Gods of the Universe (Relaunch IC)

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Undisputed king of the Dinosaurs
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Prologue : The Gathering


Long ago, A powerful pan-dimensional demigod of chaos named Dreahydron ascended from the under-realm to conquer the mortal plane of existence. His army SCOURGED the realm, killing any force that could pose any immediate threat. with the hellish creature dangerously close to victory, the gods and goddesses of the universe descended from their realm and challenged the monster to combat. Dreahydron was powerful, so much so that it took the combined might of all of the deities to plunge the creature into another world between multiple dimensions. Where he would be banished for eons to come. Several millions of years have passed and now Dreahydron is beginning to regain his power and soon he will have enough of it to free him self from his prison and relaunch his invasion, Starting with Earth. Lord Gagail has summoned the other gods and goddesses informing each of them about the return of the returning threat, in hopes that one of them has a plan to once again subdue the demigod. But no matter what choice of action the take, the question if it will even work still remains.

[Xai & Manda] ~ Planet Draan, Terik Palace.

"Hurry up with that dish, the last thing we want to do is keep him waiting!" demanded a frantic and rather terrified bird like creature, at first glance they would seem to be the king of this world... but not today. He and his royal chefs were preparing a massive feast for a very powerful guest, a guest they would do well not to offend. But who is this person? Who could possibly be so powerful to have even a king shaking in his robes?

Meanwhile in the dinning hall, the guest of honor was sitting alongside his accompany. "Well they sound a bit on edge." Xai said with a bit of pride in his tone. He looked over to his attendant who simply smiled at him and spoke softly "Well they do have a very important entity to impress, lest they lose their home." Xai's mood would only improve from her saying that, as he could hear the cooks, the servants, and even the king panicking for what could very well be their lives. He knew they were right to do so, it's not every day you learn that today could be the end of your world. Time went on and Xai would soon to grow bored, normally he was quite patient but keeping him waiting for too long was as bad of an idea as making him angry. But eventually his patience payed off as the servants began laying out the tribute before him. "Such variety, I don't even know where to start first." he would then sniff out all the food near him, the aroma was almost overwhelming to him. but eventually he began to feast. while he was doing so Manda would speak to the King. "My my, Lord Xai seems to enjoy the feast you have presented to him." the king would then look to her feeling almost relieved "Dose this mean he won't destroy our planet?" "Not for me to say" She said cheerfully.

Their conversation went on for a bit, but at one point Xai noticed something off about the food. "Hold it, something isn't quite right about the drinks" he would then take another sip to confirm it, he noticed that it was flat and quite bitter, and spat it out nearly instantly. "I'm going out on a limb ang guessing this is expired." The king started to panic again,and bolted right to Xai's side practically begging Xai not to destroy their world. "I assure you Lord Xai, we only use the freshest ingredients! Everything here is of the finest-" "We are leaving Manda" Xai interrupted as he got up from his chair and started to walk out of the building with the king in pursuit. Was he going to destroy the planet? was one bad drink really enough to do that? Or maybe his good mood just wasn't meant to last. Once out side Xai began to take off into the sky, but the king spoke out to him one last time in hopes that Xai would listen. "Please Great one, give us another chance, we beg of you!"

All of the sudden Xai froze up. No movement what so ever, it was there and then when Gagail had summoned him. How ever Xai didn't ignore the pleas of the king of this world either. "Tell you what i'll do..." he paused as he turned to face the bird like creature "The food was quite good, but what ever It was I drank was not so... So I'll just destroy one of your moons.. and next time you can prepare me something better." he then created a bright red orb of energy, no bigger than himself, and threw it at one of Draan's moons. watching it explode billions of pieces. "Come on now Manda, We have been Summoned" and just like that, the two of them vanished without any other traces of them to be found.


[Kysa] ~ Uncharted Space, Nameless planet.

Elsewhere in the universe, a new planet was being born. Kysa was had already cooled the planet down and was starting to mold the land masses before she added the ocean. With gods like Xai destroying things, it was up to her to replace them with new ones if and/or when necessary. It would be a while before this planet was ready for life to begin, but even still she was eager to finish this new world. But it would have to Wait, as she was also summoned by the King of the Gods. She literally dropped a mountain where it stood and looked around for her Attendant, Ramnar. "Ramnar, We have been summoned. we must leave to see what Lord Gagail wants of us"



[Tyler Rover] ~ Earth, New Bon City, California

It was a beautiful sunny day, and Tyler was eager to enter the upcoming Cyba Corp. World Fighting Tournament this year. He has been training him shelf and his powers every chance he could to prepare, and now with the tourney two weeks away he was simply ecstatic to be up against some of the worlds most fiercest fighters once more. "Just two more Weeks, and it will be time to fight again" he smiled while gazing upon the New Bon City Arena, "And This Time I'm going to win it". Tyler had fought in the Tournament before, twice in fact. And both times he had placed second, all things considered that is no easy feat even for some one like him.

@Any Mortals in the area​
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[Ramnar] ~Uncharted Space, Nameles planet

Ramnar watched on as his goddess worked. He was accompanying Kysa as she created a new planet to replace the one Xai had destroyed. He wasn't a fan of how much work Xai would create for his goddess, but it can't be helped. Ramnar was also at work doing his part by completing small tasks that Kysa would give him to alleviate some of her workload. Currently, Ramnar had completed all the tasks Kysa had given him and was watching her decide where to place a mountain. She suddenly dropped the mountain abruptly and called out to him. She said that Lord Gagail had summoned them, but did not specify why.
"Right away, m'lady," Ramnar replied.

[Alexus Behn] ~ Earth, New Bon City, California

Alexus had just finished his last pizza delivery for the day, and began to head home after completing his shift. It wasn't easy having to do this almost everday for some pocket change, but he needed the money. He missed the old days when Dr.Lee would just buy him anythings he wanted, but those days are long gone. "Ugh," Alexus said to himself, "having to fend for myself sucks." Alexus was a superhuman, of course, but not even his superhuman abilities could save him from having to find a job. He'd always thought he'd become a superhero and protect the city, the only problem with that was that there wasn't much to save the city from at the moment. Alexus sighed as he opened the door to his small apartment and threw his belongings on the ground next to his bed. The sun was still shining bright outside, but he thought he'd get some sleep..
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Planet Devro-DN9

The natives of this planet were simple, primitive. But so was the planet: Little life to speak of, only around ten different species, and a strangely smooth surface, with only 7% of it liquid. The single ocean of the planet was dark violet and calm. Everything on this planet was calm. No violence between the natives, and they didn't feed on the other life forms. In fact they didn't seem to feed at all. They looked like unfinished humans, like poorly made clay men, white, smooth, and almost featureless. Joviziah had taken to calling them golems. They still slept, even if they didn't do much else, and so Joviziah found them calming. No drama with them.
A white expanse, endless fields of nothing, and a mountain in the distance. Even their dreams were calm, empty. A nice place for a god to relax.

"I've always wondered," Joviziah said aloud, "why is it you wander your homes all day, and then sleep and dream of your homes again? All you added was a mountain in the distance. I mean, I love it, but is there a reason?"

The sleeping golem stared at him expressionlessly and made a noise similar to rocks slowly grinding and static. Not the best conversationalist, but it fit Joviziah's tastes.

Before Joviziah could continue his one sided conversation, he felt a sudden pull, one that stopped him mid-mouth opening. A summons. When was the last time Gagail had spoken to them all? Quite a while.

Joviziah sighed. He had quite liked his retirement/vacation of sorts with the golems. Calm, unstressed, quiet. Being a god really put weight on your shoulders.

"I'll be back one day, my stony people," he muttered, and then stepped off.


Planet Bael

It was in the middle of his vacation when the boss showed up. Garrote had rather been enjoying his vacation. It was calming, unstressed. A transition from Joviziah's attendant to a temporary aide to the Bael Religious Hegemony uprising had been quite welcome, at least for a time.

"It's time for a conference," Joviziah had said, appearing unceremoniously behind him. He offered Garrote a cigarette, which he accepted.

"The BRH is set up," Garrote had said, taking a drag on the cigarette. "I've made them self-sufficient, and in a few more years they will either have cratered the planet or rule it. All in all, a good day's work." Of course, he had helped them tactically, but wading bloodily into the Senate's meeting and massacring half of the leading population single handedly had also helped.

"Good, because I want to be quick," Joviziah said. "It's good to be prompt for meetings. We'll brief the squad later."

Garrote nodded. No need to bring the soldiers on a business meet anyway. Joviziah grabbed his arm and with that, they were gone. Thin air.
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[Atsuko Himada]~ Earth, New Born City, California.

"Hah. Today was another tiring and unfulfilling day probably," a female said before flopping back first onto her bed.

The female's day started off with a huge mug of coffee at her favorite pastry shop opposite the apartment building she was residing in. After that, it was time for her part time job at the veterinary office before she was back here once again. "I should go out more often.", she mumbled to herself before sitting back up and staring at her door. I'm the Goddess of the Sun and I'm living a life of a lonely mortal, she thought to herself before getting up and grabbing her coat and sling bag as she walked out the door of her apartment lot for the second time of the day.

As she walked down the pavement, she noticed a mortal staring at the New Born City for quite some time in awe. Is this what mortals call crazy or admiration? She didn't approach him but merely said, "It is quite a structure, isn't it?".

[Atsuko Himada]~ Earth, New Born City, California.

"Hah. Today was another tiring and unfulfilling day probably," a female said before flopping back first onto her bed.

The female's day started off with a huge mug of coffee at her favorite pastry shop opposite the apartment building she was residing in. After that, it was time for her part time job at the veterinary office before she was back here once again. "I should go out more often.", she mumbled to herself before sitting back up and staring at her door. I'm the Goddess of the Sun and I'm living a life of a lonely mortal, she thought to herself before getting up and grabbing her coat and sling bag as she walked out the door of her apartment lot for the second time of the day.

As she walked down the pavement, she noticed a mortal staring at the New Born City for quite some time in awe. Is this what mortals call crazy or admiration? She didn't approach him but merely said, "It is quite a structure, isn't it?".

[Tyler Rover] ~ Earth, New Bon City, California

Tyler would take notice of the woman and shot her a friendly smile before replying "New Bon stadium? Yeah it really is fantastic, in only two weeks Cyba Corp. is going to be holding their annual fighting tournament. As usual they will be Hosting it at the stadium, and all the greatest fighters in the world will be there to test their metal." Tyler would then approach the woman to greet her properly, he hasn't recalled ever seeing her in town before. Could she be a new arrival? Or maybe she has been living here a while and just hasn't crossed her path until now? Either way Tyler was always up for meeting new people and even making new friends. He extended his arm out to her, offering to shake her hand. "Hi there, my name is Tyler. I plan on entering the tournament and just looking at the stadium gets me excited."



[Kysa] ~ Uncharted Space, Nameless planet. ~/~ Deity Realm, Meeting hall

Before Kysa could open the portal to the Deity realm, she felt a horrible emotion overwhelm her. this could only mean one thing... Xai has destroyed something, again. She could always tell when objects as big or greater than a moon were destroyed, but only if they had lifeforms on them or if she has seen it first hand. She hates it when Xai destroys things, she hates Xai period. She could not explain what it was but she always feels angry around him, maybe it is just natural for gods of opposite powers to hate each other? but if that was the case then why doesn't Xai hate her?

There was no time to ponder that so she opened the portal for her and Ramnar to pass through. once they passed through she used her powers to make a small tree that too the form of a throne. and from what seemed like magic, birds came out of no where and perched them selves on the branches of the throne where she sat. "Looks like we are the first ones here, I wonder if they know what's going on." She said resting her cheek on her palm.

[Ramnar] ~ Diety Realm, Metting hall​

It seems like Kysa and Ramnar were the first to arrive at the meeting hall. Ramnar watched as Kysa made herself a throne, and admired the usefulness of such an ability. The random birds were a nice touch. There wasn't much to do while he and Kysa waited for the other gods. "I hope they don't take too long." Ramnar then made a small stool out of ice and placed it next to Kysa's throne. He might as well get comfortable as he waited. There's no telling when the other gods will show up.


[Alexus Behn] ~ Earth, New Bon City, California​

Alexus woke up after his short nap, and it was still bright outside. "Gah," he said "I barely slept at all, what do I do to pass the time now?" He'd finished all his work for the day, and it wasn't like he needed to run any errands. Boredom is Alexus' worst enemy. He'd try to keep himself busy as best he could, but the boredom would always remain. Weighing his choices, he decided to go out for a walk. "Meh, I guess I'll take a trip to good ol' New Bon stadium." He left his room, locking the door behind him, and set out for the stadium.
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[Toby Rucker - Death] - Planet Draan, unsettled territory.

Xai must have known that destroying a moon would have disastrous effects on the delicate balance of gravity on Draan, right? Sure, gods were not necessarily omniscient. Most of them, anyway, and the ones that were were rather... stingy with their knowledge. But Xai must have known the basics of physics. Even mere mortals on a young planet like Earth had begun to unravel the laws that governed their universe! Toby somewhat hoped the God of Destruction - who was practically Toby's partner, like in what humans referred to as "buddy cop" movies, as Destruction and Doom were rather similar in many respects - wasn't that dull. So, he decided to give Xai the benefit of the doubt, and assumed he wished to condemn this planet to a slow, painful death. Especially since many of the bits of that destroyed moon would probably rain down on the planet shortly, and if that didn't do Draan in, who knew what its other moons might do when adjusting to the lack of gravity from the felled moon.

But, well, admiring Xai's handiwork and watching the situation pan out was not the sole reason for Toby's being here. He decided it would be a great place to avoid the meeting with the gods. He knew few things would warrant such an abrupt meeting, and he had a few ideas on what those topics could be. For example, Dreahydron could be back. Death felt that was likely the case, in fact. It seemed like just "yesterday" - as mortals would say - that all the gods sealed him away between dimensions, after all. Of course, Toby - then known as A'kion, having taken the form of some alien species whose name he didn't care about remembering - had only assisted because he wanted to see the outcome. But he knew one day the demigod would escape. It was only a matter of time, because time was infinite.

Of course, every other major meeting between then and now (of which Toby felt there were far too many. Couldn't Lord Gagail wait a billion or so Earth years between meetings? Honestly!) he had the hunch that it was about Dreahydron, and he had been wrong. But, of course, he was fully prepared in the case of the alternatives.

But for now, he'd put his plan for dealing with Dreahydron in action... And so, sensing a very convenient death on the planet Earth, Toby took a step through reality and ended up on a hardwood floor.

[Kaitlyn Watson] - Earth, New Bon City, California

Maybe if this were actually a good person, Kaitlyn might feel bad about what she was about to do. But this man was, to say the least, human filth. He was one of the few kinds of people Kaitlyn considered to be lower than herself: a child trafficker. Whether for sex or simple slavery, he could provide any sick freak with what they wanted, and this disgusting man just so happened to be staying in the city where the Cyba Corp. tournament was being held. The Amazonian woman honestly considered herself to be lucky.

Someone anonymous had put out a hit on this guy for a hundred grand, so Kaitlyn had scooped up the job immediately. All she had to do was kill this guy, snap a picture with a burner phone, and she would get money into an anonymous digital account. She had no clue how any of it worked, but the whole thing was rather convenient and a far cry from all the tediousness of getting money in the past.

Kaitlyn gripped the doorknob leading to the man's apartment. Since it was in a residential area, she opted out of using guns; the police were just annoying to deal with, as she had learned in the past. So, she "gently" turned the doorknob, breaking the lock with ease. She opened the door, and the man was tapping away on his laptop. Or, he was, before the door opened. He yelled, dropped the laptop, and reached for his gun...

And then died by decapitation. Kaitlyn had chopped straight through the man's neck, and before it dropped to the ground she swiped it out of the air and took the requisite picture. As she sent it, she heard a rather familiar voice behind her...

"It's always interesting to see how you decide to execute your victims!" laughed an... associate... by the name of Toby Rusker. Kaitlyn ground her teeth; if she weren't totally invulnerable, she would be quite afraid of Toby being able to track her down basically whenever he wanted to. Although he mostly showed up whenever she was on a job, strangely. He liked to think they were friends - although she took most things Toby said with a grain of salt - she thought of him more as an annoyance than anything.

"What is it you want?" Kaitlyn asked him, sounding quite exasperated as she watched her phone's screen in anticipation of her payment. Toby scoffed.

"I'm offended!" said the man, feigning offense. "You know I care, Kaitlyn. I just wanted to check up on you! That's all. Say, that tournament is in two weeks, isn't it? You signed up, yes? I hope you can show the world what you're made of! Honestly, I'm somewhat surprised you neglected to participate in years past. Maybe someone there will actually put up a fight, eh?"

Good God, could Toby talk. As he continued with his incessant rambling, she saw the numbers of her account raising. Fortunately, watching the numbers get bigger was satisfying enough for her to bare Toby's yapping. Once the numbers stopped, she pocketed the phone, frowning over at Toby and walking past him out the door and down the stairs of the complex. Toby, of course, followed down the outside stairs.

"I hope you're ready, Kaitlyn! You'll probably have some important eyes on you. For example... there's a man I know. His name is Joviziah. I feel he might be interested in you... Although, you may not want to say his name too much. He doesn't like it!" Toby grinned, as if he was rather happy to potentially irritate whoever this man was. Kaitlyn ground her teeth towards the end of his little speech.

"Toby, you know I don't give a shit. I don't care about this Joviziah guy you know. If he gets pissed off, I'll just punch 'im," she sneered, throwing a frown this way. At that point, they were at the car she had rented, since running around everywhere at 100+ mph would be rather suspicious and she didn't care for attention at the moment. Her words only made Toby laugh, which pissed her off even more.

"Well, I'll leave you be, then! I have to talk to someone rather important anyway!" He waved at her as she stepped into the car, and Kaitlyn rebutted with the flip of a middle finger. She ignored him as he walked away, starting up her car and pulling out of the parking space.

"Joviziah!" Toby hummed in a sing-song voice, sitting down at the base of an apartment building, not particularly caring that he was scuffing up his dress clothes. "Joviziah, my friend, can you propose an idea at the meeting for me, please? I truly would appreciate it. Oh, and my attendant Alison will be there - say hi for me, will you? And apologize for me not telling her where I am, please. I know she gets worried, but I don't require her assistance. Ah, anyway... my idea! We can use the mortals. They're rather powerful. Not quite on par with gods, obviously... But I'm sure we could unlock some kind of potential in them, yes? I'm very interested in how far we can take the humans, personally, and I'd love to see how they fare!

"One in particular is very interesting to me... You might like her, I think. She could make an invaluable tool for quickly doing lots of damage! Either that or Xai might take an interest, although I feel she may be a bit virtuous for Xai. I doubt she's the type to wantonly destroy planets and moons! Ah, but, anyway... Just relay my idea when Lord Gagail lets you all know what's happening. I'm a bit busy... let's say, gathering intel."
[Xai, Kysa, & Manda] ~ Deity Realm, Meeting Hall

Kysa was about to respond, but something was descending from a portal in the ceiling. It was Xai, the god of destruction. Who was sitting in a throne of his own made from some form of volcanic rock. with the skull of a long extinct alien race embedded just above his head. The base of the throne had a metallic red ring that housed a purple orb of energy, presumably what allows the throne to levitate.The top of the throne was also on fire, and the arm rests were carved out in a way that made the throne look more like a lounge chair than a throne. His attendant Manda followed through the same throne sitting on her knees upon a violet magic cloud, it looked very much like a nebula.

"Hello Kysa, how have you been? Haven't seen you in a few thousand years." he would say casually, as if the two of them were friends, even though he knew she hated his gut. He didn't quite know why she did, but didn't exactly care enough to look into it. He was a god of destruction and she was a goddess of creation, he felt that it would be petty to be something as trivial as a rivalry of their powers. Could it be about his past? He wasn't exactly on their side eons ago, could it be she was angry at him that all the planets he destroyed will never pe properly avenged? He did destroy more than half of them with his glaive, preventing them from ever being restored to the mortal plane. That had to be it, but still he didn't exactly care what the reason was. All that mattered now was his half brother was returning, and if they don't take action he will do horrible things to the universe, and when he was done with this one he'll move on to the next.

Kysa sneered at Xai, she knew he had recent'y destroyed a moon. Albeit a moon too small and too far to cause any harm to its planet now that it's gone, but a moon that was still populated by defenseless mortals who didn't even see their death coming. "What dose Gagail want with a cold blooded monster like you?" she said with an annoyed tone. That was when Manda spoke out to her, "Gagail wouldn't involve us if he didn't think it mattered. So it must be something important." She said with a smile, while also trying to keep heads relatively cool before the meeting started. Xai then smiled as he knew exactly why they were summoned. In fact Xai seems to know what every meeting is about, but that was not the point. "I should have known you of all people would have forgotten. Dose the threat of my fool brother mean nothing to you?" he said with his usual smug expression. In a way he wasn't wrong, Drehyeadron has done countless horrible things all throughout the universe. Had the gods not united their powers they would not have been able to subdue him, it's not likely the same trick will work twice. Especially now that Dreahydron is building an army.

@Hemofnoize @Anyone else who shows up
Joviziah, Garrote
Mortal Dreams

Joviziah had been 'shopping' for a mortal form to take when he stopped, frowning slightly. If 'Toby', as he was apparently going by now, hadn't been the first to mention his name, Joviziah would probably have immediately conjured himself next to the mortal. As such, he just listened instead. Not many people could use Joviziah's true name without incurring some form of wrath sooner or later, but 'Toby' got a pass.

"Of course, of course," Joviziah replied, rather pointlessly since Toby couldn't actually hear him. Joviziah's name was a one-way thing. Mortals, though... A proposition Joviziah himself could agree on. He still didn't quite know the nature of the meeting, but he could guess. Joviziah was not a good fighter - actually, yes, he was, but it wasn't his specialty. His specialty was the mind, specifically the sleeping variety. Still, dreams and nightmares, properly placed and made, could be quite convincing. Not to mention his sleeper agents.

And a new mortal agent to look out for... Well, he liked having destructive forces behind him, as long as they were precise. As he used to say, "Power is only useful if you can aim it."
He sighed. He wasn't really in a shopping mood anymore. Instead he took a form similar to his latest friends, the golems, and threw on his trench coat. Then him and Garrote were off again.

Deity Realm, Meeting Room

Joviziah stepped into the room, not bothering to fetch his throne quite yet. And Garrote, well, he could stand for months. He simply didn't care.

the first thing he caught sight of was Xai's reptilian form. Now there was a god who you knew where you stood with. Hopefully not too closely - not very safe to be close to a god of destruction when he's busy. And there had been that business with Vessiko... But that was millenia ago. Still, he could loosen up on the old trigger finger every once in awhile.

The second was the irritated visage of Kysa. Not Joviziah's favorite, but he supposed she could be worse. Besides, the universe sort of needed the counterbalance for Xai. Personally, though, not his best pal.

Either way, Joviziah smiled tightly at them both. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything, kin." He raised an eyebrow. "If you need some alone time to hash our your problems before our meeting, just tell me." Garrote merely stood, statue-like, next to him.
[Tyler Rover] ~ Earth, New Bon City, California

Tyler would take notice of the woman and shot her a friendly smile before replying "New Bon stadium? Yeah it really is fantastic, in only two weeks Cyba Corp. is going to be holding their annual fighting tournament. As usual they will be Hosting it at the stadium, and all the greatest fighters in the world will be there to test their metal." Tyler would then approach the woman to greet her properly, he hasn't recalled ever seeing her in town before. Could she be a new arrival? Or maybe she has been living here a while and just hasn't crossed her path until now? Either way Tyler was always up for meeting new people and even making new friends. He extended his arm out to her, offering to shake her hand. "Hi there, my name is Tyler. I plan on entering the tournament and just looking at the stadium gets me excited."

[Atsuko Himada]~ Earth, New Born City, California.

Atsuko looked at the huge structure up and down for a moment before nodding, "I've actually seen a lot of people gathering here around this time of year last year. I was puzzled considering I had just moved here at that time.". She smiled before reciprocating the male's handshake with her own. She had gotten used to the fact that Earth had evolved from the last time she resided here, which was around the 17th century, where Japanese females who readily given a handshake to an individual of the opposite sex would be frowned upon.

"My name is Atsuko. You can call me Suko if it's easier," she gave a subtle smile as her platinum blonde hair was suddenly swept to the back of her head in the wind. "Odd. I didn't think that the weather forecast would leave something like rain out." she said to herself aloud before adding as a precaution, "That is if it is about to rain.". She then looked back to the stadium before gesturing, "Is this your first time?".
[Atsuko Himada]~ Earth, New Born City, California.

Atsuko looked at the huge structure up and down for a moment before nodding, "I've actually seen a lot of people gathering here around this time of year last year. I was puzzled considering I had just moved here at that time.". She smiled before reciprocating the male's handshake with her own. She had gotten used to the fact that Earth had evolved from the last time she resided here, which was around the 17th century, where Japanese females who readily given a handshake to an individual of the opposite sex would be frowned upon.

"My name is Atsuko. You can call me Suko if it's easier," she gave a subtle smile as her platinum blonde hair was suddenly swept to the back of her head in the wind. "Odd. I didn't think that the weather forecast would leave something like rain out." she said to herself aloud before adding as a precaution, "That is if it is about to rain.". She then looked back to the stadium before gesturing, "Is this your first time?".
[Tyler Rover] ~ Earth, New Bon City, California.

He retained his smile after his formal greeting to the woman who has introduced herself as Atsuko. At that time though he too had picked up on the change in the weather, "The forecast has been off for the past few days actually. From the looks of it i'd say it's definitely going to rain soon" he then used his psychic powers to create a thin, yet sturdy, circular force-field to use as a make-shift umbrella. One Large enough to keep the both of them dry. "On the matters of the tournament, this will actually be my third time competing. I placed Second the last two times I entered." He would say kindly. Tyler didn't look it at first glance, but he was actually we well seasoned fighter. Many people thought that of him, and it didn't bother him in the slightest. It's not like he's trying to pass off as the strongest being on the planet or anything. Lying isn't exactly a habit of his anyway.


[Lisa Saundre & Sabrina Cyba] ~ Earth, New Bon City, JazzMan's Bar, California

Elsewhere in the city. two young women were training hard at refining their powers. One was a fiery red-head who also wanted to compete in the tournament, Her name was Lisa. The other whats a platinum blonde who simply wanted to grow stronger as a spychic, Her name was Sabrina. To do so they chose to spar with one another, and from the looks of it they were evened in both offensive and defensive ability. Noticing the storm approaching they chose to take refuge at a nearby bar, where they got a table and ordered alcoholic beverages... despite them being under-aged. They knew not to cross the red-head, should one anger her they might end up getting an early cremation. "Only two more weeks, then I'll finally get even with that damn psychic." Huffed Lisa crossing her arms. Sabrina didn't respond, or rather it did not seem like she did. Instead she retained her usual "Creepy, bored, lifeless, unblinking, doll" expression she seldom doesn't have on her face. Then after a few moments Lisa then spoke to her as if she did reply to her. "I know that he's probably stronger too, That's whats going to make things more interesting." Lisa would say sounding almost over confident. Much like Tyler she too is a returning fighter, but this was only her second time competing. Last year she lost to Tyler in the semi-finals placing her in third. "I'm not so sure it will make much of a difference, but you still have my support" Sabrina would say in her typical and just as creepy monotone voice.


[Xai & Kysa] ~ Deity realm , Meeting hall

Joviziah, Garrote
Mortal Dreams

Joviziah had been 'shopping' for a mortal form to take when he stopped, frowning slightly. If 'Toby', as he was apparently going by now, hadn't been the first to mention his name, Joviziah would probably have immediately conjured himself next to the mortal. As such, he just listened instead. Not many people could use Joviziah's true name without incurring some form of wrath sooner or later, but 'Toby' got a pass.

"Of course, of course," Joviziah replied, rather pointlessly since Toby couldn't actually hear him. Joviziah's name was a one-way thing. Mortals, though... A proposition Joviziah himself could agree on. He still didn't quite know the nature of the meeting, but he could guess. Joviziah was not a good fighter - actually, yes, he was, but it wasn't his specialty. His specialty was the mind, specifically the sleeping variety. Still, dreams and nightmares, properly placed and made, could be quite convincing. Not to mention his sleeper agents.

And a new mortal agent to look out for... Well, he liked having destructive forces behind him, as long as they were precise. As he used to say, "Power is only useful if you can aim it."
He sighed. He wasn't really in a shopping mood anymore. Instead he took a form similar to his latest friends, the golems, and threw on his trench coat. Then him and Garrote were off again.

Deity Realm, Meeting Room

Joviziah stepped into the room, not bothering to fetch his throne quite yet. And Garrote, well, he could stand for months. He simply didn't care.

the first thing he caught sight of was Xai's reptilian form. Now there was a god who you knew where you stood with. Hopefully not too closely - not very safe to be close to a god of destruction when he's busy. And there had been that business with Vessiko... But that was millenia ago. Still, he could loosen up on the old trigger finger every once in awhile.

The second was the irritated visage of Kysa. Not Joviziah's favorite, but he supposed she could be worse. Besides, the universe sort of needed the counterbalance for Xai. Personally, though, not his best pal.

Either way, Joviziah smiled tightly at them both. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything, kin." He raised an eyebrow. "If you need some alone time to hash our your problems before our meeting, just tell me." Garrote merely stood, statue-like, next to him.

The destruction god would draw his attention to Joviziah and his attendant, whom have just entered the realm. Kysa would also follow suit. To her it was a bit embarrassing to be addressed with Xai in a way that made them look and sound like an angry couple. "Well if it isn't Joviziah, what are you doing in the form of a Devroian? Ton't tell me you are still trying to knock some sense into those clay golems." He would say humorously, he knew of the golems of that wad of clay many would dare call a planet. in some ways he found them interesting, but at the end of the day they were no different than any other super primitive race. So much so that he doesn't even bother destroying it or even demanding anything from the locals. Kysa on the other hand admired the race, much like she dose all her creations. Despite barely having any intelligence to even be considered sentient, the Devroians were on of her favorites. Especially since Xai doesn't like the idea of destroying them. Though she did find the thought that a God like Joviziah would want to take form of one. " oh, Lord Joviziah. I guess Gagail really dose need all of us if you are here. Sorry you had to hear that... You know how I feel about Xai." She said being apologetic at first but then scoffed at the end as she looked back over at Xai. "I'm the god of Destruction, I don't care how much you love to make things.. they have to be broken in order to make room for other nice things." He would say looking rather smug as usual. As one might expect this didn't sit well with Kysa, had they not been waiting to start a meeting she might have just lost it there and then. So Kysa did her best to keep her composure and cool her self off.
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[Tyler Rover] ~ Earth, New Bon City, California.

He retained his smile after his formal greeting to the woman who has introduced herself as Atsuko. At that time though he too had picked up on the change in the weather, "The forecast has been off for the past few days actually. From the looks of it i'd say it's definitely going to rain soon" he then used his psychic powers to create a thin, yet sturdy, circular force-field to use as a make-shift umbrella. One Large enough to keep the both of them dry. "On the matters of the tournament, this will actually be my third time competing. I placed Second the last two times I entered." He would say kindly. Tyler didn't look it at first glance, but he was actually we well seasoned fighter. Many people thought that of him, and it didn't bother him in the slightest. It's not like he's trying to pass off as the strongest being on the planet or anything. Lying isn't exactly a habit of his anyway.
[Atsuko Himada]~ Earth, New Born City, California.

She couldn't help but feel the surge of a force breeze by her a little bit and her eyes widened at the male she was talking to. It might have been the wind fooling her, but- no, she was certain it was not ordinary. Mortal were not able to command such energy like that. "I have something to ask you, Tyler, but I'm not sure how to put it.". Atsuko then phrased the question again and again. Are you a God? Nope. Are you of the spiritual realm? No. Are you a deity? No, that's even worse.

"Are you....out of the ordinary?" she squeaked out softly before looking at him straight in the eye.
[Tyler Rover] ~ Earth, New Bon City, California.

He retained his smile after his formal greeting to the woman who has introduced herself as Atsuko. At that time though he too had picked up on the change in the weather, "The forecast has been off for the past few days actually. From the looks of it i'd say it's definitely going to rain soon" he then used his psychic powers to create a thin, yet sturdy, circular force-field to use as a make-shift umbrella. One Large enough to keep the both of them dry. "On the matters of the tournament, this will actually be my third time competing. I placed Second the last two times I entered." He would say kindly. Tyler didn't look it at first glance, but he was actually we well seasoned fighter. Many people thought that of him, and it didn't bother him in the slightest. It's not like he's trying to pass off as the strongest being on the planet or anything. Lying isn't exactly a habit of his anyway.


[Lisa Saundre & Sabrina Cyba] ~ Earth, New Bon City, JazzMan's Bar, California

Elsewhere in the city. two young women were training hard at refining their powers. One was a fiery red-head who also wanted to compete in the tournament, Her name was Lisa. The other whats a platinum blonde who simply wanted to grow stronger as a spychic, Her name was Sabrina. To do so they chose to spar with one another, and from the looks of it they were evened in both offensive and defensive ability. Noticing the storm approaching they chose to take refuge at a nearby bar, where they got a table and ordered alcoholic beverages... despite them being under-aged. They knew not to cross the red-head, should one anger her they might end up getting an early cremation. "Only two more weeks, then I'll finally get even with that damn psychic." Huffed Lisa crossing her arms. Sabrina didn't respond, or rather it did not seem like she did. Instead she retained her usual "Creepy, bored, lifeless, unblinking, doll" expression she seldom doesn't have on her face. Then after a few moments Lisa then spoke to her as if she did reply to her. "I know that he's probably stronger too, That's whats going to make things more interesting." Lisa would say sounding almost over confident. Much like Tyler she too is a returning fighter, but this was only her second time competing. Last year she lost to Tyler in the semi-finals placing her in third. "I'm not so sure it will make much of a difference, but you still have my support" Sabrina would say in her typical and just as creepy monotone voice.


[Xai & Kysa] ~ Deity realm , Meeting hall

The destruction god would draw his attention to Joviziah and his attendant, whom have just entered the realm. Kysa would also follow suit. To her it was a bit embarrassing to be addressed with Xai in a way that made them look and sound like an angry couple. "Well if it isn't Joviziah, what are you doing in the form of a Devroian? Ton't tell me you are still trying to knock some sense into those clay golems." He would say humorously, he knew of the golems of that wad of clay many would dare call a planet. in some ways he found them interesting, but at the end of the day they were no different than any other super primitive race. So much so that he doesn't even bother destroying it or even demanding anything from the locals. Kysa on the other hand admired the race, much like she dose all her creations. Despite barely having any intelligence to even be considered sentient, the Devroians were on of her favorites. Especially since Xai doesn't like the idea of destroying them. Though she did find the thought that a God like Joviziah would want to take form of one. " oh, Lord Joviziah. I guess Gagail really dose need all of us if you are here. Sorry you had to hear that... You know how I feel about Xai." She said being apologetic at first but then scoffed at the end as she looked back over at Xai. "I'm the god of Destruction, I don't care how much you love to make things.. they have to be broken in order to make room for other nice things." He would say looking rather smug as usual. As one might expect this didn't sit well with Kysa, had they not been waiting to start a meeting she might have just lost it there and then. So Kysa did her best to keep her composure and cool her self off.
Joviziah, Garrote
Deity Realm, Meeting Hall

"It is true, Devroians are pretty simple, but there is a certain beauty in simplicity," Joviziah shrugged. By now, over his very, very long life, he had made friends with many a primitive species, or at least acquaintance. He liked them, in a way. It reminded him almost of back when all life was young, when he was the Bogeyman, the Dream Eater, the jaws in the dark. Everyone had feared him then, at least everyone mortal. Of course, he was still feared and just as powerful, but now they were smarter, or more stupid. It just didn't feel the same as the glory days. Now everything was complicated. And that was fun too, but... Not the same.

"Destruction might be necessary in some cases, but isn't there room for plenty nowadays? Of course, in my realm, everything is infinite," he said. Of course, his realm was also a purely mental dream construct that bordered the lines of real and not real, but it technically counted. "Either way, let's not argue, kin, not when Lord Gagail will see us so soon."

"Speaking of which, what do you suppose concerns this meeting? Obviously something important. But what could he possibly need all of us for?" Joviziah, of course, had his own suspicions. And Toby's little message had similarly tipped his wheel towards a certain idea. He rubbed the scar on his face, something that stuck with him in all his forms. The time someone had injured him badly enough to leave a permanent scar...

He shuddered, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, then taking a deep draw of it. Such things were best left to the past.
[Toby Rusker] - JazzMan's Bar, New Bon City, California, Earth

That death could strike at any team was rather convenient for the God of Doom, both so he could keep doing his job and acting as a medium by which souls could make their way to whatever was beyond the physical and dream worlds and because it made travel very quick.

Case in point, a death occurred rather close to two very powerful and promising contender for Cyba Corp's annual championship. Well, one of them was a contender. The other, meanwhile, was more akin to a sidekick, based on what Toby knew. Of course, the two were basically nothing when compared to any given god, but they were exceptional for mortals, and especially humans. An older man at the bar keeled over and had a heart attack, and died fairly quickly. Toby took the opportunity to step into the bar.

A quick survey, while the bar's patrons and the barkeep went into a bit of the panic, and his eyes fell on Sabrina and Lisa. A psychic and a pyrokinetic. There happened to be an empty seat at the bar beside Sabrina, and so that's where Toby sat. Of course, he didn't order a drink, because the feeling of having a drunk body but a sound mind was quite frustrating. Instead, he talked to the two of them directly, even turning in his seat to face them.

"Hello, girls. Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Lisa Saundre and Sabrina Cyba! Don't be surprised. You're two very famous girls. The sort of famous where simple Internet searches will bring up easy-to-find results, anyway. A top three finalist and, of course, a relative of Mr. Cyba! Ah, anyway, you obviously don't know who I am. And, Sabrina, before you try to read my mind..." His mind was quite vast, as required by his profession; he had to constantly process the souls of the dead, after all. He imagined that might be quite traumatic to a human brain, at least in that it would be too much for one to comprehend. It wouldn't do to have Sabrina go into shock or go mad briefly. "I would suggest not. Not that I have anything to hide. It's more for your health than anything. I would prefer it if you could talk! Although, I'm a bit of a talker already - apologies if you can't get a word in edgewise for a moment.

"I'm here because you're both powerful individuals! By human standards, at least. I'm sure there are plenty of vastly more powerful warriors in the universe, but humans seem to be rather unique in that their determination and stubbornness is unparalleled, and even then, there are those humans whose iron will is unparalleled even amongst your own species. Incredibly, truly. Ah, anyway, Lisa, you will be participating in the Cyba Corp tournament, yes? Anticipate some very, very important people in the audience. Try to do your best. I anticipate that you will, at the very least, place highly. Although I'm not sure about first place, depending on a handful of factors. No offense, but I am personally rather more interested in Sabrina here. Psychics always seem to have some of the more vast potential, in my humble opinion."
Joviziah, Garrote
Deity Realm, Meeting Hall

"It is true, Devroians are pretty simple, but there is a certain beauty in simplicity," Joviziah shrugged. By now, over his very, very long life, he had made friends with many a primitive species, or at least acquaintance. He liked them, in a way. It reminded him almost of back when all life was young, when he was the Bogeyman, the Dream Eater, the jaws in the dark. Everyone had feared him then, at least everyone mortal. Of course, he was still feared and just as powerful, but now they were smarter, or more stupid. It just didn't feel the same as the glory days. Now everything was complicated. And that was fun too, but... Not the same.

"Destruction might be necessary in some cases, but isn't there room for plenty nowadays? Of course, in my realm, everything is infinite," he said. Of course, his realm was also a purely mental dream construct that bordered the lines of real and not real, but it technically counted. "Either way, let's not argue, kin, not when Lord Gagail will see us so soon."

"Speaking of which, what do you suppose concerns this meeting? Obviously something important. But what could he possibly need all of us for?" Joviziah, of course, had his own suspicions. And Toby's little message had similarly tipped his wheel towards a certain idea. He rubbed the scar on his face, something that stuck with him in all his forms. The time someone had injured him badly enough to leave a permanent scar...

He shuddered, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, then taking a deep draw of it. Such things were best left to the past.
[Xai, Kysa, & Manda] ~ Deity Realm, Meeting Room.

Xai stretched him self out a bit before speaking again, "I meant no harm in what I said, just stating the fact of life". his mood then changed from smug, to concerned. He knew what this meeting was about, he always knew what every meeting was about. He was kind of ominous in that way, and no one seems to know the answer as to why that is. He didn't have the power of foresight, did he?
But regardless of how he knows Xai simple explained to the others as to why they were here in the first place. "As to why we are here... I'll gladly tell all of you, My fool brother seeks to return to the mortal realm... and rule over it as it's overlord."

"DREAHYDRON? This is about HIM? But we sealed him away, how could he possibly come back?" Kysa would say feeling almost terrified, She knows what the demigod is capable of. If he were to return and were let to run rampant... No, she did not want to think about it. Xai's powers were devastating enough, and even he isn't strong enough to defeat Dreahydron alone. In she doubts that she and the other gods would have been able to do it without his help. Kysa knew she had to put her hate of Xai aside for now, at least for a moment. "How do you know this?"

Manda then spoke out to her, softly. "He is the demigod of chaos, frankly I'm surprised it took him this long to awaken. Now that he's active he will feed off the negative energy from the planet he want's to conquer first with an army of demons at his command." what Manda means by that is that the more bad in the world there is the faster Dreahyedron will gain power and arrive. Hate, fear, bloodshed, deception, all this and more will make the demigod more powerful. "However at this moment in time He is too weak to begin his invasion, his forces on the other hand can freely enter the mortal realm and incite chaos all over... erm... What ever planet h's attacking first."


[Atsuko Himada]~ Earth, New Born City, California.

She couldn't help but feel the surge of a force breeze by her a little bit and her eyes widened at the male she was talking to. It might have been the wind fooling her, but- no, she was certain it was not ordinary. Mortal were not able to command such energy like that. "I have something to ask you, Tyler, but I'm not sure how to put it.". Atsuko then phrased the question again and again. Are you a God? Nope. Are you of the spiritual realm? No. Are you a deity? No, that's even worse.

"Are you....out of the ordinary?" she squeaked out softly before looking at him straight in the eye.
[Tyler Rover] ~ Earth, New Bon City, California.

Tyler fist looks at Atsuko with a bit of confusion. "What you mean about the weather?" it was then and there when he realized what she really meant. He dose have a habit of using his powers in front of others, regardless of who they are. "Oh right, the force field. Heh, Well I am not exactly a normal human. I'm what many people call a psychic. So yeah I guess you can say that I am." He knows that not many people get to see Super Humans or even know they exist. Tyler just feels like being honest about things like this is just the best course of action.


[Toby Rusker] - JazzMan's Bar, New Bon City, California, Earth

That death could strike at any team was rather convenient for the God of Doom, both so he could keep doing his job and acting as a medium by which souls could make their way to whatever was beyond the physical and dream worlds and because it made travel very quick.

Case in point, a death occurred rather close to two very powerful and promising contender for Cyba Corp's annual championship. Well, one of them was a contender. The other, meanwhile, was more akin to a sidekick, based on what Toby knew. Of course, the two were basically nothing when compared to any given god, but they were exceptional for mortals, and especially humans. An older man at the bar keeled over and had a heart attack, and died fairly quickly. Toby took the opportunity to step into the bar.

A quick survey, while the bar's patrons and the barkeep went into a bit of the panic, and his eyes fell on Sabrina and Lisa. A psychic and a pyrokinetic. There happened to be an empty seat at the bar beside Sabrina, and so that's where Toby sat. Of course, he didn't order a drink, because the feeling of having a drunk body but a sound mind was quite frustrating. Instead, he talked to the two of them directly, even turning in his seat to face them.

"Hello, girls. Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Lisa Saundre and Sabrina Cyba! Don't be surprised. You're two very famous girls. The sort of famous where simple Internet searches will bring up easy-to-find results, anyway. A top three finalist and, of course, a relative of Mr. Cyba! Ah, anyway, you obviously don't know who I am. And, Sabrina, before you try to read my mind..." His mind was quite vast, as required by his profession; he had to constantly process the souls of the dead, after all. He imagined that might be quite traumatic to a human brain, at least in that it would be too much for one to comprehend. It wouldn't do to have Sabrina go into shock or go mad briefly. "I would suggest not. Not that I have anything to hide. It's more for your health than anything. I would prefer it if you could talk! Although, I'm a bit of a talker already - apologies if you can't get a word in edgewise for a moment.

"I'm here because you're both powerful individuals! By human standards, at least. I'm sure there are plenty of vastly more powerful warriors in the universe, but humans seem to be rather unique in that their determination and stubbornness is unparalleled, and even then, there are those humans whose iron will is unparalleled even amongst your own species. Incredibly, truly. Ah, anyway, Lisa, you will be participating in the Cyba Corp tournament, yes? Anticipate some very, very important people in the audience. Try to do your best. I anticipate that you will, at the very least, place highly. Although I'm not sure about first place, depending on a handful of factors. No offense, but I am personally rather more interested in Sabrina here. Psychics always seem to have some of the more vast potential, in my humble opinion."
[Lisa Saundre & Sabrina Cyba]

Sabrina didn't say anything, not to Toby at least. But she still retained her vacant expression. Lisa on the other hand address this strange man, but didn't make eye contact. "First off, Sabrina doesn't read minds. She has other... more... brutal... ways of getting information... not like there is a whole lot going on in there anyway" That is when she got out of her seat to fact Toby, practically fearless. She din't know who this man was or even cared at the time for that matter. "Second, Psychics may be able to impress but even they are not invincible. So don't act as if they are." at that moment, Lisa's hair began to steam. Then it just burst into flames, but she didn't attack Toby... No, this was merely a scare tactic she used to test any would be weaker foes. Most of the time it worked, in fact her display made her presence known through out the bar. "Third, Sabrina is Mr. Cyba's daughter, so show some respect to the next head of the Cyba Corperation." she paused as she felt a that some one was approaching her from behind. Some one who was just drunk enough to ignore the danger she poses, and try to cope a feel on her. But just when the drunkard was mere inches behind her, she turned around and snapped her fingers. From that a medium sized wave of fire was emitted setting the poor man ablaze and probably getting what could possible be described as fourth degree burns, along with probably being psychological damaged. "And fourth... How dare you suggest... That I am inferior to psychics."

"I am not even the strongest psychic she knows, and I would have to agree. It is best not to underestimate her." said Sabrina, as she used her powers to pick up the charred man (Who was just barely alive) and set him on and empty table for the paramedics to pickup. Sabrina didn't know who this man was, but she took his word not to read his mind yet. Mind Reading was more of a talent for more powerful psychics any way, She'd just stick to her visions and occasional glances into the future. Lisa on the other hand not only didn't know who this an was, she made it clear that she didn't care about him or his rather rude opinions.
[Toby Rusker] - JazzMan Cafe, New Bon City, California

It was clear that when Lisa lit the man on fire, Toby was more amused than anything. No trace of fear could be found in his expression or posture. Because, of course, the man was a god. If she killed this body, he would merely resurrect another to act as his host. The most amusing thing about Lisa's behavior was that she had no idea who she was, and made quite the presumptuous conclusion that a bit of fireworks was enough to scare him off.

"My precognitive abilities are only so great; I couldn't know whether or not Sabrina wanted to read my mind, only that she likely could if she wished," Toby told the angry girl, a smile having crept onto his face. "It was merely a warning, for her own sake. It's absolutely imperative that one makes things go well when working on a plan, don't you agree? It would have inconvenienced me if Sabrina had been incapacitated.

"Though, I'm not sure where you got the idea I assumed psychics were invincible, or that you are necessarily inferior to psychics. I sincerely hope you know what the word 'potential' means, Lisa, else I think I sorely overestimated your intelligence. And I don't particularly care for thinking lesser of people. As I said, psychics tend - in my experience, which is quite vast, you should know - to have much more potential in becoming more powerful. While most abilities are limited by physical things, the psychic is only limited by his or her mind. At least when it comes to mortals."

Once Toby was done fixing these girls' silly mistakes, his attention turned completely to Sabrina. "Now, Sabrina. Perhaps you don't see the same potential I do. But I think you have the makings of a very powerful individual. However, you're confined to mortal methods of practice and training. I'm not offering to take you on as a protege now, but expect an offer soon. Whether or not you accept may influence whether humanity will last the next few months, let alone for years to come. And if you would like, I can prove my immense abilities to you, if that may influence your decision in a positive way."
Joviziah, Garrote
Deity Realm, Meeting Room

Joviziah closed his eyes and sighed, his clay form fading into something more incorporeal for half a second before reasserting itself. So Dreahydron was coming back. He had suspected, but hearing it confirmed somehow made it much worse. Even Garrote shifted uncomfortably behind him. Joviziah brought a hand up to the scar that reached from his right eye to his jawline. A battle scar, and a permanent one. For a shapeshifting god, having a permanent feature like that was a humiliating reminder of his former carelessness. He was a god, and a powerful one, but even a god could fall.

"I had thought, but to hear it said does nothing to assure me," he said, his speech taking on a more stilted sound. "And what shall us deities do to remedy such a problem? He is a wound upon us; he shall infect the worlds and bleed us dry unless cured quickly. Can we not not lure him to sleep or trap him otherwise in a lasting manner so as to keep him from ever returning?" He exhaled a long stream of smoke after taking another drag on his cigarette, then passed it to Garrote. He would withhold from true discussion or passing along Toby's ideas until the meeting truly started, with Lord Gagail present.
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