Heroics Don't Pay! (A super hero story type thing)

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Useless Goddess
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Transgender
Yuri, Magical Girl, High Fantasy, Sci-fi, Ray-gun Gothic, Mecha, Steam punk. Scifi Apocalyptic,
Aiko City, technological capital of the world and home to heroes... At least that's what the fliers say.
While it is home to super powered individuals, very few are successful heroes and most are homeless nuisances, hiding in abandoned buildings and trying to scrape together a living.
This is the story of the super humans, mutants and aliens that make up one such group.

So, I'm looking for at most four other players for this, there will be no gamemaster specifically, instead decisions will be made as a group as will the rules.

This RP is, if you couldn't tell, a story about a group of outcasts with super powers, in it, we might fight villains, rob a bank, take part in a gang war or just sit around talking depending on what everyone wants.
Interesting Thought:

What are you going to do if half your applicants decide they want to rob banks and go on murdering sprees while the others decide to be more heroic?

Additionally, if you don't mind a suggestion or something to spur your ideas, but what about the idea of their being multiple gangs of superpowered individuals vying for control of a city's underworld?
Yay two people!

If half the players go rob a bank then everyone else might choose to stop them... And we could very well end up with a brawl.

And there would be multiple gangs doing exactly that, our group is just one of the very small groups.
This is the character sheet:

Alias: (if you have one)
Species: (Mutant, human, alien. Talk to me when creating alien races)
Powers: (can have as many as you want as long as they make sense, e.g super strength and lazer eyes don't usually go together)
Origin of Powers: (alien, mutant, technology etc)

Bio: (who are they?)

Appearance: (Image and/or description)
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Name: Hachi
Alias: Queen Bee
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Alien (Nekuta)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Powers: Wing Based Flight. Hardened Skin (sub dermal carapace) Stingers on Wrists (Contain Paralyzing Toxins) Pheromone Cloud (ineffective on people who know about it) Enhanced Reflexes. Vibration Emission and Detection.
Origin of Powers: Species

Bio: Hachi is the product of a near impossible union between a human woman and a rogue queen of the bee like Nekuta Hive mind, she was born with more human aspects than Nekuta, and was unable to join the psychic link that her people share, as such she was abandoned on Earth while her human parent was taken away to become a mindless drone.

Her pheromone cloud though not as potent as full blooded queen's has helped her survive by making people want to help her, though she lacks the will power or I'll intent required to create a drone (someone who's mind has been destroyed to create a loyal servant)

Hair: Blond, shoulder length, straight.
Eyes: Golden Yellow
Body: Lithe
Skin: Slightly Tan
Height: 4.7
Extras: Membranous Wings. Retractable Stingers. Small Antennae.

Clothing: Hachi tends to wear an average length skirt and blouse with slits in the back when at home but will quickly pull on a hoodie to cover up her wings and antennae before going out.
She wears shorts under her skirt for flying.
My character, which you guys will decide whether to allow or not.
Hey, here to show interest too. I'll also put up a sheet.

Name: Henry Sladeston
Alias: Smoker
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sexuality: Gay
~Toxin Mouth - Due to his artificial throat (replaced due to severe injury), which was modified slightly for certain operations, he can emit a toxin from his mouth in the form of gasses or liquids. While he himself has become immune to its effects, to others it is very dangerous, possibly even deadly. While it can be almost instantly dangerous, it dissipates very quickly to avoid excessive collateral damages. He can also emit regular smoke and hallucinogenics. Also colored smoke, mostly for fun.
~Bionic Strength - His arms, while still mostly flesh, have been supported by augmentation, making him stronger. Maybe not strongest, but still very strong.
~Dead Nerves - His surgery had some bad effects, too, even if they can be useful. His nervous system is a bit shot; as it is, he generally doesn't feel much pain, and doesn't feel tired. His muscles will still give out and he bleeds just the same, but he won't feel it at least. This has also made him clumsy and a bit prone to injury in some cases. He's also sustained minor brain damage; luckily, the only visible sign is that he's a bit spacy and always chill.

Origin of Power: Technology

Bio: Henry was a normal kid. Not very smart, but he tried. He had friends, a family, stuff like that. Then, at the age of sixteen, he and his family were fatally injured in a car crash. Henry himself took major wounds to the throat and arms; he alone was selected to undergo an emergency surgery of radical proportions. His throat was replaced with a masterful artificial variant, and his arms from the elbow and down were also replaced.

Unfortunately, a few months after, while he was still under care, he was kidnapped. There were criminals out there who wanted people like him, and the stuff inside him. So they modified him more. They didn't know everything about what they were doing; while he did end up with a very bleeding edge toxin synthesizer in him, they mangled his artificial voice box, leaving his voice staticky like a low-quality recording. They tried putting something in his head next; that's when Henry broke out, with the help of the new toxins he had at his disposal. Now if only he could find a way to make the synthesizer really useful...

Hair: Black with a dyed streak of pink across the side, and a bit curly.
Eyes: A faded rainbow hue, a purely cosmetic adjustment he got for himself.
Body: Lean, almost like a swimmer or track runner build.
Skin: An olive tone, but a bit pale.
Height: 5'7
Extras: The front of his neck - the throat area - is a dull metal grey and obviously artificial, albeit one that almost acts exactly like skin. It goes up to his lower jaw, which it also replaced. His forearms are also obviously artificial and don't make any pretense at organicness.
Clothing: Henry prefers hoodies, ratty sneakers, and jeans. He likes to wear bright colors, but hates clashing ones. He always wears different colored laces on his shoes. While his hoodies are always long sleeved, he always rolls them up, and never tries to hide his artificial jaw/throat or arms.
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I hope this is okay :3

Name: Ava Prince
Alias: Everyone just calls her Ava.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Powers: Psychokinesis, meaning she can move items with her mind and she can levitate-(Not to be confused with flying)
Origin of Powers: Her parents both had some sort of psychic ability.

Bio: Ava was born in a small city west of Aiko. The daughter of Michael and Dana Prince, two mutants who possessed Psychokinesis as well. They raised their daughter to be independent and proud of her special abilities. She learned to control her mind with yoga, meditation, and lots of practice. Ava had a pretty normal life, she was an only child and had an adventurous nature. After she finished school she decided to move to Aiko to "find herself".


Height: 5'6
Weight: 127 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Clothing: Tight fitting pants and a t-shirt or sweater, depending on the weather. Always wears a black choker and a black hair tie incase she needs to tie her hair up.
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Its good! Now remember, if anyone has any problems with any character bring it up.
You know what? Sure!
And away we go!

Name: Hazel Harris

Alias: Hecate

Age: 22

Species: Human (Magic-enhanced)

Sexuality: Lesbian

Powers: Spellcrafting

Source of powers: Exposure to magical artifact.


Personality: Hazel is very curious, to the point of getting herself in deep trouble from poking around in things she doesn't belong in. She tends towards being a loner, especially now that she has the Black Grimoire to try to translate. However, she also has a large theatrical side.

Bio: Hazel always loved reading. Didn't matter what, the latest thriller or Renaissance classics, but she never felt complete without a book in her hands. She majored in medieval lit in college, and eventually landed a job at a rare book store after college.

One night, a customer came in wanting to sell what was clearly a very old book, with a cover of black leather. Hazel was able to identify it as being in poorly written Old English, and made the sale. As she idly flipped through it, waiting for the next customer to come in, she decided to see if she could translate the text. It turned out to be an ancient spellbook, with commentaries from some of the greatest sorcerers of all time. Merlin, Circe, and Medea, to name a few. Hazel knew that she had to do something with her powers and resolved to become a superhero.

Other: In theory, the Black Grimoire gives Hazel access to a litany of incantations and rituals, but she has to translate them first, and so far it's been slow going. She has been able to get a few simple spells, but her only combat spell right now is a small fireball.

When out heroing Hazel claims to actually be the goddess Hecate, but it's purely a shtick to feed her own ego.
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Egotistical mage? Love it!
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