Help Wanted {Chello & Kitty}

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"Good to know," Della responded. "Let's just hope he stays busy for a while and doesn't start paying attention to you." As they continued to walk and eventually found a road, Della grinned. "Oh, this is great! We'll be on our way to a village in no time. We got so lucky, it could've taken us all day to find a village," she said with a laugh. "Can god's run pretty fast? I'll race you to the village!" she suddenly exclaimed.

Loki smiled, he was thankful that they found a road now their journey will be a little bit easier. "I can its just that I probably shouldn't run right now on the account of my ribs, how about a rain check?" Loki asked with a smile as he led the way to the road.
The young woman felt her face heat up, blushing in embarrassment. "S-Silly me, I forgot all about your injury. Jeez, how insensitive of me," she mumbled, rubbing the back of her head for a moment. Sometimes, without realizing it, Della made silly comments. Quickly trying to change the subject to quell her embarrassment she said, "When we get to town, where should we go first?"
"It is okay really, no need to feel embarrassed." Loki assured her, "we should probably get something to eat first and then restock on our supplies." He responded as they continued on, the village was quiet and small but should be big enough to get everything they need. Though as they were walking Loki was getting some strange looks, "everyone is staring at me."
Della walked into the village with Loki, looking around with excitement. "Right, let's make sure to get everything we need before leaving! I'd hate to forget something important." She paused, however, when Loki mentioned everyone was staring at him. "It must be to do with your clothing," she told him. "Not everyone dresses the way you do. Do you think maybe we should buy you something different to wear? So that you'll blend in a little more?" she asked.
(It is all good.)

Loki looked down at his clothing, "that maybe a good idea. I really don't want to draw too much attention to myself, and besides these clothes are starting to look a bit dirty." Loki responded he looked around to find a clothing merchant, "there is a merchant over there why don't I get some clothes first and then we can continue with what we need to do." He added before walking over to the stand, Loki looked at the different outfits he finally decided on a pair of black pants with a green tunic and black and gold belt keeping his black boots. He paid the merchant for the clothing and went behind a curtain to change, when he was finished he stepped out. "So what do you think, good enough to blend in?"
(It is all good.)

Loki looked down at his clothing, "that maybe a good idea. I really don't want to draw too much attention to myself, and besides these clothes are starting to look a bit dirty." Loki responded he looked around to find a clothing merchant, "there is a merchant over there why don't I get some clothes first and then we can continue with what we need to do." He added before walking over to the stand, Loki looked at the different outfits he finally decided on a pair of black pants with a green tunic and black and gold belt keeping his black boots. He paid the merchant for the clothing and went behind a curtain to change, when he was finished he stepped out. "So what do you think, good enough to blend in?"

"Good thinking, but make sure to hang onto your original garments just in case you need to wear them later," Della suggested. She folded her arms behind herself and trailed after Loki, waiting patiently for him to change. When he returned from changing, the young woman was honestly stunned by how nice he looked. "Oh, ah, you look nice." She paused for a moment after making her comment, realizing he hadn't asked her if he looked good, but if he looked good enough to blend in. She smiled sheepishly. "Oh yeah, that'll work out just fine. I guess now we should look for supplies, huh? C'mon!"

Hurrying along, Della spared a glance at some of the outfits from the clothing merchant. There were some beautiful dresses on display that she absolutely would've loved to try on. However, as a traveler, wearing a dress wasn't practical at this time. She continued on to one of the food merchants, considering what kind of food she should buy for them.

Loki nodded and placed his clothes in the bag putting it over his shoulder as they walked through the merchants he was reminded of back home, it was almost the same only the clothing and items being sold were a bit different there. Loki was starting to miss home even though he felt he didn't belong there most of the time, again he thought about how long he had been gone for and was surprised that nobody from home showed up to bring him home. Loki never really told Della that he left home on a bad note, it was Thor's birthday and everyone gloated how good he was and it was a shame that Loki turned out the way he did. In Loki's anger he caused a bit of a scene and essentially ruined his older brother's celebration.

Loki was quiet for a moment before finally speaking up, "right yes supplies are the most important thing. We really need the essentials, things that are light enough for us to carry in our journey. And we should eat something hearty before venturing off again that way we can survive on minimal food until we reach our destination." He told her.
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