Historical Drama-esque RP (READ IT AT LEAST)

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~Shall we?~
Original poster
Invitation Status
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Sci-Fi, Anime, Magical, Action, Etc
So I am just writing this to see if anyone would be interested in an RP thats set somewhere in the 1400s or the 1500s. Some of the best examples I can compare this RP to would be TV shows like Reign or Tudors, The Borgias and such. Obviously, if there is enough interest, I will get something up soon.

It'll at least have drama, political drama, action and such. What I expect from people who join...

Commitment, Activity and Quality. If you can't accept my request, then this roleplay will not be for you.

I am also looking for one or two co-GMs who can run this with me. They need to help, suggest and throw/pitch in ideas whenever they see fit. I've had a bunch of co-GMs who just wait for me to give them something to do. I do not want GMs like that, and I dont really consider them co-GMs, but more like helpers.

Anyhow, if you have questions, ask me.

btw, even if we will be using actual countries etc, this will be an AU-ish setting.
I am interested! I mean you know that already but I'm interested! Not as a co-gm though...>:
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