Greetings, fine people! Looking for a bit of mxf romance!

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Original poster
Hi! You can call me Rogue Wolf, or Rogue, or whatevs.

I recently got released from school for winter break, so I'm making the rounds on a few of these lovely sites to search for a few beautiful new partners. <3

I'll try to keep this short and sweet! However, I am prone to GUSH about things I love because I'm hoping to find someone who shares a few passions with me!

1. Bruh, grammar and spelling. Commas. Know how to use them! Nothing is less interesting to me than someone who uses run-on sentences and whose writing is incomprehensible. I can't even.
2. I don't get bent out of shape with post length. I expect that to change depending on what's going on in the role play. However, please do put some effort into your posts. I'd love to know what your character is thinking, seeing, and feeling. I don't want to see any one-liners. In fact, if you're tired of me and not quite sure how to end things, send me a one-liner. That'll do it. :|
3. As you might have guessed, I love romance! It's sort of a requirement of mine. I'm equally happy playing male and female. I do love a good, slow burn when it comes to romance, but I also wouldn't hate (in fact plz gimme) a bit of tension, chemistry, and the like early on. My characters will always be interesting and multi-dimensional, and they'll pretty much always be up for some witty banter. I really hope your character will be the same way! I just love interesting characters. To me, they often carry more weight than the story itself.
4. Speaking of the story itself. If you're looking for someone with whom to do extensive world-building, I'm sorry, but I'm not the one. I also don't want to be sent a novel of text containing the lore for a world you've created. :s Sorry. While I think that putting effort into the plot and crafting a believable storyline is essential, I'm only going to go so far with it.
5. I do have some limits! I'm fine with swearing and violence; I usually employ both. Just keep it tasteful. As for romance, I do not do smut. If our characters feel ~inclined~ to cross that line, we'll be fading to black.
6. Basic role play rules apply. Role play in third person. Use your head. Don't control my character. Communicate with me. Let me know before you do something plot-shattering.
7. I don't RP over threads, ever! I only do PM.
8. I try to respond daily and can usually respond several times per day. If I haven't replied in a week, feel free to poke me, but please DO NOT pester me! Likewise, just to warn you, I tend to lose interest if my partners post less frequently than once weekly.

Role Play DON'Ts:
- Future, post-apocalypse, etc.
- Fandom
- Incest
- Adultery
- Sci-Fi
- Fantasy (like 99% of the time)
- Mafia/gang stuff
- Masterxslave
- Teacherxstudent
- Animals/anthro

A few Ideas:

I'm open to suggestions! I adore modern and medieval settings. There are any number of pairings we could do, really. I'm all about cheesy, corny, lovey-dovey crap with maybe a little danger thrown in.

modern ~ ex x ex
Our characters were in love, but they had to break it off. Years later, they meet again, and their lives have changed; perhaps one or both of them have moved on. However, the more time they spend together, the more they realize there are still strong feelings there. A few different scenarios:
- The male joins the military. Either he breaks up with her before she leaves, or (preferably) she sends him a "Dead John" letter while he's gone.
- One of them gets a job out of town. They try to make a long distance relationship work for awhile, but she tries to get him to move back with her. He refuses, putting his own career in front of their relationship. After flying in for a visit, she tries to convince him one last time and eventually breaks up with him. Unbeknownst to her, he follows her to the airport to stop her and reconcile, only to watch her board the plane from a distance.
- He's afraid of commitment, and it's putting a strain on their relationship as they decide whether or not to get married. Tensions rise, and amidst miscommunication and false rumors, they split up. (One possibility is that I play a male musician. He gets a new backup vocalist who tries to throw herself at him, and when your character walks in on them at the wrong time, that's the last straw.)

medieval ~ ex x ex (I'M SLIGHTLY OBSESSED OK)
Same premise as above, but the situation would be a little different.
- A princess and her personal guard are involved in a secret, forbidden relationship. This goes on for some years, but one day, the kingdom falls under attack by a much larger nation. Soon, the guard is the last remaining defense for the princess. He does all he can to protect her, and as they escape, he is struck down. She continues on (I imagine him, like, whipping her horse so that it races off while he fends off the bad guys) and tries to start a new life in disguise. So yeah, she travels off and settles down somewhere as a commoner, and he survives being beaten within an inch of his life. Maybe he's taken in and hidden by civilians while he recovers. Those details are a little hazy, tbh, so we'll need to work on them. As the years go on, the new regime rules the kingdom, and a rebellion stirs. There is rumor of a surviving heir to the throne, but no one knows where she is. The former guard joins in the resistance and our characters eventually reunite.
- Somewhat similar to the above, but a bit "Robin Hood/Princess Bride"-esque lolz. A new regime has taken over, and there are many who remain loyal to the old King. These men form a rebellion, which culminates in a massive battle, which the rebellion loses. Any rebels who are not killed are executed for treason. However, MC (a former knight/soldier) is wounded and taken from the battle along with a small group of others, to preserve the rebel forces. They're kept in secret somewhere far away, to recover and reformulate in preparation for another attack. Before the start of the rebellion, MC and YC (who could be anyone, really; commoner, noblewoman, etc.) were in a relationship (perhaps even married), but she doesn't hear from him after the battle - until they unexpectedly cross paths years later.
- Other ideas? Call me trash if you want but these things are my guilty pleasure. x3 Any of these can be altered, of course. If you're dying to do this and want to play a male, we can tweak it and I can bring in my female character.

time travel ~ inspired by Outlander
Aight, this is one of VERY few times that I will be okay with fantasy. And this is what I would call "low" fantasy; time travel is not a normal thing in this world. It's sort of a fluke.
- So, YC is a woman from modern times (or perhaps a historical time period) who accidentally travels back to medieval times, probably via a weird fortune teller she meets at a renaissance festival or something. She comes across my character, they go on adventures and such, and eventually, she tells him that she's from the future. We'll have to work out all the details. Bonus points if there's a love triangle - some modern dude who figures out what happened and time travels to search for her.
- Or we could do the reverse: a medieval knight gets transported to the modern world. Lots of details to discuss, but I have some vague ideas for it. Aaaaaand I'd kinda like to play the knight, lolz, I have a thing for playing knights.

modern or medieval ~ arranged marriage?
- She's betrothed, destined to marry the handsome and charming [nobleman/prince/?]. At first, things go well between them, and he is all too eager to court her. Meanwhile, she's at odds with her personal guard (maybe an ex???? :DDDDD), a man with whom she's constantly butting heads. But as time goes on, things begin to change. Her betrothed is revealing, little by little, that he's not the man he claims to be, and her relationship with her guard takes a turn. (I'll be honest here. This is inspired by Frozen. Hans would be the guy she's betrothed to, and Kristoff would be the guy she ends up falling in love with. We can change up whatever we need to. She can be royal or noble; her actual love interest can be something other than a guard; etc. I just got inspired by the general concept as I was watching Frozen for the second time in one day. :S Don't judge.)

medieval ~ knight x commoner
- A hard-working family lives in a small, outlying village of the country. They're farmers, and they've had problems with bandits stealing their crops, destroying their lands, and even killing one of the teenage boys who worked the fields. One day, they stumble upon a wounded knight. They take him in and nurse him back to health, asking him to help fend off the bandits in exchange. He stays for a while, happy to help but intending to make his way back to the city eventually. Over time, however, he begins to grow attached to the family, especially their eldest daughter.

I'm definitely not limited to these ideas! Feel free to suggest something else!
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