Halloween Songs~

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How about some spookiness!

Let's list down soundtracks that makes you think of Halloween~

Here is one of my own:

A lot of Voltaire comes to mind for me. .___.

Enjoy. :3

Also, the traditional songs like
Monster Mash
Ghostbuster's Theme
Devil Went Down To Georgia.
I sang Monster Mash on my highschool play XD It was weird but fun!

Here is another one!~~~
Well is not a song, but it sure gives me goosebumps!

So many!~

Obviously This Song!!!!!!!!
This is a good start for any Halloween compilation.

Which gives me an idea...

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/y3lndvRhS_M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This too ofc

Yes... ideas galore. This should be fun...

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cUgvSCYnbhM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This is a video of my ska band back home playing a cover of The Monster Mash with me singing from last year. I was dressed as a mummy on vacation. I love me some halloween :P

Damnit Ima see if I can load up my vid of me singing that song!Muawahaha
There are no musical numbers that remind me of Halloween per se as it is not celebrated that much in my home country, but if there is one track that always makes me think of mysterious places and ghost stories, it is this one, which comes with an assortment of creepy pictures:

Mmmm.... marilyn Manson! :DD! *drools*
A lot of Voltaire comes to mind for me. .___.


<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OqxcYNfP_go" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A lot of Voltaire comes to mind for me. .___.

Enjoy. :3

Also, the traditional songs like
Monster Mash
Ghostbuster's Theme
Devil Went Down To Georgia.

HOMAHGAWD, I absolutely LOVE Voltaire! :D <3
I love STG and Nightmare Revisited. So, here. :3

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UyugeCMrAXo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Sorry, I couldn't get the video code thingybob to work. :/ How do I do that, again?

At the bottom of the video on Youtube, click the "Share" button. When the link spawns under that, there should be a button labeled "Embed." Click it, copy the text in the text box, and paste it over here. Wipe hands on pants.

Also, a little surprised this hasn't been posted yet:

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sOnqjkJTMaA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
At the bottom of the video on Youtube, click the "Share" button. When the link spawns under that, there should be a button labeled "Embed." Click it, copy the text in the text box, and paste it over here. Wipe hands on pants.

Also, a little surprised this hasn't been posted yet:

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sOnqjkJTMaA" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="480" width="640"></iframe>

I LOVE YOU! :3 <3