• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Romantasy ♡ horror, dark romance, fantasy, slice of life, modern, historical
You can call me Astayra. I've known about this forum for a long time and just now stumbled upon it again after ten or something years. It's been a looong time. I'm not very good at these, but I'll give it a go.

I've been roleplaying for around fifteen years, not all of them actively. But it's a hobby I can't seem to shake so here I am, trying out a new forum. The name Astayra is very dear to me because it's the first wow character I leveled from start to finish with my partner. She holds a special place in my heart.

When I'm not stuck in front of a screen, I enjoy bike rides out in the sun or a nice cup of tea and a good book. Pretty basic, in other words. But not everyone can be flashy and cool haha.

That's all from me today!
Welcome to Iwaku, Astayra

Now for my standard commentary to all wonderful new newbies; a super helpful little starter for getting your feet wet, you def should take a look at the Newbie Navigation! (Def worth reading through as it has some great and useful information to get around Iwaku)! If you've got any other questions or thoughts, feel free to shoot a message to the mod's or interns. They have fancy green names [or blue in my case] so they are easily to track down!
Welcome to iwaku!
I love that about your name 💗 It's awesome picking a name that means something special!
Welcome to Iwaku, Astayra

Now for my standard commentary to all wonderful new newbies; a super helpful little starter for getting your feet wet, you def should take a look at the Newbie Navigation! (Def worth reading through as it has some great and useful information to get around Iwaku)! If you've got any other questions or thoughts, feel free to shoot a message to the mod's or interns. They have fancy green names [or blue in my case] so they are easily to track down!
Thank you! I already had a little sneak peek before going to bed last night and I can't wait to start exploring the forum more now when I have full access as a member.

Welcome to iwaku!
I love that about your name 💗 It's awesome picking a name that means something special!
Thank you! I struggled with picking a name and then it just came to me. I mean she's just a character in a game but she represents so much more.
Welcome to Iwaku! \o/
A good cup of tea and a book sounds like a perfect day to me.
Sounds like the site is making a good first impression, yay! It's a great place to be.
Hope you enjoy your time here and if you need anything please reach out ♡