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[fieldbox= Leo Kane, #666699, solid]


[December 25th, Midnight / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Teacher's Office]

The news that it was now offically christmas was somewhat unsettling to Leo. It seemed every year he started the special day in a place less approriate and that it seemed to matter less to everyone around him. This was hardly the time or place to sulk about things like this. But it still seemed sad to him, Christmas was always a huge thing in his eyes. Especially as a child back at home. He suppose some things really did just fade away. He wondered when that happened.

"...That man's either misinformed or lying about him being hacked. I'm certain of it....his chip didn't respond to mine at all. But I've definitely seen his face here at school, he's definitely a student."

He sighed. So he was probably lying, which didn't actually change much when one thought about it. If the stranger still wanted to resolve this with peace, then the method didn't much matter.

"We also can't overlook the fact he just plowed through those guys whom had been patrolling out there. I don't like how well timed the appearance of this person's guardian is. But, if he really wants to end this peacefully, then he must certainly know that whatever else he might try to pull will have his face and that boy's attached to it now that we've seen him. So, we can hope it'll end peacefully, maybe."

"That sounded like something you would say actually. Gross."

"I'm taking that as a compliment." Leo smiled softly. "More people should take to it"

God, he just hoped that this scenario would end. It seemed like it would, which would be a nice change of pace from potentially being murdered just five minutes ago.

His world had turned somewhat ridiculous hadn't it. He wondered when that happened as well.

He supposed it never hit as hard as it should due to everything always happening so fast. Things seeming so important only to vanish into the thin air in a space of a day. Now this school was even gone. Just like that. What was stable?

Glancing at Kokoro, he wondered if he was a fool to think that even that would stay. He had to try nevertheless. Her and every other connection.

Something fell into Kokoro's lap. If she looked down, she would find it a small box with a intricate bow. "You're supposed to give gifts today. Or, tonight I suppose. Make people happy and such. I was gonna wait till, you know, an appropiate time. Or at least, something that isn't right now. But...I dunno. It was poking me in the stomach so...there."

Leo slumped to the floor.

"It seemed a hassle to wait."

Timing and meaning only ever seemed to hold him back anyway. In the end, he just did whatever he wanted to really.

And somewhere along the way he wanted to help people. Whenever that would be was unknown to him.

"Hah...." his future prospects seemed a bit of a mystery. He knew what he wanted to protect. Who he cared for, which was what drove him. But aside from that...he was a bit confused. There wasn't a great wave of emotion. No great wall of hate and fear. Still things to do. Great problems if he looked. But for him? He would have to look. To go out of his way.

He smiled to himself.

That was nice.

"Happy Christmas, Kokoro."

[fieldbox=, white, solid]
[December 25th, Midnight / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, First Floor Hallways]

That person was quite fast. Their combat skills were certainly well honed.

All Yuri could immediately think of was it was no surprise that the guard outside were pushed through so easily, with someone like this. Still, Yuri shared the same wish to have this debacle come to an end without any more injuries, so getting the two out and on their way was the priority.

Under watch, of course.

"You'll be escorted out of this property under guard and let back out onto the street." Yuri said, answering the inquest for further action from Taigi's guardian. "Considering you didn't actually hurt anyone coming in here, we'll forget the commotion you caused getting in here."

"That is acceptable, right?"

[December 24th, Evening / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Teacher's Office]

Outside, the assailent had been taken down by an unlikley person. Yuri and the rest of the security detail seemed to be arranging to have them leave peacefully.

But, maybe the biggest surprise was the profoundly ill timed gifting. Kokoro could only look down at the peculiar looking gift before her. That, and Happy Christmas.

"...Hmph. You're such a turn off. Leo Kane. But, at least you tried. Merry Christmas, Leo."

From the wording, Leo felt a bit more like he was being scolded than having his holiday greetings being returned.
Kokoro picked up the dainty package, at first looking like she was about to open it. Instead, she set it to her side.

"I don't think It's appropriate for me to open this without giving you a gift in return, either. So, um... Could you just close your eyes? Please?"

In the background, the guards watching over the two was visibly torn between keeping an eye on the situation outside and what was unfolding right behind them.


[fieldbox= Leo Kane, #666699, solid]


[December 24th, Evening / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Teacher's Office]

"...Hmph. You're such a turn off. Leo Kane. But, at least you tried. Merry Christmas, Leo."

He couldn't help but feel scolded about giving the gift, wasn't really unexpected to be honest.

"I don't think It's appropriate for me to open this without giving you a gift in return, either. So, um... Could you just close your eyes? Please?"

Leo furrowed his brows, "Uh, sure." He closed his eyes.

Why did he have to close his eyes? When did Kokoro suddenly have a gift for him? Hell, even his heart was getting a little antsy.

"If this is a prank I will not be amused."

[fieldbox= Narita Taigi, grey, solid]

[December 25th, Midnight / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, First Floor Hallways]

Kenta tried his hardest to keep himself from looking surprised. He was sure he was a bit hands on with some of the students while he was trying to get here and that Taigi would be held for interrogation, but he didn't question it; no need to put oil on a fire or look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Ah, I am deeply grateful."

Kenta did a light bow and made for the exit while being escorted by a couple of students.


To Kenta's surprise nothing dramatic happened. When they reached the street, the students left him while walking backwards towards the school, keeping their eyes on him. Kenta smirked and shook his head.

"Dogs aren't cute at all…"

[Taigi's Home]


Taigi slowly blinked and placed a hand on chest, still feeling the lingering effects of Kenta's strike.

"Merry Christmas."

Taigi turned his head to see Kenta peeling apples and arranging them on a plate.

"Mah, weird that you got off just like that. I guess that's your Christmas present?"

Taigi didn't respond but looked up at the ceiling instead. Several minutes passed without words being exchanged, until Taigi finally broke the silence.

"You going to tell me how you managed to fin-"

Taigi sighed and chuckled. He had Kenta as a bodyguard to incapacitate him in the case he got hacked, and it partially worked. In the frenzied state he was in, he might as well have been hacked.

"I failed. Failed to even mark those two bastards. Failed to protect my friends. How do I proceed?"
"Live a fulfilling life without trying to get revenge and let the police handle it."
"Easy for you to say. What would you have done if your wife were killed and you knew who murdered her?"
"That won't happen. What sort of question is that bocchan?"
"Answer the question."

Kenta picked up an apple slice and chewed on it slowly. After swallowing the rest, he spoke.

"Bocchan you aren't fair. Ryuu-kun and Michio-kun wouldn't want you to do this, right?"
"They're both kind, so I'd like to say no. But the only ones that would know the answer to that question are dead. But having the Mikado continue to run rampant like this will only create more victims. So that these tragedies won't continue, I need to put an end to them."
"Bocchan, that's not the real reason and we both know it."
"I can't fool you. Ultimately, it's just my selfishness and desire for vengeance. I'll live for revenge. It won't bring them back. Will you stop me?"
"If you're going to attack them head on like that, then yes."
"No, I'm not going to do such a foolish thing twice. Thank you for stopping me there. I won't lose myself to emotions again. If I want revenge, I must have a calm mind. And…"

Taigi got up and walked to the restroom. He picked up the straight razor Kenta used and casually slashed a line from his left temple to his cheek.

"This is my punishment. Punishment for losing them."

Taigi didn't properly treat his wound but let the blood dry, hoping it would form a scar. So that whenever he woke up and looked into the mirror, he would remember his failure.


I left my home and walked outside. After the antics I pulled, I wasn't surprised that Kenta followed. I looked up at the sky. Partially obscured by the clouds, the moon was glowing in a pale light similar to a giant firefly's. I stared at it and promised myself.

I will live on.

Even if this path leads to ruin.

I will live on.

With a part of me torn away, I will continue to live on.

I will keep that vow hidden in my chest, and continue to live on with an imperfect heart.
[fieldbox=, white, solid]
[December 24th, Evening / Hisakawa Academy, Main School Building, Teacher's Office]

"....The intruders have left the premisis. Do we have an eta on the extract?"

"About ten minutes."
"The snow's forcing some detours and..."

"Don't get so confident."

With eyes shut, Leo could hear Kokoro slowly shuffling her way closer to him.
He then felt the presence of her being right beside him.
And then the warmth, and weight eased on his shoulder.

Leo opened his eyes to Kokoro, resting her head warmly against his shoulder. The weight on him felt so light and dainty.

His heart was refusing to slow down.
Kokoro's eyes steadily met his.

Come to think of it.
Was that it?
He was a little disappointed actually.

"It might be minuscule, but I've decided to put a little bit of trust in you. All things considered, it seemed like you managed to pull off something with it, at least. So, next Christmas, when we can actually do something more appropriate, I expect that you'll get your head together.

Because I'll be abusing you quite thoroughly.

So you'd better be prepared, Okay?"

A small amused curve formed on Kokoro's lips. Most amazingly, it was so nostalgic to see.

The added weight Kokoro had put on his shoulder felt heavy. Indeed, Kokoro harbored a massive responsibility going forward. Without a doubt her years with the Mikado had changed her.

But, the small glimmer he saw in that smile made Leo made it clear to him that the girl who he'd left behind in that clubroom was still there, waiting for him to come back. So that they could meet once again and move forward together.

The promise he had make to Umeko that day could finally be fulfilled. He only had to do the same thing he always had done.

Get dragged around by this woman with outrageous expectations.

That was easy enough.



[fieldbox= Kyouko Himura, #3DA3C2, solid]

[ December 24th, Evening / Town of Hisakawa, Ramen Shop -> Outside of Ramen Shop ]
Kyouko Himura wondered if, after all the losses she had gone through, her heart lost something, too? Even behind closed doors, safe of any prying eyes, the amount of tears she used to shed for her lost comrades were at a minimum compared to the past.

Yes, something had changed indeed - even before the catastrophic visit to the hot springs. It wasn't like she felt any less sad about losing a childhood friend like Ayame. It wasn't even about that, once again, she was anything but useful.

Kyouko Himura was, in a sense, in a weird state of acceptance. Nothing could bring back the dead. If anything, those people being dead for good gave her more piece of mind than the missing Maid or the in coma lying Misheru.

Her everyday life was shattered. All the blonde could do now was pick up the pieces and put them back together again. She swore to herself to never give up. She was done swallowing way too long in self-pity. She wouldn't do 'this and that' for those that have died. She would do whatever she had to do for those that were still by her side.

This were, in fact, Kyouko's honest feelings. No lies she told herself to be the truth.

In fact, her resolve to do something was only strengthened, after what felt like an eternity, she finally managed to see Sagawa again. A reward in itself. Nothing had changed at all. As long as Kyouko was alive, as long as the meat-bun lover was still drawing breath, nothing was too late.

Despite the memory gap that a lot of people seemed to have in common after the events at the hot spring Kyouko still remembered vividly, though had kept silent about it to anyone.

Since then, there was also always the dwelling fear of Sagawa turning into that. Even if Hisakawa was no more, she still seemed to be Kokoro's toy - something the blonde was still set on settling.

After having been lost in thought for a couple of seconds of finally meeting Sagawa, and considering the noticeable change she had gone through, Kyouko finally decided to take action. "I want to tell you something." Grabbing Sagawa and Mana's hand she forcefully dragged the two out of the Ramen Shop. Not all too far but far enough from any prying eyes or ears.

If Sagawa knew Kyouko she should have been aware, unless her disguise and persona was perfect, the pirate would always take action without any regards of the others feelings. It was the most selfish and yet selfless thing Kyouko could do.

'What now?' Kyouko played this scenario a few times in her head. Despite always acting on impulse, after all this time of Sagawa's avoidance, the blonde put some serious thought into what she was to do if she were to meet Sagawa again, regardless of the circumstances. After all, who would know if she ever got another chance if not now? "I have never been good at this stuff..." She murmured to herself.

"You're my best friend." Without any hesitation, even in regards to Mana being right there and Nao around the corner, Kyouko embraced Sagawa in her arms, hugging her tightly. "I want to help you, but leaving me out of it is more cruel than anything that could happen otherwise." Kyouko wasn't making any wild guesses. She wasn't trying to find some soothing words for something she wasn't even sure would matter. And one of the least things she believed in was telling someone 'It wasn't your fault' would lessen their burden in any way.

"So if you have to suffer, let's do it together."

Despite the blondes conviction, being so close, Sagawa could feel Kyouko shaking slightly. Maybe a fear of rejection? Clearly not because of her words which were nothing but her honest feelings. Maybe a fear of rejection? Or was it...

... was it because this might be the first time that Kyouko seemed like she wanted to fight together? Not as a Knight for a Damsel in Distress, but rather, a [/i]Knight serving under a capable Commander.[/i] Together, sharing the burden rather than each one trying to shoulder everything by themselves. Maybe Kyouko Himura was afraid of exploring such uncharted territory.


[December 18-24, Town of Hisakawa]

Regret. It always seemed like such a meaningless thing, and really, it was. But every so often, there came a time when there was no avoiding it. Every day for months, Mana had been wanting to tell him; to tell Michio that she loved him. Now she never could, and the regret chewed at her insides like a hill of fire ants.

It wasn't just that though. Not only had she lost a crush, but one of her closest friends as well. She'd known Aya as long as she could even remember. The night's playing those old video games, those silly virtual avatar fights. She even missed the teasing....

Days were spent crying, other's searching for someone to blame. It was all downright unbelievable that so many tragedies would fall so close to her, but fate was not so kind. Any distraction from the pain was welcomed, and so when a certain pirate asked her to tag along for one last Christmas visit to Hisakawa....

[December 24th, Evening / Town of Hisakawa, Ramen Shop -> Outside of Ramen Shop]

Mana had considered wearing the school uniform, but she didn't have it in her. It was too sad. Too full of memories. Plus.... it was just plain cold. Still, it was amazing to see so many people in uniform as her friend sifted the crowds for a certain someone.

"Sagawa," Mana spoke as a blunt hello before she handed over a box with a familiar, white, plastic chassis. For a moment, Mana found herself with a slight grin. It felt weird. It'd been way too long since she'd smiled.

"To think this week's been so terrible I completely forgot about you..." Mana addressed Kazami, lifting it out of the box and giving it a hug as if it were a soft plushie.

Suddenly, Sagawa and her were both dragged outside by an eager Kyouko.

"Leaving me out of it is more cruel than anything, huh?" Mana repeated the phrase back. It fit the recent situation perfectly. "Do you really think she'd cough up that secret for a hug when it's already cost half a dozen lives?"

Mana hadn't meant this anger to come loose. Not today of all days. Christmas was one of her favorite holidays. One with lots of fond memories of her and....


"People fainting from the heat? Isn't that the cover story? I guess that explains how all of us fainted at the same time?" Mana was glaring at Sagawa at this point, barely noticing Kyouko's reaction.

"Tell me if I'm closer. The student council president comes to the best programmer in school and asks her to act as cyber-security. Meanwhile, it never occurred to them that, just maybe, even the best programmer is just human. Instead you just assumed no one would ever be able to get passed you. Why bother telling anyone about any danger that could kill them when you're perfect enough to protect them all yourself!?"

Having shouted out that last bit, Mana's voice finally cracked into a short sob. Tears for the many friends, classmates, and even a sister, that she'd lost. Even so, she continued pushing out words with some difficulty. "At least... tell me... why one of my best friends died. Why... Michio died."



Just like many of the other students, Kyouko was affected by what happened. Just like many of the students, they came to her to let her know of this loss personally.

Mizunohara was so tired of this. Of course people would be agitated about it. Of course they'd want answers. Of course they had every right to say it. Even in Kyouko's arms like this, warmly. She could still hear the voices of everyone else like Mana.

Countless failures. Spats and disavowing.It all pained Mizunohara. Banging against her head and heart. Even Mana too it seemed...

Giving in a little, Sagawa pushed her cheek up against Kyouko. Seeming to hide away in the comfort of her friends' embrace for a moment.

"Thank you, Kyou. But I'm sorry..."

She took a step from Kyouko. She wore a small resigned smile.

"I'm not any where near as strong as admirable as you think I am."

Mizunohara faced Mana with that same expression.

"Michio-kun was my friend too."

There was a pause. Breathing on, Sagawa then let loose how she felt.

"Michio... was my friend too damn it! Don't go taking the high ground saying you were the only one hurt, when you didn't even do anything to help!"

"At first I just hated the hackers that were trying to hurt everyone. But, I realized I hate how you and everyone else in this school were helplessly looking for someone to do everything for them. All the people I cared about were taken. All the effort taken to save those I could: worthless. Ultimately I'm just as bad as the people who attacked us, then? I couldn't be a perfect hero so I just became a perfect target to pin blame on. Since I failed I should take all of this hate and baggage from everyone so you could feel better? Right? Screw you! Screw all of you and that stupid school and everyone who had to drag me into this stupid debacle!"

Sagawa put her hands over her heart. Scorning everything that had happened.

"From the start I knew it would hurt to care. So why did I let myself forget that principle I had? I never wanted to be anyone's hero. I never wanted to work for Kokoro or the Mikado. So stop it."

She breathed in.

"Stop trying to tell me that I'm supposed care about this any more than I wanted to!"

Mizuohara screamed into the floor. She threw her frustrations into the ground with her voice.

"As for why Michio-kun and the others died? You want to know why?"

In a small voice, she finally explained. Just what happened.

"I really tried to save him and the others. I had never, ever, tried so hard before in my life. But it still wasn't enough. Mana."

She raised her head. Again, her eyes met Mana's eyes.

"And that is all there is to it. I wasn't enough to stop it."

The girl hacker's eyes turned downcast.

"That's the part that I hate the most of all."



Mana quietly mulled over the word with some contempt, as if just the word was enough to invoke some curse. She'd had vague suspicions about them ever since Kira had tipped her off about Michio, but to think they were capable of such an incident.

It seemed Sagawa was just as hurt. Perhaps even more so than Mana. All of a sudden, Mana's anger began to melt away, replacing itself with a gnawing guilt.

Sighing, Mana nodded slowly, "You're right, I... well..."

How to put these feelings into words...?

"This has been... the worst year of my life. The worst year of our lives, probably."

Mana's fists clenched.

"And you're right: I didn't do anything to stop it. I didn't even realize anything was happening until it was too late. I wish I could've helped; more than anything, I wish I hadn't been so useless."

Wandering over to a nearby bench, Mana brushed the snow off and took a seat. The light snowfall was a beautiful addition to the city lights and it reminded her just how much she loved the Christmas season; even enough to tolerate the cold. At least that was one thing that wasn't ruined by this terrible year. With so many friends gone, she really needed to hold close to the few people she had left.

"I'm sorry. This past week I've been so angry, trying to find someone, anyone, to blame for all this. It's not your fault, and it wasn't fair of me to blame you. In fact, you're probably the least guilty of us all. At least you were trying to do something, so.... Thank you, Sagawa."

Mana tried to smile, but her lips had a faint quiver to them. The memories were just too painful....

"Ya know, there's another small regret I have about that day. I was really hoping that with some time off, you and I could...."

Become friends? Get to know each other better? They all sounded so sappy. Like something fresh out of a shojo novel. But now there was this awkward pause and it was making it even worse....

Three seconds... five....

"What I mean is.... Kyouko usually has good taste in friends, 'kay? And you're one of the only people I can talk to about programming, so.... Sagawa, I'd really like us to become friends."

Mana looked down into the snow, as she drew circles in it with her shoe. She might've been blushing, but the air was cold enough that her cheeks were red either way.


So many things that happened to him in such a short span of time. It all happened in such a short span of time as well... How many friends did he lose in one day? So many of his closest friends were gone just like that. He would never see them again, Ryuu and Michio his best friends ever since he was little, two people he could tell anything and everything to. Then their was Ayame, he knew her since middle school and they even bonded over their resentment to their father. A bond that would never improve now that she was gone.

Yet probably the worst that could happen was the fact that the only death that did happen.... was his murder of Midori. Something that still played over and over on repeat in his mind. The sound of her skull cracking, the void look in her eyes as her life left her body.... all his fault. Yet no one knew the better, except maybe Rei and Yuuki. Officially her death was labeled the same as how everyone else died. Something he had to live through, knowing that every time they mention her drowning that it was not the truth at all. She was the only one there who had died by someone's hands, his hands.

Everyone he was close to was pretty much gone, except his cousin. She might possibly be the only one that knew about him naturally. So when she invited him out to go pay their respects for their fallen classmates, he accepted. He owed Ryuu, Michio, Ayame that much at least. He was told to meet Kyouko, Mana, and her at this Ramen shop. Turning around the corner he could see the three with Kyouka giving his cousin a hug, only catching the last bit of the conversation he opted to remain silent for now. Keeping a bit of a distance from the three ladies.

So when Mana spoke up with anger guiding her, he wanted to stop her from being mean to his cousin. Yet this once it was better to get it off your mind than have it weigh you down. What shocked him was that she was just as close with some of his best friends. Michio being the prime candidate, that man was always popular with the ladies. Something he envied a bit, Michio had a lot to offer the world and yet now he was gone.

He expected Sagawa to defend herself but he got more than he expected. It was to be expected they were all weighed down by some form of grief. Not being able to see someone anymore, not being able to protect those they cared about. They all had something... So after Sagawa got the guilt off her chest and let it be known, the conversation became a bit more civil. Well as civil as it could be anyway.

As Mana spoke, he couldn't help but feel... bad. How long had he judged her for simply hating dirt? That went against everything he stood for, seeing her now. She was just a woman with her own quirks, a rather polite woman too. When did he become so... cold to others? It honestly disgusted him.

Finally deciding to walk closer, he put a hand on Sagawa's shoulder and offered her a gentle smile. "It's okay to not be perfect...We are only human after all. Even if the world is kicking you down, just know even if we don't always agree. We are still family." Naomasa would start off with after being quiet for a bit, he would focus his gaze on Mana with a guilty look. "Hey... I know it probably doesn't mean much now. Yet umm...." He would trail off a bit. "I'm sorry for being mean to you about the whole... dirt thing. It was childish of me to pick on you about that."


'...But I'm sorry...' Kyouko listened to Sagawa's words before she put some thought into them. It wasn't... rejection? At least not straight-out. Though rather sounded like the meat-bun lover had given up. Not having the strength to continue anymore.

Before Kyouko could respond to that, however, Mana suddenly started with an outburst of her own which was quickly followed by Sagawa doing just the same. For a moment Kyouko really wanted to punch Mana. While the blonde was mostly in the unknown too, she knew something, though hadn't dared to talk with anyone about it yet. Considering the way Sagawa behaved there the one-eye had even concerns sharing her experience with the one that was probably the most knowledgeable about it.

Ultimately, though, both of the girls were one of her best friends and as much as Kyouko lacked in tact she knew well to stay silent, for now. Heck, she was even surprised this ended more-or-less on a good note?

Even so just because the blonde wasn't acting didn't mean she wasn't listening. In fact, she paid even more-so attention as Sagawa slipped out one word in the moment of heat: Mikado.

Kyouko wasn't living under a rock. So even if she wasn't aware of the more-or-less well hidden secrets that a few of her class-mates carried around. Even if she dismissed the despicable rumors going around. Hearing Sagawa working for the Mikado did come as a shock. Even the blonde wasn't that naive to believe Kokoro and the Japanese Mafia were two separate things. Especially not if Sagawa mentioned both names in the same breath.

Was the blonde scared? Maybe. But it didn't diminish her resolve. If anything, she had to give it even more to get Sagawa out of there. If anything the question if, with the closure of their shared school home, Sagawa was magically freed from her services just answered itself. She wasn't bound to the school. Not at all. Not to mention hearing this only strengthened her fear of a future where Sagawa turned into that.

Considering the blonde cared a lot about her card-game loving child-hood friend, Kyouko was walking on a thin-line between preparing herself well enough and not waiting for too long. Though now, the longer she waited the worse it would become. In fact with what Sagawa said earlier it seemed like she had already resigned to her fate. Did she not believe in Kyouko at all? She would do this. With, or without, Sagawa's help. And now she had to be quicker than ever.

With Nao, someone who Kyouko wasn't hostile towards, joining the scene things seemed to have finally calmed down. "Alright, look. We all lost a lot of people dear to us. Some dead, missing, in prison, in coma and whatnot." saying it like that sounded nearly a little bit cold, alas, Kyouko simply tried her best at something she wasn't all that good to begin with. "It sucks, it really does. And it hurts. A lot. But none of them would want us to be stuck drown in self-pity. It doesn't matter who's here at fault. And none of you should blame themselves or each other. We can't change the past, and dwelling on it helps no one. Rather, we gotta work our butts off for a better future." In the end, the pirate still ended up giving that kind of speech.

"If life, god, fate or whatever other crap might exists, throws you a curve-ball, hit it out of the park!" With this last sentence more directed to herself, even though she wasn't believing in some cosmic-power at all, Kyouko was showing her middle-finger towards the sky.


"You guys..."

That was all Mizunohara could utter out at that moment. Hearing the words of encouragement form those who were left around her. Those who still wanted to bother being with her.

Ishida's sincerity...

Mana's wishes...

In one form or another, Sagawa had dashed aside those things away from two other people. Pushing Michio away to protect him. Her hesitation towards Chiyo's kindness out of her own fears.

The way she hag gone about it was wrong. Definitely wrong.
The price for her to realize this was so steep.

But, even for what was lost. 'It' was still there. That selfish desire to not be alone. Wouldn't it be great, if someday, she could be together with everyone and be close?

Retrive the thing that Ishida had lost. Protect what she had with Kyouko. Find what lay behind becoming friends with Mana.

"Sagawa-san, please be my friend."

The determined and kind expression on Chiyo imada's face those two months ago were still etched in Sagawa's memory. Yes, certainly that was where all of this started.

The way Sagawa treated Imada that day was wrong. Even in her heart, she knew that the girl was being sincere, even back then. But, she still kept her distance out of fear. She didn't want to be hurt by becoming friends with her.

She was afraid, that she'd just be a disposable friend. That she was incompatible with Chiyo; that a gloomy and quiet girl wouldn't look good next to the bright and outgoing person named Chiyo Imada.

But, would've Chiyo really have cared about that?

She didn't know. And maybe, in the end, Sagawa might never know. The lost possibilities was something that caused her heart to ache.

So that's why, with these people, she wouldn't make the same mistake. The people close to her were treasures she wanted to protect as much as she could. But, the way she chose to go about it ended up destroying the reasons why they were important to her in the first place.

She could never re-do that scene with Chiyo. Maybe if she had done it differently. If she had been more open... But there was no way she could do that.

But, right now, she vowed in her heart to not make the same mistake again. This time, she'd do it differently.

Looking at Mana, Sagawa's expression eased off a little.

"Becoming friends, you say..."

She paused. Seeming to struggle, but in the end:

"Sure. I'd love to be friends with you, Kamei-san." The tired smile on Sagawa's lips were as sincere as she could make it to be. "I'm sure it'd be lots of fun with Ishida and this Dummy here."

Sagawa took the blond's hand.

"Right? Kyou?"

The blonde, for a moment, saw the visage a girl encouraging her from the side of her hospital bed. That girl and Sagawa looked very different form each other now... but the feeling that made her want to become that girl's friend in the first place was immistakeable.

It felt like just a small of Sagawa was able to come back to her. Right now, it was shining in her held hand.

Back in reality,

"But, Nao. What do you mean about Mana and Dirt?"

Sagawa asked. She had no idea what he was talking about but it interested her somewhat.


It was a noble effort for Kyouko to try and assure them that despite everything that happened, it was none of their fault and they shouldn't go blaming each other either. While this was mostly true and he hide behind a smile as she spoke, it was still his fault no matter how you viewed it, that one of the deceased from the hot springs was correlated to him. Yet he simply nodded in agreement with Kyouko, he could get behind giving a supposed "God" the middle finger.

Yet it also made him happy to see his cousin making friends with those he didn't really see her mixing with. Kyouko didn't seem like the type she would bond with, Mana either but here they were being a rather odd trio. Although it would be even weirder if he got added to the mix, he wasn't sure exactly how fun it would be. Interesting maybe yet they all had such different personalities.

Of course though his big mouth opened up a new topic which Sagawa jumped on the moment she could. Asking him what he meant by the whole dirt thing to Mana. This caused him to flush a bit as he rubbed his head. He was more so hoping to just get the sorry out of the way and not have to reminisce about such a silly thing to cause a disagreement with each other.

"Well... it's more childish now that I think of it. Yet you see back when I first meet Mana, we got off on the wrong foot when I accidentally kicked up dirt one day which obviously sent dirt and dust forward to the person in front of me. Which would be Mana, I apologized but decided to follow it up with a "good thing it's just dirt." To which she said, It's fine but just because I enjoy bathing in it doesn't mean she does and that I should keep the dirt on the ground where it should be. What followed was me being petty and every chance I could get, tease her with some remark about dirt. Like be careful before sitting down, might end up sitting in some dirt. Childish things like that. Basically some hostilities between us over dirt, which I'm apologizing for as I was in the wrong. So once again, I'm sorry Mana for kicking dirt at you and all those times your seat at school had a dirty footprint on it."

He felt a bit embarrassed having to explain how they came to dislike one another, hopefully the topic didn't drag longer than it needed to and that they could forgive and forget.


"...Is that so? Being petty." Sagawa said after hearing her cousin's explanation. "That's surprising to hear from you. But, you're right."

The meat bun lover turned to Mana one last time.

"Considering the new year's coming up. It's important to start new, I wink. Even with some petty discourse between two people like that. It's just better to try to get along."

Sagawa's expression tinged with surprise, after realizing the time that had passed. At this point, it was already past midnight.

"It's.. already past twelve. Hehe. Well, I guess it's appropriate to say 'Marry Christmas' then?"

Looking between the people around her, Sagawa could appreciate that she didn't spend today on her own. After being labeled as some sort of Demon Hacker, it was a pleasant surprise to find that today didn't turn out the way that she thought it would.

She was happy that it could end on a pleasant note.

Even if right now, everyone seemed a bit lost at what to do.

The Role that Mizunohara Sagawa was meant to play could end on this small but positive note. With her 'friends'.

"Sorry I didn't have a present or anything ready. I'll be sure to make it up to you later. Promise."

Sagawa stretched her arms to the air.

"Well, It's getting pretty late I'd say. I still have to do stuff in the morning, so, Good Night, everyone."

Sagawa forced this silence to come to an end announcing her departure. Looking between the three of them as they exchanged their farewells for the evening. Sagawa thought to herself.

("I don't think Nao will have a problem. And, from this point on, Mana and Kyou can depend on each other even when I'm out of the picture.")

Sagawa's eyes naturally fell on her one last closest friend. They softened a little, as she remembered the pirate's convictions. Ones that ultimately beat out Kamijou's.

She really was a big fool.

That's why the pirate or anyone else didn't have to remember such sad things anymore.

The day that they see each other again, everything would be completely different.

For these children at Hisakawa, their world would be rewritten to erase their time at the school, and have their history rewritten as if they'd attended their transfer schools the entire time.

It was ultimately the wish of their parents and society in general for them to forget what had transpired these two months.

This also required...
The nullification of memories directly correlated to the tragedies that had happened. There was no way to replace people whom had been lost. As was demonstrated by the person whom had tried to use Ionia against her at the hot springs.

So, for those who had lost classmates, their pasts had to be altered dramatically. In the case of Kyouko, the memories of herself and Kamijou had to be expunged and replace.

Memory modification was one of the most powerful things a hacker could do, and the most dangerous. But, Sagawa was able to do it. Right now, the drugs were enough to let her have a semblance of sanity, despite the amount of thought processing she had done in these two weeks.

She was glad that she could still see Kyouko and Nao with sound mind one last time.

Because even in death she wouldn't be able to see Kyouko as a 'backup copy' either in that alternate world. It was the fate that waited for hackers who had extenstively hacked and irreversibly modified their chip to ultimately die like a normal person, ironically.

The modifications would collectively take effect the day classes begin in a week or so.

From what she had seen here in this place tonight. Sagawa was able to ease her an uncertainty in her heart. An uncertainty that Mana or Nao would reject an alternate set of memories that would use them to replace herself and Michio in Kyouko's memory.

Despite how the pirate may have felt...
There was no reason to drag her into the same hell that Sagawa had lulled herself into trying to save Michio.

So, even if Sagawa herself had to disappear from the surface of this world. At least she wouldn't have Kyouko hurt or worry for her sake anymore.

For all that Sagawa had put her through, through ignorance and misplaced intentions, this was one last thing she could do for the pirate.

Kyouko at least wouldn't have to suffer through the feeling of having another friend die...
if that friend was never a friend in the first place.

This was the closest thing to a happy ending that Sagawa could do on her own power.

The bonds between people were ultimately random and trivial after all.

Sagawa, with a small wave, bode her friends farewell.

"Bye bye. And, Merry Christmas - even if it's about the third or so time it's been said."


Something was off.
The mutual feeling that the three of them shared without knowing - that something was off about all of this.

Still, it was getting late.
Probably it was just the fact they were out so late? That it was time to go home and sleep?


Something was wrong. Yes. Despite everything that had been said. Despite the f̧́a͡l̵̵͟͞s͟҉̷e̢̧͜ happy ending that should leave all of them content, Kyouko's guts told her different.

Yet, there was nothing. Everything that Sagawa said made sense. Didn't hint at the egoistic decision she had made. Kyouko, to a fault, despised white lies even more than malicious ones. She was a preacher of knowing the absolute truth, as much as it may hurt, and these close to her knew that.

Thus, all Kyouko could go off was this feeling. If things were left to be, something horrible was tend to happen. It couldn't even be called making a decision. Left in the dark, what was the pirate to do? She couldn't read others thoughts unlike some mighty hackers after all. Still, somehow, Sagawa's goodbyes felt like final.

"Wait!" Kyouko blurted out, yelled even. If only time could stop. If only she had more time for... everything. If she demanded honesty, ultimately, all that was left for her was to be honest as well. Take things head on.

"My guts are telling me something's waaaaay off!" Despite sounding like some cheap line in some abridged-flick, Kyouko wasn't wrong. If only Kyoulo wasn't so bold... or maybe there wasn't a strong enough hint to begin with?

If it was time she needed. Time to figure something out. Then she'd simply had to create a bigger window. "What is that about getting late and parting ways? As if! The night's still young! Getting me, us, a Christmas present later you said? Well, I'm telling you, what I want from Santa, is to make more memories together!"

Kyouko didn't even dare to think about Sagawa dying, but she was afraid enough to admit that she feared if the meat-bun lover were to leave again, she may never see her again. "We're going to have lots of fun together. Now, later, tomorrow. In a year. Even if we're stars apart, there is enough to always be in each others heart! We gonna eat some glazed apples, eat Christmas chocolate, make silly photos in some booth and have tons of fun! Yah hear me!?"

Kyouko went silent for a second, before she added a bit more quietly. "And if, after all of this, you can still not be honest to your friend, I demand at least to know what had transpired at the bath-house. Because that swimsuit contest, you being weird, and all sure as hell wasn't just some very lucid dream." Maybe the last event that had transpired had nothing to do with this, yet, how was the blonde to know. All she could do was make more time and grasp on straws... or maybe become smarter.


Despite the night seeming to be over, Kyouko still seemed to be full of energy. The pirate had many things to say, about what to look forward to for next year, and even some questions too.

To all of this, Sagawa let herself rub her eyes sleepily.

"Come on Kyou. Saying stuff like that is reserved for new years right? Who's even still open at this hour anyway?"

Sagawa did have a point. Past midnight on Christmas eve most places were closed, unless you went into the main shopping district, but that was a couple of train stops in another direction.

The only place on this street that remained stubbornly open was the Old Ramen Shop.

"Let's just do stuff when we wake up tomorrow, kay, Kyou? I really... want to go to sleep already. We can talk about whatever you want later. I..."

Sagawa let out a yawn, looking like she was about to fall asleep right where she stood.

Even if she wanted to answer Kyou's questions, she couldn't. The effect of the drugs were not going to last forever. She didn't want to chance just breaking down right in front of them.

"I'm just real sleepy... you know?"


Yeah, Sagawa did have a point. For a lot of other Festivals, places usually used to be open but Christmas? Everywhere the same. Well, so much for that.

Still, Kyouko wouldn't just let it be. One could say the situation wasn't as grave as Sagawa felt it to be. Yet, also, if it was Sagawa's selfish desire to fool the lot of them until the end; it was Kyouko's selfish desire to not let Sagawa just go.

"Fufufu...." In seconds, Kyouko had already facilitated a new plan. Sure, Christmas was supposed to be spend with your family and all, and it was true that over the past months Kyouko had neglected her daughterly duties, but, weren't these people plusminus Nao, her family too? "A sleep-over then! My place would be all good to go." And then again her parents had never been too keen on festivities anyways.


Mana nodded at Naomasa. Truthfully, it was more "weird" than "touching" coming from him, but tonight, they were all just pouring their hearts out to each other, and Mana appreciated that she wasn't alone there.

"Right. It was kinda stupid of us, but I didn't really mind it that much." She flashed Nao a smile.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Mana grinned as she gazed up at the sky, dotted with white flakes of snow. It wasn't the whitest Christmas ever, but it was still nice. Enough white to take her mind off of all the red that had spilled.

Something felt... a little off. Kyouko was one of the first to pick up on it, and it was also super obvious when the Captain's nose smelled trouble because she almost made it known to pretty much everyone. Mana appreciated that about her.

"Sorry, Kyouko, but I have to pass. I promised Dad I'd be home for Christmas this year."

However, today was a day to smile and hand out gifts to friends and loved ones; that was exactly what she was going to do.

"I'm actually really glad I met you all. It's nice to still have friends after such a tough year. So... I got you both something. If you'd like, Nao-kun, I can get you one later."

The bag Mana had been carrying looked a bit larger than usual, and it became apparent why as she opened the zipper. The inside was filled with enough frills and lace to make a fairytale princess jealous. As she lifted the fabric up, it unfolded into what was unmistakably a very intricate, purple cosplay outfit; a dark magical girl from the looks of it. Handing this to Sagawa, Mana also lifted another one out, this time yellow, and forcibly handed it to Kyouko.

"Violet and Beryl. And I have Sapphire's at home. They even kinda match our personalities... a bit. Nao, maybe you could be an angel!" She threw Nao a quick tease with a smirk. Mana continued forcing her enthusiasm forward, trying to cut off the inevitable excuses that Kyouko would always give her at this point.

"The convention starts in a few weeks, so I thought this year I'd drag some friends along. They had a lot of card tournaments the last time I went." Mana turned specifically to Sagawa and smiled her friendliest smile.

"You'll come, right?"


It was a bit of a weight off his shoulder that Mana seemed to be on the same boat of forgive and forget, going as far as to say it didn't bother her that much. He gave a smile while only realizing after Sagawa said it, that it was indeed Christmas now. "Merry Christmas ladies." Naomasa would say to the three ladies when Sagawa would try to cut thing short and head on home which felt.... odd. It was something Kyouko had picked up on and acted upon.

Which Sagawa tried to get out of but Kyouko was quick to retaliate by offering a sleepover at her house which caused him to remain silent as he knew the offer was for the ladies, as him being there would be rather.... creepy. Mana would however have to pass on the offer and instead offered up her Christmas presents stating that if he wanted she could get him one too. So when he saw the frills he let out a little laugh and gave a smile. "Only if it matches my eyes." he responded with a little joke not expecting one, well.... hoping he didn't get one.

The jokes would continue from Mana stating he could be an angel to which he gave a shrug too. "I could pull that off." he said with a little smirk, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a photo and handing it to Sagawa. "It's not much, but mom was able to find it. It's the picture that was taken of us when you came to visit us in the countryside that one time. I remember that you got annoyed that it took mom so long to take the picture."


...cosplay? Looking at the costume she had been given, she wondered how she would even look in it. She simply looked upon it ponderously.

"Thank you. I suppose. I've never seen this costume before, but I think it looks cute. But, wearing something this... daring out in public is kind of..."

"Well, if Kyouko wears hers then I'd be fine with it. I think."

Then, Naomasa handed her a photo. Hanging the costume over her harm, she inspected it.

The photograph was of a young boy and girl out in the fields, looking forced to pose in a photo together. The boy seemed no0rmal enough, amiable even, as for the girl...

"Ah, I can still fell how grumpy I was when that photo was taken."

it bothered Sagawa a little, but she didn't try to inquire it if it was Nao's form of 'Christmas present' or if it was his attempt at bringing back up bad memories of farm animals and insects that she had left far in the back of her mind.

But finally, there was one last thing that was conveniently being pushed back. The sleepover.

It sounded like Mana wasn't able to go forward with it, and for Nao, it seemed like he was self aware that the invitation didn't apply to him.

So that just left her.

"Hey, Kyou. About that sleepover... You know I still have to do work tomorrow."
She said as she tucked the photo away into her skirt pocket. "But... I think I'd still want to do it. If you don't mind dragging him along."

Sagawa motioned to Nao. Dragging him into the sleepover package.

With a simple smile, Sagawa asked of Kyouko.

"So, Kyou. That's fine, right? What do you want to do?"


Christmas Presents... right. Nao had something for his cousin and Mana had... could these costumes even be called a present? No, rather, it was simply her evil scheme to abuse the current situation to drag Kyouko along. Though, with Sagawa coming along it'd be a win, no? "Yeah, yeah, I'll go. Next you gonna force some script upon me that I have to act like, eh?"

With the attention shifting less towards the sleep-over and more towards other stuff things weren't looking too good, yet, it was Mana herself that put the conversation back to where the pirate wanted it to be. Yeah, Kyouko never intended for Nao to tag along and Sagawa was most likely aware of that herself. Thus, was this her genius move to make Kyouko deny the idea herself? Mana already excused herself so that would have left only the two of them?

Or maybe the meat-bun lover wanted to give Kyouko one more 'friend' so she wouldn't feel t- no. Whatever. Shaking her head mentally it didn't matter. If this was Sagawa's requirement she, maybe even to the girls surprise, would be okay with it. Wouldn't be the first time she brought a boy home either.

"Alright! Since Mana is being boring it'll be just us three then!" She shot a look at Nao that tried to tell him he had no decision in this matter. "And first business in the morning tomorrow will then be Christmas shopping! After a great breakfast! Mana can then come along, too!" That way she could also look for the bestest present she could currently afford.

Kyouko wouldn't let Sagawa get away so easily again.


"Considering Nao hasn't said anything I guess he has no objections. Fine, Kyou. Anything you want! But, you'd better not expect me to give you any quarter when we have our showdown...!"

Whether it meant games or dueling monsters...
They'd enjoy themselves.

"But, losing to Nao counts as losing twice, by the way."

And of course, Naomasa was to be dragged into this nonsense.

"Well, good night, Kamei-san. Thank you for the present!"


For what it was worth. They all did what they wanted until the sun began to rise. At this point, with Nao sleeping in a shameless position on the couch and still grasping his controller even. It was down to Sagawa and Kyouko now.

The pirate had a hard time focusing on what she was even in her playing hand right now. She had played so much that she was feeling like she was about to crash.

But she had to keep going. They were both having so much fun up till now!

It felt like Kyouko was able to get it back. The thing that Mizunohara had lost between them. But at the same time, it felt like it was as fleeting as her own wavering consciousness, being lulled into sleep.

"...No Kyou. You can't do that." Sagawa said, pointing to the card she had just played. "You can only do that once per turn, right?"

It didn't really matter anyway.

Sagawa, as expected, had all of her strongest monsters on the field. There wasn't any move that could turn this around unless she blew the playing field up and destroyed all of them.

"Should we got to sleep now, Kyou? You seem pretty tired."

Would Sagawa still be there the day after?
She couldn't let herself fall asleep without knowing for sure.

The pirate, at this stage, couldn't even stop her head from bobbing.

"...I see. Well, I guess it is about time to sleep now. You're going to just drop...."

Kyouko didn't hear the end of the sentence before her conciousness faded out.

Kyouko threw herself back from the brink. Waking herself up. She could feel something stuck to her cheek.... a card? Right. These were hers. She was playing just now.

The card stuck to her cheek was pulled off and set aside.

That same hand threw a blanket over her.

A girl with long black hair and glasses.
She looked quite bookish. But the expression on her face was very kind.

"...Thank you."
"May we meet again in another life."

"Kyou-chan. My irreplaceable friend."

Why did this girl Know her name? She'd never seen this person before.

She couldn't remember anything at all.

But in spite of that, this person's presence felt so gentle and familiar.

Kyouko pondered this oddity as her fleeting mind ultimately contented with falling into a deep sleep.

@Raven Haruka


A dream is a dream because it's something that one hopes for.

But it's only logical that not everything we dream of can come true.

That's why...

Even with this minuscule speckle of happiness.

To have met you again just once more is enough for me.

So I dream that you might find happiness elsewhere, and spend your days in the sun with many friends and people you love.

And I wish that it may come true with all my heart.

Hisakawa Koukou


"Ah, Nii-san. I'm home!"
"Welcome Home. Did you manage to stop by the convenience store?"

"You wanted me to...?"
"Well, to be honest I hoped you would."


"So, how was school Sagawa?"

"Well, Kyouko-chan did some weird things and she got scolded by Michio-kun."

"That... happens pretty much all the time right?"

"Right? We're already about to graduate this year and they're still up to the same antics as when they started."

"If that is so, then have you done anything about it?"

"No I haven't."


"It's too fun to watch."

"Ahahah, as expected out of the little sister."

"Additionally... just to note: I don't want it to stop."


"I still haven't worked up the courage to ask them about what high school they're going to go for. Michio-kun is Smart so he can go pretty much anywhere. But Kyouko-chan is... well she's Kyouko-chan so she's on the opposite end of the spectrum."

"If I ask them... I'll just end up being disappointing."

"But, they're your friends, aren't they? If you do nothing about that or any other problem then you'll just end up regretting it later. Additionally, I'm sure they're both wondering the exact same thing too about you and each other."


"No buts - if you want to protect that friendship you have to be the one to step out and do something. You know, it's all about initiative."


"Yes. Doing something rather than reacting to something. It's preventing damage versus repairing it. All it takes is a little courage Sagawa. Just like when you became friends with them."


"But... what if something goes wrong? What do I do then?"

"Then I'll come swoop in and rescue the day, of course."


"Really. I promise."

"...Okay. Okay! I'll try it out Shigeru!"

"Good girl. Now then, let's go pick up something that isn't going to soley be used for omlettes for once."

"Yes! I'll get the eggs!"

"Hey! Didn't you hear me?!"



"She's really a far cry from the quiet girl with no friends. I have you two to thank for that."

"But, don't worry Sagawa. I know you're in good hands. Even if I'm not always there."

"I'll become the next head and set both of us free."
"I swear it."


[fieldbox=, white, solid]
[December 24th, Evening / Outside Hisakawa Academy]

It was a cold Christmas, especially for the ones who survived the Saionji's Hot Springs incident. A lone pink haired girl clad in full winter clothing was standing at the side of the road, her eyes looking at the half-fenced Hisakawa Academy, now seemingly guarded by the local law enforcement. Her heart sank as her fractured memories related to the academy resurfaced. She touched the back of her neck, now covered with her black turtleneck sweater and a white fleece jacket. The solemn girl remembered how her father managed to find her months ago.

Although she managed to regain her memories related to her childhood and some from the middle school, she still needed help for the parts related to Hisakawa Academy. Seeing that the academy is closing down and the remaining students were transferred to other schools, it certainly felt like there was no reason to relive the memories. However, she has been meeting a particular black haired girl, who claimed that she used to annoy her frequently in Hisakawa. The mysterious girl with glasses told her something about promises, and an 'operation' that the pink amnesiac girl chose to underwent before they parted ways for months.

Regardless of what that black haired girl said, it certainly feels like everything was resolved, and Iori has no intention of pursuing it. She was disheartened when Chiyo and her relatives were no longer in Hisakawa, and Ren's fate remained unknown. One thing for sure however, the Mikado still has full reign on the town, and that is not going to change in the immediate future. Despite rumors about Kokoro became the next successor as a Mikado leader, Iori knows that it would not change anything in Hisakawa.

It is common for one to lose sight what you are supposed to fight for in the first place.

The hero who managed to defeat the big bad villain...

...becomes the next villain.

And the vicious cycle continues.

The pink haired girl also heard about the rumors of herself as one of the perpetrators of the Saionji Hot Springs incident. She has no whatsoever recollection of herself being there when the authorities approached her, and her father immediately became her alibi. Even so, she felt uneasy. Perhaps she did ended up being there as a goon, perhaps due to one of her so-called 'big plan' that the girl named Sagawa flaunted at her. Or someone impersonated as her using Virtu-Ava.

She sighed, as she attempted to stop her train of thoughts before her migraine returns. As she began to walk away from Hisakawa Academy, her eyes met with a familiar person in front of her.

Sagawa Mizunohara.

It was a rather unfortunate chance, to come across the visage of Iori Nishimura outside of the now closing Hisakawa Academy. The girl with long black hair and glasses had been making her way to meet with a friend tonight. It had just so happened that she had come across something of a ghost.

A girl whom no longer posessed their chip - and their all too important connection to it. Iori Nishimura.

Without the chip, the brightly colored girl before her was nothing more than another background object. Another student of no signifigance, at least, not anymore.

But, nonetheless, Sagawa was stopped by her gaze. It was not the gaze of a stranger that she was expecting, rather... of something that she wasn't expecting at all.

Did she remember?
Does she know?
Is she still...

In the eternity-like pause between them those questions passed through Sagawa's head. But, it didn't make sense. All of the answers to those quesitons should've been a big fat No. The Iori Nishimura she physically defeated at the hot springs showed not signs of this at all.

In yet, why was this incomplete shell looking at her so knowingly?

"...Yes? Can I help you?"

Sagawa responded like any freaked out person would, at somone who was staring at them.
She treated Nishimura as a stranger. The way it was supposed be now.


Iori merely stared at Sagawa as she began to think what she should say. Ever since the day that she was saved from her unfortunate fate, the pink haired girl wanted to thank her. However, she was unable to do so due to her amnesia and being disorientated months ago, as it was one of the major side effects of the removal of her chip. Iori realized that Sagawa was staring at her in horror, as if she was looking at some kind of ghost, ready to pounce at her.

It did not deter the short pink haired girl, however.

"...Yes? Can I help you?"

She asked suspiciously.

"Mizunohara-san..." Iori's expression softened, as if she was going to plead Sagawa for something.

"Can we... talk?"

She immediately seized this chance, as it could be the last time they will see each other.

So Iori was even able to remember her name, and even recognized her appearance though she had drastically changed how she looked.

The option to feign ignorance seemed to be off the table.

But regardless, Mizunohara's intentions remained the same. She was essentially talking to an NPC who had no weight over the world. For all that had happened, that was the best ultimate fate Iori had left to her. To just live the rest of their life normally.

The modifications to everyone's memories would become active soon enough. However, Iori was a sort of loose end. Because she no longer had a chip, there was no way to interact with her memory.

Sagawa had hoped that the removal of the chip, which signifigantly messed with Iori's memory, would be enough to erase any traces of what happened at Hisakawa, or of herself and their bond, but... right now that assumption was in put into question.

She couldn't leave this loose end on it's own.

So, Mizunohara decided to entertain the girl's inquest.

"I'm in a hurry. But, if it's that important, please make it quick."

Sagawa spoke to her coldly. Like an inconvenienced stranger called out by someone when she already had things to do.

"I'm in a hurry. But, if it's that important, please make it quick."

Sagawa replied coldly. Iori exhaled nervously, as she began to piece a response. Her fragmented memory makes it even harder for her to speak up her thoughts.

"Ever since you have saved me..."

The pink haired girl said with a nervous tone.

"I have been trying to find you, trying to repay the debts..."

She took a deep breath.

"I know I have forgotten a lot on the bond that tied us, but that doesn't mean I would just stop and let it be."

Iori stared at the sides.

"I had a feeling that I was part of the Saionji's Hot Springs incident, but I couldn't remember... I'm very, very sorry if I have caused trouble to you and the others..."

She placed her hand on her forehead and shook her head. After a brief silence, the pink haired girl continued on.

"With the closure of Hisakawa Academy, I know we'll be parting ways..."

Then Iori looked at Sagawa with a pair of determined, earnest eyes.

"I think this is quite sudden but..."

She extended her right hand to Sagawa.

"Can we... start all over again?"

Sagawa looked at the girl's outstretched hand, offered to her with complete amiability. Her eyes narrowed, sadly.

"There is no reason to be involved with me or anything that's happened with this school anymore. If there was one earnest wish that I have for everyone, it's that those left could life the rest of their lives without remembering the sad things that happened here."

Sagawa hugged her shoulders, meekly.

"Iori-san. No... You. Meeting you again was most definitely a mistake. Our feelings couldn't match up once. They were misunderstood twice. And whatever we had between us just kept falling apart over and over."

The girl closed her eyes.

"So, therefore. Stay away. Whatever friendship you thought was possible between us was just a fantasy. To the very end, we're probably just destined to hurt each other by being in each other's presence, no doubt."

"My fate has ultimately been decided. But, yours is now free. To be friends with you would only drag you down into despair. Just like it did for Michio. Just like, so many others."

Mizuohara looked at Iori with a fatigued expression. A deathly fatigued expression.

"It was wrong to think that anyone else could be a hero. I was scared because saving everyone meant things would probably end badly for me. But, in trying to believe in people like you or Michio... it only spread more despair. In the end, I simply must play the part that I was given once more. If no one can save anyone, then who else could?"

"Working myself to death the only thing I could do at this point to atone for the lives that were lost, just because I tried to believe in other people."

"So let me pass and never look for me again. Iori Nishimura. You failure."

Sagawa Mizunohara's words stabbed through her. They were filled with so much sadness that... Iori felt a strong oppression coming from it.

Somehow, it felt like Sagawa was talking to someone else. The resounding feeling inside her that spoke on a different level was echoing.

The girl who needed someone to save her found no such champion. Therefore, once again, she had to save the world at the price of her life.

Iori slowly put her hand down as Sagawa began to speak harshly to her. The pink haired girl's expression went cold when Sagawa said that it was wrong to trust on her for help, and even downright saying that she was a failure. The words stabbed deep into her heart, as Iori tried to keep herself from breaking down. If only that unfortunate incident did not happen to her months ago, perhaps things might turn out quite differently.

Perhaps Sagawa will not be chained to her miserable fate by then.

At first, Iori felt unfair for Sagawa to pin the blame on her and the others. Trusting people is a common thing. However, the world was not kind to them, and eventually Sagawa has no choice but to sacrifice herself for everyone's happiness. Upon realizing this, Iori found that there was nothing she could say to the girl in front of her, who is now in despair, forever bounded to Mikado. Her promising future, gone. Her happy memories as a teenager, now buried with sadness. No amount of apologies, nor comfort can be given to soothe her staggering losses.

Tears began to fall as Iori continued to look at Sagawa, still thinking what she could say before they depart permanently. She then covered her mouth, as if she attempted to mask her sobbing.

"Before... you go..." Iori's spoke in a cracked voice. "Would you... promise me... just only... one thing...?"

The pink haired girl straightened herself, tears still flowing from her pink eyes.

"Please..." She sobbed, struggling to finish her words. "Please... stay safe! Don't you even... die! Don't you dare waste that life of yours!"

At this moment, Iori began to cry loudly.

"Not just me...!" She wiped the tears off her face. "It's... for the others' sake too! Even... if they will no longer remember you, anymore!"

"If you end up dead..." Iori said with a sad pout. "I'll curse you! I'll make sure that you'll become a ghost!"

Without a warning, the crying pink girl immediately dashed towards Sagawa and hugged her, without giving her a chance to react, while still sobbing and wailing loudly.


Unwillingly stuck in Iori's embrace, there was little Sagawa could do to get out of it. She felt so numb and tired from all of this that she could only stand there as she felt Iori's tears stream down onto her hair.

It was precarious position, wholly uninvited.

What kind of person would act like this after being told off so clearly?

"I called you a failure and now you're hugging me. Have you possibly gone wrong in the head, perhaps?"

Sagawa couldn't understand it. This person was making little sense. But, then again, a whole lot of things that had happened thus far didn't make much sense.

At least, this one nonsensical thing was much more pleasant than those other things. Sagawa couldn't hate it.

"But even now you're incessantly clinging onto me like this. Being an inconvenience just like before. Even with your chip gone, you still seems that the loss did not strip you of that quality of yours."

Letting out a sigh, Sagawa leaned into Iori. Since they were so kindly offering a chance to be a free support stand.


Despite the differences in height. Sagawa was able to reach around the neck of the Maid to return the hug.

"...Yeah. I'll take care of myself from now on. So, no need to worry."

"Rest easy and enjoy the rest of your life. For both of us."

The ease from Sagawa's voice and body was so genuine. So convincing that even Sagawa herself was almost convinced that her lie was the truth as well.

Things did not turn out as one had optimistically hoped for.
But that was okay

At this point, there was nothing else left for Sagawa to say. Her story and ties to Iori were... over.

@Raven Haruka

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  • Nice Execution!
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