Half Moon Woods (IC)

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interactions || Gwen, Valkyrie, Jessie, Maggie
tags || @Misguided†Ghost, @Princess Poisoned Rose, @Queen†Chaos, @Tarieles

The sun was high in the sky -- midday -- and Isaac leaned against the glass that made up the entire back wall of the Dawnchild pack's house. He was not tired at all, which was unusual for him, as his Alpha duties and the constant hunting kept him up late into the night. But today was one of the few days where he had no important tasks to complete. He had sent Lucian, Nova, Cress, Alex and Allison on a hunting expedition. Marshall, Michael, Maggie and Jessie were also home, along with Valkyrie, but they were all nowhere to be seen. And, if he was honest with himself, Isaac did not want to see any of them at that moment.

He checked the time on his cell phone -- 12:55pm -- and glanced out of the window, looking for the dark blonde hair of Gwen. She was supposed to be at the pack's house by one in the afternoon, but Isaac was still worried that she would not show. His own pack had long accepted the scandalous romance between their Alpha and the Black Torch Walkers' Delta, but Isaac and Gwen both knew they had to keep their relationship a secret from Gwen's Alpha and Betas. The last thing Isaac wanted was for Gwen to be banished from the pack that meant so much to her.

Isaac pulled himself away from the glass wall, which took a large amount of mental effort to do, and texted Gwen as he walked to the Rec Room. HEY. ARE YOU STILL COMING? He shoved his phone into his pocket as he stepped into the Rec Room, his eyes searching for Valkyrie. He smiled at Jessie and Maggie as he passed, before sitting beside his Beta on the couch. Completely ignoring the no-feet-on-the-sofa rule -- well, he was half dog anyway -- he pulled his legs up beside him and turned to Val. "It's good to gave a break, isn't it?" he half-sighed.



interactions || Lucian, Nova, Cress, Alex
tags || @~Dark.Disney.Triplet~, @IceQueen, @DANAsaur, @Misguided†Ghost

Allison's grey coat rippled in the wind as she ran through the woods in her wolf form. Allison loved everything about being a werewolf; she loved the change, the running, the strength, the pack. The only thing she did not like was having to have two annoyingly terrible times of the month. Seriously? It's bad enough I have to have my period, now I can't control my change? she would think every full moon.

Allison leaped over a large log. She and four of her pack members were on a hunting trip for Isaac, set on bringing back their kills for dinner for a few nights. The Dawnchild pack believed heavily in using the natural resources their special forest provided them, which meant hunting and killing their own food. They would also forage for berries and edible greens, and most of their drinking water was collected from the rain. The things they couldn't buy, they bought from the store in Chesterbury.

A deep, rich scent filled Allison's wolf nose. Deer, she thought to the pack mind, using the mental communication channel to signal Lucian, Nova, Cress and Alex to the large animals. On my right. Lucian, Nova, do you wanna go in from this side? The rest of us should circle around to the other side. Allison was not an Alpha or Beta, but someone had to take charge in their hunting trips. How would they get anything done otherwise?


black torch warriors

nteractions || Keno, Joachim, Dia
tags || @Tarieles, @Pasiphae

Drew's mouth was coated in rich blood from the steak she had found in the fridge. Other werewolves preferred to touch on their human side by cooking their food, but Drew was very 'go big or go home' when it came to embracing her wolf side; she ate all of her meat completely rare, and usually in her wolf form, but it was difficult to read Game of Thrones fanfiction when you do not have thumbs to click on it with.

She leaned against the kitchen bench and had just taken a large bite into her bloody steak when the brothers, Keno and Joachim, entered the room. She looked up, jerked her chin in a silent move of greeting, not caring that she probably looked quite frightening with her bloody mouth and the utterly blue steak in her hand. Though, Drew thought to herself, they should be used to it from you. The raw steak was probably not the boys' biggest grasp of attention, when she was wearing her fur vest made from the coat of a werewolf from some foreign pack she had killed a few years previously. Drew was utterly brutal, and she liked to flaunt it in her clothes and diet choices.

Dia, one of the Betas, followed the boys in. Drew swallowed the raw meat and eagerly asked, "Dia, when am I going hunting next? I haven't killed anything in a week, which is why I'm eating this completely raw steak right now. Venison is way better than beef." Her British accent reverberated in the kitchen. The Black Torch Walkers operated on a hunting cycle, which was fair and all, but Drew hated when her packmates went hunting without her. She also usually lead the hunting expeditions -- if she was not in charge, she would leave and hunt on her own.
Nova had her nose to the sky, following the hunt leader through the woods. Sunlight peeked through the leaves of the trees as they looked for a kill. The sun was full and bright, and she was thankful for the adrenaline rush of the hunt. The last month had been a whirlwind for her. Alex and her had finally gotten somewhere between the two of them. It was still dizzying how being around him could make her pulse quicken. When she had heard that he was going on the hunt with her, she knew she couldn't be distracted. She would disappoint her Alpha if she did. Hind legs grinding to a halt, she watched Allison.

"I will go in from the side." Nova communicated immediately, meeting the tense gaze of her pack mate before slinking around where the strong scent was coming from. She made sure to be careful of where she stepped, after all, this was their food for the next while. Messing it up would mean royal embarrassment in the pack house, something she had little tolerance for, especially with such a short fuse. Her ears perked forwards with interest, Nova peeked around, getting the first tiny glimpse of the prey ahead of them. The sharp smell of pine tickled her nose as she waited patiently for the others to get around to the other side
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Valkyrie's usual routine was done for the day and she was so happy to have a day off from border patrol. She was reclined out on the couch her feet propped up onto the table. She was humming some tune that she had heard before with her eyes closed. Tonight was going to be a really good night her and Michael were headed into the nearby town for a date night together. It was certainly rare that they got one of those because of her being on constant patrols with Issac as of late. She knew that her alpha didn't sleep the previous night, Val knew some of the reasons why but not all of them. Val was one of the few wolves in his pack that knew of his relationship with Gwen and she was happy that he was very happy with her, but she was not happy that he seemed very stressed about the current situation. Valkyrie was one of the few wolves who actually wanted a joint pack and felt that the two packs working together was much more productive and would provide better pack security and unity. Not all pack members shared her views of this however. She felt a dip in the couch beside her and she cracked open her eyes looking over at him. "It is good for us to get a break sometimes you know." She smiled at him then whispered, "I know she will come her alpha can be well you know." She nudged Issac playfully.

Mood: Relaxed and happy
Mentioned: Issac .♥Δ♥.LYDIA.♥Δ♥. Michael @~Dark.Disney.Triplet~ Gwen @Misguided†Ghost
Interactions: Issac .♥Δ♥.LYDIA.♥Δ♥.

Gwen's Mood: ||Excited||Happy||Nervous||
Gwen's Outfit: HERE
Location: Dawnchild House
Pack & Position: Black Torch Walkers | Delta
Scent: Cherry Blossom
Mentioned: .♥Δ♥.LYDIA.♥Δ♥. - Isaac ||
Interactions: .♥Δ♥.LYDIA.♥Δ♥. - Isaac || Princess Poisoned Rose - Val ||
Character Sheet: HERE
Color: 6A4FF5

Gwen was particularly excited to start her day off. Usually she wasn't much of a get outside and do something person, but she'd made plans to see Isaac and was determined to get up and spend as much of the day as she could with him. The whole making plans with Isaac part was easy! Her getting away from her pack long enough to fulfill those plans was the hard part. No one in her pack knew about her and Isaac, and she planned to keep it that way for a long time. She didn't know how her alpha would react to the whole thing, but was almost 100 percent sure that it wouldn't be good.

Upon waking up at around noon, Gwen made her way to the bathroom to take a quick shower, and do her hair and makeup. The usual when it came to going out to see her boyfriend of four months. After doing her hair and makeup, she slipped on her clothes; rolling the sleeves up on the shirt Isaac had given her before pulling her leather jacket on over it. It was a little risky to be wearing his shirt in the house, but Gwen loved the way she looked in it and the fact that it smelled just like him. As she was lacing up her boots, Gwen felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and picked it up, seeing a text from Isaac. She smiled. ~Of course I'm still coming! :) I'll be there soon. I promise!~ She replied before slipping her phone back into her pocket.

To avoid anyone seeing and/or smelling Isaac's shirt, Gwen quietly sneaked out of the window and ran straight through the woods, hoping that she wouldn't be seen by anyone in her pack. She ran nonstop for a while, just so she could get as far away from the house as possible, then she resorted to walking. Altogether, it only took about 45 minutes to get from her pack house to Isaac's. She smiled before knocking briefly and walking in as she was accustomed to doing now, since she and Isaac has been together for a while. As soon as she entered, she saw Isaac and Valkyrie sitting on the couch in the rec room. "Hey you." She smiled at Isaac before sitting down next to him and planting a kiss on his cheek. "Hey Val. How's it going?" She smiled at Valkyrie.

Val was one of the more open wolves of Isaac's pack. She didn't really mind that Gwen and Isaac were together. A few other members of his pack didn't either, which was pretty good. It was nice to have a few people who were on your side and thinking about your happiness.
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  • Love
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[fieldbox="Maggie Shawcross, #ff00ff, solid, 10, Curlz MT"] Maggie sat on a chair in the rec room, furiously tapping on her phone. She was playing a stupid little game to pass the time. She stuck her tongue out at the electronic as the battery went low. She went to the home screen, and sighed softly. Her phone had almost died and it wasn't even 1. She shook her head, looking up at the sound of Isaac. She smiled at him, a small blush rising to her cheeks, hidden by the fake blush she was wearing. She stayed silent for a bit, pretending to be occupied with something on her phone, when really, she was just swiping through her apps.

"So..." She started, wanting to ease the silence and her own sexual tension. "What's everyone's plans for the day?" She asked, giving a half hearted smile all around. She knew what Isaac would be doing. Hanging around Gwendolyn. She couldn't stand the little witch, but she wasn't about to complain about the alpha's girlfriend in front of the alpha and the beta. That would be stupid. So, she kept those thoughts to herself- and Allison, when she knew they wouldn't be spied on. She trusted that girl with just about everything. She ran a hand through her hair, taking note she had to shower later on. [/fieldbox][fieldbox="Keno Heeren, #993300, solid, 10, Courier"] Keno and Joachim had been mostly dicking around outside in the morning, and had just came back in after a fun little romp of chasing stuff. They had walked into the room, just as Drew chomped into a raw steak. Keno smirked, knowing her ways. He stayed in the kitchen, deciding to eat something, while Joachim wandered elsewhere. He too wanted to know if he would be allowed hunting anytime soon. He rummaged through the cupboards, finding a bag of dill potato chips. Shrugging, he grabbed it, and tore it open, placing one in his mouth. He loved dill. It was his favorite herb.

He looked at the two. He knew Drew well, he was often hunting with her. However, despite being his beta, he didn't know much about Dia. She was mostly a mystery. "Hey Drew. Hey Dia." He finally greeted, nodding in their direction. "Lovely day." He added, taking a handful of chips, and quickly disposing of them via his maw. He held out the bag, offering the two ladies some.[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Joachim Heeren, #339966, solid, 10, Poor Richard"] When Joachim saw Drew eating a completely raw steak, he felt a little sick to his stomach. He didn't really like blood, which was a little counterintuitive, but nevertheless true for him. He generally wasn't the one doing the killing, he just helped with strategy and all that. He ate his meat cooked, more often than not. He entered his and Keno's room, grabbing his phone from his end table. It was fully charged. He smiled, and left the room once again, now wandering the halls.

It was pretty peaceful at the moment, which was always welcome. However, he didn't always like the quiet. He often enjoyed being in a pretty big group of people. Currently, he was a bit bored.
>Yo wat up?
He sent a text to Blaize, hoping maybe she'd be up for doing something. He wasn't sure what, but they'd figure something out. Blaize was cool like that. [/fieldbox]

Beta of the Black Torch Walkers

Soft sunlight reflected against Yui's skin as he sat on a log in the woods, enjoying the crisp air. No doubt the house was filled by now, most pack members having eaten lunch or wallowing by themselves. Yui, on the other hand, was getting in some much needed solitary time, away from other people and things. Away from areas where he had to be preppy and happy all the time, or be the responsibility. A place where he could be utterly depressing by himself. Sighing, Yui fiddled with his necklace, thankful for the distraction of the shiny metal chain around his neck.

Yui eventually lifted himself up and decided that a nice walk around their territory would be nice. Make sure the borders were secure. Standing tall, Yui cracked his neck and easily leaped forward, his body sliding into the form of a sleek wolf. The cold air rushed into his nose as he took off running, white fur gleaming in the light as he headed for the edges of the territory. Heart thrumming, lungs heaving, Yui was in a full sprint along the forest, letting his body be free. When Yui eventually did come to a stop, he flopped onto his side on the forest floor, slowly shifting back into his lithe human form. Snow white skin glistened with a light layer of sweat as he rested on the leaf cluttered ground, resting for now.
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[fieldbox="Marshall Kelly, blue, dashed, 10, Courier New"]


Delta of Dawnchild
God, Marshall was b o r e d. And not the 'I'm so bored I'm tired, I'm going to nap it off' kind of bored. No, for once in his life, he was full of energy. But the worst part is? He had nothing to do. He hadn't been sent on the hunting trip, instead, forced to laze around while the others got to kill things. How dare his alpha allow him to relax. Marshall had been studying the ceiling very carefully, until a beautiful idea had popped into his head. He should go for a walk. After all, his legs were cramped, and fresh air sounded appealing as of now. Slowly, Marshall rose from his spot on the couch, stretching his arms over his head until he had earned a satisfying crack from his back, and then finally rising up and off the couch. He didn't bother to grab his jacket, instead just walking out of the house unannounced. They'd figure out he's gone eventually anyways, right?
Marshall began to walk, eventually shifting into wolf form mid-stride. He decided to try and avoid the hunting grounds, not wanting to run into the hunting party nor scare off their prey, instead just trotting along the sidelines of the territory, enjoying the fresh air and the scent of fallen leaves. He raised his maw to the air slightly, taking an inhale to just enjoy the scents of the forest. Earth, pine, and.. rosewater? Lavender? Since when did the woods have a Bath & Body Works?
Part of him said to go back, to not investigate this strangely placed scent. His brain, the small, tiny logical part there was, told him to take his happy ass back to the house and nap like a normal person. But Marshall was never one for listening to that tiny part of his brain. Instead, he listened to the big, dumb part of said brain, and continued to trot forward. He was careful to stay on his pack's territory, as if there was an invisible brick wall besides him, just making his way closer and closer to the scent until cold, grey eyes landed on a figure laying the leaves. His fur should've bristled, because well, it was a rival pack member. But instead, he continued forward as quietly as possible, eventually shifting back into his true form as he took a seat in the leaves across from the nimble boy in the rival territory, yet not crossing that invisible line. "What's a cutie like you doing on that side of the territory?" He asked, not even formally introducing himself, nor trying to make a good expression. He just jumped straight in for the kill it seemed- not that Marshall really cared to censor himself anyways. Again, that logical side of his brain was telling him to leave, this was off limits, but yet he continued to sit, flashing the other a dumb, half smile from across the territory line.

  • Love
Reactions: IceQueen
Alianne Lockwood
Black Torch Walkers

Alianne was seated in one of the stools at the kitchen island, a book open in front of her. It was one of her cookbooks. If Aly wasn't reading, hiking, or kayaking, she was baking or cooking some dish or another. She looked up as heard the fridge being opened. Drew was eating raw steak. Again. "I was going to marinate that." She scolded her packmate, but don't press the issue further. It was useless to argue with Drew. Aly continued to flip through the cookbook. This particular cookbook held dessert recipes. Anyone who knew Aly knew that if she had a cookbook out, she had grown bored enough to use it. She flipped another page, looking for something specific.

Interactions: Drew
Tags: @.♥Δ♥.LYDIA.♥Δ♥.

Beta of the Black Torch Walkers
Yui was having a good time, his back pressed against the leaves as the cold wind whipped by his skin. The scent of pine and moss was strong on the edge of the border, somewhere that was usually uncharted, which is why it was made into his favorite spot. One where he felt secluded, alone, away from people. Where he could get some peace that he normally could not in the house. No one from the other pack had been sighted near the border in a while, he supposed that was because of the strong rivalry they had. Yui had cautioned against going near the border in fear of one of the deltas getting a little too curious and leap the boundary. Then they would really be in trouble.

Yui, on the other hand, seemed to have his luck running out, as soon a new smell entered his nostrils, one that was unfamiliar, and made a chill run down his spine. A low growl came from Yui's throat as he whipped himself up on two legs, grey eyes watching the form that had approached carefully. For some reason, Yui's growl caught in his throat as he laid eyes on the male, his pulse cooling down as his gaze followed the strangers form. Yui was crossing his fingers that the newcomer didn't get any ideas of coming over to his side, or else that would spell disaster. The last thing Yui needed was to be caught fighting a member of the other pack. Or worse, conversing with them. Flicking his wrist, Yui sat back down on the leaves where the stranger had placed himself moments before, cheeks slightly flushed at the complement. Yui was thankful for the makeup spread across his cheeks or the deep blush would have been more noticeable. "I am guarding our territory. Anything I have to do is none of your business as you are not affiliated with my pack or my land." He clearly stated, his tone firm. "However I accept your complement." Yui stated afterwards, fingers twitching as he spoke up about the complement.
Michael Crow
Mood: Happy and Energetic
Interactions: Val and Lucian
Mentioned: Isaac and Gwen

Michael hadn't gone out this morning for a run. He had done it yesterday, today he was relaxing before he took his girl out to the town on a date. He snored in his bed as she slept. He finally woke and went to shower. He dressed in jeans a black shirt to show his muscles. He put on a leather jacket and combat boots. He went down the steps as he fixed his hair. He saw his girl and leaned over to kiss her cheek." Hey kid." He said and rubbed her head in a joking manner. He laughed and ran when she went to hit him, he had nodded to Gwen and Isaac, he didn't care much. He chuckled and ran down to get breakfast.

Michael ate his breakfast and sighed stretching. He drank some water and went to go out back to smoke. Michael liked to joke about, but when they needed to be serious oh he was. He protected his pack with everything he had. Lucian was his roommate. He was always an ass and hard to agree with,but Michael tended to enjoy him. Lucian was always around for a good laugh. He was such a Sarcastic ass it made Michael just laugh. He however was in An amazing mood, he was taking his beautiful girl out.

Lucian Valhalla
Mood: Annoyed, hot headed, and Brooding
Interactions: Allison and Michael
Mentioned: Alex, Nova, cress, and Gwen

Lucian had grudgingly got up in the morning to go hunting with the others. He disliked Hunting with the pack. Lucian was capable of doing it himself. He heard Allison point it out in his head. Lucian was not a friendly person to get along with specially in the morning. He went after Nova and just growled. ' Got it' He muttered. He went to his position. He was stuck with all woman, we'll and Alex. He waited and jumped in when he was needed with this many people he prefered to hunt alone. He enjoyed the hunt the kill and blood. He snarled when he could barely sink his teeth into it. He shook his head and left the other's to their hunt. He walked to find his own kill, besides one buck wouldn't feed the pack.

Lucian followed a scent ignoring the pack growling in his head. He stopped when he saw an Elk. He snarled and lunged for the throat. He was a big wolf and was quick when it came to taking down his prey. Lucian grabbed the bucks throat and ripped it out. He breathed and grabbed the elk and walked for the pack house. When back, He had put the Elk on the porch to be taken care of by another Delta. Lucian changed back and slipped on eans. He walked in and smirked seeing Michael. He nods to his pack mate/ roommate." Hey man, takingout the woman tonight." He asked. His friend nods and tells him he should shower.Lucian went to shower and walked out in only jeans and boots. He saw Gwen when he got out and his lip turned up in a snarl. " Tell everyone when that is out of the pack house." He said and went to go outside annoyed. He passed Maggie and gives her a nod with his head.

Selene Tavishim
Mood: Tired and annoyed
Interactions: none
Mentioned: Gwen

Selene had been out all night just tracking and hunting. She finally stopped sometime in the morning. When she did she smelled her pack scent running through the woods. No just Gwen. Selene followed the smell and tracked down Gwen. She was heading into the other wolf's territory. Selene stopped with a growl and turned around, she hated those disloyal to the pack.

Selena didn't go home to the pack, she went to the river to take a swim in. She changed back and dipped into the water as she swam and just kept going the water felt amazing on her skin. She sighed and stared up at the sky above her. Her eye's closed as she floated in the water and let the world melt away around her. Her world was gone and. new one a quiet one in its place.​



interactions || Gwen, Valkyrie
tags || @Misguided†Ghost , @Princess Poisoned Rose

Isaac smiled brightly when Gwen entered the rec room. He was a lot happier and nicer when she was around; she kind of soothed the aggressive edge he otherwise had in everything he did. "Hey, gorgeous," he said, wrapping his arm around her tiny waist as she sat beside him. He returned her kiss to the cheek. "You're wearing my shirt," he noticed. "It looks amazing on you. Well, you look amazing in anything."

He stood up, pulling Gwen along with him. "Come, Gwendolyn," he teased. "We mustn't annoy the rest of my pack with our love. I have something to show you. Val, have fun with Michael later."

With his hand folded into Gwen's, they climbed to the Alpha's bedroom in the attic. Isaac was a great leader and a vicious fighter, but he was still a gentleman and still irrevocably in love with Gwen; he helped her up the stairs, into the attic and sat her on the end of the bed. He rummaged in his sock drawer until he found the small, carved wooden box he was looking for.

Isaac sat on the bed beside her. Her cherry blossom scent wafted off of her hair as he leaned in and opened the wooden box. Inside was a gold ring with a large black stone set into it. The band had tiny etchings of small moons, picturing the lunar cycle in the ring. "It was my grandmother's ring, before she died. My family aren't wolves, so it's a coincidence it has moons on it but it's nice." He took Gwen's dainty right hand and slid the ring onto her third finger. "I wanted to give it to you. Think of it as a promise ring."


interactions || Lucian, Nova, Cress, Alex
tags || @~Dark.Disney.Triplet~, @IceQueen, @DANAsaur, @Misguided†Ghost

Allison circled to the side of the deer, lunged forward and sunk her teeth deep into the neck of a wolf. She killed it swiftly, and dived onto another deer.

Allison loved hunting. She loved the thrill of the kill and then taking the food home and sharing it with her pack. Once she killed the other deer, she dragged the two kills she had already made to the side with her teeth, taking a bite of one of them to stop her hunger.

[fieldbox="Marshal Kelly, blue, dashed, 10, Courier New"]


Delta of Dawnchild

Marshall just seemed to watch with mild interest as the other rose, perking up a single eyebrow, yet not making the move to stand as well. Instead, he just seemed to scan the other over for a moment, as if he was taking in his features, ignoring the way the other's scent managed to send a hot icy burn up the back of his spine. Then, as a response, he just seemed to puff his cheeks out. Y'know, like a mature person would.
"Someone seems defensive," Marshall teased, a small snicker leaving him, "I was just asking a simple question, because really, you should be over on this side." He said, the pout in his expression giving way to yet another dorky, yet almost charming smirk. It was half and half, depending on how you looked at it. Still, Marshall made no move to stand. Even if Yui was part of the rival pack, the pack he was taught to be wary of and despise, he couldn't help but feel.. safe, maybe, if that was the best way to put it. Even if Yui had all the right to claw him to shreds if Marshall even so much as stuck his hand across that invisible 'line', something in his gut told him it wasn't something to worry about. But then again, Marshall never had the best judgement, either.
So the boy sat there, the half-smirk still fresh on his face, just gazing up at Yui with playful grey-blue eyes.

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Beta of the Black Torch Walkers

Yui could see the smug look on the other man's face, which just made him want to wipe it off more and more every second. It seemed lopsided, cocky almost, but there was a certain charm to it that tugged at his heart strings, something that made his pale skin flush once again. At the soft chuckle, Yui puffed his cheeks again, rolling his eyes. "Well many of your pack, including your alpha aren't so lenient with boundaries around here. The moment I step over there, I will become wolf jerky." He said, a soft chuckle of his own accompanying the words. Yui loved to busy himself with his fingers, hot pink manicured nails picking at the ones on his other hand as he tried to distract himself. Surprisingly, Yui was not all that grumpy about someone having interrupted his free time, which normally he would be extremely grumpy, unless it was his alpha or fellow beta.

"And I am not grouchy, and I will deny it till the end of my breath." He said, a firm frown present as he glared at the man, before lightening slightly. "What's your name, handsome stranger?" Yui asked, his tone turning dramatic and slightly flirtatious at the small nickname he had decided the man had earned. Yui could feel his brain tugging him farther away from the line, trying to get his dang body back towards the house and to report the findings to his alpha. Yet his body stayed, his heart acting as a weight that solidified him to the ground.
Mason Vahallis
Dawnchild Pack
Interactions: Pack members
Mason swung his legs back and forth in a rhythmic beat and watched the ground below. A fall the wrong way from this height would probably hurt, it worse, but he didn't spend much time thinking about it, the climb was worth it. He was at least twenty feet off of the ground on a thick branch in the trees some ways away from the pack house. One thing about the woods was that it was silent and he liked the silence. Don't get him wrong he liked being around people... Mostly. He just liked to be able to get away from all the noise once in a while. It proved to be refreshing and often left him in a better mood. He figured he'd been out for a good while now and decided to head back before any one began to ask questions. It wasn't like he wasn't supposed to be out here... And he didn't remember anyone specifying that either.

He wrapped his arms around the tree and began to swiftly descend, grabbing branch after branch and then jumping down when he was about 5 feet from the ground. Mason brushed off his jeans and his t-shirt and took off into a sprint towards the pack house. As he got closer and closer familiar scents greeted his nose and he slowed to a walk, evening his breathing as he approached the first door. Without any hesitation Mason walked into the house, nodding in greeting to any pack mates he passed, and all but flew up the stairs to his room.

Clothes were in a medium sized pile on his floor in disarray and his bed was just as he left it this morning when he'd gone out, unmade. The only thing that was in perfect organized condition was his bookshelf. He closed the door behind him and fell into his bed facing the ceiling, kicking his boots off of his feet. The window over his head was slightly cracked, letting just the smallest but of air in, and the curtain drawn back only enough for a thin stream of light to make it through. The room was heavy with his scent as he'd spent Most days he in his room sleeping, or reading... No particular reason, it was just comfortable. Mason draped his arm over his eyes, exhaled and began to slowly drift off wondering when he'd go hunting again, it was starting to feel like forever since he'd been apart of the hunt. Going into the forest as a man was one thing and hunting as a wolf was an entirely different feeling all together. He yawned loudly and brought his other arm to rest under his head, letting sleep begin to was over him.


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olivedrab Location: Her Bedroom --> Mason's Bedroom
Imprint: Alexander Roland
Pack; Position: Dawnchild; Delta
Scent: Caramel Hot Chocolate
Mentioned: N/A
Interactions: Mason ( @CrimsonFang )
Character Sheet: HERE
Outfit: HERE (minus hat)
Color Ref: 39bd5a

Soft music floated through Terra's bedroom. The blonde laid on her stomach, her soft bed beneath her. Blue eyes scanned the pages of her book left to right, left to right, left to right. Normally, Terra exclusively read nonfiction novels, biographies of important individuals, educational books. She liked to learn from what she was reading, because knowledge is power. This time around, however, she was reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, by Jonathan Foer.

Another reason Terra tried to stay away from nonfiction novels was because she often found herself becoming too attached to the fiction characters. She cared too deeply for the people within the stories, who never truly existed. Which, naturally, was what was happening to her with the paper book she currently held in her hands. Each sentence made her heart hurt, willed her vision to become blurry with tears. And yet, as much as it was causing her emotional pain, she simply could not stop reading.

She came to the end of a chapter, feeling content with the spot to leave off. Terra knew if she didn't take a break from the tragic story she would be in a crummy mood for the rest of the night, and would also likely wet the pages with small teardrops. Crying over a book about fake people was the last thing she wanted to spend her time doing. She grabbed her scratch-n-sniff bubblegum bookmark, wedged it between the pages, and tossed the book onto her pillow. Sitting up and swinging her legs off the side of her bed, Terra stretched her arms out before her.

The door downstairs opened and closed, and it only took Terra a moment to recognize the footsteps. Mason had just returned from who-knows-where, she could recognize his natural pace anywhere. Rising from her bed, Terra turned towards her night stand. Terra took hold of her coffee mug- which actually had sweet tea in it- and took a sip. Then, with a smile on her lips, she exited her bedroom and made her way down the hall.

As she neared Mason's bedroom his familiar scent became very strong, and she took great comfort in the smell. They had been best friends since the day she was born, literally, and so he was somewhat her safety net. If there was anyone in the world Terra could trust with her deepest, darkest secrets, it was Mason Vahallis. His door was closed, but she simply knocked on the wood rapidly before letting herself into his room.

"The next time I say, 'Hey I think I want to read this fictional book it looks good,' I need you to slap me and remind me I am not emotionally stable enough for such things," She said as her greeting, walking over and placed her mug on Mason's nightstand. She then flopped down on her back beside Mason, so that her right side was slightly touching his left. "This stupid sob story has got me seriously fucked up, I'm telling you," She said, almost as if she was exasperated. Turning her head to look at him, she added, "It's barely the middle of the day and you already need a nap? Lazy."​
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Gwen's Mood: ||Happy||Touched||Excited||
Gwen's Outfit: HERE
Location: Dawnchild House - Isaac's Room ||
Pack & Position: Black Torch Walkers | Delta
Scent: Cherry Blossom
Mentioned: .♥Δ♥.LYDIA.♥Δ♥. - Isaac ||
Interactions: .♥Δ♥.LYDIA.♥Δ♥. - Isaac ||
Character Sheet: HERE
Color: 6A4FF5

Gwen smiled when Isaac noticed she was wearing her shirt and she nodded. "Yeah. I thought it'd look nice with these shoes. I'm glad you like it." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Come Gwendolyn. We mustn't annoy the rest of my pack with out love. I have something to show you." Isaac spoke and upon hearing her full name she cringed. Gwen hated her full first name! It reminded her of an old women and she couldn't stand most old people. "Ew, don't call me that!" She chuckled and playfully punched Isaac as they made their way to his room.

She was a bit nervous to see what he had for her. Surprises weren't exactly her thing, but a surprise from Isaac would most likely be okay. He brought out a ring and she gasped, feeling a wave of euphoria flush over her. The ring was absolutely gorgeous, and she was touched that Isaac would give her something that was so dear to his heart. "Isaac, it's beautiful. I love it!" She spoke, holding her hand up to look at the ring on her finger. Gwen wrapped her arms around Isaac's neck, pulling him in for a tight hug. "Thank you so much." She pulled away from the hug, her arms still wrapped around his neck. "I love you." She said softly, looking Isaac in his warm, chocolate brown eyes.


Blaize's Mood: ||Bored||
Blaize's Outfit: HERE
Location: Black Torch House ---> The Lakeshore
Pack & Position: Black Torch Walkers | Delta
Scent: || Vanilla || Cilantro || Orange ||
Mentioned: @Tarieles - Joachim ||
Interactions: @Tarieles - Joachim ||
Character Sheet: HERE
Color: 35a7c4

Blaize woke up at around 8 AM to shower, get dressed and grab herself something to eat. She couldn't sleep almost all night, so she was a bit on edge and a little annoyed in the morning. The dreams were starting to come back, which most likely meant that she'd be feeling a little down until they went away again. Blaize always hated when she had night terrors. They always seemed so real and they made her sleep pattern go all out of wack. It was pretty annoying.

Not many people were awake this early, so Blaize decided to take a walk through the woods. After eating a piece of toast and some eggs, she poured herself a cup of coffee and started for the woods. Walking always seemed to calm her nerves a lot, which was good. After a few minutes of walking she found herself at the lakeshore. It was the number one place she went to clear her head. She could look at the gorgeous scenery forever and it was the perfect place to run away to when she needed a break. Blaize sat down in the sand and took a deep breath, the scent of pine filling her nostrils. Before she knew it, Blaize had fallen asleep and was being woken up hours later with a text from Joachim.

She sat up and stretched before picking up her phone and returning the message. ~Hey. Not much just chilling at the lakeshore. I guess I fell asleep, but I'm up now. What's up with you?~ She pressed send and slipped her phone in her pocket. Joachim was a good guy. He'd always been a friend to her, which she needed right now, so she was really happy that he'd texted her.

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Lucrecia "Cress" Black
Cress couldn't belp but glare at Allison, hating the fact that the blonde girl already got two kills while she had none. She knew she should have pounced first, should have taken the opportunity to lead them before leaving the house but she was too kind to do that. Now she's going to hate how Allison will steal the spotlight from her just because she became the leader of the hunt anf killed two deers. "The Alpha and everyone else should have their attention to me. I'm the pretty one, the smart one, the hardworking one. Why does Allison have two kills?!" her thoughts screamed as jealously started to ooze out of her pores. A small growl escaped her lips, her thoughts starting to take over as her pefectionist, attention-seeking and hardworking side was coming to view. She needed to top off Allison's efforts or else the spotlight will be taken away from her. She cannot let that happen.

"Go back to the pack with the deers. I'll go find something bigger to eat" Cress didn't even bother to hear their protests or response as she suddenly ran off with great haste, never looking back. Cress knew better not to go home without a bigger and better kill. She cannot be a disgrace to the Alpha nor get their atrention away from her by Allison. She needed their attention or else she'll sink in to depression once again. Shaking her canine head, she shook of the thought and went hunting all by herself. If she remembered correctly, the elks usually hang around near the river because the grass patch over there is much sweeter. With confidence and perseverance, Cress made her way towards the river. She made sure to be fast yet stealthy, hiding behind trees and lurking in the shadows. Elks got very sensitive hearing and she cannot risk them running away from her. "Need to kill three elks. Need to top off everyone." she whispered to herself as she saw a herd of elks eating silently near the river. She can see all of them being plump and juicy, enough for the pack to feast on for weeks. "You're all going to be my pack's dinner.."
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Mason Vahallis
Pack: Dawnchild
Position: Delta
Scent: Peppermint, smoked wood, and a hint of maple syrup
Interactions: Terra (@Brea )

Mason had been so close to falling asleep when he heard a voice from the other side of the door. It was pushed open and the scent of caramel and hot chocolate began to spill into the room. He took in a deep breath at the sweet familiar scent and tension that he hadn't even realized was there began to seep out of his body. Terra was probably the only one who walked into his room whenever she wanted and he welcomed it. Mason had known her since the day she was born, he'd been two years old then. His mother had stars in her eyes at her child growing up alongside her best friends little girl, and they'd been together ever since.

He listened to her footsteps as she came closer to his bed and his mouth watered at the smell of sweetened tea. He wasn't especially fond of tea or hungry or thirsty he just had one heck of a craving for something sweet and sugary. Mason grinned with his eyes closed at her statement and then raised both of his hands into the air. He opened his eyes a second before he spoke.

"Would you prefer the right hand or the left hand, now the right one, the right one packs more power, but the left hand...the left hand is all about speed, and Them the pain sneaks up on you later." He weighted each hand as if they were options. Mason had a playful grin on his face. He was kidding of course he could never bring himself to hurt Terra and he was 100% sure she knew that too.

"That's how you know it's a good book, when it rips out your heart throws it to the ground and does a little tap dance on it." He made little dancing motions with his hands, his eyes quickly darting to the mug Terra placed on his nightstand. He smirked the wheels in his head beginning to turn.

So which one of your fictional loves bit the dust this time? My shoulder is always here for you to cry on you know." He turned to face her as she flopped down on the bed beside him and blinked his lashes at her jokingly. His eyes flitted to The mug again. He put on a mock offended expression and pointed at her.

Hey, sleep is the cure all for every problem. If you didnt sleep you would die, it's scientifically proven, Wikipedia says so. I'm just showing my appreciation and dedication for such a wondrous art. It's not lazy, in fact it's quite the opposite, while I go through lengths and effort to make time for my sleeping duties I grow energized and well rested for any battle to come, you grow weary and tired as you neglect yours. So if you ask me it is you who is the lazy one." He nodded once as if it all made sense and as though he had just concluded some long disputed argument.

With one more sly glance in Terra's direction, Mason made sure she was relaxed and unsuspecting. He needed the element of surprise on his side. When he was satisfied he quickly moved to stretch over her, one leg remaining sprawled over her midsection to keep her from stopping him and took the mug into his hands downing its contents in about three gulps. He made a satisfied sound, and set the mug back on the nightstand as if nothing had happened. Mason removed his leg and sat crisscrossed on the bed besides her, an infectious grin on his face the whole time. He patted her forehead and then pinched her cheek.

Thanks for the tea love, that really hit the spot. I've been craving something sweet all morning, how'd you know?" He resisted the urge to laugh but it played at the corners of his mouth. "Though I do wonder how you forgot to bring a cup for yourself... that's really peculiar. It's probably because you don't get enough sleep." He shrugged his shoulders as if he were confused.

Did you make it yourself?... It was refreshing." At this point a few chuckles had already escaped his mouth, and he looked down at her, a full blown smile on his face.

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olivedrab Location: Her Bedroom --> Roof
Pack: Dawnchild
Mentioned: Issac, Valkyrie
Interactions: Valkyrie @Princess Poisoned Rose
Outfit: HERE
Color Ref: 0a6319
The soft glow of dawn's light illuminated each corner of the wooden bedroom, faint scents of oak and honeysuckle filled the air. Jessica, the youngest and newest of the Dawnchild pack, was slowly stirring awake in the early hours of morning. Pushing off the blankets, Jessica looked over to her roommates empty bed. Looks like I'm last up...again. Jessica yawned and opened the top drawer to her dresser and collected some clothing to be worn today, afterwards she entered the bathroom and showered herself clean. Grabbing one of the brown towels, she wrapped it around her body and exited the shower. Jessica caught notice of faint bruising along her right arm, she figured it was from her shifts and she was correct. Her body wasn't use to shifting as often as she was now and it was draining on her, but she would continue as it was her heritage.

After dressing, Jessica found her way up to the roof of the house along with her sketch book at her side. Since she had discovered the roof's stunning views Jessica had found her most important muse, so far. The vibrant colors blue, orange, and green were breath taking and completely relaxing. Jessica traced out the scene before her on the clean white sheet of paper. It was remarkable how easy art came to her, Jessica would've attend an art college, but choose to hold off on that for now. But as the picture was coming together Jessica caught on to the scent of a wolf not belonging to her pack. Gwen. It wasn't that the two couldn't get along, they just didn't pay attention to each other. Jessica, personally, hadn't spoken a word towards Gwen or even about Gwen, she avoided the girl at all cost. Gwen did the same to her. It was a mutual understanding between the girls.

Pulling the phone from the side of her, she sent Val a quick message, -She is here, isn't she? Jessica knew that she was near, but she wished to know whether or not she would leave the roof anytime soon; however, before receiving a message back she decided to quit her sketch and search for a far away muse. Once she returned to her bedroom she collected her satchel and some more art supplies and left through the back door. Many times Jessica would venture out away from the pack in order to keep her emotions calm and her feelings of suffocation at rest. She should have notified someone of her whereabouts, but chose not to. She wished to be alone and the solitude of forest was going to help her achieve that.

It was a twenty minute hike from the house to the location of the old cherry tree that sat within the middle of a stream. This place was perfect, Jessica's home away from home, and the perfect place to find her peace. Hoping across some stepping stones, Jessica found her seat at the base of the tree. The smell of cherry blossom was strong and seductive, the smell that reminded her much of her mother. After Jessica had moved into the packs house her family moved away, they were not very supportive of her decision to join the pack and follow her were-heritage in fact her mother even forbade her brother from contacting her. "I miss you." The words escaped her mouth at barely a whisper.

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Cassie Lockhart
Location: [BTW] Living Room >> Kitchen
Interacted With: @.♥Δ♥.LYDIA.♥Δ♥. @Pasiphae @Tarieles
Mentioned: @CynderTheDragoness

Cassie had already freshened up, taken her shower, and done some simple make up for the day. The brunette was seated in the living room, in one of the many comfy chairs. Her long black/brunette hair was puffed. She was wearing a white sleeveless top, along with a light brown leather jacket over it. From the waist down, she was wearing maroon jeans, along with her ankle high grey boots. While some from the pack were in the kitchen, prepping food, lunch, anything to pass the time, she was instead, flipping through pages of a vogue magazine. One leg crossed over the other, while leaned back against the chair, she had a habit of rocking her leg ever so slightly back and forth.

She was slightly humming a melody unintentionally, and the TV was on as well. Or rather, Cassie was the one to turn it on, yet the woman was half-heartedly paying any attention to it. After a moment or through she sighed. Nothing in the magazine was interesting, not to her anyway. Why was a vogue magazine even in the house to begin with? She pondered, but since it was nothing but a trivial matter, she brushed it off.

Despite not paying attention to the TV 100%, she eventually caught something on it. The news channel was on and a reporter was relaying information about some constant but repeated animal attacks somewhere in New Orleans. "Animal attacks?" She whispered to herself, as her blue eyes diverted their attention towards the TV. She slowly closed the magazine before placing it on the table before her. Keeping her eyes glued on the black box before her, more information was relayed. Apparently, a couple was caught and their throats where shredded. There was more information but by now, she did not really give it much thought.

Both the Black Torch Walkers and the Dawnchild was not the only packs out there in the world, perhaps there were some in New Orleans as well. 'Lets hope they actually are animal attacks.' She curiously hoped. Changing the channel, she decresed the volume on the TV and placed the controller on the table. Glancing about, the lovely Blaize was no where to be seen. Well, it was not like Cassie kept tabs on the woman.

The woman wanted to go out and do something productive. It seemed like almost everyone in the pack was occupied with something. It is a big family and something the Lockhart woman is all too happy to be a part of. Cassie could hear some bantering here and there in the kitchen, and decided to be a part of it. If nothing else could occupy her for now, she could perhaps drag one of the brothers out for example. A smile was plastered on her plum lips before she stood up and made her way to the kitchen.

The delta noticed Drew with a raw steak, which was not surprising. She divulged herself in it despite the taste it had in its raw form. However, once one was a wolf, eating them was a piece of cake, but in human form for Cassie, that was a no-go. If she tried, she'd almost if not puke constantly. The feeling is just awful. Just thinking about that while looking over at Drew almost made her nauscious, as it shivered through her spine. Cassie eventually noticed Keno extending a bag of chips to both Dia and Drew, and thats where she popped in, snatching the bag of chips and walking past the rest. "I'll have some, thanks. My dearest Keno.." She teased, chuckling ever so slightly.

Leaning against the wall, she helped herself with the bag of chips. "I'd eat that.." She nodded towards Drew. "But it looks like Drew got her hands all over it... And it's raw.." She slightly groaned at the end. She could see the almost but grumpy expression on Drew's face. Since the kitchen was not so far away from the living room, Cassie did hear the reason behind that expression.

"Don't you worry, love." She began, glancing over at Dia and Alianne. "It's not like I was out hunting either. So, you're not alone there." She finished, though this time, she used her lovely british accent. Drew was not the only one.

"Where's your brother, Keno? He couldn't handle the smell of raw meat? Or was it Drew and the meat he couldn't handle." The woman referred to the raw meat, obviously, and still in a teasing way. Well, she was making a joke or two, but there were small hints of truth here and there. All of the pack members knew one another quite well.
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