Hidden War (Poldaran & Tiger Dragon)

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Ashla dropped into a heavily padded chair in the outer room of the small suite she would be sharing with her maid. It had been a long and exhausting three week journey to Woods Keep, the palace of the royal family of Renode. Despite her frustration of the slow pace of the retinue, the prince had assured her that they had made good time and kept to schedule.

She sighed, closing her eyes to the cream-colored decorations in the richly decorated suite. The distance had only been 100 leagues, something that should have taken only two days were she allowed to be herself. Though a comely human, in her true form she was a small but majestic silver dragon. She yearned to soar through open sky again, and dreamed about it frequently at night.

Perhaps she could slip away somehow and go on a ride with Gen? The childhood friend, a great golden dragon, was camped in a forest well outside the city. Too far away to call, but he had said he would fly over the city on the day she arrived, late at night so that he would not be seen.

Their traveling party had spent the night at a small inn outside the city, so that they would arrive early enough to dine the next day with the royal family. Despite the name, Woods Keep was surrounded by a large city. After several weeks of travel, even the few hours they had been on horse-back and in carriages that morning was enough to tire her.

Soon, Ashla's maid would be there to help her clean up and dress for the welcome dinner. Technically, she should be helping the Queen dress before going, but Queen Beth had her own maid, someone she preferred to her Ladies in Waiting, of which there were three. Instead, the ladies took on a more advisory role, with Queen Beth teaching them things that would help them in future marriages. Something that Ashla had no interest in, aside from the help it gave her in navigating this world of humans.

The world of humans. They were so transient. So volatile. Yet, she certainly had a fondness for most of the ones she had met. She knew not all of them were good; the impending war was proof enough of that. But overall, she liked them anyway. The adjustment to being one, however, was harder to take.

The plan was to stay at Woods Keep for about two weeks before a group from the kingdom of Renode joined their party and the moved south to Leena. There, they would hopefully be able to convince the council that ran the kingdom to band with them and forcefully stop the incursions that had begun to spread from their nation and cross the borders to the two neighboring kingdoms. Leena was a keystone to stop the war from happening.

Perhaps Ashla would even be able to figure out why the war was occurring or who was causing it. The humans had been at peace for several thousand years, with only minor occurrences of violence breaking out. Yet this war threatened to be widespread, and coincided with the prophecies a little too well. It was unlikely to be a coincidence. Fate controlled everything.

Her thoughts swirled as the comfort of the chair and exhaustion finally claimed her. She drifted to sleep, curling into the chair to get more comfortable, her feet tucked under her long traveling skirts, and her long, coppery red hair escaping from its braids to flow down her back and cover part of her face.
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Opal had a lot to attend to. Mostly getting things ready for their stay at the keep. Unpacking and making sure everything for her own misses goes where it was supposed to. The journey was just as hard for them as it was for the higher ranking, but they had to work after they stopped to get everyone settled. Opal didn't mind so much because Ashla tended to be thankful and forgiving. Opal, however, suddenly realized she had lost her time. Grabbing a dress of a few golds and greens, she rushed over to Ashla's room.

She knocked on the door before announcing herself, "I'm here. It's time to get ready miss Ashla."

Ashla struck Opal as odd when she was first assigned to her. She did things much differently than most of the other lady in waiting Opal had severed. By differently, Opal meant not normal. At first, Opal thought it was something more along the lines of a secret bandit who snuck in and was trying to act like a noble. Or a mage who disguised themselves to whisper in the ears of royalty. Or an assassin! Ok, maybe not the last one. Opal had left her imagination run away with Ashla's weirdness, but it certainly didn't prepare for what she saw one bright night.

Ashla was a dragon! Opal thought she was going to faint on the spot. It took a lot of explaining and a very long night chat, but Opal came to understand that she wasn't a feral beast. Though why Ashla was here, Opal was still a bit confused on. Nonetheless, Opal felt a little closer to Ashla then she had felt to anyone else while working there.

Opening the door, Opal ushered in and saw Ashla laying in the chair looking more than just half asleep, "You'd think dragons were sturdier travelers. Look at you! We need to prep you up. It's dinner time soon. Here, I got you the green dress."

Opal unfolded the dress and laid it out on the back of one of the unused chairs for Ashla to give her opinion on, "I think your makeup ended in this bag." Opal said, practically tearing a bag open to dig through and find makeup.

"Did you even bath?" Opal asked offhandedly as she gathered things to get Ashla ready.
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Ashla started at the soft knock at the door. She blinked sleepily as Opal started bustling around the room, trying to shake away the dream she had been having of roasted wheat grass on a cool autumn night. Still dressed in her travel dress, she guiltily got up and started unbuttoning the long row of buttons down the front.

"Sorry, Opal, I haven't done anything. Not that I could, I can't get out of these layers without you." Ashla smiled to herself. The first time she had met Opal, she had been attempting to get out of the stays of her dress by herself, and failing miserably. The old woman who had "adopted" Ashla had helped her put on the clothing, but she hadn't realized she wouldn't be able to take it off on her own. To Opal's credit, she had taken one look at Ashla's fumbling and jumped in to help her. It had been the first of many events to built Opal's suspicions of her.

Ashla made a face at the makeup Opal was removing from the bag. She still didn't understand the necessity of wearing such a thing. Of course, she still didn't understand the concept of clothing either, other than as a temperature control measure. While her natural form might have been cold blooded, they had other ways of warming themselves, and these humans had thin skin.

"The green dress is fine, you know better than I do what I should be wearing."
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"No time to really warm it up and relax. I'll warm it up for you tonight, but we need to do a quick wash now then." Opal said, finishing her preparations and turning to see Ashla was struggling to get out of the harder parts of the dress. She started to work the laces in the back as Ashla had worked the front, "Just a quick wash. Skil the hair. Too much to dry." Opal said.

Once Ashla was naked, Opal shook out the dress and laid it on the back of the chair Ashla was laying in moments before, "Next time you lay down, you should do so in a proper bed. They say if you don't lay properly when you sleep, your bones will grow wrong!" Opal explained as she put her hands in a small wooden tub to test the waters. It was cold, but there was not a lot they could do about that. Not enough time, anyway.

"I'm sorry Ashla. I shouldn't have lost track of time." Opal apologized finally.
"My bones will grow wrong?" Ashla asked, amused. She began winding the hair that had fallen out of her braids atop her head to keep it out of the water. "I didn't know my bones were still growing."

Ashla hissed a sharp intake of breath as she stepped into the cool water, quickly sitting and going to work with the bar of soap and cloth Opal had laid out for her to clean with. "You have no reason to be sorry, Opal. I know how much is expected of you, unlike some others. A cold bath won't kill me." She rinsed the soap off and used the cloth to give her face a wash. Then she stood, shivering, waiting for Opal to bring her a towel to dry with. She wrapped her arms around herself, less out of modesty than to try and conserve what little body heat she could. "You'll have to fix my hair. Is it fashionable here to put it up, or could we just braid it and leave it down?"
"Of course! How big do dragons even get?" Opal asked as she started to dry Ashla furiously, both to give her some warmth back and to try and dry her off quickly. At least they got the sweat from their travels off of her, "Of course, updos are all the talk right now. All the ladies are doing so. But perhaps we should do a little bit of both? I braid it into a twist, but leave it low on your head." Opal suggested happily. When Ashla was dry, Opal went to go get her dress. With a lot of wiggling, adjusting and tightening, Ashla was fitting into the long green dress.

"So? I heard the prince is cute. I know you got your lover in the mountain tops, but humor me with some girl talk." Opal said as she sat Ashia down. She pulled the dragon turned woman's hair down and to start running the brush through her hair. Opal, being a servant, go to hear all kinds of things. After all, often times their lords and ladies don't think much when other servants around. They were more concerned with other nobles. Though, the physical attributes of another noble weren't exactly juicy gossip. But if Ashia asked for it, Opal would try and gather it for her.
"How big? About 400 hands, by human measure," Ashla replied, as Opal helped her dry and dress.

The dragon sat down and allowed Opal to make her magic on her hair. Ashla still felt the amount of hair she had as a human was excessive, but Opal assured her time and again that the long length a desirable trait in a human.

"The prince? Really, Opal, be serious," she chuckled. "What use have I for a human relationship like that? Unless it would somehow help... whatever it is I'm looking for." Ashla fell silent. Perhaps the fatigue of the trip and stolen her positive attitude, but she couldn't help but feel melancholy.
"If not you, how about me?" Opal said cheekily, fluffing her hair after she had finished braiding. She started to wrap them on the back of Ashla's head in a small bun, pinning the braids and letting the rest flow down her back. Opal grabbed the makeup next and pulled several brushes and powders down on the table next to her. Opal then turned back around and looked at Ashla again, "You never did tell me. Why are you here?" Opal asked the young lady in waiting.

While waiting for the answer, Opal started to brush a foundation onto Ashla's face. Over this long journey, Opal really has grown fond of Ashla. Ashla was better in a lot of respects and quite the fresh breath of air from the other nobles. However, Opal tried to train Ashla to fit in better despite the fact she liked the bite in the woman. Opal guessed she should have found out why Ashla was here before she had taken the dragon under her own metaphorical wing, but Ashla didn't seem malicious. Although Opal didn't think she was an amazing judge of character, she didn't think she was a terrible judge either.
Ashla sighed. "I wish I knew. I'm just following a prophecy, 'Only as the surface wingless may the red stained shimmer find the bridge which is sought.'" She tried to stay mostly still for Opal to apply the makeup. "So, I'm looking for a bridge. Of some sort. But not a physical bridge, something that represents a bridge? I don't know. If you see a bridge I should investigate, let me know. For now, I'm just along for the ride."

She fell silent again as Opal worked on the details of her makeup. It had been a struggle for Opal, at first, to get Ashla to allow Opal to put any makeup her. But, in time, Ashla had relented. Opal made a convincing argument; all of the women of the court wore makeup, it would look odd if Ashla did not.
"Well, I can see what I find out!" Opal said. She didn't know the area very well, but if it was strange things or gossip, well, she could definitely find out. She wanted to help Ashla more and more as she grew to know her. Someone who was here for the greater good of something beyond them. Somehow, that was an exciting thought! Opal could possibly be part of some world-saving adventure. Sounds dangerous. Maybe not TOO involved.

Finished up with the makeup, Ashla now had a light enough layer to highlight the most likely parts of Ashla's face. "There you go, mistress." Opal almost said mistress in a very formal way. "All dolled up for the royal family. You should be ready." Opal looked up and gave a small sigh of relief, "And with a little time to spare." She noted. "You look beautiful as always."