Heavy Is The Crown

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Lochlynn presses an imperceptible gentle pat or push on Helena's back with the shadows while glowering toward Felicia from within his shroud. "Come, cousin, let us extend Tristan's invitations to Lezek Arcule. Perhaps we can find more civilized and conscientious company there. Do, please, join us, Lybar Wolfgang; I would talk more of our uncle's strategies for peace with you, if you would do us the honor," pointedly not addressing Felicia while his hood points right at her and without offering even a farewell or goodbye.
The Meeting

As Hilda finishes speaking, Imperus glances her way for s bare moment, before their attention more clearly encompasses the entire table.
"Well said, Dellebron Hilda," They say, and Hilda has the distinct sense she's just walked into a trap. "I would charge each of you with a related duty, and as Hilda has so aptly noted, this should be an obligation of our station rather than something so vulgar as a business endeavour. But before I do so, to address Hulbrad Edel's request - I would request that you work with Houses Lybar and Dellebron in reaching and safely excavating the wreckage of our daughter's holdfast."

Imperus lays out a reconstruction plan - Lezek to maintain law and order, Dellebron to maintain trade routes, Lybar to combat the famine and plagues still wracking the land, Olimak to hunt down dissidents and monsters, and Yrva to decommission the weapons of war.
Even now there is a construct built by Hecate sympathisers sitting a crater in eastern Circle, of an unknown but no doubt sinister purpose.

"There are other matters we must address. While most ongoing battles are ended, Kroms and Kaer are certain to resume their direct conflict within the year. I have received concerning reports about the Awakened Wood spreading beyond its historical confines. And of course, there are going to be squabbles over territory between the mortals - but that, at least, we can be poised to deal with as it happens."

Imperus spreads their talons.
"Has anyone further claims or queries?"

The Party

Lybar Pius' teeth seem to grow longer as he glares silently at Felicia. The Inquisitors in another part of the room are watching with varying degrees of derision, curiosity, and caution - you notice a couple reach for weapons they don''t have.
"A fine suggestion," Wolfgang agrees, "perhaps we can alight on happier topics - for example, I hold that an excellent way to train any animal is to give it no attention for bad behaviour..."
He''s already offering both elbows to gently lead you both away when Helena's discarded dress begins to... squirm.
There's a brooch, left by her mother, still tangled in the fabric.

And then, very suddenly, without any clear or sane explanation, the spectre of Hulbrad Adelines stands with the stained dress around her ankles.

The room is still and tense with shock at this apparition, and the black-clad staff are surreptitiously standing in such a pattern as to control exits, to surround this apparent ghost, yet no weapons are in evidence. The Inquisition for their part have quickly arranged themselves as if anticipating a brawl.
Hulbrad Adeline

It had been a beautiful day, what a shame.

Adeline had decided against breakfasting in her suite, the day was growing into itself with vigor. Far too lovely to spend inside, even if it had been inside the sanctum of their room deep within the sprawling Hulbrad Manor. Cassius was out in the Shadynsea anyways, no doubt muttering over rocks and gallivanting around with the few mortals who inhabited that crimson ether. The thought brought a smile to her face as she dismissed a maid, choosing to dress herself instead. She'd be breakfasting in the gardens this morning, hoping to check on the more exotic plants she'd acquired last month. Or was it last week? It didn't matter either way.

Selecting a delightfully sharpish grey double breasted tailcoat with skirt and boots to match, Adeline took her time to enjoy the quiet of a morning spent alone. It was as if the day had already inhaled and was savoring the taste of the day to come before exhaling.

Half marching, half skipping, and half waltzing her way out into the labyrinthine hallways, Adeline moved as usual, at her own pace. Before too long, she'd reached an exterior door located just against the edge of the Gardens. Exiting into the sweet smelling air, Adeline took a moment to enjoy it all.

Reaching into the depths of her nearest pocket, she withdraws a long, thin pipe. Deftly lighting the prepacked instrument with the utmost of ease, she waits a brief moment before inhaling deeply.

A small butterfly drifted lazily towards her, Adeline instinctively reaching out for it. Oddly enough the creature was made of paper and upon touching her palm unfolded. Holding the smoke in her mouth she read the curious note.


Her brow had enough time to furrow before time itself simply stopped. A vague awareness overtook her consciousness. Only just able to realize something had put her in this state, likely something she'd done to herself, her mind wasn't able to respond quickly enough to make anything out of it. Her mind slipped into torpor and was sinking deeper into nothingness when she popped back into being.

Onlookers could see her form slowly materialize. Spectral form solidifying into a statuesque form then color bleeding in before life returned to her eyes. Adeline exhales a cloud of smoke from a now extinct plant that once inhabited a wonderful garden now vaporized and placed at the bottom of a lake of ink.

Blinking around her, figures seem to register finally. Infernals it seemed, at first glance, but only one catching her eye.

"Helena dear...have you been crying?"

Adeline steps forth towards her daughter, left foot dragging the dress along with her as it remained as unnoticed as the crumpled message still in her grip.

As the Dragon has been speaking, Tristan has been amending his map, noting the borders of the old Hulbrad lands, the extent of the lands they must cede at the end of one year, marking the most important routes, and (mentally only, without marking the map) recalling the closest woods and quarries to the rock of Cassius.

Stone. Wood. Chain.

Tools will be a concern.

Tristan looks back to Imperus.

"I shall request a formal contract with the newly established Inquisition, to hold secondary copies of treaties between the Houses. If what you desire is a force external to us, to police our excesses, then they may also begin to build a body of...precedent."

He glances to his side, and murmurs softly to Edel. "Have you any other concerns?"

Already dabbing her eyes with a hankerchief and patting her chest and neck to relieve the redness, she forcibly wrangles her emotions and appearance back into check.
Her entourage of newly aquired concerned cousins seemed to have done better than she expected. Lezek Arcule in the awaiting wings, Wolfgang being taken up in his offered elbow with a simpering smile and fluttering of heavily tear-beaded eyes and a gentle pat of Lochlynn's shoulder a squeeze of reassurance left to hang.

Then... this.

She had turned curiously to see what on earth everyone was so concerned about, only to see the vision of someone so very familiar enter her field of vision.
Her face journey was something spectacular to behold.
Roiling from confusion, to alarm, to dismay, panic, irritation, overwhelming sadness, then plain, flat po-faced dissaproval.
Like witnessing somone going through the 5 stages of grief in the span of eleven seconds.

"... fffff-UCK..."

A half second glance over the other Ascended, lingering over the Dellebron for a barest fraction longer, and Edel simply inclines her head.

"No, Honored Elder, your work is exemplary," she whispers back softly.

It is likely that he can see the clenching of her hands, hidden beneath the table, and the tightness around her eyes.
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Dellebron Hilda

Gnarled tongued darting out from her teeth, Hilda wets her lips, fingers once again rolling a staccato across the wooden tabletop.

"I defer to your magnanimity towards the Unascended, and thank you for yours towards us in allowing us such responsibility," she explains, before throwing a look towards her son.

"And truthfully, regarding the late Witch Queen's holdings, a task unrelated to the sea and her fruits would be good for Cines," continues Hilda offhandedly, Cines himself blanching with her words. "I shall send him to aid in it wherever he can,"

He opens his mouth, likely to protest, only to be quietened by a single harsh look from his mother.

Dellebron Felicia

A half step back, a hand grasping at hilt that is not there, a disdain that only deepens. Felicia's growing sneer towards Helena twists into a snarl at the sudden appearance.

"The fuck is this!?" she snaps, every line of her body rigid, coiled and ready.
Hulbrad Adeline

A fleeting, if prominent, look of concern appears in tandem with Helena's show of twisting emotion. Adeline already knowing something terrible either was happening or did happen or may possibly happen again. But based on the inaction individuals were taking in regards to her sudden and likely surprising appearance, Adeline knew Helena would be safe for the next few minutes so she could probably pause to think about things for a moment.

By the decor and architecture around her, she'd likely materialized in The Ashen Palace. A poor start for her as Imperus didn't seem to be the sort to enjoy surprise guests but the Djuke had always been fair in the past to her House and a truthful explanation would carry her further than any attempt at fleeing.

What had actually happened? Adeline reaching inside her coat to retrieve a pre loaded pipe, lighting it quickly while she pondered. Inhaling deeply, she glances down by chance toward the note in her hand. The tight, almost rigid in its fluidity, handwriting made her acutely aware who the warning was from. If she'd gotten a warning the way she did, it was likely that the situation was dreadfully dire.

Helena was her second biggest clue into what was going on. If something had gotten her to the Ashen Palace and out of her world traveling torpor, then it was something that had directly impacted her immediate family and not just the House As a whole.

As for the expressions fliting across the face of her child, Adeline could surmise that her presence wasn't expected in the slightest, meaning that she was likely presumed missing or possibly dead when combined with the note of warning. Helena, while often dramatic and far too invested in whatever trauma had afflicted itself on her privileged life, was not the sort to spill her emotions out quickly and all at once, she needed to paint a scene for everyone and to draw out the show in dramatic fashion. This blurting blunt response was worrying. Some of the joy was also gone from the face of her artist. She looked as if the ordeal she'd gone through had been taking quite some time to pass through. She could almost feel the grief on her, cloying and thick. Adeline's heart wrenched at the thought of her daughter having had to experience whatever she was going through.

There was also the lack of her family around her. Her eyes almost missed Lochlynn, as was likely his intent, but Cassius wasn't present and if his daughter was in the midst of something like this, he would have been. She quickly counted up quite a few of her cousins, some familiar, some distant but of her House there was scant representation.

Fuck indeed.

"Helena, my painted doll..."Adeline puffs her words out, stepping towards her. "Where is our family. Where is your sister and father? I was just in our Home moments ago and now I stand on display before our cousins?"

Adeline had already formulated a theory on what might have happened but it was too depressing to travel down that path. So she wouldn't. Not until she was given more information on what the situation was.