Hogwarts 1975

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Original poster
1 - landing

2 - students






seventh year
Jabari Asim
Zedekiah Blackbourne
Melinda Geralds
Joan Lambert

fifth year
Pedro Govanni


seventh year
Alistair Blackbourne
Heather Clarke
Persephone Gaunt
Asher Fay
Morrigan Quinn
Oswin Ravenwood
Felix Sloan
Garaile Scriven

sixth year
Elizabeth Carrow


seventh year
Kassandra Castillo
Anastasia Fitzgerald
Deborah Johnson
Sebastian Kissinger
Millicent Thomson
Christopher Williams
August Yilmaz

fifth year
Gabriella Flores


seventh year
Seriphim Brimm
Henry Chen
Lauren Harrison
Emrys Jernigan
Raina Summers

fifth year
Ondine Fear
Angelo Lovelace
Kyler Summers


Head Boy
Alistair Blackbourne

Head Girl
Anastasia Fitzgerald

7th year
Asher Fay
Persephone Gaunt

7th year
Kassandra Castillo
Christopher Williams

5th year
Ondine Fear

3 - clubs






Melinda Geralds

Joan Lambert

Zedekiah Blackbourne

Jabari Asim

Alistair Blackbourne

Persephone Gaunt

Morrigan Quinn

Alistair Blackbourne

Asher Fay

Deborah Johnson

Deborah Johnson

Sebastian Kissinger

Christopher Williams



Henry Chen
Angelo Lovelace

Lauren Harrison


Seriphim Brimm

Dueller's Society

Zedekiah Blackbourne


Pedro Govanni

Alistair Blackbourne


Persephone Gaunt
Morrigan Quinn


Deborah Johnson

Anastasia Fitzgerald

Henry Chen

Raina Summers

Ondine Fear
Lauren Harrison


Potions Club
Melinda Geralds

Alistair Blackbourne
Asher Fay
Ondine Fear
Anastasia Fitzgerald
Deborah Johnson

Newspaper Club
Garaile Scriven

Sebastian Kissinger
Morrigan Quinn
Felix Sloan
Oswin Ravenwood
Millicent Thomson

Orchestra Club
August Yilmaz (Piano)

Seriphim Brimm (Violin)
Anastasia Fitzgerald (Violin)
Persephone Gaunt (Flute)
Deborah Johnson (Piano)
Angelo Lovelace (Oboe)

Frog Choir

Ondine Fear
Lauren Harrison
Deborah Johnson
Millicent Thomson

Astronomy Club
Deborah Johnson

Kassandra Castillo
Henry Chen
Sebastian Kissinger
August Yilmaz

Charms Club
Kassandra Castillo

Elizabeth Carrow
Deborah Johnson
Sebastian Kissinger

Magical Creatures

Zedekiah Blackbourne
Ondine Fear
Gabriella Flores
Deborah Johnson
Angelo Lovelace
Kyler Summers

Slug Club
Professor Slughorn

Alistair Blackbourne
Zedekiah Blackbourne
Heather Clarke
Ondine Fear
Persephone Gaunt
Melinda Geralds
Deborah Johnson
Sebastian Kissinger
Morrigan Quinn
Raina Summers

4 - links





Main Thread
Hogwarts 1975

PRP Directory
Sticky Fingers

The Breakfast Club and Co.

Side Roleplays

5 - side stories





It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas
by Nemopedia [spoili]

Inspiration used: Emrys Jernigan, Joan Lambert (FieryCold) & Asher Fay (darkflames13)

Christmas songs and ornaments had long lost their meaning, with shops stalling out their Christmas goods as early as October, and the Christmas specials even earlier. Another commercialised holiday, that was all it was in Emrys's mind. Spoiling the mood long before it was even supposed to settle in.

However, despite all of the cynicism he held within, he did always look forward to the Christmas holidays. It wasn't the decoration, or the songs that made him eager to wait for Christmas. Nor were it the specials, or the presents that he wished for. The feeling of Christmas nearing wasn't hot chocolate, or the sound of bells, or the smell of candles. To the boy there was one thing that defined Christmas to him.

Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, nicely packed with a bow, gifted to his dear friend Joan. Every year, without a fail, Emrys would acquire the sweets together with Asher, pack them and hand them to the girl. Every year, without a fail, curses and punches were thrown at them.

And they would all laugh, and laugh, and laugh.[/spoili]

Wrapped With a Bow
by Nemopedia [spoili]

Inspiration used: Garaile Scriven & Anice Runeswell (VocaStar)

Nervously the prefect wrung her hands in her skirt, a blush heavily donning her face as Garaile continued to laugh. He was having an absolute blast at what she had just told him, resulting in the Slytherin being unable to keep his posture.

"You," he started as he finally took a breath, but the pause didn't last as he broke out in laughter again, annoying the girl. He didn't care, however, as he continued to laugh maniacally. "You," he could almost piss himself at the hilarity of the situation.

Anice Runeswell, little prefect girl from Slytherin, had just asked him, Garaile Scriven, scumbag number 1, to be her Christmas date.

"And you showed them that picture?" he wiped his tears dramatically. The girl grew even redder, as she nodded, embarrassment running high, and her pride shattered. It served her right for kissing him with Halloween. He wrote about scandals, he wasn't part of it, and he had been thinking for a long while on how to get back at the her.

Now he finally had it. Presented to him on a silver plate, wrapped with a bow on top. Anice Runeswell had outdone herself.

"And you told them I'm your Indo-South African pureblood boyfriend?" he still couldn't believe his ears, even if he said it himself. How did her parents even fall for the lie? It was absolutely ridiculous, but oh so delicious.

The girl nodded again, her face almost exploding with how red it was. Garaile couldn't contain himself.

"And now they want to meet me!" he cackled, hardly keeping himself in his seat. He could see that Anice was about to smack him, but decided against it. She needed his favour after all, no matter how much it humiliated her, and that alone was enough for Garaile.

Christmas was promising this year.[/spoili]

by Nemopedia [spoili]

Inspiration used: Emrys + friends, from the first prompt.

Emrys barely held on as he stepped outside. It had been freezing in the night, and the morning frost was treacherous. Looking around to see if anyone had seen him stumble the mute tried to play it off cool. Joan certainly would have a blast knowing that he almost fell, but she wasn't around, luckily.

"Morning, Emrys!" the peace and quiet was suddenly broken by said friend, followed by Asher who moved a lot more cautiously. Wise, as they were about to reach the same intersection Emrys almost slipped at. Lifting his arm he was about to warn Joan, but the girl mistook it for a wave.

Incident in three, two, one...

"Come on slowpo--ooaaah!" and there his friend went. Emrys just lowered his head into his hand, as a string of curses went towards fate, and winter. He probably shouldn't mention that he tried to warn her.[/spoili]

by Nemopedia [spoili]

Inspiration used: Garaile Scriven

Garaile once had the unfortunate luck to stand under a mistletoe with his grandmother. He loved the woman, she had after all devoted her time to caring for him when his parents decided to avoid each other permanently. However, there was just something about the thought of having to kiss your grandmother.

And let grandmother Scriven be the sort of woman who absolutely loved to shame her grandson.

"Garaile, here," she said, pointing at her puckered lips.

Disgust grew over his face as Garaile looked away. "Grandma, please," he begged, laughing to himself in discomfort. "You already convinced me to wear the sweater," he tried to reason with her, but she wouldn't be budged.

"And now I want a kiss from my only grandson," she giggled, and the boy felt himself dying a little inside.[/spoili]

The Grinch
by Nemopedia [spoili]

Inspiration used: Kid!Emrys Jernigan

Emrys didn't hate Chrismas. Not really, but he didn't like it either. So, when his school organised a costume party the eight years old dressed himself as the only creature he could identify with surrounding the holidays.

The Grinch.

"Emrys, why the Grinch?" his teacher asked him, a little amused at his choice. The boy turned towards the woman, face deadpan.

"The Grinch is my soul animal," he answered, earning a snicker from the adult.

"Are you planning on stealing Christmas?" she teased, but Emrys gave her a blank stare, thinking for a moment before staring at the rest of his classmates. "Don't steal their presents, Emrys," the adult continued, a smile still playing around her lips. The boy was a strange one, but never malicious.

"No," Emrys replied relieving her from one worry. However, he soon added a much bigger concern. "That wouldn't ruin Christmas," he mused, an idea brewing and his face lit up.

"I will tell them that Santa doesn't exist."[/spoili]

by Nemopedia [spoili]

Inspiration used: Melinda Geralds & Alistair Blackbourne (FieryCold)

Melinda used to love the colour red. It was warm, and it was romantic. It could be so many things. It also represented Christmas, and that made it her favourite holiday.

However, the twelfth winter of her life was when that all changed.

Her stomach had been hurting the whole day. For some inexplicable reason it was cramping and hurting for no reason. Her friends blamed the cold for it, and told her to stay inside, but the girl couldn't be bothered. It was snowing, and she had to go out.

"How long until Zed comes out?" Melinda whined to the twin Alistair. The three of them had agreed to meet up in the courtyard, to hang, and to hopefully beg Ali in helping them with their studies.

Alistair shrugged his shoulders, undisturbed by the cold. Melinda in the meanwhile felt like the stone underneath her was stabbing her. The pain growing a little worse until she felt something warm.

"I'm getting sick waiting outside," she exclaimed, jumping down her seat. A choice she came to regret immediately. Another flash of pain brought the Gryffindor to the ground, a groan escaping her as she clutch onto her stomach. "Can we please go inside?" she turned to her friend, who was staring at her with wide eyes.

"Uhm, I think you to see the nurse," he calmly informed her, but Melinda could tell he was distressed about something.

Rolling her eyes the girl waved away his concerns. "It is just the cold," she said, but the boy shook his head, slowly pointing at the red underneath her.

"I don't think that is the cold," he countered in a small voice, face paler than ever before.[/spoili]

The Perfect Tree
by Nemopedia [spoili]

Inspiration used: Emrys Jernigan

"A small one," Emrys said as they strolled down the lines of trees. His mother gave a disapproving look, shaking her head.

"No, a big one, I want a proper tree in the living room," she determined, eyes going down the price tags attached to the trees. The boy could already tell that she was adjusting the budget in her mind, wondering what more they could cut to afford the holidays.

"What does it matter?" the boy exclaimed, getting a little annoyed at how adamant his mother was on getting the biggest tree they could afford. "Can't we use the fake one?" He knew that they had received a little extra this year, which is why his mother was so intent on using that on giving them a proper 'experience', but was the tree really that important?

"Yes, the perfect tree is needed for the perfect christmas," his mother responded, checking out the branches of one of the trees for any blemishes. Maybe she could haggle something...[/spoili]

by Nemopedia [spoili]

Inspiration used: Melinda Geralds

With a disapproving look the girl stared at whatever they had done to the school brooms. The top had a red ball attached to it, while short branches stuck out next. It wasn't too obstructing, and wouldn't hinder the flying, but that wasn't what Melinda was so displeased about.

"And this is?" she narrowed her eyes at the team captain, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Christmas decoration," was his simple explanation and the Gryffindor rolled her eyes. She could see that it was done in the spirit of the Christmas holiday.

"But what is it?" she continued, impatiently. The pureblood knew little of the muggle customs, nor had she any appetite in finding out about them. However, today there was no way she could get around them. Not when they had attacked her broom into whatever atrocity this was supposed to be.

"Rudolph, the rednosed reindeer!" the captain responded, missing the confusion that Melinda held.

Another sigh escaped the pureblood. Too annoyed to ask further.[/spoili]

Ugly Sweaters
by Nemopedia [spoili]

Inspiration used: Garaile Scriven & Felix Sloan (FieryCold)

In his first year it was Rudolph, complete with a red ball on the sweater serving as its nose. The thing was hideous, but Garaile wore it with pride. He enjoyed the look of horror from his classmates when they saw him in it.

In his second year the Slytherin vowed that he would outdo himself with each year in the department of hideous sweaters. For the first time he made requests to his grandmother on what she could possibly do to knit the worst Christmas sweater she could manage.

The best year was when he wore the neon pink sweater that was fluffier than his pygmy puff. The fear written on the face of his victims, along with their confusion at the bright colour delighted him. No one was sure whether to laugh, or to cry when the blond came into sight.

This year was the absolute best. Having figured out a way to enchant the colours in such a way that they would flash and light up like a christmas tree Garaile was like a walking neon sign.

"Good moooooooorning, Felix!" Garaile was quick to terrorise the fashionista. He could almost hear the 'Giiiirl' escape his housemate's lips, as soon as the poor thing turned around.[/spoili]

Unreasonably Warm
by Nemopedia [spoili]

Inspiration used: August Yilmaz

With Christmas there was supposed to be snow, warm sweaters, hot choco, and all the other warm and cosy activities that fit the dull and cold weather.

However, never would August have thought that he would hear the birds singing and see the flowers blooming when Christmas rolled around.

"No," he exclaimed in chagrin, displeased at how spring-like the weather was. While the boy didn't like the cold he did like his Christmas in a certain way.

That year August Yilmaz (aged six) promptly stepped back into his bed on Christmas morning, spending his day pouting over the Christmas he lost to global warming.[/spoili]

Original source:
Merry and Bright Advent Challenge Prompts 1 - 8

Merry and Bright Advent Challenge Prompts 9 - 16

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Heather Clarke

17 years old
( age )

( gender )

Pureblood Witch
( species )

Slytherin / 7th
( house & year )

x Personality
One word summarises Heather Clarke perfectly: trouble. Heather is a rebel. She is the type of person to do what she wants regardless of what others think. To her, rules are bullshit and are meant to be broken. The only reason why she's not in trouble--or even expelled from Hogwarts just yet, is because she is smart about her rule breaking. Learning from her mistakes, Heather has been more careful not to get caught with her rule breaking escapades--or at least, have someone ready to take the fall for her.

While she believes that pureblood is above all, she also doesn't particularly care what the blood status is of those she associates with. Heather only associates herself with people whom interest her. If she wanted to hang out with a muggleborn or a half-breed. When she wants something, she goes for it. In the end, they're all the same in her eyes: inferior. Once she loses interest in someone, she throws them away, like a piece of trash.

Heather is a manipulative person. When someone catches her interest, it if often because she wants something from them. It can be from something as simple as an accessory they were wearing, to something intangible such as their popularity and connections. When Heather wants something, she does what she can to make sure she gets it.

x Biography
Heather grew up in a household with strict upbringing. Her family was proud and didn't want anything to sully their name. A lot of pressure was given to Heather to succeed. Unfortunately for them, it ended up back firing as Heather started to become rebellious. The first time she rebelled, she earned a slap from her father--the first of many. While she slowly became fearful of her parents, she also slowly started to resent them. It only served to fuel her rebellious side even more.

Prior to becoming a students at Hogwarts, Heather lived in America and was a student of Ilvermorny. After nearly getting expelled due to countless rule breaking attempts near the end of her third year, Heather's family decided it was best for her to start anew. They decided for her to moved to the United Kingdom to continue her study at Hogwarts starting from her fourth year. Initially, Heather abhorred the idea, but upon learning that her parents would not be moving with her, she became excited and couldn't wait for the move.

Heather stayed with her aunt in the UK. Her parents had agreed that she would be staying there until she completed her studies. She was not to come home, even for the holidays. The only reason she's allowed to come home was upon her parents' request. This was something that Heather did not mind at all--except for the last bit of it.

x Relationships
Parents - She hates and fears her parents. In her eyes, the couple has done nothing but give her a miserable childhood. Heather wants nothing more than to cut them off from her life for good; but she knows that doing so would be close to impossible.

Aunt - Heather has a soft spot for her aunt. Her aunt is the type of person who sees good in everyone, specially in her niece Heather. At first, it was jarring to Heather how much her aunt cared for her, but as time passed she grew fonder and fonder of the woman.

Asher Fay / Ex-boyfriend - One of the few students in Hogwarts to catch her eye. After dating for two years, Heather broke up with him during their sixth year. When people ask her why, she claims it's because she's lost interest in him.

x Miscellaneous

color: #398c40
Persephone Gormlaith-Avalon Gaunt
"Per-steph-phoney Ava-Long Gau-nt"
Percy & Perse
Date of Birth:
1st November
Edinburgh Scotland, United Kingdom
Pureblood - Parselmouth
History Family:
Persephone is born into a bastard-born side of the Gaunt bloodline, that began with a Dark Witch known as Gormlaith Gaunt through the birth of a bastard son, during early 1600. That was never historically recorded, but later discovered by the niece of Gormlaith shortly after her death in 1634.

The final heirloom that Gormlaith Gaunt could have possibly handed down to her bastard was stolen by her niece. Salazar Slytherin's wand is now in a permanent state of sleep buried Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where over the top grew a beautifully rare snakewood tree. This left the Gaunt family rather bitter towards the Steward family, since a letter and destroyed wand of the defended Witch was sent back to Ireland where her hidden family was.

Wealth came to the family once more with time, though not through the working with other sides of the Gaunt family. Anger, greed and villainous behaviors held their riches intact. Along with few of them being born with the ability to speak Parseltongue, the larger the association with noble purebloods of the same ability meant the numbers grew more so with time.

There were few uprisings regarding the family many years after this branch had been created, taking the place of their dark ancestors. Such times were harsh for members of the family that tried to click on the society and fit in. The final uprising within the family was settled and torn apart from the inside of the family branches, leaving only two still breathing at the end of the family's civil war.

Feared throughout Ireland because of the behavior through the generations, the surviving branches that wished to make a difference decided to move to the Scotland. Giving the newer generations a better chance, and calmer beginning.

The first branch still held the broken wand of Gormlaith as a reminder of the darker days of their family, and what hatred they were born with. Angus Fergus Gaunt was one of the last holders of this heirloom, which was handed over to his son and successor William Gaunt.

William Gaunt was the final son born into the family line, with time people from the second branch began to die off. Solidifying the very last bloodline of Gormlaith's dark branch. This last male heir held a high place in Hogwarts, almost restoring the faith in people that the darkness had left him, more so upon the welcoming of an unlike pureblood marriage of love within spring of 1950.

William's love was faithfully placed in a Ravenclaw by the name of Elise Bonnet, together they lived happily for a few years. First and only child being born between them during the Pagan celebration of Samhain, November first, 1958.

Persephone Gormlaith-Avalon Gaunt was born at a healthy weight and size. She the pride and joy of her family. A prophecy was told of her being powerful, and thus her parents named her after their ancestor in the hope of giving a new reputation to the name Gormlaith within the wizarding world.

Personal History:
Being the only child came at some advantages to Persephone, as she had little to no competition for attention nor the grand teachings of her powerful and respected grandfather. It wasn't long into her life that her parents discovered Persephone's ability to speak Parseltongue, an ability that had been believed to have died out in her family tree with her grandfather and his siblings family line. Yet, it appeared it wasn't the case when they decided to visit a local pet store in Edinburgh when Persephone was just a child.

It was decided then that Persephone's grandfather taught her all he knew about the history of Parselmouths within their family, leading all the way back to Salazar Slytherin himself. At a young age, her family's history sparked her interest, and she followed through learning through whatever piece of information she could find.

Homeschooled until the letter from Hogwarts arrived truly shaped the quiet and shy nature of Persephone. Mostly due to her mother's fear of the child being discovered as a Parselmouth in a rather delicate time. Even going to such an extreme to changing the first middle name in her daughters full-name, in the hopes of giving her a chance of friends in Hogwarts.

As the situations within the wizarding world became more dangerous, Persephone had officially become a student at Hogwarts and sorted into the house of Slytherin, much like her father was. She doesn't recall much about her first couple of years at Hogwarts, everything seemed a bit average.

Except for the bullies who made her everyday life almost impossible, extremely hard to make friends.

Family tragedy struck her during the Summer before the beginning of her seventh year. Killing her parents and grandfather who refused to join the Dark Lord as loyal followers and Death Eaters. Persephone was spared as she was hidden away by her grandfather who claimed for her to hide in Parseltongue. Leaving her to hide away, stepping out after the chaos. Confronted by the traumatic scene, and a final Death Eater that happened yet left.

Not having her wand in hand, she took her deceased grandfather's wand. Using the best defense she could muster against a fully grown wizard, that caused her going through a wall. Leaving her with scars from the spell cast, scale-like burns left behind from the torture she faced at the hand of the wizard.

Left shaken, Persephone was comforted by her mother's close friends and housed for the start of the year. Now she was the carrier of the destroyed wand of her dark ancestor and had adopted her beloved grandfather's wand. Having her old wand buried with him, as a sense of leaving a piece of her with him.

Adopting her mother's Patronus, a Black Swan. As an endearment of love for her memory, carrying it as a reminder of who she wants to be.

House & Year:
Slytherin, Seventh Year

Orchestra - Flute
Qudditch - Slytherin Chaser
  • Quiet and Reserved
  • Sweetheart & Calm
  • Intelligent
  • Team player
  • Protective & Loyal
First Wand - 11 inch Ebony, Unicorn Hair, Strudy.
Second Wand (grandfather's family inherited wand - creator Mykew Gregorovitch) - 10 inch Snakewod, Basilisk skin, Strudy.

Persephone's boggart has changed since the attack on her family. her biggest fear takes the form of final Death Eater that was left in her house, after the attack on her family. Leaving her with longterm reminders of her weakness against the people that murdered her parents.

Black Swan - Thought to have been rarer than a unicorn when first discovered, black swans represent loyalty, monogamous love, and caring for loved ones. They may have a wild youth but remain monogamous later in life. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a protective mother swan? Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish! Source
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Name: Raina Marie Summers

Age: Seventeen

Sex: Female

Orientation: Asexual Demiromantic

Race: Djinnling Wizard

Blood Status: Pureblood Half-Breed

Year: Seventh

House: Hufflepuff

Position: Deulling Club Co-captain


Neurological Ailments: Inferiority Complex, Paranoia, Intrusive Thoughts, Trust Issues

Allergies: Iron

Drinking Habits: Social Drinker.
Favorite Drink: Firewhiskey​

Social Disposition: Extrovert

Likes: Chocolate, Birds, Hypogriffs, Thunderbirds, Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Dueling Club

Dislikes: Cats, Chocolate Frogs, Finger Food, Coffee, Pureblood Supremacists, Disloyalty​


Wand: Blue Spruce, Unicorn Hair, 12", Unyeilding

Pet: A black, gray, and orange long-eared owl named Manny, short for Mandarin Orange.

Patronus: Hippogriff Uncorporeal

Signature Spell: Avis in combination with Oppugno.

Affects: Djinn are born with a birthmark on their dominant hand that grows and takes shape as they age. Raina's Djinn birthmark has grown to resemble a Hippogriff dominating the palm of her hand and snaking around her wrist. She uses a concealment charm to keep it hidden from view.

Illusion: Raina can create simple illusions. Though, she doesn't exercise this ability often enough to do very much with it.

Wind Walker: Raina can "teleport" using the wind, but can only go in the direction of of the wind. Using this ability in still air will render her almost invisible.


Outspoken || Snappy
If there's one thing to say about Raina, it's that she's not a quiet person and will not stand idly by while something happens. Unfortunately, she also lacks tack (or, more likely, refuses to practice it) and will more often than not come off as insulting and rude. She has a comment for everything, but can also say something without actually saying anything at all, leading to needless confusion and misunderstanding that makes her think even less of her peers. In her peer's defense, not even her own family can always understand where she's trying to get at. As far as her insults go; most of the time she means it. Otherwise she'll think you over sensitive.

Bossy || Demanding
She could almost be described as a natural leader, if only she wasn't so... Raina. She knows what needs to be done and will try to utilize what's around her to accomplish a set goal, but her demeanor makes others less than willing to follow her orders, which is exactly how she feels when someone tries to order her around. She doesn't take well to authority of any kind, especially if said authority is within her age group or younger. Least to say, she doesn't take Prefects seriously. Another undesirable thing to note is her lack of use of manners. Demanding a "please" or "thank you" from her will result in a hex and her resorting to finding her own way to achieve her goal, when there is one to achieve.

Prideful || Inferiority Complex
Most would think Raina holds herself in a higher standing than her surrounding peers, and she does to a point, but she often doubts her standing and this leads to her pushing to constantly prove to herself she's just as good, if not better, than her peers. The worst thing you can say to the witch is telling her she can't do something. She won't yeild to anyone who thinks they're better than her, even going as far as point out every fault she can find to bring them down out of spite. This can also lead to obsessive behavior to prove she's just as good as anyone else, and also to stubborn behavior as she won't accept defeat no matter the odds. One could even describe her as a workaholic. Quitting for her, just isn't an option.

Strife =/= Stress
Raina doesn't just work well under pressure; if she could provoke the whole world at once she would and stand against it. After all, when you talk as much as she does and provoke many people with strong beliefs, you have to learn how to stand strong with your back straight and chin up. She can handle scandals and politics, enjoys most of them honestly, and debates are right up her alley. You can argue yourself blue and she'll still reply with a smooth smirk and a solid confidence in her being right, even if she isn't. She takes multiple tests, essays, and projects in stride and the feeling of of being overwhelmed is quite foreign to her.

Professional || Emotionally Aware
As brash and impulsive as Raina can be, she also knows when to mind her tone and think her words out carefully. She knows when and how to put on a show, and even if she isn't in front of her classmates giving a formal presentation she keeps her appearance appropriate even for a uniform. Though being around other children brings out the not so professional side of her. But contrary to popular belief, she isn't easy to anger. She'll openly show her annoyance and frustration, sometimes getting worked up over the smallest things, but she keeps her anger in check unless one truly provokes her. She doesn't laugh very often either, often offering a smirk or a snicker.

Confrontational || Assertive
If there is a problem Raina much prefers to address it head on then let it fester in the shadows. Elephant in the room be damned. If you have a problem with her she won't let that go unaddressed either, her approach may be a little different, however. When it comes to duels she's not shy about making the first move, much less making the challenge to begin with, her arsenal being made up of mostly offensive and destructive spells. She also may not be opposed to settling disagreements with a hex or two. But despite all of this, you'll at least see her coming as attacking from behind or underhand tactics just isn't her style.

Loyal || Dependable
It may come to a surprise but Raina is deeply loyal to what she deems worthy of her loyalty, but she doesn't hand it out willy-nilly. She's a proud Hufflepuff and practically flaunts her colors. Hogwarts is to her what it became to most young witches and wizards: a second home, a chance at greatness. Above all else, don't mess with her family.
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Name: Kyler Jonas Summers

Age: Fifteen

Sex: Male

Orientation: Bisexual Panromantic

Race: Djinnling Wizard

Blood Status: Pureblood Half-Breed

Year: Fifth

House: Hufflepuff

Position: Annoying Little Brother


Neurological Ailments: Insecure

Allergies: Iron

Drinking Habits: None

Social Disposition: Introvert

Likes: Socializing, Puns, Jokes, Pranks, Flirting, Down Time

Dislikes: Miscommunication, Having to lie for his parents, Needless Violence, Insults that target another's intelligence, Pureblood Supremacists, Prying​


Wand: Pine, Phoenix, 13 3/4″, Pliant

Magical Artifact: Nimbus 1000

Patronus: Manx Cat Uncorporeal

Signature Spell: Accio

Affects: Djinn are born with a birthmark on their dominant hand that grows and takes shape as they age. Kyler's Djinn birthmark has grown to resemble a Cat dominating the palm of his left hand. He uses a concealment charm to keep it hidden from view.

Illusion: Kyler is a less reserved than his sister and uses this ability - admittedly - a lot more than he should. Doesn't mean he's not careful, just curious. He can do anything from a small rodent to an imperfect human.

Wind Walker: Kyler can "teleport" using the wind, but can only go in the direction of of the wind. Using this ability in still air will render him almost invisible.


Kyler is a fairly apathetic person with no real ambition or drive. He doesn't even plan out his next breakfast let alone have any plans for the future. He may want to travel the world or he may settle down and open a sushi shop. Who knows?

He's generally liked among his peers but most of his friendships aren't deep and long lasting connections. He does, however, genuinely like spending time with people even if it wears him out. He can be seen interacting with a few different people through out the day and at least one person is happy to see him when he enters a room.

His love life is a different matter entirely. His relationships don't normally last beyond a few months mostly due to being unable to get too close to someone and having no secrets. There's something about the young man that draws people to him whether it be his blunt honesty or how unfazed he is by most (worrisome) things, but once his other half realizes they can't get passed it, he gets dumped.

For all his faults Kyler is kind and deeply loyal to those who deserve his loyalty. His family's needs will always come before his own, even if there's a conflict of interest.

Emrys 'Ambrose' Jernigan

17 years old, July 27, Muggleborn
Seventh year Hufflepuff

10' Willow, Unicorn hair, springy

Description: Named after the legendary wizard Merlin this young muggleborn is very unlike his namesake. Due to a difficult background, and frequent bullies this boy has slowly grown into silence. Refusing to speak the boy has difficulty in standing up for himself, and for others, but is infinitely loyal to his friends, nonetheless.

However, despite his muteness Emrys has some exceptional wit, which often shows through in sign language and writing. It is proof of a ready mind, which has often saved him. A dreamer that hopes that the coldness in his world will once fade away, and a realist that understands that it has to come from himself. Emrys is, unlike the great wizard Merlin, not promised to be a great warlock, but promises to be the best he can be.

Link to original CS
Lovers Quarrel; Marvel;
Ondine Fear
Hufflepuff 5th year. Born: March 25. Female, Xana halfbreed presumed pureblood.

Wand: Maple, eleven inches, phoenix feather & nice and supple.

The Fear family have always claimed themselves to be purebloods in line, however due to questionable births and the bad administration of their family tree they have a hard time proving this to the community. While they are wealthy the Fear family misses the recognition as one of the original pureblood families. They are the new blood amongst the purebloods.

An unknown piece of knowledge to most --and a fact unknown to even the family itself until a recent accident-- is the origin of the oldest daughter Ondine Fear. Born from a xana the little girl was swapped at birth with the actual child that was supposed to be Ondine Fear. Since xana are unable to produce their own milk and take care of their own children this was a necessary practise to keep her alive. It wasn't until seven years ago when the Fear family had a second child that they found out about the swap. However, unwilling to fall off the pedestal that they had so carefully climbed up on they wrapped the whole story up and covered it nicely with money and influence. After all, Ondine was a very normal child despite the fact that she was born from a creature.

Ondine is often described as an extremely beautiful girl. Like most xaninos are she is known for her beauty and a voice that lures in all who hears her. While initially a sweet girl with a caring heart and a love for baking Ondine always has a strange fascination and distraction around large bodies of water. It is a remnant of her true nature that belongs to the waterside. Sometimes the girl can disappear for whole parts of the day, only to turn up dazed near the waters again and unable to recall what happened. Most push it away as general airheadedness, but those who know the truth know better. As the girl grows up her true nature as a xana is showing. Soon enough she will join the rest of her species and swap her children as a changeling as well.

However, as long as she is living her live as a 'pureblood' witch and as the heiress of the Fear family Ondine is a caring older sister whose younger sister was born with a deformity that is another splash on the name of the Fear family. At the same time there is also a guilt gnawing within the girl knowing that she had taken in the place of the child that was actually supposed to be her. The thought that one day she might do the same with a child she births pains and stresses her as well. It is one of the reasons why Ondine is always eager to do the best and help wherever she can. That she gets taken advantage of she is aware of, but she doesn't mind it as she sees it as her way of repaying for the sin of her birth.
Anastasia Flizgerald
Birth Name:
Anastasia Fitzgerald
Known As:
Annie, Ann, Fitz, Fitty.
Pureblood, Witch
Date of Birth:
5th December
Ravenclaw - Head Girl
10" Apple, Unicorn Hair, Springy
Born into the Fitzgerald family, in Boston America. Anastasia's family had few ideas of where they'd send their first born. Which brought many magical school to their attention. The final draw came between Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Being a magical historian, Anastasia's mother made the final choice on sending her to Hogwarts, due to it's rich history and record of amazing staff.

Everything was rather normal for the young witch growing up in Boston, she spent time with her tutors. Learnt all she could and got an understanding of where she was meant to be going for study. Understanding it was quite a distance from her home nervousness set in for Anastasia. But with time she settled on the idea more so.

Her grades and education through Hogwarts when started was rather notable. She had already gained a good understanding of their understanding, and the English Ministry of Magic. Which was so important since she was someone from another country, and she wished to continue her studying at Hogwarts.

Seventh year has stepped off in a promising manner, as Anastasia's record had given her the amazing chance to become Head Girl of Ravenclaw, the house she was sorted into on her first year. Much excitement is held for Anastasia in the eyes of her closest friend a Hufflepuff who goes by Laurie. The two are one of most unlikely set of friends, as Annie holds the rules high, and Laurie doesn't quite care for them.

Anastasia's boggart is of an empty home. As she always fears being left by her parents, and family. Since, Annie has such a love for her family that she fears one day she'd come home from Hogwarts to an empty house. No one there to greet her. In a sense, her own loneliness is her boggart.

Owl - The patronus of an owl symbolises a strong aura of wisdom, and individuals with it shine intellectually. They are not very social people, but they tend to be very admired for the impression their blatant knowledge of the world. Others tend to be comfortable going to these persons for advice, because they know they are trustworthy. They enjoy this reputation, as they love having the ability to steer others into the proper direction. Common in bird patronuses, the owl has a strong spirit that gives them a freedom to do as they please, with little interference of the opinion of society. The most common signs for an owl patronus are Aries and Capricorn, the most common house is Ravenclaw. Source


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Lauren Angelina Harrison

Birth Name:
Lauren Angelina Harrison
Known As:
Laurie, Huffle, Hummingbird.
Muggleborn, Witch.
Date of Birth:
13th October
11" Aspen, Phoenix Tail Feather, Flexible.
Lauren Angelina Harrison, born to a loving family located in Manchester. Youngest of six, and the only witch, Laurie's brothers and sisters tended to leave her out of things. Out of possible envy or jealously, she wasn't quite sure. All the sweet girl truly remembers of her childhood before Hogwarts days it was lonely, she had far and few friends.

Everything changed between her siblings when Laurie turned eleven, and was given her letter from Hogwarts. Of which, made all her older siblings upset in the sense of them not wanting to have her go. She was their little sister, and they must protect her. They couldn't do that when she was to be sent away. On her own she travelled to Ollivander's, and found herself paired with an old Aspen wand, which was waiting quite sometime for its master to turn up.

Very quickly did she find a friend in her wand, as it was rather blunt and talkative. Ollivander had told her it was the type of wood. They were always rather defiant and talkative, quite like their masters at the best of times.

The wand chooses the master. Is a thought that had crossed Laurie's mind when using spells with her wand, as it always looked from someone like itself. So it's feelings could be matched. Her knowledge of this always helped use her wand, when it was being a little bit on the defiant side.

Upon the train to Hogwarts, Lauren found herself stuffed into one of the packed cabins with an Anastasia Fitzgerald. Through the long train ride the girls bonded and laughed about their similar interests. Laurie learnt so much about her new dear friend in such a short time, and same went for Annie learning about her. Yet, the girls had to go their own ways upon Annie being sorted into Ravenclaw, and shortly after Laurie was sorted into Hufflepuff.

It didn't stop the two from every hanging around with one another. All the years at Hogwarts, they found each other as their own company. Annie took on a role of being her dear friend's tutor, and Laurie taught Annie about the muggle world and what life was like being born into a muggle family.

Laurie learnt she had a talent for a few subjects on her own, such as; History of Magic and Herbology.

Settling into coming back to Hogwarts for her seventh year, she has heard about the recent attacks on some pureblood families, and fears for her friends and close peers.


The fear of blood has been one of the biggest downfalls of Lauren since childhood. So when coming face-to-face with her boggart for the first time it took the form of her dear and close friend Annie, who was laying down on the ground. Blood seeping violently from wounds that she had gotten. Maggots biting into her dear friend's cheek and almost rotting flesh. The scene had lead to Lauren fainting in class.


Hummingbird -The hummingbird is a very carefree patronus, and shows a free spirit. These are those who want to enjoy every aspect of life and embrace it to it's full potential. They are social, but they also need an amount of time alone to try and find their own path. They are sensitive and influenced easily by what others say about them. They try to act as though they are independent, but they take every compliment and insult they receive with extreme consideration. They want to please everyone. The most common house for a hummingbird patronus is Hufflepuff. The most common signs are Libra and Cancer. Source
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Pedro Rowan Govanni

Birth Name:
Pedro Rowan Omar Govanni
Known As:
Pedro, Dro, Rowan, Row, Govanni, Gio.
Half-Blood, Wizard.
Date of Birth:
31th October
11" Black Walnut, Flexible, Pheonix Tail Feather
Pedro Rowan Omar Govanni was born between a English pure-blood witch and an Italian merchant. Making him a mix between the magical world, and muggle-world. Being his father's discovery into the wizarding world, Pedro's father grew an interest in his wife's secret life that she was forced to hide. All-and-all, the gifts that the little Govanni boy was granted from his mother's genetics brought his family closer.

Growing up in a modest area, Pedro never saw children like him, not until the Harrison family moved into the house across the street. At the time he remembered his muggle grandfather sitting on the porch, scoffing at the number of red heads pouring out of the cars. 'They were largest number of carrot tops' his grandfather ever saw in one gathering. Young Pedro didn't truly care about them too much, as he sat there on the grass watching the family move into the house, few carrying personal boxes in hand. Even a girl no older than him by one or two years. Unlike her siblings, this carrot top didn't seem to have the ratty features like the others. Even upon meeting her better at her family's introduction did Pedro notice her gem-blue doe like eyes, and bubbly nature.

She was named Lauren Harrison, affectionately called Laurie, but to him she was his Carrot Top.

It didn't take long for the Carrot Top to transfer to his local primary school, being two years above him. He always thought her bubbly nature would cause her to be popular, but all in truth she wasn't. Carrot Top didn't fit in. Even with her siblings it seemed, as she was often hiding up on the roof at night sleeping to a local stray that plagued the area for years.

Pedro was quite a troublemaker during this time of Lauren's moving into the neighbour, and the new girl just had to be his next target. He went to all levels and extremes to scare the poor girl, even gifting her a frog during her a toad one birthday. Much to his surprise stupid Carrot Top adored the bloody thing, named him Rowan almost to get back at him, not that it really harmed him. Almost flattered the boy that someone named something after him.

Over the years his teasing did really begin to test Lauren, and finally all imploded when Pedro dared to try kill Rowan, Carrot Top's beloved toad. Truly, it wasn't him though. It was a spell he'd learnt all by himself, to cast the image of Rowan. The next thing he knew, he was vomiting up slug's in his backyard, as a puffy-eyed Lauren Harrison stared at him. Sniffling.

Pedro had met and learnt of his first muggle-born witch, his neighbour of two years. A girl he secretly admired, but was told 'you tease the girls you like'. He never knew she was an actual witch! Someone just like him. Vomiting up slugs didn't seem half-bad, after-all he had met his first witch other than his mother.

Of course, everything changed after that his 'play-mate' no longer hung around, and the whole Harrison family grew distance after the incident involving slugs. Time flew quick enough that Pedro Govanni even got his own letter to Hogwarts, believing himself superior in more levels than one when it came to his abilities as a wizard. Pedro's trouble-making attitude, and head-strung personality found him sorted into Gryffindor. Leading to the delightful surprise of meeting Laurie again, but she was a Hufflepuff, a Badger and he a Lion.

In his five years since attending Hogwarts, Pedro grew a decent crowd around him, though hung by one friend as troublesome as he. His magic improved, and the relationship that he hoped to rope Lauren into was slipping away from him. So much was riding on him for this next year, he had tried so hard to make her sob, and turn into a ball of mush since arriving. He couldn't possibly not have her cave in before she graduates... She's a Hufflepuff for Christ's sake!

But he didn't only have pranks planned for the Hufflepuffs, but anyone and anything that got in his and his friend's way. Pedro has gained a reputation in his time at Hogwarts, for causing trouble, and not giving two-fucks-about-it. He's crude, and rude.


Tiger -The tiger is a very strong, independent patronus. They have a fierce personality to them that they show openly, and have no problem doing it. However, there is more to them than just an impression, they have parts of their past that are a bit dark, and that has caused them to grow a bit cynical. They don't like to show their feelings to others, as they like to maintain the impression for themselves and for others that they are unbreakable. They are not fast to warm up to anyone, but once they do they will protect you with all that they have. The most common house for a tiger patronus is Slytherin. The most common signs are Gemini and Aquarius. Source
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Caridad Castillo

Basic Information
Name Kassandra Caridad Castillo

Kass was named after two people, both of which had some form of meaning in her parent's lives. Her first name, Kassandra, came from one of her great grandmothers who was cut off from the family due to her difference in belief on the subject of blood purity. Great grandmother Kassandra was a source of inspiration for her father whose beliefs aligned with. He may not have met the woman, but he found a journal of hers when he was younger. Carlos had always been doubtful whether or not the family views were right. Reading his grandmother's journal gave him a voice from another perspective which helped him figure things out. This ultimately led him to meeting his wife and having a daughter.

Her second name, Caridad, on the other hand, came from her mother. Katrina Bautista was born and raised in the Central Visayas region. Growing up, she and her neighbour were very close. The two were practically sisters and had promised to name their first born daughters after each other. They parted ways when Katrina and her family moved to a different region after her father got a new job. Kat and her friend exchanged letters, but at some point they stopped. Despite this, Katrina never forgot about her dear friend and was very proud of her when she started acting. Needless to say, she didn't forget about her promise either and named Kass after her.

Kass - Shortened form of Kassandra. It's what most people call her.
Cari - Derived from her second name. Only her grandparents from her mom's side of the family called her this.
Candy - A nickname affectionately given to her by her uncle Anton. It comes from a mixture of Kassandra's love for sweets and her name.

Age 17 years old
Date of Birth September 16, 1958

Gender Female
Ethnicity Filipino (Tagalog)

Species Witch
Blood Status Half-blood

House and Year
Ravenclaw • Seventh year


Curious - Ever since she could remember, Kass has always asked a lot of questions and demanded a lot of answers. Back when she still lived with her birth parents, she would often ask them silly little questions that suddenly popped into her head such as 'Why am I brown?', 'What does this do?', 'Why is the sky blue?' She's always had a seemingly unquenchable thrist for knowledge. Kass simply loves to learn new things. She's always an eager beaver when it comes to new knowledge she can aquire.

Her curiosity was heightened when she was given a proper introduction to the wizarding world. Kassandra never stopped bothering her aunt and uncle with all sorts of questions about magic. She was never the garrulous type, but when it came to seeking answers, it was like she would never stop.

Competitive - Apart from books and sweets (and of course her family and friends) there's something else that Kass loves, and that is a good competition. Kass rarely backs down from any challenge presented to her, but only when it's about academics and whatnot. She loved a good puzzle and would pour hours and hours in trying to solve one that is presented to her. Physical challenges, on the other hand, were a whole different matter. Kass doesn't losingand will do everything she could to win, however, she draws the line at cheating. If there's anything that Kass absolutely hates, it's a cheater.

As competitive she may be, she isn't a sore loser. Kass is a very humble person, never boasting around what she has and most certainly never make a fuss about losing. She knows that there'll always be others better than her. Just as much as she hates a cheater, she also hates a sore loser. A loss will hurt her, but she will never badmouth or blame anyone apart from herself for her loss. Losing motivates her to work harder and hopefully do better the next time around.

Insecure - Kass was never a confident person. Even though she's proud to have been sorted into Ravenclaw, she's never really felt like she lived up to do the house proud. It is why she has a hard time making a decision on thing as well as why she's so competitive. Kass wants to at least be one of the best. She feels that if she does this, she'll have more confidence in herself.

Most of her insecurities stemmed from her childhood. For a long time, she's had trouble reconciling with the fact that she was a witch. Learning about it was amazing yet devastating for her. While she's now fully accepted the fact that it is who she is, Kass still can't help but feel somewhat self-conscious of being one due to her religion. She feels that it's a feeling that will never really go away unless she forgets about her religion, something she's considered doing in the past but has always decided against.

Responsible - Although she has a lot of insecurities, she never lets any of them get in the way of her responsibilities. Kass is someone who can be trusted to keep her word when she says she going to do something. She is definitely not the type who procrastinates on things. It's why she's been trusted to be a prefect.

As responsible as she is however, Kass cannot be trusted to completely strictly follow rules. While she would not ever cheat to get the upper hand on someone, she has found that sometimes, a little rule breaking may be necessary. True to her house, Kass does what she feels to be the smartest thing to do in a problematic situation, even if it meant bending a few rules.

On September 16 of the year 1958, Maria Katrina Castillo gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Kassandra. At this point Carlos "Caloy" Castillo, her father, had yet to tell his wife about his family heritage. Quite truthfully he wasn't sure if he should. Caloy had been scared of telling his wife in fear of how she would react. Kass' birth gave him joy, but at the same time it filled him with dread. As cruel as a thought it was, he hoped that his daughter ended up being a squib simply to avoid ever having to tell his wife the truth.

Growing up, Kass was mostly taken care of by her mother's side of the family. Before she was old enough for schooling, Kass' parents would drop her off her at grandparents' place before work and pick her up in the afternoon. When they weren't available to take care of her, Katrina's brother and his wife would do so instead.

A big turning point in her life came the year she turned seven. It was then that Kass' magic finally started to show. It started with things she needed appearing right beside her just when she needed them. Kass never really found it strange, she chalked it up as pure luck. One day, while Katrina was out in the market, Caloy caught sight of Kass' magic in action.

Kass had been studying in her room when she found that she needed to note something down. Her eyes were still on the book she read while her hand was looking around the area beside her, trying to find a pen or a pencil. Her father Caloy had decided to check up on her at this exact moment. There he saw a pencil, floating from the other side of the room towards where Kass sat. He knew what was happening in that moment, but it seemed to him that his daughter had no idea at all. Without thinking, he called her name, panic evident in his voice. Kass immediately turned around and when she did, she caught a glimpse of the floating object right before it fell to the ground. She was scared.

It was then that Caloy's fear had finally been realised. There was no hiding it any longer. He knew what he should do, he should tell her the truth; but that wasn't what happened. Instead of comforting her and explaining the truth to her, he got mad. Caloy raised his voice at his daughter for the first time. He forbade her from using her magic ever again, even though he knew that she barely had any control over it. The Castillo patriarch knew that things would change around the house if the truth were to ever come out. He didn't want things to change, not now, not ever. Caloy was a coward who continued to run away.

From that day on, Kass changed. She became more conscious and paranoid. The last thing she wanted to do was to upset her parents. Kass grew so scared that she eventually started locking herself up in her room just incase something happens. Her change in behaviour worried Katrina. Carlos on the other hand, felt immense guilt. He knew that he was responsible for how their daughter was acting.

Later during the year, both of Caloy's brothers decided to pay him a visit. It wasn't a social visit for them to catch up, but rather, something much more serious. They were there to inform him of their father's recent passing. It was how the two found out that they had a niece named Kassandra. The first question was the brothers threw at Caloy was whether or not Kass was a witch. The silence that met their question was enough of an answer for the two. Anton wanted to take Kass away, raise her properly. Katrina, who took offence at Anton's insinuation, demanded an explanation. It was then that Caloy accepted the fact that the truth could no longer be hidden and thus, he explained everything to his wife.

To say that Katrina reacted negatively was an understatement. She started throwing things at the brothers, and even at her own daughter. Katrina couldn't deal with the truth. It was her belief that witches were evil. Before the woman could do damage to any of them, Renz acted quickly and stunned the muggle. Her reaction only further fuelled Anton's argument of having Kassandra under his care, yet Caloy continued to refuse.

Finally, a decision was made when the young girl in question was asked to speak up by Renz. It seemed that the middle brother had noticed that the young witch had something to say. Looking directly at his father, the girl made the decision for them. I want to leave. Four words that her father would never forget.

She was set to leave a week from that day, giving ample time for his father to make up something to explain Kass' leave to his wife. As her uncles left, Anton made sure to obliviate Katrina's memories of the incident before undoing the stunning spell done by his brother. She watched as he cast the spell and couldn't help but think how she could one day learn that as well.

The week went by quickly and before she knew it, Kass was picked up by her uncle Renz and was on her way to the house her father grew up in. She stayed there for years, learning about magic from her two uncles, but mostly from her uncle Anton as Renz had to return to Europe for his business. Renz still visited though and everytime he did, he gave her a new book to read.

It was when Kass turned ten that the topic of her schooling came about. Anton wanted for her to be home schooled, but Renz gave her the option of studying at a school. Schooled appealed to her more and thus, Kass moved yet again. This time it wasn't just to a different part of the country, it was to a different country entirely. She headed to England with her uncle Renz and attended Hogwarts the following year.

Carlos "Caloy" Castillo Father - Kass has a strained relationship with her father. The deterioration in their once loving relationship began the moment her father forbade her to use magic when she was younger. She resents him for making her think she wasn't normal--which she wasn't, but her father made her feel like that was a bad thing. Up till now, Kass isn't certain if she could ever forgive her father for what he did.

Maria Katrina Castillo (née Bautista)Mother - Her relationship with her mother is significantly better than that with her father, but it isn't spectacular either. Kass couldn't forget about how negatively her mother had reacted to the truth that she had to be obliviated. She isn't quite sure how to feel about her mother.

Lorenzo "Renz" CastilloUncle - He along with his brother Anton served as Kass' gateway to the wizarding world. She could only imagine how miserable her life would've been like if the two hadn't come when they did. Kass is eternally grateful to the two of them, but specially to her uncle Renz. He was the one who encouraged her to decide if she stays with her father or not, it was also him who opened the opportunity for her to move to another country and study in a wizarding school.

Antonio "Anton" CastilloUncle - The uncle who spoils her rotten. Kass finds it surprising how much her uncle Anton spoils her considering that she's a half-blood bearing their name. While her uncle Anton never explains why to her, her uncle Renz thinks that it's attributed to the fact that Anton's own son is a squib and that he's simply excited to have a child in the family who could do magic.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow - More commonly known in the Philippines as a type of Maya (bird) and is locally called "mayang simbahan." The Eurasian tree sparrow is a bird that is commonly found in urban areas of the Philippines. Kass never knew why, but she was also quite fond of the small creature, despite it being so common. Just like the animal it mimicked, Kass' patronus is also small in size. When she first managed to cast her patronus, Kass couldn't help but think that there was no other creature more fitting to be her patronus.

Scorpio - Scorpio, or Scorp, is a white faced scops owl given to her by her uncle Anton. Kass got him when uncle Anton came to the UK for a sudden visit during the Christmas break of her first year at Hogwarts. It was a last minute gift that he bought for Kass upon hearing her stories of how other students at Hogwarts had pets such as owls. While Kass never really hinted wanting one nor expressed any sadness of not having a pet of her own, her uncle still got her one. Anton simply loved spoiling his niece, much to Renz' dismay.

Core Griffin Feather
"Those who are true, skillful, stubborn, protective, strong-willed, logical, observant, perceptive and witty would have this wand core. Having such a wand core suggests that you have a strong will as well as a strong heart. You are clever and witty, as well as observant, able to observe and perceive things that others would otherwise overlook or would not comprehend or see the connection to. Having such a strong will makes this wand core one of the best to use in high impact and blunt force magic, such as Dueling Magic. But this wand core also works well with those who are skilled in DADA, Elemental Magic (particularly Air Spells and Fire Spells), Occlumency, Legilimency and magic that involves allot of strategy, mind over matter, thinking and planning. The owners of such wand cores tend to be skillful in all magic, including The Dark Arts. However, due to the stubborn, volatile nature of this wand core, few wizards and witches are able to control it by itself, which is why it is normally paired up with a softer, gentler wand core such as Unicorn Hair, which often tames the more volatile core. But for the few that can control this core by itself, it makes for a very powerful core indeed. But it should be noted that Griffin Feather cores by themselves do not work well with all types of wands, which is why only certain wand types will have Griffin Feather cores. This wand core is often seen among those of House Gryffindor and House Ravenclaw, but it will sometimes bond well with a few of House Slytherin from time to time. "

Wood Reed
"Reed is always delicate, and a difficult wand to work with. However, its wisdom and intelligence make it sought-after by some. It is almost solely a Ravenclaw wandwood."

Length 11 inches

Religion - Christian (Christianity). During the first seven years of her life, Kassandra was greatly bathed in the religion due to her birth mother being a very religious person. Kat was the one who taught Kass the bible, the Lord, and everything else she needed to know about Christianity. As taught by her mother, Kass read a passage in the bible everyday. She remembered to pray upon waking up, before having a meal, and before she goes to bed. Sunday mass was never a thing she missed; she and her family were always in attendance. In fact, the priest already knew them personally. This all changed when she moved out her house.

Neither of her uncles were as religious as Kass' family was. In fact, they didn't have a religion. With no one to influence her to continue such religious acts, as well as the fact that Kass began busying herself with learning about the wizarding world, she started to stop doing some of her former practices. She no longer read the bible on a daily basis, instead she reads the different wizarding and history books that her uncles had; she no longer prayed as often as she forgets to do so; and lastly, Kass no longer visited the church to attend mass during Sundays, nor on any day for that matter.

Despite not being able to actively practice these Christian activities that have been taught to her, Kass still stood by the Christian belief of God's existence.

Legilimency - Ever since Kassandra learned about how uncle Anton was a legilimens as well as what legilimency was, she wanted to learn the art as well. it didn't take much begging for Kass to convince her uncle to teach her legilimency. It was like the man had always intended to teach her. This occurred near the end of the summer of her third year as a Hogwarts student. However, since they were outside the school, Renz made Anton agree to only teach her how it was performed. He forbade Kass from practising it while she was home for the summer due to the underage magic law. Kass was forced to wait until she was back at Hogwarts to practice the spell. The spell gave her great difficulty, especially since she didn't want anyone to know and thus had to practice it in secret. By the end of her fourth year, Kass had managed to learn legilimency albeit she can't perform it non-verbally and requires the incantation.

Classes - Kass' grades have consistently been good for the past years. She is good in Charms and Potions, but Transfiguration is possibly her favourite class. Herbolody is her weakest subject, having great difficulty in it, though this is mainly because she finds it to be the least interesting of them all and thus, is not all that motivated to study it. When asked to pick an elective during their third year, Kass chose Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and Muggle Studies, despite having lived a muggle life during her childhood. She thought it'd be interesting to have a different perspective on muggles. Amongst her electives, she found Arithmancy to be one she liked most.

Sweet Tooth - If there's anything this girl loves more than her books, it's sweets. After getting a taste of Honeydukes sweets during the train ride to Hogwarts back in her first year, Kass immediately got addicted to them and often wrote letters to her uncle Renz to ask for Honeyduke sweets. When they were finally allowed to visit Hogsmeade during her third year, the first place she went to was Honeydukes. Since then, trips to Hogsmeade would often be spent with Kass getting her candy rations from Honeydukes. Cauldron cakes were her favourite as the taste reminded her of the cupcakes her birth mother baked on occasion.

Early Bird - Kass is a morning person. She's most productive during the mornings and claims that it is when her mind is more active. She is the type of person who'd wake up at 6 am feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

Prefect - During her seventh year, Kassandra was chosen to fill in the slot left open by the former female Ravenclaw prefect who turned into Head Girl. She felt honoured to have been chosen, but she chose to return the badge. Kass tried to explain how she felt she wasn't deserving of it, that someone else should have it. Unfortunately for her, the professors seem to have their mind made up with her filling the role and denied her reasons for returning the badge.
  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia and Bubs
Angelo Lovelace
aka Gelo ♦ Male ♦ 15 years old ♦ Wizard ♦ Half-blood ♦ Hufflepuff 5th year​

[ Personality ]
Selfless - Angelo is a kind and selfless soul. He is the type to put off his own needs to help someone else. If someone is injured, he is most likely to be one of the first to help out. Friend or foe, it doesn't matter to him; if he can help someone then he will. Angelo is selfless to a fault. He would probably even die for someone if needed--no joke. It isn't uncommon for others to try and abuse his kindness.

Honest - He cannot tell a lie. Angelo values the truth too much to ever lie to anyone and he trusts people to do the same. The only instance that he would ever (probably) tell a lie is when he is faced with a life or death situation.

Hardworking - No matter what the task is, once it is handed to him, it is for certain that he will give it his all. There is no exception. Even if the task is quite menial he will still put a great deal of effort into it. It isn't because he's a perfectionist; in fact, Angelo doesn't strive for perfection. All he wants is to ensure that he wont regret not putting effort into anything that he does.

Gullible - While Angelo isn't exactly an idiot per se, he can be pretty gullible at times. It's not hard to get convince him of something. He takes almost anything that anyone says to him as the truth, specially if it someone whom he considers to be a friend. Angelo simply believes too much in the goodness of others.

Clumsy - Never entrust him with anything fragile for long, he will more than likely drop or break it one way or another. Angelo is quite clumsy and would often bump into things--which would explain how he breaks things so often. There would even be times when Angelo would suddenly trip on her own while walking.

Cowardly - Angelo is a bit of a scaredy cat. Even the slightest of things, such as a shadow of a rat, is enough to freak him out. He is afraid of many things, but among all them, confrontation sits at the very top of the list.

[ Biography ]
The son of a witch who fell in love with a muggle. His mother died during childbirth, never getting the chance to teach her child about the wizarding world. Luckily for Angelo, his father had known that his wife was a witch. It was no secret from him what his heritage was.

Unfortunately, there wans't much he could do with the knowledge of him being a wizard, no without someone being there to teach him more about the wizarding world. The most he had were his mother's old books, most of which he couldn't understand. Angelo had long ago given up trying to understand his mother's books on spells and potions. He did, however, find himself engaged by the books on wizarding world history and magical creatures. They were like fairytales to his young mind.

Angelo lived as a muggle up till the point he received his acceptance letter from Hogwarts. The letter had been a huge turning point in his life. It was his gateway to the wizarding world. Finally, there was a chance for him to see and learn what the wizarding world was really like.

[ Miscellaneous ]
  • He excels at Herbology and is horrible at Charms.
  • Care of Magical Creatures is his favourite class.
  • Apart from Care of Magical Creatures, he also took Divination as an elective.

  • Love
Reactions: Bubs and Nemopedia
Gabriella Isabelle Flores


Year and House
5th Year Ravenclaw


Blood Purity


Introverted (sort of)
While most of the Hogwarts population is busy practicing combat spells, Gabriella spends much of her time reading books in the gardens. She doesn't often feel the need to mingle with the crowds, but when presented with the opportunity to discuss her two favorite classes, she will have no trouble joining the conversation.

When Gabriella finds something to do, she goes out and does it. She will put in any effort needed to achieve her goals, even if this means skipping meals or forgetting to be in bed by curfew. Even students who have never met Gabriella would know her passions-- when she isn't playing with the school's wildlife, she can often be found practicing incantations or creating new potions.

Growing up as an only child with two very busy parents, Gabriella learned to take care of herself at a very early age. She has become accustomed to having to fend for herself, and will often do things without having to be told. However, because she is so used to relying only on herself, Gabriella often finds that she neglects to ask for help in times she needs it the most.

Gabriella often believes that she knows best. The professors at Castelobruxo often carried an air of superiority when it came to discussing achievements in the more nature-centric areas of magic. While she doesn't look down on her classmates in Hogwarts, she doubts their experience with magical creatures and plants and will need to be thoroughly convinced before she follows somebody else's lead.


Gabriella is the daughter of Brazilian scientists Isabelle and Gladiel Flores. Because their work could not guarantee them a stable family income, they elected to homeschool their daughter, bringing her along with them on various research trips. They realized that she had a way with animals, often acting as though she could converse with them. She also had little to no trouble learning which plants were poisonous, and could easily predict when a flower would bloom simply by looking at it.

It wasn't long before they realized that Gabriella's skills with both plants and animals were out of the ordinary; at the age of eight, while her parents were away in Europe, Gabriella taught herself to cultivate her own little, self-sustaining garden in the backyard. Upon witnessing her granddaughter restore the state of a dying plant with only her bare hands, Avó Maria made the long distance call to Isabelle and Gladiel, demanding that they return home immediately.

Maria relayed to the two scientists the story that her own Avó had told her-- not too long ago, one of their ancestors had claimed to be the son of two magical practitioners. Their ancestors had accused him of black magic and sent him away, but not before he begged them to tell his story. He believed that one day, a wizard may be born into the family, and they would have no choice but to admit their mistake.

What the adults were unaware of, however, was that the young child had been listening to them through the thin walls of their small family home. She rushed to her bed, where she had been hiding a treasure she found in the attic while playing hide and seek with her Avó. She came outside to join their conversation, shocking her parents and Avó into silence as she revealed her favorite book: An Introduction to Herbology and Magizoology; A Guide for First Year Students at Castelobruxo.

Time at Castelobruxo

Like many other Wizarding schools in the world, Castelobruxo had its own admission process. On the morning of Gabriella's eleventh birthday, a flock of Amazonian Scarlet Macaws appeared in the family home, declaring that Gabriella is a witch of the Amazon. They led Gabriella and her parents to a boat in a nearby river, where they were brought to what they once believed to be the ruins of an ancient tribe.

Like the students in Uagadou, students in Castelobruxo were never asked to use a wand while performing magic. Instead, students like Gabriella learned to rely on magical incantations. This allowed her to learn to manipulate spells according to her needs by simply changing words in the incantation, although it meant that she couldn't cast spells as quickly as the European exchange students who often roamed the campus.

As Gabriella entered her third year of wizarding school, Avó Maria fell ill to a disease even the young witch could not understand. She passed away before Isabelle and Gladiel could raise the funds for medicine, and this caused Gabriella to become even more passionate about Herbology. She took a part-time job tending to the rainforest surrounding Castelobruxo and sold various herbs and potion ingredients to the students from Hogwarts before they returned to Europe.

When her parents learned that they would soon be relocated to the United Kingdom, Gabriella was faced with the reality that she would have to leave Castelobruxo at the end of her fourth year. While it pained her to leave the rainforest behind, her parents simply did not have the money to travel from Europe to South America to visit her. Taking the money she had saved up from her work in the forests, Gabriella traded in her bright green Castelobruxo robes for the black ones from Hogwarts.

Transfer to Hogwarts

Because of her interactions with exchange students from Hogwarts back in Castelobruxo, Gabriella found it relatively easy to adjust to life at her new school. During a private ceremony with the Sorting Hat, she was told that she belonged with the students of Ravenclaw. It was also at Hogwarts that she learned to properly use a wand, although she still elected to use her incantations whenever it was allowed. While Hogwarts does not focus on Herbology and Magizoology the way Castelobruxo did, Gabriella still enjoyed her classes, appreciating the change of opportunity to broaden her knowledge.


Gabriella possesses a wand made of chestnut, with a unicorn hair for a core. It spans only nine inches long and shows great flexibility. It is said that wands made of chestnut often choose those who are gifted herbologists and magizoologists, and Gabriella suspects that her wand's flexibility reflects her own preference for incantations over spells.

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Fjalla One Playfair Display Inconsolata

sebastian kissinger

general information

Name: Sebastian Reid Kissinger
Nicknames: baz, sk, kiss
Date of Birth: October 31st || 17
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Romani
Species: Wizard
Blood Status: Muggleborn
House and Year: 7th year || Ravenclaw

Height: 6'
Eye Color: Light Hazel
Hair Color: Dark brown
Description: Baz's build is athletic but a bit lanky, as though he hasn't finished growing. Freckles dot the landscape of his tanned skin and when he manages to smile, two dimples reveal themselves. His hair tends to curl when it grows out, and so he prefers to keep it short, except during Quidditch season where he's usually pressed for time.

personality and biography

Inquisitive - Reserved - Witty - Loyal - Determined

Sebastian is rather reserved, preferring to keep personal matters away from the eyes and ears of others. Despite that, he is by no means shy, and can be quite funny when the need arises and he feels comfortable with those around him. It may take awhile for someone to understand him, as he prefers silence over idle chit chat. This has often caused misconceptions or beliefs that he's rude, but once someone were to get to know him, they'd realize that's just not the case. He can be forceful if the situation calls for it, especially when it comes to protecting his sister, or dashing around the Quidditch field as one of Ravenclaw's Beaters. In general, Sebastian is a rather laid back guy who's passionate about what interests him and uninterested in what doesn't.

Sebastian was born on a rainy Halloween evening to a Romani woman who abandoned him on a random dilapidated storefront. A woman who he would never see again, as unbeknownst to him, died only three years later from a lung infection. Another woman, a witch nonetheless, found him on her way to work early one morning. And despite the odds set against him, Sebastian would grow to know not only a mother, but a family as well.

It was rather obvious that he was not the biological son of Amos and Melrose Kissinger, but neither let it come between their growing love and fondness. Sebastian asked at a rather young age and was told the truth, and even now he respects his mother and father for sharing that with him.

He doesn't hold a grudge against his birth parents, but he doesn't wish to meet them either. Sebastian is content in his life, happy that the woman who found him as a child decided to keep him and raise him as her own.

Sebastian's magic manifested early in his life and somehow it didn't come as a surprise to Melrose (though Amos was relieved he needn't lie about having a muggle-pretending-to-be-a-squib son.) When Sebastian received his letter from Hogwarts, he'd never seen his parents more proud or his sister more jealous.


Length: 13 ½"
Core: Phoenix feather
Wood: Redwood
Flexibility: Supple

From Pottermore: Wand-quality redwood is in short supply, yet constant demand, due to its reputation for bringing good fortune to its owner. As is usually the case with wandlore, the general populace have the truth back to front: redwood wands are not themselves lucky, but are strongly attracted to witches and wizards who already possess the admirable ability to fall on their feet, to make the right choice, to snatch advantage from catastrophe. The combination of such a witch or wizard with a redwood wand is always intriguing, and I generally expect to hear of exciting exploits when I send this special pairing out from my workshop.

Pet: His father gifted him a Great Horned Owl on the morning of his first day at Hogwarts. At eleven years old, he named him Sir Roger. Both Sebastian and Ivy make use of him and frequent the owlery wherein they send letters to their mother.
Patronus: A red fox.
Amortentia: The scent of parchment, a faint aroma of something floral, and broom wax.

sometimes you win, sometimes you learn



Amos Kissinger -- Father - Sebastian and his adopted father have a rather unique relationship with one another. Despite the almost indifferent attitude Sebastian considers there to be between them, there's also a sense of camaraderie. They're the men of the house and believe each have a responsibility to watch over their girls. Amos works for the Ministry of Magic and is a man of few words, onerous, difficult to please, and rigid. Nonetheless, he has a great deal of love for his family and even if he has a difficult time showing it, Sebastian recognizes and respects it.

Melrose Kissinger (nee Nolton) -- Mother - A nurse at St. Mungo's Hospital, it was she who found the swaddled newborn upon the dilapidated storefront entry as she came in to work her early morning shift, nearly eighteen years ago. She carried the small bundle of joy inside and when she caught a glimpse of his light hazel eyes, fell in love. Even now, when Melrose catches a glimpse of her adopted son, she smiles, feeling wholly blessed. Despite not being the most emotional person, Sebastian has a soft spot for his mother, and relishes the small gifts she sends both him and his sister throughout the year.

Ivy Kissinger -- Sister - They share a surprisingly typical brother-sister relationship. They argue, they fight, and then they make up. Preferably after Ivy gets one last hex in. They respect one another's privacy when they're at Hogwarts, but they're both begrudgingly protective of one another. Ivy, taking after their mother, speaks more often than not, and has no qualms putting in her two cents when it comes to people speaking ill of her older brother. That is something only she can do.


tba - Cras commodo neque id dui cursus pharetra eget non lectus. Donec ac mi dapibus, iaculis magna ut, porta est. Nam ultrices gravida justo, quis egestas eros vehicula nec. Aliquam sollicitudin at quam et imperdiet. Vivamus et augue sollicitudin, rhoncus libero ut, consequat augue.

Dancing Script; Nova Slim; Hind
Melinda Geralds
Gryffindor, 7th year. November 1. Female, pureblood.

Original CS

After a streak of accidents in the sixth year Melinda Geralds has many rumours following after her and a dwindling popularity. This has affected the female in many ways, more so than she likes to admit and to imagine. While still proud of her house and her blood the female also has lost all confidence in her personal capabilities, struggling hard with her moralities and beliefs, but also just plainly with her own identity.

Now that the horrifying sixth year has passed and she is a senior the female hopes to do better. Stripped from her title as a prefect and with most of her grades in shambles the girl will have to work hard to earn back the trust and confidence she once enjoyed and had. It is her rite to adulthood, she sees. A sign that she can't forever stay the tomboyish girl she was before that said and did whatever she wanted. That she is a lady with responsibilities, and a duty to fulfill along with a role to play.

However, juggling all that has proven itself to be difficult. Melinda has frequently found herself in a split between her own happiness and that what she believes society expects from her. While her heart still beats there is a faith that she has always clung onto. The dark clouds are far from gone for Melinda Geralds and a storm is drafting itself into her way.
Morrigan Quinn

Birth Name:
Morrigan Silvaria Quinn
Known As:
Morrigan, Morgan, Silver, Quinn and Silvaria.

Pure-Blood, Witch
Date of Birth:
1st September 1957
Slytherin, Seventh Year.
12" Walnut, Doxy Wing - Inflexible

The importance of blood purity was always kept high within the Quinn family. Disgusted by the very thought of sharing their glorious destinies with muggle-borns. Members of the Quinn family have fallen into rebellion as they found themselves on the against of muggle-born witches and wizard policies. Such pure blood views had caused many problems for the Quinn family in the past, but they weren't going to change such thoughts because of some simpletons.

Quinns' were the respective members of the serpent house of Hogwarts, Slytherin. Morrigan Silvaria Quinn just turned twelve when she was sorted into Slytherin, views and thoughts towards half-breeds and muggle born witches or wizards already established in the girl's personality. Her parents two loyal followers of the Dark Lord, and heir apparent to Slytherin besides his weakling cousins of the Gaunt family. Morrigan passed through her years at Hogwarts swimmingly, a pride to her family as she completed the task of watching Persephone Gaunt from a distance.

Morrigan's Task: To watch the last Gaunt child, and see if she could possibly be any use to the Dark Lord. Try to confirm if possible if the girl inherited the blood-born trait of the family, being a Parselmouth, as it had skipped her father's generation.

Observations went all according to what the Dark Lord had assumed for his cousin. Morrigan admired the power the young witch had, and undoubtedly noted that she truly would be a great asset to the Death Eaters their cause. Yet, Quinn's knew that the girl's ties to family wouldn't possibly make her assist them. Thus, upon completing her trails to become a full Death Eater, in her sixth year at Hogwarts. Morrigan hatched a plan to rid her of the challenge of obtaining Persephone Gaunt's allegiance, planning the murder of her entire family, and the torture of the apparent Heiress of Slytherin.

Recruitment of another student from Hogwarts, the young woman was tasked with the role of a watchful eye. Thinking of tests to truly match the new recruit's loyalty and connections with others of lower value in the vision of the Dark Lord.

Firstly, Morrigan put her plans into action for the Gaunt family, with the assistance of her friends that she acquired. The Dark Witch didn't take care of her parents leaving that to a more practised Death Eater. She engaged in the torturing of Persephone Gaunt by the use of one of the unforgivable curses, the Cruciatus Curse. After destroying her wand in a one-on-one confrontation. The duel lead her to a wound over her right eye like a gash, as her mask cracked and cut her face in the light duel before the torture commenced.

After leaving the residence of the now fallen branch of the Gaunt family, Morrigan recalled fondly to her partners in the crime that she; "Had never felt so alive in her life. The Dark Lord should be deeply pleased with our efforts…" For a normally quiet and calculating being, this was the first time Morrigan Silvaria Quinn had voiced her sadistic thoughts for the very first time. Rewarded in a strengthening position within the ranks of the Death Eaters by her actions, and not getting caught the young woman became further confident of her thoughts towards plans for the Heiress of Slytherin when she got back to Hogwarts.

"I'll have her cleanse the halls of Hogwarts of the mud-bloods, so when you make your presence upon the grounds of Hogwarts… You won't have to gaze upon such filth, my Lord." Morrigan promised, before setting off to prepare for her final and most eventful year ahead at Hogwarts. Upon the travel to Hogwarts, the pupil of darkness reminded herself of her last four missions at Hogwarts that year.
  1. Test the allegiance and loyalty of their new recruit.
  2. Get Persephone Gaunt to fall into line and follow the Dark Lord's wishes.
  3. Re-open the Chamber of Secrets through the use of Persephone Gaunt, and cleanse Hogwarts of Muggle-Born filth.
  4. Survive.
Morrigan since childhood had shown taken pleasure in the discomfort, and upset of others. Believed to be due to the nature of her parents, she didn't hold any notion of love or care like most children would. It started with bullying her younger siblings, twins that hadn't quite the normal personality of the Quinn family. Further developing when Morrigan entered Hogwarts and started watching her targets from a distance. Full peak of her sadistic personality was noted during the time she used the Cruciatus Curse against Persephone Gaunt in the break of 1975.

Like an animal stalking her prey, Morrigan watches her targets from a distance. Calculating if they'd be effective or a downfall if they were to join the Death Eaters. Being the watching eye for the Dark Lord in a place that he couldn't control some of his followers, Morrigan feeds reports of betrayal, or ill-status creatures bringing down their cause, back to the Death Eaters to do their Lord's bidding.

Having full beliefs in the eyes of what Lord Voldermort wishes, and his vision for the new order within the Wizarding World. Morrigan follows and completes all tasks and missions that she has been given to the highest level of efficiency.

Boggart: N/A
Patronus: None - From a young age, Morrigan wasn't able to summon a Patronus.

Elizabeth Carrow
full name: Elizabeth Luna Carrow
nicknames: Liz, Luna

age: 16 years old
gender: Female

blood status: Pureblood
house & year: Slytherin / 6th year

Panic Room - Au/Ra


Liz is a dreamer. She dreams of a world where there were no purebloods, half-bloods, muggle-borns, or even half-breeds. In this ideal world, there were only witches and wizards. Blood didn't matter. It didn't matter to her and she believes that it shouldn't matter to anyone else.

Unlike most in her family, Liz doesn't believe in blood purity. She may have been raised in such a family and may have shared the same ideals as they did when she was younger, but she learned to challenge that way of thinking. Liz was never vocal about this however. She knew it was far too dangerous for her to voice it out. Like most Slytherins, she has a sense of self-preservation.

She's also a clever and reserved person. Liz would rather be a wallflower than stand in the spotlight. While she is generally patient and mature enough to not be easily offended by thoughtless comments and the likes, she does have her limits. Liz can be quite unforgiving once her patience has run out.


Liz's life hadn't always been cloaked in darkness. At one point she was a happy child in a loving family. Things changed when her father joined the ranks of Death Eaters. The act had seemed so sudden, yet deep down she knew the signs had been there.

It was the winter break of her fourth year at Hogwarts when she noticed subtle changes in both of her parents' demeanour. Her parents tried to smile and pretend that everything was normal, but she could hear her mother cry during the evenings, her father's eyes had lost the youthful twinkle that made him look ten years younger.

When she returned home for the summer that followed was when she found out that her father had become a Death Eater. She was shaken by the news, but she didn't question it. Liz knew her father wasn't the kind of man who would support a fannatic like the Dark Lord, even if their views on blood purity did align. He did it for their safety. Her parents never told her this, but they didn't have to; Liz knew her mother and father well enough.

For a full year everything seemed normal, yet at the same time, it wasn't. There was fear inside of her all throughout fifth year. Liz would walk the halls, wondering how her peers would react if they knew of her father's newly forged allegiance. But above all, she constantly wondered how her parents were doing and hoped that they were well.

The summer before her sixth year was when her fear was realised. Her father had been caught while on a Death Eater mission and was sent straight into Azkaban. The news had been on the papers and had spread like wildfire across the wizarding world of Great Britain. The fear that Liz had felt was magnified by tenfold, but she continued to hide it. She had to--for her mother's sake.
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Cormorant Garamond
Henry Chen
j-boy - phoenix
At the core, Henry is a well-intentioned guy who values friendship over everything else. People have always been a constant presence in his life, partly due to growing up in a large family and the fact that his sleeping condition requires people to look after him. Because he's never really experienced being alone for any extended amount of time and has made a habit of relying on others, he likes to surround himself with people when he can. It's the kind of environment he thrives in the most. Otherwise, he gets anxious, bored, and restless fairly quickly, which he despises.

It doesn't take much for Henry to like you. All it takes is patience and a heaping helping of good humor. After all, he is something of a goofball, even if his jokes mostly consist of lame one-liners, a whole lot of teasing, and self-depreciation. In his mind, if you can appreciate his jokes, you're golden.

His lackadaisical, easy-going nature means he is not exactly the most forward-thinking. Things like academia and ambition are simply not in his list of priorities. He lives in the moment, preferring to go where the tide takes him rather than forge a path for himself. It's been a source of frustration for a lot of his closest friends and family, because Henry could go very far in life if only he put more effort in his studies. However, their advice would only go in one ear and out the other, so it would seem useless to try and make him change his outlook in life.

Henry was born in Hong Kong to half-blood parents, which has him eternally confused if that makes him a pure-blood or a half-blood by extension. In general, however, the Chens have never really regarded blood purity with any importance; in fact, they are known to be open-minded folk who have willingly immersed themselves in muggle culture. That was the kind of environment Henry grew up in, which makes up a lot of his core values.

The family Chen (plus extended family, because the Chens stick together like glue) moved to America when Henry was barely a year old. It was there that he spent much of his formative years studying in a muggle school. It was rough in the beginning due to his rare condition and wizarding background, but overtime he managed to fit himself in quite well.

Just before his eleventh birthday, his parents decided to send him to Hogwarts because they had heard plenty of good things about it. His age also meant it was high time to send him to a proper wizarding school, and a boarding school in Britain seemed like the perfect fit due to their Hong Kong roots.

They were, of course, worried that this might be too much of a change for young Henry, who had always been so close to his family and friends in America. Yet, as ever, he managed to mold himself into the new environment fairly quickly.
Henry stands at 5'5", which means he's a little on the short side. If he's lucky, he'll probably grow another one or two inches in the next couple of years. This is something he is in constant denial over and the only thing about his appearance that he feels extremely sensitive about.

He has messy black hair which makes it look as though he had just rolled out of bed (which he probably just did) and slanted dark brown eyes. Though he is an active Quidditch player, he is notably lanky in physique, which he finds mildly frustrating.

[ August Yilmaz ]

[ Angelo Lovelace ]

[ Joan Lambert ]
Joan has a one-sided competition with Henry, especially on matters concerning Quidditch. It all started when Henry poked fun at her poor aim during a match in their third year. Ever since, Joan has been trying to one-up him, to his own amusement.

[ Jennifer Chen ]

[ Lauren Harrison ]

[ Ondine Fear ]

[ A Kind of Narcolepsy ]
Henry's mother had had one too many sleeping draughts when she was pregnant with him, thus Henry ended up with a rare magical condition that is something alike the muggle counterpart Narcolepsy.

What it means is that Henry would often find himself dipping into a deep and dreamless slumber that would sometimes last for minutes, but other days it can go on for hours. There is no known cure for this, but certain potions can keep him awake. It would be dangerous to rely on potions, however, as they can be addictive. He reserves potions only for Quidditch or other important events like exams.


charming: Once a much shyer boy, Asher has now grown into his skin. His former relationship with Heather Clarke may have helped out with that. Asher now has a way with words. He's become a rather charming fellow, one liked by his professors and many of his peers. While flaterry doesn't solve every problem that he has, he's learned that it can be quite helpful in certain situations. What he isn't quite aware of however, if how many of his female peers he actually ends up attracting because of his charm.

patient: Asher has a lot of patience in him. With friends like he has, he needs a lot of it. Like most people though, there is a limit to his patience. It takes a while for it to run thin, but once it does, he blows up and lets his frustrations be known. The silent treatment comes after.

accepting: He doesn't discriminate others based on what they believe in or what their blood status is. Asher knows that not everyone has the same opinions and views on things, and he respects that. He isn't the type of person to shove his ideals onto someone else and force them to believe the same as he does.

compliant: Asher has a tendency to obey things he's told to do. It's one of the reasons why he can be easy to manipulate by others. After the breakup with Heather and realising that he'd been used by her, Asher has become less compliant. However, it still isn't hard for his friends to get him to do things for them. It's become a habit when it came to them.

foolish: Although he was wise enough to have been considered or Ravenclaw by the Sorting hat, he has a tendency to make poor judgement or certain things, particularly when it comes to people. Such was the case when he dated Heather. Despite what his friends have been telling him, Asher was still foolish enough to believe what the girl had let him. He thought he saw beyond what they said about her, but in the end he was proven to be wrong.

pre-hogwarts: Asher was born in Manchester to a half-blood couple. His life was as normal as could be as a young wizard. He had a childhood friend, a fellow wizard whom he often played with. The two of them were practically inseperable up until the point that his friend had to move due to his parents' divorce. They still kept in touch with each other and even talked about possibly attending the same school.

With regards to his schooling, Asher was given the option to attend Durmstrang, the school his father had graduated from and the school that his friend was likely to attend. In the end, Asher choose to attend Hogwarts. It was the school closer to home and to his parents. While his childhood friend was disappointed by this, he didn't take it against him and the two remained friends, communicating with each other via owl post.

hogwarts: His life got a whole lot crazier almost as soon as he entered Hogwarts. On the first day of classes, he'd managed to earned himself detention with two other stuents. Getting in trouble was a horrifying thought, but that detention brought him two unlikely friendships. Then there came Heather.

Heather was like a hurricane that came through his life--a hurricane that somehow captured his heart. He acknowledged her pretty face, but did nothing. He was a shy lad at the time. It came as a great surprise to him when he found Heather approaching him one day. She claims that he caught her eye which baffled younger Asher. Long story short, they became an item. She brought highs and lows to his life. Heather was trouble, but Asher was blind to that for the longest time until she broke up with him during their sixth year.

father: Jonathan Fay
mother: Victoria Fay (née Desroisiers)
ex-girlfriend: Heather Clarke

hair: Brown
eyes: Brown
height: 5'8"
weight: 138 lbs

His family members have often commented on how he looked a lot like his father, inheriting most of his traits from him. Asher has fluffy straight brown hair which he likes to keeps combed to one side. He stands at a height of 5'8", and weighs approximately 138 lbs.

pet: Asher has a Quaker Parrot called Gulliver. He named him after Gulliver Pokeby, the expert on magical birds. As a fan of birds, Asher actually owns a total of three pet birds. The other two birds he has are a Screech owl and an Augrey. Despite one of his other pets being an owl, Asher chooses to bring Gulliver mostly because the bird would not stop whining whenever he leaves him home.

hat stall: His sorting had been far from a quick one. Asher had managed to elicit a hat stall with the Sorting Hat going back and forth between three houses: Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff. It took the hat two and a half minutes to eliminate Slytherin from the options only to come back to it and drop Hufflepuff from the options another a minute later. Finally, after five minutes and forty-five seconds, the hat put him into Slytherin. It is still debatable whether or not the hat made a mistake with putting him in Slytherin over Ravenclaw.

parents: Neither of his parents attended Hogwarts. His father graduated from Drumstrang, while his mother from Beauxbatons.

languages: English and French. Asher is part French, a fact that his mother never lets him forget. She taught him how to speak French and would converse with him in the language.


full name

William Asher Fay




17 years old


April 02 (Aries)



blood status





7th year

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~Banner by Rosie~

"I don't see why we can't all just get along. I'm sure under all our differences, we aim to reach a common goal."
-Seriphim Brimm

Seriphim Brimm

"Seri" A name that those close to her use.
"The Gentle Bear" A name given to her by the student body because of her Patronus form; the Red Panda.

"Puffle" Do to her house. Hufflepuff is seen as the house of the least talented Witches, and Wizards. It's a common misconception, but it doesnt stop other houses from picking of the "Puffles". In short, it's an insult.
"Sera" August's personal Nickname for Seriphim. It came about when he mispronounced her name when they first met. Sera has stuck ever since. He only calls her Sera when they are alone.


Date of Birth:
August 10th

Star Sign:


House and Year:


"You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,
And unafraid of toil."

Hufflepuff // Sixth Year


Blood Status:
Muggle Born

Born to a loving family of muggles, Seriphim was the youngest, and only female child to the Brimm family. She spent a great deal of her childhood by her older brother's side. Her parents were often busy bodies; her mother ran a medicine shop in London while her father was a scholar who barely ever left his study in their quaint little home. Laryc had become her father figure, and it was during those childhood years that she had become very close to him. Now dont take this as a sob story of her parents not being around, or disliking her, for they loved both of their children to the point that it was almost smothering them. However; they had to work, and so when they werent around, Laryc took on the adult role to raise his younger sister.

It was on a sunny summer morning; Laryc, and Seriphim were lounging in the grasses of a nice little park just down the road from their home. The breezes felt nice, and contrasted well with the hot weather. The clouds whirled in the sky like fluffy cotton balls, and both children were gazing at the sky in awe. It was so pretty, so calm. The only oddity was that, out of seemingly nowhere, a barn owl flew overhead, and dropped a letter upon Seriphim's belly. It had finally come.

See, all through her childhood, Seriphim had done things she never thought possible. Accidental levitation of objects, etc. She never told her parents about it, but her brother knew. And now she had gained her letter to Hogwarts, which only proved to her, from the wording on rough, parchment, that she wasnt crazy, and these things were supposed to happen. Her brother was the one who helped her gather the things she needed, make the arrangements, and even took her to the train station.

She is now at Hogwarts with her fellow Witches, and Wizards, a shy young girl full of a gentle heart, and hope. She didnt have a terrible childhood, or a bad past. Just a normal life before this adventure, and dammit she was excited.

(( I apologize for this background. Im...so terrible at character backgrounds. ))


Lynae Brimm // Mother (39)
"She's really just a delicate flower. Beautiful to the eye, pleasing to the mind."

Bennet Brimm // Father (47)
"I wonder if he'll ever come out of his study. Perhaps he'll just wither away in there..."

Laryc Brimm // Older Brother (18)
"He's my guardian angel. No one is as close to me as he."

August Yilmaz // Close Friend and Unexpected Saviour
"He makes me feel special..."
August and Seriphim met in their first year of Hogwarts. Seriphim had been in the music room playing on her violin. She was so engrossed in the melody streaming from the instrument that she hadnt even noticed the boy step in, sugar all through his brown hair. It was only when he had approached her, fingers brushing through his hair trying to be rid of the sweet condiment. He muttered something close to "You're talented" his voice rich with a foreign accent. Seriphim was shocked that he was even there, her dual colored eyes wide as she turned around swiftly, a blush on her cheeks. "O-oh..thanks..." she murmured. Ever since then their friendship bloomed, and they became very close during their years at Hogwarts together. "Shugust" has become someone Seriphim can confide in. Someone Seri can trust, and count on. August makes it a point to make her feel good about herself, and tries to help her gain more confidence. In turn, she's perhaps developed a bit of a crush.
~If you would like to have a relationship with Seri, PM me~

Red Panda

The death of a family member.

Seriphim has brought with her a little guy by the name of Pip. Pip is a Colorado Black Fox, still just an adolescent kit.


Wand Wood: Willow
Core: Augurey Tail Feather
Length: 10"
Flexibility: Springy

Core Lore:
Augureys, or Irish phoenixes, were once associated with powerful Dark wands, as their cries were thought to signify an upcoming death. However, they were in reality never a strong Dark core, and were more accurately a powerful core for Divinations. Misunderstood students may find themselves bonded to an augurey wand, although these wands are altogether quite rare.

Wood Lore:
Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and Garrick Ollivander noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand at Ollivanders Wand Shop (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) the willow wands there have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in the Ollivander family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.

( Most of this will be posted throughout the roleplay. )

Seriphim suffers from a genetic mutation where her eyes are two different colors. Her left eye is a brilliant gold while her right eye is a significantly more dull, green/brown color. She is very self conscious about it claiming that it is ugly.

Legal Animagus:
Seriphim is an Animagus, but not one so well versed with her ability quite yet. See, she cannot shift from her human form to her animal form without the aid of a wand like a Witch or Wizard who has studied the skill in full. Her animal form is a Red Panda, but she is not often seen in it because of her lack in ability to use the Animagus skill. She still has quite a ways to go before learning the ability fully.

Care Of Magical Creatures:
Seriphim in a budding pupil in this class having a very dear connection to the animals. It is one of two classes that she truly enjoys, and she tries to stay among the top of the class. This is the only class you will see her get excited about going to, and the only one in which she actually puts forth a noticeable amount of of physical effort.

A class she truly enjoys...aside from the skepticism from most others who take it, or hear of it. She takes everything to heart in this class, and is very interested in the divining that happens, especially predictions of the future. She is particularly good in the class...which surprised even her. Perhaps she'll be a celebrated Seer when she grows up.

She was raised on playing the violin. The soft, ethreal tune had always calmed her mind, a soothed her in the most wonderful way she could have ever hoped to imagine. She is gifted with it, and can play most things by ears after just a few times of listening. She's far too shy to ever hope of joining any sort of group, or orchestra though.

Hufflepuff Seeker:
This is something Seriphim was dragged into because of Madam Caia herself. When that woman wants something, there is no getting away from her, and so Seriphim was chosen as the seeker for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.


She is a very small girl, only about 5'1" with a very petite build, and figure. She has a single golden eye, and then a rather dull, green/brown eye. Her hair is long enough to fall to the small of her back in fiery, orange waves. A dust of freckles covers her cheeks, and the brim of her nose.

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