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Lady Tinfoil

Medium Dumb
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, drama, action, adventure, romance +
Hiii everyone! ⋆˚。⁺⋆

I'm Tinfoil. I used to roleplay during most of my free time, but got busy with life, and, long story short, it's been like three years! Good to meet you!

Some random shit about me: I like bugs, cryptids, folklore, horror, rocks, and dance! I'm studying mortuary science.

I started off roleplaying probably around the age of nine doing Warrior Cats roleplay on Roblox. It was a dark time. Moved to forums around 14. Now I'm 23 and still visit the hobby.

I'm a flexible roleplayer and pretty relaxed. I can do up to 2000+ words if I'm pushing it, but prefer around 300-700 per post. I used to love decorating stuff with BBcode, but that's all lost knowledge. Might start exploring it again. But, yeah, nice to meet you!
Hi hi!
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Hey there and welcome, fellow fan of cryptids! :D
I hope you'll have a great time here! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask any of the staff here for some help! We're easy to spot with our green names!
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Welcome to our corner of the internet known as Iwaku! We're really glad to have you here.

Please make sure to read through our handy dandy guide, newbie navigation if you haven't already. If you need any further assistance after that, don't hesitate to reach out to any staff member with a green name.

Good luck to you and happy writing! ✨
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Reactions: Lady Tinfoil
Welcome to iwaku! \o/
Hey there Tinfoil!

Omg, Warrior Cats, that brings me back. Here's to hoping Iwaku can be the place that gets you back into roleplay! It's a great community 🤍
Also I love your profile pic, it reminds me of something that would be in Spiderwick Chronicles or Where the Wild Things Are >:D

Take Care and Happy Writing!