High School DXD - Pride Before the Fall

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Gundam Meister
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Mecha, Superhero, Anime, Adventure, Magical
It has been many, many years since the war between Devils, Fallen Angels, and the servants of God. In the on slaughter many precious lives on both sides were lost. The war lasted decades and had lasting repercussions for all sides. The Fallen Angels losing many of their members, The Angels losing many of their servants and among them some of their finest generals, and the Devils lost the most having been penned in from both sides between the aforementioned servants of god. The Devils follow Lucifer (House Gremory), Beelzebub (House Astaroth), Leviathan (Sitri), and Asmodeus (Glasya-Labolas) families. So many of the families and armies were lost in the conflict and thus the power balance shifted drastically allowing these families to come out on top after the wars and into modern day. The nobles have risen into a higher state then the rest of the demons and have grown in power, especially House Gremory their head being the lord of all devils. With the rise in Church power throughout the centuries, the formation of the Paladins of Saint Michael the eyes of the devil's have been focused on from recruiting to survival. Likewise the increasing amounts of stray priests/devils, and fallen angels have also caused many of the angels to look to themselves. In their absence a few minor families have recruited more pieces too their chess boards. Some even with divine gear.

However while they squabbled they have not noticed something...a particular something. A group of devils reforming in secrecy. Under the long thought dead clan of House Marax, reformed into House Nightblood at the whim of their newest king. Though the blood line has been diluted over the years due to a mixture of human blood their line still remains strong and they have garnered the assistance of a couple more of their old vassals allowing the new king to live in comfort while still maintaining his presence. Masquerading as a nobody clan Nightblood has now been preparing to make their presense known to their fellow devils and reclaim their spot in the hierarchy of the clans. Though the king calls himself 'Prince' he still believes that he himself has much work to be done before he is truly worthy of that title. He finds himself in East Kuoh (due to lack of a canon city name) Japan. The goal is to reclaim what is lost though his vassals may have other goals entirely....


1. All standard roleplay rules apply, power playing, meta gaming, and other such are all enforced.
2. No One liners. The basic post should be at least a paragraph and a half if possible. Sometimes really big posts are impossible yes but do try.
3. Characters are expected to be fairly fleshed out in the bio any secrets or what have you that you don't want to let go in the bio or character please send me a private message.
4. Please make your character fit the bill. I.E If you're a knight then please play the knight as a highly talented and skilled individual who can fight people in combat. Bishops shouldn't be able to take on the queen without some sort of advantage.
5. Divine Gear needs to be asked for and pre-approved by me.
6. Dragons are not allowed with the acception of high and low dragons.
7. Half bloods are allowed but mixed bloods of two different races other than human (I.e Angel and Fallen Angel, Devil/Fallen Angel, etc) are not allowed.


There are currently two people interested in this rp as it is a carry over from a mostly dead rp that unfortunately ran into bad luck.
I have some interest But I have ? Will there be the use of artificial sacred gear and will there be other factions from the other mythology .
No artificial sacred gears are planned at the moment. Other religious factions outside of Christianity will be involved but not the main focus.
So this is a storyline starting like at very beginning of dxd
Somewhat but not exactly. None of us are actually in high school unless you make it so, and we're not exactly a well off house.
Ok I'm interested but can I have an artificial specific artificial sacred gear not at the beginning but a little ways into the story!
I'm honestly not sure how you'd get it. We're going to be out looking for ways to rank up household wise not looking for special artifact. I can consider it but nothing more than that.
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