Gods of highschool

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Original poster
What if the old gods and all those well know figures from children tales and folklore were still around behind the scenes all gathered at a special school a magic school
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jessica
Sounds like an interesting concept. I'd be for this
Ohh, I think I wanna join this already. May or may not wanna try out being a god of trickery hehehe... Loki. (No, not the Marvel one ._.)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jessica
@chrono So what kind of pics should we use? I found some but I'm not sure if they're the style you'd be alright with in this rp.
I'm a fan of many types of pic so hit me with a sample or two of what you got
I'll do it in PM because of spoilers :P
I have tricks up my sleeve for the god of tricks.
Hello, I am also interested. If there is room. :)
We've got all of... what, 3 people? (Not including you two) Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's room for both of ya.
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Reactions: Alis_Audāx
Ok guys we are good on number 2 start role call make sure everyone is on board
The character sheet isn't very big just basic stuff I've been asked about powers and abilities

I'm think 3 abilities should be enough and 1 special skill

note while I say 3 abilities I'm not limiting the application of those abilities .

Also all gods have a strength above humans so you don't need to say in your bio about your strength unless you also choose it as ability then I ask you write enhanced strength that way it shows you are particularly strong when in general comparison to others also certain type of abilities are particularly powerful and those whose character who has such abilities will be limited in their use of them time ,space these abilities while you can have them their use will be strictly limited any big use that affects the main story will be held to a vote majority wins

Also there is not just gods,angels, demons,there is also characters like king arthur,merlin,robin hood, cthulhu mythos as well but note the last one is a special addition because he will one of the teachers at the school
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Can we have the OOC please?
so, beyond someone playing loki what other gods do we have attending? anyone?
I'm Interested!
If it's still open i'd love the chance to be apart of this.
It's open the more who come the better rightnow I work a job that has me gone a lot of hours but the main page will be up soon I'm working on a character sheet






Special passive ability one that is constantly activated but still within permissive levels

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Any specific limits on powers and special abilities? also, any preferences on appearance?
Also we need a list of who is who as far as I know Loki is taken and Nyarlathotep is also taken everything else is open and up 4 grabs

there is 7 years but only 6 grades

Teacher posts are open

Student now accepting grades 1 through 6
Is it all of the cthulhu mythos that is teacher only? or just nethy? Also, since we're including the cthulhu mythos, would other gods from modern writing be ok? EG tolkien's works, or warhammer?
@chrono Also, would you want us to post our character sheets here?
Nethy is the only one of that mythos right now because he is a messenger and is very active for the rest of that mythos the others will make appearances in the story at certain points

as for other outside mythos
I'm going to say no

Post character sheets here characters pictures should be of animated style
Now every god or historic characters this includes vampire myth as well like Dracula,king Arthur, Merlin,Solomon, Robin hood are all available to be used and they have abilities as well similar to gods in many ways