sato Group out of concern for your emotional and psychological well being will be conducting psychological evaluations and encouraging group meet ups and activities, I'm tasked with checking up on a few of you. Now, I got no way to really force you into this, but I will come knocking on your door with ah, well another employee in all of this who can make you come outside. It's also possible some teams may actually try killing you, the real you. Sato isn't the only big fish here, so this is also for your safety. We also may have to take part online with advertisements for the Sato Group and it's co sponsors, so get used to doing some cringe stuff for the all mighty dollar, or er, yen. I've been assured this won't cross into our real lives."

"Frankly I'm still pondering what to do with this and it's mostly a precaution to help a few of you out, make sure some of you aren't dealing with other sponsors, or heaven forbid some of you actually snap and leave your shoes on the roof. Other than that it makes sense why we all are from the same city. Oh yeah two more things, which are My rules."

Holding up another finger;

"Three, I'm not about to try controlling this mad house like some grand commander. I'll give you plans here and there and orders, but overall I'm not getting to hands on. You can ignore any spot commands I give, though you'll likely die for it, I've been playing this game for a long, long time and can spot traps better than most if not all other players in the game. So if I tell you to stop, duck or jump, do it, or I'll laugh at what's left. I'm also used to working communications when I'm not up front."

A forth finger;

"Finally, I ask that you work together with me to take out any armor or fortifications we run across. To be blunt, I hate those things unless I control them and I like to set fire to those who use it. Because of this, I may have had a few bounties posted on me, being burned alive is one of the most painful things in this game. Because of this and me leading, don't expect any Japanese team to allow you to surrender. I'm not that famous, but anyone that's been set on fire by me likely remembers it well. But I find the flames are a powerful purifier, you know? You think you are safe, you sit in your tank, take a break, you look up and well you're on fire."

Going into her inventory and laying a thermite grenade on the table, the woman has a brief look to her eyes of a person who had gone mad or concealed a viciousness. With her mouth about to break into a wide smile, she suddenly stops, putting the grenade away. Like a few contestants who had showed up, she was likely just a touch psychotic and would likely shoot them in the back of the head as she mentioned way prior, if not worse. Either way it was a trait that was as valuable as it was dangerous, no fully sane person had reached the top in GGO at least..

Finally closing her fingers and opening her thumb, Okuu points towards the door. "If you don't like it, well there's the door, don't let it hit you on the ass on your way out. Sato Group also won't be paying you. If you do accept.. Well Welcome to Okayama Provisional Team Number Two. That's a shit name and I want to change it." With that a prompt up comes up on each players screen inviting them to the party.

Accept Invite? Yes [ ] No [ ]

"Oh yeah from this point on, do what you like within reason, we'll be leaving in a few minutes to make the briefing. Then it's time to sit out the grind while finding ways to be more..interesting as the Hime put it."

@everyone in this rp pretty much with interactions.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Astros
~ ~ Kanzaki Sanada ~ ~

Initially, Ryder believed it to be there only a handful of other fellow players, but she was surprised by the appearance of a few more that followed after her. Each person added to the complexity of making this whole team work and with the final success depending on the performance of each one of them in working together made things more unlikely. Here's how it went:

Before she could even say anything, a good-looking red-haired girl came in and praised her for her energy. Bitch, you haven't seen anything yet.. Ryder thought to herself, keeping her mouth shut for this one. Instead, she answered with a happy grin as she pulled a shot cup for her and poured the whiskey instead. "Here, girl, let's get our spirits… high." She said as she winked at her, only turning to the door as she heard the creaking of the door. (Akashi)

With that, a series of arrivals made their way into the room. Firstly, a brooding giant of a man in power armor… Compensating for something… Aren't we? She thought to herself as she saw him rest on the side of the room, as edgy as he could possibly look causing Ryder to roll eyes as she prepared to gulp down another cup of her drink.(Emp)

The next one was a loudmouth green-haired girl. Well, this one was one hell of an agent of entropy, but not exactly Ryder's style. Too loud, too boastful… Quite the difficult combination. Still, Ryder thought that she was here for the win, at least, given her immediate concern over winning the tournament and the quality of her teammates. Not worth my time, this one. Ryder thought before placing her cup next to the whiskey bottle.(Karyra)

As another silent newcomer made his way to the edge of the room, someone took up Ryder's offer, drawing his own cup to take a shot at her whiskey. Aside from that he also pointed her to the leader of the gang, Okuu, the bland-looking girl from before. Beaming a happy smile down the Terminator, she pulled her bottle to her side as she edged near him still smiling. "That's the spirit! Let's bond through whiskey and vodka, right!?" Letting out a chuckle as she said that out loud, she turned to the person he pointed her to… Looks like she wanted to make the typical leader speech… Or so Ryder thought.(BlueFlameNikku)

Seems like she had taken her comment on her being bland as an insult. How quaint of her to think so. However, she quickly retorted with a sarcastic comment on how if she liked titles, she'd be called Hime, to which Ryder frowned. "Oh, come on, go the extra mile and call me Ojou-sama at least…" She responded with a joking tone, with a small smirk and a defiant gaze towards her as she rested her head on her palms now.

After that then came from the Boss a run-over on how the tournament would go and how she would run things. Good thing she was holding them on a loose leash… Ryder would've hated to be under someone's constant beck and call. Mos of what she said didn't phase Sanada at all, she had already heard almost everything from Kamoshida himself.

To say she was somewhat shocked at how the girl looked at the thermite grenade was an understatement… It was the kind of look Ryder would do whenever she was running at over two-hundred miles per hour when she was running her bike or when she got an up-close kill… So they weren't all that different at all, Ryder believed. A small pleased smirk did appear on her face as she saw it before the girl turned the grenade away.

Receiving the invitation, she huffed and then proceeded to accept the invite without any second-thoughts. "We're all this far already, why the hell would anyone back out now? Let's just jack in and see what the fuck happens, team." Ryder said, almost uncharacteristically optimistic about the whole thing.

Accept Invite? Yes [ x ] No [ ]
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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So far the entire team looked interesting to her. She had taken a quick glance around the room, and was looking forward to the tournament. But how the people would interact and cooperate with one another out there on the battlefield was another thing. Even so, only time would tell how well they would be doing. Shinra on the other hand, was an exceptional sniper, and knew where she would be while the others are out there on the front.

A smile returned to the silver haired girl. "Ah, of course. lets.." Her attention was quickly turned towards the entry door when another addition to their growing squad showed up. Someone who was donning an armor that looked quite expensive and futuristic. Covering them from head to toe. Shinra was not sure what to think of him. Nor did his introduction help, because there was none. As the new person just leaned against a wall, likely waiting for more instructions from their leader. (Emp)

Someone else showed up after. A woman with green hair, and with a rather enthusiastic attitude. Happy, ready for whatever that was coming. Shinra looked at the silver haired girl next to her, because the next addition clearly had a similar introduction. But she wasn't much different either. MourningGlory was her name. (Karyra)

It was not over though. Someone else showed up. Though their expression was rather serious, or so it seemed to Shinra. Just like the future armor boy, he too, had no whatsoever introductions, and took a seat rather than leaning against a wall. Oh well, she knew that they would have the time to get to know one another at some point. It was important if the squad was going to mesh together in what was to come soon.

The squad was finally together for the tournament. Once their leader, Okuu spoke up, it was a clear indication that the wait was now over. Listening intently on her explanation, and information about how everything would work out. Shinra was rather surprised to know that Kamoshida-san had left out a few details, or perhaps she should've asked him more questions.

There would be another squad sponsored by the Sato Group in the tournament. Their pain receptors would be increased, so they would feel more pain depending on what would injure them. Fire, a gun, a cut and so on. It was more realistic, however, the money was too much to run away from.

Shinra was there for a reason. Kamoshida-san and the Sato Group sought her out for a reason. Her determination was unwavered despite everything that was shared with them. Though she couldn't help but curiously gaze at Okuu when she placed that thermite grenade on the table.

Folding her arms before her chest, the redhead spoke up. "Like the Ojou-sama here said.. Why quit now? I'm sure as hell am not leaving. Is anyone else?" She looked at the others.

"T1000-san?" She looked at the terminator. A rather sheepish smile was plastered on her face. Her eyes closed in that moment.

"Besides, I can do much up close as well, Okuu." Returning a response to her comment about busting heads, Shinra opened up her eyes, her blue eyes gazing at their leader, and the others from time to time.

"And gaming for 8 to 10 hours shouldn't be a problem for us, right?" A rhetoric question escaped her lips. Usually on the weekend, or whenever she could, she would pour in about 6 to 7 hours into the game, so another 2 or 3 hours would not pose any problem for her.

"Oh, let me also....."

Accept invite? Yes [ x ] No [ ]

"Accept the invitation to the squad... There.. It's done."

@RedArmyShogun @Yzmael @BlueFlameNikku @Everyone
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Ah... boo. Everyone was ignoring her in favor of the booze. That's fine.

Everyone could be sticklers. She didn't need to care about these people, anyway. Far as she was concerned, they're every bit the npcs that she expected them to be. At least no one asked if she herself was an npc. Small mercies, she figured. Heh... the game made her just as invisible as she was in the real world. Ironic, isn't it.

"Sorry, I don't drink. It'd be too easy to form a habit in VR, so I make it a point not to drink. Besides, I want all my money going towards my... well my equipment."

How much did the others know? Okuu was their contact point... so maybe Okuu knew everything about her? No... not everything. Nobody could know everything. Okuu probably knew who she was in reality.

Someone rushed in at the last minute and MourningGlory had to suppress a laugh. Did he get lost? Forget the time? What a dummy. She was half tempted to call him out on his appearance, but decided that would be too mean. Maybe she'd leave him a surprise for later. Like a bomb slipped into his inventory? Nah... it'd sabotage the team too much. What a considerate player she was.

She sat back as Okuu explained the rules, playing with another chip from the table, flipping it around on her knuckles. . Higher pain sensors, eh? She wasn't sure she liked the sound of that. Wouldn't they end up like those Sword Art Online dummies? The pay was good enough to ignore the risk -though it sounded like that too had been though about. Some money up front, but extra if they made it even father than just the first round. The group meet ups would be... difficult. She didn't want to meet any of these people in real life. The less they knew about her real self the better. There was no crossover between MourningGlory and Sakura. They were compartmentalized boxes that she preferred to remain as such.

However, much as she'd prefer for that not to happen, it looked like she'd have to be careful. Real advertising for them online. Sponsors sounded so... professional. Too bad they were the skeevy Sato Group. Okuu also had some additional rules. She'll loosely lead, but if she gives orders it comes highly recommended that you follow them. Respawn was possible... though with higher pain sensors MourningGlory would prefer to be blown up far, far less often.

Second... help her blow up fortifications. Being set on fire was painful and as a result of Okuu going around to other players and setting them ablaze, she had bounties and grudges.

"Ha... well. I heard being set on fire normally stops being painful after a while because the nerve endings burn off. I suppose in VR you just keep getting pain signals until your hp is gone."
MourningGlory said. "Though, I can't blame you. There's something awesome about letting them think they're safe... only for them to very... violently realize they aren't."

Accept Invite? Yes [ X ] No [ ]

"No point in backing out, like Ryder and Shinra said. I'm pretty sure that if they aren't going to pay us.... there's a good chance that rejecting whatever they're doing may be the end of our short existences. It's a lot of money for a game tournament that'll advertise us. But we've all come too far and made too many promises that we can't go back on now, right? So let's do this. No fear, guys."
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Jinzo casually raised his filled shot glass to Ryder and drank it down in an instant before responding to her. "I think the real bonding is gonna take place once we start walking over corpses but I suppose we have to start somewhere." He'd state in a neutral tone before going silent, listening to the information Okuu was spilling out to them. Most of the information was already known by Jiro as the real boss had told him much of the same. The leeway for real life troubles and issues was an expected relief though it was quickly countered by the threat of well...real life threats. Hopefully those shady Yakuza looking dudes Jiro had seen when he got the call were watching his house for would be...well...he'd call them assassins or hitmen really. The young man never thinking he'd ever hope or want shady people watching his home.

The rest of the more so in game team expectations were also fairly reasonable as well as he had no real issues and was already expecting to help out; they were a team in a team oriented competition after all. Face their team leader made when she pulled out the thermite grenade was very interesting. It seemed there were plenty of people in this team that were ready and willing to do what needed to be done and the show hadn't even started yet. What the metal clad player wasn't expecting was to receive a new nickname out of the blue by the red head. He wasn't really sure how to respond as he just oddly tilted his head to one side. He'd wonder if he'd player killed her at some point based on her expression and statement.

He'd quickly push the unnecessary thought aside however as the metal clad man stood up from his chair; looking at Okuu as he did. "I'm sure there are plenty of people who've got bones to pick with me too, Boss; considering my reputation as a player killer." He'd crack his neck to one side before continuing; a sudden devious smirk coming across his face. "Besides, I'm not gonna pass up the chance to see what this group of monsters can really do." He was using the term monster in an honest endearing manner though whether others saw it that way would be up to them. The most effective killers in history have always been portrayed as either bloodthirsty savages or brilliant tacticians with a gift for winning battles. Either way both were good at killing and that's what mattered at the core of it all; glorious monsters portrayed in a manner that benefited the victor.

Accept Invite? Yes [x] No [ ]

Both the real life and in game stuff was all way too interesting to pass up. This was all what Jiro thought he could only dream of.

@Akashi @Yzmael @RedArmyShogun
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Yes [X] No [ ]

There wasn't a whole lot to say for the Doktore. The terms of the twelve million yen had not changed, but simply gotten a bit more complex. There was going to be a bit more pain involved as mentioned, and getting paid meant survive for two weeks or the entire team getting the axe. Having snickered at the the "leader's" words on slackers, he had wondered if she would be so willing to kill the team's only medic. A team after all would fair better with their medic on hand than dead or without. Perhaps it was her way to deal with that problem and a less than genuine threat he thought. That is until she produced a grenade and spawned a murderous glint in her eye.

He could only speculate as to what could be driving her. Perhaps blackmail or something tied with her profession. Getting a little to far for their own good was a problem for private detectives. More than likely, the Doktore concluded, it was family and just being one step from crazy. The lack of consequences in game helped fuel the latter. Regardless, as the woman's insanity seemed to seep and spread to the rest. The Doktore sat and watched as they begun to get excited for nothing. He hadn't vocalized it, as he wasn't sure now what the bitch with the crazy eyes would do, but he fully intended to leave when he felt like. He had that option. Twelve million would be enough to have fun with for a few days.

Sure, he had massive debt and no future in sight. Living on a shaky job with no family to rely on and no significant other, but he wasn't desperate. Realistically, he gauged the likelihood of their victory as no way in hell. A rag tag team assembled from a bunch of nobodies by a former Yakuza. They were to be playing against professionals no doubt. Players and teams who knew the game inside and out better than their own home town or the people closest to them. The speed runners, the people to do raids with the absolute worst gear or none at all yet pull it off perfectly with precise skill and dexterity alone.

Who were they? They were team #2. Little more than a backup. Though most here seemed to already think they were hot shit. He knew the sort, had played with them before, and even done a few investigations on them for virtual theft. These games tended to attract the younger escapists, so it was likely all these avatars belonged to shit nosed brats. The PI aside. Damn kids took these kind of things way too seriously.

Heaving a sigh he had already seen enough and wanted to get on with the business of playing the game. He wasn't worried about anyone coming after him, or about the additional pain. Being an officer came with its own publicity and reputation as well. No, rather finding the team to be the biggest problem so far the Doktore looked them over with a deadpan before giving a yawn as his input. Looking to see if there was any coffee laid out, after spotting some he made to get up and grab a cup along with something small to eat.
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