GRIMSWORTH | An 80s dark fantasy role-play

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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern


Tucked away in a hidden valley, shrouded in ever-present mist, lies the sleepy village of Grimsby. It would seem painfully ordinary–this collection of farmlands and shabby wooden houses–were it not for the gothic castle that looms in the west. An impossible fortress entrenched on a mountain, it is the home of the Five Founding Families, rulers of Grimsby and keepers of its many secrets. For hundreds of years, they had kept the village and its fantastical nature concealed from the rest of the world. Until one day, the outsiders arrived at their gates.

They all tell the same story: an experience of loss, a mysterious individual at the doorstep, an invitation to an exclusive university for magic learning. These were all the necessary ingredients to lure them away from their ordinary lives and into this unpredictable place. But with every day spent at the castle, it becomes apparent that this is no place of enchantment, nor of innocent wonder or wise all-knowing mentors. Instead, the rules are obscure, the lessons peculiar and at times even distressing, and the people who live here want them all dead.

Worse still, magic is more sinister than they had imagined. It originates from the forest, that encroaching ocean of darkness that maroons the village from the outside world. It has birthed a relentless evil that manifests in the rotten husks of the dead trees, the withered grass, the wild roots that crawl endlessly along the ground like a parasite. The woods are choked with monsters, and they are thirsty for blood.

Everything about this place is telling the outsiders to run, run and never look back. There's only one problem:

There's no way out.




The founding family heirs have lived here their entire lives, trained and conditioned since infancy to become the next members of the Council, Grimsby's governing body. To be chosen as heir is to be granted the highest honor and the most coveted privileges.

In a matter of months, all heirs must rise to their respective roles. In the meantime they have other, more pressing duties to attend to. Most recently, they have been entrusted with the arduous task of watching the outsiders. The reasoning is simple: should the outsiders ever find a way to return to their former lives and homes, they risk exposing Grimsby's many secrets to the outside world.

The Founding Families–especially the heirs–are prone to think of themselves as above all others. They have also learned to distrust and despise anything that is new and unfamiliar. But now that things are beginning to change and spiral out of their control, will they hold onto their prejudices or learn to adapt to the new circumstances?

*Relatives of heirs are playable and do not have a slot limitation.



In the wooded depths, where no man has ever ventured and lived to tell the tale, the hollows of the roots were created.

They emerged from the womb of the earth drenched in blood that was not their own, possessing an instinct to speak a language never learned and an understanding of things never before encountered. Most strangely, they are haunted with memories of a former life–a life that had brutally perished before its time.

But that is irrelevant. They are no longer the same person, nor even the same creature.

For this familiar body comes with unfamiliar powers, as well as a nagging, ever-gnawing instinct for violence. It is an instinct that, when ignored, punishes them with headaches that worsen with time.

They are hunters masquerading as outsiders, slowly weaving a web of lies around their oblivious prey. Yet every moment spent with their unwitting victims awakens a conscience within them. Will they embrace their purpose, or reject it despite the consequences that await them should they do so?



At a time of great loss, the outsiders found themselves a visitor: a mysterious man by the name of Grimsworth. He claimed to be a teacher in a school of magic, a secret place where one might find a way to recover what they had lost, or discover something they didn't know they were searching for. He left a mirror in their possession–a mirror that, at first, seemed entirely unremarkable. These were his parting words: When you see the crow, follow it at all costs.

It was madness. And the man? Simply delusional. But then one day, something remarkable did occur. In a flurry of black, a crow emerged from the mirror. It cawed at them, circling about the room, only to swoop back into its own reflection and disappear without a trace.

Follow the crow at all costs, the man had said.

And so into the mirror-portal they went, unaware of the nightmares that would soon become their reality.

GM's Note

Hello, this is my second attempt at running this role-play. Much has been overhauled since the last version of course, but the essence of the story remains the same. Like last time, there will be little to no actual "school" in the IC. Instead, the focus will be on the mysteries surrounding Grimsby and the conflict that is bound to arise between our characters.

Here are the posting expectations:

Speed: Biweekly (Once every two weeks, at minimum)
Length: Enough to be susbtantial and move things along
Level: Adept +

This is also meant to be a dark fantasy / horror rp, so naturally the relevant content will follow (violence, death, etc.)

Let me know if you're interested!

  • Dark Forces
  • Tucked away in a hidden valley, shrouded in ever-present mist, lies the sleepy village of Grimsby. It would seem painfully ordinary–this collection of farmlands and shabby wooden houses–were it not for the gothic castle that looms in the west. An impossible fortress entrenched on a mountain, it is the home of the Five Founding Families, rulers of Grimsby and keepers of its many secrets. For hundreds of years, they had kept the village and its fantastical nature concealed from the rest of the world. Until one day, the outsiders arrived at their gates.

    They all tell the same story: an experience of loss, a mysterious individual at the doorstep, an invitation to an exclusive university for magic learning. These were all the necessary ingredients to lure them away from their ordinary lives and into this unpredictable place. But with every day spent at the castle, it becomes apparent that this is no place of enchantment, nor of innocent wonder or wise all-knowing mentors. Instead, the rules are obscure, the lessons peculiar and at times even distressing, and the people who live here want them all dead.

    Worse still, magic is more sinister than they had imagined. It originates from the forest, that encroaching ocean of darkness that maroons the village from the outside world. It has birthed a relentless evil that manifests in the rotten husks of the dead trees, the withered grass, the wild roots that crawl endlessly along the ground like a parasite. The woods are choked with monsters, and they are thirsty for blood.

    Everything about this place is telling the outsiders to run, run and never look back. There's only one problem:

    There's no way out.
  • Tucked away in a hidden valley, shrouded in ever-present mist, lies the sleepy village of Grimsby. It would seem painfully ordinary–this collection of farmlands and shabby wooden houses–were it not for the gothic castle that looms in the west. An impossible fortress entrenched on a mountain, it is the home of the Five Founding Families, rulers of Grimsby and keepers of its many secrets. For hundreds of years, they had kept the village and its fantastical nature concealed from the rest of the world. Until one day, the outsiders arrived at their gates.

    They all tell the same story: an experience of loss, a mysterious individual at the doorstep, an invitation to an exclusive university for magic learning. These were all the necessary ingredients to lure them away from their ordinary lives and into this unpredictable place. But with every day spent at the castle, it becomes apparent that this is no place of enchantment, nor of innocent wonder or wise all-knowing mentors. Instead, the rules are obscure, the lessons peculiar and at times even distressing, and the people who live here want them all dead.

    Worse still, magic is more sinister than they had imagined. It originates from the forest, that encroaching ocean of darkness that maroons the village from the outside world. It has birthed a relentless evil that manifests in the rotten husks of the dead trees, the withered grass, the wild roots that crawl endlessly along the ground like a parasite. The woods are choked with monsters, and they are thirsty for blood.

    Everything about this place is telling the outsiders to run, run and never look back. There's only one problem:

    There's no way out.


    The founding family heirs have lived here their entire lives, trained and conditioned since infancy to become the next members of the Council, Grimsby's governing body. To be chosen as heir is to be granted the highest honor and the most coveted privileges.

    In a matter of months, all heirs must rise to their respective roles. In the meantime they have other, more pressing duties to attend to. Most recently, they have been entrusted with the arduous task of watching the outsiders. The reasoning is simple: should the outsiders ever find a way to return to their former lives and homes, they risk exposing Grimsby's many secrets to the outside world.

    The Founding Families–especially the heirs–are prone to think of themselves as above all others. They have also learned to distrust and despise anything that is new and unfamiliar. But now that things are beginning to change and spiral out of their control, will they hold onto their prejudices or learn to adapt to the new circumstances?

    *Relatives of heirs are playable and do not have a slot limitation.


    (LIMITED ROLE | 3 - 5 SLOTS)​

    In the wooded depths, where no man has ever ventured and lived to tell the tale, the hollows of the roots were created.

    They emerged from the womb of the earth drenched in blood that was not their own, possessing an instinct to speak a language never learned and an understanding of things never before encountered. Most strangely, they are haunted with memories of a former life–a life that had brutally perished before its time.

    But that is irrelevant. They are no longer the same person, nor even the same creature.

    For this familiar body comes with unfamiliar powers, as well as a nagging, ever-gnawing instinct for violence. It is an instinct that, when ignored, punishes them with headaches that worsen with time.

    They are hunters masquerading as outsiders, slowly weaving a web of lies around their oblivious prey. Yet every moment spent with their unwitting victims awakens a conscience within them. Will they embrace their purpose, or reject it despite the consequences that await them should they do so?



    At a time of great loss, the outsiders found themselves a visitor: a mysterious man by the name of Grimsworth. He claimed to be a teacher in a school of magic, a secret place where one might find a way to recover what they had lost, or discover something they didn't know they were searching for. He left a mirror in their possession–a mirror that, at first, seemed entirely unremarkable. These were his parting words: When you see the crow, follow it at all costs.

    It was madness. And the man? Simply delusional. But then one day, something remarkable did occur. In a flurry of black, a crow emerged from the mirror. It cawed at them, circling about the room, only to swoop back into its own reflection and disappear without a trace.

    Follow the crow at all costs, the man had said.

    And so into the mirror-portal they went, unaware of the nightmares that would soon become their reality.


    The founding family heirs have lived here their entire lives, trained and conditioned since infancy to become the next members of the Council, Grimsby's governing body. To be chosen as heir is to be granted the highest honor and the most coveted privileges.

    In a matter of months, all heirs must rise to their respective roles. In the meantime they have other, more pressing duties to attend to. Most recently, they have been entrusted with the arduous task of watching the outsiders. The reasoning is simple: should the outsiders ever find a way to return to their former lives and homes, they risk exposing Grimsby's many secrets to the outside world.

    The Founding Families–especially the heirs–are prone to think of themselves as above all others. They have also learned to distrust and despise anything that is new and unfamiliar. But now that things are beginning to change and spiral out of their control, will they hold onto their prejudices or learn to adapt to the new circumstances?

    *Relatives of heirs are playable and do not have a slot limitation.


    (LIMITED ROLE | 3 - 5 SLOTS)​

    In the wooded depths, where no man has ever ventured and lived to tell the tale, the hollows of the roots were created.

    They emerged from the womb of the earth drenched in blood that was not their own, possessing an instinct to speak a language never learned and an understanding of things never before encountered. Most strangely, they are haunted with memories of a former life–a life that had brutally perished before its time.

    But that is irrelevant. They are no longer the same person, nor even the same creature.

    For this familiar body comes with unfamiliar powers, as well as a nagging, ever-gnawing instinct for violence. It is an instinct that, when ignored, punishes them with headaches that worsen with time.

    They are hunters masquerading as outsiders, slowly weaving a web of lies around their oblivious prey. Yet every moment spent with their unwitting victims awakens a conscience within them. Will they embrace their purpose, or reject it despite the consequences that await them should they do so?



    At a time of great loss, the outsiders found themselves a visitor: a mysterious man by the name of Grimsworth. He claimed to be a teacher in a school of magic, a secret place where one might find a way to recover what they had lost, or discover something they didn't know they were searching for. He left a mirror in their possession–a mirror that, at first, seemed entirely unremarkable. These were his parting words: When you see the crow, follow it at all costs.

    It was madness. And the man? Simply delusional. But then one day, something remarkable did occur. In a flurry of black, a crow emerged from the mirror. It cawed at them, circling about the room, only to swoop back into its own reflection and disappear without a trace.

    Follow the crow at all costs, the man had said.

    And so into the mirror-portal they went, unaware of the nightmares that would soon become their reality.
  • Hello, this is my second attempt at running this role-play. Much has been overhauled since the last version of course, but the essence of the story remains the same. Like last time, there will be little to no actual "school" in the IC. Instead, the focus will be on the mysteries surrounding Grimsby and the conflict that is bound to arise between our characters.

    Here are the posting expectations:

    Speed: Biweekly (Once every two weeks, at minimum)
    Length: Enough to be susbtantial and move things along
    Level: Adept +

    This is also meant to be a dark fantasy / horror rp, so naturally the relevant content will follow (violence, death, etc.)

    Let me know if you're interested!
  • Hello, this is my second attempt at running this role-play. Much has been overhauled since the last version of course, but the essence of the story remains the same. Like last time, there will be little to no actual "school" in the IC. Instead, the focus will be on the mysteries surrounding Grimsby and the conflict that is bound to arise between our characters.

    Here are the posting expectations:

    Speed: Biweekly (Once every two weeks, at minimum)
    Length: Enough to be susbtantial and move things along
    Level: Adept +

    This is also meant to be a dark fantasy / horror rp, so naturally the relevant content will follow (violence, death, etc.)

    Let me know if you're interested!
Coded by Ardent
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This sounds spoooky I love it ;o
  • Love
Reactions: Ardent
You know I'm in!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
  • Love
Reactions: Vinn and Ardent
Oooh, I'd like to join this, will see if I actually can though.
  • Love
Reactions: Ardent
👀 i would like to hop on this train pls nd thanks
  • Love
Reactions: Ardent
Im interested lets goo???? Im so down for this!!!
  • Love
Reactions: Ardent
So far, we are in dire need of outsiders. We also need at least one more contender for an heir position. So let me do a little pitch for these two; perhaps I didn't do them enough justice in my original post:

The outsiders aren't just fodder for the Hollows! They are the heroes, the underdogs, the ones who will be uncovering centuries-old mysteries, fighting the bad guys, and saving the day. If it's a hero journey you want, make an outsider! A plus side is you don't have to read most of the lore!

The heirs, too, will also be uncovering mysteries of their own. What is causing all these deaths? Who will be the next provider? What, exactly, is Grimsworth planning? Choose this role if you want to play detective and would like to know about the Founding Families' secret history.

Interested? Join us!

Deadline for limited roles is August 13th. Beyond that, only outsider & non-heir characters will be accepted.
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Reactions: Ghostly Boo

All limited roles are locked in.

But we are indefinitely open to more outsiders and founding family relations!